Permit Driving Practice Test Questions

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How many feet are you required to maintain when parking by a fire hydrant or fire station driveway?


When you must stop at a railroad crossing, what is the minimum distance your car can be from the tracks?

15 feet

When stopping at a railroad crossing, how much space should you leave between your vehicle and the tracks?

15 to 50 feet

Which age group has the highest risk for car crashes?


When parallel parking, your front and back wheels must be within how many inches of the curb?


How far must I park from a crosswalk at an intersection?

20 feet

How long do you have to provide a written report to the police or highway patrol if someone is killed or injured in an accident that involves you?

24 hours

A parallel parking space should be at least how many feet longer than your vehicle?


How many feet away from a sidewalk ramp or a wheelchair access point must you park?


When passing a bicyclist, how many feet should you allow between your vehicle and the bike?


When sharing a lane with a bicycle, how many feet of clearance should you give?

3 Feet

Your high-beam headlights are on and you are following another vehicle. You should dim your lights when you are within _____ feet.


How much distance do you need to keep when behind an active police car?

300 feet

How much of a following distance should you allow between your car and the motorcycle in front of you?

4 seconds

The minimum speed on an interstate highway under normal conditions is...

40 mph

How far from a railroad crossing can you legally park?

50 feet

Your high-beam headlights are on and a car is approaching in the opposite lane. You should dim your lights when the car is ______ feet away.


During precipitation, you should double the space between you and the car in front of you. How many seconds apart should you be when it's raining out?

8 seconds

What is required to park in a spot reserved for disabled persons?

A disabled person parking permit

What is an interchange?

A junction of two or more highways to allow passage without crossing traffic streams

The sign in front of you has a white background and shows a black arrow that goes straight up then bends at a right angle to the right. What does it mean?

A sharp right turn is ahead

How fast should you be going when you exit an on-ramp onto an expressway?

About the speed of traffic on the expressway

What is the first thing you should do when you arrive at a parallel parking spot where you intend to park?

Activate your turn signal

What should you do when you encounter a "yield" sign where two lanes come together?

Allow all cars from the other lane go before entering the roadway

Now your brake lights are malfunctioning. What is the proper driver's hand signal to indicate that you plan to stop?

Arm extended straight out and bent down at the elbow to make a perpendicular angle

What is the proper driver's hand signal for a right turn?

Arm extended straight out and bent up at the elbow to make a perpendicular angle

If a train is coming and your car is stalled on the track, where should you run?

At a 45-degree angle away from the tracks in the direction the train is heading

You are in reverse and turning your steering wheel to the left. Which way will your car go?

Backwards to the left

What color is used to indicate handicapped parking?


How do you measure your following distance?

Calculate the time it takes for you to pass a fixed object after the car in front of you passes it

If you stall on railroad tracks and a train is not coming, what do you do?

Call the Emergency Notification System number located on the railroad crossing post or control box at the crossing, and Call 911.

What is the leading cause of death for teens in the U.S.?

Car crashes

How do the rights and responsibilities of bicyclists compare to those of car drivers?

Car drivers and bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities

How can you identify a funeral procession?

Cars may have windshield markers or flags to identify them.

Which of these are not child safety rules that are the same in every state?

Children may not eat or drink in a vehicle

Which of the practices are dangerous with big trucks?

Cutting them off to reach an exit or turn, lingering alongside them when passing, and following too closely

What is the term for "driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others"?

Defensive driving

Vehicles that are part of a funeral procession must do which of the following?

Display a flag or decal from the funeral home

For those vehicles that are not involved in a funeral procession, which of these rules apply?

Do not attempt to pass any vehicle in the procession

A round sign has a white dash against a red background. What does this sign mean?

Do not enter

You've had too much to drink. What should you do before driving?

Don't drive at all

What is a good way to avoid fatigue while driving?

Don't drive if you're feeling fatigued

What's the rule about parking near a fire hydrant?

Don't park within 15 feet in either direction

For a bicyclist operating in darkness, one of these is a best practice, while the others are laws. Can you pick out the item that is just a suggestion and not a law?

Don't wear dark clothing

You miss your exit on a limited-access highway. What should you do?

Drive to the next exit and drive back to the exit that way

Which of these statements is true about alcohol in a moving motor vehicle?

Drivers must not be drinking while the vehicle is moving, containers of alcohol in the passenger compartment must be full, sealed, and unopened, and passengers must not be drinking while the vehicle is moving.

Who has the right of way at a T intersection?

Drivers on the through road

A yellow diamond-shaped sign depicts a fire truck. What does this mean?

Emergency vehicles may enter the roadway ahead

You spot a speed limit sign ahead, and it will take you from a 35 mph zone to a 25 mph zone. What does the law say about when the speed limit is officially 25 mph?

Exactly at the point where the sign is located

What should you not do when driving by an accident scene?

Examine the scene

What is the first thing you should do if your vehicle becomes disabled on railroad tracks?

Exit your vehicle immediately

Which of the following may be classified as slow-moving vehicles?

Farm equipment and animal-drawn carts

How many seconds should you maintain between your car and the next in ordinary conditions?


You are driving in the left lane of a road with two lanes traveling in the same direction, and you notice that a lot of cars are passing you on the right. What should you do?

Get out of the left lane, which is also known as the passing lane

Before you move your car in reverse, make sure that you:

Have a clear view out of the back window, consult your side mirrors, and make sure there are no obstructions behind you

What does a yellow sign indicate?

Hazard ahead

A yellow diamond-shaped sign lists dimensions (such as 12'8") between arrows pointing both up and down. What do the dimensions indicate?

Height of a low-clearance overpass

A sign shows a white capital H on a blue background. What does it mean?


On wet roads, you should slow down to avoid this dangerous result.


In which of these areas should you park?

In a marked parking space

On a roadway with three lanes of traffic moving in the same direction, where should slow traffic drive?

In the far-right lane

What is true about a DO NOT ENTER sign?

It is red and white, there is a risk of collision beyond it, and it is usually found at the start of a road or on an exit ramp or crossover

Why is it a bad idea to litter while driving?

It's bad for the environment, you can cause an accident, and you can be fined or go to jail for littering

What does the law say about driving a passenger car with one headlight out?

It's illegal --- don't do it

If you hit a parked vehicle or other property, what should you do?

Leave a note with your name and contact information, and call local law enforcement

Where does a solid yellow line appear on a one-way road?

Left edge

You are turning left from a two-way street onto a one-way street. When you're done turning, what lane should you be in?

Left lane

What turn signal does an arm straight out mean?

Left turn

In which lane should you travel if you are driving faster than the other cars on the freeway?

Leftmost regular lane

You're stopped at a red light when a pedestrian steps into the crosswalk in front of you. The light turns green while the pedestrian is in front of your car. What should you do?

Let the pedestrian cross the entire road before you go

How can you tell if there is a vehicle in your blind spot?

Look over your shoulder

What's the best way to avoid a crash?

Maintain appropriate distance

A roundabout is a feature where multiple roads enter into a route that circles a central island. When you enter a roundabout, what should you never do?

Make a left turn

An electronic panel has a set of flashing arrows pointing in one direction. What does it mean?

Move in the direction the arrows indicate and lane closes ahead

You are driving on the highway when you notice a vehicle with yellow hazard lights activated on the side of the road. What must you do?

Move over into the next lane

You are driving on the highway when you notice a vehicle with emergency lights activated on the side of the road. What must you do?

Move over into the next lane and slow down

You are driving on an interstate when you see that you have a left-side exit coming up in two miles. What do you do?

Move to the leftmost lane at your first safe opportunity so that you'll have plenty of time to get ready to exit

A white sign has black letters that spell out "FINES DOUBLE." Where would you see a sign like this?

Near a construction zone

When are you legally permitted to drive above the speed limit?


You're at a railroad crossing and the gate is down, but you can see the train, and it is moving at an extremely low rate of speed. When is it OK to go around the gate?


A fire truck is coming up behind you with its lights and sirens on, but the lane beside you is open for it to pass. Is it OK to continue driving normally instead of pulling over?


Does a regular driver's license allow a driver to operate a limousine service?


Does a regular driver's license apply to a commercial truck?


Does a regular driver's license apply to a motorcycle?


Is it OK for a person to ride in the back of a pickup truck?


Is it OK to parallel park on the opposite side of the street from the direction in which you are traveling when it is not a one-way street?


Is it OK to pass at an intersection?


Is it legal to alter your license plate?


Is it legal to park in an unmarked crosswalk?


Is it permissible to park in an electric vehicle charging space if you are not charging an electric vehicle?


May a vehicle leave the paved portion of the roadway to pass another vehicle on the right?


What kind of line marks the right edge of the pavement?

No line and solid white line

At an intersection, you like to be courteous and wave other vehicles on, whether or not they have the right of way. Is this a safe practice?

No, because traffic flow can be delayed

Some responsibilities of bicyclists include the following:

Obeying all traffic signs and signals, riding in the same direction as traffic, and signaling when changing lanes or turning

A narrow vertical sign has black and yellow diagonal stripes. What does this indicate?

Object on or near the roadway

Is it OK to use the handicapped placard of a deceased family member?

Of course not

Is it legal to spook a horse that is drawing a vehicle?

Of course not

How many drinks can affect your driving?


How should you cross several freeway lanes?

One at a time

A slow-moving vehicle symbol must be displayed on the back of vehicles drawn by animals, most farm vehicles and some construction equipment. What color is the reflective sign?


What is the background color for work area signs?


What kind of placard does a slow-moving vehicle display?

Orange triangle

What drugs can impede your ability to drive safely?

Over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, and alcohol

In the center of the two-lane road you are driving on, there is a solid yellow line with a broken line beside it. You are on the side with the broken line. What does this mean?

Passing is permitted for cars in your lane

When you are ready to exit your parallel-parked vehicle, what should you be sure to check for?

Passing vehicles, passing bicyclists, and passing pedestrians

A sign shows a figure striding between two lines. What does this mean?

Pedestrian crossing

The traffic signal displays as a steady green light. What does this mean?

Proceed through the intersection

How can you help to ensure everyone's safety in a stop?

Pull far enough off to give the officer a place to stand off the roadway, keep your hands visible, and remain inside your vehicle

You are driving on an expressway when your oil pressure light --- the one that looks like an oil can --- comes on. What should you do?

Pull over and stop your car as soon as you can do so safely

You hear a siren or see flashing red or blue lights behind you on the road. What must you do?

Pull over to the right side of the road

You are parking on a downhill slope. What should you do?

Put your car in "park" (or if you have a manual transmission, first gear), turn your wheels toward the curb, and put on your parking brake

A yellow road sign depicts an X with two R's on it. What does this mean?


What color and shape are a yield sign?

Red and white triangle

How might you identify a pedestrian who is blind?

Red-tipped white cane, presence of guide dog, and sometimes you can't tell

What kind of signs have a white background?


Where should you pull over, in most instances?

Right shoulder

A yellow diamond-shaped sign shows an arrow that rises straight briefly from the bottom, then bends slightly to the left, and then bends again back slightly to the right. What does this signify?

Road ahead curves left, then right

Which of the following is the term used to describe an uncontrolled display of anger by the driver of a vehicle (usually in response to actions by another driver)?

Road rage

What should you be sure to do when you pass a car on the left on a two-lane road?

Signal when entering and exiting left lane

You're in the right lane of the two westbound lanes of a divided highway, and you're ready to pass the slower car in front of you. What do you do?

Signal your intent to enter the left (passing) westbound lane, maintain your speed to pass the slower vehicle, and when you have sufficient room, signal to merge back into the right lane.

The traffic signal displays as a steady yellow light. What does this mean?

Slow down and be prepared to stop

A car is stopped on the right shoulder of the highway. What should you do?

Slow down and move to the left

What should you do when an emergency vehicle is coming up behind you with its lights and sirens on?

Slow down and pull over to the right

What should you do when approaching a yellow traffic light from half a block away?

Slow down to a stop; there's not enough time to make it through the intersection

You're going the wrong way. Is it OK to make a U-turn?

Sometimes, depending on state and local laws

What should you not do as you drive through a work zone?

Speed up

The traffic signal displays as a steady red light. What does this mean?


You arrive at an intersection with a flashing red signal. What does this mean?

Stop before proceeding

At an intersection, you have a blinking red light, but the cross traffic has no signal. How do you proceed?

Stop until there is a sufficient pause in cross-traffic to move

A school bus is approaching from the other direction. It stops and begins to flash its red lights. What must you do?

Stop. You can proceed again when the red lights are no longer flashing

What's the safest way to deal with your phone while driving?

Stow your phone away and check it when your trip is completed

In a roundabout, three of these actions are forbidden, but one is allowed. Which one is permitted?

Taking more than one revolution around the center island

Trucks have blind spots or "no-zones" where drivers may not be able to see you. These include the spaces directly behind the truck, directly beside the passenger-side front of the cab, or in the area beside either side of the trailer. To be sure you are not in a blind spot, make sure you can see _____.

The driver's reflection in the truck's side mirrors

When you are about to turn a corner, which technique should you use?

The hand-over-hand technique

Which lane is ordinarily used for passing another vehicle?

The left lane

You meet another vehicle on a one-lane road hill where neither can pass. Which vehicle needs to back up so the other can pass?

The one going uphill

You arrive at a four-way intersection at the same time as another driver. Who goes first?

The one on the right

What is true about a winding road sign?

The road ahead has three or more curves, drivers should slow down, and there are potential hazards ahead

A sign shows a winding black arrow on a yellow background. What does it mean?

The road ahead is curved

Why should you never drive in front of a large truck and suddenly stop?

The truck may not be able to stop in time to avoid crashing into your vehicle

You see a yellow sign depicting a red octagon and a black arrow pointing straight ahead. What does this indicate?

There is a stop sign ahead

What rights do bicyclists have to the road?

They have the right to share the road and travel in the same direction as motor vehicles

What rights do in-line skaters have to the road?

They have the right to share the road and travel in the same direction as motor vehicles

What responsibilities do bicyclists have?

They must obey all traffic signs and signals, they must use hand signals when turning, slowing/stopping, and changing lanes, and they must keep at least one hand on the handlebars at all times

Why is a space next to a disabled parking space sometimes marked with a crosshatched/diagonal pattern?

To allow loading and unloading space for the disabled person, including portable ramp usage

When you are on a road that has three or more lanes traveling in the same direction and none of them are specially marked, what is the purpose of the lane farthest to the left?

To allow vehicles to pass other, slower vehicles

What is the purpose of an acceleration lane?

To let you increase your speed to that of traffic you're merging with on a highway

Why should you maintain a steady speed and signal in advance before turning?

To maintain assured clear distance behind your car

Why does the state examiner check your vehicle before your driving test?

To make sure it is safe to operate

You see a bus that looks and is equipped exactly like a school bus, but the people inside aren't children. Its red lights are flashing. What should you do?

Treat it like a school bus, including stopping and not driving past it until the lights stop flashing

You see a white sign showing a black delivery-type truck with a red backslash/prohibition symbol over it. What does this mean?

Trucks are not permitted on this road

A bicyclist must not ride on the sidewalk, unless the city specifically allows it.


A bicyclist must yield to pedestrians.


Bicyclists have the right to operate on city streets.


Pedestrians are always given the right of way:


The death rate for teen male drivers and passengers is twice that for females.


Bicyclists have the right to operate on freeways.

True when not forbidden by a sign

What must you do from one-half hour after the sun sets until one-half hour before it rises?

Turn on your headlights

What should you do when you're driving in fog in the daytime?

Turn on your headlights on the low-beam setting

What first steps should you take when you are being pulled over by an officer?

Turn on your right turn signal and slow down until you find the first opportunity to pull over.

What steps should you take when exiting a roundabout?

Use your right turn signal

Which of the following are examples of handicapped placard abuse?

Using a placard that belongs to a friend or family member, loaning your placard to a friend or family member, and using a placard for a household member who is not in the vehicle with you

Who has the right of way when you enter a roundabout?

Vehicles already within the roundabout

There is a bicycle in your lane of a two-lane road, and you want to pass it; however, another vehicle is approaching in the opposite lane. What do you do?

Wait for the other vehicle to go by before you pass the bike

The light is green, but traffic is backed up into the intersection. What should you do?

Wait until you can fully clear the intersection before advancing

A yellow diamond-shaped sign indicates _____.


When must a driver operate a turn signal?

When changing lanes, when preparing to turn, and when entering or pulling out of a parking space

When may you pass on the right?

When the driver ahead of you is turning left and you do not need to drive off the roadway to get around

When should you put extra distance between you and the car in front of you?

When the road is slick, when you are going down a steep hill, and when you're following a motorcycle

When is it legal to turn right on red?

When there is no sign indicating that a right turn on red is illegal

Pedestrians have the right-of-way over vehicles in these instances:

When they are in a marked crosswalk, and when they are in an intersection

When is it OK to use a handicapped parking space?

When you have a legally obtained handicapped hanging tag or license plate

What color of line typically marks the right edge of the pavement on a four-lane divided road?


When should you not pass?

Within 100 feet of an intersection, within 100 feet of a bridge, tunnel, or railroad crossing, and when you cannot see approaching traffic because of a hill or curve

You come up behind a vehicle in your lane, and you have your high-beams on. How soon must you dim them?

Within 300 feet

A vehicle is approaching, and you have your high-beams on. How soon must you dim your lights?

Within 500 feet

What color of line typically marks the left edge of the pavement on a four-lane divided road?


What is the background color for warning signs?


Do most states require you to carry proof of insurance?


Does a funeral procession have the right of way?


Is it against the law to throw a cigarette from your vehicle?


Must you stop if you are in a collision?


Is it OK to park in a tunnel or on a bridge?

Yes, if permitted by signs

Is it legal to park on a freeway?

Yes, in an emergency, and yes, when you are being pulled over by law enforcement.

You are at a red light that turns green. What should you do?

Yield to pedestrians before moving

You're entering a roundabout where traffic is already present. Who needs to yield?


You are in a two-way roadway with a broken yellow line, but up ahead you see that it turns into a solid double yellow line. You may not begin to pass a vehicle unless...

You are able to finish passing before you reach the solid double line

Never pass on the left of a two-way roadway if...

You are approaching a curve or top of a hill that you cannot see around or over, you are within 100 feet of a railroad crossing, or you are within 100 feet of a bridge, tunnel or viaduct and your view is obstructed

You see a yellow sign featuring three arrows forming a circle. What does this mean?

You are approaching a roundabout

A school bus in the opposite lane has stopped to pick up or drop of student passengers. In which instance do you not have to stop?

You are on a divided highway

Why should you constantly scan the road ahead?

You can avoid surprises that might cause a panicked reaction

Why should you not drive with low tire pressure?

You could have a tire blowout, you could lose control at high speeds, and you will experience lower fuel economy

A sign shows a straight arrow with a right arrow veering off from it. What does this signify?

You have the choice of going straight or right

What does a red arrow mean?

You may not move in the direction it indicates

There is a solid double yellow center line on your two-way roadway. What does this mean?

You may not pass

What does a yellow curb mean?

You may only stop enough to load or unload

The sign says, "NO PARKING ANY TIME." What is true about the no-parking zone?

You may stop temporarily, but only for loading or unloading merchandise, and you may stop temporarily, but only to pick up a passenger

The road sign says, "NO STANDING ANY TIME." What does this mean?

You may stop temporarily, but only to pick up a passenger

A yellow sign features the black outline of a moose. What is it trying to tell you?

You might encounter a moose crossing or standing in the road --- proceed with caution

You are on a two-lane road with a solid double line in the middle. When is it OK to pass?

You should never pass when there is a double-yellow line

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