NR 320 Midterm 2

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Which of the following would be considered 'rent-seeking' behavior 1.) A small business supporting a local candidate for public office 2.)a large corporation lobbying the gov't to receive a subsidy to lower the price of a good they produce 3.)A cattle rancher letting her cows roam on her neighbors pasture to save money on feed costs.

A large corporation lobbying the gov't to receive a subsidy to lower the price of a good they produce

Which of the following would NOT be considered a public interest group 1.) A conservation organization seeking to protect habitat for endangered species 2.) A large corporation looking for tax breaks 3.) A coalition fighting to protect clean air regulations

A large corporation looking for tax breaks

What is an organic act 1.) An act that codifies case law 2.) A law that governs natural resource extraction 3.) A law that gives an agency its mission 4.) A law passed without preceding statues

A law that gives an agency its mission

What did the passage of the Taylor Grazing act of 1934 establish 1.) A tax to equalize the AUM cost discrepancy between private and public rangeland 2.) A permitting system to graze cattle on federal public land 3.) The right to graze cattle in national parks

A permitting system to graze cattle on federal public land

Which of the following is an example of a positive externality? 1.) A tax on carbon on carbon emissions 2.)A fishing trawler harvesting more than its quota for a given area 3.)A rancher with cattle land that also provides a habitat for migratory birds 4.) A cash payout for growing trees on underdeveloped land.

A rancher with cattle land that also provides a habitat for migratory birds

which of the following is NOT a reason agency capture might occur 1.)Financial kickbacks to agencies associated with permitting activities 2.) Appointment of expert scientist in gov't 3.) The movement of people between gov't and industry jobs 4.) Unclear legislative mandates for agencies

Appointment of expert scientist in gov't

which of the following was a consequence of the absolute ownership rule 1.) Recreational users were no longer allowed on the rivers in the eastern US 2.)Aquifers were depleted, resulting in groundwater overdraft 3.) there was no surface water left to meet the needs of downstream users

Aquifers were depleted, resulting in groundwater overdraft

How have public interest organizations like the sierra club overcome 'collective-action' obstacles such as 'free-riding' 1.) By utilizing extralegal means to acquire funding 2.) By utilizing tax breaks 3.) By investing in the stock market 4.) By framing issues such as the protection of endangered species in moral terms and by perfecting mass mailing campaigns

By framing issues such as the protection of endangered species in moral terms and by perfecting mass mailing campaigns

Which of the following is NOT considered a current problem with the hardrock mining law of 1872 1.) It does not allow lands to be withdrawn except through judicial action 2.) It does not allow the gov't to say no to a mining claim on unwithdrawn public land 3.) Patenting fees have not been updated since the law took effect

It does not allow lands to be withdrawn except through judicial action

What is the rule for the amount of water that is allowed to entities under reserved water rights

Enough to meet their purpose

Winter's rights refers to which of the following types of water rights 1.) Federal reserve right for NPS lands 2.) Federal reserve rights for USFS lands 3.) Federal Native American water rights

Federal Native American water right

How might the gov't correct a negative externality of toxic emissions from natural gas fracking in Penn? 1.) The federal government does not have the authority to address externalities 2.) Provide the industry with a tax break to hide the emission from the public view 3.) Impose on a tax of $10 per/lbs of toxic substances emitted 4.) offer a subsidy to support fracking on federal lands

Impose a tax of $10 per/lbs of toxic substance emitted

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Mineral leasing act of 1920 1.) It mandates the executive branch to determine which federal lands are to be permitted for oil and natural gas extraction 2.) It designates that certain minerals are exempt from the hardrock mining act of 1872 3.) It was passed to protect national security interrest of the US 4.) It placed a moratorium on mining patents for all subsurface minerals

It placed a moratorium on mining patents for all subsurface minerals

According to the hardrock mining law of 1872, where can ordinary citizens stake a mining claim 1.) In subsurface minerals with an estimated value that does not exceed $25,000 2.) Only on lands located as least 100 feet from navigable waterways 3.) On unwithdrawn federal public land 4.) Only on deposits located on public lands

On unwithdrawn federal public land

What is NOT true about the hardrock mining law today 1.) the hardrock mining law allows companies to make profits off of public lands with no requirements for clean up 2.) some lands are withdrawn and you cannot explore for minerals on those lands (NP) 3.) People are still patenting land, buying public land for 2.50-5 dollars an acre 4.) There is mining allowed in wilderness

People are still patenting land, buying public land for 2.50-5 dollars an acre

Environmental amenities such as clean air and water are sometimes called ________________ 1.) Private rights 2.) Unalienable rights 3.) Public goods 4.) Private goods

Public goods

Who is typically not part of the iron triangle 1.) Special interest groups 2.) Members of congress 3.) Public interest groups 4.) Federal agencies

Public interest groups

What type of water rights trump all other water rights

Regulatory rights

Why are special interest groups often more influential than public interest groups 1.) Special interest groups can practice 'free-riding' 2.) Public interest groups don't typically have lobbyists 3.) Special interest groups are usually easier to organize 4.) Public interest groups have more money but a less clear message

Special Interest groups are usually easier to organize

What is different about the Mineral leasing act of 1920 vs. the hardrock mining act of 1872 1.) Under the mineral leasing act, those mining for minerals have to pay royalties 2.) The hardrock mining law requires getting a permit from the gov't for exploration 3.) The mineral leasing act is stricter about uranium mining 4.) the hardrock mining law has been revoked and is not "good law" anymore

Under the mineral leasing act, those mining for minerals have to pay royalties

According to the reading which geographic difference between the western US and eastern US helps explain the difference water law regimes? 1.) Population 2.)Agricultural Use 3.) Water scarcity 4.) Urbanization

Water Scarcity

What does an agency capture refer to? 1.) When agencies begin to serve specific groups rather than the general public 2.) When the agency is boxed in by congressional directive and cannot adequately fulfill its mission without being sued 3.) When the Pres. has complete control over an agency's on-the-ground actions

When agencies begin to serve specific groups rather than the general public

Adjunctions compacts and congressional allocations are all mechanisms to address which problem 1.) Settling water disputes among landowners 2.) allocating water to native American reservations 3.) overuse of water near cities 4.) allocating water from sources that cross state boundaries

allocating water from sources that cross state boundaries

What two mantras govern western policy (prior appropriations) 1.) Early in use, early to lose and take all you can stick it to the man 2.) The earlier the settlers gets the most wettlier and take it and hoard it 3.) First in time, first in right and use it or lose it 4.) Equal share in times of drought and adjacent to water gets all the fodder

first in time, first in right

What did the federal land policy management act of 1976 change about how the BLM manages grazing 1.) It limited the scope of NEPA analysis required when issuing grazing permits 2.) it reduced grazing fees instituted through the taylor grazing act 3.)it changed grazing from the dominant use of BLM land to one of many multiple uses

it changed grazing from the dominant use of BLM land to one of many multiple uses

Which of the following if NOT an opinion for rangeland reform I mentioned 1.) charging more money for grazing on public lands to cover the cost of administering the program 2.) Improving collaboration to find common ground between ranchers and environmentalist 3.) reducing grazing fees and restrictions in light of drought in the west 4.) Buying out permittees even though this would cost almost a billion dollars

reducing grazing fees and restrictions in light of drought in the west

What type of water law did NOT come into play during the Klamath Basin example 1.) riparian Doctrine 2.) reserved rights 3.) prior appropriations 4.) regulatory rights

riparian Doctrine

In the video on uranium mining, the host from the grand canyon trust says 1.) uranium mined around the GC is not really important for our national security 2.) Most of the uranium mined near the GC supports key nuclear plants on the west coast 3.) Tribes are able to veto mines that will effect their sacred sites 4.) Uranium mining is becoming uneconomic and is slowing down

uranium mined around the GC is not really important for our national security

What 2 court cases define reserved water rights for tribes and federal lands respectively

winter vs. US and cappaert vs. US

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