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Facial; about equally mixed; motor - facial expression, secretion of saliva and tears; sensory - taste and proprioception


Fills the membranous labyrinth

Lacrimal caruncle

Fleshy, raised area at the medial commissure that produces a whitish oily secretion

Ciliary processes

Forms aqueous humor which helps maintain intraocular pressure of the eye and provides nutrients for the avascular lens and cornea. Reabsorbed by the scleral venous sinus.

Spiral Organ

Found within the cochlear duct and contains the receptors for hearing - sensory hair cells and nerve endings of the cochlear nerve, a division of the vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII).


Glossopharyngeal; about equally mixed. Motor -- swallowing movements and secretion of saliva Sensory -- taste, regulation of blood pression, proprioception

Light stimulus changes membrane potential of rods and cones; this influences bipolar cells which stimulate ganglion cells, whose axons leave the retina in the optic nerve.

How does light stimulate the inner cells of the retina to produce a nerve impulse to the brain?


Hypoglossal; primarily motor -- movement of tongue for speech, chewing, swallowing. Sensory - proprioception

Adductor longus

Identify highlighted muscle

Trochlear Nerve

Identify nerve associated with Letter D

Primary Motor Cortex

Identify structure marked 4

Premotor cortex

Identify structure marked 6


Identify the highlighted area

Flexor carpi radialis

Identify the highlighted muscle

Accessory nerve

Identify the highlighted structure

Cerebral hemisphere

Identify the highlighted structure

Conus medullaris

Identify the highlighted structure

Femoral nerve

Identify the highlighted structure

Lumbar plexus

Identify the highlighted structure

Sympathetic trunk

Identify the highlighted structure


Innermost sensory layer of the eye, two-layered

Bony labyrinth

Internal ear's system of chambers filled with perilymph

Lacrimal gland, lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal sac, and the nasolacrimal duct

Lacrimal apparatus members

Optic radiation

Lateral geniculate body axons


Light enters eye and is focused on the retina by this structure. Flexible, crystalline. Held vertically by the ciliary zonule. Thickness is changed by ciliary body, and that change in shape focuses light on retina.

Primary visual cortex

Located in occipital lobe of the brain, where the optic radiation terminates and synapse with the cortical neurons allowing visual interpretation.

Basilar Membrane

Located in the spiral organ, forms the floor of the cochlear duct and holds the hair cells that are auditory receptors

Scala tempani

Lower chamber of cochlear cavity that is bounded by membranous area called the round window.

Vitreous humor

Major internal reinforcement of posterior eyeball helping to keep retina pressed firmly against the wall of the eyeball. It is formed ONLY before birth.

Commissures (canthi)

Medial and lateral junctions of the upper and lower eyelids

Cochlear Duct or Middle Scala Media.

Membranous, soft, wormlike tube 3.8 cm long winds through the full two and three-quarter turns of the cochlea separating the cochlear cavity into upper and lower chambers. Filled with endolymph. Supports the spiral organ.

Vascular layer

Middle layer also called the uvea

Ciliary glands

Modified sweat glands that lie between the eyelash hair follicles; help lubricate the eyeball.


Mucous membrane that lines the internal surface of the eyelids (palpebral/internal surface of eyelids and bulbar/junction with corneal epithelium)

Latissimus dorsi

Name muscle indicated by letter E

Cell body

Name structure labeled B

Axon Hillock

Name structure labeled C


Name structures labeled A

Nodes of Ranvier

Name structures labeled D

Latissimus Dorsi

Name the Letter A Muscle

Serratus Anterior

Name the Letter B Muscle

Chain ganglion

Name the enlarged structure indicated by arrow labeled E


Name the feature of the brain indicated by the letter A


Name the feature of the brain indicated by the letter B


Name the feature of the brain indicated by the letter C

Cortex (gray matter)

Name the feature of the brain indicated by the letter D

Frontal Lobe

Name the feature of the brain indicated by the letter E

Parietal Lobe

Name the feature of the brain indicated by the letter G

Lateral Sulcus

Name the feature of the brain indicated by the letter H

Temporal Lobe

Name the feature of the brain indicated by the letter I

Occipital Lobe

Name the feature of the brain indicated by the letter J

Orbicularis oculi

Name the highlighted bone

Extensor digitorum longus Action: Extends digits (toes) and dorsiflexes foot/ankle

Name the highlighted muscle

Teres major

Name the highlighted muscle

Tibialis anterior Action: Dorsiflexes and inverts foot/ankle

Name the highlighted muscle

Pectoralis major Origin: clavicle, sternum, and costal cartilages of true ribs Insertion: Intertubercular sulcus of humerus Action: flexes, adducts and medially rotates humerus/shoulder

Name the highlighted muscle, its origin, insertion and action

Extensor carpi radialis longus Extends and abducts hand/wrist

Name the muscle and action

Transversus abdominis. Action: Compresses abdomen

Name the muscle and its action for Letter D.

Internal oblique. Action: It compresses the abdomen and moves the vertebral column laterally

Name the muscle and its action for Letter E

External oblique Action: compresses abdomen, moves vertebral column laterally

Name the muscle and its action for Letter G.

Gluteus Medius Origin: Superior & lateral surface of ilium Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur Action: Abduction and medial rotation of thigh

Name the muscle, its origin, insertion, and action for Letter A

Gluteus Maximus Origin: Sacrum, coccyx, and dorsal ilium Insertion: Gluteal tuberosity of femur & iliotibial tract Action: Powerful extensor of thigh/hip; lateral rotation and abduction of thigh

Name the muscle, its origin, insertion, and action for Letter B

Pectoralis Major. Origin: clavicle, sternum, costal cartilages of true ribs. Insertion: Intertubercular sulcus of humerus Action: Flexes, adducts, and medially rotates humerus/shoulder

Name the muscle, its origin, insertion, and action for Letter C

Semimembranosus Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Medial condyle of tibia Action: extends thigh, flexes leg, knee, and medially rotates thigh

Name the muscle, its origin, insertion, and action for Letter C

Biceps femoris Origin: Long head/ischial tuberosity; short head/ posterior & distal femur Insertion: Head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia Action: Extends thigh; flexes leg/knee, laterally rotates thigh

Name the muscle, its origin, insertion, and action for Letter D

Semitendinosus Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: medial, proximal tibia Action: extends thigh, flexes leg/knee, medially rotates thigh

Name the muscle, its origin, insertion, and action for Letter E

Gastrocnemius Origin: One head each from the posterior portions of the medial and lateral condyles of the femur Insertion: calcaneous (via the calcaneal tendon) Action: plantar flexes foot/ankle and flexes leg/knee

Name the muscle, its origin, insertion, and action for Letter F

Rectus abdominis Origin: Pubis Insertion: Xiphoid process of costal cartilages of 5-7 ribs Action: Flexes lower vertebral column, compresses abdomen

Name the muscle, its origin, insertion, and action for Letter F

Central Sulcus

Name the specific groove or indentation indicated with the arrow labeled with the letter F.


Name the structure indicated with the arrow labeled J

Malleus (hammer)

Name the structure labeled A and its purpose.

Incus (anvil)

Name the structure labeled B and its purpose

Oval Window (deep to stapes)

Name the structure labeled C and its purpose

Semicircular canals

Name the structure labeled D and its purpose

Vestibule Most involved with sense of static equilibrium (sensing linear acceleration such as gravitational pull)

Name the structure labeled E and its purpose

Vestibular nerve

Name the structure labeled F and its purpose

Cochlear nerve

Name the structure labeled G and its purpose

Stapes (Stirrup)

Name the structure labeled H and its purpose

Round Window

Name the structure labeled I and its purpose


Name the structure labeledJ and its purpose


Oculomotor; primarily motor; movement of eyelid/eyeball, accommodation of the lens for near vision; constriction of the pupil. SENSORY PART - Propriorception (orientation in space)


Olfactory; entirely sensory; olfaction/smell


Opaque white outermost fibrous layer "white of the eye"


Optic; entirely sensory; vision


Outer layer of cells of the retina that includes rods and cones.

Lacrimal puncta (openings in the lacrimal canaliculi) - into the larimal sac - into the nasolacrimal duct - nasal cavity

Path of dilute salt solution released by lacrimal glands

Axons of ganglion cells, ganglion cells, bipolar cells, then the photoreceptors

Pathway of light order of cells encountered

Outer layer of retina

Pigmented layer that abuts the choroid and extends anteriorly to cover the ciliary body and posterior side of the iris


Pigmented most anterior part of the vascular layer

Posterior chamber

Posterior to iris in the anterior segment.

Posterior segment

Posterior to lens, filled with vitreous humor


Posterior-most part of the vascular layer - blood-rich nutritive region contains dark pigment that prevents scattering of light

Dilator pupillae

Radial muscles in the iris -- in distant vision and dim light contract, dilating the pupil, allowing more light to enter.


Receptors for dim light - gray tones


Rounded opening left by incomplete iris through which light passes

Frontal eye field

Structure marked 8

Membranous labyrinth

Suspended in the perilymph, a system that follows the contours of the bony labyrinth

Oval window

The auditory ossicles (as a lever system) amplify and transmit vibratory motion of eardrum to fluids of inner ear via this structure

Optic tracts

The fiber tracts fromed as axons of ganglion cells of the retina leave the eye and cross over at the chiasma.


The highlighted muscle inserts on to which bone?


The highlighted muscle originates from which bone?


The highlighted muscle originates from which bone?

Pituitary gland

The highlighted structure controls the _____________, which secretes many hormones

Lateral geniculate body of the thalamus

The optic tract fibers synapse with neurons located here.

Auditory ossicles

malleus, incus, stapes (hammer, anvil, stirrup)

Fovea centralis

A tiny pit about 0.4 mm in diameter which contains only cones and is the area of greatest visual acuity. Focusing for discriminative vision. In the center of the macula lutea.


Abducens; primarily motor - movement of eyeball; sensory, proprioception

Pigmented cells of the retina

Absorb light and prevent it from scattering within the eye. Participate in photoreceptor cell reneweal as phagocytes. Store Vitamin A needed by photoreceptor cells.


Accessory; primarily motor; movement of head and shoulders. SENSORY - proprioception


Another name for eyelids

Ciliary body

Anterior modification of choroid composed of ciliary muscles that help control lens shape

Anterior chamber

Anterior to iris in the anterior segment.

Anterior segment

Anterior to the lens, contains aqueous humor


Anteriormost portion of sclera that is modified to be transparent -- here is where light enters the eye


Are extensor muscles on the anterior or posterior of the forearm?


Are flexor muscles on the posterior or anterior of the forearm

Vision - primary visual cortex, visual association area

Area marked 17, 18, 19

Primary somatosensory cortex

Area marked 3-1-2

Hearing - auditory association area and primary auditory cortex

Area marked 41 and 42

Somatosensory association cortex

Area marked 7

Wernicke's area

Area outlined 22

Broca's area for initiating speech

Area outlined 44 and 45

Ciliary processess

Attached to ciliary body and secrete aqueous humor

Optic disc

Blind spot located in a weak spot in the fundus or posterior wall of the retina, where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball.

Vestibule and semicircular canals

These two structures are involved with equilibrium

Pharyngotympanic tube

This auditory tube connects the middle ear chamber with the nasopharynx and assists in equalizing pressure of middle ear with external air pressure.

Cochlea, Vestibule, Semicircular canals

Three subdivisions of the bony labyrinth

Inner layer of the retina

Transparent neural layer extends anteriorly only to the ciliary body. Photoreceptors (rods & cones) begin the chain of electrical events/nerve impulses transmitted to primary visual cortex of the brain.


Trigeminal; about equally mixed; motor - chewing; sensory - conveys sensations for touch, pain, temperature from facial skin and gums and for pain in teeth. Also, proprioception


antibacterial enzyme found in the lacrimal secretion

Sphincter pupillae

Circular muscles in the iris -- in close vision and bright light cause the pupil to construct


Color receptors that permit high levels of visual acuity but function only with high light intensity.


Contains the sensory receptors for hearing.

Fovea only contains cones. Macula contains mostly cones. From edge of macula to retina periphery, cone density declines gradually.

Describe the density of cones in the retina

Most numerous in the periphery and density decreases as macula is approached

Describe the density of rods in the retina

Cauda equina

What is the name of the multi-stranded structure shown in brackets labeled H

Dorsal root of a spinal nerve

What is the name of the slender structure with the arrow labeled with the letter E

Conus medullaris

What is the name of the structure labeled G

Trochlear nerve (IV)

What is the nerve labeled "D"

Abducens nerve (VI)

What is the nerve labeled "E"

Vestibulocochlear (VIII)

What is the nerve labeled "F"

Vagus nerve (X)

What is the nerve labeled "G"

Hypoglossal Nerve (XII)

What is the nerve labeled "H"

Oculomotor nerve (III)

What is the nerve labeled "J"

Trigeminal nerve (V)

What is the nerve labeled "K"

Facial Nerve (VII)

What is the nerve labeled "L"

Glossopharyngeal (IX)

What is the nerve labeled "M"

Accessory nerves (XI)

What is the nerve labeled "N"


What is the primary action of the muscle labeled with arrow D?

Central canal

What is the structure called marked E


What is the structure indicated by the Letter A

Anterior segment Aqueous humor

What is the structure indicated by the Letter B


What is the structure indicated by the Letter C


What is the structure indicated by the Letter D

Ciliary zonule suspensory ligament

What is the structure indicated by the Letter E

Ciliary body

What is the structure indicated by the Letter F


What is the structure indicated by the Letter G


What is the structure indicated by the Letter H


What is the structure indicated by the Letter I

Fovea centralis inside the macula lutea

What is the structure indicated by the Letter J

Optic nerve

What is the structure indicated by the Letter K

Optic disc (blind spot)

What is the structure indicated by the Letter L

Posterior segment Vitreous humor

What is the structure indicated by the Letter M

Olfactory bulb Olfactory I

What is the structure labeled "A"

Optic nerve (II)

What is the structure labeled "B"

Optic chiasma

What is the structure labeled "C"

Olfactory tract

What is the structure labeled "I"

Lacrimal gland

What is the structure labeled A

Excretory ducts of lacrimal glansd

What is the structure labeled B


What is the structure labeled C


What is the structure labeled D


What is the structure labeled E

Lacrimal sac

What is the structure labeled F

Zygomaticus Major

What muscle is highlighted

Zygomaticus minor

What muscle is highlighted

Brachioradialis Action: assists biceps brachii with forearm flexion

What muscle is highlighted and what is its action

Pupil (singular)

What part of the eye allows light to pass from the anterior segment into the posterior segment?

Ciliary Body and Suspensory Ligaments

What parts of the eyeball function to change the shape of the lens for focusing, near or far?


Trochlear; primarily motor; movement of eyeball; SENSORY PART - Proprioception


True or False The sarcolemma covers the endomysium


True/False The structure that produces CSF are clearly visible in this illustration?

Scala vestibuli

Upper chamber of cochlear cavity that terminates at the oval window. Filled with perilymph.


Vagus; about equally mixed. Motor -- visceral motor control and swallowing movement Sensory -- sensations from internal organs innervated; proprioception


Vestibulocochlear; essentially entirely sensory. Cochlear branch -- hearing Vestibular branch -- equilibrium

Incus, stapes, malleus, Eustachian tube

What are the parts of the middle ear?


What bone is highlighted?

Production of cerebrospinal fluid

What is function of structure indicated with the letter F

Coccygeal spinal nerve

What is labeled F

Lumbar enlargement

What is the area labeled E

Spinal nerve

What is the area marked B

Dorsal root ganglion

What is the area marked F

Cerebral aqueduct

What is the cavity/passageway indicated with the Letter H


What is the correct name for spinal nerve labeled B


What is the function of the structure indicated with the arrow labeled E?


What is the function of the structure indicated with the letter E

Dorsal median sulcus

What is the groove marked D called

Ventral median fissure

What is the groove marked F called


What is the highlighted structure?

Pia mater

What is the meninges layer labeled A

Arachnoid mater

What is the meninges layer labeled B

Dura mater

What is the meninges layer labeled C

Medial rectus - moves eye medially III oculomotor

What is the muscle labeled A

Superior rectus - elevates eye and turns it medially III oculomotor

What is the muscle labeled B

Superior oblique - depresses eye and turns it laterally IV trochlear

What is the muscle labeled C

Lateral rectus - moves eye laterally VI abducens

What is the muscle labeled D

Inferior rectus - depresses eye and turns it medially III oculomotor

What is the muscle labeled E

Inferior oblique - elevates eye and turns it laterally III oculomotor

What is the muscle labeled F


What is the muscled labeled G.

Subarachnoid space

What is the name of hte space indicated with the arrow labeled with the letter E?

Cervical enlargement

What is the name of the area labeled D


Where does highlighted muscle originate

Optic chiasma

Where the fibers from the medial side of each eye cross over to the other side.

Neuroglial cell

Which cell is highlighted?


Which letter in the diagram represents the facial nerve?

Facial nerve

Which nerve is highlighted

Vagus Nerve

Which nerve is highlighted

Schwann cell

Which neuroglial cell type forms the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system

Auricle or pinna

Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

Myelin sheaths

Which structures are highlighted?

Neuroglial cell

Which type of cell is highlighted?

Macula lutea

Yellow spot - an area of high cone density directly posterior to the lens and lateral to the blind spot.

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