POL test #2

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Robert Owen

"Address to the inhabitants of New Lanark"

Joseph de Maistre

"Conservatism as Reaction" - they were reacting against the French Revolution and its glorification of human reason. - he was the most important writer who sought to restore the old order of European society with the church, monarchy, and aristocracy firmly in control.

Ronald Reagan

"Modern American conservatism" - this is a compilation of his addresses in which he gives a couple of themes that animate and motivaten modern American conservatives. first: fiscal conservatism, low taxation, and minimal government. second: importance he gives to Americans adhering to Christian beliefs and values. third: a retrospective look at these themes and an added emphasis on what he calls the "new patriotism"

Michaek Oakeshott

"On being conservative" -he was one of the leading representatives of traditional or "classical" conservatism - he insisted that politics must be rooted in tradition and experience, not abstract reason or principles

Karl Marx

"On the materialist conception of history"

Edmund Burke

"Society, reverence, and the 'True Natural Aristocracy" - criticized the revolutionaries and virtually predicted that the revolution would end in chaos. - his writings have won him the title of father of conservatism

Russell Kirk

"Ten conservative principles" -striped defense of traditional or "Burkean" conservatism. -he was also a founding editor of the influential conservative magazine -here he provides a summary of the leading principles and precepts of classical or traditional conservatism

Irving Kristol

"The Neoconservative persuasion" -he is one of the founders of the neoconservative movement or "persuasion" -He describes here what makes conservationism different from its other variants.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

"The communist Manifesto"

W. James Antle III

"The conservative crack-up" -American conservatism in the second half of the twentieth century relied on an uneasy "fusion" of traditional conservatives who believe in the importance of preserving time-tested cultural values, and fiscal conservatives (or libertarians) who want to limit governmental interference in economic competition. come under strain under the religious right and neoconservatism which may lead to a conservative crack-up

Thomas More


Emma Goldman

"anarchism: what it really stands for"

Mikhail Bakunin

"anarcho-communism vs marxism"

Eduard Bernstein

"evolutionary socialism"

Edward Bellamy

"looking backward"

Mao Zedong

"on the peoples democratic republic dictatorship"

V. I. Lenin

"revisionism imperialism and revolution"

Leon Trotsky

"the permanent revolution"

Gar Alperovitz

"the question of socialism"

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