PoV: Exam 1 Quiz

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Bacteriophage that had its entire genome sequenced first


Discovery of ssRNA phages was useful to scientists working on

translation of mRNA

which of the following is a description of a scaffolding protein

viral protein used on inside of icosahedral capsid during assembly that is later removed

During a single growth cycle experiment, the titer of extracellular and intracellular drops in the first hour. Why

virus enters cell and is uncoated

What does a phage infect


Which of the following terms describes the protein shell


T7 isolated from what source

commercially available treatment for intestinal infection

Virus families that contains viruses with the longest ssRNA genomes


Most viruses that use spherical shaped capsid arrange capsid proteins in


common structure for bacteriophage particles is which of the following

icosahedral head with helical tail

description of how plant viruses move b/t individual cells with in a whole plant


Virus is latin for what


Enzyme that most RNA viruses encode in their genome

RNA dependent RNA pol

Not a nucleic acid found in a viral genome

RNA:DNA hybrid

which of the following is a type of nucleic acid not in genomes of viruses that infect invertebrates

All viruses can infect vertebrates

example of a virus that requires two different receptors to complete entry into the cell

HIV and Adenovirus

Viral poly complex from the RNA phage QB contains which of the following

Host factor, S1, Ef-tu, Ef-ts

Enzyme not involved in replication of T7 genome


Virus families that have ability to synthesize reverse transcriptase

all of the above

following is used as the primary host cell receptor for the phage (phi)X174

glucose on LPS

structure of RNA phage different from the structure of many DNA phage

lack tail structure used to inject the genome into the host cell

When doing a plaque assay with human or animal cells, a layer of nutrient media mixed with agar is put on top of the cells after they have been infected with a diluted virus. What is the purpose of doing this

limit movement of virus particles

Viruses play a major role in the ecology of the ocean by doing the following

lysing unicellular organisms and releasing CO2 and O2 back into the ocean

Possible explanation for why ssRNA have genomes less than 10kb

not as physically stable

one of the first proteins produced during infection of T7 inhibts the cellular enzymes EcoB and EcoK. Why is this important for the phage

prevents the viral protein from being degraded

Study of which group of viruses led to discovery of cellular genes that can promote cancer in animal cells


If you wanted to show that an infectious agent is a virus, what experiment could you perform

show that the agent can pass through a porcelain filter

orthymyxoviruses and paracyxoviruses use the following receptor

sialic acid

distinguish the small bacteriophage (phi)X174 from many other phages


Most viruses that infect plants have the following type of genome

ssRNA, + sense

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