Nutrition ch.6

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Although plant _____Are not well absorbed by the human intestinal tract, these substances can reduce cholesterol absorption, thus are added to certain foods, beverages, and dietary supplements


Americans with African, Mexican, or Native American ancestry are more likely to have heart disease then people with other racial or ethnic backgrounds


Amino acid that may play a role in the development of atherosclerosis

Unsaturated fatty acid

An _______ has two neighboring carbons within the chain that are missing two hydrogen atoms, and a double bond holds those particular carbons together


Another function of the hormone CCK is stimulating the ______ to contract. This action forces some bile into the duodenum, where it mixes with chyme


Are a relatively economical source of protein and many micronutrients


Are naturally found in plant and animal foods

Trans fat

Are unsaturated fatty acid's that have at least one trans double bond in their chemical structure rather then the more common cis configuration


Are water- soluble structures that transport lipids through the bloodstream


Arteriosclerosis contributions to the development of______, a chronic condition characterized by abnormally high blood pressure levels that persist even when the person is relaxed

Partial hydrogenation

As a result of the _________ process, vegetable oil can be made into shortening or shaped into sticks of margarine


As blood triglyceride levels increase, concentrations of HDL cholesterol tend to

Lipoprotein lipase

As chylomicrons circulate through the body,_____, an enzyme in the walls of the capillaries, breaks down their load of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.

Cholecystokinin (CKK)

As the fatty chyme leaves the stomach and enters your small intestine, it stimulates certain intestinal cells to release the hormone


As the food enters the stomach, the organs acid environment activates the _____, enabling some lipid break down to occur

Bile salts

Bile contains _____, compounds that enhance digestion and absorption by keeping lipids dispersed in small particles, increasing their surface area


Blood must be able to clot, especially when blood vessels have been injured; otherwise, a person could bleed to death from a minor bruise.

Patron, simplesse, and Olean

Brands of fat replacers used in a variety of processed foods


By having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, a phospholipid can serve as an

Coronary calcium

Calcium deposits in arteries of the heart later in life


Can happen when a clot blocks an artery in the brain and brain cells that are nourished by the vessel die

Arachidonic acid (AA)

Cells can convert linoleic acid to

Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA)

Cells use alpha-linolenic acid to synthesize two other omega-3 fatty acids

B-6 and folate

Cells use to vitamins,______, to convert homocysteine into safer compounds


Certain animal foods, especially beef and dairy foods such as cheese, cream, and butter, contain high percentages of ______ fatty acid's then most plant fats. Tropical oils contain more____then unsaturated fatty acid

kidneys, eyes, and legs

Certain arteries are more likely to be damaged by atherosclerosis; in addition to the blood vessels of the heart and brain, the blood supply in thr_________ is vulnerable


Certain food additives, vitamins, and plant pigments function as


Certain lipoprotein's carry lipids from the liver to cells. Other lipoprotein's convey lipids from cells to the liver, where they may be converted into a new compounds


Chemists identify a fatty acid by its number of carbon Atoms and type of bond between carbon Atoms in the hydrocarbon chain


Cholesterol and the reassembled triglycerides are coated with a thin layer of protein, phospholipids, and cholesterol to form


Cholesterol does not undergo ________; small intestinal cells can absorb cholesterol directly from your food


Cholesterol lowering margarine's and other products that contain plant _____Are functional foods, because they are specifically manufactured to provide beneficial health effects


Chronic inflammation is involved in the development of

Coronary calcium

Cigarette smoking and elevated total cholesterol level in early adulthood are significantly associated with the

Adipose cells

Commonly called fat cells, remove acids and glycerol from circulation and reassemble them into triglycerides for storage


Compared to butter, a serving of margarine provides more unsaturated fat, less saturated fat, and cholesterol


Compromise about 95% of lipids in your body and food; referred to as fats and oils


Consuming too much alcohol however contributions to_____and damages every organ of the body


Is the major phospholipid in foods; Egg yokes, liver, wheat germ, peanut butter, and soybeans


The ______ stores bile until it is needed for digesting lipids

2 to 3 tablespoons of vegetable fat daily, especially products made with canola and soybean oil's, and meals that contain fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna at least twice a week

The adequate intake (AI) for alpha-linoleic acid and linoleic acid can be met by eating

arterial plaque

The bodies immune system responds to the irritation by producing inflammation within the artery. Inflammation can stimulate healing, but the process can also trigger certain cells within the arterial wall to deposit cholesterol and other substances under the arteries lining.As a result, ________ forms; plaque roughens the lining of the artery and slows blood flow in the area and makes clots more likely to form


The body can convert excess glucose and certain amino acids into fatty acid's that are used to make

Alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid

The body cannot synthesize two polyunsaturated fatty acids


The body incorporates _____ fatty acid's into cell membranes and uses these lipid's to make compounds that can reduce inflammation, serum triglycerides, and blood clotting

Protein, cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids

The body makes three major types of lipoprotein. Each type of lipoprotein carries different proportions of

Triglycerides (fat)

The body stores energy as


The body uses EPA, DHA, and AA to make several compounds that have hormonelike functions, including

Linoleic acid

The primary oh mega-6 fatty acid,______, increases inflammation and blood clotting


The process of digesting phospholipids is similar to that of digesting glycerides

Enterohepatic circulation

The process of recycling bile from the intestinal tract is called


The risk of_______increases as people grow older, and men are more likely to have heart attacks than women


The small intestine digests and absorbs nearly all of the triglycerides and phospholipids in food, but only about ______% of the dietary cholesterol is absorbed

Lipid digestion

The small intestines, however, is the primary site of


The typical American eats so far more omega -6 Foods then foods that contain omega -3 fatty acids


There are different types of LDL, and not all forms of the lipoprotein are unhealthy. LDL is needed to transport lipids to tissues, where the nutrients are used to make structures and vital compounds


Because lipoprotein's transport lipid's, including cholesterol, in the bloodstream, these structures play major roles in the development of

Omega-3 fatty acid

Alpha-linolenic acid is an _____________ which is a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid


Also converts many of the oils naturally occurring cis fatty acids into trans fatty acids

Saturated fat

Alters the structure of liver cell membranes so they no longer function properly. As a result, the liver removes less cholesterol from the bloodstream

Vitamin D, and steroid hormones such as estrogen and testosterone

Although cholesterol is not metabolized for energy, cells use the lipid to synthesize a variety of substances including

Cigarette smoking

Is one lifestyle behavior that increases the oxidation of LDL


Is the liquid portion of blood


Lecithin contains ________ A water soluble compounds that nervesused to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine

Omega-6 fatty acid

Linoleic acid is an ______


Lipid that has three fatty acid's attached to a three carbon compound called glycerol

Very - low - density lipoprotein (VLDL)

Lipoprotein that contains only about 15% of the cholesterol in the blood stream; carries a larger share of triglycerides and cholesterol


Manufactures may add______to foods to keep oily and watery ingredients from separating during storage

Acid group

The last carbon in the fatty acid molecules forms an


Elevated hs-CRP May be a marker for


Emotional stress, particularly _____, also plays a role in the development of atherosclerosis.


Even if you don't eat animal foods, your body produces cholesterol primarily in the


A chylomicron is a type of

Heart disease

Exposure to secondhand smoke is a risk factor for

Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

Group of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels


Has a single fatty acid attached to the glycerol backbone of the molecule

Sterols and stanols

Plants also make small amounts of_____, lipid's that are chemically related to cholesterol

Secondhand smoke

Smokers expose other people and their environment to _______, which is a combination of the smoke from the burning end of cigarette and exhaled air of the person who is smoking

Glycerol and fatty acid molecules

Some triglycerides are completely broken down into


Some_____is necessary because it attracts immune system cells to disease causing microorganisms that have entered the body; however can also damage the inside of arteries

Computerized tomography (CT) scan

Special computerized images that show the body's internal structures, can detect coronary calcium deposits

Saturated fatty acid

Structurally, a trans fatty acid resembles a


Substance that helps water-soluble and water-insoluble compounds mix with each other

Monounsaturated or polyunsaturated

Unsaturated fatty acid's can be either

Both substances contain fatty acids, but fats are solids and oils are liquid at room temperature

What is the difference between fats and oils


When an artery to a limb is blocked, The tissue in the extremity dies, causing_____to occur

Carotid arteries

When atherosclerosis occurs in the common __________ in the neck, blood flow to the brain can be decreased and clots conform that travel to the brain, causing a stroke


When something in the bloodstream, such as excess cholesterol or glucose, compounds from cigarette smoke, or certain bacteria, irritates the lining of an artery, a cascade of events begins the results and

inactive lipase

When you eat a cheeseburger and french fries, an ________ in saliva mixes with the food.


When your body needs____, adipose cells breakdown some stored triglycerides into fatty acid and glycerol molecule's and release these substances into your bloodstream. Muscle and other cells then remove the fatty acid's from the circulation and metabolize them

Trans fat

Whole milk and whole milk products, butter, and meet naturally contain small amounts of

Nutritional facts panel

You can use information from the____to determine the percentage of calories that are from fat in a product


____Carries cholesterol too cells and____transports cholesterol away from cells


____Has many other effects on the body, some of which are beneficial to cardiovascular health


____May influence the way in which the circulatory and immune system's response to diet. Thus, some people may be protected against the development of atherosclerosis, where other persons with similar diets develop serious arterial plaques early in life and die prematurely


______ fatty acids generally lower LDL cholesterol without reducing HDL cholesterol levels


_______ produce a variety of important effects on the body, such as stimulating uterine contractions, regulating blood pressure, and promoting the immune system's inflammatory response

Essential fatty acids

________ are necessary in small amounts for good health


________ fatty acid's tend to be beneficial because they do not promote atherosclerosis


________ is found only in animal foods such as egg yolk, liver, meat, poultry, whole milk, cheese, and ice cream


10 to 12 hours after a meal, most chylomicrons have been reduced to small cholesterol-rich remnants. The liver clears these remnants from the bloodstream and uses their contents to synthesize new lipids and other lipoprotein's that are released into the general circulation


A chemical that transmits messages between the nerve cells


A class of nutrients that generally do not dissolve in water

Sleep apnea

A common disorder among overweight and obese people, may be a risk factor for atherosclerosis. While sleeping, a person will stop breathing intermittently and as a result the person wakes up several times and does not feel refreshed after sleeping


A condition commonly called "hardening of the arteries". Condition that results from atherosclerosis and is characterized by loss of arterial flexibility


A drug that works differently from a Statin. Inhibits intestinal absorption of cholesterol and as a result lowers LDL cholesterol levels

Hydrocarbon chain

A fatty acid is comprised of a ______, A chain of carbon atoms bonded to each other and two hydrogen Adams


A fatty acid that has two or more double bonds between carbons is a


A gram of fat supplies___kcal, whereas a gram of carbohydrate or protein provides only 4kcal

Coronary artery disease CAD

A major form of CVD


A major risk factor for atherosclerosis and heart disease.


A phospholipid molecule also has a _______ portion that avoids watery substances and attracts oily ones


A thrombus or part of a plaque that breaks free from where it formed and travels through the bloodstream is in

20 to 35

According to the American heart Association, people should limit their fat intake to less than ______% of total calories and emphasize foods that are rich sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acid's, such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oil


According to the American heart Association, people should limit their trans fat intake to less then _____ of daily caloric intake

Dietary guidelines for Americans 2010

According to the _________ adult should consume less than 10% of their total calories from saturated fatty acid's, keep their transfer intake as low as possible, and limit their cholesterol intake to 300 mg/day


Diet containing high amounts of____ fatty acids may reduce blood levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol however in some individuals,it also reduces beneficial HDL cholesterol

Water soluble

Digesting lipids is a more complicated process because the majority of the lipids and food are not ________ and the digestion process involves considerable amount of water

Pancreatic lipase

Digests triglycerides by removing two fatty acid's from each triglyceride molecule; this action converts most triglycerides into monoglycerides


Drinking small amounts of alcohol can raise beneficial HDL cholesterol levels

Saturated fatty acid

Each carbon in the chain has two hydrogen atoms attached to it. This is a _________ because each carbon within the chain is saturated, which means it is completely filled with hydrogen atoms


Example that influences the likelihood of atherosclerosis and is highly modifiable


Fat and cholesterol are


Fat contributes____% of the average Americans daily energy intake

Saturated fats or unsaturated fats

Fats an oil's that contain high amounts of saturated or unsaturated fatty acid's are commonly called


Fats that contain a high proportion of trans fatty acids are more solid at room temperature than those with a high proportion of cis fatty acids

Long - chain

Fatty acid's that have 14 to 24 carbons

Short - chain

Fatty acid's that have 2 to 4 carbons

Medium - chain

Fatty acid's that have 6 to 12 carbons

Saturated or unsaturated

Fatty acids can be


Foods made with partially hydrogenated fat can be stored for _____ periods of time then foods that contain CIS fatty acids

Safflower, corn, soy bean, and cottonseed oil's, as well as some types of sunflower seed oil

Foods rich and polyunsaturated fat include

Peanuts and peanut oil, canola oil, olives and olive oil, almonds, and avocados

Foods rich in monounsaturated fat include


Foods that are rich sources of long-chain saturated fatty acids tend to be more solid at room temperature such as

Genetics (Family history)

Is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis and CVD that cannot be modified


Is a sterol, lipid found in animal foods and precursor for steroid hormones, bile, and vitamin D


Is an important function of blood, but excess can increase the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and other serious blood vessel disorders


Is an omega-3 fatty acid that the body can convert to DHA and EPA; good sources include flaxseeds, soy beans, and walnuts


Is chemically similar to a triglyceride, except that one of the fatty acid's is replaced by chemical groups that contain phosphorus and often nitrogen


Is often referred to as A "silent disease," because people with the condition frequently feel healthy with no symptoms, however it is quite serious because it damages arterial walls and increases the risk of stroke, heart failure, can you disease


Has only one double bond linking two carbon atoms

There are 0 g of saturated, trans, and monounsaturated fats

If a food has less than 0.5 g of a specific type of fact, the amount can be reported as 0 g. When the fractions of fat are added together, however, the total changes

Myocardial infarction

If a thrombus completely blocks blood flow to a section of the heart muscle, the muscle dies and a_____occurs

Less efficient

If bile is not secreted into the duodenum, lipids clump together in large fatty globules, making lipid digestion ______


If your body makes too much cholesterol, the excess can increase your risk of


In addition to interfering with bloodflow, plaques reduce the flexibility of arteries causing


In general, lipids are ________ in water

Linoleic acid

In the United States, essential fatty acid deficiency is uncommon because most Americans eat plenty of fat, especially


Include fatty acid's, triglycerides, phospholipids, and cholesterol

Nonmodifiable risk factors

Increasing age, male sex, race/ethnic background, and family history are


Infants require _____ and _____ for nervous system development, and babies do not grow properly when their diets lack essential fatty acid

Blood cholesterol levels

Interfering with enterohepatic circulation can reduce____, because the liver must use cholesterol to make new bile salts

CT scan

Involves exposure to ionizing radiation


Is a component of every cell membrane in the body


Is a fixed bunch of clots that remains in place and disrupts blood flow

Partial hydrogenation

Is a food manufacturing process that adds hydrogen atoms to some unsaturated fatty acid's in liquid vegetable oil


Lipoproteins must pass through the larger openings of _________, lymphatic system vessels in each villus


Long term disease process in which plaque build up inside arterial wall

Avoiding tobacco use, limiting their intake of saturated fat, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy body weight

Many people can reduce the chances of developing atherosclerosis by


Millions of Americans take a class of prescription drugs called_____to reduce their elevated blood lipid levels

Hypertension, diabetes, elevated blood cholesterol, and excess body fat

Modifiable risk factors that can be influenced by diet and exercise

Cardiovascular disease

More than one in three adult Americans has one or more forms of


Most bile salts are absorbed in the____, where the compounds enter the bloodstream and travel to the liver


Most cases of heart disease and stroke result from ______ A chronic process that negatively affects the functioning of arteries


Most cells can metabolize fatty acid's for _____. Fat is more energy dense than carbohydrate or protein

Adipose cells

Most cells in your body contain triglycerides, but____are designed to store large amounts of fat (triglycerides)

Triglycerides and phospholipids

Most fatty acid's, glycerol, mono glycerides, and phospholipid fragments are reassembled into ___________ within the absorptive cells of the small intestine

Fatty acids

Most lipids have _______ in their chemical structures


Most of the trans fat and processed food results from the _____ process

Unsaturated and saturated

Most triglycerides contain mixtures of ____________ fatty acids


Nutrients often classify choline as a_________nutrient

Monounsaturated; unsaturated

Olive oil is a rich source of_____fatty acids; and liquid corn oil contains a greater proportion of_____ then saturated fatty acid

Scaly skin, hair loss, and poor wound healing

Other signs of essential fatty acid deficiency include

Soluble fiber

Plants contain substances, such as____, that interfere with cholesterol and bile absorption

Cardiovascular disease

Populations that consume diet rich in saturated fat and trans fat have higher risk of ____________ then populations whose diets contain more unsaturated then saturated fat


Populations that consume diets rich in saturated fat's generally have higher rates of heart disease than populations that eat less saturated fat

Trans fat

Processed foods and margarines contribute the largest share of _______ in the American diet

Fatty acid

Provides energy for muscles and most other types of cells

Mediterranean diet

Recommends eating more fish and seafood in smaller amounts of red meat, using heart healthy unsaturated fatty acid's, engaging and regular physical activity, and drinking a glass of wine daily; also emphasizes phytochemical rich fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts

To determine the risk of atherosclerosis

Regular health check ups that include blood pressure and lipid measurements (Lipoprotein profile)


The enzyme ________ removes two fatty acids from a phospholipid molecule. The remaining structure contains the lipids phosphate group

Omega, methyl end

The first carbon in the molecule has three hydrogen Atoms attached to it. Chemists call this part of the molecule ______ or the ______


The hearts of a person with hypertension must work harder to circulate blood through abnormally stiff arteries. Furthermore, elevated blood pressure can cause hardened arteries to tear or burst, causing serious bleeding problems and even sudden death, depending on the artery size and location


The liver clears the glycerol molecule's from the bloodstream and converts them into ________ molecules that cells can also use for energy

High-sensitivity C - reactive protein (hs-CRP)

The liver response to certain kinds of inflammation or producing and releasing ________ into the bloodstream


The liver use his cholesterol to make __________, an emulsifier that facilitates lipid digestion

New bile

The liver uses the bile salts to make

Egg yolk

The most concentrated source of cholesterol in the typical American diet


The non-nutrient _____ stimulates triglycerides synthesis, and excess body fat can accumulate as a result of alcohol consumption

Alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid

These lipids are essential fatty acids because they must be supplied by the diet


To obtain beneficial long chain omega-3 fatty acid's such as DHA, the dietary guidelines recommend that Americans eat 8 ounces of cold water fatty fish, such as sardines, salmon, and tuna, a week


To reduce the populations risk of CVD, US dietary guidelines 2010 recommended limiting saturated fat intake to less than___percent of total energy intake

Heart disease

Trans fat function like certain saturated fat's, raising blood cholesterol levels, which may increase the risk of


Trans fatty acids are less likely to undergo ________, A chemical process that alters the compounds structure

High- density lipoprotein (HDL)

Transports about 20% of cholesterol in the blood stream. Conveys lipids away from tissues and to the liver, where they can be processed and eliminated; The cholesterol carried by this is often called a good cholesterol because it does not contribute to plaque formation

Low- density lipoprotein (LDL)

Transports about 45% of the cholesterol in the blood stream. The cholesterol carried by this is often referred to as a bad cholesterol because it conveys the lipid to tissue, including cells in the arterial walls that make atherosclerotic plaque


Triglycerides and phospholipids need to be broken down by special enzymes called_______because they can be absorbed


Type of lipid needed to make cell membranes and for proper functioning of nerve cells, including those in the brain


Unsaturated fatty acid's that have the CI S double bond arrangement are very susceptible to

Hypertension, heart attack, and stroke

Untreated sleep apnea can contribute to

does not

Vinegar is 95% water, oil is 100% lipid, therefore the oil ________ dissolve in water to make a solution


_________ interfere with the livers metabolism of cholesterol, effectively reducing LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels as a result; are relatively safe when taken as directed

Glycerol, fatty acids, monoglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipid

___________ fragments are the end products of lipid digestion


phospholipids are partially water-soluble because the phosphorus containing portion of the molecule is

Cholecystokinin (CKK)

signals the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes, including pancreatic lipase into the deodenum of the small intestine

Heart disease, coronary artery disease, and stroke

the most common forms of CVD, are among the top for leading causes of death in the US

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