pe 150 final

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A rise in body temperature that occurs when invading pathogens secrete toxins is a(n)


A set fee that an insurance plan requires that patients pay at the time of service (per office visit or prescription) is the


A substance that triggers an immune response is a(n)


A surgical sterilization procedure that involves cutting the vas deferens is a(n)

have the potential to produce a positive mood change

Addictive substances and behaviors

complementary proteins

Alicia doesn't eat meat, fish, milk, yogurt, cheese, or eggs. She is making her shopping list for the week and wants to make sure that she buys beans, nuts, grains, and seeds to meet her protein needs. Combining two or more of these plant sources in a meal will provide her with


All of the following are examples of resources that reduce carbon emissions EXCEPT

going to work while sick as long as you take medication

All of the following are recommended for avoiding contracting or spreading a respiratory infection EXCEPT:

high carrying capacity of the Earth

All the following are consequences of population growth except

genetic diseases

All the following causes of death are linked to modifiable lifestyle behaviors EXCEPT

prescription drugs

Among American adults, the second most commonly abused type of drug, after marijuana, is

offers protection from pregnancy for 3 - 12 years


have sex only with a partner who has texted negative for STIs

An effective way to protect yourself from STIs is to

four or more drinks for females or five or more drinks for males in about 2 hours

Binge drinking is defined for the typical adult as

empty calories

Calories from saturated fats and/or added sugars in foods that have little or no nutritional value, such as sausages and ice cream, are called

short-term energy

Carbohydrates are used by the body primarily for

a shift in patterns of temperature, precipitation, and frequency of catastrophic storms

Climate change is

increasingly extreme swings in precipitation levels of the last three decades

Climate change is evidenced by which of the following?

influence his or her health status.

Determinants of health are a range of factors in a person's life that


Disease causing agents are called

slows alcohol absorption

Eating food when drinking alcohol

sustainable development

Economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations is called

metabolic rate

Exercise helps with weight control by increasing the body's

the time of the day alcohol is consumed

Factors affecting alcohol absorption include all the following except


Fertility is a person's ability to

a significant source of carbon emissions

Fossil fuels are


Health and wellness are best described as:

includes policies, programs, and financial support for initiatives that promote health.

Health promotion

improve the quality of life and years of life for all Americans.

Healthy People 2020 is a plan designed to

coinsurance amount

If an insurance policy covers 90% of your total medical bills, the remaining 10% of that you must pay is your

using the emergency room for your routine Healthcare

If you are concerned about the cost of healthcare, which of the following practices should you avoid?

physically fit

If you can perform regular moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity without excessive fatigue, you are considered to be

Eat shortly before you go and alternate alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks

If you know you will be at an event where alcohol will be served, what can you do to drink responsibly?


In a 2016 survey, what percentage of college students said they had no health insurance?


In a fitness program, lifting an amount of weight that is moderately greater than what you are accustomed to is an example of


Lisa is aware that her best friend, Kim, has a drinking problem. Lisa continually makes excuses for her and often completes Kim's homework to protect her from flunking out of school. Lisa's behavior is an example of

trace minerals

Minerals that the body needs in very small amounts are


Missy is motivated to lose weight. She has begun taking a 30-minute walk every morning, has worked with a nutrition counselor to design a new diet, and on Monday will begin following new eating plan. According to the transtheoretical model of behavior change, Missy is in a stage of

amino acids

Molecules that are the building blocks of protein are

reduce consumption of fossil fuels

Most experts agree that a key step in slowing climate change is to

both tolerance and withdrawal

People with a physiological dependence on a substance, such as an addictive drug, will experience

their own actions.

People with an internal locus of control believe that events turn out as they do based on


Potent and essential organic compounds that promote growth and help to maintain life and health are

They enhance, suppress, or interfere with the actions of neurotransmitters

Psychoactive drugs have which type of effect on the body


Regular aerobic exercise can reduce which type of cholesterol, known as "bad cholesterol"?

heart, lungs, and blood vessels

Regular aerobic exercise improves the

darkness and moisture

STI pathogens prefer

checking your blood pressure

Self-care can include

avoiding medication and taking a "tough it out approach" to illness

Self-care involves all the following except

back, abdomen, and hips

The body's core muscles are the muscles of the

a pandemic

The bubonic plague is an example of

the achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions

The contemporary definition of wellness is:


The excessive use of a drug is

life expectancy

The expected number of years of life remaining at a given age, such as at birth, is known as:


The fertilization of an ovum by a sperm is

responsible for increasing the average temperature of the Earth by about 8ºF over the last century

The greenhouse effect is


The virus responsible for causing genital warts is

process that occurs in stages.

To successfully change a behavior, a person must recognize that change is a(n)

free weights, weight machines, or your own body weight

Training for muscular resistance can be done using any of the following three methods:

fertility awareness

Which form of birth control involves alteration of sexual behavior during certain times of the month?

trans fats

Which form of fat poses high risks for heart diseases and cardiac-related death?

It is more psychological than physiological

Which of the following BEST describes appetite?


Which of the following countries has the largest population?

body image

Which of the following is NOT a major health-related component of physical fitness?

oral contraceptives

Which of the following is NOT an example of a barrier method of birth control?

They can be used with baby oil and body lotions as lubricants

Which of the following is NOT true about male condoms?

calories are a unit of measure of the energy obtained from food

Which of the following is TRUE about calories?

Multiple brands are available over the counter with no age restrictions

Which of the following is TRUE about emergency contraceptive pills?

They can be abused

Which of the following is TRUE about over-the-counter drugs?

stress, anxiety, and sleep difficulties

Which of the following were cited by college students in a national survey as major impediments to performing well academically?

counting the number of repeated sit-ups

Which of the following would assess muscular endurance?

It forms tar, which is a thick, brownish slug

Which statement BEST summarizes what happens when particulate matter condenses in the lungs?


Which substance protect against oxidative stress and the resultant cell damage?

blood clots and hypertension

Women who use oral contraceptives also smoke are a higher risk of

nutritional status

You want to decrease your risk of developing an infectious disease. Which of the following factors is within your individual control?


A 20 year old female with a BMI of 34 would be categorized as

has a body mass index of 30 or higher

A 26 year old male would be considered obese if he

.05 to .07%

A driver is "usually impaired" at a blood alcohol concentration of

chew slowly, talk to friends, and put down your fork between bites

A good way to control portion sizes

carbon dioxide

Air pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act include all the following

fetal alcohol syndrome

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can cause significant brain damage and other impairments in the fetus; this condition is known as


Approximately what percentage of Americans aged 25 to 34 have no health insurance?

the constituents in food that the body requires to function properly

Nutrients are

more than 40% higher healthcare costs as compared to non-obese populations

Obesity is responsible for

does not account for varying levels of muscle mass

One problem with the BMI measurement is that it

women have less water in their tissues than men

One reason that the effects of alcohol are different for women and men is that

12 oz of beer or 1.5 oz of 80-proof liquor

One standard drink equals

females and young people age 15 to 24

Sexually transmitted infections disproportionately affect


The body converts all forms of simple sugars into which of the following substances to provide energy to cells?


The health insurance program jointly funded by the states in the federal government that provides coverage for low-income individuals and Families

tubal ligation

Which of the following is a female sterilization procedure that involves tying off or cauterizing certain structures of the reproductive system?


Which of the following is the most energy-dense source of calories in the human diet?

between 1988 and 2008, detectable levels of nicotine exposure in non-smokers decreased

Which of the following is true about environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)?

Chance of heart attack decreases

Which of the following occurs within 24 hours of quitting smoking?


Which of the following play a role in developing and repairing bone, muscle, skin, and blood cells?

non-Hispanic black women

Which of the following populations in the United States has the highest prevalence of overweight or obesity?


Which of the following provides a ready source of energy for daily activities?

learned behavioral tolerance

After a night of heavy drinking, John still appears sober while his friends are obviously intoxicated. It is likely that John has developed


Approximately what percentage of Americans consume alcoholic beverages regularly?

nearly 50%

Approximately what percentage of Americans currently use one or more prescription drugs?

increase by 2 to 3 billion people

As compared today, by the year 2050, the world's population is expected to


James is no longer able to feel the same effect from his drug of choice with his regular dose; he needs to increase the amount of the drug to feel the desired effect. This demonstrates

They impede her progress toward high-level wellness.

Jane is sedentary and obese. What effect, if any, do these factors have on her health?


Kevin wants to lose 5 pounds of fat. He finds it difficult to cut back on his eating, so he decides that he will walk an hour each day to burn more calories. How many extra calories must he expend to lose a pound of fat


Most private health insurance plans require the patient to pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the

carbon monoxide

Motor vehicle exhaust in kerosene and wood burning stoves are sources of which odorless, colorless gas that also contributes to the formation of smog?

lower life expectancy

Regular physical activity has been linked to all of the following EXCEPT

Increased by 50%

Since 1980, the percentage of the global population that is obese has

having a sense of meaning and purpose in one's life

Spiritual health can best be described as

using over-the-counter medications to treat a sudden, serious illnes

Taking responsibility for your health care includes all the following except

establish a national single-payer healthcare system

The 2010 patient protection and Affordable Care Act was designed to do all the following except

both boys and girls beginning at age 11

The CDC recommends HPV vaccination for

intellectual health

The ability to think clearly, analyze information, and use one's mental capacity to meet life's challenges is known as


The achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions is


The amount of effort needed during a workout to improve some aspect of fitness is exercise

muscular strength

The amount of force that a muscle is capable of exerting is referred to as

biology, environment, and lifestyle

The high rate of overweight and obesity among Americans is due to

high HDL and low LDL

The ideal cholesterol ratio for an individual would include


The main site of alcohol metabolism is the

basal metabolic rate

The minimum amount of energy the body uses to maintain vital functions is known as the

medical model

The model of health that is concerned with curing disease affecting a particular tissue or organ is the

in the stratosphere and protects the planet from UVB radiation

The ozone layer is


The range of motion that a joint or series of joints can achieve is

blood alcohol concentration

The ratio of alcohol to total blood volume is the

body composition

The relative proportions and distribution of fat and lean tissue throughout the body is its

primary syphilis

The stage of syphilis that is characterized by a bacteria-filled chancre is

male condoms and birth control pills

The two contraceptive methods most commonly used by college students are

human error

The typical-use failure rate for a contraception method takes into account which of the following


The various methods used to prevent conception are known as

physical activity

Walking to class or up a flight of stairs would be examples of

frequency, intensity, time, and type

What are the components of the FITT principle that apply to all types of exercise?


What is the percentage of alcohol in 100 proof whiskey?

50 - 70%

What percentage of a person's body weight is water?

more than 30 percent but less than 40 percent

What percentage of adult Americans are obese?


What type of proteins contain all nine essential amino acids?

Maria should go to the clinic to get tested for gonorrhea and treated if she has it

When Maria's boyfriend returned from the health clinic, he told her he had been diagnosed with gonorrhea. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

able to converse with someone

When doing some form of aerobic exercise, you are at a moderate level of intensity when you are

trans fatty acids are produced

When liquid oils are hydrogenated,


When the body is invaded by antigens, the immune system forms substances called:


Which STI occurs in stages over a period of years?


Which compound that was formerly used in building materials such as insulation has been found to be the cause of certain cancers and lung diseases?

Easy access to high-calorie foods in stores and restaurants

Which environmental factor encourages us to increase our food consumption?

warm up

Which of the following components of an exercise session prepares the body physically and mentally?

It is a percentage of your maximum heart rate

Which of the following is TRUE about target heart rate?

certain genes might influence obesity by altering regulation of a hormone called ghrelin

Which of the following is TRUE with respect to genetics and obesity?

Reduce my weekend alcohol consumption from 4 or more drinks per night to no more than 3 drinks per night.

Which of the following is an example of a SMART goal?


Which of the following is defined as planned, structured, and repetitive body movement?

Sterilization is a permanent form of birth control achieved through surgical means

Which of the following is true about sterilization?

they allow people to save money tax-free for health care cost

Which of the following is true with respect to Health Care spending accounts (FSAs or HSAs)?

contraceptive foam

Which of the following lubricants is safe to use with a condom?

people with internet addiction tend to have lower grades and poorer job performance than others who are not addicted

Which of the following statements about Internet addiction is true?

Female college students' alcohol consumption is close to that of male college students

Which of the following statements about college drinking is true?

Smoking has decreased among college students during the past decade

Which of the following statements about college students and tobacco use is true?

food waste is the largest source of US municipal solid waste

Which of the following statements about food waste is TRUE?

it is a powerful Central Nervous system stimulant

Which of the following statements about nicotine is true?

set point theory

Which theory holds that our bodies fight to maintain our weight within a particular narrow range?


Which type of exercise is BEST for improving cardiorespiratory fitness?

artificially acquired active immunity

Which type of immunity occurs when antibodies develop in response to a vaccine?

naturally acquired active immunity

Which type of immunity occurs when antibodies develop in response to exposure to antigens encountered in the course of daily life?

feel and express emotions appropriately.

Emotional health can best be described as being able to

greenhouse gases

Gases that accumulate in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming by trapping heat near Earth's surface are

sharing food utensils with an infected person

HIV can potentially be transmitted through all the of the following except sharing food utensils with an infected person

risk behavior

Having unprotected sex is considered a


High blood levels of this type of cholesterol appear to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, or cholesterol-clogged arteries

4 hours

How long does it take for the average adult to metabolize four 12-ounce beers?


In a fitness program, the slogan "use it or lose it" applies to which principle?

one repetition maximum (1RM)

In strength training, which of the following represents the amount of weight or resistance that can be moved only once?

the enhanced greenhouse effect

Increases in the planet's temperature over the past few decades can be attributed to


Influenza outbreaks that affect 5-20% of the US population each year are an example of a(n)

have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes

A high waist circumference-to-hip ratio would indicate that you

air quality index

A measure of how clean are polluted the air in a given region is on a particular day is the


A payment made to an insurance company usually on a monthly basis to cover the cost of an insurance policy is the

reduced chance of injury

A person with strong core muscles has a more stable center of gravity and

pre-existing condition

Before the Affordable Care Act, if you had a history of back problems and needed health insurance, is unlikely that your new insurance plan would cover any treatment related to your back problems until the policy had been in effect for a. Of time your back problem was considered an

include the United States

Countries with the largest per capita "ecological footprint"

exercise addiction

David spends four hours a day lifting weights and is at the point of obsession about his fitness routine to the extend that he will miss classes and outings with friends so he can go to the gym. He most likely suffers from which of the following disorders?

infertility and other complications

Delay in seeking medical care for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) increases the risk of permanent damage and scarring that can lead to

all dimensions of her health

Eve is always upset about something, and it seems that she is never really happy. Her mental outlook is likely to adversely affect

burning off the byproducts of metabolism

Exercise can improve mental health by

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