Politcal Sience Final

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Discuss the main reasons behind the Bush administration's decision to send U.S. forces to Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein in 2003

1. False ~ The United States wanted to prevent Saddam from obtaining and possessing WMDs. No weapons though were found in Iraq. 2. True ~The United States wanted to replace Saddam's regime with a democratic regime. Saddam was a brutal dictator and many Iraqis welcomed his downfall. 3. False ~ Initially the United States thought Saddam had ties to Al-Qaeda, however, that was not proven. Saddam did however had ties with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and supported the Palestinian cause against Israel. 4. True `The United States wanted to sustain regional stability and ensure there was no disruption in the region's oil economy. Saddam was an unstable leader and was not afraid to go to war with anyone. He had gone to a war with Iran and invaded Kuwait. He would have attacked Saudi Arabia had the United States not helped and got involved. 5. True ~ Many argue that Bush also wanted to remove Saddam from power given his past actions and assassination attempt on his father. Saddam Hussein was not found right away until six months later. He was hiding in a hole in Iraq. He was arrested, put on trial, and hanged.

Define the term mandate and discuss the British and French mandates in the Middle Eastby providing necessary examples.

A form of colonial rule where a stronger country controls a weaker country and prepares the weaker one for eventual independence. At the end of WWI, the British and the French were granted mandates over the Middle East and land that used to be part of the Ottoman Empire. The mandates were approved by the League of Nations.• Britain took control of : Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine.• "created a monarchy in Iraq, oil industy and army" France took control of: Lebanon and Syria.


A form of colonial rule where a stronger country controls a weaker country and prepares the weaker one for eventual independence.• At the end of WWI, the British and the French were granted mandates over the Middle East and land that used to be part of the Ottoman Empire.


A mosque is a place of worship for the Muslim people.• Overtime however, mosques have become a center for a number of different political activities which has raised much concern.• Political activities range from plots to overthrow a given government to terrorist related activities in a given country

Arab Nationalism

A powerful sentiment that transformed into a movement between the 19th century and the 1940s. Arab Nationalism went through 2 phases: 1. The Arabs were upset with Ottoman or Turkish rule for centuries and wanted to end it. 2. The Arabs also became upset with European mandate rule over the Middle East in the aftermath of WWI, which lasted into the 1940s. The British and the French had taken mandates over the Middle East.

Patrimonial rule

A regime where a dominant male figure is thecenter of authority, surrounded by a bureaucracy, which includes acabinet, several agencies, and a military.

Aum Shinrikyo

A terrorist group which claims to be a Buddhist sect.It opposes the Japanese government and its policies.• In 1995, members of the group released sarin poison gas in Tokyo subways killing many


Al-Qaeda and ISIS are two Sunni terrorist groups. Plotted the 9/11 attacks leader was killed by us forces

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

An Ottoman military commander opposed the Europeans and wanted to preserve Anatolia (later renamed Turkey)for the Turks

Identify and discuss the main ethnic, linguistic and religious groups in theMiddle East.

Arabs- The Arabs are the dominant ethnic group in terms of numbersin the Middle East. The Arabs speak Arabic.• The Arabs are predominately Muslim. A small number of Arabs practice Christianity. There are 3 non-Arab countries: 1. Israel- The Jews speak Hebrew and they practice Judaism .2. Turkey- The Turks speak Turkish and they practice Sunni Islam. Asmall number practice Christianity and Judaism. 3. Iran- The Persians speak Persian/Farsi and they practice Shia Islam.A small number practice Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, andother religions.


Def: A parliament, called the Diet, was founded with 2 houses. The members of the upper house "House of Councillors" were chosen by the emperor and members of the lower house "House of Representatives" were voted in by the people. Only Japanese men, age 21 or older could vote. Women would notget the right to vote until 1945


Def: It involves worship of nature, especially the sun goddess, with hundreds of temples around the country. Originated in ancient Japan.

Discuss the factors that led to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990

Economic reasons- Prior to invading Kuwait in 1990, Iraq had fought an eight year war with Iran (1980-1988). Iraq's economy was in ruins and it had to take drastic steps to improve its economy. 2. Strategic Reasons- Prior to attacking Kuwait, Saddam had claimedthat Kuwait was an Iraqi province. Kuwait used to be administered aspart of Iraq during the Ottoman period, but Kuwait had won itsautonomy with the help of the British.

Discuss the differences among Middle Eastern countries in terms of historical evolution,social composition, economic and state structure

Following Mohammad's death, Islam began to spread in the MiddleEast, N. Africa, Asia and parts of Europe. In terms of ethnicity, the Arabs are the dominant ethnic group. They speakArabic, and the majority practice Islam. The Arabs live throughout theMiddle East. Oil producing: the top 4 oil producing countries in the region are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, and Iraq. These 4 countries are members of the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).OPEC was created in 1960 to give oil producing countries control over their oil production and prices whereas it had been previously controlled and influenced by the Europeans and the United States. The majority of the countries in the Middle East are republics and areclassified as dictatorships or authoritarian regimes. There are only 2 countries classified as a democracy in the Middle East: Israel andTurkey.

Balfour Declaration

Following the end of WWI, the British took a mandate over Palestine.• In 1917, the British government indicated their support of the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, provided it did not infringe on the rights of the Arab Muslims living there. Jews began to migrate to Palestine

White Revolution

In 1962, the Shah carried out a series of western inspired reforms called the White Revolution. White means that no blood was shed in carrying out these reforms and they were accepted by the people. He gave women freedom and the right to vote

Discuss the events that led to the 1967 Arab-Israeli War and its significance

In May 1967, Soviet intelligence reported to Syria that Israel was about to attack Syria.• Instead of waiting to be attacked, Israel took a preemptive strike.against the 3 Arab countries. The June 1967 war became known as the Six Day War and Israel won.• Israel took Gaza Strip and Sinai from Egypt, Israel took Golan Heights from Syria, and Israel took Jerusalem and West Bank from Jordan.


In most Islamic countries, women are forced to wear the veil,which refers to the coverage of a woman's body from head to toe. Honor killings- When a woman is murdered by a male relative,husband, uncle, brother, if it is determined that she has broughtshame to the family name through her actions.

Discuss the events that led to the Oslo Accords. Why has it been so difficult for Palestinians and Israelis to achieve lasting peace?

In order to address the intifada and bring peace between the PLO and Israel, the United States, Russia and other countries sponsored the Madrid Conference in 1991. Negotiations continued.• Through the efforts of the Norwegian foreign ministry, the two sides continued to negotiate peace. The resulting peace agreement was the Oslo Accord signed in 1993 between Israel and the PLO. The PLO continues its terrorist acts against Israel and lasting peace between the two sides has not been achieved.

Sunnis v. Shias

Islam is divided into 2 branches :1. Sunnis- The Sunnis are the majority and live throughout the Middle East. 2. Shias- The Shias are the minority and live predominately in Iran, Iraq,Syria and Lebanon.


Islamic State of Iraq and Siria Branch of Al Qaeda that emerged in Iraq and Siria Al-Qaeda and ISIS are two Sunni terrorist groups.

Discuss Kemal's rise to power and his efforts that led to the founding of Modern Turkey

Kemal was a military commander in the Ottoman army.• . Kemal became the first president of Turkey Kemal had 2 major problems to overcome: 1. European powers, who wanted to take the land of Anatolia for themselves. Kemal fought against Europeans including the Greeks. he was able to preserve Anatolia for the Turks. .2. Kemal asked the Turkish parliament to pass an act to officially end the sultanate (monarchy) in the Ottoman Empire. The sultan was forced into exile and left for England. modern schools where European curriculum and languages were taught.• Kemal changed the Turkish alphabet and script. Kemal gave women the right to vote and had both men and women dressed in European fashion.


Liberal Democrtic Party is a conservative party founded in1955 in Japan. It was founded through the merging of 2 conservative parties: Liberal Party + Democratic Party


Ministry of International Trade and Industry A new nationally regulated banking system in Japan, began to direct funds to companies for reconstruction of new factories that replaced those destroyed during WWII. It began to conduct good trade policies and relations between Japan and othercountries


Palestine Liberation Organization claimed to represent the interests of Palestinian refugees

Camp David Accords

President Carter invited Begin and Sadat to Camp David to negotiate peace. to mediate between the 2 sides arab and isralie

Political Islam

Radical ideology that emerged in the Middle East and N. Africa in the 20th century. it is anti-Western and seeks to spread its influence worldwide.•

Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein second incommand. Saddam became president of Iraq in 1979 and ruled until 2003

Sick Man of Europe

Sultan (King) Abdul Hamid shut down the parliament infear that parliament members would overthrow him.

Identify and discuss key factors that led to Japan's economic miracle

The Korean War (1950-1953)- The American military hired Japanese firms to produce uniforms, blankets, trucks during the war. It helped jump start the Japanese economy. 2. A new nationally regulated banking system in Japan, began to direct funds to companies for reconstruction of new factories that replaced those destroyed during WWII. 3. Role of Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). It began to conduct good trade policies and relations between Japan and other countries. 4. The hardworking character of the Japanese people. Japan has protected its markets by raising tariffs on foreignimported goods. 6. Japan emphasized major investment in its economy instead of themilitary. 7. Production of superior Japanese goods, especially electronics andautos. The Japanese used American technology to produce thesegoods.

Discuss the founding of the LDP and its significance. Why is the LDP considered acatch-all party?

The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is a conservative party founded in1955 in Japan. It was founded through the merging of 2 conservativeparties: Liberal Party + Democratic Party• The LDP is a catch-all party, which means that it attracts membersfrom different classes and it isn't just the party of the rich andwealthy.• The LDP is pro-business, pro-capitalism, and supports the UnitedStates and the West in terms of foreign policy.

Why is the Middle East considered to be one of the most important regions in theworld?

The Middle East is the birth place of the world's 3 greatestreligions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Middle East is important because of its strategic location. Itserves as a gateway between Europe, Africa and East Asia. Oil and terrorism, political islam

Discuss the growth and significance of military establishments in the Middle East

The Middle East is the most militarized region in the world when measured in terms of the size of its military establishment andexpenditures.• The military in the Middle East is larger and more expensive than any other region in the Developing World.• The Middle East has the largest market for international arms trade.• WMDs nuclear weapons Saudi Arabia is the largest arms importer in the region. The majority of its weapons and sophisticated fighter jets and tanks are bought from the United States.


The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries was founded in 1960 by 5 major oil producing countries: Saudi Arabia,Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Venezuela.

Discuss the founding of OPEC and its significance

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries was founded in 1960 by 5 major oil producing countries: Saudi Arabia,Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Venezuela. The headquarters of OPEC is in Vienna, Austria These oil producing countries wanted to gain greater measure of control over their pricing policies as well as their production and supply of oil OPEC began to use oil as a political weapon to manipulate the Westand other countries


The PLO has 2 factions: HAMAS is militant, headed by Ismail Hania, and would continue its violence against Israel In 2006, fighting broke out between HAMAS and FATAH. The two sides arein strife.

Operation Desert Storm

The U.S.Operation Desert Shield was transformed into Desert Storm, to liberate Kuwait.• U.S. and UN coalition forces engaged in an air and land war against Iraq.

Operation Desert Shield

The United States sent 200,000 forces to Saudi Arabia in what became known as Operation Desert Shield to protect Saudi Arabia.• By November 1990, those numbers were doubled to 400,000.

Discuss the transition from Operation Desert Shield to Operation Desert Storm and their significance

The United States sent 200,000 forces to Saudi Arabia in what became known as Operation Desert Shield to protect Saudi Arabia.• By November 1990, those numbers were doubled to 400,000. The U.S. Operation Desert Shield was transformed into Desert Storm, to liberate Kuwait.• U.S. and UN coalition forces engaged in an air and land war against Iraq. During the war, Iraq fired missiles at Israel to get Israel involved. The United States asked Israel not to get involved and promised to protect Israel.•


The bazaar is the term used to refer to a market place which is usually located in the central part of many Islamic cities. Just like the mosques, the bazaars have also become a center for different political activities.


The zaibatsus were dismantled. Zaibatsus were powerful business companies that controlled 80 percent of the Japanese economy prior to WWII. Examples included Mitsubishi and Sumitomo.

Food for Oil Agreement (1996)

To help the starving people in Iraq, the UN reached a Food for Oil Agreement with Iraq in 1996 Iraq was allowed to sell $2 billion worth of oil every six months and would use the money from oil revenues to purchase food and medicine.

Discuss some important challenges faced by the Japanese monarchy and its future prospects.

Today the Japanese society is divided between the Left and the Right.• House of Yamato The Left detests the monarchy and see the monarch as the head of a cult/Shintoism. The Left views Shintoism as a cult, not a religion.• The Right supports the monarchy and views the monarch as a divine figure.• The post-war Japanese constitution refers to the monarch as a figurehead not a divine figure. The monarch doesn't rule.• In 2019, Emperor Akihito stepped down due to poor health and was succeeded by crown prince Naruhito. Naruhito has a daughter, but daughters aren't allowed to rule. Naruhito's younger brother may take control. The future of the monarchy remains uncertain.

UN Resolution 687

UN Security Council adopted Resolution 687,which set forth the terms for a formal cease-fire in the Gulf War. Iraq accepted the terms on April 6, 1991.

Discuss the dilemma of women in the Middle East

Women do not have the same political and legal rights as men do.• Marriages are for the most part arranged.• Women are encouraged to stay home and take care of their families rather than pursing an education and career. Things have graduallystarted to improve for women in terms finding a job and gettingmarried at a later age.• Women face several problems and hardships including: veiling,female infanticide, and honor killings.

Ba'th Party

a socialist party founded in Syria in the 1940s and spread to other arab countries including iraq Sadam Hussain was part of the Bath Party


an ideology which emerged in the 19th century Europe and Russia, which advocated the establishment of a homeland for theJewish people.• The Romans had destroyed the city of Jerusalem in 70 AD and as a result, the Jews lost their ancient homeland and were dispersed and homeless for centuries.

League of Nations

orgniztion created at the end of WWI in the purpose of spreading world peace and security

Oslo Accords

peace agreement signed in 1993 between Israel and the PLO Through the efforts of the Norwegian foreign ministry, the two sidescontinued to negotiate peace.

Middle East

refers to an area that stretches all the way fromEgypt in North Africa to Arab countries further east such as Jordan,Iraq

Japan Inc

the aliance bettwen buissnes man, politicians and buricrates main feature of the LPD businessman give money to politicians and do favors back

Ottoman Empire

the last ruling Islamic Empire in the MiddleEast.. Its capital was Constantinople

Catch All Party

which means that it attracts members from different classes and it isn't just the party of the rich and wealthy.• The LDP is pro-business, pro-capitalism, and supports the UnitedStates and the West in terms of foreign policy.

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