Performance Appraisal Rating Errors

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Frame of Reference Error

Supervisor compares an employee's performance to the rater's own personal standards for that job. Leniency or severity error? Sampling Error? Frame of reference error? Central Tendency?

Personal Bias

Supervisor display their personal bias in the performance appraisal process due to race, religion, gender, disability, or age. Halo and Horn effect? Contrast Effect? Personal Bias? Recency Error?

Sampling Error

Supervisor has seen only a small sample of an employee's work. Leniency or severity error? Sampling Error? Frame of reference error? Central Tendency?

Halo and Horn Effect

Tendency to think of AN individual in general as good or bad. Supervisor allows the employee's performance on one aspect of the job to influence an overall evaluation of other aspects of the job. Halo and Horn effect? Contrast Effect? Frame of reference error? Central Tendency?

Central Tendency

Tends to rate all people as average, even when the performance actually varies. Halo and Horn effect? Contrast Effect? Personal Bias? Central Tendency?

Leniency or Severity Error

To avoid conflict, an evaluator rates ALL employees higher than they deserve to be rated. Severity is when employer rates all employees "below expectations" because of unrealistic standards or selective perception. Recency Error? Leniency or severity error? Sampling Error? Frame of reference error?

Recency Error

When a supervisor evaluates performance based on recent incidents rather than on those occurring throughout the evaluation period. Opposite is Primacy effect, info received first in the evaluation period receives the most weight. Personal Bias? Recency Error? Leniency or severity error? Sampling Error?

Contrast Effect

When supervisor compares employees to one another rather than to an established standard based on the performance expectations of the job. To correct this, specific performance criteria and systems are needed to help all supervisors understand the standards and their applications. Halo and Horn effect? Contrast Effect? Personal Bias? Recency Error?

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