Photography 1-4

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shutter speed and aperture affect 2 things shutter affects _____ of moving objects, aperture affects ______ of ________

- the amount of light entering the camera - sharpness, depth of field

Jame's Nachtwey

-gentle manner and voice belie the violence and heartache he has recorded -first establishes a logistical base

focal length controls 2 things

-magnification, the size of the image formed by the lens -angle of view

A lens of normal focal length has certain advantages over lenses of longer or shorter focal length

-normal lenses are faster (open a wider aperture so can be used with faster shutter speeds or in dimmer light) -less expensive -more compact -lighter in weight

Cameras employ 2 autofocus systems active autofocus passive autofocus

-sends out a beam of infrared waves. the camera uses the part of the beam that bounces back to measure the distance to the subject -look at the image inside the camera, uses the principle that contrast on the focal plane is greatest when the subject is sharpest

To keep a picture sharp if you are hand holding the camera the shutter speed should be _/__ or faster with a 50 mm lens.


Equivalent exposure f/16, f/11, f/8, f/5.6, f/2.8, 1/2

1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500

normal focal length = long focal length = short focal length =

50mm 200mm 28mm

What makes a portrait?

A tight cropping that shows only part of a scene can tell as much about people and their relationships as a more conventional portrait

Actual time in seconds 1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60 1/125 1/250 1/500


Shutter speeds to stop action


f-stops apertures in full stops

LOOK AT PAGE 24 f/1.4, f/2, f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22

____ lenses are popular because they combine a range of focal lengths into one lens



a circle that appears dotted until it is focused

follow focus

a technique that lets you keep a subject that is moving toward you well focused

portrait lens

aberrations are deliberately introduced in a soft-focus lens

exposure readout

about the shutter speed and aperture appears in the viewfinder

the aperture

adjusts the amount of light reaching the film to the sensor. A large opening allows the most light to pass through the lens. The smallest opening lets in the least amount of light. determines how much lights passes through the lens

The ________ (the size of thens opening) controls the brightness of the light that reaches the sensor or film


ways to control depth of field

aperture, shorter focal length, stepping back from the subject

exposure meters ______ the tones in a scene


perspective-control lens

brings some view-camera adjustments to other types of cameras

focal -plane shutter -as shutter speed _____, this slit ______ -advantages -disadvantages

but into the camera body, the first opening curtain moves across the frame, revealing a window through which the sensor film is exposed. The shutter waits for the correct amount of time, then it closes the second, following curtain to stop the exposure -increase, narrows -can reach higher shutter speeds than leaf shutters -can't use electronic flash, slow shutter speed with flash = ghost/second image in the picture

reflected-light meter

can be hand held or built into a camera. Aim the sensor at a subject to make a reading of the light reflected from the subject

Long lenses are excellent when you cannot/do not want to get ______ to the subject


a pinhole, small as it is, actually admits a ______ of light rays



combination of an aperture and a shutter speed

How do you get a good exposure

combination of f-stop and shutter speed that lets just the right amount of light reach the sensor use a reflected-light meter to make an overall reading of the scene

types of memory cards CF SD MS xD-P

compact flash - A CompactFlash (CF) card is a popular memory card developed by SanDisk in 1994 that uses flash memory technology to store data on a very small card. It has no moving mechanical parts and does not need a battery to retain data. CF cards allow users to add data to a wide variety of computing devices. Secure Digital - is an ultra small flash memory card designed to provide high-capacity memory in a small size. SD cards are used in many small portable devices such as digital video camcorders, digital cameras, handheld computers, audio players and mobile phones. Memory Stick -is a removable flash memory card format, launched by Sony in October 1998 xD-Picture - a flash memory card format, formerly used in digital cameras made by Olympus and Fujifilm. The xD in the xD-Picture Card stands for eXtreme Digital. It is not used in any cameras currently in production. xD cards are available in capacities of 16 MB up to 2 GB.

wide angle lenses have ________ depth of field Pictures taken with a wide-angle lens can show both _____ and ______ distortions wide-angle lens can also show a distortion of __________

considerable real, apparent perspective

leaf shutter -Advantages -Disadvantages

consist of a number off small overlapping metal blades -quieter, can be used with flash at any shutter speed -top speeds = 1/500

How do you photograph a place?

depends on what you want to convey

ISO speed

describes a sensor's or film's sensitivity to light The higher the number, the more sensitive (or "faster") it is, and the less light it needs for the picture to be neither too light nor too dark.

shutter speed

determines the length of time that the light strikes the light-sensitive surface inside your camera

LCD data panel

displays shutter speed and aperture settings

LCD monitor

displays stored images and menus for camera settings

Mary Ellen Mark

documentary photographer approaches w/ wide-angle lens and moves in close obsessed w/ subjects, not with her equipment

Automatic focus (AF)

does the focusing for you

few lenses provide a range greater than ____ stops


Automatic exposure

every time you press the shutter release button, the camera automatically meters the light, then sets what it determines is the best shutter speed and aperture combination

The size of an aperture is indicated by _-______ or _-_______

f-number, f-stop

f-stop formula

f-stop = lens focal length / aperture diameter

incident-light meter

faced toward the camera from the position of the subject to make a reading. It measures the light falling on a subject.

for the widest of wide-angle views, consider the ______ lens


the most important way lenses differ is in their ______ ________

focal length

hyperfocal distance

gives you maximum depth of field far focus = don't focus on infinity

Telephoto lens

has an effective focal length that is greater than the actual distance from lens to focal plane.

Long lens disadvantages

heavier bulkier more expensive shallow depth of field = most be focused correctly difficult to use for hand-held shots at least 1/125

A normal-focal-length lens/ standard-focal-length lens approximates the impression __________ _______ gives

human vision

The film

in a camera records the image transmitted by the lens

The sensor

in a digital camera converts the light from the lens into electrical signals that are sent to the memory card

______-light meters measures light falling on a subject


exposure =

intensity (aperture) x Time (shutter speed) exposure is a combination of the intensity of (brightness) of light that reaches the digital sensor or film (brightness is controlled by the size and aperture) and of the length of time the light strikes that light-sensitive surface (duration is controlled by the shutter speed)

_______ aperture, ____ depth of field

large, less

if the shutter speed is slower than 1/60, set the aperture to a ____________ opening.


The ___________ the opening, the ___________ its f-number. For example, f/_ is larger than f/__

larger, smaller f/8 is larger than f/11

adjusting the ______ the shutter remains open controls the amount of light that reaches the light-sensitive surface


long lens =

less depth of field, things are more easily out of focus, can create unusual perspective (objects seem to be closer together than they are)

Zone focusing

lets you set the depth of field in advance of shooting

the size of the lens opening - the aperture or f-stop, controls the amount of _______ that passes through the lens. -f/2.8 -f/4 -f/5.6 -f/8 -f/11 -f/16 -f/22

light -twice as much light as f/4 -half as much light as f/2.8, Twice as much light as f/5.6 -half as much light as f/4, twice as much light as f/8 -half as much light as f/5.6, twice as much light as f/11 -half as much light as f/8, twice as much light as f/16 -half as much light as f/11, twice as much light as f/22 -half as much light as f/16

Need an _____ ______ in order to make consistently correct exposures, so that your pictures are neither too light nor too dark

light meter

An exposure is usually calculated by a

light meter that measures the scene

how does a lens refract (bend) light to form an image

light rays pass from one transparent medium to another, the rays bend

A ______-______-______ lens provides greater image magnification and a narrower angle of view than a normal lens


ways to decrease the depth of field

make less of a scene in front of you sharp and make behind your subject sharp, use a longer lens, move closer to the subject

With ___________ exposure, you set both the shutter speed and aperture yourself


Digital cameras tore pictures on

memory cards

the lens element

move forward and back to bring objects at different distances into sharp focus

Panning keeps a ________ subject sharp while ________ the background

moving, blurring

A lens that is a _________ focal length for one camera can be a long or short focal length for another camera


What exactly is sharpness, and how much can it be controlled?

objects will gradually become more and more out of focus the farther they are from the most sharply focused area

The shutter

opens and closes to control the length of time that light strikes the light-sensitive surface

A lens focuses on the ____ of critical focus, also called the image _______


-A good _______ shows more than merely what someone looks like -put your subject at ________ -Don't ______ when shooting portraits -Try to use a fast enough _____ ________ -photographing close to home = ______ ________ = could be good or bad -some picture of people look ___________ -____ your camera's controls beforehand -A ______ shutter speed is even more important for unposed photographs of people than for planned portraits

portrait ease skimp shutter speed more personal unplanned set

_________-light meters measure the light reflected from a subject


For _______ to take place, light must strike the new medium at an ________

refraction, angle

A lens of a given focal length may be considered normal, short, or long, depending on the ________ in your digital camera


mode dial

set one of several choices of automatic operation

Depth of field is the part of a scene that appears acceptably ____ in a photograph


a lens creates ______ image with a relatively ______ exposure

sharp, short

A _____-_____-_____ lens increases the angle of view and shows more of a scene than a normal lens used from the same position


The viewfinder

shows the picture that the lens focuses on the sensor or film. On some digital cameras there may be a viewing screen on the back of the camera.

two controls adjust the amount of light that reaches the sensor

shutter and aperture

catadioptric/mirror lens is

similar in design to a reflecting telescope. It incorporates curved mirrors as well as glass elements within the lens long focal length but modest size

A SLR (____ _______ ______) camera shows you the scene directly through the lens

single lens reflex

other focus modes

single-shot/focus priority, continuous focus

Disadvantages of zoom

slower (smaller maximum aperture) expensive bulkier heavier optically inferior

zoom =

small maximum aperture

______ aperture, _______ depth of field

small, more

the _______ the aperture opening, the _______ depth of field

smaller, greater

the _______ the aperture size, the more of a scene will be _______ from ______ to _____

smaller, sharp from near to far

_____ meters read light reflected from a very small area of a subject


The term "_____" in photography refers to a change in illumination, whether the shutter speed or the aperture is change to achieve it


Why does a lens of a longer focal length produce less depth of field than a shorter lens used at the same f-stop?

the answer relates to the diameter of the aperture opening. The relative aperture (the same f-stop setting for lenses of different focal lengths) is a larger opening on a longer lens than it is on a shorter lens

depth of field

the area from near to far in a scene that is acceptably sharp in a photograph

perspective is affected by

the lens to subject distance, not by lens focal length

maximum aperture

the lens's widest opening or speed

the faster the shutter speed

the sharper a moving subject will be

focal length

the shorter the focal length, the wider the view of a scene. The longer the focal length, the narrower the view and the more the subject is magnified

= greater depth of field

the smaller the aperture the shorter the focal length of the lens the greater the distance from the subject


the way the brain judges depth in a two-dimensional representation

convex lenses

thick in the middle than at the edges collects a large number of light rays from any single point on an object in front of the lens and refracts/bends them toward each other so that they converge at a corresponding single point behind the lens.

Each shutter speed lets in _____ as much light as the next faster speed


how to zone focus

use a lens's depth of field scale or table to find the f-stop settings that will give you adequate depth of field

Macro lens

useful for photographing very close to a subject

when to use manual mode

when the lighting remains constant

when to use aperture-priority

whenever you want to control the depth of field

when to use shutter-priority

whenever you want to stop action

Using a normal-focal-length is a way for the photographer to let the subject speak

wide and long lenses make a stronger statement about the technical decisions a photographer must make, such as about perspective or depth of field

short lens =

wide angle lens

Manual focus

you select the part of the scene you want to be the sharpest

Aperture-priority automatic exposure

you set the aperture (f-stop) and the camera sets the shutter speed

shutter-priority automatic exposure

you set the shutter speed and the camera sets the aperture

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