NTRI Chapter 5: Lipids

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essential fatty acids

Linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid are both...

bile acids

___ act to emulsify fats in the small intestine, suspending them in digestive juices to enhance the action of digestive enzymes


___ fatty acids, which are a byproduct of hydrogenation of vegetable oils, are similar to saturated fatty acids in structure and physiological effects


___ is a cholesterol-rich substance deposited in the blood vessels

fatty acid

chain of carbons flanked by hydrogens

higher in saturated fat and cholesterol

compared to margarine, butter is...


formed from the breakdown of triglycerides, a ___ consists of one fatty acid bound to a glycerol backbone


glycerol backbone with fatty acids and at least one phosphorus-containing group


glycerol backbone with three fatty acids

transports cholesterol from the bloodstream to the liver for excretion

high levels of HDL in the blood tend to slow the development of cardiovascular disease because HDL...

fatty acids or monoglycerides

identify one product of triglyceride digestion that can be absorbed into the cells lining the small intestine


in a chemical reaction, when a compound loses an electron, that compound has been...

essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins

just because a food is high in fat does not mean it is unhealthy. some high-fat foods, such as plant oils and nuts should be included in the diet because they are sources of...

6, 3

linoleic acid is an omega-___ fatty acid; alpha-linolenic acid is an omega-___ fatty acid

systolic blood pressure

pressure in the arterial blood vessels associated with pumping of the blood from the heart

diastolic blood pressure

pressure in the arterial blood vessels when the heart is between beats

as part of lipoproteins

primarily, fatty acids are transported through the bloodstream...

eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid

regular consumption of fatty fish provides ___ and ___, which can be slowly synthesized in the body as long as the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid is present in adequate quantities

energy storage, insulation, transport of fat-soluble vitamins

what are the major functions of fatty acids and triglycerides in the body?

lipoprotein lipase

what enzyme breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol in the bloodstream

20-35% of total calories

what is the acceptable macronutrient distribution range for lipids according to the food and nutrition board?

neutralize free radicals

what is the main function of antioxidants?


True or false: phospholipids are essential parts of only a few types of cells, like adipose and liver cells


a compound containing a multi-ring structure and a hydroxyl group in a(n) ___


a compound containing a multi-ring structure and a hydroxyl group is a ___


an omega-3 fatty acid is... (unsaturated/saturated)


multi-ringed compound with a hydroxyl group


the enzyme ___ plays an important role in fat digestion


the food and nutrition board recommends that at least __% of total calories come from essential fatty acids

cardiovascular disease

the leading cause of death among North American adults is...

animal fats

the main source of saturated fat in American diets is...

trans fatty acids, saturated fatty acids

to protect cardiovascular health, the Food and Nutrition Board specifically recommends limiting intake of ___ and ___


true or false: HDL removes cholesterol from cells and returns them to the liver for excretion


true or false: monounsaturated, saturated, and polyunsaturated fats all provide the same number of calories


true or false: there is no way high-fat foods can be included in a well-balanced healthy diet

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