Pre-Op PrepU Chapter 7

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The nurse assesses a client to determine if there is increased risk for complications intraoperatively or postoperatively. Which are general risk factors? Select all that apply.

1. physical condition 2. health status 3. age 4. nutritional status

Anticoagulants increase the risk for


During the preoperative assessment, the nurse learns that the client has been taking prednisone. The nurse realizes that the client is at risk for:

Cardiovascular collapse

The nurse recognizes that the client most at risk for mortality associated with surgery is the:

Chronic Alcoholism Explanation: The client with chronic alcoholism who experiences alcohol withdrawal symptoms is at significant risk for mortality, which can be attributed to cardiac dysrthymias, cardiomyopathy, and bleeding tendencies.

Phenothiazines may do what?

May potentiate the hypotensive action of anesthetics

An elderly client is preparing to undergo surgery. The nurse participates in preoperative care knowing that which of the following is the underlying principle that guides preoperative assessment, surgical care, and postoperative care for older adults?

Older adults have less physiologic reserve (or ability to regain physical equilibrium) than younger clients.

Nursing assessment findings reveal that the client is afraid of dying during the surgical procedure. Which surgical team member would be most helpful in addressing the client's concern?

Surgeon Explanation: It is the surgeon's responsibility to explain the benefits, alternatives, possible risks, complications, disfigurement, disability, and removal of body parts in obtaining informed consent from the client.

The physician schedules an elective surgical procedure for a patient who smokes cigarettes. When should the nurse recommend that the patient cease smoking before the surgical procedure to minimize risks associate with cigarette smoking?

1 to 2 months

What are reasons people have surgery?

1. Cosmetic 2. Diagnostic 3. Exploratory 4. Curative 5. Palliative

Hydroclorothiazide and anesthetics may interact which can result in:

Respiratory depression

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