Present Simple positive, negative, interrogative

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Kas te olete väsinud? Te võite minna ja süüa midagi.

Are you tired? You can go and eat something.

Kas Tomil on huvitav töö? - Jah, on. Ta on arhitekt ja töötab kesklinnas.

Does Tom have an interesting job? - Yes, he does. He is an architect and works in the centre of town.

Katile ei meeldi nädalavahetustel väljas käia. Ta eelistab olla oma perega kodus.

Kati doesn't like going out on weekends. She prefers to be at home with her family.

Miranda ei söö lõunat kodus, ta sööb lõunat kontori kõrval pubis. - Kui palju tavaliselt maksab lõuna pubis? - Umbes 5-6 eurot.

Miranda doesn't have lunch at home, she has lunch in a pub next to the office. - How much does lunch in a pub usually cost? - About 5-6 euros.

Esmaspäeviti me ei taha tihti tööle minna. - Miks te ei taha?

On Mondays we don't often want to go to work. - Why don't you want?

Millal Sam Eestist ära läheb?

When does Sam leave Estonia?

Millal su ülemus reedeti tööle tuleb?

When does your boss come to work on Fridays?

Millal teie tööpäev tavaliselt lõpeb? - Tavaliselt lõpeb see kell 17.30, aga reedeti lõpeb tund aega varem.

When does your workday usually end? - It usually ends at five-thirty p.m / half past five p.m, but on Fridays it ends an hour earlier.

Miks sulle su töö meeldib?

Why do you like your job?

Mis kellast nad postkontori sulgevad?

What time do they close the post office?

Mitut võõrkeelt sa rääkida oskad?

How many foreign languages can you speak?

- Kuidas sulle meeldib su uus korter? - See on imeilus! Seal on 2 magamistuba ja suur köök.

- How do you like your new flat? - It is wonderful! There are two bedrooms and a big kitchen there.

Kuidas su vend hommikuti tööle läheb? - Mõnikord läheb ta bussiga, mõnikord autoga. Kui ilm on ilus, siis läheb jala.

How does your brother go to work in the mornings? - He sometimes goes by bus, sometimes by car. When the weather is nice, he goes on foot.

Pärastlõunal läheb Jane mõnikord turule.

In the afternoon Jane sometimes goes to the market. / Jane sometimes goes to the market in the afternoon.

Maria ja Jake on abielus. Kas neil lapsi on?

Maria and Jake are married. Do they have children?

Vabandust, meil ei ole üldse sularaha.

Sorry, we don't have any cash.

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