Philosophy Final Exam Review

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1. "There are no certain indications by which we may clearly distinguish wakefulness from sleep." 2. So it is possible that we are dreaming now and that what we take to be the real world is in fact not real at all. 3. If so, we can't be certain about anything we think we know through our senses. 4. Therefore, sense experience can yield no knowledge.

Descartes on dreams

was water

Ch. 2 Thales' universe


Ch.5 Aristotle's school

vs. vice... vice is anything excess

Define Virtue

Trying to prove a conclusion by using that very same conclusion as support.

False Dilemma

ancient mechanics

Parmenides' reality


Plato argues that the soul is

Plato would argue that this is indeed the case), then Protagoras is paradoxically being virtuous by allowing his audience to make his choice for him.

Plato on Protagoras

that everything came from a formless, imperishable substance called apeiron.

Anaximander's aperiron

Of gods existence

Anselm's argument

Matter, which refers to the common "stuff" that makes up the material universe

Aristotle on matter

Material, Efficient, Formal, Final

Aristotle's 4 causes

Matter + Form

Aristotle's substance

According to Socrates, a clear sign that a person has _____ is her exclusive pursuit of social status, wealth, power, and pleasure.

Attributes of an unhealthy soul

Metaphysics - The study of reality, an inquiry into the fundamental nature of the universe and the things in it. Axiology - The study of value, including both aesthetic value and moral value. Epistemology - The study of knowledge. Logic - The study of reason.

Ch. 1 4 Divisions of Philosophy

world view, catholic religion (christian church)

Ch. 8,9, & 10 Medieval mindset

our senses often deceive us.

Ch.15 Descartes on sensations


Ch.22 Kant on knowledge and experiences

Plato's school was called the Academy, having been located outside the city walls in a grove.

Ch.3 Plato's school

prisoners will be set free, shadows sensory forms outside/intellectual

Characters, Meaning

the argument that God, being defined as most great or perfect, must exist, since a God who exists is greater than a God who does not.

Define ontological argument

Arguing erroneously that a particular action should not be taken because it will lead inevitably to other actions resulting in some dire outcome.

Define slippery slope argument

the theory that reality consists of an infinite number of minute, indivisible bits called atoms moving randomly in an infinite void, or empty space

Democritus' atomism

1. Suppose that "some evil genius not less powerful and deceitful, has employed his whole energies in deceiving me." 2. We can't be sure that this is not the case. 3. And if we are not certain of this, we can't know anything based on experience. 4. Therefore, we can't know anything based on experience. **Soul job is to deceive Decartes, and that he is wrong about everything.

Descartes on evil demon

Socrates' approach to philosophy is called the Socratic method. It involves question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized to uncover the truth. ***The Socratic Method=investigation of complex issues through a question and answer format***

Socrates motto

the method whereby he sought natural and simple explanations for natural phenomena

Thales' contribution to Philosophy

"a state of character." A morally good person is not simply one who performs morally right actions but one who has developed a habit or disposition to do what is right. Overall goal is happiness, living thru virtue, through practice, mature, reason.

Virtue and vice's relationship

What he wants to show is that it is possible that mind and body are distinct; so what he needs to show is that he can clearly and distinctly conceive of mind and body as distinct.

What does thinking show

By lack of knowledge.

What harms the soul?

Idea, archetype, or essence Independent of the minds of people Discovered through disciplined study and reason

Plato's Form

Plato wrote dialogues featuring Socrates. Some of these dialogues are thought to represent Socrates' philosophy, while the others represent a transition to and then focus on Plato's own philosophical concerns.

Plato's style of writing

"Man is the measure of all things".

Protagoras' motto

Plato argues against skepticism, the view that we lack knowledge in some fundamental way. Plato distinguishes between believing and knowing. For Plato, beliefs can be false, while knowledge is always of what is. Plato on real things.

Real & objective truth

The unexamined life is a tragedy because it results in grievous harm to the soul.

harm of an unexamined life

Therefore, sense experience can yield no knowledge.

Why does Descartes know after doubting

In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, the prisoners did not believe plato that there was more other than shadows etc

Allegory of the cave

Augustine's argument begins with his distinction between the two cities, which was elaborated earlier in the City of God. The city that is turned towards itself and the city that is turned towards God. Whereas may (Manicheans) believed that the flesh was naturally evil, Augustine's understanding of God and creation led him to believe that in order for God to be good and perfect, God created good and perfect things. Sin and evil arethe turning from God and turning towards oneself- they are a privation of goodness.

Augustine on evil

God is being itself.

Augustine's hierarchy of being

The study of correct reasoning

Define Logic

modus tollens (or modus tollendo tollens and also denying the consequent) is a valid argument form and a rule of inference. It is an application of the general truth that if a statement is true, then so is its contra-positive.

Define Modus Tollens

religious philosophy that drew all the nonmaterialistic and relgious doctrines of earlier systems.

Define Neo-Platonism

1. Someone poses a question about the meaning of a concept. 2. Socrates' companion gives an answer. 3. Socrates raises questions about the answer, proving that the answer is inadequate. 4. To avoid the problems inherent in this answer, the companion offers a second one. 5. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated several times, revealing that the companion does not know what he thought he knew.

Define Socratic Method

Misrepresenting a person's views so they can be more easily attacked or dismissed. Straw man fallacy.

Define Straw man fallacy

the argument for the existence of God from the evidence of order, and hence design, in nature.

Define Telelogical argument

Trying to prove a conclusion by using that very same conclusion as support.

Define begging the question

A family of arguments Start from the nature of the universe all of the way to the conclusion that god exists

Define cosmological arugement

The study of knowledge.

Define epistomology

The famous statement "An unexamined life is not worth living" is attributed to _____.

Define metaphysics

Heraclitus' central idea is the _____.

Heraclitus' logos

"solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short."

Hobbe's state of nature

Must get to the truth, we must go around the false certitudes of custom, tradition, and superstition and let reason be our guide.

How to have a good soul

He doesent believe in innate ideas

Lock on innate ideas

Locke debunks the notion of innate knowledge.

Locke on knowledge

Primary qualities- properties that reside in the objects.

Locke's primary qualities

Secondary- its power to produce sensations in our mind.

Locke's secondary qualities

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