PLS 170. ALL

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T or F: The presence of trypsin inhibitor in soybean makes them particularly nutritious in the uncooked form.


T or F: The process of crop domestication depends on natural selection.


T or F: Though algae are an important group of organisms for human use and for natural systems, there are only about 500 known species.


T or F: Triticale is a hybrid between rye and oats and has lower protein quality than wheat.


T or F: Cassava is a minor crop of importance only to people in Asia.


For the most part, plants producing pollen that causes allergic reactions in humans are ______________ pollinated.


Which 3 crop plants provide 80 percent of the worlds food supply and are members of Poaceae?

wheat, corn, and rice

What features characterize the legume plants?

the seeds have two cotyledons, they all belong to one single family, Fabaceae, the roots are associated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Legumes have been cultivated for _______________of years and are second only to _____________________ as food for human consumption.

thousands; cereals

The enlarged storage stems attached to plants by stolons are called __________.


True yams are ____________ crops cultivated for over 5,000 years in tropical ______________________.

tuber; Africa

A cyanobacterial bloom is ___________.

uncontrolled alga growth

About half of the population will develop a rash when exposed to this substance from poison ivy, oak, or sumac leaves.


Golden rice may reduce the incidence of ______________ deficiency in developing nations.

vitamin A

T or F: Durum wheat accounts for the vast majority of the world wheat production


T or F: Pepper, from the berries of Piper nigrum, produces the chemical capsaicin.


T or F: Scientists agree that the practice of agriculture arose in the British Isles and spread to the rest of the world as man migrated from one region to another.


T or F: Scientists are concerned because the sources of taxol are diminishing and there are no other sources for this important anti-cancer drug.


T or F: Spices and herbs usually come from the same parts of plants.


T or F: Sweet potato is a storage stem closely related to the white potato.


Archaeological studies indicate that rice cultivation occurred in China approximately _______ years ago.


T or F: The legume family consists exclusively of crop plants with oil and protein rich seeds.


T or F: Agricultural soils with high salinity are not a significant concern for crop production because they comprise an insignificant portion of the land area on Earth.


T or F: All psychoactive drugs are illegal and have no medical use


T or F: Because Coca-Cola contains an extract of coca leaves it has significant levels of cocaine.


The cacao tree was first cultivated by native peoples was NOT from ___________________.

Africa, N. America, or Asia

The following plants produce chemicals poisonous to man and other animals __________________.

Asian-Indian tree, castor bean, oleander

Cinnamon is a product of the tree _________________.


What does not apply to both durum and bread wheat?

Both durum and bread wheat are high in gluten proteins.

The common name for the roasted and crushed cotyledons of Theobroma cacao is _________________.


____________________ must be removed before cassava can be consumed by humans.

Cyanogenic glycosides

The coffee plant is native to ____________________, but coffee was probably first brewed in __________________.

Ethiopia; Yemen

Which of the following are characteristics of fungi?

Eukaryotic Photosynthetic Prokaryotic Live in marine environments Correct Answer: Eukaryotic

Corn was first domesticated in an area of central ________________ at least _______________ years ago.

Mexico, 5,500

Fossilized remains of plants and animals are commonly found in ancient dump sites referred to as _____________________.


Located in ____________, the oldest known hunter-gather settlement is believed to be _____________ years old.

Nile Valley, 17,000

Dramatic advance led by _____________ in breeding high yielding, disease resistant crop varieties during the past 50 years is referred to as the _____________________.

Norman Borlaug; Green Revolution

One of the earliest known New World agricultural sites is _____________.


Algae have which of the following characteristics?

Photosynthetic, Have cell walls, Live in marine and freshwater habitats

The basis for the nutritional difference between refined and un-refined wheat flour is ____________________.

Refined flour lacks embryo and outer wall of the grain.

What grasses first appeared as a weed in wheat and barley fields and is commonly used for making bread?


Among the grasses, _________________ is most commonly grown for forage to be feed to farm animals.


The white potato plant is native to _______________________.

South America

Explores brought the peanut from __________________ to Europe in the 16th century; it was then introduced into ____________________and later brought to North America.

South America; Africa

The pungent flavor and scent of onion and garlic are due to the presence of various volatile __________that is (are) released when the tissues are cut.

Sulfur compounds

One of the earliest known Old World agricultural sites is _________________.

The Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia)

Aspirin was first discovered by native peoples and used as a tea made from _____________.

Willow Trees

What applies to both durum and bread wheat?

Their wild relatives can still be found in the Fertile Crescent (e.g. Iran, Iraq, and Turkey), Wheat was domesticated in the Near East about 9,000 years ago, Wheat is one of the oldest domesticated crops

T of F: Many herbs have been used for flavoring food and as medicines.


T or F: Brown algae are best known for the complex kelp forests they form along coastal areas.


T or F: Cola drinks are made with seeds from the kola tree (Cola nitida) found in West Africa.


T or F: Cyanobacteria are prokaryotic organisms and not closely related to the true algae, which are eukaryotic organisms.


T or F: Domesticated crops are substantially changed from their wild relatives and generally could not survive without human intervention.


T or F: Essential oils and tannins in Camelia sinensis leaves and additives (e.g. jasmine blossom) determine the flavor of the tea.


T or F: Fungi are heterotrophic meaning they absorb food molecules from living (parasitic) or dead (saprophytic) organisms.


T or F: Genetic engineering plants for resistance to herbicides allows farmers to control weeds with a single broad-spectrum herbicide throughout the growing season.


T or F: Many prescription drugs contain active ingredients that are of plant origin


T or F: Nitrogen fixing capabilities of legume roots is important for natural and agricultural ecosystems.


T or F: Plant breeding uses artificial selection criteria to improve the yield and quality of crop plants.


T or F: Rhizomes, bulbs, and corms are all modified stems and may provide starchy staples.


T or F: Shellfish can accumulate the toxins produced by algal blooms known as "red tide", and subsequently poison humans who eat the shellfish.


T or F: The cereals are a nutrient rich food, except they are relatively low in certain essential amino acids.


T or F: The edible grain of cultivated cereals consists of a one-seeded indehiscent fruit in which the pericarp is fused to the seed.


T or F: The most familiar of all fungi are the 25,000 species in the group that includes mushrooms.


T or F: The sweet potato is a carotene-rich root which contains about 50% more calories than the white potato.


T or F: The transition to agriculture is credited as the beginning of civilization as the more stationary life style allowed for the development of diverse worker skills and eventually, culture.


Which of the following is a TRUE statement about wild relatives of domesticated crop species?

Wild plants have high yields, Their seeds germinate uniformly and rapidly, They are shorter, They are more susceptible to disease. Correct Answer They are more susceptible to disease.

Zygomycetes, reproduce asexually when the host substrate is ________________.


Red algae produces byproducts that are used to make ___________________.

adhesives, agar, and thickening agents in food

The most widely grown forage legume for animal feed is ____________________.


Chemicals in plants that effect the human central nervous system are called ___________________.


Red and brown seaweeds ___________.

are used as wraps for sushi, are commonly used in countries like Japan for food, and are an important source of nutritious food

Geophytes are plants that produce underground storage tissues for the purpose of____________________.

asexual reproduction, a source of renewed growth after dormancy, storing carbohydrates

Plants release odors and aromas in the form of volatile oils to ______________.

attract pollinators

All of the following are important contributions of plants to humans except _____________________.

carbon dioxide, oxygen, food, medicines Answer: Carbon Dioxide

How can fungi harm human health?

cause human disease, cause plant disease, reduce crop yields

Humans eat fungi or fungal by-products when they consume ______________.

cheese, wine, and yeast bread

What is caffeine found in?

coffee seeds, tea leaves, and kola seeds

The primary reason for plant production of secondary metabolites is to provide___________________.

defend themselves against herbivores

Cloves are used for ________________________.

disinfectant, mouthwash, and medicines

Legume seeds are _________________.

easily dried and stored, close to animal meat in nutritional quality, rich in oils and proteins

The extinction of wild relatives of crop species and associated loss of valuable genetic heritage is known as ______________________.

genetic erosion

All the genetic alleles of a plant species that provides the raw genetic material with which the plant breeder can create improved crop varieties is referred to as _______________.


Vanilla is _____________________.

grown in Central America, from the fruit of the plant, and from the Orchidaceae family

By applying BT toxin, we can improve crop plant resistance to __________________ and also reduce the need for ______________________.

insects; insecticides

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world because __________________.

it is obtained from the stigma of flowers and thus requires 100,000 or more for 1 kg of spice

Population growth over the next 50 years will require increases in crop yields with ________________ inputs and ______________ cost to the environment.

lower; minimum

Diatoms have a silicon-based cell wall that has usually been used for __________________.

making filtering aids such as for swimming pool filters

Transgenic plants are __________.

modified by the addition of a unique gene

Referring to fungi, a collection of hyphal filaments is called ___________________.


Transgenic plants are NOT __________.

native to one country but grown in another country, gender specific, or developed by traditional plant breeding

After pollination in the _______ flower, the stalk pushes the fertilized ovary into the soil where it matures into a fruit.


George Washington Carver developed more than 300 food and industrial uses for this legume and encouraged the cultivation in the South United States. Which legume?


Which factor contributed to the Irish Potato Famine?

reliance on a single crop as the main food source

Ginger is obtained from the _____ of the Zingiber officinale plant.


The color and aroma of coffee beans depends on __________________ conditions.


What best describes the Kingdom Protista?

single and multicellular, eukaryotic organisms

Caffeine is a mild stimulate in humans that _______________________.

speeds up the heartbeat, promotes alertness and endurance, increases blood pressure

Ethnobotanists ___________________.

study uses of plants by humans, are knowledgeable in plant taxonomy, and look for new medicinal uses for plant chemicals

What are NOT factors that contributed to the Irish Potato Famine?

susceptibility of potato to a virus, the fact the potato rhizome grows underground

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