Permit Test

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When do more than half of the crashes that cause injury or death happen?

At speeds less then 40 mph and within 25 miles of home.

What color are service signs?

Blue with white letters.

How do you get an accurate tire pressure reading?

By measuring the tire pressure when the tires are cold.

How should you adjust the driver's side-view mirror?

By placing your head against the left side window.

How should you adjust the passengers side-view mirror?

By placing your head just above the center console.

What does the suspension system aid in?

Controlling the vehicle and allowing a more comfortable ride over road surfaces.

When turning left you should avoid doing what?

Cutting the corners.

What do signs in work areas look like?

Diamond shaped, orange, and black letters.

In Arkansas, if workers and warning signs are present in advance of the work zone then fines for all moving traffic violations are..?


If you are in an intersection and an emergency vehicle comes, what should you do before pulling over?

Drive through the intersection.

When should wiper blades be replaced?

Every six months to a year.

You should always park your vehicle in a place that is what?

Far enough from the street and visible to other cars.

What is the risk zone for driver airbags?

First 2-3 inches of inflation.

What color are destination signs?

Green or brown.

What does a sign beneath a cross buck with a number indicate?

How many tracks are present.

When are drivers are not required to stop for a school bus?

If it is approaching along an opposite lane of travel separated by a median 20 feet.

Metal studded tires with protruding studs more than one-sixteenth (1/16) from the surface of rubber tread are what?


When should the maximum speed be used?

In ideal conditions.

What is the leading cause of car crashes?


If you plan to turn beyond an intersection, when should you signal?

Just after you pass through the intersection.

A person should not smoke tobacco in a vehicle if a passenger is a child of what age?

Less than fourteen years old.

What should you do when changing lanes?

Look in your mirrors, over your shoulder, and check your blind spot.

When driving in fog, snow or heavy rain you should use your...?

Low headlight beams.

What should you do in order to avoid flat tires and other types of tire failure?

Maintain proper tire pressure, observe tire and vehicle load limits, avoid road hazards, and regularly inspect tires.

When turning right you should not do what?

Make a wide turn.

What should you do if a vehicle has manual transmission?

Make sure it's not in gear, although you may have to press the clutch.

Should you allow the engine to idle in your garage or enclosed area without an open window?


How far should you place yourself from your driver air bag to provide you with a clear margin of safety?

10 inches.

On a wet road how much should you reduce your speed?

10 mph.

How many feet should you signal before you turn?

100 feet.

At 40 mph, about how long can it take to stop?

124 feet.

How much does the interior temperature of a car increase every 9 minutes?

15 degrees.

Do not park within (blank) of a fire hydrant.

15 feet.

Do not park more than (blank) from the curb.

18 inches.

Do not park within (blank) of a crosswalk at an intersection?

20 feet.

Do not park within (blank) of a fire station driveway on the same side of the street.

20 feet.

How much more likely are you to be in a car accident if you're texting?

20 times.

Heavy rain, snowstorms or thick fog, may not allow you to see more than how many feet ahead? In order to be safe, you should not drive more than...?

200 feet ahead. 30 mph.

Where should you set flares?

200 to 300 feet from the rear of your vehicle.

At 55 mph, about how long can it take to stop?

225 feet.

The average passenger car traveling at 55 miles per hour can stop within how many feet?

225 feet.

Farm tractors, animal-drawn vehicles, and roadway maintenance vehicles usually travel...?

25 mph or less. (they should have a slow-moving vehicle sign visible from the rear)

Do not park within (blank) of a pedestrian safety zone

30 feet.

Do not park within (blank) of a traffic signal, stop sign, or yield sign.

30 feet.

When should you turn on your headlights?

30 minutes after sunset, 30 minutes before sunrises, or anytime you cannot see clearly within 500 feet.

On wet roads, most tires have good traction up to what?

35 mph.

How long can reading or writing a text message take your eyes off the road for?

4.6 seconds.

How far ahead do you headlights let you see? What speed would allow to stop within this distance?

400 feet. 50 mph.

Do not park within (blank) of a railroad crossing.

50 feet.

In heavy rain, your tires can lose traction on the road around what?

50 mph.

A driver who fails to yield could receive what?

A $1000 fine and suspension of driver license for 180 days.

How far should you look down the road?

A city block or one quarter mile. At least 15 seconds ahead.

What does a yield sign mean?

A driver must slow down or yield the right of way to traffic in the intersection.

What does a red curb mean?

A fire zone.

What does a yellow curb mean?

A loading zone.

What are indicators to help alert you of a potential brake issue?

A noise from underneath the vehicle, a foul smell during heavy breaking, and little or any braking action.

A flashing red light is the same as what?

A stop sign.

In case you don't have emergency flares or other warning devices, what should you use to alert other drivers of your emergency situation?

A white cloth.

What should you allow when following a motorcycle?

An extra cushion of space.

Within five minutes on a 90-degree day, the temperature within a vehicle...?

Reaches that of the outdoors.

On packed snow you should do what?

Reduce your speed by half.

What does the exhaust system do?

Removes toxic gases, reduces noise, and helps cool hot gases from the engine.

If your vehicle is equipped with a manual transmission, you shouldn't what?

Shift gears when crossing tracks to avoid an engine stall.

What do signs that are yellow with black lettering and diamond shaped warn a driver to do?

Slow down and be prepared to stop.

How should you adjust the inside mirrors?

So you can see the entire rear view window.

Arkansas law requires any motor vehicle on a multilane highway to move over to the furthest lane away from any stopped law enforcement vehicle with its lights turned on. If a driver is found guilty of violating this law, what can happen?

They can be fined up to $500, receive jail time, and have their license suspended for 6 months.

What are consequences of poorly maintained engines?

They start less easily, offer less fuel economy, and pollute the environment.

If you need to slow down or stop suddenly, tap your brake pedal how many times?

Three or four times.

How should mirrors be properly adjusted?

To detect objects.

When may a driver cross a solid yellow line?

To turn into a driveway.

What does a solid double yellow line separate?

Traffic moving in the opposite direction.

What does a dashed white line between lanes of traffic separate?

Traffic moving in the same direction.

What should you do when parking on a hill?

Turn the wheels away from traffic.

At an intersection where there is no stop sign or traffic signal, what must drivers yield to?

Vehicles approaching from the right.

What does a reflective orange triangle bordered with red do?

Warns other road users that the vehicle is traveling slowly.

All children under fifteen must do what?

Wear appropriate safety restraints.

What can depressing the gas pedal too fast do?

Wheels to spin or vehicle to slide.

When should a child be restrained in a child passenger safety seat properly secured to the vehicle?

When a child is less than six years old and weighs less then sixty pounds.

How do you know if a suspension system is bad?

When every bump causes the vehicle to bounce, drifting during turns, dips when stopping, uneven tire treads, or damaged shocks.

When should you use your low beams?

When following another vehicle closer than 200 feet.

How do you know when to replace your tires?

When the built-in treadwear indicators appear "even" with the outside of the tread.

When are tires not safe and should be replaced?

When the tread is worn down to 1/16 of an inch.

What does a flashing yellow light mean?

You should slow down and proceed with caution.

Drivers passing a vehicle traveling in the same direction must yield to what?

The vehicle being passed.

How much can first offenders of littering be fined?


What is the safest speed to drive in traffic?

The same speed as other vehicles.

When you merge with traffic, what should you try to enter at?

The same speed as other vehicles.

What should you use to determine if you are following another vehicle too closely?

The two second rule.

What are school buses required to do?

Stop at all railroad crossings.

What does a steady red arrow mean?


When a school bus stops for passengers, all traffic from both directions must do what?


What should you do if your car starts to hydroplane?

Take your foot off the gas pedal, keep the steering wheel straight, and do not try to stop or turn.

What does a steady yellow arrow mean?

The arrow is about to turn red.

What should you use to determine if you are driving too fast?

The four second sight distance rule.

What should you do when executing a sharp turn?

The hand-over-hand technique.

What is the split difference rule?

When you split the difference between two hazards.

When should you dim your high beams?

Whenever you come within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle.

Arkansas law requires drivers to turn on their headlights when...?

Windshield wipers are needed.

Are left-turns permitted at a flashing yellow light?

Yes. (as long as you yield to oncoming traffic)

Can a driver turn right on red?

Yes. (unless there is a sign prohibiting it)

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