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is the degree to which the location of an organization's units is in one place or spread across several location


is the systematic and scientific analysis of individuals, groups, and organizations


prior of hiring - complete reference check


amount of trust, level of morale, support of employees experience


1. Information about the position 2. Objectives 3. Job description 4. Study applications and resumes

Tactical Control

A control type that focuses on assessing the implementation of tactical plans at department levels, monitoring associated periodic results, and taking corrective action as necessary

Strategic Control

A control type that involves monitoring critical environmental factors that could affects the viability of strategic plans, assessing the effects of organizational strategic actions, and ensuring that strategic plans are implemented as intended

Operational Control

A control type that involves overseeing the implementation of operating plans, monitoring day-to-day results, and taking corrective action when require

Slack Resources

A cushion of resources that facilitates adaptation to internal and external pressures, as well as initiation of changes

Organization chart

A line diagram that depicts the broad outlines of an organization's structure

Line Position

A position that has authority and responsibility for achieving the major goals of the organization

Staff Position

A position whose primary purpsoe is providing specialized expertise and assistance to line positions

Liaison Role

A role to which a specific individual is appointed to facilitate communication and resolution of issues between two or more departments

Control System

A set of mechanisms designed to increase the probability of meeting organizational standards and goals


A theory that attempts to explain how leader behavior can positively influence the motivation and job satisfaction of subordinates

Tests of Debt Service.

These tests are employed to present the project's ability to meet long-term obligations

Direct Contact

Communication between two or more persons at similar levels in different work units for purposes of coordinating work and solving problems


Controlled by many because men at the top believe that participation will increase efficiency and effectiveness decisions are made througout the organization drawback: controlled by many

• Establish points for periodic monitoring • Measure the pharmacy performance • Examine strategies and recommend changes • Evaluate annual performance

FUNCTIONS of controlling


Deals with setting up of quality standards in advance in such areas, as physical characteristics, composition of the product, weight, size, color, strength, performance and compare with the standards.

Set personnel goals Train and retrain personnel Develop leadership style Evaluate personnel Discipline, Dismiss and Promote personnel

Functions of directing


Means encouraging subordinate to work toward achieving company objectives. It is the human, people to people aspect of managing by which subordinates are motivated, persuaded and led to effectively and efficiently contribute towards company goal. Sometimes referred to as influencing, actuating, guiding,a or simply leading or motivating

Funds-flow analysis

This technique is employed to determine the major uses and sources of funds

Organizational Chart

Is a diagram or drawing showing the important aspects of an organizational structure. It shows relationship among positions as to authority, responsibility and accountability, and the people who occupy them.


Is an essential sequence of a business operation. By maintaining an excess inventory, huge sums of money are tied up, resulting in lost of interest or gain.


Is the backbone of any production system. To produce the right product in the proper quantity and quality, at the right time, and the best and least costly methods.


Is the process of encouraging, inducing, or influencing applicants to apply for a certain vacant position


Is the process of getting the most qualified applicant from among different job seekers


Is the process of supplying the organization with the needed people to achieve the purposes for which it has been established


Is the systematic development of the attitude/knowledge/behavior patterns for the adequate performance of a given job or task.

Test of total debt coverage

Profit before interest and taxes/ (interest + principal payments)(1/1 - income tax rate)


Refers to candidate application, screening, interviewing, selection, and hiring processes


Regulation exercised after a product or service had been completed to ensure that the final output meets organizational standards and goals


Systems that use two or more of the feedforward, concurrent, and feedback control processes and involve several strategic control points


The assignment of part of a manger's work to others, along with both the responsibility and the authority necessary to achieve expected results

Functional Authority

The authority of staff departments over others in the organization in matters related directly to their respective functions

Line Authority

The authority that follows the chain of command established by the formal hierarchy

Lateral Relations

The coordination of efforts through communicating and problem solving with peers in other departments or units, rather than referring most issues up the hierarchy for resolution

Job depth

The degree to which individuals can plan and control the work involved in their jobs

Task identity

The degree to which the job allows the completion of a major identifiable piece of work, rather than just a fragment

Work specialization

The degree to which the work necessary to achieve organizational goals is broken down into various jobs


The extent to which power and authority are delegated to lower levels


The extent to which power and authority are retained at the top organizational levels

Skill variety

The extent to which the job entails a number of activities that require different skills

Organization structure

The formal pattern of interactions and coordination designed by management to link the tasks of individuals and groups in achieving organizational goals

Horizontal Coordination

The linking of activities across departments at similar levels

Job Scope

The number of different tasks an employee performs in particular job


The obligation to carry out duties and achieve goals related to a position

Job Rotation

The practice of periodically shifting workers through a set of jobs in a planned sequence


The word Control has several meaning:(1) To check or verify, (2) To regulate; (3) To compare with given standard; (4) To exercise authority over someone or a group; and (5) To curb or restrain

Organization design

The process of developing an organization structure


The process of making a major change in organization structure that often involves reducing of management levels


The process of significant reducing the layers of middle management, increasing the spans of control, and shrinking the size of the work force


The regulation of inputs to ensure that they meet the standards necessary for the transforming process


The regulation of ongoing activities that are part of the transformation process to ensure that they conform to organizational standards


The requirement to provide satisfactory reasons for significant deviations from duties or expected result


The right to make decisions, carry out actions, and direct others in matters related to the duties and goals of a person

Job design

The specification of tasks activities associated with a particular job

Chain of Command

The unbroken line of authority that ultimately links each individual with the top organizational position through a managerial position at each successive layer in between

Tests of operating leverage

These functions indicate how the projects employ assets for which it pays a fixed costs.

Tests of liquidity

These measures are used to determine a firm's ability to meet short-term obligations, and to remain solvent in the event of adversities

Tests of Profitability

These show the operational performance and efficiency of the project

Test of financial leverage

These techniques present how a project employs funds which pay a fixed return


a group of individuals working to reach some common goal

Written Warning

a more formal written warning is issued


are primitive actions meant to demonstrate the seriousness of a situation


consequences for not improving behavior


controlled by a few because men at the top believe they are indispensable. Don't trust subordinates, and like to build empires within Decisions are made by top management drawback: potential paralysis of decision making and poor moral


describes the degree of differentiation based on how many different types of people or units are included

Division of Labor

divides work tasks into specific parts

Tall structure

has four levels with a span of two leads to close or tight supervision A structure that has many hierarchical levels and narrow spans of control


have planned structure deliberate attempts to create patterned reltionships usually shown by a chart

Unity of Command

is the concepts that individual reports to only one supervisor to whom is responsible


is a process that attempts to weed out unqualified applicants from the pool of potential candidate


is defined as the system shared meaning held by members that distinguish one organization from another


not formally planned arise spontaneously as a result of interactions not depicted in a chart


one of the first steps in hiring for a candidate to fill out a job application

Verbal Warning

oral reprimand about the consequences of failing to perform as expected

Flat structure

permits general supervision has 2 levels with a span of ten A structure that has few hierarchical levels and wide spans of control


prepare employees for new responsibilities and position


refers to extent t o which decision making is concentrated at a ingle point in the organization


refers to grouping individuals according to specific tasks

Span of Control

refers to how many people a manager effectively controls


refers to the degree to which jobs in the organization are standardized


refers to the degree to which units are dissimilar


refers to the depth of the organization hierarchy. Represented by what is known as an "Organizational Chart".


refers to the understanding and beliefs regarding how "things are done around here"


stems from the word "Organism", which means to create a structure with parts fully integrated. The parts can be viewed as "work person" units.

Progressive Discipline

unacceptable performance by employees

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