Nuclear Chemistry

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A carbon-12 atom has a mass defect of 0.09564 amu. Which setup is used to calculate nuclear binding energy?

0.09564 amu x (1.6606 x 10^-27 kg)/amu x (3.0 x 10^8)^2

Calculate the mass defect and the nuclear binding energy of nitrogen-14. The mass of a proton is 1.00728 amu, and the mass of a neutron is 1.00866 amu. The mass of a nitrogen-14 atom is 14.00307 amu. The mass defect of nitrogen-14 is __ amu. Round to the 5es001-1.jpg decimal place. The nuclear binding energy of one nitrogen-14 atom is __ x 10^A J. Round to 3 significant digits. A: __

0.10851 1.62 -11

Calculate the mass defect for oxygen-16 given this data. Round to the 5es001-1.jpg decimal place. mass of an oxygen-16 atom: 15.994914 amu mass of a proton: 1.00728 amu mass of a neutron: 1.00866 amu mass defect = __ amu


Balance the nuclear reaction equation for the beta minus decay of iodine-131 by completing the missing numbers. es001-1.jpg The subscript of the electron is


Complete each nuclear reaction equation. es001-1.jpg The subscript for hydrogen is


Read the passage below about different types of radiation. Different types of radiation have different penetrating abilities. For example, gamma rays can pass through cloth and paper, but alpha particles are blocked by cloth and paper. Beta particles are blocked by aluminum foil, but gamma rays are not. However, all three types of radiation are blocked by thick concrete or lead. Now, examine a table of penetrating powers of different types of radiation. Material 1 2 3 Lead Stopped Stopped Stopped Cloth Not stopped Stopped Stopped Aluminum foil Not stopped Stopped Stopped Wood Not stopped Stopped Stopped Paper Not stopped Stopped Not stopped Thick concrete Stopped Stopped Stopped Based on the information, at which numbered spot in the table does each type of radiation belong?

1 = gamma; 2 = alpha, 3 = beta

A student writes the following statements about the relationship between mass defect and nuclear binding energy. 1. When an isotope's protons and neutrons come together to form a nuclide, a small amount of mass is converted to energy. 2. An equivalent amount of energy must be added to the nuclide to split apart its protons and neutrons. 3. Statement 1 describes the isotope's nuclear binding energy, and statement 2 describes the isotope's mass defect. Which statement is correct?

1 and 2 only

A carbon-12 atom has a mass defect of 0.09564 amu. What is its nuclear binding energy? Round to 3 significant figures. __ x 10 __ J per carbon-12 atom.

1.43 -11

Kilograms represented by the mass defect for oxygen-16: 2.20 × 10 -28 kg What is the nuclear binding energy for oxygen-16?

1.98 × 10^-11 J

Balance the nuclear reaction equation for the beta minus decay of iodine-131 by completing the missing numbers. es001-1.jpg The superscript of xenon is


Complete each nuclear reaction equation. es001-1.jpg Nitrogen transmutes to form an isotope of oxygen. The superscript for oxygen is


Mass defect for oxygen-16 = 0.13261 amu How many kilograms does the mass defect represent?

2.20 × 10^-28 kg

Kilograms represented by the mass defect for thorium-234 = 3.09 × 10-27 kg What is the nuclear binding energy for thorium-234?

2.78 × 10^-10 J

The alpha decay of a radioactive nuclide (X) emits a He-4 nucleus and produces an isotope of mc013-1.jpg. What is X? 235 92 U

239 94 Pu

es003-1.jpg Cobalt-59 accepts a neutron to form a new isotope. The subscript for cobalt is


Balance the nuclear reaction equation for the beta minus decay of nickel-63 by completing the missing numbers. es001-1.jpg The subscript of copper is


Mass defect for the isotope thorium-234 = 1.85864 amu How many kilograms does the mass defect represent?

3.09 × 10^-27 kg

A radioactive nuclide is used to detect eye tumors. An atom of this radionuclide contains 15 protons, 15 electrons, and 17 neutrons. Which is symbol of this radionuclide?

32 15 P

The amount of energy released when 50.0 kg is converted into energy is __ x 10^A. A:

4.50 18

What is the nuclear binding energy of an atom that has a mass defect of 5.0446 mc016-1.jpg 10^-29 kg? Use E = mc*2. (Remember: The speed of light is approximately 3.00 mc016-2.jpg 10^8 m/s.)

4.54 x 10*-12 J

The atomic symbol mc025-1.jpg represents potassium-40 (K-40), a radioactive isotope that has 19 protons and 21 neutrons. Which atomic symbol could represent an isotope that results from the decay of K-40? 40 19 K

40 18 Ar

A carbon-12 atom has a mass of 12.00000 amu. The mass of a proton is 1.00728 amu, and the mass of a neutron is 1.00866 amu. How many protons does the carbon-12 atom have? How many neutrons does the carbon-12 atom have? What is the mass defect of a carbon-12 atom? Round to the 5es003-1.jpg decimal place.

6 6 0.09564

A radioactive nuclide that is used for radiation therapy for cancer has 33 neutrons and a mass number of 60. Which is the correct symbol for this nuclide?

60 27 Co

Balance the nuclear reaction equation for the beta minus decay of nickel-63 by completing the missing numbers. es001-1.jpg The superscript of nickel is


Mercury-203 undergoes beta minus decay. The subscript in the nuclide notation, Hg, is . 203 ?Hg →? The element symbol produced is ⇒ Tl. It has a mass number and an atomic number . 203 80Hg → 203 81TI + ?

80 TI 203 81

Consider the nuclear equation below. mc030-1.jpg Which is the missing value that will balance the equation?


Answer these questions based on 234.04360 as the atomic mass of thorium-234. The masses for the subatomic particles are given. Round the mass defect to the 5th decimal place. mass of a proton: 1.00728 amu mass of a neutron: 1.00866 amu How many protons does Thorium have? How many neutrons does Thorium-234 have? Calculate the mass defect for the isotope thorium-234 = __ amu

90 144 1.85864

In alpha decay, alpha particles are ejected from the nucleus. Which equation represents alpha decay?


Complete each nuclear fission reaction. 235 92U + 1 0n → 90 36Kr + A 56Ba + 3 1 0n

A - 143

Use the drop-down menus to complete the corresponding cells in the table to the right. Nuclear Decay

A - particle with two protons and two neutrons B - high-energy photon C - intermediate D - highest E - thin cardboard

A neutron collides with a nitrogen atom, resulting in a transmutation. Balance the equation. es001-1.jpg Identify the unknown product by identifying the unknown letters.

A is 14 Z is 6 X is C

Which statement illustrates the difference between a chemical reaction and a nuclear reaction?

A nuclear reaction releases more energy per gram and appears to violate the law of conservation of mass.

Which best describes nuclear fission?

A nucleus collides with a neutron and splits, releasing energy.

Gold can undergo transmutation. Which equation could correctly describe this radioactive decay?


Complete each nuclear fission reaction. 239 94Pu + 1 0n → B CBa + 91 38Sr + 3 1 0n

B - 146 C - 56

Which equation represents a fission reaction?

B - mc009-2.jpg

Which of these statements are the same for both nuclear reactions and chemical reactions? Check all that apply.

Both can be represented by balanced equations. Both involve a change in energy.

Helium decays to form lithium. Which equation correctly describes this decay?


Which represents the balanced equation for the beta minus emission of phosphorus-32?


Which statement describes the differences between nuclear reactions and chemical reactions?

Chemical reactions can result in new compounds, while nuclear reactions can result in new elements.

Why do the isotopes of a particular element behave differently in nuclear reactions but the same in chemical reactions? Check all that apply

Chemical reactions involve changes to electrons in an atom; isotopes do not differ in electrons, and so they react the same way during chemical changes. Nuclear reactions involve changes to protons and neutrons in an atom; isotopes differ in neutrons, and so they react differently to these changes.

Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen. The nucleus of a deuterium atom consists of one proton and one neutron. When two deuterium nuclei fuse, helium-3 is formed, and a neutron is emitted. Which equation illustrates this process?


Radium decays to form radon. Which equation correctly describes this decay?


A radioactive nuclide that is used to label blood platelets has 49 protons and 62 neutrons. Which is the symbol of this nuclide?

D - 111 49 In

Complete each nuclear fusion reaction. 226 88Ra → D ERn + 4 2He

D - 222 E - 86

Consider the nuclear equation below. mc021-1.jpg What is the nuclide symbol of X?

D - 231 90 Th

A nuclide of mc012-1.jpg absorbs a positron. Which is the resulting atom?

D - 64 30 Zn

A scientist is trying to determine whether a certain substance is radioactive. Which question would be most helpful to ask?

Do the atoms that make up the substance have nuclei that split apart over time?

Calculate the amount of energy produced by the conversion of 50.0 kg of mass into energy. Use 3.00 x 108 m/s for the speed of light. Round to 3 significant digits. Which setup will solve this problem?

E = (50.0 kg)(3.00 x 10^8 m/s)^2

Which items are directly related to radioactive decay?

E = mc^2 mass defect

How are energy and mass connected during the formation of an atom?

Energy is released, so the mass is reduced.

Complete each nuclear fusion reaction. 238 92U → F GTh + 4 2He

F - 234 G - 90

Which statement correctly compares chemical reactions with nuclear reactions?

In chemical reactions, small amounts of energy can be absorbed or released. In nuclear reactions, changes in energy are much larger.

An atom that has 84 protons and 86 neutrons undergoes a reaction. At the end of the reaction, it has 82 protons and 84 neutrons. What happened to the atom?

It emitted an alpha particle in a nuclear reaction.

How does critical mass play a role in nuclear reactions?

It is the minimum amount of material needed to sustain a fission reaction.

Which statement is true about this reaction? mc016-1.jpg

Its product is heavier than each of its reactants.

If an unshielded sample of radioactive material emits alpha particles, what effect will it have on a person sitting in the next room? (Assume the wall between rooms is composed of concrete.)

None, because the wall will block the radiation.

Which of these statements explains the difference between nuclear binding energy and the strong nuclear force? Check all that apply.

Nuclear binding energy is the energy needed to separate nuclear particles. The strong nuclear force holds an atom's protons and neutrons together. Nuclear binding energy can be calculated using E = mc^2

Consider the three equations below. mc017-1.jpg mc017-2.jpg mc017-3.jpg Which statement do these reactions best support?

Nuclear fusion plays an important role in making elements that are heavier than helium.

Which answer choice best explains why uranium-238 can be used in power plants to generate electricity?

Nuclides of uranium-238 decay over time. They release large amounts of energy as their nuclei break apart.

Which statement best describes the two reactions? A mc001-1.jpg B mc001-2.jpg

Reaction B involves a greater change and a change in element identity.

In reaction A, each sodium atom gives one electron to a chlorine atom. In reaction B, an isotope of oxygen decays to form an isotope of nitrogen. Which statement best describes the energy that is released per gram by these reactions?

Reaction B releases more energy than reaction A releases.

How can a scientist assess whether a pure niobium (Nb) sample is responsible for contaminating the lab with radioactivity?

Test the niobium sample to see whether it now contains other elements.

Many radioactive atoms that have large masses undergo radioactive decay by releasing a particle that is identical to a helium-4 nucleus. What changes in the original atom are expected as a result of this natural phenomenon?

The atomic number and the mass number will decrease.

A certain radionuclide is used to diagnose lymphoma. An atom of this radionuclide contains 31 protons and 36 neutrons. Which statement is correct about the radionuclide?

The atomic number is 31, the mass number is 67, and its symbol is 67 31 Ga

Which answer choice best explains why atoms of carbon-14 (C-14) are unstable?

The attractive force that the neutrons in the nuclei of C-14 atoms generate is not strong enough to overcome the repulsive force that the protons generate.

Which answer choice best explains why nuclear reactions release more energy than chemical reactions?

The force that binds together protons and neutrons is stronger than the force that attracts and repels protons and electrons.

Which is most likely why many scientists reject the cold fusion theory?

The original results have not been replicated consistently and reliably.

Which question must be answered to complete the table below? mc025-1.jpg

What kind of particles are produced by beta decay?

Which type of reaction does this diagram represent? mc008-1.jpg

a chain reaction that is caused by nuclear fission

Bombarding plutonium-239 with an alpha particle creates an isotope of curium. Balance the equation. 239 94Pu + 4 2He → a b Cm + c d n Identify the values for the unknown letters.

a is 242 b is 96 c is 1 d is 0

Which would result in radioactive decay? Check all that apply.

a neutron-to-proton ratio of 1:2 in a large nucleus a nucleus that contains 90 protons and 100 neutrons any isotope of the element uranium, which has atomic number 92

Which type of radioactive decay produces radiation that can be stopped by a sheet of paper? Which type of radioactive decay produces particles with the most mass?

alpha alpha

Gold can undergo transmutation. es001-1.jpg This type of nuclear decay is called

alpha decay

Radium decays to form radon. 226 88Ra → 222 86 Rn + 4 2 He This type of nuclear decay is called

alpha decay

A large atom decays and emits a particle. After the reaction is complete, the atom's mass has changed substantially. What kind of particle has most likely been emitted?

alpha particle

Which form of decay produces a nucleus similar to the element helium?

alpha particle

Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions. Which type of radioactive decay produces particles with a positive charge and very small mass? Which type of radioactive decay produces radiation with zero mass? Which type of radioactive decay produces radiation that requires lead shielding?

beta gamma gamma

Helium decays to form lithium. 6 2He → 6 3 Li + 0 -1 e This type of nuclear decay is called

beta minus decay

Which can have either a positive charge or a negative charge when they are released during radioactive decay?

beta particles

Consider the nuclear equation below. mc016-1.jpg Which correctly identifies the type of reaction?

beta plus decay

Oxygen decays to form nitrogen. 15 8O → 15 7 N + 0 1 e This type of nuclear decay is called

beta plus decay

Releases large amounts of energy


Identify whether each reaction represents a chemical reaction or a nuclear reaction by filling in the blank with the word 'chemical' or 'nuclear'. Cles001-1.jpg + Hes001-2.jpg es001-3.jpg 2HCl This represents a __ reaction. es002-1.jpgH + es002-2.jpgH es002-3.jpg es002-4.jpgHe + es002-5.jpgn This represents a __ reaction

chemical nuclear

Use the drop-down menus to complete each of the sentences. Isotopes behave similarly in . involve only a rearrangement of electrons, and do not involve changes in protons or neutrons. In , a large amount of energy is released or absorbed. New elements can be formed as a result of . Exothermic and endothermic reactions can occur during .

chemical reactions chemical reactions nuclear reactions nuclear reactions both chemical reactions and nuclear reactions

Mercury-203 undergoes beta minus decay. 203 80Hg → 203 81 Tl + ? The subatomic particle produced is a(n)


In the equation E = mc2, E stands for m stands for and c stands for

energy mass speed of light

Which of these conditions most likely produces an unstable isotope?

equal numbers of protons and neutrons in a large nucleus

After a radioactive atom decays, it is the same element that it was before with no measurable change in mass. Which kind of decay has occurred, and how do you know?

gamma decay because photons have no mass

Which form of emission is commonly not written in nuclear equations because they do not affect charges, atomic numbers, or mass numbers?

gamma ray

Which element is nuclear fusion least likely to produce?

hydrogen, which has an approximate mass of 1

Which applies to fission? Check all that apply.

involves the splitting of nuclei releases large amounts of energy releases radiation as a waste product occurs in nuclear power plants and is used to generate electricity

These traits describe either a chemical or a nuclear reaction. Which statements describe a nuclear reaction? Check all that apply.

may involve a change in total mass involve very high-energy changes involve changes in nuclides when decay occurs

Which represents the balanced nuclear equation for the beta plus decay of C-11?

mc019-1.jpg 11 6 C ---> 11 5 B + 0 +1 e

A stable atom that has a large nucleus most likely contains

more neutrons than protons.

Use the reaction below to balance the nuclear reaction equation. es001-1.jpg The isotope produced from the beta plus decay of sodium-22 is


Drives chemical plants

nuclear fission

Produces dangerous radioactive waste

nuclear fission

Which type of reaction does this diagram represent? mc007-1.jpg

nuclear fission because an atom is splitting into two large fragments of comparable mass

Have high activation energies

nuclear fusion

Involves combining of nuclei

nuclear fusion

Occurs in the stars

nuclear fusion

Two protons and two neutrons are released as a result of this reaction. mc017-1.jpgRn mc017-2.jpgPo + ? Which particle is released?

one alpha particle

Which best describes what forms in nuclear fusion?

one larger, more stable nucleus

Which particles that make up an atom are involved in nuclear reactions?

protons and neutrons

Both nuclear fusion and nuclear fission reactions

release large amounts of energy.

Which of these forces are acting within a nucleus? Check all that apply.

strong nuclear force electrostatic forces of repulsion

Identify the term being defined. the force that keeps the nucleons bound inside the nucleus of an atom the amount of energy needed to split the nucleus into individual protons and neutrons the difference between the mass of the nucleons and the mass of the atom

strong nuclear force nuclear binding energy mass defect

Which applies to fusion? Check all that apply.

takes place in the Sun plays a role in the production of essentially all elements heavier than helium releases large amounts of energy

Which numbers are shown in the symbol for a radioactive nuclide?

the atomic number and the mass number

Why is it important for scientists to replicate each other's experiments?

to determine if important scientific results are repeatable

Which best describes what forms in nuclear fission?

two smaller, more stable nuclei

In which isotope is the strong nuclear force not strong enough to balance electrostatic forces between protons?


203 80Hg → 203 81 Tl + 0 -1 e Is this the correct balanced equation?


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