Philosophy 101 test 1

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__________ is a skeptic a) sextus empiricus b) epicurus c) epictetus


__________ is the study of knowledge, including its nature and extent a) epistemology b) philosophy of science c) metaphysics d) axiology


a system of rule by those most qualified to govern is known as a(n) __________ a) meritocracy b) oligarchy c) democracy d) plutocracy


aristotle explained __________ view of earth this way: "[t]here is no reason why what is situated in the middle and is similarly related to the edges should move upwards rather than downwards or sideways. but it cannot move in opposite directions at the same time. so it necessarily rests where it is." a) anaximander's b) democritus's c) parmenides's d) heraclitus's


at his death, socrates asks his friend crito to __________ a) pay a debt b) clear his name c) take revenge on his accusers d) take care of his family


for aristotle, the primary explanation of the development of all living things is __________ a) teleological b) providential c) mechanical d) biological


the four main divisions of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and __________ a) logic b) categorical logic c) bioethics d) aesthetics


traditionally, the dominant class in Aryan culture was the __________ a) brahmins b) ahimsa c) samsara d) atman


according to plato, the truly real world is the world of the __________ existing forms a) plausibly b) independently c) dependently d) provisionally


daoism is also known as __________ a) maoism b) taoism c) baoism d) laoism


democritus explains events in __________ a) divine terms b) mechanistic terms c) terms of human will d) terms of predestination


dukkha is a concept in __________ a) daoism b) buddhism c) hinduism d) confucianism


in plato's allegory of the cave, prisoners believe what they perceive on the cave wall __________ a) is insensible b) real c) is unreal d) cannot be known


the rig-veda is the oldest book of the __________ a) aranyakas b) vedas c) brahmanas d) upanishads


__________ goods are what all our actions are pointed toward a) purposeful b) mechanistic c) intrinsic d) instrumental


__________ is the fallacy of arguing erroneously that since there are only two alternatives to choose from, and one of them is unacceptable, the other one must be true a) composition b) equivocation c) false dilemma d) division


__________ is the most highly venerated and influential scriptures in Hinduism a) yajur-veda b) sama-veda c) bhagavad-gita d) atharva-veda


among the features of reality, according to parmenides, is __________ a) plurality b) instability c) uniformity d) difference


plato argues that the soul is __________ a) empirical b) sensible c) immortal d) mortal


the sophists prefer __________ explanations of phenomena a) purely deductive b) divine c) relativistic d) naturalistic


true or false? a deductive argument is an argument intended to give probable support to its conclusion


true or false? affirming the consequent is a valid argument form


true or false? an argument of this form—If p, then q; not p; therefore, not q—is called modus tollens


true or false? aristotle believes that simply studying philosophy will make one virtuous


true or false? asceticism is one's soul or self in the hindu tradition


true or false? at his trial, socrates declares he prefers exile to death


true or false? confucianism and daoism are essentially the same philosophy


true or false? hedonism is identical with gluttony


true or false? heraclitus rejects the idea of an organizing principle of the universe


true or false? plato declared that the intellect is not worth much without the senses to guide it


true or false? socrates accepts the oracle's pronouncement that no one in athens is wiser than he


true or false? socrates is more concerned with his social standing than with philosophy


true or false? socrates says death is probably bad


true or false? the appetitive part of the soul, according to plato, should rule the other parts


true or false? the objects of knowledge, according to plato, are ascertained exclusively through sense experience


true or false? the relativist is committed to the view that there are objective truths


true or false? the skeptic sextus empiricus endorses the view that our lack of knowledge should motivate us to seek absolute truth


true or false? the sophists hold that absolute knowledge is attainable


true or false? aristotle says that virtue is a mean lying between two vices


true or false? aristotle's logical system is built out of classes of things and their relations


true or false? daoism advocates the view that the best life is lived in harmony with nature


true or false? epicureanism is the view that life's highest aim is happiness attained through moderate pleasures and the avoidance of mental disturbance


true or false? modus tollens is a valid argument form


true or false? parmenides distinguishes between appearance and reality


true or false? plato holds that knowledge is recollected


true or false? plato points out a conceptual inconsistency with relativism; namely, since all sincerely held beliefs are equally true, then two opposing beliefs are true at the same time


epicureanism, stoicism, and skepticism all aim toward __________ a) belief b) faith c) peace of mind d) knowledge


epicureanism, stoicism, and skepticism are all motivated toward __________ a) material security and peace of mind b) peace and love c) peace of mind and freedom from disturbance d) freedom from pain


epicurus did not propose __________ a) moderation in pleasures b) we not fear death c) recklessly sensual, overindulgent living d) a philosophy for achieving happiness


one commonality between socrates and the sophists was the latter's focus on __________ inquiries a) meteorological b) astronomical c) humanistic d) metaphysical


socrates was said to be physically __________ a) decrepit b) fit c) unattractive d) attractive


the __________ cause tells us "that for the sake of which" something is a) efficient b) formal c) final d) material


the stoic thinks that all but __________ are under our control a) perceptions b) feelings c) political office d) intentions


the study of correct reasoning is called __________ a) axiology b) cognition c) logic d) value theory


according to aristotle, virtue is a disposition to __________ a) behave in line with the accepted religious norms b) behave in line with existing law c) pursue what is in our own interests d) behave in line with a standard of excellence


according to plato, the spirited side of the soul __________ a) should govern our actions b) is the intellectual part c) is the part that desires satisfaction of the bodily cravings for things like food and sleep d) is the part that is motivated to maximize honor, self-esteem, success, and winning


if inductive arguments succeed in lending probable support to their conclusions, they are said to be __________ a) sound b) weak c) valid d) strong


if you assume that a set of statements is true, and yet you can deduce a false or absurd statement from it, then the original set of statements as a whole must be false. this kind of argument is known as __________ a) hypothetical syllogism b) modus tollens c) modus ponens d) reductio ad absurdum


plato and xenophon wrote __________ featuring socrates's method a) novels b) plays c) short stories d) dialogues


socrates claimed he did not accept __________ for teaching a) clothing b) political appointments c) dinner invitations d) money


the carpenter who makes a table is that table's __________ cause a) formal b) final c) material d) efficient


true or false? plato's forms are objectively real, eternal, abstract entities that serve as models or universals of higher knowledge


true or false? sextus empiricus says that skeptics manage to get through life fine just by attending to appearances


true or false? socrates continues to philosophize while awaiting his execution


true or false? the heart of aristotle's logical system is the syllogism


true or false? the purported original skeptic was pyrrho


true or false? the smriti material consists mainly of epics, myths and legends, and legal and moral codes


true or false? the upanishads is the sacred text in hinduism


true or false? this argument form known as modus tollens is valid


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