physics chapter 19-30

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A heater draws 20A when connected to a 110-V line. If the electric power costs 20 cents per kilowatt hour, the cost of running the heater for 10 hours is


A cello string 0.75 m long has a fundamental frequency of 220 hertz. The speed of a wave on the string is

330 m/s

Four amperes of current exist in the primary coil of a transformer. The voltage across the primary coil is 120 V. What is the power output of the secondary coil?

480 W

About how many octaves are present between 100 hertz and 1600 hertz?


An electric heater is rated 300W 110V. The safety fuse in the circuit can withstand 15 A of current. How many heaters can be safely operated in the circuit?


A certain transformer doubles input voltage. If the primary coil draws 10 A of current, then the current in the secondary coil is

5 A

The resistance of a filament that carries 2 A when a 10-V potential difference across it is

5 ohms

Ninety percent of light incident on a certain piece of glass passes through it. How much light passes through two pieces of this glass?



A device that transforms electrical energy to mechanical energy

What color is fully transmitted in common window glass?

All of them

If an electric charge is shaken up and down

EMW is emitted, Electric field is changing, a magnetic field is created

When Eddie Electron experiences an electrical shock, the source of electrons composing the shock is

Eddie's body

Two charged particles attract each other with a force F. If the charges of both particles are doubled, and the distance between them also doubled, then the force of attraction will be


What is the frequency of an electromagnetic wave that has a wavelength of 300,000 km


If you walk towards a mirror at a certain speed, the relative speed between you and your image is

If you walk towards a mirror at a certain speed, the relative speed between you and your image is

In units of measurement, power in watts is equal to

In units of measurement, power in watts is equal to

Which of these lamps employs semi-conductor technology?


If sunlight were green instead of white, the most comfortable color to wear on a cold day would be


Look at full-color photos in your textbook with a magnifying glass and you'll see inks of

Magenta, cyan, yellow, and black

When a colored light in air shines on water and is refracted, its wavelength


How does the average speed of light in glass compare with its speed in a vacuum

The average speed of light in glass is about 67% of the speed of light in a vacuum

The magnetic fields of a pair of nearby magnets can

The magnetic fields of a pair of nearby magnets can

Light emitted by the Sun is


The critical angle for a transparent material is the angle at and beyond which all light within the material at its upper surface is

When a light beam emerges from water into air, light speed

an atom is excited when one or more of its electrons

When an atom is at its highest possible energy

Which is not a color?

Which is not a color?

Which of these electromagnetic waves have the shortest wavelength?


The complementary color of blue is


A blueberry will look black when illuminated with

Yellow light

A galvanometer indicates

a flow of electrons.

The unit of electric charge, the coulomb, is the charge on

a specific large number of electrons.

The major difference between phosphorescent and fluorescent materials is

a time delay between excitation and de-excitation

Some light switches that glow in the dark after the lights are turned off employ

a time delay between excitation and de-excitation.

Sound waves can not travel in

a vacuum

A common source of wave motion is

a wave pattern

A standing wave occurs when

a wave reflects upon itself.

The efficiency of classroom-demonstration lasers is typically

about 1%

Superconductors are noted for their

absence of electric resistance.

Colors seen on TV results from color


If three primary colors of light are to shine on a white wall to produce a white spot the primaries must be


A friend says that changing electric and magnetic fields underlie the production of light.

agree with your friend

In which material does light travel fastest?


The energy per photon in ultraviolet light is greater than in

all of the above

When a pair of identical lamps are connected in PARALLEL

all of the above

The Doppler effect is characteristic of

all of the above choices

Radio waves travel

always much faster than sound waves

The type of radio waves that is diffracted the most around small buildings are


Like a transverse wave, a longitudinal wave has

amplitude, frequency, wavelength, and speed

Some of a wave's energy dissipates as heat. In time, this will reduce the wave's


Which light source is more energy-efficient

an LED

Surrounding every magnet is

an electric field. a magnetic field.

A current-carrying coil of wire is

an electromagnet.

The greater proportion of energy immediately converted to heat rather than light occurs in

an incandescent lamp.

The spectrum of a mercury vapor lamp under very high pressure appears as that from

an incandescent source

The function of polarizing filters in viewing 3 D slides or movies is to provide each eye

an independent left or right hand view

The function of polarizing filters in viewing 3-D slides or movies is to provide each eye

an independent left or right-hand view.

A generator armature is more difficult to rotate when supplying electric current due to

an induced magnetic field in the windings that resists change

A generator armature is more difficult to rotate when supplying electric current due to

an induced magnetic field in the windings that resists change.

An uncharged pith ball is suspended by a nylon fiber. When a negatively-charged rubber rod is brought near the pith ball, without touching, the ball

becomes polarized.

According to Huygens' principle, every point on a wave

behaves as a source of new waves.

To "spear" a blue fish with a red laser beam and compensate for refraction, aim your laser

below the sighted fish.

When spearing a fish with a regular spear, to compensate for refraction, throw your spear

below the sighted fish.

Charges on the plates of a charged capacitor reside on the surfaces

between the capacitor plates.

The high voltage that is important in a power line is high voltage

between the parallel wires of the line.

If you illuminate your green shirt with red light your shirt appears as


If one object blocks partial light the shadow is


refraction occurs when light passing from one medium to another

changes speed

Magnetic field lines about a current-carrying wire

circle the wire in closed loops.

The electrical force between charges is strongest when the charges are

close together.

When any two colors are add to produce white light they are called

complementary colors

A hologram is simply a

complex diffraction grating

Those bright newtons rings are

constructive interference

At a concert the oboe is playing a long steady note as you walk away from the stage at an accelerating velocity toward the rest room. The pitch of the sound that you hear is

continually decreasing

At a concert the oboe is playing a long steady note as you walk away from the stage at an accelerating velocity toward the rest room. The pitch of the sound that you hear, is

continually decreasing.

a "burning glass" used to concentrate sunlight in a tiny spot is a

converging lens

The complementary color of red is


Light of different colors in a glass prism travel at

different speeds.

The bending of light that passes around an obstacle or through a narrow slit, causing the light to spread is called


Electromagnetism unites

electricity and magnetism.

Magnet A has twice the magnetic field strength of Magnet B and at a certain distance pulls on magnet B with a force of 100 N. The amount of force that magnet A exerts on magnet B is

exactly 100 N.

A bow wave is produced when a wave source moves

faster than the waves it produces.

A fish above the surface of water will see better in air if it has goggles that are

filled with water.

Different colors of light correspond to different light


For FM radio, the F stands for


The energy of a photon depends on its


If an electron vibrates up and down 1000 times each second, it generates an electromagnetic wave having a

frequency of 1000 Hz

color depends on what characteristic of light

frequency, wavelength

Why green leaves are green

green light is reflected but no others

An iron core in a transformer

guides magnetic field lines.

If you double the frequency of a vibrating object, its period


The quality of a musical note has to do with its


A laser cannot emit more energy than is put into it. But in instances where stored energy can be released in a very short time, the laser

has a greater power output than power input

Over geologic history the Earth's magnetic field

has reversed direction many times.

If you thrust a magnet into a closed loop of wire, the loop will

have a current in it.

If you break a bar magnet in half you'll

have two magnets

In a longitudinal wave the compressions and rarefactions travel

in the same direction as the wave

sound travels faster in air of the air temperature

is warm

If a material is heated until it is green hot, then

its molecules would be vibrating at nearly identical rates

The frequency of a simple pendulum is independent of its


A node is a position of

minimum amplitude.

Which are consequences of different speeds of light in different media

mirages, brilliant colors of diamonds, rainbows

sun light is

mixed frequency light, unpolarized light, transverse light

When two lamps are connected in SERIES to a battery, the electrical resistance that the battery senses is

more than the resistance of either lamp

The electric field inside the dome of a Van de Graaff generator

neither of these.

When you are in the shadow of the earth it is


An inventor proposes to equip an office with a polarized source of background music and polarizing earplugs for non-listeners. His idea is

nonsense because sound cannot be polarized.

Two charged particles held close to each other are released. As the particles move, the velocity of each increases. Therefore, their charges have

not enough information given.

Materials that do not transmit visible light are said to be


White-light LEDs employ


As a solid is gradually heated, it first glows


A main difference between gravitational and electric forces is that electrical forces

repel or attract.

When ultraviolet light is incident upon glass, atoms in the glass


Helium was first discovered in the


Rainbows are not usually seen as complete circles because

the ground is usually in the way

The primary of a transformer is the coil connected to

the input power line.

Compared to the primary voltage, the secondary voltage can be

the same. higher. lower.

Spectral lines take the shape of vertical lines because

they are images of a vertical slit

The Doppler effect due to motion of excited atoms in a glowing gas tends to make the spectral lines slightly


A material which light can pass in straight lines is


The frequency of a simple pendulum depends on

two of these

your image in a plane mirror is


when light is refracted there is a change in its


A lamp rated 23W 120V means that it will deliver 23 W

when the voltage across it is 120 V

An object heated to twice the absolute temperature emits radiation

with twice the peak frequency

When a pair of 1-ohm resistors are connected in series, their equivalent (combined) resistance is 2 ohms, and when connected in PARALLEL is

½ ohm

A piano tuner knows that a key on the piano is tuned to the frequency of his tuning fork when he strikes them at the same time and the number of beats he hears each second is


If the frequency of a certain wave is 10 hertz, its period is

0.1 second.

Two charges separated by one meter exert 1-N forces on each other. If the charges are pulled to 3-m separation distance, the force on each charge will be

0.11 N.

A 60-W light bulb connected to a 120-V source draws a current of

0.5 A

A weight suspended from a spring bobs up and down over a distance of 1 meter in two seconds. Its frequency is

0.5 hertz.

An object that completes 10 vibrations in 20 seconds has a frequency of

0.5 hertz.

To see his full height, Blinky Bill who is 1 meter tall needs a mirror that is at least

0.50 m tall

The amount of current in an incandescent bulb rated 75W 120V is about

0.6 A

An electron is pushed into an electric field where it acquires a 1-V electrical potential. If two electrons are pushed the same distance into the same electric field, the electrical potential of the two electrons is

1 V.

Neon signs require about 12,000 volts to operate. If the circuit uses a 120-volt power source, the ratio of primary to secondary turns on the transformer should be

1 primary to 100 secondary.

if the speed of light in a sphere is 2.5x10^8 m/s its index of refraction is


If the speed of light in a sphere is 2 × 108 m/s, its index of refraction is


The frequency of the second hand on a clock is

1/60 hertz.

If you use 10 J of work to push a charge into an electric field and then release the charge, as it flies past its starting position, its kinetic energy is

10 J.

If you use 10 J of work to push a coulomb of charge into an electric field, its voltage with respect to its starting position is

10 V.

A floating object oscillates up and down 2 complete cycles in 1 second as a water wave of wavelength 5 meters passes by. The speed of the wave is

10 m/s.

A step-up transformer steps up voltage by ten times. Neglecting slight losses, if 100 W of power go into the primary coil, the power coming from the secondary coil is

100 W

A 60-W and a 100-W light bulb are connected in PARALLEL to a 120-V outlet. Which bulb draws more current?

100-W bulb

A wave having a frequency of 1000 hertz vibrates at

1000 cycles per second.

Compared to a sound of 30 decibels, a sound of 60 decibels is

1000 times as intense

How many vibrations per second are associated with a 101-MHz radio wave?


Suppose you sound a 1056 hertz tuning fork at the same time you strike a note on the piano and hear 2 beats/second. You tighten the piano string very slightly and now hear 3 beats/second. What is the frequency of the piano string?

1059 hertz

When a 12-V battery powers a single 6-ohm lamp,

12 joules flow in the lamp each second.

The current drawn by a 1200-W toaster connected to 120 V is 10 A. The resistance of the toaster coils is

12 ohms

A step-up transformer steps up voltage by ten times. If voltage input is 120 volts, voltage output is

1200 V.

Two charges separated by one meter exert 1-N forces on each other. If the charges are pushed to 1/4 meter separation, the force on each charge will be

16 N.

A floating leaf oscillates up and down two complete cycles each second as a water wave passes by. What is the wave's frequency?

2 hertz

An object that completes 20 vibrations in 10 seconds has a frequency of

2 hertz.

A fishing-boat captain returns to port saying, "It's rough out there - the waves are 4 meters high." He probably means that the amplitude of the waves is

2 m.

The amplitude of a particular wave is 1 meter. The top-to-bottom distance of the disturbance is

2 m.

As a train of water waves goes by, a piece of cork floating on the water bobs up and down one complete cycle each second. The waves are 2 meters long. What is the speed of the wave?

2 m/s

A 4-ohm and 6-ohm resistor connected in parallel have an equivalent resistance of

2.4 ohms

The speed of light is 300 m/s. The radio frequency of 101.1 fm is 101.1 mhz. What is the wavelength of this EMW? 1m=1,000,000


The approximate range of human hearing is

20 - 20,000Hz

A floating leaf oscillates up and down two complete cycles in one second as a water wave passes by. The wave's wavelength is 10 meters. What is the wave's speed?

20 m/s

A diver shines light upward to the surface of a smooth pond at 20° to the normal. Most light passes into the air above while the part that reflects back into the water makes an angle to the normal of


The current in two identical light bulbs connected in series is 0.25 A. The voltage across both bulbs is 110 V. The resistance of a single light bulb is

220 ohms

The voltage across the input terminals of a transformer is 120 V. The primary has 25 loops and the secondary has 50 loops. The voltage the transformer delivers is

240 V

The electric power supplied to a lamp that carries 2 A at 120 V is

240 watts

An object that completes 14 vibrations in 7 seconds has a frequency of


A general rule for estimating the distance in kilometers between an observer and a lightning bolt is to count the number of seconds between seeing the lightning and hearing it, and dividing by


A wave oscillates up and down two complete cycles each second. If the wave travels an average distance of 6 meters in one second, its wavelength is

3 m.

A skipper on a boat notices wave crests passing the anchor chain every 5 seconds. The skipper estimates the distance between crests is 15 m. What is the speed of the water waves?

3 m/s

How many colors of ink are used to print full-color pictures?

3 plus black

Two tuning forks produce sounds of wavelengths 3.4 meters and 3.3 meters. Approximately what beat frequency is produced?

3.0 hertz

Radio waves travel at the speed of light, 300,000 km/s. The wavelength of a radio wave received at 100 megahertz is

3.0 m.

The electrical force on a 2-C charge is 60 N. What is the value of the electric field at the place where the charge is located?

30 N/C

Two charges separated by one meter exert 1-N forces on each other. If the magnitude of each charge is doubled, the force on each charge is

4 N.

the amount of light reflected from the front surface of a common windowpane is about


An ideal Polaroid will transmit 50% of incident sunlight. How much light will be transmitted by two ideal Polaroids oriented with their axes parallel to each other?


an ideal Polaroid will transmit 50% of unpolarized light incident on it. How much light is transmitted by two ideal Polaroids that are oriented with their axes parallel to each other?


A coulomb of charge flowing in a bulb filament powered by a 6-volt battery is provided with

6 joules.

A wave travels an average distance of 6 meters in one second. What is the wave's velocity?

6 m/s

The voltage across the input terminals of a transformer is 120 V. The primary has 50 loops and the secondary has 25 loops. The voltage the transformer delivers is

60 V

A 60-vibration per second wave travels 30 meters in 1 second. Its frequency is

60 hertz and it travels at 30 m/s

A 60-vibration-per-second wave travels 30 meters in 1 second. Its frequency is

60 hertz and it travels at 30 m/s.

The period of the second hand on a clock is

60 seconds.

ninety percent of light incident on a certain piece of glass passes through it. How much light passes through three pieces of this glass


To say that an object is electrically polarized is to say

A balloon will stick to a wooden wall if the balloon is charged


A device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy

When an astronaut on the Moon experiences a solar eclipse, observers on Earth see

A lunar eclipse

The index of refraction for crown glass, common in eyeglasses, is 1.52. The index of refraction of a particular plastic lens is 1.76. Light bends more in the

A person standing waist-deep in a swimming pool appears to have short legs because of light

The type of radio waves that is diffracted the most around small buildings are


argon rather than air is the gas used in incandescent bulbs because

Air contains oxygen that would react with and destroy the tungsten filament. Argon is an inert noble gas.

Wave interference occurs for

All of the above choices are correct.

The lamp most similar to the common fluorescent lamp is the


At a concert the oboe is playing a long steady note as you walk from the stage at an acceleratin velocity toward the rest room.The pitch of the sound that you hear is

Continually decreasing

Solar winds headed in Earth's direction are deviated mainly by

Earth's magnetic field.

Two charged particles repel each other with a force F. If the charge of one of the particles is doubled and the distance between them is also doubled, then the force will be


The metal detectors that people walk through at airports operate via

Faraday's law.

Underlying the concept of self-induction is

Faraday's law.

What characteristic of light mostly relates to color?


As we grow older, we have the greatest difficulty hearing the frequencies that are


When a rainbow is seen as a complete circle from an airplane, the airplane's shadow

In the center of the rainbow

Why are infrared waves often called heat waves

Infrared light vibrates entire atoms and molecules, and this vibration increases the temperature of the absorbing substance

Strictly speaking, to say that an apple is red means that

It appears red

The Sun is not seen as yellow-green because

It is a small part of a mixture of other colors in sunlight

The discovery of electromagnetic induction is credited to

Joseph Henry in America. Michael Faraday in England.

Xenon has atomic number 54, while Krypton has atomic number 36. Given that both gases are at the same temperature, in which medium does sound travel faster?

Krypton gas

If two copper wires off the same length have different thickness, then the thicker wire has . . . . Resistance.


Isaac Newton first became famous for his contributions to the understanding of


Two wave crests are generated at opposite ends of a long rope. Will there be an instant in which the rope's amplitude is zero everywhere?


An object that completes 100 vibrations in 5 seconds has a period of

None of the above choices are correct.

As a source of continuous sound approaches a constant speed, you will be aware of an apparent increasing of its

None of the above choices are correct.

some double pane airplane windows darken when the inner pane is rotated. The panes are

Polaroid filters

Rapid change of a magnetic field induces

Rapid change of a magnetic field induces

You can get a sunburn while under the "shade" of a beach umbrella due to

Reflected sunlight from the sand

The range of electromagnetic wave from radio to gamma ray is called

Spectrum of EMW

why water has color

The blue/cyan of pure water is caused by selective absorption of red light, The blue of some lake is caused by impurity in water scattering of blue light, The surface of lake and ocean reflecting the sky results the observed color

The output power of an ideal transformer is

The output power of an ideal transformer is

electrons in the atoms of glass have natural frequency in

UV range

When a change occurs in the magnetic field in a closed loop of wire

a current is created in the loop of wire. electromagnetic induction occurs. a voltage is induced in the wire.

when you view a soap film by white light coming from almost behind your head you can see certain color. A friend on the other side of the film likely sees

a different color

When you view a soap film by white light coming from almost behind your head, you see a certain color. A friend on the other side of the film likely sees

a different color.

Which light source is more energy-efficient?

a fluorescent lamp

which light source is more energy efficient

a fluorescent lamp

for viewing tiny objects in a microscope diffraction is

a hindrance

For viewing tiny objects in a microscope, diffraction is

a hindrance.

If a guitar has no sounding board, a note played on the guitar will sound for

a longer time

At the same time an astronaut on the moon sees a solar eclipse, observers on earth see

a lunar eclipse

Surrounding every moving electron is

a magnetic field. an electric field.

An atom that absorbs a certain amount of energy can then emit

a photon of the same or lower energy

The solar radiation curve is

a plot of the Sun's brightness versus frequency of emission

The direction of an electric field is the direction of the force that it would exert on

a proton.

A transistor is an example of

a semiconductor.

Which best shields you from sunburn when at the beach

a sheet of glass between you and the Sun

Which of the following cannot travel in a vacuum?

a sound wave

The dark lines in the Sun's spectrum are due to light that is

absorbed by the Sun's atmosphere

The dark lines in the suns spectrum are due to light that is

absorbed by the sun's atmosphere.

The darkness of clouds is due to

absorption and it's often being in the shadow of another cloud

The current produced by a common generator is


The principal advantage of ac power over dc power is that

ac voltage can be transformed via conventional transformers.

What produces an electromagnetic wave

accelerated electron

The electric field established by a battery in a dc circuit

acts in one direction

The speed of a sound wave in air depends on

air temperature

Magnetic fields are produced by

all moving electrical charges.

Light from a laser is

all of the above

Our eyes are not very good at seeing

all of the above

Which are consequences of different speeds of light in different media?

all of the above

Interference is a property of

all of these

Monochromatic light is light of a single

all of these

The doppler effect is a characteristic of

all of these

A single raindrop illuminated by sunshine disperses

all the colors of the rainbow

The vibrations of a longitudinal wave move in a direction

along the direction of wave travel.

To send a beam laser-light beam to a space station just above the atmosphere near the horizon, aim your laser

along your line of sight.

When voltage is induced in a coil of wire, current is

also induced.

When current reverses direction in a wire, the surrounding magnetic field

also reverses direction.

an atom that emits light of a certain frequency is

an absorber of light of the same frequency

An electric motor is very similar to

an electric generator.

Faraday's law underlies the operation of

an electric guitar. a shake flashlight. the changing of traffic lights.

Compared to the photon that enters a pane of window glass, the photon that emerges is

an identical but different photon

Isolated bells ring clearly, while bells crammed in a box have a muffled ring. This is analogous to light emitted by

an incandescent lamp

The greater proportion of energy immediately converted to heat rather than light light occurs in

an incandescent lamp

Glass is transparent to wave frequencies that

are below its natural frequencies.

When visible light is incident upon clear glass, atoms in the glass

are forced into vibration.

In the field induction credited to Maxwell, wires

are not needed

The vibrational direction of the electron and the plane of polarization of the light it emits

are the same

The vibrational direction of an electron and the plane of polarization of the light it emit

are the same.

Interference effects are less visible for thick films because the reflected waves

are too displaced to interfere

A wave barrier is produced when a wave source moves

as fast as the waves it produces.

A property of non-cubic transparent crystals is that light travels through them

at different speeds along different optic axes.

The least energy required to produce forced vibration in an object occurs

at its natural frequency

The polarization axes of glasses for 3 D viewing are

at right angles to each other

The polarization axes of glasses for 3-D viewing are

at right angles to each other.

The direction of the force exerted on a moving charge in a magnetic field is

at right angles to the direction of the motion.

The vibrations of a transverse wave move in a direction

at right angles to the direction of wave travel.

Iron absorption lines that occur in the solar spectrum indicate that iron exists in the solar


The source of electrons that illuminate a common lamp in your home is

atoms in the lamp filament.

Like kinds of magnetic poles repel while unlike kinds of magnetic poles


An electron and a proton

attract each other.

For light a red shift indicates that the light source is moving

away from you

For light, a red shift indicates that the light source is moving

away from you

Interference colors for light are analogous to

beats for sound.

When a current-carrying wire is bent into a loop, its magnetic field inside the loop

becomes concentrated.

In the process of fluorescence, part of the input energy immediately

becomes internal energy with the rest as lower-frequency light

An uncharged pith ball is suspended by a nylon fiber. When a negatively charged rubber rod is brought nearby, without touching it, the pith ball

becomes polarized.

when a light ray passes at a non 90 degree angle from water into air it

bends away from the normal

When a light ray passes, at a non-90 degree angle, from water into air, it

bends away from the normal.

Because of absorption a Polaroid will actually transmit 40% of incident unpolarized light. Two such Polaroids with their axes aligned will transmit

between 0%-40%

A thin film Appears yellow when illuminated with white light. The other color being cancelled by destructive interference is


A thin film appears yellow when illuminated with white light. The color being cancelled by destructive interference is:


If molecules in the sky scattered orange light instead of blue light, sunsets would be colored


The hottest star is the one that glows


What color light is transmitted by a piece of blue glass?


the hottest star is the one that glows


Green light emitted by excited mercury vapor corresponds to an energy transition in the mercury atom. A more energetic transition might emit blue light

blue light

green light emitted by excited mercury vapor corresponds to an energy transition in the mercury atom. a more energetic transition might emit

blue light

why the sky is blue

blue light is scattered by air

A mirage occurs when light travels faster

both of these

A radio wave and a visible light wave differ only in

both of these

As monochromatic light passes from air to glass and back to air, changes occur in its

both of these

As the filament of a lamp is heated it changes

both of these

In a circuit powered by a battery, charge

both of these

Interference colors in a soap bubble give evidence that the soap film

both of these

Interference colors in a soap bubble is evidence that the soap film

both of these

Ohm's law tells us that the amount of current produced in a circuit is

both of these

Rainbows exist because light is

both of these

The electrical force between charges depends on the

both of these

The fact that you can see stars in the nighttime sky is evidence that

both of these

When sunlight illuminates a page from your Conceptual Physics book it

both of these

Every proton in the universe is surrounded by its own

both of these.

A dolphin perceives its environment

both sight and sounds

Stephanie dips a glass rod into vegetable oil. The submerged part of the rod can't be seen because

both the oil and glass have the same index of refraction.

Stephanie dips a glass rod into vegetable oil. The submerged part of the rod cant be seen because

both the oil and the glass have the same index of refraction

Normally a balloon charged to several thousand volts has a relatively small amount of


To say that electric charge is conserved is to say that electric charge

can be neither created nor destroyed.

In the atoms of most materials the fields of individual electrons

cancel one another.

Whereas electric charges can be isolated, magnetic poles


An electric diode is useful for

changing ac to dc

Voltage can be induced in a wire by

changing the current in a nearby wire. moving a magnet near the wire. moving the wire near a magnet

Electric potential, measured in volts, is the ratio of electric energy to amount of electric


Which will warm up your room quicker in sunlight

clear glass window

Refraction causes the bottom of a swimming pool to appear

closer to the surface than it actually is.

Magnetic field strength about a magnet is strongest where magnetic field lines are

closer together

The spacings between double slit interference fringes is increased if the slits are

closer together

The sensation of color is seen when light falls on the eye's


The sensation of color is seen when light falls on the eyes


the type of lens that brings parallel light rays together is a

converging lens

the index of refraction for crown glass common in eyeglasses is 1.52 the index of refraction of a particular plastic lens is 1.36. light bends more in the

crown glass

An ampere is a unit of electric


Power is defined as the energy expended per unit of time. When translated to electrical terms, power is equal to

current multiplied by voltage.

If you mix blue and green lights it will yield color of


When waves from a pair of closely-spaced slits arrive out of phase

dark fringe

As more lamps are connected in a SERIES circuit, the overall current in the power source


If wavelengths of emitted light become longer, the energy per photon of light


Repeatedly tap the side of a drinking glass with a spoon while filling it with water and you will notice that the pitch of the sound


The critical angle is least in


The principle difference between a step-up and step-down transformer is

different ratios of turns of wire for each.

When an electron passes through the magnetic field of a horseshoe magnet, the electron's

direction is changed.

To "spear" a red fish with a red laser beam and compensate for refraction, aim your laser

directly at the sighted fish.

The primary purpose of a lightning rod is to

discharge the structure to which it is attached.

Physicists find that the energy states of atoms are


Stars twinkle when seen from Earth. When seen by an astronaut on the Moon, stars

don't twinkle.

a paint pigment that absorbs red light and gives off blue light

dosent exist

To weaken a bar magnet

drop it on a hard surface. put it in hot flames. whack it with a hammer.

The device that spreads light into its component colors in a spectroscope is a

either of these.

The Doppler effect occurs when a source of sound moves

either towards you or away from you

A Doppler effect occurs when a source of sound moves

either towards you or away from you.

A balloon will stick to a wooden wall if the balloon is charged

either way.

Electromagnetic waves are composed of

electric and magnetic fields

A galvanometer can be calibrated to measure

electric current. electric voltage.

When we say an appliance "uses up electricity," we mean

electric energy dissipates into heat.

Which force field can increase a moving electron's speed?

electric field

Which force field can accelerate an electron?

electric field magnetic field

Electromagnetic induction is employed in

electric power lines. hybrid automobiles. triggering traffic lights. mobile phones.

Which force binds atoms together to form molecules?


The fundamental force underlying all chemical reactions is


Induced electric and magnetic fields result in

electromagnetic waves.

A proton and an electron are placed in an electric field. Which undergoes the greater acceleration?


Light from a lit match originates with accelerating


In an electrically neutral atom the number of protons in the nucleus is equal to the number of

electrons that surround the nucleus.

What do electric and magnetic fields contain and transport


The fact that light travels only at 300,000 km/s in free space is a consequence of

energy conservation

You can touch a 100,000-volt Van de Graaff generator with little harm because although the voltage is high, the relatively small amount of charge means there is a relatively small amount of


object and image for a plane mirror occur

equal distances from the mirror

Compared to the huge force that attracts an iron tack to a strong magnet, the force that the tack exerts on the magnet is

equally huge.

An electroscope is charged positively as shown by foil leaves that stand apart. As a negative charge is brought close to the electroscope, the leaves

fall closer together.

Consider plane waves incident upon a barrier with a small opening. After passing through the opening, the waves Diffraction is more pronounced through relatively

fan out.

Plane waves incident upon a barrier that pass through a small opening

fan out.

When taking a picture of a nearby object, your camera lens should be moved

farther than one focal length from the film.

A bow wave is produced when the source of a wave moves

faster than the wave it produces

If the sun were to disappear right now, we wouldn't know about it for 8 minutes because it takes 8 minutes

for the light to travel from the sun to the earth

The speed of light is slow down in glass vs vacuum due to the process of

forced vibration, absorption and remission, collsion

A circuit breaker often serves the same purpose as a


Discrete spectral lines are observed when excitation occurs in a


The extraordinary blueness in lakes in the Canadian Rockies is the result of

glacial silt in the water scattering blue light

A 100-W lamp glows brighter than a 25-W lamp. The current drawn by the 100-W lamp is


An observer on the ground hears a sonic boom which is created by an airplane flying at a speed

greater than the speed of sound.

A thin film appears magenta when illuminated with white light. The color being cancelled by destructive interference is:


If you mix yellow and cyan paints It will yield color of


The shortest plane mirror in which you can see your entire image is

half your height

for radio reception diffraction is


For radio reception in city buildings, diffraction is


For radio reception, diffraction is


Just as water flows from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure, electric charge flows from a region of

high electric pressure to a region of low electric pressure.

To perceive greater detail a dolphin emits sounds of

higher frequency.

A certain object emits infrared waves. If it were to emit light waves instead, its temperature would have to be


A two dimensional microscopic interference pattern that shows three D optical image is called


The glare seen from water is largely

horizontally polarized.

A mirage occurs for road surfaces that are most often


every point on a wave front acting as a source of new waves is

huygens principles

In which one of these media does sound travel the fastest?


A pair of crossed Polaroids will transmit light

if a third Polaroid at about 45 degrees is inserted between the two.

a mirage occurs when light travels faster

in less dense air than more dense air higher up, near the ground than higher up

sound travels faster

in steel

When a rainbow is seen as a complete circle from an airplane, the airplane's shadow is

in the center of the rainbow.

The air that you breathe doesn't emit visible light indicates that most of the electrons of its atoms are

in the ground state

The air that you breathe dosent emit visible light indicates that most of the electrons of its atom are

in the ground state.

The stride of a horse depends somewhat on the pendulum-like swing of its legs. This stride would be higher in frequency if more of the mass in its legs were concentrated

in the upper part, nearer the horse's body.

The stride of a horse depends somewhat on the pendulum like swing of its legs. The stride would be higher in frequency if more of the mass in its legs were concentrated

in the upper part,nearer the horse's body

To keep chickens in a chicken coop warm, the kind if lamp to use is


which of these lamps has no mercury content

incandescent lamp

Light is reflected when

incident light is returned into the medium from which it came

Light from two closely-spaced stars cannot produce a steady interference pattern due to


Place an iron rod inside a current-carrying coil of wire and you

increase the strength of the electromagnet.

The energy of sound in air eventually becomes

increased internal energy of the air

If at a concert you run toward the orchestra, the frequency of the sound you hear will be


If at a concert, a wind blows directly from the orchestra toward you, the speed of the sound you hear will be


As more lamps are connected in a PARALLEL circuit, the overall current in the power source


Heat a copper wire and its electric resistance


Suppose a simple pendulum is suspended in an elevator. When the elevator is accelerating upward, the frequency of the pendulum


When a light beam emerges from water into air light speed


When a light beam emerges from water into air, light speed:


A positive charge and a negative charge held near each other are released. As they move, the force on each particle


The part of the electromagnetic spectrum most absorbed by water is


The radiation curve for a red hot fire-place poker peaks in the

infrared region

which of the following continuously emits electromagnetic radiation

insects , radio antennas red-hot coals

The loudness of a sound is most closely related to its


diffraction is a result of


the result of superposing different waves is called


Holograms employ the principle of

interference, diffraction

Colors seen when gasoline forms a thin film on water are a demonstration of


Diffraction is a result of


Iridescent colors seen in the pearly luster of an abalone shell are due to


Newton's rings are a demonstration of


Newton's rings illustrate


A helium-neon laser beam in a vacuum is


Magnetic domains normally occur in


To say that electric charge is quantized is to say that the charge on an object

is a whole-number multiple of the charge of one electron.

A paint pigment that absorbs blue light and gives off red light

is fluorescent or phosphorescent

A property of non-cubic transparent crystals is that polarized light that travels through them

is rotated.

The sonic boom at ground level produced by an aircraft will be reduced if the aircraft

is smaller, flies higher, and is more streamlined.

If you drop a bar magnet in a vertical copper pipe it will fall slowly because

it induces a magnetic field in the pipe that resists motion of the magnet.

Diffuse reflection occurs when the size of surface irregularities is

large compared to the wavelength of the light used.

If the waves are going by at the same frequency, the wave that has the greatest speed will have the greatest


If waves are going by at the same speed, the wave with the greatest period of oscillation is the wave that has the greatest


A 100-W lamp glows brighter than a 25-W lamp. The electrical resistance of the 100-W lamp is


Compared to its average speed in air, the average speed of a beam of light in glass is


Compared to the energy put into a laser the energy of the laser beam is


If two copper wires of the same length have different thickness, then the thicker wire has

less resistance

The drift speed of electrons that compose current in a flashlight is about

less than 1 cm/s.

The amount of light from an incandescent lamp that is transmitted through an ideal Polaroid filter is half, and through a classroom Polaroid filter is

less than half.

The amount of light from an incandescent lamp that is transmitted through an ideal Polaroid filter is half, and through a real Polaroid filter is

less than half.

according to the law of reflection the incident light ray and the normal between them

lie in the same plane

Waves diffract the most when their wavelength is


Compared to ultraviolet waves, the wavelength of infrared waves is


diffraction will occur if wavelength of light is

longer than opening

Magnification can be accomplished with a hologram when viewed with light that has a

longer wavelength than the original light

Atmospheric refraction makes the daylight hours a bit


A sound wave is a

longitudinal wave

Charge carriers in a metal are electrons rather than protons because electrons are

loosely bound.

When a pendulum clock at sea level is taken to the top of a high mountain, it will

lose time.

A decibel is a measure of a sound's


SOUND INTENSITY is a physiological sensation, but LOUDNESS can be measured by instruments

loudness sound intensity

The frequencies of sound that carry farther in air are


The spectral lines are more distinct when viewed in a mercury vapor lamp under

low pressure

Power is transmitted at high voltages because the corresponding current in the wires is

low so that overheating of the wires is minimized.

In the double-slit experiment, fringes are more widely spaced when illumination is with monochromatic

low-frequency light.

The moon would be at its fullest just before the time of a

lunar eclipse

if the moons shadow falls on part of the earth it is

lunar eclipse

A green object will appear black when illuminated with

magenta light

What is subtractive primary colors

magenta, yellow, cyan

Wood does not have magnetic properties because it contains no

magnetic domains.

Into which stable force field can a proton be placed at rest without being acted upon by a force?

magnetic field

Electromagnetic induction occurs in a coil when there is a change in

magnetic field intensity in the coil.

The force that acts between a pair of magnetic poles depends on

magnetic pole strength. separation distance.

Pigeons navigate primarily by

magnetic sensors in their heads.

Light is emitted when an electron

makes a transition to a lower energy level

Glass is opaque to wave frequencies that

match its natural frequencies, are below its natural frequencies

A current-carrying wire in a magnetic field

may be deflected. may experience a force.

An electron beam directed through a magnetic field

may experience a force. may be deflected.

A compass needle in a magnetic field

may experience a pair of torques.

The source of a sonic boom

may or may not be an emitter of sound.

A wave made with vibrating electric and magnetic filed is

microwave, light, xray

A razor blade nicely shows diffraction fringes when illuminated with

monochromatic light.

Compared to the energy of a photon of red light, the energy of a photon of blue light is


Connect a pair of lamps in series and current is drawn from the battery. Connect the same lamps in PARALLEL and the current drawn is


Compared to a single lamp connected to a battery, two lamps connected in PARALLEL to the same battery will carry

more current

What is the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave that has a frequency of 3 kilohertz?

more than 1 km

What is the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave that has a frequency of 1 hertz?

more than 1 m

What is the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave that has a frequency of 3 kilohertz

more than 1km

Magnetism is due to the motion of electrons as they

move around the nucleus. spin on their axes.

The source of all magnetism is

moving electric charge.

Compared to the energy put into a laser, the energy of the laser beam is

much less

As a supersonic aircraft increases speed, the angle of its shock wave becomes


As a supersonic craft increases in speed, the angle of its V-shaped wave becomes


As a supersonic craft increases in speed, the angle of its V-shaped shock wave becomes


If you comb your hair and the comb becomes positively charged, then your hair becomes

negatively charged.

Rub electrons from your hair with a comb and the comb becomes

negatively charged.

The red laser beam from a helium-neon laser corresponds to a spectral line of


Comparing the light from a glowing tube of neon gas and the beam of a helium-neon laser, there is a greater number of spectral lines in light from the

neon gas tube

To say that electric charge is conserved means that no case has ever been found where

net charge has been created or destroyed.

No net force acts on a loop of wire in a magnetic field when

no current is in the loop. no magnetic field lines pass through the loop.

Three-dimensional viewing was popular in the past with slide projectors. If the slides for left and right positions in the stereo projector are duplicates of each other

no depth can be seen.

Viewing exact duplicates of slides in the left and right positions of a stereo projector produces

no depth.

A current-carrying loop of wire experiences no tendency to rotate in a magnetic field when

no field lines pass through the loop.

A lamp rated at 120W 120V has a filament resistance of

none of the above

The production of interference colors requires

none of the above

We are best at hearing

none of the above choices are true

A thin film appears blue when illuminated with white light. The color being cancelled by destructive interference is

none of these

Double the frequency of sound and you also double its

none of these

When light reflects from a surface, there is a change in its

none of these

The net charge on a charged capacitor

none of these - the net charge is zero.

A conductor differs from an insulator in that a conductor

none of these.

The electric field around an isolated electron has a certain strength 1 cm from the electron. The electric field strength 2 cm from the electron is

none of these.

The atmosphere of Jupiter is more than 1000 km thick. From Jupiter's surface, the Sun at noon would appear

none of those

An inventor proposes to equip an office with a polarized source of background music and let those who prefer not to hear it wear polarizing earplugs. His idea is

nonsense - you can't polarize a sound wave.

An inventor proposes to equip an office with a polarized source of background music and let those who prefer not to hear it wear polarized earplugs. His idea is

nonsense-you cant polarize a sound wave

Several paper clips dangle from the north pole of a magnet. The induced pole in the bottom of the lowermost paper clip is a

north pole.

The conventional direction of magnetic field lines outside a magnet are from

north to south.

A wave travels an average distance of 1 meter in 1 second with a frequency of 1 hertz. Its amplitude is

not enough information to say

A jet traveling at 1500 km/hr passes between observers A and B. In a short time a sonic boom will be heard by

observers A and B, but not the pilot.

The secondary rainbow is dimmer then the primary rainbow mainly because

of an extra reflection and refraction in the drops

The unit of electrical resistance is the


A painting looks less flat when viewed with

one eye.

During a single period, the distance traveled by a wave is

one wavelength.

If you cover half a camera lens with opaque tape, the images produced will be

only dimmer.

If the primary of a transformer is connected to a dc power source, the transformer would have a voltage output

only while being connected or disconnected.

Two charged particles held close to each other are released. As they move, the force on each particle increases. Therefore, the particles have

opposite signs

Some double-pane airplane windows darken when the inner pane is rotated. The panes are

optical fibers.

Electromagnetic waves consist of

oscillating electric and magnetic fields

To say that one wave is out of phase with another is to say that the waves are

out of step.

Cosmic rays penetrate your body when

outdoors. in mountainous regions. safely in your home.

Electrons with greater potential energies relative to the atomic nucleus are

outer electrons

Neon atoms in a glass tube can be excited

over and over again

To connect a pair of resistors so their equivalent resistance (the single resistor having their combined value) will be least, connect them in


A beam of electrons can pass through a magnetic field without being deflected if the direction of the beam is

parallel to the field lines.

for absorption spectra to exist

partially absorbent material must exist between the light source and spectroscope

light will not pass through a pair of polaroids when their axes are


The induced electric and magnetic fields of Maxwell are

perpendicular to each other.

A beam of electrons passing through a magnetic field experiences maximum deflection if the direction of the beam is

perpendicular to the field lines.

The force a magnetic field exerts on a current-carrying wire is maximum when the wire is oriented

perpendicular to the magnetic field.

The force exerted on an electron moving in a magnetic field is maximum when the electron moves

perpendicular to the magnetic field.

Light will not pass through a pair of Polaroids when their axes are


Which light-emitting process is characterized by an afterglow?


The white light emitted by a fluorescent lamp is provided by the

phosphors on the inner surface of the lamp

A throbbing pulse of electromagnetic radiation is called a


A source of high frequency sound emits a high


Which of the following is a property of light waves, but not of sound waves?


the light with fixed direction of vibrating electric field is

polarized light

the reflected light from the surface of snow is

polarized light, horizontally polarized, electric field parallel to surface

The intensity of cosmic rays bombarding the Earth's surface is most at the


Strip electrons from an atom and the atom becomes a

positive ion.

A negatively charged rod is brought near a metal can that rests on a wood table. You touch the opposite side of the can momentarily with your finger. The can is then

positively charged.

One kilowatt is a unit of


The rate at which energy is transferred is


Voltage is most similar to


If a magnet produces a force on a current-carrying wire, the wire

produces a force on the magnet.

Earth's magnetic field is

protective to life on Earth.

A positive ion has more

protons than electrons.

When the distance between two charges is halved, the electrical force between the charges


Which doesn't belong to the same family?

radio waves

a rough surface for infrared waves may be polished for

radio waves

A watch dial that continues to glow after a week in the dark is almost certainly


Light at the peak frequency of an incandescent lamp depends on the

rate of atomic and molecular vibrations

Reverberation is a case of

re-echoing of sound

when a pulse of white light is incident on a glass prism the first color to emerge is


Camera lenses coated with a layer of transparent material of the right thickness are almost completely non-reflective for light near the middle of the visible spectrum. They do however reflect a significant amount of

red and violet

The average speed of light is greatest in

red glass.

What is additive primary colors

red green blue

The spacing of newtons rings will be greater with

red light

The spacing of Newton's rings will be greater with

red light.

The LEDs that make up the color on some TV screens are

red, blue, green

When a pulse of white light is incident on a glass prism, the first color to emerge is


On a planet where atmospheric gases are red, distant dark mountains would appear


The color of an opaque object is the same as the light that is


if a material is opaque you can see the object because the light is


rainbows exist because light is

reflected, refracted

Fermat's principle could be the principle of least distance for


The whiteness of clouds, unlike the blueness of the sky, primarily involves

reflection and refraction of sunlight

the moons redness during a lunar eclipse is due to

refracted light from earths sunrises and sunsets

The twinkling of the stars is a result of atmospheric


Huygens' principle applies mainly to:

refraction of waves in a medium and the reflection of waves

A mirage is a result of atmospheric


When a bar magnet is thrust into a coil of copper wire, the coil tends to

repel the magnet as it enters.

A difference between electric forces and gravitational forces is that electrical forces include

repulsive interactions.

When you tune a radio to a certain station, you match the frequency of the internal electrical circuit to the frequency of the wanted radio station. In so doing you are employing the principles of


Magnetic field strength inside a current-carrying coil will be greater if the coil encloses a

rod of iron.

The magnetic field strength inside a current-carrying coil will be greater if the coil encloses a

rod of iron.

The sensation of light intensity is seen when light falls on the eyes


If light in a spectroscope passed through round holes instead of slits, spectral lines would appear


Compressions and rarefactions normally travel in

same direction in a wave

Two lamps with different filament thicknesses, and therefore different resistances, are connected in series. Greater current is in the lamp with the

same in each

When light is reemitted in all directions light is called


The physics underlying the redness of sunsets and the color of blue jays involves

scattered sunlight

Why clouds are white

scattering all colors of sunlight by all sizes of water droplets

A variety of sunset colors is evidence for a variety of atmospheric particles

scattering different color light

Consider the interference colors seen in a film of gasoline on a wet street. The function of the water is to provide a

second reflecting surface

Consider the interference colors in a film of gasoline on a wet street. The water provides a

second reflecting surface.

Consider the interference colors seen in a film of gasoline on a wet street. The function of the water is to provide a Consider the interference colors seen in a film of gasoline on a wet street. The function of the water is to provide a

second reflecting surface.

When we say energy levels in an atom are discrete, we mean that their energy levels are well defined and

separate from one another

The safety fuse in an electric circuit is connected to the circuit in


Refrigerator magnets are typically

short range

the refraction of light in a diamond is greater for

short wavelength light

When long-wavelength light is seen in the interference colors of a soap bubble, the wavelength being cancelled is relatively


A child swings to and fro on a playground swing. If the child stands rather than sits, the time for a to-and-fro swing is


when a colored light in air shines on water and is refracted its wavelength


You dip your finger repeatedly into water and make waves. If you dip your finger more frequently, the wavelength of the waves


Compared to infrared waves the wavelength of visible light waves is


The pendulum with the greatest frequency is the pendulum with the

shortest period and the shortest length.

to perceive greater detail a dolphin emits sounds of

shortest wavelength

A dolphine percieves its environment by the sense of

sight and sound

In free space, electromagnetic waves travel at a

single speed

The natural frequency of an object depends on its

size, shape and elasticity

A pendulum clock at high altitudes runs


The object with the highest natural frequency is a

small bell

Diffraction is more pronounced through relatively

small openings.

A capacitor is useful in

smoothing pulsed current.

Which of the following is not a transverse wave


Which of the following is not a transverse wave?


Interference is a property of

sound, light, and water waves.

A base fiddle is louder than a harp because of its

sounding board

Light refracts when traveling from air into glass because of a change in light's


refraction results from differences in lights


Although a magnet can change the direction of travel of an electron beam, it cannot change its

speed kinetic energy.

Chromatic aberration is a consequence of different colors in a lens having different


if light in a spectroscope were passed through a star shaped opening instead of a thin slit spectra lines would appear as


Sound travels faster in


To be safe in the unlikely case of a lightning strike, it is best to be inside a building framed with


Between the consumer and the power plant, most importantly, are

step-down transformers.

Colors seen on the cover of your physics book result from color


colors of your clothes result from color


If the color that a surface displays depends on which parts of the visible spectrum are not absorbed and therefore remain visible color, it is called

subtractive color

A pair of sunglasses and a pair of clear reading glasses are left in the sunlight. The hotter glasses would be the


A superconducting magnet uses

superconducting coils.

An aircraft that flies faster than the speed of sound is said to be


Red sunsets are due to lower frequencies of light that

survive being scattered in the air

An excited atom is an atom

that has one or more displaced electrons

Astronomers can tell whether a light source approaches or recedes from Earth by

the Doppler effect

Information carrying nerves are connected to the retina at

the blind spot

Astronomers can detect the spin rates of stars by

the doppler effect

Two protons attract each other gravitationally and repel each other electrically. By far the greater is

the electrical repulsion.

The secondary of a transformer is the coil connected to

the load

A solar eclipse occurs when the

the moon's shadow touches Earth.

An iron rod becomes magnetic when

the net spins of many of its electrons are aligned.

The source of energy that illuminates a lamp in your home is

the power company

If you view a rainbow out your window while riding in a train, you'll see that

the rainbow moves along with you.

Compared to radio waves the velocity of visible light waves in a vacuum is

the same

Consider light energy that is momentarily absorbed in glass and then re emitted. Compared to the absorbed light, the frequency of the re emitted light is

the same

If you look at yourself in a pocket mirror, then hold the mirror farther away, you see

the same amount of yourself

When you look at yourself in a pocket mirror and then hold the mirror farther away, you see

the same amount of yourself.

When light passes through common windowpane, its angle of emergence is

the same as its angle of incidence.

The speed of light in the void between molecules in glass is

the same as its speed in a vacuum.

The force on an electron moving in a magnetic field will be least when its direction is

the same as the magnetic field direction.

In a longitudinal wave the compressions and rarefaction travel in

the same direction

In a longitudinal wave the compression and rarefaction travel in

the same direction.

Two charged particles held near each other are released. As they move, the acceleration of each decreases. Therefore, the particles have

the same sign.

light of different colors in a vacuum travel at

the same speed

Light of different colors in a vacuum travel at

the same speed.

Compared to radio waves, the velocity of visible light waves in a vacuum is

the same.

Consider light energy that is momentarily absorbed in glass and then re-emitted. Compared to the absorbed light, the frequency of the re-emitted light is

the same.

Particle A and Particle B interact with each other. Particle A has twice the charge of particle B. Compared to the force on Particle A, the force on Particle B is

the same.

Disconnect a small-voltage battery from a coil of many loops of wire and a large voltage may be produced by

the sudden collapse in the magnetic field.

light travels from one place to another along a path of least


A transformer transforms voltage while

transferring energy from one coil to another.

A turbogenerator

transforms energy from one form to another.

Polarization is a property of

transverse waves

In optical fibers of uniform density, light actually

travels in straight-line segments

Disregarding the effects of friction, a cyclist will coast farther when a lamp powered by a wheel generator is

turned off

When a magnet is moved to and fro in a wire coil, voltage is induced. If the coil has twice as many loops, the voltage induced is


When a mirror with a fixed beam on it is rotated through a certain angle, the reflected beam is rotated through an angle that is

twice as large.

A violet-hot star emits radiation having about twice the peak frequency of radiation from a red-hot star. The surface temperature of the hotter star is about

twice that of the cooler star

A floating leaf oscillates up and down two complete cycles each second as a water wave passes by. What is the wave's frequency

two complete cycles = 2hz

the colors of a soap bubble is caused by the interference between

two reflected rays from top and bottom surfaces

What can exist in the same place at the same time?

two waves

Colors seen in the flames of a burning log originate with the variety of

types of atoms that are emitting light in the flame

Fluorescent minerals on display in museums are illuminated with

ultraviolet light.

The radiation curve for a blue hot star peaks in the

ultraviolet region

A total solar eclipse occurs for people in the Sun's


When the speed of sound near the ground is greater than it is at higher altitudes, the sound ends to be bent


When the speed of sound near the ground is greater than it is at higher altitudes, the sound tends to be bent


c=300,000,000 m/s is speed of light in


The polarization axis of polarized sunglasses is


Polaroid sunglasses reduce much glare by polarization axes that are


The source of all electromagnetic waves is

vibrating charges.

A common source of wave motion is a

vibrating object.

A wiggle in time is a


the absorption of an infrared photon that excites an atom to emit a green photon

violates the law of energy conservation.

The dimmest part of sunlight is


The highest frequency of visible light is


When sunlight from air enters water light that refracts most is


When sunlight from air enters water, light that refracts most is


The smallest portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is

visible light

A transformer actually transforms


An efficient step-up transformer boosts


Just as a sustained flow of water in a hydraulic circuit needs a pump, in electric circuits the flow of charge needs


Just as in hydraulic circuits there is water pressure, in electric circuits there is


One joule per coulomb is a unit of


A charged balloon neatly illustrates that something can have a great amount of

voltage and a small potential energy.

Sound travels faster in air if the air temperature is


Double the frequency of sound and you halve its


When light is refracted, there is a change in its


If the energy levels in the neon atom were not discrete, neon signs would glow


If the radiation curve for an incandescent lamp filament peaks in the green region the object would appear


If the radiation curve for an incandescent lamp filament peaks in the green region, the object would appear


If Earth's atmosphere were appreciably thicker, snow would appear:


If only one color is absorbed in the pigment of a particular blue paint, that color would be


f Earth's atmosphere were appreciably thicker, snow would appear:


A fast-moving ball is more easily seen if it is


The number of electrons delivered daily to an average American home by an average power utility in the early 21st century was


The electric field inside an uncharged metal ball is zero. If the ball is negatively charged, the electric field inside the ball is then


When a car is struck by lightning, the resulting electric field inside the car is


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