PoliSci Chapter 9

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what are examples of outside strategies?

1) grassroots letter writing campaign 2) using televised advertising

an example of an environmental interest group is


benefits that belong to the entire group are referred to as

collective (public) good

which type of interest group is not classified as an economic interest group?


labor group PACs typically favor contributing to which of the following groups?


a group that raises and spends money for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election is known as a

political action committee

outside lobbying is aimed at bringing ___ pressure to bear on policymakers


the primary purpose of ___ interest groups is to secure material benefits for their members


both pluralists and critics believe that interest groups have little influence over the govt


retired lawmakers cannot become lobbyists because they are forbidden by law to take a lobbying job


what would be considered an electoral action strategy?

forming a political action committee (PAC)

a person known as a ___ rider derives a benefit without contributing to its achievement


which type of workers make up an increasing share of union workers?

govt workers

rather than using threats, interest groups tend to influence lawmakers by providing them with

info that supports the group's policy decisions

the interest group strategy that includes face-to-face meetings with legislations and providing policy info to policymakers is known as

inside lobbying

what is a shared view of pluralists and their critics?

interest groups are important to bringing the concerns of groups of individuals to the attention of the govt

an ___ ___ is an informal group of persons from Congress, executive agencies, and interest groups with a mutual interest in a particular policy area

iron triangle

which political leader wrote that govt must dilute the influence of factions and interest groups by filtering their views through properly structured governing institutions?

James Madison

compared with the % of US workers who were union members in the 1950s and 1960s, the % today is


one of the positive contributions that interest groups make is

providing a form of representation for organized groups

capture theory argues that ___ sometimes focus more on the needs of industries than on the public interest

regulatory agencies

what is a super PAC?

an independent expenditure only committee

which definition refers to an interest group?

an organization seeking to influence govt policy

why do many interest groups form PACs?

because contributing to candidates' campaigns can help gain access for interest group lobbyists

which group represents the largest agricultural interest group in the US today?

the American Farm Bureau

which is an example of a citizen's group?

the National Organization for Women

what are examples of inside strategies?

1) giving policy-relevant info to a politician 2) lobbying a politician

which would be considered outside lobbying activities used by interest groups?

1) creating public service announcements 2) organizing a protest on the steps of Congress 3) having group members send letters to legislators

compared with Europeans, Americans are __ likely to belong to a voluntary group or association


___ lobbying includes forming PACs and influencing the news media


how are issue networks formed?

they are the result of the fact that individuals have interests and expertise in particular policy issues despite disagreeing on the outcome

interest groups that are not directly involved in litigation may file amicus curiae briefs

to encourage a ruling that is beneficial to their cause

which type of interest group represents business firms of a particular kind, such as insurance companies?

trade association

the US provides a favorable environment for interest groups because

1) separation of powers and federalism provide numerous points of access for interest groups to try and influence policymakers 2) the tradition of free speech and association means there are few legal barriers to the activities of interest groups 3) the tradition of people joining together encourages them to look to interest groups as a way of influencing policymakers

which are reasons for American's broad participation in groups, such as volunteer organizations?

1) tradition of free association 2) the importance of religion 3) the prominence of public education

who typically benefits the most from interest group resources and activism?


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