PHY 102 (Atoms to Galaxies), HW5, Bergfield (ISU), PHY 102 (Atoms to Galaxies), HW6, Bergfield (ISU), PHY 102 (Atoms to Galaxies), HW3, Bergfield (ISU), PHY 102 (Atoms to Galaxies), HW4, Bergfield (ISU), PHY 102 (Atoms to Galaxies), HW7, Bergfield (I...

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a. the ground state

What is the lowest energy level in an atom called? A. The ground state. B. The floor state. C. The basement state. D. The first state. E. The first excited state

c. gamma

What type of radiation is most dangerous to humans? A. alpha B. beta C. gamma D. neutron

b. radio

What types of waves are used in an MRI machine to disturb the alignment of the nuclei? A. infrared B. radio C. longitudinal D. visible E. microwave

c. Poland

What was Marie Curie's native country? A. France B. Germany C. Poland D. Russia E. America

c. It couldn't reproduce experimental data.

What was the main problem with J. J. Thomson's plum pudding model of the atom? A. The atom's size was too big. B. It didn't have the correct number of electrons. C. It couldn't reproduce experimental data. D. The electrons were too small. E. The atom's size was too small.

B. 5 ohms

When a 10-V battery is connected to a resistor, the current in the resistor is 2 A. What is the resistor's value? A. 2 ohms B. 5 ohms C. 10 ohms D. 20 ohms E. more than 20 ohms

B. 0.5 A

When a 60-watt light bulb is connected to a 120-volt source the current in the light bulb is A. 0.25 A. B. 0.5 A. C. 2 A. D. 4 A. E. more than 4 A.

e. a photon

When an electron transitions from the 2nd excited state to the first excited state, it gives off A. an atom. B. a neutron. C. a proton. D. an electron. E. a photon.

A current of 0.8 A passes through a lamp with a resistance of 6 Ohms. What is the power supplied to the lamp in Watts? Round your answer to 2 decimal places.

3.84 Watts

e. none of these

When light reflects from a surface, there is a change in its A. frequency. B. wavelength. C. speed. D. all of these E. none of these

c. 90

When radium (atomic number = 88) emits an alpha particle, the resulting nucleus has atomic number A. 86. B. 88. C. 90. D. 92. E. none of these

d. 91

When thorium (atomic number = 90) emits a beta particle, the resulting nucleus has atomic number A. 88. B. 89. C. 90. D. 91. E. 92.

a. closer than usual

When you stand in water up to your knees, your feet appear A. closer than usual. B. farther away than usual. C. at the same location as usual. D. To answer, you must know the depth of the water. E. To answer, you must know the index of refraction of the water.

a. flows from your finder to the ice.

When you touch a cold piece of ice with your finger, energy A. flows from your finger to the ice. B. flows from the ice to your finger. C. flows both ways. D. doesn't flow

b) 2M

A force accelerates an object of mass M. A second object requires twice the force to produce the same acceleration. What is the mass of the second body? a) M b) 2M c) M/2 d) 4M e) M/4

A device that is used primarily to detect nuclear radiation is a A. synchrotron. B. linear accelerator. C. cyclotron. D. Geiger counter. E. All of the above choices are correct.

D. Geiger counter.

The direction of an electric field is the direction of the force that the field would exert on A. a neutral charge. B. a negative charge. C. an atom. D. a positive charge. E. a molecule.

D. a positive charge.

Compared to special relativity, general relativity is more concerned with A. acceleration. B. gravitation. C. space-time geometry. D. all of these E. none of these

D. all of these

C. Michael Faraday

Electromagnetic induction was discovered by A. Hans Christian Oersted B. Isaac Newton C. Michael Faraday D. Benjamin Franklin E. Albert Einstein

D. 96 W

If 0.8 A of current flow through a light bulb connected to a 120 V outlet, the power consumed is A. 12 W. B. 15 W. C. 60 W. D. 96 W. E. 120 W


If 3.8 x 10^16 electrons pass a particular point in a wire every second, what is the current in the wire in milli-Amps?


If 7 x 10^16 J of energy is converted into mass, what is the mass in kilograms?

6 m/s

If a car accelerates from rest at 2 meters per second per second, its speed 3 seconds later will be about a) 2 m/s b) 3 m/s c) 4 m/s d) 6 m/s e) 15 m/s

10 m/s

If a freely falling object were somehow equipped with a speedometer, its speed reading would increase each second by about a) 5 m/s b) 10 m/s c) 15 m/s d) a variable amount e) depends on its initial speed

421.6 m/s

If a rocket initially at rest accelerates at a rate of 50.8 m/s/s for 8.3 seconds, its speed will be ______ m/s. Round your answer to one decimal place.

c. both would reach Earth at the same time

If a visible light signal and a radio signal were emitted simultaneously from Alpha Centauri (a distant star), the first to reach Earth would be the A. radio signal. B. visible light signal. C. both would reach Earth at the same time.

d. all of these

Interference is a property of A. light waves. B. sound waves. C. water waves. D. all of these E. none of these

b. 1 Hz

What is the frequency of an electromagnetic wave that has a wavelength of 300,000 km? A. less than 1 Hz B. 1 Hz C. more than 1 Hz

The north end of one magnet will be attracted to the ___ end of another magnet.


the same

stars that have ______ mass than the sun will end their lives as white dwarfs. a) more b) less c) the same

a) newton

the SI unit of force is the a) newton b)gram c)pound d)kilogram e) meters per second squared

kinetic energy

the energy of motion is ______


the highest temperature ever recorded in the United States is 133 degrees F. What is this temperature in kelvins. Round to 1 decimal place.

acquire fundamental knowledge

the purpose of basic research is to a) solve a specific problem b)develop a new technology c) acquire fundamental knowledge d) make money


the size of a white dwarf star is approximately the same as a)Jupiter b) Earth c) a comet d) the sun

north, south

the two poles of a magnet are ___ and ___


true or false: Thermometers are usually based on the idea of thermal expansion.


true or false: a law of nature can never change?


true or false: a star begins as a nebula


true or false: if you cut a bar magnet in half, you will get a magnet that is only a north pole and a magnet that is only a south pole.


true or false: scientific results must be reproducible


true or false: stars that are moving away from us are called "red-shifted"


true or false: temperature is a form of energy


true or false: the earth has a magnetic field?


true or false: the sun gives off radio waves?


true or false: the sun is just an ordinary star


true or false: velocity has a direction


true or false: we can determine if a star is moving toward or away from earth by measuring its brightness


which of the following can only be seen during a solar eclipse? a) core b)photosphere c)radiation zone d)corona

Argonne National Lab

which of the following is a government research lab? a) Argonne National Lab b) Bell Laboratories c) Carneige Institution d) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


which part of the sun is considered the apparent surface of the sun? a) core b) photosphere c) chromosphere d) corona


which part of the sun is the source of solar particles? a) core b) photosphere c) convection zone d) corona


A U-235 atom decays by alpha emission. What is the atomic number of the element after decay?

A 2.1 V battery supplies energy to a simple circuit at the rate of 48 W. What is the resistance of the circuit in Ohms? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

0.1 Ohms

Einstein's famous equation is A. E = mc B. E^2 = mc C. E = c*m^2 D. E = mc^2 E. E^2 = mc^2

D. E = mc^2

The half-life of phosphorus-32 is approximately 14 days. If you have 3 grams of phosphorus-32 today, how many grams will be left after 42 days? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

0.4 (Use OmiCalculator chemistry/half-life)

If 5 x 10^16 J of energy is converted into mass, what is the mass in kilograms? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

0.6 kilograms (I used omnicalcdotcom here)

A hair dryer uses 700 W of power. If the hair dryer is using 7 A of current, what is the voltage (in Volts) that produces this current? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

100 Volts

A friend from Europe is visiting you and sees the weather forecast on TV. The forecast is for a high temperature of 54 degrees Fahrenheit, and your friend asks you what this temperature is in Celsius. What do you tell her? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.


The lowest temperature ever recorded in the United States is -82 degrees F. What is this temperature in kelvins? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.


The highest temperature ever recorded in the United States is 135 degrees F. What is this temperature in kelvins? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.


According to the special theory of relativity, how much energy in Joules is in 0.004 micrograms (10^-6grams) of dust? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

359,502 Joules (I used omnicalcdotcom here)

A radioactive source has a half-life of 4 minutes. At t = 0, it is placed near a geiger counter and the count rate is 3000 counts/sec. What is the count rate at t = 12 minutes? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.


A 7.8 kg mass at the Earth's surface weighs ___ N. Round your answer to one decimal place.

76.5 Newtons

a. converging lens

A "burning glass" used to concentrate sunlight in a tiny spot is a A. converging lens. B. diverging lens. C. either D. neither


A 1.5 V battery supplies energy to a simple circuit at the rate of 52 W. What is the resistance of the circuit in Ohms?

E. more than 20 V

A 10-ohm resistor has a 5-A current in it. What is the voltage across the resistor? A. 5 V B. 10 V C. 15 V D. 20 V E. more than 20 V

b) 2000 N

A 1000-kg car moving at 10 m/s brakes to a stop in 5 s. The average braking force is A. 1000 N. B. 2000 N. C. 3000 N. D. 4000 N. E. 5000 N.


A 1078 kg car accelerates at a rate of 7 m/s/s over a distance of 252 m. What is the work done in Joules to accelerate the car? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.


A 1726 kg car is moving at 47 km/h. If a 3320 kg truck has 7 times the kinetic energy of the car, how fast is the truck moving in km/h? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.


A 18 kg box is resting on a table 1.7 m above the ground. What is the box's potential energy in Joules? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

2 m

A 2 kg mass has 40 J of potential energy with respect to the ground. Approximately how high is it above the ground? A. 1 m B. 2 m C. 3 m D. 4 m E. none of these

d) 80 J

A 2-kg mass is held 4 m above the ground. What is the approximate potential energy of the mass with respect to the ground? A. 6 J B. 8 J C. 32 J D. 80 J E. none of these

e) the same

A 50-kg sack is lifted 2 meters from the ground and a 25-kg sack is lifted 4 meters from the ground in the same amount of time. The power expended in raising the 50-kg sack is A. twice as much. B. half as much. C. four times as much D. one fourth as much E. the same.

66.64 N

A 6.8 kg mass at the Earth's surface weighs N. Round your answer to one decimal place.

c. either towards you or away from you

A Doppler effect occurs when a source of sound moves A. towards you. B. away from you. C. either towards you or away from you. D. in a circle around you.

c. radiation

A Thermos bottle has double glass walls with silver coating on the glass surfaces that face one another. The silver coating reduces the energy that is transferred by A. conduction. B. convection. C. radiation. D. friction. E. none of these

a) the speed of the ball will be the same for all ramps

A ball can be rolled down one of three different ramps, as shown below. The final elevation loss of each of the ramps is the same. Neglecting friction, for which ramp will the speed of the ball be the highest at the bottom? A. The speed of the ball will be the same for all ramps. B. The speed of the ball will be the same for ramps X and Y, but less for ramp Z. C. Ramp X D. Ramp Y E. Ramp Z

c) 16 kg

A ball is moving at 3 m/s and has a momentum of 48 kg m/s. What is the ball's mass? a) 4 kg b) 12 kg c) 16 kg d) 144 kg e) none of these


A ball is moving at 9.4 m/s and has a momentum of 21.0 kg m/s. What is the ball's mass in kg? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.


A ball player wishes to determine pitching speed by throwing a ball horizontally from an elevation of 3 m above the ground. The player sees the ball land 17 m down range. What is the player's pitching speed in m/s? Round your answer to 1 decimal place. Hint: think back to the section on kinematics and the distance an object falls in a certain time.

c) near the top of the incline

A ball rolling down an incline has its minimum speed A. at the end the incline. B. half way down the incline. C. near the top of the incline. D. impossible to predict without knowing the ball's mass E. impossible to predict without knowing the size of the ball


A baseball of mass 0.14 kg that is caught by a catcher changes its velocity from 3.8 m/s to 0 m/s in 0.09 s. What is the magnitude of the force exerted on the baseball by the catcher in Newton's? Round your answer to 1 decimal place


A bicycle of mass 6 kg is being ridden by a bicyclist of mass 61 kg at a speed of 7.4 m/s. What is the total momentum of the bike and bicyclist in SI units? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

d) 90 J

A car initially travels west with a kinetic energy of 10 J. Then it travels east at three times its original speed. What is its kinetic energy when it is traveling east? A. 10 J B. 30 J C. -30 J D. 90 J E. -90 J


A car maintains a constant velocity of 100 km/hr for 10 seconds. During this interval its acceleration is a) zero b) 10 km/h c) 110 km/h d) 1000 km/h e) 625 km/h

a. real, inverted

A concave spherical mirror has a radius of curvature of 50 cm. The image of an object located 35 cm in front of the mirror is A. real, inverted B. real, upright C. virtual, upright D. virtual, inverted


A current of 1.5 A passes through a lamp with a resistance of 6 Ohms. What is the power supplied to the lamp in Watts?

d. Geiger counter

A device that is used primarily to detect nuclear radiation is a A. synchrotron. B. linear accelerator. C. cyclotron. D. Geiger counter. E. All of the above choices are correct.

b. motor

A device that transforms electrical energy to mechanical energy is a A. generator. B. motor. C. transformer. D. magnet. E. none of these

a. generator

A device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy is a A. generator. B. motor. C. transformer. D. magnet. E. none of these


A friend from Europe is visiting you and sees the weather forecast on TV. The forecast is for a high temperature of 54 degrees Fahrenheit, and your friend asks you what this temperature is in Celcius. What do you tell her? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

c) 100 m

A gun with a muzzle velocity of 100 m/s is fired horizontally from a tower. Neglecting air resistance, how far downrange will the bullet be 1 second later? A. 50 m B. 98 m C. 100 m D. 490 m E. 49 m

a) zero

A hockey puck is set in motion across a frozen pond. If friction and air resistance are neglected, the force required to keep the puck sliding at constant velocity is a) zero. b) equal to its weight. c) equal to its weight divided by its mass. d) equal to the product of its mass times its weight. e) equal to its mass.

4.5 km/min

A horse gallops a distance of 11.2 kilometers in a time of 2.5 minutes. Its average speed is _____ km/min. Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

b) the fired one

A hunter on level ground fires a bullet at an angle of 2 degrees below the horizontal while simultaneously dropping another bullet from the level of the rifle. Which bullet will hit the ground first? A. The dropped one. B. The fired one. C. Both hit at the same time. D. Not enough information to determine.

e) none of the above choices

A light aluminum ball and a heavy lead ball of the same size are allowed to roll down an incline. When they are halfway down the incline, they will have identical A. kinetic energies. B. potential energies. C. momentum. D. inertias. E. none of the above choices

D. 9P

A light bulb carries a current I. The power dissipated in the light bulb is P. What is the power dissipated if the same light bulb carries a current of 3I? A. P B. 3P C. P/3 D. 9P E. P/9

e) 4 m/s/s

A net force of 64 N acts on a mass of 16 kg. What is the acceleration of the object? a) 16 m/s/s b) 0.51 m/s/s c) 64 m/s/s d) 9 m/s/s e) 4 m/s/s


A particular nucleus has an atomic number of 17 and an atomic mass of 64 amu. How many neutrons are in the nucleus?

e. refraction

A person standing waist-deep in a swimming pool appears to have short legs because of light A. reflection. B. absorption. C. interference. D. diffraction. E. refraction


A positive charge of 7.92031E-4 C is 7 m from a negative charge of 1.95814E-4 C. What is the force of one of the charges due to the other charge in units of Newtons? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.


A positive charge of 85 nano-Coulombs is 11 cm from a charge 83 nano-Coulombs. The force on one of the charges due to the other charge is Newtons. Round your answer to 4 decimal places


A potential difference of 152 volts produces a current of 2 amps in the heating element of a toaster. What is the resistance of the toaster in Ohms? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

D. 12,800 W

A power line with a resistance of 2 ohms has a current of 80 A in it. The power dissipated in the line is A. 40 W. B. 160 W. C. 320 W. D. 12,800 W. E. none of these


A radioactive nucleus with atomic number 87 decays by emitting an electron. What is the nucleus's atomic number after it decays?


A refrigerator is pushed a distance of 11 m with a force of 35 N. How much work in Joules is done on the set? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

b) The satellite's mass remains constant and its weight decreases

A satellite is sent out in space. Which of the following is true of the satellite as it moves away from the earth? a) The satellite's mass and weight remain equal. b) The satellite's mass remains constant and its weight decreases. c) The satellite's mass decreases and its weight remains constant. d) The satellite's mass and weight decrease. e) The satellite's mass decreases and its weight increases.


A set of waves has a frequency of 28 Hz and a speed of 7 m/s. What is the wavelength of the waves in meters?

c) a net force of zero is acting on the spaceship

A spaceship in deep outer space is moving with a constant speed in a straight line. Which of the following is true? a) A single force is acting on the spaceship in the direction of motion. b) A single force is acting on the spaceship opposite the direction of motion. c) A net force of zero is acting on the spaceship. d) A constant net force is acting on the spaceship.

? not c

A spaceship that is traveling very fast with respect to your frame of reference, fires a light beam that travels at speed c with respect to the spaceship. You measure the light beam's speed to be A. c/2. B. c. C. 2c. D. 4c. E. 16c.

b. Kelvin scale

A temperature difference of 10 degrees Celsius is also equal to a temperature difference of 10 on the A. Fahrenheit scale. B. Kelvin scale. C. Joule scale. D. all of these. E. none of these


A transformer has 262 loops in the the primary coil and 324 loops in the secondary coil. If the input current is 2.4 A, what is the output current of the transformer in Amps? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.


A transformer has an output current of 1 A and an input current of 2 A. If the input coil has 416 loops, how many loops are in the output coil? Round your answer to no decimal places.


A water wave passes a boat every 12 seconds. What is the frequency of the waves in Hz? Round your answer to 2 decimal places.

b. shorter

A woman standing on the ground sees a rocket ship move past her at 95% of the speed of light. Compared to when the rocket is at rest, the woman measures the rocket's length as A. longer. B. shorter. C. the same length.

If the frequency of a certain wave is 10 hertz, its period is A. 0.1 second. B. 10 seconds. C. 100 seconds. D. None of the above choices are correct.

A. 0.1 second.

An object that completes 10 vibrations in 20 seconds has a frequency of A. 0.5 hertz. B. 2 hertz. C. 100 hertz D. 200 hertz.

A. 0.5 hertz.

A woman runs up a flight of stairs. The gain in her gravitational potential energy is 100 J. If she runs up the same stairs with twice the speed, what is her gain in potential energy? A. 100 J B. 200 J C. 50 J D. 400 J E. 25 J

A. 100 J

A 75 kg man climbs the stairs to the fifth floor of a building, a total height of 16 m. His potential energy has increased by approximately A. 12000 J B. 59000 J C. 47000 J D. 38000 J E. 5900 J

A. 12000 J

An elevator lifts a person from the 1st floor to the 4th floor in 30s. If the power output of the elevator is 5800W, what is the work done by the elevator? A. 174,000 J B. 12,431 J C. 58,000 J D. 58 J E. none of these

A. 174,000 J

A skipper on a boat notices wave crests passing the anchor chain every 5 seconds. The skipper estimates the distance between crests is 15 m. What is the speed of the water waves? A. 3 m/s B. 5 m/s C. 15 m/s D. 45 m/s

A. 3 m/s

What is the approximate wavelength of violet light? A. 400 nm B. 500 nm C. 600 nm D. 700 nm E. 800 nm

A. 400 nm

When U-238 emits an alpha particle, the nucleus left behind has A. 90 protons. B. 91 protons. C. 92 protons. D. 93 protons. E. 94 protons.

A. 90 protons.

Which statement is correct? A. Charge flows in a closed circuit. B. Voltage flows through an open or a closed circuit. C. Resistance flows through an open circuit. D. Current is the primary cause of voltage. E. Charge flows in either an open or closed circuit.

A. Charge flows in a closed circuit.

Which of the following statements is Newton's 2nd law? A. Force equals mass times acceleration. B. Objects in motion will stay in motion and objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. C. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. D. There is an attractive force between any 2 objects in the universe.

A. Force equals mass times acceleration.

What is the lowest energy level in an atom called? A. The ground state. B. The floor state. C. The basement state. D. The first state. E. The first excited state.

A. The ground state.

Which of the following is one of the postulates upon which Einstein's theories are based? A. The speed of light is constant. B. Time Dilation C. Length Contraction D. General Theory of Relativity E. Space and Time are one entity.

A. The speed of light is constant.

True or False: Gravitational potential energy depends on the object's mass. A. True B. False

A. True

True or False: Heat is a form of energy. A. True B. False

A. True

True or False: Stars that are moving away from us are called 'red-shifted'?. A. True B. False

A. True

True or False: The earth has a magnetic field

A. True

True or False: The universe is expanding. A. True B. False

A. True

True or False: Thermometers are usually based on the idea of thermal expansion. A. True B. False

A. True

True or False: a star begins as a nebula. A. True B. False

A. True

The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and very cold at night is evidence that sand has A. a low specific heat. B. a high specific heat. C. no specific heat.

A. a low specific heat.

A good heat conductor is A. a poor insulator. B. a good insulator. C. neither a poor nor a good insulator. D. both a good insulator and a poor insulator. E. very dense.

A. a poor insulator.

An electric motor is very similar to A. an electric generator. B. an automobile battery. C. a radio receiver. D. None of the above choices are correct.

A. an electric generator.

An electron and a proton A. attract each other. B. repel each other. C. neither attract nor repel each other.

A. attract each other.

The electrical force between charges is strongest when the charges are A. close together. B. far apart. C. The electric force is constant everywhere. D. opposite signs. E. the same signs.

A. close together.

Aluminum has a specific heat capacity more than twice that of copper. Place equal masses of aluminum and copper wire in a flame and the one to undergo the fastest increase in temperature will be A. copper. B. aluminum. C. both the same.

A. copper.

Padded dashboards in cars are safer in an accident than nonpadded ones because an occupant hitting the dash has A. increased time of impact. B. decreased time of impact. C. decreased impulse. D. increased momentum.

A. increased time of impact.

As a system becomes more disordered, entropy A. increases. B. decreases. C. remains the same. D. goes to zero.

A. increases.

Color depends on what characteristic of light? A. its frequency B. its amplitude C. its speed D. all of these E. none of these

A. its frequency

The Bohr model of the atom is akin to a A. miniature solar system. B. blob of plum pudding, where raisins represent atomic nuclei. C. central heavy ball with lighter balls connected by springs. D. all of these

A. miniature solar system.

Stars that have ______ mass than the sun will end their lives as neutron stars. A. more B. less C. the same

A. more

The SI unit of force is the A. newton. B. gram. C. pound. D. kilogram. E. meters per second squared.

A. newton.

Carbon dating requires that the object being tested contain A. organic material. B. inorganic material. C. charcoal. D. sugar molecules. E. none of these

A. organic material.

Strip electrons from an atom and the atom becomes a A. positive ion. B. negative ion. C. different element. D. molecule. E. a neutral ion.

A. positive ion.

The atomic number of an element is the same as the number of its A. protons. B. neutrons. C. nucleons. D. neither of these

A. protons.

When the distance between two charges is halved, the electrical force between the charges A. quadruples. B. doubles. C. halves. D. becomes 1/4 of the original force. E. None of the above choices are correct.

A. quadruples.

Your strange friend flies past you in a relativistic spacecraft holding a meterstick and a clock. The meterstick appears too ___ to you, and the clock appears ____ to you. A. short, slow B. long slow C. short, fast D. long, fast E. short, normal

A. short, slow

Compared to clocks in a stationary reference frame, clocks in a moving reference frame run A. slower. B. faster. C. at the same speed.

A. slower.

Which of the following is not a transverse wave? A. sound B. visible light C. radio wave D. all of these E. none of these

A. sound

Which of the following is fundamentally different from the others? A. sound waves B. X-rays C. gamma rays D. green light waves E. radio waves

A. sound waves

What makes an element distinct? A. the number of protons B. the number of neutrons C. the number of electrons D. the total mass of all the particles E. none of these

A. the number of protons

Two charged particles attract each other with a force F. If the charges of both particles are doubled, and the distance between them also doubled, then the force of attraction will be A. the same. B. twice as large. C. half as much. D. 1/4 as much. E. none of these

A. the same.

The ball rolling down an incline has its maximum potential energy at A. the top. B. a quarter of the way down. C. halfway down. D. three-quarters of the way down. E. the bottom.

A. the top.

A hockey puck is set in motion across a frozen pond. If friction and air resistance are neglected, the force required to keep the puck sliding at constant velocity is A. zero. B. equal to its weight. C. equal to its weight divided by its mass. D. equal to the product of its mass times its weight. E. equal to its mass.

A. zero.

c. move at constant velocity

According to the special theory of relativity, all laws of nature are the same in reference frames that A. accelerate. B. move in circles. C. move at constant velocity. D. oscillate. E. none of these


According to the special theory of relativity, how much energy in Joules is in 0.004 micrograms of dust?

C. placing a stationary coil of wire in a stationary magnetic field

All of the following can induce a current in a coil of wire EXCEPT A. moving a magnet through the coil. B. placing a stationary coil of wire in an increasing magnetic field. C. placing a stationary coil of wire in a stationary magnetic field. D. placing a stationary coil of wire in an decreasing magnetic field. E. moving both the coil of wire and a magnet away from each other at the same speed.

e. all of these

Alpha particles are repelled by atomic nuclei because A. of the electric force between an alpha particle and the atomic nucleus. B. closeness of each to each other is not permitted. C. the force between the alpha particle and the atomic nucleus is opposite to an attractive force. D. they both have the same sign of electric charge. E. all of these

b) 100 N

An 80 kg man on ice skates pushes a 40 kg boy, also on skates, with a force of 100 N. The force exerted by the boy on the man is a) 200 N b) 100 N c) 50 N d) 40 N e) zero unless the boy pushes back.

e. solenoid

An MRI machine uses a(n) _____ to produce a magnetic field. A. generator B. bar magnet C. capacitor D. resistor E. solenoid

B. current

An ampere is a unit of electrical A. pressure. B. current. C. resistance. D. all of these E. none of these

b) move in the opposite direction , but at a lower speed

An astronaut, floating alone in outer space, throws a baseball. If the ball floats away at a speed of 20 meters per second, the astronaut will a) move in the opposite direction at a speed of 20 m/s. B. move in the opposite direction, but at a lower speed. C. move in the opposite direction but at a higher speed. D. stay still. E. move in the same direction as the baseball.


An electron in second excited state of an atom has an energy of -8.3 eV. What is the energy of the ground state? Give your answer in eV, and round to 1 decimal place.


An electron in the ground state of an atom has an energy of -9.4 eV. What is the energy of the third excited state? Give your answer in eV, and round to 1 decimal place.

a. beta particle

An element will decay to an element with higher atomic number in the periodic table if it emits A. a beta particle. B. a gamma ray. C. a proton. D. an alpha particle. E. none of these

c. many more than 3 frequencies

An excited hydrogen atom is capable of emitting radiation of A. a single frequency. B. 3 frequencies. C. many more than 3 frequencies.

a. 0.5 hertz

An object that completes 10 vibrations in 20 seconds has a frequency of A. 0.5 hertz. B. 2 hertz. C. 100 hertz D. 200 hertz.

a. 0.05 second

An object that completes 100 vibrations in 5 seconds has a period of A. 0.05 second. B. 1 second. C. 2 seconds. D. 20 seconds.

c. 2 hertz

An object that completes 20 vibrations in 10 seconds has a frequency of A. 0.5 hertz. B. 1 hertz. C. 2 hertz. D. 200 hertz.

a) moving

An object that has kinetic energy must be A. moving. B. falling. C. at an elevated position. D. at rest. E. none of these


Approximately how many neutrons are in Ag-108?

a. smaller, larger, lower

As light passes from one medium into another, the angle of refraction is _____ in the medium with the ___ index of refraction and ____ speed of light. A. smaller, larger, lower B. smaller, larger, higher C. larger, smaller, lower D. larger, larger, lower E. smaller, smaller, higher


At a sports car rally, a car starting from rest accelerates uniformly at a rate of 5 m/s/s over a straight-line distance of 179 m. How long (in seconds) did it take the car to travel the 179 m? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

The lowest temperature possible in nature is A. 0 degrees C. B. -273 degrees C. C. 4 K. D. 32 degrees C. E. 100 K

B. -273 degrees C.

The freezing point of water in the Celsius scale is A. ? 273 degrees C. B. 0 degrees C. C. 32 degrees C. D. 100 degrees C. E. 212 degrees C.

B. 0 degrees C.

The specific heat capacity is the heat required to raise ____ of a substance by ____. A. 1 gram, 1 degree F B. 1 gram, 1 degree C C. 1 kilogram, 1 degree F D. 1 kilogram, 1 degree C E. 1 kilogram, 1000 K

B. 1 gram, 1 degree C

An 80 kg man on ice skates pushes a 40 kg boy, also on skates, with a force of 100 N. The force exerted by the boy on the man is A. 200 N B. 100 N C. 50 N D. 40 N E. zero unless the boy pushes back.

B. 100 N

How many vibrations per second are associated with a 101-MHz radio wave? A. less than 101,000,000 B. 101,000,000 C. more than 101,000,000

B. 101,000,000

A force accelerates an object of mass M. A second object requires twice the force to produce the same acceleration. What is the mass of the second body? A. M B. 2M C. M/2 D. 4M E. M/4

B. 2M

Entropy is closely related to the A. 1st law of thermodynamics. B. 2nd law of thermodynamics. C. 0th law of thermodynamics D. both of these E. neither of these

B. 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Radio waves travel at the speed of light, 300,000 km/s. The wavelength of a radio wave received at 100 megahertz is A. 0.3 m. B. 3.0 m. C. 30 m. D. 300 m. E. none of these

B. 3.0 m.

A 60-vibration-per-second wave travels 30 meters in 1 second. Its frequency is A. 30 hertz and it travels at 60 m/s. B. 60 hertz and it travels at 30 m/s. C. 1800 hertz and it travels at 2 m/s. D. 30 hertz and it travels at 30 m/s E. 60 hertz and it travels at 60 m/s

B. 60 hertz and it travels at 30 m/s.

In your house, most heat is lost through the process of A. Heat B. Conduction C. Convection D. Radiation E. Temperature

B. Conduction

The size of a white dwarf star is approximately the same as A. Jupiter. B. Earth. C. a comet. D. the sun.

B. Earth.

True or False: A 15 kg crate sliding at 4.0 m/s comes to rest due to friction. The amount of thermal energy generated by this process is 60 J. A. True B. False

B. False

True or False: A pulsar is a rotating red giant. A. True B. False

B. False

True or False: Einstein won the Nobel prize for his theories of relativity. A. True B. False

B. False

True or False: For a star moving away from you, you would observe the light to be shifted toward the blue end of the spectrum. A. True B. False

B. False

True or False: Hubble's law states that the farther away a galaxy is from earth, the faster it is moving towards us. A. True B. False

B. False

True or False: If you cut a bar magnet in half, you will get a magnet that is only a north pole and a magnet that is only a south pole.

B. False

True or False: Temperature is a form of energy. A. True B. False

B. False

True or False: We can determine if a star is moving toward or away from earth by measuring its brightness. A. True B. False

B. False

Why can't you or I travel at the speed of light? A. We are bigger than a photon. B. It would require an infinite amount of energy. C. We don't have enough fuel on Earth. D. It would require time travel. E. We can, we just haven't done it yet.

B. It would require an infinite amount of energy.

A temperature difference of 10 degrees Celsius is also equal to a temperature difference of 10 on the A. Fahrenheit scale. B. Kelvin scale. C. Joule scale. D. all of these. E. none of these

B. Kelvin scale.

Which of the following statements is Newton's 1st law? A. Force equals mass times acceleration. B. Objects in motion will stay in motion and objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. C. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. D. There is an attractive force between any 2 objects in the universe.

B. Objects in motion will stay in motion and objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force

A satellite is sent out in space. Which of the following is true of the satellite as it moves away from the earth? A. The satellite's mass and weight remain equal. B. The satellite's mass remains constant and its weight decreases. C. The satellite's mass decreases and its weight remains constant. D. The satellite's mass and weight decrease. E. The satellite's mass decreases and its weight increases.

B. The satellite's mass remains constant and its weight decreases.

Which of the following cannot travel in a vacuum? A. a yellow light wave B. a sound wave C. a radio wave D. All can travel in a vacuum. E. None can travel in a vacuum.

B. a sound wave

Electric charges of the opposite sign A. also have the same magnitude. B. attract each other. C. exert no forces on each other. D. repel each other.

B. attract each other.

For light, a red shift indicates that the light source is moving A. toward you. B. away from you. C. actually, all of these D. none of these

B. away from you.

A spaceship that is traveling very fast with respect to your frame of reference, fires a photon beam that travels at speed c with respect to the spaceship. You measure the photon beam's speed to be A. c/2. B. c. C. 2c. D. 4c. E. 16c.

B. c.

What do electrons have that protons always have in equal magnitude? A. mass B. charge C. energy D. all of these E. none of these

B. charge

An ampere is a unit of electrical A. pressure. B. current. C. resistance. D. all of these E. none of these

B. current.

The stretching out of time due to motion is called time A. stretching. B. dilation. C. contraction. D. warp. E. expansion.

B. dilation.

A freight train rolls along a track with considerable momentum. If it rolls at the same speed but has twice as much mass, its momentum is A. zero. B. doubled. C. quadrupled. D. unchanged. E. halved

B. doubled.

A person drops one rock from rest and it falls 100 meters down a cliff before hitting the ground. The person then throws an identical rock downward. The amount of kinetic energy gained by the rock dropped from rest is ________ that of the second rock, and the change in potential energy of the rock dropped from rest is _________ that of the second rock. A. equal to, greater than B. equal to, equal to C. less than, less than D. equal to, less than E. less than, equal to

B. equal to, equal to

If you apply the same force to objects with masses M and 4M, the acceleration of mass M is A. the same as mass 4M. B. four times the acceleration of mass 4M. C. one fourth the acceleration of mass 4M. D. twice the acceleration of mass 4M. E. one-half the acceleration of mass 4M.

B. four times the acceleration of mass 4M.

If you double the frequency of a vibrating object, its period A. doubles. B. halves. C. is quartered. D. quadruples.

B. halves.

If at a concert you run toward the orchestra, the frequency of the sound you hear will be A. decreased. B. increased. C. neither decreased nor increased.

B. increased.

Your feet feel warmer on a rug than on a tile floor because a rug A. is usually warmer than tile. B. is a better insulator than tile. C. for the same mass has more internal energy than tile. D. all of these E. none of these

B. is a better insulator than tile.

Stars that have ______ mass than the sun will end their lives as brown dwarfs. A. more B. less C. the same

B. less

A substance that heats up relatively quickly has a A. high specific heat capacity. B. low specific heat capacity. C. high conductivity. D. low conductivity. E. large thermal energy.

B. low specific heat capacity.

Systems that are left alone, tend to move toward a state of A. less entropy. B. more entropy. C. no entropy. D. peace. E. internal energy.

B. more entropy.

A skydiver falls through the air gaining 20 J of kinetic energy. How much gravitational potential energy did she lose? Include air resistance. A. 20 J B. more than 20 J C. less than 20 J D. One needs to know the mass of the skydiver. E. One needs to know how far she fell.

B. more than 20 J

The molecules in an object with a higher temperature A. move slower. B. move faster. C. stop moving. D. are heavier. E. are lighter.

B. move faster.

If you comb your hair and the comb becomes positively charged, then your hair becomes A. positively charged. B. negatively charged. C. uncharged. D. a different color.

B. negatively charged.

Which of the following are electrically neutral? A. proton B. neutron C. electron D. ion E. none of these

B. neutron

During a single period, the distance traveled by a wave is A. one-half wavelength. B. one wavelength. C. two wavelengths. D. four wavelengths.

B. one wavelength.

Two charged particles held close to each other are released. As they move, the force on each particle increases. Therefore, the particles must have A. the same sign. B. opposite signs. C. the same mass. D. the same size. E. impossible to answer without additional information

B. opposite signs.

A main difference between gravitational and electric forces is that electrical forces A. attract. B. repel or attract. C. obey the inverse-square law. D. act over shorter distances. E. are weaker.

B. repel or attract.

A woman standing on the ground sees a rocket ship move past her at 95% of the speed of light. Compared to when the rocket is at rest, the woman measures the rocket's length as A. longer. B. shorter. C. the same length.

B. shorter.

To outside observers, the overall sizes of objects traveling at relativistic speeds are A. larger. B. smaller. C. the same size. D. larger if the object is moving away from the observer and smaller if the object is moving toward the observer. E. smaller if the object is moving away from the observer and larger if the object is moving toward the observer.

B. smaller.

Clocks on a spaceship moving very fast relative to the Earth run more slowly when viewed from A. the spaceship. B. the Earth. C. both places. D. neither place.

B. the Earth.

If an object is raised twice as high, its potential energy will be A. half as much B. twice as much. C. four times as much. D. impossible to determine unless the time is given. E. impossible to determine unless the mass is given.

B. twice as much.

The current through a 10-ohm resistor connected to a 120-V power supply is A. 1 A. B. 10 A. C. 12 A. D. 120 A. E. none of these

C. 12 A.

The power required to exert 64N of force over a distance of 8m in 32 seconds is A. 128 W B. 32,000 W C. 16 W D. 96 W E. impossible to predict

C. 16 W

A ball is moving at 3 m/s and has a momentum of 48 kg m/s. What is the ball's mass? A. 4 kg B. 12 kg C. 16 kg D. 144 kg E. none of these

C. 16 kg

Einstein developed his special theory of relativity in A. 1900 B. 1902 C. 1905 D. 1910 E. 1915

C. 1905

The amplitude of a particular wave is 1 meter. The top-to-bottom distance of the disturbance is A. 0.5 m. B. 1 m. C. 2 m. D. 4 m. E. 0.25 m.

C. 2 m.

Room temperature on the Kelvin scale is about A. 100 K. B. 200 K. C. 300 K. D. 400 K. E. more than 400 K.

C. 300 K.

The power dissipated in a 4-ohm resistor carrying 3 A is A. 7 W. B. 18 W. C. 36 W. D. 48 W. E. not enough information to say

C. 36 W.

You are riding on in the back of a truck that is traveling at 70 mph relative to an observer. You push a pumpkin off the back of the truck at 5 mph. How fast does an observer standing on the ground outside the pumpkin fly by? A. 70 mph B. 75 mph C. 65 mph D. 5 mph E. 350 mph

C. 65 mph

You are riding on a train that is traveling at 90 mph. You throw a pen at your sister in the opposite direction that the train is moving at a speed of 7 mph. How fast does an observer standing on the ground outside the train see the ball travel? A. 90 mph B. 97 mph C. 83 mph D. 7 mph E. 630 mph

C. 83 mph

A spaceship in deep outer space is moving with a constant speed in a straight line. Which of the following is true? A. A single force is acting on the spaceship in the direction of motion. B. A single force is acting on the spaceship opposite the direction of motion. C. A net force of zero is acting on the spaceship. D. A constant net force is acting on the spaceship.

C. A net force of zero is acting on the spaceship.

_______ is heat transferred through the motion of mass of a substance. A. Heat B. Conduction C. Convection D. Radiation E. Temperature

C. Convection

Two charged particles repel each other with a force F. If the charge of one of the particles is doubled and the distance between them is also doubled, then the force will be A. F. B. 2 F. C. F/2. D. F/4. E. none of these

C. F/2.

Which of the following statements is Newton's 3rd law? A. Force equals mass times acceleration. B. Objects in motion will stay in motion and objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. C. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. D. There is an attractive force between any 2 objects in the universe.

C. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Einstein's insight came from a contradiction between Maxwell's theories and the theories of A. Joule. B. Watt. C. Galileo D. Ohm.

C. Galileo

Which scientist discovered that the universe is made up of galaxies? A. Einstein B. Galileo C. Hubble D. Copernicus

C. Hubble

The SI units of energy are A. Calories B. Kilocalories C. Joules D. Watts E. Newtons

C. Joules

The SI units of work are A. Calories B. Kilocalories C. Joules D. Watts E. Newtons

C. Joules

A force accelerates an object of mass M. The same force applied to a second object produces 4 times the acceleration. What is the mass of the second object? A. M B. 4M C. M/4 D. 16M E. M/16

C. M/4

The same voltage is measured across two wires. Wire A carries twice the current of wire B. If the resistance of wire B is R, what is the resistance of wire A? A. R B. 2R C. R/2 D. 4R E. R/4

C. R/2

Particle A has twice the charge of nearby particle B. Compared to the force on Particle A, the force on Particle B is A. four times as much. B. twice as much. C. the same. D. half as much. E. None of the above choices are correct.

C. the same.

Who was the scientist to first create the periodic table? A. Neils Bohr B. Ernest Rutherford C. J.J. Thomson D. Dmitri Mendeleev E. Erwin Schroedinger

D. Dmitri Mendeleev

Susan ascends a mountain via a short, steep trail. Sean ascends the same mountain via a long, gentle trail. Which of the following statements is true? A. Susan gains more gravitational potential energy than Sean. B. Susan gains less gravitational potential energy that Sean. C. Susan gains the same gravitational potential energy as Sean. D. To compare gravitational potential energies, we must know the height of the mountain. E. To compare gravitational potential energies, we must know the length of the two trails.

C. Susan gains the same gravitational potential energy as Sean.

Which of these electromagnetic waves has the shortest wavelength? A. radio waves B. infrared waves C. X-rays D. ultraviolet waves E. light waves

C. X-rays

Rapid change of a magnetic field induces A. a magnetic field of greater magnitude. B. a magnetic field of the same magnitude. C. an electric field. D. nothing.

C. an electric field.

An atom with an imbalance of electrons to protons is A. a hadron. B. a baryon. C. an ion. D. an isotope. E. none of these

C. an ion.

Suppose you look at the huge clock on the Big Ben Tower in London and it reads 12 noon. If you could travel away from the clock at the speed of light and view it with a telescope, it would A. run slower than usual. B. run faster than usual. C. be frozen at 12 noon. D. appear larger.

C. be frozen at 12 noon.

According to Einstein's theory of special relativity A. space and time are aspects of each other. B. energy and mass are aspects of each other. C. both of these D. none of these

C. both of these

Compared to standard Earth time, there is a physical slowing of your time when you travel at A. relativistic speeds. B. everyday low speeds. C. both of these D. none of these

C. both of these

Light bends when it A. passes a massive star. B. passes through a gravitational field. C. both of these D. neither of these

C. both of these

Relativity equations for time, length and momentum hold true for A. relativistic speeds. B. everyday low speeds. C. both of these D. none of these

C. both of these

If a visible light signal and a radio signal were emitted simultaneously from Alpha Centauri (a distant star), the first to reach Earth would be the A. radio signal. B. visible light signal. C. both would reach Earth at the same time.

C. both would reach Earth at the same time.

Your space vehicle is traveling directly away from the earth with a speed of c/2, where c is the speed of light. A light signal is sent from earth. The speed with which this light passes your vehicle, as measured by the crew, is A. c/4 B. c/2 C. c D. 3c/4 E. 2c/3

C. c

At a concert the oboe is playing a long steady note as you walk away from the stage at an accelerating velocity toward the rest room. The pitch of the sound that you hear is A. steady but higher than normal. B. steady but lower than normal. C. continually decreasing. D. continually increasing. E. None of the above choices are correct.

C. continually decreasing.

A balloon will stick to a wooden wall if the balloon is charged. Hint: Wood is an insulator and doesn't conduct electricity well. A. negatively. B. positively. C. either positively or negatively. D. None of the above choices are correct.

C. either positively or negatively.

A Doppler effect occurs when a source of sound moves A. towards you. B. away from you. C. either towards you or away from you. D. in a circle around you.

C. either towards you or away from you.

Which radiation has no electric charge associated with it? A. alpha rays B. beta rays C. gamma rays D. all of these E. none of these

C. gamma rays

The strength (or magnitude) of the electrical force between charges depends only on the charges' A. magnitude. B. separation distance. C. magnitude and separation distance. D. sign. E. None of the above choices are correct.

C. magnitude and separation distance.

An excited hydrogen atom is capable of emitting radiation of A. a single frequency. B. 3 frequencies. C. many more than 3 frequencies.

C. many more than 3 frequencies.

A wind turbine converts _______________ energy into electrical energy. A. chemical B. gravitational C. mechanical D. thermal E. nuclear

C. mechanical

Suppose the time taken for light to bounce to and fro between the parallel mirrors of a light clock is 1 second, in the frame of reference of the light clock. As seen by another observer moving at high speed at right angles to the to-and-fro motion of the bouncing light, the time taken would be A. also 1 second. B. less than 1 second. C. more than 1 second.

C. more than 1 second.

According to the special theory of relativity, all laws of nature are the same in reference frames that A. accelerate. B. move in circles. C. move at constant velocity. D. oscillate. E. none of these

C. move at constant velocity.

A positive ion has more A. electrons than neutrons. B. electrons than protons. C. protons than electrons. D. protons than neutrons. E. neutrons than protons.

C. protons than electrons.

The earth receives about 1.7 x 10^17 J of energy from the sun each second through a process called A. conduction. B. convection. C. radiation. D. sublimation. E. evaporation.

C. radiation.

Electric charges of the same sign A. also have the same magnitude. B. attract each other. C. repel each other. D. exert no forces on each other.

C. repel each other.

On some early automobiles both headlights went out when one bulb burned out. The headlights must have been connected in A. parallel. B. perpendicular. C. series. D. haste.

C. series.

Stars that have ______ mass than the sun will end their lives as white dwarfs. A. more B. less C. the same

C. the same

After rolling halfway down an incline after being released from rest, a marble's kinetic energy is A. less than its potential energy. B. greater than its potential energy. C. the same as its potential energy. D. impossible to determine. E. zero.

C. the same as its potential energy.

To catch a ball, a baseball player extends the hand forward before impact with the ball and then lets it ride backward in the direction of the ball's motion. Doing this reduces the force of impact on the player's hand principally because the A. force of impact is reduced. B. relative velocity is less. C. time of impact is increased. D. time of impact is decreased. E. none of these

C. time of impact is increased.

An object lifted 10 meters gains 200 J of potential energy. If the same object is lifted 20 meters, its potential energy gain is A. half as much. B. the same. C. twice as much. D. four times as much. E. more than four times as much.

C. twice as much.

a. organic material

Carbon dating requires that the object being tested contain A. organic material. B. inorganic material. C. charcoal. D. sugar molecules. E. none of these


Charges Q1 and Q2 exert repulsive forces of 16 N on each other. What is the repulsive force in Newtons when their separation is decreased so that their final separation is 77 % of their initial separation? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

a. its frequency

Color depends on what characteristic of light? A. its frequency B. its amplitude C. its speed D. all of these E. none of these

a. slower

Compared to clocks in a stationary reference frame, clocks in a moving reference frame run A. slower. B. faster. C. at the same speed

d. all of these

Compared to special relativity, general relativity is more concerned with A. acceleration. B. gravitation. C. space-time geometry. D. all of these E. none of these

8.9 m/s

Convert 20 mph into m/s a) 32180 m/s b) 8.9 m/s c) 89 m/s d) 536 m/s

Rutherford performed an experiment in which alpha particles were shot at a thin gold foil. About how many of the alpha particles bounced backward from the gold foil? A. 1/10 B. 1/100 C. 1/500 D. 1/1000 E. 1/10,000

D. 1/1000

A power line with a resistance of 2 ohms has a current of 80 A in it. The power dissipated in the line is A. 40 W. B. 160 W. C. 320 W. D. 12,800 W. E. none of these

D. 12,800 W.

Approximately how old is the universe? A. 1.5 million years B. 15 million years C. 1.5 billion years D. 15 billion years

D. 15 billion years

The freezing point of water in the Kelvin scale is A. 0 K. B. 32 K. C. 100 K. D. 273 K.

D. 273 K.

The energy stored in one pound of fat is about A. 35 Cal B. 350 Cal C. 1000 Cal D. 3500 Cal E. 5000 Cal

D. 3500 Cal

The power dissipated in each of two light bulbs is the same. The voltage across light bulb A is twice that of light bulb B. If the resistance of light bulb B is R, what is the resistance of light bulb A? A. R B. 2R C. R/2 D. 4R E. R/4

D. 4R

A diver who weighs 500 N steps off a diving board that is 10 m above the water. The diver hits the water with kinetic energy of A. 10 J. B. 500 J. C. 510 J. D. 5000 J. E. more than 5000 J.

D. 5000 J.

What is the approximate wavelength of red light? A. 400 nm B. 500 nm C. 600 nm D. 700 nm E. 800 nm

D. 700 nm

When thorium (atomic number = 90) emits a beta particle, the resulting nucleus has atomic number A. 88. B. 89. C. 90. D. 91. E. 92.

D. 91.

If 0.8 A of current flow through a light bulb connected to a 120 V outlet, the power consumed is A. 12 W. B. 15 W. C. 60 W. D. 96 W. E. 120 W.

D. 96 W.

A light bulb carries a current I. The power dissipated in the light bulb is P. What is the power dissipated if the same light bulb carries a current of 3I? A. P B. 3P C. P/3 D. 9P E. P/9

D. 9P

Harry takes a space voyage and returns to find his twin sister has aged more than he has. This is evidence that they have been in different A. frames of reference. B. space times. C. realms of time. D. all of these E. none of these

D. all of these

Interference is a property of A. light waves. B. sound waves. C. water waves. D. all of these E. none of these

D. all of these

Substances absorb heat energy by the process of A. conduction. B. convection. C. radiation. D. all of these

D. all of these

The first law of thermodynamics is a restatement of the A. principle of entropy. B. law of heat addition. C. Carnot cycle. D. conservation of energy. E. none of these

D. conservation of energy.

The net force on a moving object suddenly becomes zero. The object then A. stops abruptly. B. stops during a short time interval. C. changes direction. D. continues at a constant velocity. E. slows down gradually.

D. continues at a constant velocity.

If you were to travel at speeds close to the speed of light, you would notice that your own A. pulse decreases. B. shape changes. C. both of these D. neither of these

D. neither of these

Objects accelerated to relativistic speeds do the following with respect to an external observer A. live shorter. B. grow bigger. C. both of these D. neither of these

D. neither of these

Which of the following does not use a generator to produce electricity? A. coal power plant B. hydroelectric dam C. wind turbine D. solar panel E. nuclear power plant

D. solar panel

d. neutrons

Different isotopes of an element have different numbers of A. protons. B. hadrons. C. photons. D. neutrons. E. none of these


Disregarding air resistance, objects fall with constant a) velocity b) speed c) acceleration d) distances each successive second e) position

The electric power of a lamp that carries 2 A at 120 V is A. 1/6 watts. B. 2 watts. C. 60 watts. D. 20 watts. E. 240 watts.

E. 240 watts.

A net force of 64 N acts on a mass of 16 kg. What is the acceleration of the object? A. 16 m/s/s B. 0.51 m/s/s C. 64 m/s/s D. 9 m/s/s E. 4 m/s/s

E. 4 m/s/s

Which of the following statements is (are) a consequence of Einstein's postulates? A. Every observer in every reference frame measures the same value for the speed of light. B. Moving clocks appear to run slow. C. Moving objects appear to be contracted along the direction of motion. D. Clocks synchronized in one reference frame are not synchronized in any frame moving relative to that reference frame. E. all of the above

E. all of the above

A 10-ohm resistor has a 5-A current in it. What is the voltage across the resistor? A. 5 V B. 10 V C. 15 V D. 20 V E. more than 20 V

E. more than 20 V

A light aluminum ball and a heavy lead ball of the same size are allowed to roll down an incline. When they are halfway down the incline, they will have identical A. kinetic energies. B. potential energies. C. momentum. D. inertia. E. none of the above choices

E. none of the above choices

A ball rolling down an incline has its maximum kinetic energy at A. the top. B. a quarter of the way down. C. halfway down. D. three-quarters of the way down. E. the bottom.

E. the bottom.

d. E=mc^2

Einstein's famous equation is A. E = mc B. E^2 = mc C. E = c*m^2 D. E = mc^2 E. E^2 = mc^2

c. Newton

Einstein's insight came from a contradiction between Maxwell's theories and the theories of A. Joule. B. Watt. C. Newton D. Ohm.

b. magnetic field intensity in the coil

Electromagnetic induction occurs in a coil when there is a change in A. electric field intensity in the coil. B. magnetic field intensity in the coil. C. voltage in the coil. D. the coil's polarity. E. electromagnetic polarity.

not b

Energy transfer by convection is primarily restricted to A. solids. B. liquids. C. gases. D. liquids and gases. E. none of these

e. disorder

Entropy measures A. temperature at constant pressure. B. temperature at constant volume. C. temperature as pressure increases. D. temperature as volume increases. E. disorder.


Far-sightedness is also called

b. away from you

For light, a red shift indicates that the light source is moving A. toward you. B. away from you. C. actually, all of these D. none of these

d. 7

How many protons are in a neutral, stable nitrogen atom? A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 7 E. 14

b) twice as much

If an object is raised twice as high, its potential energy will be A. half as much B. twice as much. C. four times as much. D. impossible to determine unless the time is given. E. impossible to determine unless the mass is given.

change by the same amount each second

If an object moves with constant acceleration, its velocity must a) be constant b) change by the same amount each second c) change by varying amounts depending on its speed d) always decrease


If electric energy costs 12 cents per kwh, how many cents does it cost to keep a 2548 W toaster running for 32 minutes? Round your answer to a whole number of cents.

a. 0.1 second

If the frequency of a certain wave is 10 hertz, its period is A. 0.1 second. B. 10 seconds. C. 100 seconds. D. None of the above choices are correct.

d. 1.5

If the speed of light in a medium is 2 × 10^8 m/s, the medium's index of refraction is A. 0.50. B. 0.67. C. 1.0. D. 1.5. E. 2.0.

b) four times the acceleration of mass 4M

If you apply the same force to objects with masses M and 4M, the acceleration of mass M is a) the same as mass 4M b) four times the acceleration c) one forth the acceleration of mass 4M d) twice the acceleration of mass 4M e) one-half the acceleration of mass 4M

a) twice as much work

If you push an object twice as far while applying the same force, you do A. twice as much work. B. four times as much work. C. the same amount of work. D. half as much work.


In each second of a fall, the distance a freely falling object will fall is a) about 5 m b) about 10 m c) the same, but not 5m or 10m d) increasing e) none of those


In the SI unit system, distance is measured in units of.. a) miles b)meters c)kilometers d)feet


In the SI unit system, mass is measured in units of a)grams b)kilograms c)pounds d)newtons

a. lens

In the eye, the ____ is adjustable so that the eye can focus on objects at different distances. A. lens B. retina C. pupil D. iris E. object

c. ejected neutrons

In the fissioning of uranium, a chain reaction is caused by A. the enormous energy release. B. the kinetic energy of the decay products. C. ejected neutrons. D. the conversion of mass to energy. E. none of these

c. pupil

In the human eye, what acts like a diaphragm to let light in? A. retina B. lens C. pupil D. cilia

b. conduction

In your house, most heat is lost through the process of A. Heat B. Conduction C. Convection D. Radiation E. Temperature


It takes 24 J to push a heavy chair 5 m across a floor. Assuming the push is in the same direction as the move, what is the magnitude of the force on the box in Newtons? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

c. both of these

Light bends when it A. passes a massive star. B. passes through a gravitational field. C. both of these D. neither of these

c. 23.7 degrees

Light is incident on a piece of glass in air at an angle of 37° from the normal. If the index of refraction of the glass is 1.5, the angle that the refracted ray makes with the normal is approximately A. 8.6° B. 21.8° C. 23.7° D. 41.8° E. 56.4°


Light traveling in glass (n=1.5) is incident on an air/glass interface at an incident angle of 32 degrees. If the refracted angle is 23 degrees, what is the index of refraction of the glass?

a. attract

Like kinds of magnetic poles repel while unlike kinds of magnetic poles A. attract. B. repel also. C. may attract or repel. D. neither repel or attract

d. invisible

Most of the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum are A. red light. B. blue light. C. green light. D. invisible.


Near-sightedness is also called

? not c

Objects accelerated to relativistic speeds A. live shorter. B. grow bigger. C. both of these D. neither of these

C. series

On some early automobiles both headlights went out when one bulb burned out. The headlights must have been connected in A. parallel. B. perpendicular. C. series. D. haste

a) increased time of impact

Padded dashboards in cars are safer in an accident than nonpadded ones because an occupant hitting the dash has a) increased time of impact. b) decreased time of impact. c) decreased impulse. d) increased momentum.

b. 3.0 m

Radio waves travel at the speed of light, 300,000 km/s. The wavelength of a radio wave received at 100 megahertz is A. 0.3 m. B. 3.0 m. C. 30 m. D. 300 m. E. none of these

c. an electric field

Rapid change of a magnetic field induces A. a magnetic field of greater magnitude. B. a magnetic field of the same magnitude. C. an electric field. D. nothing.

c. both of these

Relativity equations for time, length and momentum hold true for A. relativistic speeds. B. everyday low speeds. C. both of these D. none of these

b) remains constant

Roll a bowling ball off the edge of a table. As it falls, its horizontal component of velocity A. decreases. B. remains constant. C. increases. D. depends on the mass of the ball.

c. 300K

Room temperature on the Kelvin scale is about A. 100 K. B. 200 K. C. 300 K. D. 400 K. E. more than 400 K.

d. 1/1000

Rutherford performed an experiment in which alpha particles were shot at a thin gold foil. About how many of the alpha particles bounced backward from the gold foil? A. 1/10 B. 1/100 C. 1/500 D. 1/1000 E. 1/10,000

d. all of these

Substances absorb heat energy by the process of A. conduction. B. convection. C. radiation. D. all of these

? not b

Suppose the time taken for light to bounce to and fro between the parallel mirrors of a light clock is 1 second, in the frame of reference of the light clock. As seen by another observer moving at high speed at right angles to the to-and-fro motion of the bouncing light, the time taken would be A. also 1 second. B. less than 1 second. C. more than 1 second.

? not a

Suppose you look at the huge clock on the Big Ben Tower in London and it reads 12 noon. If you could travel away from the clock at the speed of light and view it with a telescope, it would A. run slower than usual. B. run faster than usual. C. be frozen at 12 noon. D. appear larger.

c) Susan gains the same gravitational potential energy as Sean

Susan ascends a mountain via a short, steep trail. Sean ascends the same mountain via a long, gentle trail. Which of the following statements is true? A. Susan gains more gravitational potential energy than Sean. B. Susan gains less gravitational potential energy that Sean. C. Susan gains the same gravitational potential energy as Sean. D. To compare gravitational potential energies, we must know the height of the mountain. E. To compare gravitational potential energies, we must know the length of the two trails.

d) watts

The SI units of power are A. Calories B. Kilocalories C. Joules D. Watts E. Newtons

c) Joules

The SI units of work are A. Calories B. Kilocalories C. Joules D. Watts E. Newtons

c. protons and neutrons

The atomic mass number of an element is approximately the same as the number of its A. protons. B. neutrons. C. protons and neutrons. D. electrons. E. protons and electrons.

a. protons

The atomic number of an element is the same as the number of its A. protons. B. neutrons. C. nucleons. D. neither of these

a) the top

The ball rolling down an incline has its maximum potential energy at A. the top. B. a quarter of the way down. C. halfway down. D. three-quarters of the way down. E. the bottom.

b. dilation

The stretching out of time due to motion is called time A. stretching. B. dilation. C. contraction. D. warp. E. expansion.

d) 3500 Cal

The energy stored in one pound of fat is A. 35 Cal B. 350 Cal C. 1000 Cal D. 3500 Cal E. 5000 Cal

a. low specific heat

The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and very cold at night is evidence that sand has A. a low specific heat. B. a high specific heat. C. no specific heat.

c. 32 degrees F

The freezing point of water in the Fahrenheit scale is A. - 273 degrees F. B. 0 degrees F. C. 32 degrees F. D. 100 degrees F. E. 212 degrees

d. 273 K

The freezing point of water in the Kelvin scale is A. - 273 K. B. 0 K. C. 32 K. D. 100 K. E. 273 K.


The frequency of an electromagnetic wave is 2E4 Hz. What is the wavelength of the light in meters? Round your answer to 1 decimal place


The gravitational acceleration on the moon is 1/6 of that on Earth. If an object weighs 63 N on earth, what is it's weight in Newton's on the moon? Round your answer to 1 decimal place

c. one-quarter

The half-life of an isotope is one day. At the end of two days the amount that remains is A. none. B. one-half. C. one-quarter. D. one-eighth. E. none of these

d. one-eighth

The half-life on an isotope is one day. At the end of three days, how much of the isotope remains? A. none B. one-half C. one-quarter D. one-eighth E. none of these


The image formed by a concave mirror is 80 cm tall. If the object was 11 cm tall, what is the magnification? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.


The index of refraction of a substance is 1.5. What percentage of the speed of light in vacuum is the speed of light in the substance? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

c. 8 A

The input current of a transformer is 4 A. The primary coil has 50 loops and the secondary has 25 loops. The current that the transformer puts out is A. 2 A. B. 4 A. C. 8 A. D. 16 A. E. 32 A.


The language of physics is.. a)latin b)chinese c)english d)mathematics


The lowest temperature ever recorded in the United States is -80 degrees F. What is this temperature in kelvins? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

b. -273 degrees C

The lowest temperature possible in nature is A. 0 degrees C. B. -273 degrees C. C. 4 K. D. 32 degrees C. E. 100 K

d) continues at a constant velocity

The net force on a moving object suddenly becomes zero. The object then a) stops abruptly b) stops during a short time interval c) changes direction d) continues at a constant velocity e) slows down gradually


The north end of one magnet will be attracted to the ______ end of another magnet.


The orbital radius of the 3rd excited state of an atom is 32.7 angstroms. What is the orbital radius of orbit number 5 in angstroms? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

b. atomic number

The periodic table is ordered by A. atomic mass. B. atomic number. C. neutron number. D. color of element. E. year of element's discovery.

C. 36 W

The power dissipated in a 4-ohm resistor carrying 3 A is A. 7 W. B. 18 W. C. 36 W. D. 48 W. E. not enough information to say

D. 4R

The power dissipated in each of two light bulbs is the same. The voltage across light bulb A is twice that of light bulb B. If the resistance of light bulb B is R, what is the resistance of light bulb A? A. R B. 2R C. R/2 D. 4R E. R/4

a) 1 W

The power required to exert 1 N force, over a distance of 1 m in 1 second is A. 1 W. B. 2 W. C. 1/3 W. D. 3 W. E. none of these

d. number of nuclei

The rate of radioactive decay is proportional to the A. atomic number. B. atomic mass. C. number of neutrons. D. number of nuclei. E. number of electrons.

C. R/2

The same voltage is measured across two wires. Wire A carries twice the current of wire B. If the resistance of wire B is R, what is the resistance of wire A? A. R B. 2R C. R/2 D. 4R E. R/4

d. moving electric charges

The source of all magnetism is A. tiny pieces of iron. B. tiny domains of aligned atoms. C. ferromagnetic materials. D. moving electric charge. E. none of these

b. 1 gram, 1 degree C

The specific heat capacity is the heat required to raise ____ of a substance by ____. A. 1 gram, 1 degree F B. 1 gram, 1 degree C C. 1 kilogram, 1 degree F D. 1 kilogram, 1 degree C E. 1 kilogram, 1000 K

e. a virtual image

The technical name for the type of image formed by a single plane mirror is A. a real image. B. an inverted image. C. an enlarged image. D. a focal image. E. a virtual image.

b. concave, convex

The two types of mirrors are A. concave, diverging B. concave, convex C. converging, convex D. converging, diverging

b. at right angles to the direction of wave travel

The vibrations of a transverse wave move in a direction A. along the direction of wave travel. B. at right angles to the direction of wave travel. C. that changes with speed. D. opposite to the velocity.

a) the kinetic energy

The weight of objects on the moon is 1/6 of their weight on earth. A golf ball moving with speed v on the moon has kinetic energy equal to __________________ it would have if it was moving at the same speed on earth. A. the kinetic energy B. 1/36 the kinetic energy C. 1/6 the kinetic energy D. 6 times the kinetic energy E. 36 times the kinetic energy

c) time of impact is increased

To catch a ball, a baseball player extends the hand forward before impact with the ball and then lets it ride backward in the direction of the ball's motion. Doing this reduces the force of impact on the player's hand principally because the a) force of impact is reduced. b) relative velocity is less. c) time of impact is increased. d) time of impact is decreased. e)none of these


True or False: A 15 kg crate sliding at 4.0 m/s comes to rest due to friction. The amount of thermal energy generated by this process is 60 J.


True or False: A compass is placed close to a stationary charge. If the charge remains stationary, the compass will not deflect, but if the charge moves, the compass will deflect.


True or False: A grasshopper leaps into the air at a 62 degree angle above the horizontal. At its highest point, the grasshopper's velocity and acceleration are equal to zero


True or False: All mirrors produce a virtual image


True or False: For a star moving away from you, you would observe the light to be shifted toward the blue end of the spectrum.


True or False: For a star moving toward you, you would observe the light to be shifted toward the blue end of the spectrum.


True or False: Gravitational potential energy depends on the object's mass.


True or False: In an induction stove, the surface of the stove heats up.


True or False: In the Bohr model of the atom, electrons can orbit the nucleus with any radius.


True or False: Kinetic energy is proportional to the square of an object's velocity.


True or False: Lenses have two focal points.


True or False: The image formed on the detector in a camera is virtual.


True or False: Two identical projectiles are launched with equal speeds from the top of a building and feel no air resistance. Projectile A is launched above the horizontal while projectile B is launched below the horizontal. Both projectiles have exactly the same acceleration while they are in the air.


True or False: When an electron transitions from the first excited state to the ground state it gives off energy.


True or False: When insulating your house, you want to look for insulation with a lower R-value. A. True B. False


True or False: You throw a 5.0 kg stone from the top of a cliff with an initial vertical velocity of 8.0 m/s downward and an initial horizontal velocity of 7.0 m/s away from the cliff, and it feels no air resistance. After the stone is in the air but free of your hand, its acceleration remains constant at 9.8 m/s/s downward but its speed changes.

more than 100 m/s

Twelve seconds after starting from rest, an object falling freely will have a speed of a) 10 m/s b) 50 m/s c) 100 m/s d) more than 100 m/s e) 0 ms

Department of Defense

Which federal agency in the United States provides the most money for research and development? a) National Science Foundation b) Department of Education c) Department of Defense d) Department of Energy

D. solar panel

Which of the following does not use a generator to produce electricity? A. coal power plant B. hydroelectric dam C. wind turbine D. solar panel E. nuclear power plant

e. steel manufacturing

Which of the following is NOT an application of radioactivity? A. food safety B. medical testing C. smoke detectors D. carbon dating E. steel manufacturing

d. polarization

Which of the following is a property of light waves, but not of sound waves? A. frequency B. wavelength C. amplitude D. polarization E. none of these

e. time

Which of the following is not a property of a wave? A. wavelength B. frequency C. period D. amplitude E. time


Which of the following is not part of the scientific method? a) identifying patterns b)chinese c)english d)mathematics

a. the speed of light is constant

Which of the following is one of the postulates upon which Einstein's theories are based? A. The speed of light is constant. B. Time Dilation C. Length Contraction D. General Theory of Relativity E. Space and Time are one entity.

e. all of the above

Which of the following statements is (are) a consequence of Einstein's postulates? A. Every observer in every reference frame measures the same value for the speed of light. B. Moving clocks appear to run slow. C. Moving objects appear to be contracted along the direction of motion. D. Clocks synchronized in one reference frame are not synchronized in any frame moving relative to that reference frame. E. all of the above

b) Objects in motion will stay in motion and objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force

Which of the following statements is Newton's 1st law? a) Force equals mass times acceleration. b) Objects in motion will stay in motion and objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. c) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. d) There is an attractive force between any 2 objects in the universe.

a) force equals mass times acceleration

Which of the following statements is Newton's 2nd law? a) force equals mass times acceleration b) Objects in motion will stay in motion and objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force c) for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction d) there is an attractive force between any 2 objects in the universe

c) for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Which of the following statements is Newton's 3rd law? a)Force equals mass times acceleration. b) Objects in motion will stay in motion and objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. c) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. d) There is an attractive force between any 2 objects in the universe.


Which part of the sun does the most fusion take place? a) core b) photosphere c) chromosphere d) corona

c. gamma rays

Which radiation has no electric charge associated with it? A. alpha rays B. beta rays C. gamma rays D. all of these E. none of these

A. Charge flows in a closed circuit.

Which statement is correct? A. Charge flows in a closed circuit. B. Voltage flows through an open or a closed circuit. C. Resistance flows through an open circuit. D. Current is the primary cause of voltage. E. Charge flows in either an open or closed circuit.

velocity increases

While an object near the Earth's surface is in free fall, its a) velocity increases b) acceleration increases c)mass increases d) mass decreases e) velocity is constant

D. Dmitri Mendeleev

Who was the scientist to first create the periodic table? A. Neils Bohr B. Ernest Rutherford C. J.J. Thomson D. Dmitri Mendeleev E. Erwin Schroedinger

they are cooler than the surrounding material

Why are sunspots darker than the surrounding parts of the sun? a) they are in a different layer b) they are cooler than the surrounding material c) they are warmer than the surrounding material d) they contain different atoms than the surrounding material

C. 83 mph

You are riding on a train that is traveling at 90 mph. You throw a pen at your sister in the opposite direction that the train is moving at a speed of 7 mph. How fast does an observer standing on the ground outside the train see the ball travel? A. 90 mph B. 97 mph C. 83 mph D. 7 mph E. 630 mph


You push on a refrigerator with a force of 11 N and cause the refrigerator to accelerate at 2.0 m/s/s. What is the refrigerator's mass in kg? Round your answer to 1 decimal place.

25 km/h

You started to run at 10 km/h when you left your house and you arrived at school 30 minutes later. Assuming that your average acceleration was 30 km/h/h, how fast were you running when you arrived? a) 15 km/h b) 20 km/h c) 25 km/h d) 30 km/h

b. is a better insulator than tile

Your feet feel warmer on a rug than on a tile floor because a rug A. is usually warmer than tile. B. is a better insulator than tile. C. for the same mass has more internal energy than tile. D. all of these E. none of these


Your friend who is 103 cm tall stands 8 m in front of a plane mirror. How far behind the mirror is the image that she sees? Enter your answer in m, and round your answer to the nearest whole number.

a. virtual

Your image in a plane mirror is A. virtual. B. real. C. inverted D. enlarged E. none of these

C. c

Your space vehicle is traveling directly away from the earth with a speed of c/2, where c is the speed of light. A light signal is sent from earth. The speed with which this light passes your vehicle, as measured by the crew, is A. c/4 B. c/2 C. c D. 3c/4 E. 2c/3

a. short, slow

Your strange friend flies past you in a relativistic spacecraft holding a meterstick and a clock. The meterstick appears too ___ to you, and the clock appears ____ to you. A. short, slow B. long slow C. short, fast D. long, fast E. short, normal

5 billion

approximately how many years remain in the life of the sun? a) 1 million b) 5 million c) 1 billion d) 5 billion

15 billion years

approximately how old is the universe? a) 1.5 million years b) 15 million years c) 1.5 billion years d) 15 billion years

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