OB Exam 2

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What is the correlation between cognitive ability and job performance/Organizational commitment?

+.5 correlation (strong). The correlation is higher for jobs that are more complex than average and lower for jobs that are less complex than average. Near 0 effect for citizenship behavior and counterproductive behavior .1 weak. General cognitive ability has no effect on any of the three types of commitment. Smarter employees are not more or less likely to be committed to an employer

What are the five sources of power and under which categories do they belong to?

--Organizational power-- Legitimate Reward Coercive --Personal power-- Expert power Referent power

What are the 7 factors that influence the appropriateness of the time driven model of leadership?

1. Decision sig - is the decision significant to the success of the project or org? 2. Imp of commit - Is it important that the employees "buy" in to the decision? 3. Leader expertise - Does the leader have the knowledge/skills to make the decision? 4. Likelihood of commit - How likely will employee's trust leader's decision and commit to it? 5. Shared obj - Do employee's share and support that same objectives, or do they have an agenda of their own? 6. Employee expertise - do employees have the knowledge/skills to make the decision? 7. Teamwork skills - Do employees work well together?

Name the stages of non-linear team development. Describe this type of development

1. Forming and pattern creation 2. Inertia 3. Midpoint: Punctuated equilibrium 4. Process revision 5. Inertia Development is more likely non-linear. First meeting: make assumptions and patterns for first half of group lifespan. Midway point: paradigm shift -- realize that you need to change the plan to finish on time Basically, we are lazy up to the midpoint, and then we get ourselves into high gear!

How to influence an inclusive culture? (8)

1. Measure diversity and inclusion 2. Hold managers accountable 3. Support flexible work arrangements 4. Recruit and promote from diverse pools of candidate 5. Provide leadership education 6. Sponsor employee resource groups and mentoring programs 7. Offer quality role models 8. Make the chief diversity officer position count.

There's scientific support for the Time driven model of leadership. One study found that following the model resulted in effective decisions blank percent of the time. Not following the model resulted in effective decisions blank percent of the time. This model is not always practical.

68, 22

Describe negotiation

A discussion between two or more parties with the apparent aim of resolving divergent interests. "It's the art of letting them have your way".

What have twin studies revealed about ability?

About 60% of variation in ability is due to genetics, though the % varies by different types of ability. Ability is based on both experience (nature) and genes (nurture) Cog ability: about half genes, half nurture (e.g., schooling, job, hobbies, childhood health behaviors)

Conscientious individuals value blank blank, which is...

Accomplishment striving - a desire to complete tasks ALSO: This is important for all jobs. This trait is tough to gauge in job interviews because everyone "acts" conscientious. Low C employees might be late, or disorganized. These people live longer... less risky.

Conscientious employees have higher levels of blank blank and higher levels of blank blank. Conscientiousness has no effect on blank blank

Affective commitment and normative commitment Continuance commitment

What is emotional intelligence?

An ability that influences the degree to which people tend to be effective in social situations

Name and explain the four leadership styles in order of high follower control to high leader control

Autocratic: Leader makes decision alone Consultative: Leader consults followers, then makes final decision alone Facilitative: Leader's vote gets the same weight as anyone else's vote Delegative: Employee or team make the final decision

Name and describe the scenario that works best for each type of conflict resolution. Which is the most effective?

Avoid: OK strategy if issue is trivial Accommodate (i.e., give in): OK strategy if issue is more important to other party Competing: OK strategy if alternative is unethical. Easy to do when one party has all the power Compromising: most common form because it is easy and doesn't result in any hurt feelings. compromising: (moderate Assertive & Cooperation) each party seeks to give up something; no clear winner or loser, easy solution Collaborate: most difficult, most work intensive for both parties. Most effective!

What does BATNA stand for? What is it?

Best alternative to negotiated alternative... the course of action you would take if a deal were not possible. Always enter a negotiation knowing your BATNA. This is your bottom line, walk-away point.

How do we get personality?

Between 35% and 50% of our personality is predetermined by our genes It's a combination of hereditary (genes), environment (culture, norms), and situation (constraits on behavior)

Creative behavior| Why is the nominal technique better than brainstorming?

Brainstorming fails because: social loafing, easy to criticize, production blocking Nominal group decreases social loafing, production blocking.

In addition to specific behaviors, how else can leaders be separated?

By the style they use when making important decisions. These styles vary in how much control is retained by the leader, and how much control is given to the followers. (Focus on how a leader decides, not what the decision is)

Ability is comprised of 3 components. Name and describe them

Cognitive ability - acquisition and application of knowledge in problem solving Emotional ability - ability to be self aware, and read others' emotions Physical ability - ability to use body

Individualistic vs. collectivistic

Collectivistic societies emphasize teamwork and typically suffer from fewer counterproductive and withdrawal behaviors. Value rewards based on equality over equity.

Agreeable individuals value blank blank, which is...

Communion striving - a desire to obtain acceptance from others (focus on getting along vs. getting ahead) More likely to be with friends, socializing Good for service jobs (e.g., customer service) Not necessarily related to higher performance across various jobs (good for service jobs) Can lead to a positive work environment

When does conflict arise?

Conflict arises when two or more individuals perceive that their goals are in opposition. Can be positive for group outcomes, but must be managed effectively 2 types: task and relationship Good: stimulate creativity Bad: Cause stress

Name and explain the two broad dimensions that encompass most leadership behaviors

Consideration Create climate of concern and communication Create relationships of trust, respect, & considering employee feelings Initiating Structure Defining and structuring roles of employees Directing activities (good for productivity. This type of leader would thrive in military)

What is expert power?

Derived from a person's expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend

What is legitimate power?

Derived from a position of authority within an organization (Formal authority; people with a title or a position in an organizational chart) Power is limited by rules and regulations, norms

What is coercive power?

Derived from control over punishments in an organization. Operate on principal of fear. (Fire, demote, lower or suspend pay) (Warden, police, vice principal, parents) Poor choice of power because it results in negative feelings from targets of influence

What is reward power?

Derived from control over resources or rewards another person wants (Raises, job assignments, performance evaluations)

What does diversity bring to the workplace?

Different perspectives and knowledge, which can complement one another

Name and describe the 3 types of member ability (DCA)

Disjunctive: Tasks with objective "best solution," member with the highest ability = most influence (trivial pursuit) Conjunctive: Team performance depends on the "weakest link" (pit crew in racing) Additive: Contributions of all members "add up" to determine performance (selling girl scout cookies, and then pooling sales revenue)

Power Distance

Distance between those in power and those who aren't. Longer distance, more reverence amongst nonauthoritative individuals

Name and describe the two types of negotiation

Distributive bargaining-slicing the pie-win-lose negotiating over a fixed pie of resources. Zero-sum condition Integrative bargaining-expanding the pie-use problem solving and mutual respect to achieve a win-win scenario

Describe neurotic individuals

Don't handle stress well, realize more stress, have an external locus of control (i.e., believe that bad events are due to bad luck/fate.) Second most important when it comes to job perf (behind conscientiousness). Highly neurotic employees tend to gripe.

How does leader emergence differ from leader effectiveness?

Emergence is simply who rises to the top, but has little to do with achievement once he/she gets there

What are four tips for nominal group technique?

Express all ideas that come to mind on paper. Go for quantity of ideas rather than quality. Don't criticize or evaluate the ideas of others. Build on the ideas of others

Name and describe the stages of linear team development (FSNPA)

Forming-Understand team boundaries and what is expected of team members Storming-Committed to ideas you brought to the team; unwilling to accommodate ideas of others, which leads to conflict Norming-Realize need to work together (cooperation); norms & expectations develop Performing-Comfortable working in roles; team is now making progress toward goal Adjourning- Members feel anxiety as they disengage and separate

Describe some key characteristics related to openness to experience. Think about what jobs they succeed in, and its correlation to job performance

Good for jobs that are fluid, and changing (e.g., sustainability, design). Also good for jobs that require creativity. Correlated with job performance (through creativity).

Describe Ambiverts

Individuals that fall in the middle of the spectrum Example: an employee who is great in sales, but also likes to spend time alone

What are five things great leaders do?

Influence others in a positive way Use persuasion tactics in an ethical manner Don't coerce others Use influence to foster inclusion Use influence to manage conflict and negotiate in a collaborative way.

Name and describe the 4 moderately effective influence tactics. IPEA

Ingratiation-Use favors or compliments. Makes target like you more; sucking up. Its correlation with performance is r = .35 (moderate) with subjective ratings of task performance & r = .50 (strong) with interview performance Personal appeals-Ask for something based on personal friendship Exchange-Offer reward to target for performing request Apprising-Clearly explain why request will benefit the target too

What's the best locus of control to have, internal or external?

Internal has higher job satisfaction and better health

Explain the effectiveness of the following: 1. Internalization 2. Resistance 3. Compliance

Internalization (most effective)- target agrees with and becomes committed to request. Behavioral and attitudinal changes. Engagement Compliance (middle)- target performs request with ambivalence (behavioral change only). Most common response Resistance (least effective)-target is opposed to request and attempts to avoid doing it. most common when influencer's power is low, or request is unreasonable

Blanks good at jobs that require listening, deliberate practice. Have a preference for less stimulating environments Blank ideal dominates western society ("the omnipresent belief that the ideal self is gregarious, alpha and comfortable in the spotlight."). Have a preference for more stimulating environments


Masculinity vs. Femininity

Is your society more dominant, bold (masculine) or caring and kind (feminine)?

Are smaller or larger teams better?

It depends on the type of team. More is better for management and project teams because work is more complicated. Production teams engage in more routine tasks, so additional members results in coordination and communication problems Too many can lead to social loafing. Optimal number is often around 4 or 5, but it depends. "If a team can't be fed by two pizzas, it's too large." - Jeff Bezos CEO Amazon

Who is better at building towers - B-school students or Kindergarteners?

Kindergarteners B-schoolers think there is one best solution, and work too hard trying to figure that out. K's just try things, and see what works...

Order the different types of task interdependence according to the amount of coordination needed for each (Low to high) (PSRC)

Low to high: pooled, sequential, reciprocal, comprehensive

What is Sequential Task Interdependence? What are some benefits? What is one con?

Mild degree of coordination required as tasks done in prescribed order; members specialize in tasks (assembly lines). Interaction only between 2 members next to each other in line Benefits Identify defects more easily Subject experts Bottlenecks Con Job satisfaction issues (bread person never gets to see the final outcome of their efforts combined with others)

Task Interdependence has a blank blank effect on team performance (higher in teams that require more complex work) and a blank blank effect on team commitment (stronger in teams that require more complex work)

Mod Pos./Weak Pos.

Describe the correlation between power and influence and JP and OC

Mod. Pos. effect on JP. When used effectively can increase internalization and compliance, which facilitates task performance and can also increase citizenship behavior and decrease counterproductive behavior Most. Pos. effect on OC. The use of personal forms of power is associated with increased affective commitment. However, more forms of organizational commitment can reduce that form of commitment. Not much is known about influence on continuance and normative.

What is Reciprocal Task Interdependence?

Moderate degree of coordination required Member tasks are still specialized, but members interact with a subset EX. Design of a custom home, coord. between sales, customer, architect, engineers, etc.

What personality traits do we focus on? The Big Five (OCEAN)

Most personality traits cluster around five dimensions: Openness to experience (e.g., curious, creative) Conscientiousness (e.g., organized, dependable) Extraversion (e.g., outgoing, talkative) Agreeableness (e.g., tolerant, warm) Neuroticism (e.g., anxious, irritable)

Name and describe the 4 negotiation myths

Myth 1: Good negotiators were born. Training is useful and relevant; everybody can learn to be a good negotiator Myth 2: Experience is a great teacher. Experience: we have selective memories. More experience --> overconfidence but not more accurate Myth 3: Good negotiators take risks. Better results if rely on precise calculations of your BATNA and interests vs. theirs Myth 4: Good negotiators rely on intuition. Need to be extremely well prepared; know your side so you can be firm and know their side so you can frame negotiation properly

What are the negative effects of the two types of diversity?

Negative effects of surface diversity tend to go away over time (as people get past surface information) Negative effects of deep level diversity amplify over time, as these differences become apparent

What is the Wonderlic Personnel Test?

One of the most widely used measures of general mental ability 50 questions in 12 minutes Score of 10: Indicates literacy Score of 20: Average (equivalent to an IQ of 100)

Describe Action Team Life Span Member involvement Examples

Perform complex task that vary in duration and take place in highly visible or challenging circumstances Varies Varies Surgical team, musical group, sports team, expedition team

Describe how personality changes throughout one's lifetime Which of the big 5 dimensions goes up (2)? Which go down (1)? Which remain stable after an initial increase (2)?

Personality is relatively stable in the short term (i.e., 5-10 years) but can change over the long term. C, A, go up. N goes down. E and O stay stable after an initial increase

Name 5 other dimensions (NOT THE BIG 5) PNSSL

Positive affectivity - "glass half full" Negative affectivity - "glass half empty" Self-monitoring - social chameleons Self-efficacy - belief in one's ability to do the job. Locus of control - external or internal explanation for things that happen

why are some teams more than the sum of their parts?

Potential team performance + process gains - processs losses=actual team performance. The goal is to maximize gains and minimize losses

Is having power enough to make someone a leader?

Power is necessary but not sufficient to being a "leader," however leaders must possess some form of power. Often the most powerful employees don't even realize how influential they could be.

All leaders, despite their being different kinds, possess one thing. What is it?

Power the ability to control resources. Different ways to get it. The ability to influence the conduct of others, and to resist unwanted influence in return

Name and describe the 2 least effective influence tactics

Pressure-Threats and demands; can only lead to short term benefits Coalitions- Enlist other people to help influence the target

Name a pro and con for prehiring tests

Pro: more employees are staying, fitting in. Run the risk of: discrimination, homogenous workforce (low diversity

Describe Work Team Life Span Member involvement Examples

Produce goods or provide services. Long High Self-managed work team, production team, maintenance team, sales team (car assembly team, Subway sandwich makers)

Describe project team Life Span Member involvement Examples

Produce one-time output varies varies Product design team, research group, planning team (Teams in b-school)

Describe Parallel team Life Span Member involvement Examples

Provide recommendations and solve issues Varies Low Quality circle, advisory council, and committee (Committee composed of marketing, finance, ops, accounting, IT, etc. )

Name and describe the 4 most effective influence tactics. These tactics take advantage of blank blank and they are blanker.

Rational persuasion-Use of logic and fact. most commonly used Consultation-Allow target to participate in deciding how to carry out request Inspirational appeals-Appeal to target's values, creating an emotional reaction. Influencer must know something about target (e.g., values, hobbies, passions, personal interests) Collaboration-Provide resources to target makes it easier to complete request Personal power/softer ( appeal to emotions, more positive forms of influence)

Describe Team processes

Reflect the different types of communication, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate end goals.

Under interpersonal processes, what are two types of conflict management?

Relationship conflict: disagreements among members in terms of interpersonal relationships or incompatibilities of values Task conflict: disagreements among members about team's task Conflict can be + to a point (if too high = disruptive). IN STUDENT TEAMS: + because fosters information sharing & leads to superior solutions to problems. Better resolved if address conflict proactively, rather than passively. Also, there is higher satisfaction with conflict handled in an agreeable manner

What is ability?

Relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities. It's what people can do

Name and describe the four types of emotional intelligence?

Self awareness-The ability of an individual to understand the types of emotions he/she is experiencing, the willingness to acknowledge them, and the capability to express them accurately Other awareness-The ability of an individual to recognize and understand the emotions that other individuals are feeling Emotion regulation-The ability to quickly recover from emotional experiences and control one's feelings Use of emotions-The ability of an individual to harness emotions and use them to improve their chances of being successful in a given area

What are cultural values? What makes you fit in? What makes you stand out?

Shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given culture. Cultural values provide societies with their own distinctive personalities. Important because of globalization. Culture influences one's personality. Adhering to cultural values means you are likely to fit in...Going against means you may stand out...

Short term vs. long term orientation

Short term-live in the present/instant gratification vs. long term-future oriented, thrifty, savings

Extroverted individuals value blank blank, which is...

Status striving - a desire to obtain power and influence others Easiest to judge in zero-acquaintance situations Happiest with most any job

What are the five types of physical ability (SSFPS)? Name some types of jobs that require physical ability?

Strength, stamina, flexibility, psychomotor, sensory Firefighters, Dancer, Pilots, Teachers,

Name and describe the two types of diversity?

Surface diversity: observable variables; negative impact early in team formation, but disappear as people get to know each other. Danger of fault lines. (Race, gender, ethnicity, age) Deep diversity: harder to observe (attitudes, values, personality); over time as you learn these about each other, these differences in underlying values cause problems of cooperation, vision, etc. (Attitudes, values, personality, interests, knowledge, skills)

Teamwork is comprised of multiple interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of a team's work but don't directly involve task accomplishment. Name and describe them (TAI)

TRANSITION: activities that focus on preparation for future work; important before and between periods of taskwork (e.g., halftime in sports; hotwash in the military). Analyze mission, formulate strategy, specify goals ACTION: important as the taskwork is being accomplished (e.g., face-to-face meetings). Monitor progress, coordinate efforts, and helping behaviors INTERPERSONAL: important before, during, and between periods of taskwork; manner in which team members manage relationships. Emotion management, conflict management, and motivation building

Conscientious employees have higher levels of blank blank. They are more likely to engage in blank behaviors and less likely to engage in blank behaviors

Task performance. Citizenship/ Counterproductive

Names and describe the three types of member roles (TTI)

Team task roles-directly facilitate accomplishing tasks (initiator-contributor, coordinator, devil's advocate) Team building roles-increase quality of social climate (Encourager, harmonizer, compromiser) Individualistic roles- benefit individual at expense of the team (blocker, slacker, and recognition seeker)

What are teamwork processes relationship with team performance and team commitment?

Teamwork processes have a mod. pos. relation with TP. Teamwork processes have a strong. pos. relation with TC. Both have stronger effects on performance in teams doing complex knowledge work.

Explain Leader Effectiveness

The degree to which the leader's actions result in achievement of goals, commitment of employees, and development of quality leader-member dyads

What is team interdependence? What are the three types?

The way members of a team are linked to one another. Three types are goal interdependence ( unite via a mission statement) , outcome interdependence ( unite via same rewards, incentives) , and task interdependence.

Indulgent vs restrained

This dimension is defined as the extent to which people try to control their desires and impulses, based on the way they were raised. Relatively weak control is called "Indulgence" and relatively strong control is called "Restraint". Cultures can, therefore, be described as Indulgent or Restrained.

Why are some leaders more effective than others? [TDDUT]

Traits Day-to-day behaviors Decision-making styles Use of Networks Transformational leadership behaviors

Blanks are more stable, while blanks can change

Traits/States (Neg. affectivity or Pos. affectivity)

Name jobs that fit the five types of cognitive ability

Verbal: (important for jobs that require understanding and communicating ideas and information to others) execs, therapists, entertainers Quant: CFOs, statisticians, Cashiers, accountants, bankers, Financial planners, analysts Reason: (problem solving jobs) Detectives, Surgeons, Judges Spatial: Pilots, Photographers, Interior designers Perceptual: Musicians, CIA agents

Name and describe the five types of cognitive ability

Verbal: Oral & written comprehension and expression Quantitative: Number facility and mathematic reasoning Reasoning ability: Problem sensitivity, Deductive reasoning, Inductive reasoning, and Originality spatial ability: Spatial orientation and Visualization perceptual ability: Speed & flexibility of closure, Perceptual speed, and Patterns of information

What is Comprehensive Task Interdependence?

Very complex. Good: flexibility. Bad: inefficient Ex. Product development for next generation of smart phone.

Name and describe the 4 aspects of teams

What do teams do? (Team types) How do teams develop? (Team development) How do teams interact? (Team interdependence) What do teams look like? (Team composition)

When should a leader use the autocratic style?

When employees have low ability or low motivation

When should a leader use the delegative style?

When followers have high ability or high motivation

The most powerful person is often the most blank


What is referent power?

exists when others want to be associated with the person. Derives from affection, admiration, or loyalty

If you are low in cognitive ability, your job performance will suffer. But it's OK as long as you're....

high in emotional ability. You still perform your job well. Must have either EA or CA to have high job performance

Describe Management team Life Span Member involvement Examples

integrate activities of subunits across business functions. Long Moderate Top management team (CEO; CFO; COO; CIO - strategy, decision makers)

Individual traits are more predictive of BLANK BLANK than of BLANK BLANK

leader emergence, leader effectiveness Traits are only weakly correlated with effectiveness (it takes more than the right personality to be an effective leader)

What is pooled task interdependence?

lowest degree of coordination required Complete work independently, then combine to = group output Ex. Fishermen on boat Ex. your group could split work into 4 equal parts from start to finish; then not interact with each other at all.

Conscientiousness has a blank blank effect on both Organizational commitment and job performance

moderate positive (+.3)

Solitude is a crucial and underrated ingredient for creativity, and office designs and work plans should allow......

people to be alone as well as to socialize

What are the 6 shortcuts to persuasion?

reciprocity, scarcity, authority, consistency, likening consensus ensure the success of influence tactics They work because people are busy, and are susceptible to these forces (can be good or bad!)

Uncertainty avoidance

refers to the degree to which people feel threatened by ambiguous, risky, or unstructured situations.

Leaders ability to influence increases based on these 4 contingencies (situation that increases/decreases power) (SCDV)

substitutability-no substitutes for the resources or rewards the leader controls Centrality- the leader's role is important and interdependent with others in the organization Discretion-the leader has the freedom to make his/her own decisions without being restrained by organizational rules Visibility- others know about the leader and the resources they can provide

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