NT Lit. Midterm

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The doctrine known as Adoptionism claims that Jesus was merely a

Divinely inspired man

The __________ philosophical school denied the notion of divine providence (the idea the God, or the gods, were involved in the ordinary details of human life and were orchestrating them for a higher purpose)


The _________ were an all-male monastic community that lived in isolation and awaited divine intervention in history


Jesus redefines what it means to be the Messiah by reigning in the midst of


The _______ eclipsed the Greek empire and in 63 BC, they overtook Jerusalem. This paved the way for a series of rulers that remained loyal to Rome, while attempting to placate the native Jews


Archaeology provides ample info. concerning

First-century Judaism

In the Gospel of _____ , the term "Jews" virtually becomes a technical word for Jewish leaders who reject Jesus' message


The Gospel of _____ explicitly claims that Jesus is eternally divine


The Gospel of _____ is divided into two sections- the Book of Signs and the Book of Glory


Throughout the Gospel of _____ , Jesus is seen replacing various Jewish symbols and institutions


Tradition holds that the apostle _____ ministered for a long time in the city of Ephesus


The ____________ were a group of educated elites, landowners, and members of a Jerusalem urban class who had learned to profit from Roman rule, and controlled the temple in 1st century Judaism


The Roman philosopher and rhetorician, Cicero, called crucifixion

The most "cruel and disgusting penalty" and no Roman citizen could be executed on a cross

After a series of Jewish revolts, ______ ,the son of the famed general Vespasian, mounted an attack on Jerusalem. In AD 70, the city eventually collapsed and the temple burned


The synagogue had become the

Predominant place of worship for Jews after the Babylonian exile

Matthew traces Jesus' genealogy back to __________ , whereas Luke takes it back to __________

Abraham, Adam

_______ became the center of the early Christian mission, supplanting Jerusalem in this role in a relatively short time

Antioch (Syrian Antioch)

Who defiled the Jewish temple by slaughtering pigs

Antiochus IV

The Gospel of Mark is structured around two primary visions of Jesus

Authoritative King in the first half and Suffering Servant in the second half

A form of "pre-understanding" we bring to a text which can distort its message


Where did Peter climatically acknowledge that Jesus was the "Messiah"

Caesarea Philippi

The early Christian community was very strict about their

Canon, or list of books deemed to be Scripture and would not accept a book if the author was unknown

Simple chronology of the life of Jesus: know in order

1. Eternity past 2. Birth, infancy, childhood, and youth 3. Preparation, baptism, and temptation 4. Galilean ministry 5. "Journey to Jerusalem" 6. Death, resurrection, and ascension

Matthew structures his Gospel around _____ of Jesus's teaching sections


In ___ ___ Jerusalem fell to the Romans and the temple was destroyed

70 AD

Most scholars believe that Luke is the only book in the NT to be written by a


Greek culture left an indelible mark on the eastern Mediterranean world where _________ significantly affected the local language, religion, philosophy, and literature


The legacy of Alexander the Great's ancient empire was

Hellenism- the influence of Greek language and culture throughout the Mediterranean world

Who began renovating the Jewish temple in 20 BC and was responsible for the major makeover of the Second Temple

Herod the Great

Who, after coming back from Babylonian exile, had adapted to life without the temple cult through its emphasis on the study of Torah, prayer, and strict adherence to the law


Jesus proclaims a kingdom that runs contrary to _______ expectations


A central theme in the Gospel of _____ is that God has appeared in history in the man Jesus, who reveals the Heavenly Father, and offers life to the world


Who was regulated and taxed under the imperial authority of Rome


Matthew's genealogy places Jesus in the line of

King David

The poor, the outcast, and the socially marginalized take center stage and are the recipients of salvation in whose gospel


Central to ______ message is that salvation has come in Jesus

Luke's in Luke-Acts

Alexander the Great is from the region of _________ just north of Greece


Structurally, whose gospel can be divided into two sections- Jesus' public and fruitful ministry in Galilee and Jesus' rejection and eventually his death in Jerusalem


The majority of scholars today now agree that _____ is one of two literary sources for the other Synoptics, Matthew and Luke


Whose gospel is a fast-paced dramatic portrayal of Jesus' ministry


According to tradition, ________ gospel is largely based on Peter's eyewitness testimony

Mark's gospel

Whose gospel uniquely includes the messianic secret, which reshapes the audience's shallow or one-dimensional view of the coming King

Mark's gospel

______ Gospel lends prominence to five teaching sections of Jesus that recalls Moses' encounter with God on Mount Sinai


_______ , perhaps more than any other gospel writer, asserts that Jesus' life and teaching are a fulfillment of OT prophecy


27 NT books in order

Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 & 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 & 2 Thessalonians 1 & 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 & 2 Peter 1, 2 & 3 John Jude Revelation

The only two Gospels which have a birth narrative are

Matthew and Luke

The ___________ were known to chastise those who flirted with Hellenism and promoted vigorous adherence to the law


Luke's professional occupation was that of a



Someone who is Jewish proselyte (convert), or someone who is in the early stages of such a conversion

What title was used in the OT to refer to Israel's kings and heavenly beings

Son of God

Emperor Augustus added ____ __ ___ to his title

Son of god

The __________ philosophical school affirmed both divine providence and immanence (the affirmation that God or the gods were not only involved in the affairs of human history but were in some sense present as well)


The Jewish festival known as __________ or ________ retold the story of Israel wandering in the desert and called participants to draw life lessons from their ancestors and how God dealt with them

Tabernacles or Booths

The ______ Seminar is a controversial committee that convenes and determines what sayings of Jesus are "authentic"

The Jesus Seminar

Who gathered the Sanhedrin together in a contrived attempt to find Jesus guilty

The Jewish high priest named Caiaphas

Religious conversion was _____________ in the ancient world


John uses the term _____ to designate a realm that is hostile to the things of God and ruled by Satan


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