Period One and Period two Review

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1 of 4 1636 by Thomas Hooker Connecticut River Colony

Columbus's Legacy

1506 he died good navigation skills, failure because he found no path to India

Slave trading

15th century Portugal began to trade from West Africa

New Hampshire

1622 John Mason given land grant by the council

South Carolina

1633 eight English nobles

North Carolina

1653 by Virginia Colonist

Pennsylvania and Delaware

1682 to 1701 shared government until about 1776

List three pieces of evidence to support your answer

A) 1st contact with new world that lasted B) led to the Colombian exchange C) established something that ended permanently

In what ways did native people...European colonization(list)?

A) Agriculture increased B)knew how to make tools C) skilled hunters D) Building skills helped create civilization

Identify three major consequences of European contact with American Indians?

A) Slavery among Native Americans B) Death, disease and war C) Displacement from invasion

List three main effects of Europe's expanding trade in the 15th century

A) increased slavery B) technology C) new products hit the market

List three pieces of evidence that supports the alternate view

A) many natives were killed B) believed he reached the Indians but aren't certain C) did not find riches like he wanted

Cultures of North America

Agriculture productive region and many different tribes present

Northwest settlements

Alaska and California

Explain all cultural interactions between colonizing groups, Africans, and American Indians in the colonial error impacted the development of American colonial identity.

All of these colonies had their own ideas but when they interacted they shared living, farming and hunting.

How did new technology enable Christopher Columbus to dominate the "New World"?

Allowing Columbus to act as a strong figure and present a sense of authority among the natives.

Southwest Settlements

Arizona and New Mexico

Headright system

Attract immigrants offered 50 acres of land each paid their own passage

Lasting Problems

Bacon Rebellion highlighted two long-lasted conflicts

Arthur Schlesinger

Believes Columbus did voyages to search unknown territory

Bacon's Rebellion

Berkeley government resented the economy and political control

English Claims

Cabot in Newfound land in 1497, Roanoke island in North Carolina in 1587

What was the impact of the Catholic victory in Spain and the European Reformation on North America?

Catholic victory in Spain showed clearly the intolerance for non-catholic religions, and the reformation impacted many people who traveled to North America for religious freedom

Protestant Revolt

Catholics didn't like outcomes so they repeal the act of toleration

Identify one cause and one effect of Spanish settlement in north America

Cause: search for a way to acquire gold and spread their faith effect: led to native american's population decreasing and increased wealth for Spain


Christian group religious society of friends

The English model 3 types of colonial charters

Corporate colonies were owned By companies Royals followed rules of Kings and Queens Proprietary ruled by individuals

Which of these were the most significant? Explain your answer

Death was very important because a lot of people died and it left a major impact

Conflict in Virginia

Dictatorial powers to govern angered all farmers

In what ways was English policy toward Native Americans different from those of France and Spain

Different from France in that: repaired after death and slavery Different from Spain in that: worried more about military and economy

Which of these consequences were the most significant? Explain your answer

Disease it was a major part of both sides and it lingered and still has a very high rate in america

How did European expansion impact Native American Society

Diseases, horses, and many died from displacement and war

Explain significance of the difference.. Central/South America and North America

Easier for Central and South America tribes to revolt against European. Advance technology interested Europeans to respect them in order to learn more about civilization.

Representative government in Virginia

Encourage settlement same rights as English residence lawmaking representatives

William Penn

English noble men, writer, early Quaker founder of English north american colony

Compare and contrast the English model of colonization to that other French in Spanish.

English sought to establish colonies on agriculture. French use Trade alliances. Spanish embraced different social and economic goals


English, Spanish, and French mostly

Indentured servants

Enough for labor under contract master paid their way

African Resistance

Enslaved Africans resisted by running away and refusing to do task assigned

Spanish Policy

Entered the Aztec and Inca empires, Natives died from disease and slavery

English Policy

Established colonies in areas without large populations of natives came with family

"Holy Experiment"

Established community persecuted religious minorities modern day Pennsylvania

Fact and Fiction

Fact: many proved newfound land before him Fiction: traveled to India to prove earth was round Fact: traveled to gain routes

Religious Conflict

Final years of renaissance. Roman catholic church who formerly dominated Western Europe no externally threatened by ottoman turks


First permanent English colony (1607) King James I gave a charter to Virginia Joint stock companies

Religious issues in Maryland

Gave a safe haven for Catholic

French Claims

Giovanni de Vera many North Atlantic coast, Cartier explored Saint. Lawrence river

What were three main chief features of the Spanish empire in America?

God, Gold, Glory

New Routes

Going Around Africa or sailing west to china

Support or refute the following statement: Christopher Columbus was a hero.

He was a hero because he discovered things deeper then anyone has ever done before

Dutch Claims

Henry Hudson to find passage, North America i 1609, Found Hudson River, Led to Amsterdam

period 1 ends with the establishment of Jamestown, the first permanent British settlement in North America.. Explain why 1607 is a major turning point in united States history.

It was the rise of English dominance in North America

Compare and contrast Jamestown and Plymouth com

Jamestown was failing from the start from previous mistakes. The Plymouth was very religious and they changed traditional ways but managed to stay afloat.

Labor shortages

Land owners got land, grow tobacco, not enough laborers

Early English settlement

Major naval power population began to grow economy was depressed

Act of Toleration

Majority in Maryland's government

Midwest Settlements

Mississippi river

Christopher Columbus

Mistakenly discovered america, 1492 searched for faster route to India

King Philip's War

Native vs native of New England and British 1675-1676 tension encroaching white settlers

Identify the causes of the sources of discord in early New England? Which ones were the most threatening and to what extent were they handled correctly?

New England had early sources of discord, King Philip war, failure of the halfway covenant. King Philip's had the most discord in New England unification of native trade tribes caused year long war. Thousands were killed on both sides.

Atlantic Seaboard Settlements

New Jersey to Florida and the Atlantic ocean provided rich source of foods

How effective were Native Americans in overcoming the negative aspects of European policies?

Not effective due to the lack of unification to resist migration and face the possibility of displacment

Limits to Colonial Democracy

Only male property owners Could vote, female and landless had limited powers

New jersey

Original colony 1664 province of Jersey to just Jersey

Halfway Covenant

Puritan church 1662 partial membership rights to person not yet renounced to the church

Improvements in Technology

Rebirth of classic learning and the printing press was developed

Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay

Religious motivation Church of England church broke from Catholic Church kept most Catholic rituals dissenters adopted Calvin's doctor


Saint Augustine 1565, oldest city in America


San Diego in 1769, San Fran in 1776

New Mexico

Santa Fe, capital of New Mexico

Developing Nation-States

Shared Common Culture, loyalty toward the government, and used power for explorartion

Identify one key similarity... developed in Central and South America....

Similarity: skilled in agriculture Differences: less tribes

Which effect was most significant? Explain your answer

Slavery was significant because it lasted very long and still has a huge impact on america and american's to this day.

Identify the major causes for the establishment of slavery in the western Atlantic world? which of those wasn't most significant, why?

Some major causes were -Confiscation Act -Emancipation Proclamation -Slave Trade -Cheaper labor

To what extent was the defeat of the Spanish Armada a turning point in American history?

Spain was no longer the dominant world power.

Period two Packet

Starts HERE.... wooo

Explain one political and one economic cause for Jamestown early struggle for survival

They were in a swampy area and politically they were in debt because of Virginia company did not spend well.


Transfer of plants, animal and diseases

Spanish Exploration and Conquest

Vasco Nunez de Balboa Magellan, circumnavigation of the world

Identify the key difference between vikings voyages of the 12th century to that of Columbus in the 15th century

Vikings did not have a long term impact, columbus however brought people in contact with others but mostly american's permanently

Compare and Contrast the political development of Virginia to that of New England. Are they more similar or different?

Virginia wanted the settlers to stay so they lied to them. New England settlers could vote and were not told lies about what rights they had, so they were more different.

Period 2 begins in 1607 and ends in 1754. As colonies increased in number, size, and power during this Colonial era, the population of the eastern seaboard changed. Based on your knowledge of history and the data in the graph at right, explain three reasons for the demographic shift in the Chesapeake.

White population increased dramatically as others decrease this shift was due to religion standard, crops, and people who died slash left because and increase in disease

Northeast settlements

combined hunting and fishing


critical to Columbus exploration, "right place at the right time" opportunities

President Franklin Roosevelt

declared a national holiday for Columbus on Oct. 12

Rhode Island

formed in 1644 as a combination of providence, Portsmouth, and other settlements sprung up in the area

the Carolinas

grant of land 1653 Lord proprietor until 1729


grew in 1769

Cultures of Central and South America

highly organized trade routes, calendars and agriculture systems

Great Plains

hunters, sedentary farmers

New England Conferadtion

new England colonist 1643 defense against local natives Americans tribes, encroaching dutch

How did European expansion impact European society?

new products, diseases and gold/wealth

Native American Reaction

not unified, no unified resistance, tribes allied themselves with European power to gain support and survive or migrate

New York

original colony originally Dutch but became American 1626 but in 1664 they surrendered

Period 1 with 1491. If the American Indian population in what is now the united States was nearly 10 million before 1492, why is the United States population in modern times only 2 to 3% American Indian?

other races came into the area and they all challenged each other and caused major conflict

Dividing the Americas

pope drew vertical line on the map, Spain got west, and Portugal got east

Washington Irving

praised Columbus and credited him a hero


ship brought black africansto VA First African no bondage for life Children were free

Economic problems

tobacco was decreasing in cost, over produced hard times to Chesapeake colonies

French Policy

viewed america as economic and military allies, maintained good relations and fur trade

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