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what ten measures do marx and engels argue will be generally applicable to the preletariat asumption of political power?

1. abolition in property in land...

into what one sentence can the communist condense their theory? explain...

ABOLITION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. by property the communist mean capital, and means of production like, factories and machinaries because the proletariat work for wages, it does not create property for them. it creates capital for the borgousie which in turn is just used to exploit the laborers more. getting rid of private property like capital, and means of production like factories and machinaries would leave workers with just wages not property or capital that can be used to exploit others. You might be paid to bake bread at a grocery store for the bourgeoisie to sell. You haven't created bread for yourself to eat; you've created profit for your employer. Now you have to buy food to eat from other members of the bourgeoisie rather than freely eat the bread you just made. Capital is all that labor added up and taken by the bourgeoisie, rather than the labor serving as means to enrich the lives of the laborers.

what distinguishes the proletariat from the other classes that stand face to face with the bourgeousis

Marx says the only class that is revolutionary is the proletariat. all the other classes such as the lower middle class, the shopkeepers, the artisans, fight the borgeousis to keep their existence they are conservative.

settler colonialism

Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Settler colonialism can be distinguished from other forms of colonialism - including classical or metropole colonialism, and neo-colonialism - by a number of key features. First, settler colonisers "come to stay": unlike colonial agents such as traders, soldiers, or governors, settler collectives intend to permanently occupy and assert sovereignty over indigenous lands. Second, settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event: settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and juridical control over their lands. Immigrants seize land from the indigenous population and become the dominant population.

what has the borgeousis accomplished around the world

Whenever it has gained power, it has put to an end all "feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations." It has eliminated the relationships that bound people to their superiors. Religious fervor, chivalry and sentimentalism have all been sacrificed. Personal worth is now measured by exchange value, and the only freedom is that of Free Trade. The bourgeoisie has changed all occupations into wage-laboring professions, even those that were previously honored, such as that of the doctor.

what is the "from, the struggle of the proletariat with the bourgeoisie" at first ...

a national struggle

"all previous historical movements were movements" of what ?

all previous historical movements were movements of minorities or in the interest of the minorities

all previous history is the history of what

all previous history is the history of class struggle

what does communism deprive none of the power to do? what does it deprive people of the power to do? explain

communism deprives no man of power to appropriate the products of society all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labour of others by the means of appropriation

what are the stages of developement of the proletariat

from the beginning that the proletariat is born they stuggle with the bourgeouis. the struggle included the individual laborers and then the later group of laborers rebelling against the bourgeouis that exploited them. these workers hoped to revive the status of the worker. they attack the machines and modern instruments that have replaced them in factories and stole their labor. at this point the were not organized. they were divided by geography and were in competition with eachother. when they did form unions they were under the influence of the bourgeouis and then served to benefit the objectives of the bourgeouis. BUT, when the modern industry developed there were more proletariats, the competition between laborers was gone because now they were all working low wages. they began to form trade unions. the proletariat was also helped with communication because of the modern industry . other classes tried to use the proletariat to to help themselves and they give the proletariat the tools to degeat the bourgeois .

how does fanon describe violence why is it necessary to decolonize

he says decolonization is always a violent event. decolonization is basically the substitution of one species of mankind by another

after the proletariat revolution what appears in place of the old bourgeois society

in place of the old bourgeousie society, with its classes and class antagonisms we shall have an assocaition in which the free developement of each is the condition for the free development of all

How do marx and engels repond to the objection that the communists will abolish the family

marx and engels say the communist are focusing on the "bourgeousie family" . he says the modern familyis based on capital and private gain. they want to stop the exploitation children by their own parents. the proletariat basically has no family, they do not have time for it or the money for it, so after capital vanishes, people will have proper relationships.

how do marx and engels respond to the objection that the communist will abolish countries and national spirit

marx replies by saying the laborers, the proletariat have no country. national differences and antagonisms are dissapearing because business and world market. the rise of the proletariat will cause nationalities to dissappear even faster because the revolution will need the proletariat to unite to succeed. and this will end the hostility between nations

how do marx and engels respond to the religious, philosophical, and ideological accusations against the communist

marx says the ruling ideas of each age have been the ideas of its ruling class. when production changes, ideas change. people ideas change due to the system wide changes in production not vice versa.

how has the borgeousis developed throughout history

the borgeousis is the product of several revolutions in the modes of production and exchange. the developement of the borgeousie began in the earliest towns and gained momentum with the age of exploration. Feudal guilds couldn't provide for increasing markets, and the manufacturing middle class took its place. However, markets kept growing and demand kept increasing, and manufacture couldn't keep up. This led to the Industrial Revolution. Manufacture was replaced by "Modern Industry," and the industrial middle class was replaced by "industrial millionaires," the modern bourgeois. With these developments, the bourgeoisie have become powerful

what two classes face eachother in the current epoch

the bourgeosie and the proletariat

what is the borgeosis

the bourgeosie is a capital class, the wealthy, who own most of the means of production

the borgeoisis cannot exist without what

the cannot exist without revolutionizing the instruments of production, this implies revolutionizing the relations of production and all the relations of society with it

in what relation do the communist stand to the proletariat as a whole

the communist have no interest seperate or apart from the proletariat. they point out the whole proletariats common interest regardless of the country and they support the whole working class's movement's interest. the goal of the communist is to form the proletariat into a massive group and overthrow the bourgesie and to conquer political power.

what are the immediate aims of the communist

the communist want to form the proletariat into one massive class, and overthrow the bourgeosie supremacy and the proletariat conquer all the political power

what is the first step in the working class revolution?

the first step in the working class revolution is to make the proletariat the ruling class, to win the battle of democracy.

who is the colonizer and who is the colonized

the french is the colonizer and the algerian the non europeans are the colonized

what happens to the little middle class in the bourgeois society

the lower part of the middle class gradually sink into the proletariat, due to the fact that they do not have as much capital anymore, and because technology replaced their specialized skill and they are no longer usefull

What chases the bourgeoisie over the whole surface of the globe?

the need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the borgeousie over the whole surface of the globe

what is the life of a proletariat like in the borgeousis

the proletarian live only as long as they find work. and they find work only as long as their labor increases capital. they are a commodity. because of the developement of machines the proletariats work has lost alot of charm, they are an appendage of a machine, and when their work begins to get repulsive their labor decreases . Marx describes the worker as a SOLDIER and a SLAVE. they are very exploited. the age and sex become less important because they are just a instrument of labor. and they have to wait to get their wage from their exploitive boss. and then they are exploited by other borgeousie like their landord

according to marx and engels the proletariat have nothing to lose but what what do they have to win

the proletariat have nothing to lose but their chains and they have a world to win.

what is the proletariat

the proletariat is the working class, the producing class, the laborers, they do not own any means of production. they sell their labor in exchange for a wage that is the only thing they have to sell their labor to the borgeousis in exchange for a wage

how do marx and engels respond to the objection that the abolition of private property will lead to the cessation of activity and universal laziness?

the say the bourgeousie is already lazy it is wage labor and capital that is to be done away with not human productivity. they say the only reason why the bourgeousie and thinking that is because they are thinking if there is no capital which means there will be no wage labor which will cause "laziness" THEY SAY in reality that the bourgeosie is already lazy and the it is the proletariat (the ones who work) that do not acquire anything and the ones who aquire (bourgisie) do not work.

what must the proletariat destroy?

their mission is to destroy all previous securities for and insurances of individual property. reason being the proletariat is the lowest class of present society.so it cannot raise itself up without the whole spectrum and strata of official society being sprung into the air and destroyed

how do marx and engels respond to the objection that the disappearance of class-property will lead to a disappearance of culture?

they say that for the proletariat the only culture that will disappear is the mere training of having to act as a machine. the class culture is not the same as the disappearance of all culture

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