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Which of the following on-line research strategies raises the most concerns regarding the ethical principle of respecting the autonomy of research subjects and the corresponding federal regulations requiring informed consent?

A researcher proposes to join a moderated support group for cancer survivors posing as a survivor. She plans to insert comments to see how the members respond

According to the federal regulations in the US and the WHO's guidelines, which of the following studies meets the definition of research with human subjects?

An experiment is proposed on the relationship between gender-related stereotypes in global health and the subsequent performance by males and females on competency tests

Randomized control trials (RCTs):

Are considered to be the 'gold standard' for determining efficacy and safety in clinical research

In Pakistan, both men and women experience considerably high levels of associated stigma and discrimination due to their mental illness. In general, research results in this and other parts of the world have shown that women

Are less likely to commit suicide than men

A professor of global health at UC Irvine proposes to study attitudes about obesity in Chile by giving human subjects in Chile surveys to complete. Which is a question that the UC Irvine Institutional Review Board (IRB) should ask the researcher in order to determine if this study should be reviewed by a local Chilean IRB or ethics committee as well as the UC Irvine IRB?

Will the researchers have collaborators at the research site abroad?

In cases of moral disagreement...

ethical norms can be cross-cultural

What statements about risks in global health research is most accurate:

risks are specific to time, situation, and culture

The "parochialism objection" to human rights claims that...

the concept of "human rights" is a cultural phenomenon that is imposed on the rest of the world

the age of majority in international research is determined by

the laws, customs, and norms in the area in which the research will be conducted

What is the institutional review board (IRB) charged with?

Protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects

Researchers wish to evaluate a new treatment for eclampsia in (a life- threatening condition in pregnant women) in Tanzanian women 30-50 years of age. The research is intended to directly benefit the pregnant woman who is otherwise healthy and competent. The investigator must obtain consent from whom?

the pregnant woman and the father of the fetus

According to Paul Boghossian, a statement such as "eating beef is wrong relative to the moral code of the Hindus", lack of moral force because

the statement doesn't tell us what we can or cannot do

A U.S. global health researcher plans to conduct a clinical trial of feeding genetically-engineered "golden rice" to cure vitamin- A deficiency syndrome in children in Bangladesh. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the requirement for the U.S. federal documentation of minors' assent to participate in research?

US federal regulations do not require the documentation of minors' assent

A student is conducting a research project that involves using a survey. The survey asks subjects about their highest level of education, political affirmation, and views on various social issues. No identifiable information will be collected. This study would be categorized as which type review?

Exempt Review

Which of the following statements if false?

Global health researchers and professionals never carry stigmatizing attitudes

The author Paul Boghossian thinks that rejecting absolute moral facts lead one to:

Moral Nihilism

According to the author Allen Buchanan, a theory of human rights must...

Account for the existing global legal-institutional phenomenon of human rights

Which of the following examples of using the internet to conduct research meets the federal definition of research with human subjects?

Conducting an on-line focus group with cancer survivors to determine familial support systems. The researcher also invites subjects' significant others to be a part of the focus groups

A researcher in South Africa is examining the quality of life for diamond miners whoa re HIV-positive using surveys followed by interview. The Institutional Review Board must ensure that:

Confidentiality of the miners' health status is maintained

Non-maleficence is associated with

Doing no intention harm in global health research and practice

Which of the following is an example of how the Principal of Beneficence is applied to a study involving human subjects.

Ensuring that risks are reasonable in relationship to anticipated benefits

In a theory of international human rights...

Equal status is necessary but not sufficient condition for international human rights

A global health researcher from UCLA proposes a study and wants to recruit subjects from health care clinics in Jamaica. The survey will be conducted by the U.S. researchers at the clinic. The nurses at the clinic will inform prospective subjects about the availability of the research but will not consent the subjects nor perform any research procedures (even screening procedures). Are the nurses engaged in the research according to the U.S. federal regulations?

No, they are not engaged because they are only informing the subjects and not consenting or performing any research procedures, or receiving or sharing any private, identifiable information

The history of ethical regulations in human subjects research began with the...

Nuremberg Code

Paul Boghossian believes that Fish is mistaken in his own position because

One can consistently believe both that there are moral absolutes and that there is no sure way of knowing what they are

The Standard of care in cases of medical negligence is measured against:

The standard experts in the field

Human rights protect our...

autonomy, welfare, and liberty

In his book on ethics, the author Rainer Forst declared that one of the following beliefs underlies all human rights:

human rights are meant to ensure that no human being is treated in a way that could not be justified to him or her as a person equal to others

The author Stanley Fish denies there are moral absolutes because ...

it is impossible to secure universal assent on any moral proposition

The author Rainer Forst believes that human rights...

must be justified using a reflexive criteria with normative and practical implications

A global health researcher is studying women who have been admitted to the hospital because of damage by female genital mutilation. All potential subjects must have children under the age of five. Research subjects will be given a basket of toys to use at their children's first visit that the children can then take home. In assessing this proposal, the IRB needs to determine that the toys are:

not an excessive incentive

The author Stanley Fish believes that people will continue to behave morally even if they reject moral absolutes because...

people do not always live their philosophical convictions

The Belmont Principle of Beneficence requires that:

potential benefits justify the risks of harm

in addition to pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates, additional protections are stipulated for which of the following vulnerable populations?


An electronic medical record for in is an example of:

private information

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