OT exam 3

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How is wisdom described in Proverbs?

- Begins with the "fear of the Lord" (9:10) - Implies turning from evil (8:13) - Requires diligence to attain (2:3,4; 8:34, 4:7) - Leads to the knowledge of God (2:5) - is full of good sense (10:5) - is just and fair (1:3) - is characterized by true discernment (2:2)

How is foolishness described in Proverbs?

- Foolishness is the opposite of wisdom - Begins with the "simple" and characterized by laziness, and thoughtlessness (8:5) - The simple can be made wise (19:25) - Foolishness is identified as stubborn, unteachable (15:5), opinionated (12:15), and rejects the fear of the Lord - The "scoffer" is opposed to God and will seek to influence others to follow his evil ways - the final end of the fool: destruction (1:32), scorned and judged by God (3:34; 19:29)

What is the specific applications for the theme of vanity in the book of Ecclesiastes?

- Life is an ADVENTURE-live by faith - Life is a GIFT-enjoy it - Life is a STEWARDSHIP-fear God

What are the 3 specific truths from song of songs?

- True Love is Protective - True Love is Worth Waiting For - True Love Never Fails

Poetical book summary: Psalms

Aspiration for communion with Christ

Poetical book summary: Job

Aspiration for meditation by Christ

Poetical book summary: Ecclesiastes

Aspiration for ultimate satisfaction

Outline of Job: CH. 1-3

Chapters 1-3, God tests Job's faithfulness through allowing Satan to attack him. Through Job's trials, all is lost including his health, his wife even tells him to curse God and commit suicide, but he remains strong and faithful

Outline of Job: CH. 4-37

Chapters 4-37, Job's friends give him plenty of bad advice. They mistakenly blame his sufferings on his personal sins rather than God testing and growing Job.

Who are the various authors of the book of Psalms? (7)

David, Moses, Solomon, Asaph, descendents of Korah, Heman the Ezrahite, and Ethan the Ezrahite

What is parallelism and what is an example of it in the poetical books?

Hebrew poetry repeats and rearranges thoughts rather than sounds. Parallelism refers "to the practice of balancing one thought or phrase by a corresponding thought or phrase containing approximately the same number of words, or at least a correspondence in ideas." Example: Psalm 29:1-2 Ascribe to the Lord, O mighty ones,ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.

Outline of Job: In the end...

In the end, Job answers God by saying, "I have declared that which I did not understand". God then blessed Job with twice as much as he had before his trials began.

The overall story of the book of Job is ... ?

Job shows a man who allows God to be attacked by Satan. He is an example of faithfulness because he loses everything important to him, but still remains faithful to God. Its purpose is to illustrate God's sovereignty and faithfulness during a time of great suffering.

What is figures of speech and what is an example of it in the poetical books?

Like the Hebrew language itself, Hebrew poetry uses vivid images, similes, metaphors, and other rhetorical devices to communicate thoughts and feelings. Example: SIMILE - Example: Psalms 1:1-3 METAPHOR: Psalm 19:12-14 HYPERBOLE - a deliberate exaggeration for effect or emphasis. Example: Psalms 6:4-7 PERSONIFICATION: Proverbs 9:1-3

What is lyrical poetry?

Originally accompanied by music on the lyre (the Psalms)

What is the purpose of Psalms?


Song of songs summary

Primarily the Song of Songs is a song of praise celebrating God's creation and what is without a doubt the crowning glory of that creation; the gift of love between a man and a woman.

Who is the author of Proverbs?


Ecclesiastes summary

The book comprises an extended reflective essay employing autobiographical narrative, proverbs, parables, and allegories. The issues with which the author deals and the questions he raises are aimed at those who would claim any absolute values in this life, including possessions, fame, success, or pleasure.

What is the summary of Job?

The book of Job is one of the most celebrated pieces of biblical literature because it is extremely well written and it explores lots of questions about humans and their lives. The book shows a lot about human suffering.

Summary of the poetical books

The books of Poetry reveal the aspiration for Christ in the hearts of the people. They aspired to a life fulfilled in Christ in both an explicit and an implicit way, both consciously and unconsciously.

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon calls himself _______ _______.

The preacher

What is dramatic poetry?

Uses dialogue to communicate message (Job & the song of Solomon)

What is didactic poetry?

Using maxims was designed to communicate basic principles of life (Psalms & Ecclesiastes)

What is the theme Ecclesiastes?


What is the key text of Ecclesiastes?

Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher,vanity of vanities! All is vanity. What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun? -Ecclesiastes 1:2-3

Solomon wrote Proverbs from the viewpoint of a _______ ________.

Wise teacher

During Solomon's reign as king, the nation of Israel reached its pinnacle ______, __________, _________, and ___________.

spiritually, politically, culturally, and economically.

What are the subjects addressed in Proverbs? (14)

- Personal conduct - Sexual relations - Business - Wealth - Charity - Ambition - Discipline - Debt - Child-rearing - Character - Alcohol - Politics - Revenge - Godliness

What are the 5 books of the Psalms?

- Psalms 1-41 (book 1) - Psalms 42-72 (book 2) - Psalms 73-89 (book 3) - Psalms 90-106 (book 4) - Psalms 107-150 (book 5)

What are the key implications of Ecclesiastes?

1) Conviction results in conduct that produces character: When we have a conviction that God exists, and we live under His loving authority, our conduct should be obedience to His will 2) Dethroning God is to lose the key to life: We may pursue many human endeavors, but all we will find is vanity, the lack of ultimate fulfillment. On the other hand if we enthrone God, we will enter into the fullness of life.

What are the 3 major revelations in Ecclesiastes?

1) Ecclesiastes reveals that every human endeavor lacks ultimate value. 2) People should live life in the fear of God and enjoy life as much as they can. 3) True wisdom is living life in recognition of God.

What are the reasons Job is placed in the patriarchs. (7 reasons)

1) His age put him in the time of the partiarchs 2) The description of Jobs friends and foes point out that he was a contemporary of Jacob and his sons, when Ishmael's twelve sons already had become princes 3) Jobs profession and living conditions place him among the nomads, like Ishmael 4) His residence was in the East 5) He had a clear monotheistic worldview and strong faith, that fits with Abraham and Ishmael 6) The blessings on him as a non-Jew are in line with God's promise to Ishmael 7) The image of the wild donkey that God used to describe Ishmael

What books comprise the poetical material in the poetical books?

1) Job 2) Psalms 3) Proverbs 4) Ecclesiastes 5) Song of Solomon

What are the themes and theology in Proverbs?

1) Learn from those who have gone before you 2) Humility 3) God's Word is applicable to life 4) God is concerned with every aspect of our lives

What are the 3 kinds of Hebrew poetry?

1) Lyrical poetry 2) Didactic poetry 3) Dramatic poetry

What are the 9 types of Psalms?

1) Messianic 2) Lament 3) Testimonial 4) Pilgrim 5) Imprecatory 6) Penitential 7) Wisdom 8) Historical 9) Nature

What are the 2 key elements of Hebrew poetry?

1) Parallelism 2) Figures of speech

What are the values of the Psalms?

1) Prayer is a mans communion with God 2) Praise is men's longing for God 3) The Psalms have a distinct place in Christian liturgy 4) The Psalms inspire the believer 5) The Psalms reflect the faith experience of God's people before the coming of Christ 6) God addresses both the individual and the community 7) The value of the Psalms lies in their connection between the OT and the NT

What are the 6 scenes of Song of Songs?

1) Scene 1 takes place in the King's inner rooms (1:4). Here the young woman is thinking about her beloved shepherd. 2) Scene 2 starts in chapter 3 on the young woman's bed that is at her mother's house (3:1). In this scene, she dreams of looking for her beloved one in the city streets at night. She searches asking the city guards for her beloved. 3)Scene 3 presents Solomon's entrance into Jerusalem (3:11). Here the chorus describes Solomon to "the daughters of Jerusalem" speaking in 3:6-11 4) Scene 4 presents the woman dreaming of her marriage (ch. 5). She dreams of her beloved coming to the door, but she hesitates and she goes to the door but her beloved shepherd is gone. Again, she goes and looks for him in her dreams. This time she asks the guards again, but they beat her, which may be a metaphor for stopping her from finding her beloved. She no longer has favor with them. Even the daughters of Jerusalem do not care. 5) Scene 5 where the king tries to persuade the young woman (6-7). They speak to the woman to come to them (6:4-13). This is where she receives the name Shulamite, "Return, return, O Shulamite; Return, return, that we may look upon you!" The young woman replied "What shall you see in the Shulamite? She comes as a company of the camps." (6:13, 7:1). See, she is not one of Solomon's brides. After this, again Solomon tries to charm her again. 6) Scene 6, the young woman comes with her beloved to the country town in chapter 8. The village sees that she has returned with her beloved and not the king. The chorus says in Song of Solomon 8:5a, "Who is this coming up from the wilderness, Leaning upon her beloved?" The young woman gives advice to the village about raising their daughters. Then she and her beloved go away together.

What are the 3 primary periods of poetic literature?

1) The Patriarchal period 2) The Davidic period 3) The Solomonic period

What are the 5 applications from Song of Songs?

1) The Song of Solomon is about true love and choosing the right mate. 2) The Song of Songs is about waiting for love. 3) Solomon's Song is about teaching our young women and men about what is most important about marriage. 4) The Song of Songs is about understanding the affection of your spouse 5:2-6 5) It is important to remember when love was a fiery passion. The whole book reflects youthful love to those whose love has grown cold.

6 important concepts from Job

1) There are matters going on in heaven with God that believers know nothing about, yet affect their lives 2) Even the best effort at explaining the issues of life can be useless 3) God's people do suffer. 4) Even though God seems far off, one can safely surrender his / her life into His Hands 5) The believer in the midst of suffering should not abandon God 6) Suffering may be intense, but it will end for the righteous

5 purposes of Proverbs.

1) To know wisdom and instruction 2) To perceive the words of understanding 3) To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity 4) To give subtilty (wiseness) to the simple 5) To give the young man knowledge and discretion.

How many times is the word "vanity" used in Ecclesiastes?


When was Proverbs written?

950 BC

Poetical book summary: Song of Solomon

Aspiration for union in love with Christ

Poetical book summary: Proverbs

Aspiration for wisdom in Christ

Outline of Job: CH. 38-42

Chapters 38-42, God speaks to Job and restores him. God knows that Job has received incorrect guidance from his friends. God fittingly declares that humans do not know everything. Then He humbles Job by asking a series of questions that could never be answered by anyone other than Almighty God. God then brings him to an understanding that believers don't always know what God is doing in their lives

Who wrote Ecclesiastes

King Solomon

What books did Solomon write?

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon

Song of Songs from the viewpoint of a ______ ______.

Royal lover

Proverbs summary

There is no particular plot or storyline found in its pages, therefore it is hard to summarize. It is Wisdom that takes centre stage. The book reveals that the concise sayings of the wise King Solomon are as relevant today as they were some three thousand years ago.

What is the message of song of songs?

This song teaches us the divine model of human love. Love and marriage are blessings for man to brighten his gloomy life (Ecclesiastes 9:9). Human and sexual love, in marriage, are pure and beautiful creations of God (Hebrews 13:4). Married couples need to express their love and appreciation for one another.

What is the purpose of song of songs?

To instruct wisdom students on the power of love

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