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Form of sexual reproduction - A process in which 2 organisms exchange genetic material

B. Flagellates

Giardia is the protist that causes Hiker's Disease. What type of protozoan is is? a) Ciliate b) Flagellate c) Sarcodines d) Algae

A flagellate lives in the gut of a termite and helps it break down food

Give 1 example in which a flagellate is helpful to the host organism?

They are in polish and toothpaste. It's what makes toothpaste gritty.

How are diatoms used in everyday life?

c) by cilia

How do ciliates move? a) By pseudopods b) By flagella c) By cilia

b) Get their food - heterotrophs

How do fungus-like protists get their food? a) Make their own food - autotrophs b) Get their food - heterotrophs

c) with spores

How do fungus-like protists reproduce? a) With fish b) Sexually c) With spores

From ingesting food or water that contains an amoeba or amoebic cysts

How do humans get amoebic dysentary?

The cilia (hairs) sweep in food like oars

How do paramecium get food?

1 cell (unicellular)

How many cells do protozoans have?

2 (macronucleus and micronucleus)

How many nuclei does a paramecium have?

Cilia around the mouth and a single flagella that springs back and forth

How would you recognize a Vorticella?

It makes its own food

If a dinoflagellate has 2 flagella, why it is classified as a plant-like protist?

d) Use its pseudodops to move away from the light

If there is a bright light, what will an amoeba do? a) Grow b) Die c) Expel excess water d) Use its pseudodops to move away from the light

c) Food vacoule

In what organelle is food digested in an amoeba? a) Nucleus b) Contractile vacoule c) Food vacoule d) Pseudopod

Moist environment (wet - salt or fresh water)

In what type of environment would you find protists?

plant-like protists

Is a dinoflagellate a animal-like or plant-like protist?


Is a dinoflagellate a protozoan?

Autotroph - makes its own food

Is a dinoflagellate an autotroph or heterotroph?

a) Heterotroph - goes to get its food

Since Giardia is a flagellate which is a protozoan, how does it get food? a) Heterotroph - goes to get its food b) Autotroph - makes its own food

Autotroph - makes its own food

Since a dinoflagellate is a plant-like protist, is it an autotroph or a heterotroph?

a) Make it on their own - autotroph

Since diatoms are plant-like, how do they get food? a) Make it on their own - autotroph b) Go get it - Heterotroph

b) Get their food - heterotrophs

Since protozoans are animal-like protists, how do they get their food? a) Make their own food - autotrophs b) Get their food - heterotrophs

None. Diatoms are plant-like protists. So they make their own food. They are not protozoans which go get food.

What types of protists do diatoms eat?

c) in fresh water

Where do amoeba live? a) In plants b) in the cold c) In fresh water


Which can reproduce using binary fission? Monerans Protists Both


Which group of animal-like protists captures food using pseudopods? a) Sarcodines b) Ciliates c) Zooflagellates d) Sporozoans


Which is larger a Stentor or a Euglena?

a) They are unicellular

Which of the following characteristics describes all protists? a) They are unicellular b) They can be seen with the unaided eye. c) Their cells have nuclei d) They are unable to move on their own.

d. all of the above

Which of the following statements about a paramecium is correct? a) It has two contractile vacoules that remove excess water from the cytoplasm. b) It uses cilia to move. c) It has two nuclei. d) All of the above.

All of them - All plant-like protists make their own food

Which of the plant-like protists that we saw can make their own food? (Think about plant-like protists!)

c) Prokaryote

Which of these does NOT define a protist? (BE CAREFUL!) a) Unicellular b) Heterotroph c) Prokaryote

a) Amoeba

Which one of these moves by the pseduopods? a) Amoeba b) Ciliates


Which protist has a light-sensitive eyespot?

A paramecium has an oral groove - like a mouth

Which protist has an oral groove and what human body part it is like?

c) Sarcodines - amoebas

Which protists has pseudopods? a) Algae b) Dinoflagellates c) Sarcodines - amoebas d) Ciliates

All protists have a nucleus - so all of them did

Which protists that we saw had a nucleus?

d) Dinoflagellate

Which type of protist is responsible for red tide? a) Ciliate b) Sarcodines c) Euglena d) Dinoflagellate

They provide 70% of the oxygen and they are the bottom rung of the food chain

Why are plant-like protists important to humans?

The DNA is exchanged but a new organism is not made

Why is conjugation not the same as sexual reproduction?

Sun enables them to make their own food - be autotrophs

Why is sunlight important to plantlike protists?

Because it makes it's own food (autotroph) - it doesn't go get it (heterotroph) like protozoans

Why isn't a dinoflagellate a protozoan?

It already moves very slowly

Why wouldn't you use methyl cellulose on a Volvox specimen?

b) Sarcodines - amoeba

You observe an animal-like protist under a microscope. It has no hairlike or whiplike structures. It moves by forming temporary bulges of cytoplasm. What type of protozoan is it? a) Ciliates b) Sarcodines - amoeba c) Flagellates d) Parasite

1 cell (unicellular)

Approximately how many cells are in the typical protist organism?

a) can be heterotroph under certain conditions

Unlike other algae, euglenoid a) can be heterotroph under certain conditions b) can make their own food c) can move from place to place d) do not have pigments

Cilia, flagella and pseudopods

What are 3 ways protozoans move?

Compost Incinerate Landfill Recycle

What are 4 options for getting rid of trash? (CILR)

Paramecium has cilia. Euglena has flagellates Euglena are smaller Euglena are green. Paramecium are clear (transparent)

What are some differences between a paramecium and a euglena?

single celled, reproduce asexually, have nucleus

What are some things that all protists have in common? (Think cells and reproduction)

Rods, spirals, spheres

What are the 3 shapes of monerans?

1) Ciliates 2) Pseudopods 3) Sporozoans 4) Zooflagellates

What are the four groups of protozoans (animal-like protists? (CPSZ) or (SPCZ)

d) Chloroplasts

What are the green, food-making organelles in euglenas called? a) Ciliates b) Flagella c) Donuts d) Chloroplasts


What are the long, whiplike structures that help flagellates move?

A = Algae D= Dinoflagellates D = Diatoms E = Euglena

What are the three (or four) groups of plant-like protists? (ADDE) (ADED)

Protists are larger and have a nucleus

What are two differences between a protist and a moneran?

There is excessive build-up of CO2 around the earth. That CO2 forms a blanket that traps the heat in the earth

What causes climate change?

The red pigment allows them to absorb the small amount of light that is available deep in the ocean where they live

What causes red algae to be red rather than green?


What color is Vorticella?

b) Blue-green

What color is a Stentor? a) Clear b) Blue-green c) Green

c) Green

What color is a Volvox? a) Clear b) Blue-green c) Green

cell wall

What do fungus-like protists have that plants have?


What do we call a protist that moves using cilia? (You know this Danni!)

a) Protist colony

What do you call a bunch of identical single-celled (1 cell) organisms that live together? a) Protist colony b) Animal colony

c) Mutualism

What do you call a close relationship between 2 species in which both benefit? a) Conjugation b) Symbiosis c) Mutualism d) heterotroph

b) Animal colony

What do you call a collection of different cells that form a single organism? a) Protist colony b) Animal colony


What do you call the organism that a parasite lives off of?

b) Contractile vacuole

What does a freshwater protozoaon use to pump excess water out of it body? a) Cytoplasm b) Contractile vacuole c) Cell wall d) Cilia

To live off another organism (or have a close relationship with another organism) and to cause that host organism harm

What does it mean to be a parasite?

b) Sporozoans

What group of protists contains the organism that causes malaria? a) Ciliates b) Sporozoans c) Pseudopods

If there is no sun, they become heterotroph.

What has to be absent for a euglena to become a heterotroph?

Blepherisma are larger and pink - Paramecium are transparent (clear)

What is a difference between a Blepherisma and a Paramecium?

b) A hard cover some protists have (parmecium)

What is a pellicle? a) A bird b) A hard cover some protists have (parmecium) c) a type of conjugation d) Mr. D

False foot

What is a pseudopod?

A slide with an indentation that holds the water

What is a well slide?


What is another word for false feet?

The amoeba uses its pseudopods to move away from light

What is one example of an amoeba responding to a stimulus?

It can become a heterotroph. It can feed on another organism

What is one reason why a euglena can be considered animal-like?

Excess water

What is stored in the contractile vacuole?

A protozoa is a kind of protist - an animal-like kind

What is the difference between a protist and a protozoa?


What is the exchange of DNA that is not a type of asexual reproduction called?


What is the genus of Paramecium multimicronucleatum?


What is the third type of protist? There are plant-like, animal-like and ????

d) Food vacuole

What organ does the sarcodine use to digest FOOD! (You know this Danni!) a) Contractile vacuole b) Cytoplasm c) Cell membrane d) Food vacuole

A zooflagellate called Trypanosoma

What protist causes African Sleeping Sickness?

none - sporozoans don't move

What structure do sporozoans use to move around?


What type of protist has two flagellates that causes it to spin or twirl like a top?

B. Ciliates

What type of protist is a paramecium? a) Protozoan b) Ciliate c) Amoeba

b) Animal-like

What type of protists are protozoans? a) Plant-like b) Animal-like c) Fungus-like

c. dinoflagellates

What type of protists twirl like a top when they swim? a) Paramecium b) Ciliates c) Dinoflagellates d) Euglenoids


What type of protozoa is an amoeba? a) Sarcodines b) Ciliates c) Flagellates d) Parasites

Giardia (a flagellate)

What type of protozoan is responsible for the condition known as hiker's disease? a) Amoeba b) Paramecium c) Giardia (a flagellate) d) Parasite

b) Autotrophs

All of the plant-like protists are a) Heterotrophs b) Autotrophs


An organism that makes its own food


A eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as an animal, plant, or fungus.

B. Ciliates

A parmecium is what kind of protozoan? a) Sarcodines b) Ciliates c) Flagellates d) Parasite

b) Contractile vacuole

A protist structure that collects water and expels it from the cell is called what? a) pseudopod b) Contractile vacuole c) Cilia d) Spore

d) diatom

A type of unicellular plant-like protist with beautiful, glasslike cell walls is a a) water mold b) ciliate c) green algea d) diatom


Are algae (plant-like protists) heterotrophs or autotrophs?

plant-like protists

Are algae animal-like, plant-like or fungus-like protists?


Are fungus-like protists able to move?


Are fungus-like protists autotrophs or heterotrophs?


Are protists found in fresh water or salt water?


Are protozoans (animal-like protists) heterotrophs or autotrophs?

animal-like protists

Are protozoans animal-like, plant-like or fungus-like?

Protists (plant-like protists) and Monerans

Autotrophic organisms make their own food. Which kingdoms have autotrophic organisms? Monerans Protists Funghi


Cannot make its own food - gets food from somewhere else

b) Plant-like

Diatoms, dinoflagellates, euglena, and algae are what kind of protist? a) Fungus-like b) Plant-like c) Animal-like


Do Sporozoans move?


Do all protists have a nucleus?

asexual reproduction but they also do conjugation

Do ciliates reproduce sexually or asexually? (Danni - I changed this after review) Conjugation is not sexual reproduction so it's just)


Does an amoeba have a cell membrane?

The plant-like protists -- euglena, dinoflagellates, volvox

Name one protist that contains chloroplasts?

It's a heterotroph because it's a flagellate which is a protozoan

So... Is the Giardia protist a heterotroph or an autotroph?


The hair-like structures that help parmecium and other ciliates move

c) Symbiosis

The interaction between two species in which at least one of the species benefits is called what? a) Budding b) Conjugation c) Symbiosis d) Cholorplast


True or False - Algae are a kind of plant-like protist


True or False - Algae can exist in many colors?


True or False - Both funghi and monerans are eukaryotes?

False - they use cilia

True or False - Ciliates use flagella to move

False - some euglena are heterotrophs

True or False - Euglena are always autotrophs?

False - Cilia

True or False - Flagella are hairlike projections from cells that move with a wavelike pattern.

False - Protozoans are animal-like

True or False - Plant-like protists are called protozoans?

True - green algae lives in colonies

True or False - Protists live in colonies.

False -

True or False - Zooflagellates are protozoans that usually live as parasites inside other organisms.

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