Period 8 Review

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Which of the following factors most directly contributed to the economic trend that Patterson describes? A A surge in the national birthrate B The expansion of voting rights for African Americans C Challenges to conformity raised by intellectuals and artists D The gradual emergence of détente with the Soviet Union


The events described in the excerpt contributed most directly to the A desegregation of the armed services B ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution C passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 D Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka


An important way in which the situation described in the excerpt was significant was that it A highlighted a view of communism as an authoritarian threat B celebrated the Allies' victory over the Axis powers in the Second World War C suggested concerns about communist subversion in the United States D encouraged direct military confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union


In which of the following ways did public attitudes toward the Civil Rights movement change as a result of sentiments such as those expressed in the excerpt? A White approval declined as a result of the perception that aggressive policies like those of the Black Panthers resulted in urban unrest. B Liberal feminists adopted the tactics of the Black Panthers in order to increase the influence of their movement. C Young people increasingly rejected the platform of the Black Panthers in favor of nonviolent tactics. D The federal government responded by enacting social welfare programs favored by the Black Panthers.


Malcolm X's statement suggests that he strongly agreed with A radical leftist movements B conservation movements C the youth counterculture D the sexual revolution


Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X shared the view that A the movement for Black advancement in the United States was part of a global process of social change B it was desirable to work for the desegregation of public facilities C violence was a necessary part of the movement for Black social and political advancement D using the courts to challenge the constitutionality of barriers to Black advancement was not a useful strategy


Mexican American activism in the 1950s and 1960s was most directly inspired by which of the following? A The tactics and goals of the African American Civil Rights movement B The emergence of evangelical Christian political activism C The arguments made by conservatives about the role of the federal government D The public reaction against antiwar protesters


The Kerner Commission would most likely have attributed the "disorders" mentioned in the excerpt to A high levels of unemployment among African Americans B the failure to pass civil rights legislation C the influence of a delinquent subculture D urban police forces' failure to reduce the high crime rates


The advertisement best provides evidence for which of the following developments in the 1950s? A The increase in homogeneity in postwar society B The efforts by civil rights activists to oppose segregation C The rejection by some artists and intellectuals of mass culture D The spread of fear of communist infiltration of the federal government


The image most directly illustrates a United States foreign policy that emphasized A stopping the spread of communism in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East B containing communism in Eastern Europe C placing greater importance on human rights D supporting the Non-Aligned Movement among Middle Eastern and Asian countries


What did SDS have most in common with the youth counterculture of the 1960s? A A rejection of many of the values of their parents' generation B A commitment to reforming society through direct political action C A desire to remove themselves from mainstream society and experiment with drugs D A determination to establish gender equality throughout the United States


Which of the following best explains a limitation of the incentives expressed in the advertisement? A Many new suburban housing developments of the 1950s practiced racial segregation. B Many middle-class families could not afford to buy homes in new suburban developments in the 1950s. C Many new suburban housing developments of the 1950s restricted access by age. D Many middle-class families preferred to live in cities in the 1950s.


Which of the following developments best explains the passage of the excerpted law? A Presidents deepened United States military engagement in Vietnam without a declaration of war. B Congress objected to the measures used by presidents to enforce the desegregation of schools. C Counterculture leaders argued for expansion of presidential powers to uncover communist infiltrators. D African American leaders criticized the violence inflicted on peaceful civil rights protesters in the South.


Which of the following examples best supports the Kerner Commission's argument that two separate societies were emerging in the United States? A The movement of many families to the suburbs B The emergence of a youth culture C The arrival of new immigrants from around the world D The existence of racial segregation in the military


Which of the following statements about the emergence of rock and roll music as a part of 1950's popular culture in the United States is true? A It relied heavily on Black musical traditions. B It adopted many of the big band tunes of the 1940's. C It was a spin-off from British popular music of the time. D It was the first popular music broadcast nationally on radio. E It had little appeal in the South and West.


Whyte's concern in the excerpt for "the pressures of the group, the frustrations of individual creativity" best provides evidence for which of the following developments in the 1950s? A The emphasis on conformity in suburban communities B The expansion of higher education opportunities for war veterans C The creation of international alliances to oppose Soviet expansion D The investigations of supposed communists in the federal government


Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech helped mark the beginning of which of the following developments? A The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union B United States efforts to counteract Soviet influence by sending troops into Eastern Europe C United States campaigns to support democratic movements in Latin America D Soviet Union efforts to extend its influence into the countries of Western Europe


At the time the excerpts were written, Martin Luther King, Jr., disagreed with Malcolm X in that King believed that A confrontation would be an effective means of achieving change B the most desirable outcome of Civil Rights activism would be equal rights and racial integration C Civil Rights activism has its roots in earlier historical patterns D moderation and conciliation would hamper African Americans from gaining civil rights


Carson's argument in the excerpt most strongly influenced the A rise of a counterculture among young people B passage of new laws to reduce pollution C establishment of the National Park System D growing number of farmers in the United States


Many of the federal policies and initiatives passed in the 1960s address which of the following about the economic trend described in the excerpt? A Affluence had effectively eliminated racial discrimination. B Pockets of poverty persisted despite overall affluence. C A rising standard of living encouraged unionization of industrial workers. D Private industry boomed in spite of a declining rate of federal spending.


The excerpt could best be used as evidence by historians studying which of the following? A The expansion of suburbs B The decline of the Red Scare C The emergence of the Soviet Union D The development of a counterculture movement


The excerpts best support which of the following arguments about postwar United States foreign policy? A Some Americans called for the United States to reduce tensions with the Soviet Union. B Fear of Soviet expansion led to greater United States international involvement. C The United States sought to recolonize countries that had gained independence. D Many Americans opposed the creation of new alliances in Europe.


The ideas expressed in the advertisement overlook which of the following contexts that allowed for the expansion of new suburban housing developments in the 1950s? A The sharp increase in birth rates after the war B The reliance on new roads and highways C The growth of income for middle-class families D The appeal of modern amenities to consumers


The image most closely reflects which of the following developments in the political climate in the United States? A Declining public support for fighting communism in developing countries B A growing public debate over the merits and rationale for the Vietnam War C A growing public realization that the United States was unlikely to achieve a clear victory in the Vietnam War D A renewed public commitment to the containment of communism


The political climate during McCarthy's era had the most in common with which of the following? A The efforts to limit immigrants' political and economic power in the 1840s and 1850s B The attacks on radicals and immigrants following the First World War C The isolationism in United States foreign policy during the 1930s D The decline in public confidence and trust in government in the 1970s


The sentiments expressed in the excerpt are best explained in connection to which of the following broader developments during the period? A Rising influence of evangelical Christian political organizations B A widening political and cultural gap between young people and earlier generations C Growing support for suburbanization and for having large, nuclear families D Increasing calls for the United States to take a more aggressive stance against immigration


The situation depicted in the cartoon came into existence as a result of the pursuit of which of the following policy goals? A Decolonization in Asia B Containment of communism C Détente with China and the Soviet Union D Nuclear supremacy


What conclusions about school segregation in 1954 can be drawn from the map above? A Only the states that made up the old Confederacy still practiced segregation in public schools. B School segregation was a national problem, not one confined to a single region. C Every state in the Union had local laws outlining positions on school segregation. D States with the smallest populations generally supported school segregation. E Northern states were free of segregation of any kind by 1954.


Which of the following United States actions most directly resulted from the goals expressed in the excerpt? A Passage of new immigration laws B Intervention in the conflict in Korea C Application of federal power to try to end poverty D Investigations to find communist subversives in government jobs


Which of the following best describes an interpretation of the overall trend in the graph of United States crude oil consumption between 1950 and 1980 ? A The United States domestic production of crude oil increased in this period. B The United States became more dependent on imports of crude oil in this period. C United States usage of crude oil became more efficient in this period. D The United States had a consistently increasing supply of crude oil imports in this period.


Which of the following developments contributed most directly to the conditions described in the excerpt? A The erosion of soil on the Great Plains B The growth of suburban housing on previously undeveloped land C The increase in government regulation of natural resources D The growth of higher education


Which of the following political debates in the twentieth century best explains the goal of the act to "fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution"? A The debate over restricting civil liberties in wartime B The debate over the expansion of executive authority C The debate over the extension of individual rights to new groups D The debate over the role of the federal government in the economy


Which of the following post-1945 developments contributed most strongly to the discomfort that members of SDS felt? A The efforts of Congress to adopt legislation to deal with domestic social problems B The disillusionment with United States domestic values and Cold War events C The Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision on school desegregation D The support for collective security through international organizations


Which of the following was a reason for the patterns depicted on the map? A States and counties in the Deep South responded more favorably to the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka ruling than did those in the Upper South and Texas. B Many counties and states actively resisted implementing the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. C Economic difference among states and counties created unintentional racial segregation in schools. D The Civil Rights movement focused more on desegregating public transportation than desegregating schools.


Whyte's discussion about the "issue of individualism" best serves as evidence for the responses to which of following situations in the 1950s? A The protests of civil rights activists against segregation B The rejection of mass culture by some artists and intellectuals C The refusal of some military draftees to serve in the Vietnam War D The opposition of a new conservative movement to postwar liberalism


A key significance of Churchill's purpose in the excerpt was that it helped prompt the United States to A promise financial aid to veterans returning from the Second World War, promoting economic growth B eliminate many earlier barriers to immigration, allowing postwar refugees to enter the country C provide financial support to democratic nations in Western Europe to help restore a market economy D restrict the power of labor unions in the United States to help protect the country from communist influence


According to the graph above, the largest decrease in the percent of Americans living below the poverty line accompanied which of the following federal policy initiatives? A The New Deal B The Fair Deal C The Great Society D Supply-side economics E Welfare to Work


Accounts of North Vietnamese torpedo-boat attacks on United States destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin during the summer of 1964 were used to justify which of the following United States actions in Vietnam? A Delivery of a formal diplomatic protest to Hanoi B Discontinuation of American naval involvement C Escalation of the American war effort D Withdrawal of all American military advisers E Introduction of the Vietnamization program


In response to the situation depicted in the map, most civil rights leaders in the 1960s did which of the following? A Focused their direct activism in the North and the Upper South B Abandoned legal strategies because they had been ineffective in desegregating schools C Urged stronger federal action to compel states to enforce civil rights protections D Adopted a militant platform centered on separatism and Black Power


One significant result of the economic trend described in the excerpt was the A rise of the sexual revolution in the United States B decrease in the number of immigrants seeking entry to the United States C rise of the Sun Belt as a political and economic force D decrease in the number of women in the workforce


Rhetoric in the excerpt would most likely have been interpreted as promoting which of the following policies? A Preventing members of the Communist Party from running for office B Supporting regimes in Korea and Vietnam against communist influence C Rejecting tactics used to expose alleged communists in the government D Establishing the diplomatic strategy of détente with communist nations


The 1950s picture above shows what some social critics believed to be A the cause of decreased agricultural production B tangible evidence of the strength of the nation's largest cities C a representation of the conformity of postwar culture D the end of social and economic differentiation in housing E a sign that Americans were becoming more tolerant of cultural differences


The events that led to the Kerner Commission report most directly contributed to A the emergence of protests against the Vietnam War B women's demands for equal rights C conservative calls for a new emphasis on law and order D the decline of union membership in manufacturing industries


The historical development described in the excerpt can best be explained by which of the following related developments? A The decrease in the number of people going to colleges and universities B The creation of a movement to stop federal desegregation efforts C The persistence of economic and racial disparity in the United States D The reduced concern about the threat of Soviet influence in the United States


The opinions expressed in the excerpt are most similar to those of the American Indian Movement in that both groups A believed that the United States should not be involved in foreign wars or other entanglements B asserted that state and local governments should have more power than the United States government C argued that the United States had a responsibility to provide compensation for past injustices D claimed that the United States had a responsibility to enact laws to limit environmental pollution


The policies expressed in the excerpt contributed most directly to debates in the United States about the A response to decolonization B role of the president in setting foreign policy C best means to combat communism D mass mobilization of civilian resources


The sentiments expressed in the excerpt best reflect which of the following divisions within the Civil Rights movement? A Optimism among White people in the United States that racial discrimination was being eliminated B Growing support among young activists in the Civil Rights movement for nonviolent protest C Frustrations among Civil Rights activists that social and political change was not occurring fast enough D Tensions within the federal government over the best way to combat communist influence in Civil Rights movements


The situation depicted in the map had the most in common with which of the following earlier processes? A Patterns of residential segregation in the antebellum South B Sectional conflict between the North and the South during the mid-nineteenth century C Federal attempts to guarantee rights for formerly enslaved people during Reconstruction D African American migration patterns during and after the First World War


Which of the following best describes a difference between Eisenhower's and Kennedy's arguments in the excerpts? A Eisenhower believed that the United States should invade communist countries, while Kennedy believed that the United States should establish peaceful relations with communist countries. B Eisenhower claimed that communism posed no threat to the United States, while Kennedy claimed that communism was a danger to the United States. C Kennedy called for an increase in spending on national defense, while Eisenhower cautioned against the effect of defense spending on democratic government. D Kennedy asserted that overseas allies were dispensable in the fight against communism, while Eisenhower warned that overseas allies were necessary to oppose communist aggression.


Which of the following describes the trend in crude oil imports to the United States between 1970 and 1980 as depicted in the graph? A Crude oil imports declined to over 3 billion barrels in 1980. B Crude oil imports rose steadily to half a billion barrels in 1980. C Crude oil imports rose rapidly and then declined to about 2 billion barrels in 1980. D Crude oil imports declined rapidly to zero before recovering to 2.5 billion barrels in 1980.


Which of the following statements is correct about the rise of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy to national prominence? A He was the first Republican to emphasize the dangers of communism at home and abroad. B His careful investigations led to the conviction of hundreds of active subversives to whom the Truman administration had turned a blind eye. C He effectively played on the fears of Americans that communists had infiltrated the State Department and other federal agencies. D He used the televised Army-McCarthy hearings to his advantage. E He received strong support from president Eisenhower.


Which of the following statements would best describe the point being made in the cartoon above about Richard Nixon's administration? A In order for integration policies to work, Nixon needed to pick up the support of the silent majority. B The Nixon administration was arguing that integration was no longer a relevant policy. C Nixon was reversing progress toward integration made in the 1960s. D Nixon needed to attract more Black votes in order to move forward in civil rights. E Nixon supported busing as a means to integration.


Which of the following was a key difference between the Korean War and the Vietnam War? A The chances of a direct military clash between the United States and the Soviet Union was greater in the Vietnam War. B United States leaders could more easily argue that communist aggression led to the Vietnam War. C Public opposition was more significant for the Vietnam War than for the Korean War. D The press was more adversarial toward United States policy during the Korean War.


In noting that he had "yet to engage in a direct-action campaign that was 'well timed,'" Martin Luther King, Jr., was most likely arguing against A African American activists who asserted that King's tactics were taking too long to produce results B Civil Rights activists who believed that more thought should be given to the precise timing of boycotts, demonstrations, and direct actions C environmental activists who believed that the struggle for more effective conservation measures should take precedence over the Civil Rights movement D White Americans who argued that African Americans should be more patient and that civil rights should not be brought about by civil disobedience tactics


McCarthy's accusations in the excerpt best reflect which of the following? A Support for seeking new Cold War allies among nonaligned nations B Resistance to efforts to achieve racial desegregation C Ideological concerns over United States involvement in the Middle East D Anxieties about Soviet influence at home and abroad


SDS best exemplifies which of the following? A The success of the Civil Rights movement in achieving greater racial integration B The development of new concerns about environmental pollution and the overuse of natural resources C The increased influence of conservatives who opposed expansive social welfare policies and higher taxes D The emergence of radical groups claiming that liberals were doing too little to address racial and economic inequality


Senator Joseph McCarthy's actions, as described in the excerpt, were most likely interpreted at the time as a reaction to which of the following historical situations? A Challenges to New Deal economic policies B Creation of the interstate highway system C Expansion of the size of the military D Perceptions of expanding foreign influence


The cartoon was primarily a response to the A increasing popularity of isolationism among United States policy makers B ongoing controversy over the appropriate use of executive branch authority in conducting foreign policy C expanding opposition to the Korean War D growing debate over the Vietnam War


The decision guaranteeing the rights of Mexican Americans to serve on juries most directly resulted from which of the following historical processes during this period? A The utilization of strikes to demand increased compensation B The effort to identify suspected communists in the federal government C The expansion of social welfare programs by the federal government D The use of court challenges to obtain legal reforms


The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following developments during the 1960s? A New demands for economic rights by Latino Americans B Efforts to combat racism in the labor movement C Increased conflict over the role of women in society D Growing pressure to eliminate racial inequalities in society


The fact that a former British prime minister expressed the ideas in the excerpt to an audience in the United States helped promote which of the following? A United States support for British efforts to retain its colonial empire B A greater United States willingness to share nuclear weapons with Britain C A decision by the United States to withdraw troops from Japan in order to better protect Europe D The participation of both Britain and the United States in an international collective security system


The ideas in the advertisement most likely had limited appeal for which of the following groups? A Marketers and salespeople B Married homemakers and parents C Managers and professionals employed by corporations D Rebellious young people uncomfortable with conformity


The increased culture of consumerism during the 1950s was most similar to developments in which of the following earlier periods? A The 1840s B The 1860s C The 1910s D The 1920s


The quotation above is from A Booker T. Washington B Marcus Garvey C Langston Hughes D Martin Luther King, Jr. E Stokely Carmichael


Which of the following best describes the historic situation in the 1960s that prompted the emergence of social and political reform movements such as the Black Panther Party? A The United States sought to limit the influence of communism at home and abroad. B The United States allied with other nations to combat fascism and militarism in Europe and East Asia. C The United States attempted to reinvigorate its economy following economic crises brought on by the Great Depression. D The United States became increasingly divided as conflicts within and between liberal and conservative movements intensified.


Which of the following best explains the reason for the deployment of United States troops overseas at the time when this act was passed? A The concern over German aggression in Europe B The desire to gain political control over new colonial territories C The attempts to overthrow Soviet domination in Eastern Europe D The fear of the expansion of communism to foreign nations


Which of the following describes the trend in crude oil imports to the United States from 1950 to 1970 as depicted in the graph? A Crude oil imports rapidly increased to 2 billion in 1960 and then remained steady. B Crude oil imports declined rapidly until 1960 before returning to their previous level. C Crude oil imports grew to a peak just before 1970 and then rapidly declined. D Crude oil imports rose gradually until reaching half a billion barrels in 1970.


Which of the following developments is the most direct effect of the situation portrayed in the image? A Increased public opposition to the use of nuclear weapons B Expanded use of military force to achieve foreign policy goals in Eastern Europe C Reduced congressional oversight of United States military interventions D Reduced public trust in the federal government and the president


Which of the following later movements held ideas closest to those expressed by Garvey in the excerpt? A A. Philip Randolph's organizing of Black railroad workers into the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters B Thurgood Marshall and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's legal efforts to desegregate schools in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka C Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, efforts to win equal rights for African Americans through nonviolent civil disobedience D Malcolm X's Black nationalism emphasizing racial pride and economic self-sufficiency


Which of the following was a long-term reaction to the actions of the youth addressed in the excerpt? A The establishment of organizations to address environmental concerns B The expansion of United States military involvement in Southeast Asia C The rejection of nonviolent tactics by the majority of civil rights groups D The emergence of a conservative backlash against perceived cultural decline


Which of the following was a similarity between Eisenhower's and Kennedy's arguments in the excerpts? A Both claimed that defense policy could threaten liberty at home. B Both declared that the United States had lost international influence. C Both called for an increase in spending on military weapons and supplies. D Both asserted that communism was a threat to the United States national security.


The announced purpose of the Marshall Plan was to A stabilize world currencies B promote advanced technology for use in the military defense of Western Europe C reduce the dependence of the European economy on overseas empires D maintain the United States position as the world's leading creditor nation E aid the economic recovery of the war-torn Europe


The central point of the 1960s cartoon above was that A the public was more interested in foreign policy than in domestic reforms B the President was more interested in domestic programs than in foreign policy C protesters were successfully challenging the goals of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society D opposition to the Vietnam War improved Lyndon B. Johnson's hopes for reelection E the cost of the Vietnam War limited the President's ability to carry out domestic programs


The excerpt most directly reflects the United States efforts to A build an international security system B maintain an isolationist position C acquire new territories D gain access to Eastern European markets


The tactics described in the excerpt best represent which of the following? A Filing legal challenges B Using nonviolence C Learning self-defense D Petitioning government officials


Which of the following explains the context for United States economic development between 1950 and the early 1970s? A Credit and stock markets became unstable because of overspeculation. B Low unemployment encouraged American optimism about economic growth. C A powerful conservative movement halted federal economic intervention in the economy. D Companies imported valuable commodities acquired from new overseas colonial territories.


Which of the following most directly contributed to the emergence of Mexican American activism in the 1950s and 1960s? A Decreased demand for agricultural labor in the Southwest B Changing immigration policies and patterns C Passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 D Enactment of Great Society social programs


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