OBGYN - Anatomy

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The maximum dimension of a normal ovarian cyst (dominant follicle) is considered to be Select one: 3 cm 1 cm 4 cm 2 cm


The image below shows an endometrial measurement of 3 cm. What dimension is the upper limits of normal for a postmenopausal woman who is experiencing vaginal bleeding? (Enlarged endometrium) Select one: 10 mm 8 mm 20 mm 4 mm

4mm (Some centers use 5mm; the ACOG recommendation is 4mm)

indications for saline infusion sonohysterography do not include: Select one: infertility suspected septate uterus active PID Asherman's syndrome questionable endometrial sonographic findings without saline infusion Clear my choice

Active PID

The most common anomaly caused by failure of the Mullerian or paramesonephric ducts to fuse is: Select one: arcuate uterus T-shaped uterus uterus didelphys bicornuate uterus Gartner's duct cyst

Bicornuate Uterus

Clinical signs of pelvic inflammatory disease include all of the following except Select one: fever leukocytosis complex adnexa mass with internal echoes vaginal bleeding and/or discharge diffuse pelvic pain

Complex adnexa mass with internal echoes (this is a sonographic finding, not clinical)

The most common type of gynecologic malignancy in the United States is Select one: ovarian cystadenocarcinoma endometrial carcinoma cervical cancer dysgerminoma leiomyomas

Endometrial Carcinoma

An 80 year old patient presents for sonographic evaluation for vaginal bleeding. Which of the following is most important to obtain? Select one: bilateral ovarian measurements endometrial thickness measurement Doppler evaluation of radial arteries transverse uterine diameter cervical length

Endometrial Thickness measurement

What hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland stimulates ovarian follicular growth? progesterone FSH hCG estrogen LH


Which of the following ligaments is not related to the uterus? -Cardinal -Infundibulopelvic -Round -Broad


Potential peritoneal spaces in the pelvis include all of the following except: pouch of douglas morison's pouch rectouterine space space of retzius

Morison's pouch

Which of the following ovarian tumors secretes testosterone? Select one: Sertoli-Leydig tumor thecoma serous cystadenocarcinoma Brenner tumor

Sertoli-Leydig Tumor

The most common cause of pelvic inflammatory disease is Select one: infertility intrauterine contraceptive devices sexually transmitted infection gynecologic surgery intrauterine invasive procedures

Sexually Transmitted Infection

A female patient who has been exposed to DES (diethystilbestrol) in utero may have which sonographic finding? Select one: unilateral ovarian agenesis uterus didelphys T-shaped uterus hydrosalpinx unicornuate uterus

T-shaped uterus

The red arrowhead in the image below most likely indicates (uterus with saline endometrial (submucosal myomas) present) Select one: a focal endometrial carcinoma an intramural myoma an endometrial polyp a submucosal myoma

a submucosal myoma

A patient is referred for a sonogram after a pelvic examination raises suspicion of an adnexal mass. She has no clinical symptoms. Which of the following would not be a possible sonographic finding? Select one: an exophytic myoma a bicornuate uterus an endometrioma a tubo-ovarian abscess a complex ovarian mass with papillary projectio

a tubo-ovarian abscess

Indications for saline infusion sonohysterography do not include: Select one: Asherman's syndrome active PID questionable endometrial sonographic findings without saline infusion suspected septate uterus infertility

active PID

A 42 year old patient presents with dysmenorrhea and irregular vaginal bleeding. What is the most likely diagnosis? (uterus with venetian blind sign) Select one: endometrial hyperplasia adenomyosis endometrial carcinoma multiple uterine myomas


Which of the following it typically not a characteristic sonographic feature of a teratoma? Select one: "dermoid plug" - predominantly cystic mass with and echogenic shadowing nodule "dermoid mesh" - multiple echogenic linear interfaces within a cystic mass ascites and pleural effusion fat-fluid level shadowing calcification(s)

ascites and pleural effusion

A healthy postmenopausal woman on unopposed estrogen presents with vaginal spotting and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. Based on the sonographic image below, what is the most likely diagnosis? (enlarged endometrium) Select one: endometrial polyp endometrial carcinoma myomatous uterus hydrometra

endometrial carcinoma

Causes of endometrial hyperplasia include all of the following except Select one: endometrial carcinoma unopposed estrogen administration persistent anovulatory cycles polycystic ovarian disease obesity

endometrial carcinoma

Physiologic cysts of the ovary may include all of the following except: endometrial cycsts corpus luteum cysts follicular cysts theca lutein cysts

endometrial cysts

The sonographic appearance of the endometrium in the image below may be due to all of the following except (focal thickening in endometrium) Select one: endometritis focal endometrial carcinoma endometrial polyp focal endometrial hyperplasia


The abnormality in the image below is most consistent with (transverse uterus with 2 endometrium) Select one: a urogenital sinus defect Mullerian and Wolffian duct agenesis failure of Mullerian duct formation failure of Mullerian duct fusion

failure of mullerian duct fusion

Endometriosis is defined as Select one: an endometrioma of the ovary functional endometrial tissue outside the endometrium and myometrium endometrial tissue that has invaded the uterine myometrium functional endometrial tissue implanted in the fallopian tube

functional endometrial tissue outside the endometrium and myometrium

While scanning a 14-year-old patient who has not yet reached menarche, a distended vagina is seen, filled with low-level echoes. This sonographic appearance most likely represents ____, secondary to ____. Select one: urine filling vagina; pubertal incontinence hematometra; imperforate hymen Gartner's duct cyst; residual Wolffian duct hematocolpos; imperforate hymen pyocolpos; infection remnants

hematocolpos; imperforate hymen

Reasons for endometrial thickening do not include: Select one: endometrial hyperplasia endometrial cancer hydrometra endometrial polyp early pregnancy


In order to best diagnose endometrial abnormalities, at what phase of the menstrual cycle should sonography be performed? Select one: during menses immediately following cessation of menses in the secretory phase during the proliferative phase

immediately following cessation of menses

The uterine arteries is a non-gravid uterus typically demonstrates which of the following flow characteristic with Doppler interrogation? low velocity flow low resistance throughout the menstrual cycle increasing resistance with age no change in velocity or resistance at any menstrual phase

increasing resistance with age

The portion of the fallopian tube that widens and opens into the peritoneal cavity is called the: fimbriae intramural tube infundibulum isthmus


Which of the following vessels is also known as the hypogastric artery? ovarian artery external iliac artery uterine artery radial artery internal iliac artery

internal iliac artery

The portion of the fallopian tube that transverses the uterine cornu is the infundibulum ampullary tube istmic tube interstitial tube

interstitial tube

Saline infusion sonohysterography is helpful in the following image to delineate what abnormality? (Endometrium filled with Saline) Select one: an endometrial polyp endometrial hyperplasia endometrial irregularities a leiomyoma


Clinical signs of endometriosis include all of the following except Select one: dysparunia infertility chronic pain dysmenorrhea and dysuria leukocytosis


Uterine myomas may exhibit all of the following sonographic findings except Select one: calcifications in the mass extrinsic compression of the posterior urinary bladder degeneration with a central anechoic area well circumscribed, hypoechoic mass menorrhagia or alteration in normal menstrual flow

menorrhagia or alteration in normal menstrual flow (these are clinical, not sonographic findings.)

A patient presents to the emergency department complaining of a sudden onset of severe left lower quadrant pain. Sonographic imaging of the left ovary is shown below. Based on this image and the patient's symptoms, which of the following is least likely to be the diagnosis? Select one: ovarian torsion hemorrhagic ovarian cyst tubo-ovarian abscess muscinous cystadenoma

muscinous cystadenoma

Which of the following will appear as a cyst in the cervical region of the uterus? Select one: cervical carcinoma arcuate veins cervical myoma nabothian cyst Gartner duct cyst

nabothian cyst

Additional images of the kidneys and uterus may be indicated in all of the following scenarios except: a uterus didelphys is suspected the presence of uterine fibroids identification of a subseptate uterus one or both ovaries are not visualized transabdominally

one or both ovaries are not visualized transabdominally

Which of the following would least likely exhibit posterior acoustic enhancement/ increased through transmission? Select one: endometrioma parovarian cyst ovarian fibroma follicular cyst theca lutein cyst

ovarian fibroma

Which of the following types of leiomyoma is most likely to cause pain because of torsion? Select one: pedunculated interligamentous intramural cervical


Which of the following clinical findings is not associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome? Select one: polymenorrhea hirsutism obesity amenorrhea infertility


A patient who has never had a menstrual period is said to have: menopause menorrhagia secondary amenorrhea precocious puberty primary amenorrhea

primary amenorrhea

A helpful imaging technique for identifying submucosal myomas is Select one: high frequency harmonic imaging endovaginal imaging transabdominal imaging with an overdistended urinary bladder saline infusion sonohysterography

saline infusion sonohysterography

A helpful imaging technique for identifying submucosal myomas is Select one: high frequency harmonic imaging saline infusion sonohysterography transabdominal imaging with an overdistended urinary bladder endovaginal imaging

saline infusion sonohysterography

The most common type of ovarian cancer is: Select one: serous cystadenocarcinomas Krukenberg tumor endometroid mucinous cystadenocarcinoma

serous cystadenocarinomas

Solid ovarian masses include all of the following except Select one: fibromas endodermal sinus tumor serous cystadenoma granulosa tumor dysgerminoma

serous cystadenoma

A typical sonographic feature observed in women on oral contraception is: non-visualization of ovarian follicles dysfunctional uterine bleeding suppressed endometrial growth throughout the menstrual cycle hyperstimulated ovaries

suppressed endometrial growth throughout the menstrual cycle

"Tip of the iceberg" is a phrase that refers to a sonographic appearance of which ovarian mass? Select one: granulosa cell tumor teratoma muscinous cystadenoma fibroma


Fertilization most typically occurs in what portion of the fallopian tubes? the ampullary tube only in the isthmus the fimbria the interstitial tube

the ampullary tube

The calipers are delineating the left ovary in the image below. What most likely is the structure seen posterior to it? Select one: dilated loop of bowel iliac vessels an acute appendicitis the fallopian tube filled with pus

the fallopian tube filled with pus

The Mullerian ducts form all of the following pelvic structures during embryologic development except Select one: the upper vagina the cervix the uterus the ovaries the fallopian tubes

the ovaries

n the presence of a Mullerian duct anomaly, which of the following is most likely to be normal? Select one: the fallopian tube the ovaries the uterus the kidneys the cervix

the ovaries

HRT is administered to menopausal and post menopausal patients for all of the following except: to reduce risk of endometrial hyperplasia to help prevent osteoporosis to alleviate severe symptoms of menopause to reduce cardiovascular risk in patients who are considered high risk

to reduce risk of endometrial hyperplasia

All of the following women are at increased risk of developing endometrial cancer except Select one: women with a history of chronic endometriosis women with atypical endometrial hyperplasia postmenopausal women on hormone replacement therapy women who have taken Tamoxifen women with a strong family history of endometrial cancer Clear my choice

women with a history of chronic endometriosis

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