PSY 101 Macmillan Learning Launchpad

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Joe is happy to hear that the test will be all multiple-choice questions as he feels he has a good chance to pass by using:


Ralph underwent radical eye surgery and had to wear an eye patch for four months. How will this sensory deprivation affect his vision?

His vision will be unaffected by this sensory deprivation.

Janelle has five brothers who are 5, 7, 7, 10, and 16 years of age. The mean age of Janelle's brothers is:


Which scenario is MOST relevant to the field of cognitive neuroscience?

A researcher can tell that Julie is looking at a telephone based on cortical activation patterns.

_____ is NOT a psychoactive drug.


If one gently wakes someone who is in _____ sleep, there is about an 80 percent chance the person will report being in the middle of an interesting dream.


A psychologist conducts a detailed investigation of a single genius with an intelligence quotient of 190. This is an example of:

a case study.

The functions of the body that operate outside of conscious awareness are governed by the _______ nervous system.


When Loftus and Palmer asked observers of a filmed car accident about how fast the vehicles were going when they smashed into each other, the observers developed memories of the accident that:

portrayed the event as more serious than it had actually been.

Sabrina stated there was a _____ correlation between food intake and weight because the scores tended to rise and fall together.


Damage to the _____ would MOST likely interfere with a person's ability to form new memories of a family vacation trip.


Luca has been studying all week for his final exam in biology. He studies until he is ready to go to bed because he knows that information presented within _____ before sleep will be remembered well.

1 hour

Eight families live on Abbie's street. She asks each family how many pets they have. Abbie's data set is: 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 5. The modal number of family pets on Abbie's street is:


Consider this set of numbers: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7. The median of the set is:


Memories become reliable when children reach the age of:


To monitor the electrical activity in the brain that is triggered by hearing one's own name, researchers would make use of a(n):


From another room, Amanda called out to Juan to ask where he had put the car keys. At first, Juan thought he hadn't heard what Amanda had asked. A second later, the question registered in his mind and he answered, "On the bedroom dresser." A specific type of sensory memory called _____ memory can explain this phenomenon.


Dr. Rowan attempts to help his patients uncover unconscious motives and conflicts. Dr. Rowan appears to reflect the _____ approach in psychology.


Mia is attracted to a man she is chatting with in a nightclub. What is probably happening to her eyes?

Her pupils are dilating.

You wake up early in the morning and your room is fairly dark. You look over and see your shirt hanging on a hook. You know it's your red shirt because you hung it up there before you went to bed, but in the dark you can't see its color. It looks dark gray to you. Why is that?

In the dim light, the cones in your eyes are ineffectual.

Jasper stays up very late most Saturday nights. He finds Monday mornings very difficult because he often sleeps until noon on Sunday and has trouble going to sleep at a reasonable time on Sunday night. What advice would one give him to help him with his Monday morning problem?

Jasper should try to maintain the same bedtime throughout the week.

John was injured in a car accident and lost consciousness for 10 minutes. He sustained numerous lacerations, a right femoral contusion, and most importantly had a large open wound on his head. When he arrived at the emergency room, the attending physician immediately ordered a(n) _____ to rule out any soft tissue damage to the brain.


Your friend was in a car accident in which his heart stopped briefly and he had to be resuscitated. He informs you that he had a near-death experience. How likely are you to believe him?

Somewhat likely, because approximately 15 percent of people who experience cardiac arrest recall near-death experiences.

Giulio's bag of marbles is twice as heavy as Jim's bag. If it takes 5 extra marbles to make Jim's bag feel heavier, it will take 10 extra marbles to make Giulio's bag feel heavier. This BEST illustrates:

Weber's law.

In an experiment conducted by Professor Costa, participants press one button if they see a red light and another button if they see a green light. Professor Costa is studying the amount of time it takes to press the buttons. This is similar to experiments conducted by which early psychologist?

Wilhelm Wundt

Sean just discovered that his roommate's girlfriend broke up with him. Later on, Sean sees his roommate studying in the library and assumes that he looks depressed. This assumption is an example of perception being influenced by:

a context effect.

Tyler is vacationing in a new city. He isn't quite sure where his hotel is. He knows it's near the beach. Tyler also realizes that the streets generally go from north to south, while avenues generally go east to west. Instead of driving around randomly, he is able to use this information to quickly find his hotel. This is an example of using:

a heuristic.

Christy moved from her home state so that she could attend graduate school in her desired field of study. She did not know anyone where she moved to and spent the money she had saved for the move very quickly. Things cost much more than she had expected. She received little support from her family to pursue her college education. Still, she progressed and quickly earned her degree. She graduated at the top of her class. Christy has:

a venturesome personality.

"It's so noisy! How can you stand it?" remarks Caitlyn as highway traffic screams past her friend Dave's ground-floor apartment. "I don't even notice it anymore," Dave replies. This exchange BEST exemplifies the concept of sensory:


A person who has difficulty recognizing emotional responses in others following a head injury MOST likely suffered damage to the _____.


Estelle remembers a night she was mugged and brutally beaten. This memory probably involves not only her hippocampus, but also her ____ because of the emotional nature of the event.


Brent is taking part in an experiment in a cognitive neuroscience lab. Silently, he reads rapid sequences of words flashed on a computer screen. The electrical activity of his brain is simultaneously recorded through skull electrodes. The technique used in this study is:

an electroencephalogram (EEG).

In terms of the heartbeat, digestion, and glandular functioning, the body is a fairly well-oiled machine that works even when it is asleep. This is possible because of the _____ nervous system.


As strange as it may seem, James has run into the same co-worker four times today, in four different locations. He gets a little nervous, wondering if she is following him. His ability to unconsciously keep track of the number of times he's run into the co-worker is known as:

automatic processing.

The more we examine the evidence for our point of view, the more we tend to:

become convinced we are correct.

While shopping at the local supermarket, Nora notices the "reduced for quick sale" table, which has discontinued items as well as dented cans. She buys some of the discontinued items and avoids the dented cans because she knows that improperly canned food can form:


Damage to the _____ would MOST likely interfere with learning a conditioned fear response to the sight of a dog that had bitten you on several occasions.


A man is at a large party with lots of music and conversations going on simultaneously. While talking to a friend about her latest romantic breakup, he hears his name spoken from the other side of the room. He immediately looks in the direction of the voice and sees the person who spoke his name. This ability to detect one's name being spoken in this situation is an example of the _____ effect.

cocktail party

In her research, Professor Kyoto seeks to identify mental bias that are especially likely to impede effective problem solving. Her research is MOST likely in the area of _____ psychology.


Owen is asked if he can identify a suspect in a lineup. He thinks his fear at the time of the crime may have impaired his memory for what the perpetrator looked like. This hypothesis would MOST likely be tested by a _____ psychologist.


Dr. Costa is examining how Jane processes information by using functional MRI scans of her brain while she completes a memory task. Dr. Costa is BEST described as a(n):

cognitive neuropsychologist

In a study of whether alcohol consumption affects memory, research participants were assigned to drink either an alcoholic or a nonalcoholic beverage prior to completing a memory test. Those who drank the nonalcoholic beverage participated in the _____ condition.


Raul is very skilled at taking aptitude tests and finding solutions to math and science problems. Raul's skills illustrate:

convergent thinking.

As you watch a dog play in the park, light reflected from the dog's fur first passes through three structures of your eye. In what order does the light pass through these structures?

cornea, pupil, lens

College courses in psychology encourage students to question assumptions, weigh evidence, and evaluate claims. Psychology courses may therefore contribute to the development of students' _____ thinking skills.


Jake regularly takes a pain reliever for his back pain. After a few weeks, he notices that he needs to increase the amount of pain-relieving drug that he takes each day in order to achieve the same level of pain relief. The phenomenon that Jake is experiencing is called:

drug tolerance.

Collin often experiences a "runner's high" during his daily 3-mile run. This is MOST likely produced by his _____.


Dr. Snell studies the part of the brain that is active when people are lying. She asks half of her participants to tell the truth about an event from their childhoods and half to tell a lie about an event from their childhoods. She will then use _____ to detect brain areas that are active when the participants are lying.


John remembers very clearly the day his best friend died in a bicycle accident at the hands of a drunk driver. This BEST illustrates _____ memory.


Many people can easily recall exactly what they were doing when they heard the news of the Sandy Hook school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012. This BEST illustrates _____ memory.


Between which pair of values is one MOST likely to find a positive correlation?

grade point average and amount of studying for classes

Professor Wallace studies memory in people who have had strokes. Professor Hansen studies people who claim to have clear memories of events that happened over three decades ago. Such research on the extremes of memory:

helps us to understand how memory works.

Which term BEST describes the organization of the nervous system?


Shelby was in a car accident and now has problems moving information from her short-term memory into her long-term memory. Shelby's _____ was damaged in the car accident.


Dr. Petrovic's goal is to help his clients channel their motivation for positive growth and to realize their potential. He is MOST likely a _____ therapist.


You're having trouble coping with stressful life events, so you begin seeing a therapist. The therapist does not focus on your childhood experiences or on any learned behaviors, but rather she emphasizes the importance of your need for love and acceptance. Her approach is BEST described as reflecting _____ psychology.


Josie intently watched the live tennis match and did not realize that a bird had landed on the adjacent empty seat next to her. Her inability to notice the bird can be explained by:

inattentional blindness.

Six-year-old Fiona has no memory of a trip she took to the hospital when she was 2 years old, yet the rest of her family recalls what happened in vivid detail. Her inability to remember this event is known as:

infantile amnesia.

Cindy selects a sample of college students. She finds a relationship between the students' scores on an impulsivity scale and their scores on a measure of problem drinking. Cindy wishes to predict the likelihood that a new sample will show the same relationship. She therefore computes _____ statistics.


Dr. Williams is researching the function of dreams in memory retention. She believes that dreams help us sort out the day's events and consolidate our memories. Dr. Williams is probably a proponent of the _____ theory of dreams.

information processing

Fourteen-year-old Francisco enjoys playing the piano and never needs prompting from his parents to practice. He writes music and plays the piano several times a day. He tells his parents that he plays because he enjoys creating music. Francisco plays the piano because of _____ motivation.


Makayla is taking a child development class and has been assigned a class project of her choice. She has chosen to analyze children's drawings. She collected children's drawings from a nearby elementary school from a total of 50 children in the third grade. Now she is in the process of analyzing the drawings and preparing her presentation. She has completely lost track of time. She meant to work on this for only an hour but when she looks at the clock three hours have passed. She is completely interested in the project and finds it challenging to analyze the drawings. Makayla is demonstrating _____.

intrinsic motivation

Makayla is taking a child development class and has been assigned a class project of her choice. She has chosen to analyze children's drawings. She collected children's drawings from a nearby elementary school from a total of 50 children in the third grade. Now she is in the process of analyzing the drawings and preparing her presentation. She has completely lost track of time. She meant to work on this for only an hour but when she looks at the clock three hours have passed. She is completely interested in the project and finds it challenging to analyze the drawings. Makayla is demonstrating:

intrinsic motivation.

Matthew tries to finish the day's most important business by 1:00 P.M., before his brain "runs down." His graduate student Meghna claims that her brain "comes alive" at 10:00 P.M. Matthew may be described as a(n) _____, whereas Meghna is better called a(n) ______.

lark; owl

Julie had a dream that her mother was angry at her for some unknown reason. Sigmund Freud might suggest that the dream actually means that she is envious of her mother and that the superficial meaning of the dream was just a cover for the _____ content, or underlying meaning.


James has suffered hippocampal damage from a near-fatal bus crash. He is not able to remember verbal information, but retains the ability to recall visual designs and locations. He may have suffered damage to his:

left hippocampus.

Julio is working on a series of landscape paintings. He wants to create a realistic depiction of the English countryside. To turn the flat surface of the canvas into a three-dimensional painting, he might use the technique of:

linear perspective.

John was injured in a car accident after which he lost consciousness for 10 minutes. He sustained numerous injuries and, most importantly, had a large, open wound on his head. When he arrived at the emergency room, the attending physician immediately ordered which neuroimaging technique to rule out any soft-tissue damage to the brain?

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

A report on the incomes of people living in Brockhaven has just been released. The average income is listed as $75,000 per person. Yabari finds this strange because the majority of citizens work at the local factory and make less than $50,000 a year. Upon further research at the town hall, he discovers that the _____ income is actually $39,000.


A manufacturing company installs bright lights in a plant in which many employees work the 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. shift. The lights simulate morning sun, helping the suprachiasmatic nucleus to reduce the production of the sleep-inducing hormone called:


Whenever Sunny gets blue, she immediately is flooded with thoughts of failed relationships and missed chances. Sunny's experience BEST illustrates:

mood-congruent memory.

Although Ron typically smokes two packs of cigarettes each day, he recalls smoking little more than one pack per day. This poor memory BEST illustrates:

motivated forgetting.

Professor Kim is studying how the brain is involved in voluntary movements. Professor Kim stimulates the _____ of his participants' brain with mild electrical signals. As a result, the right arm of his participants involuntarily moves.

motor cortex

Dr. Tyler is a clinical psychologist who prescribes drugs such as Valium and Xanax to treat his patients' anxiety. Dr. Tyler adheres to the _____ perspective in psychology.


In recent years, psychologists have identified potential differences in the brain anatomy of gay men and their straight counterparts. This finding supports the _____ perspective in psychology.


Prompt and clear feedback regarding one's performance on a psychology practice test is MOST likely to inhibit:


Jillian is a new mother. The first time she nursed her baby she instantly bonded. This is MOST likely caused by the release of:


Pablo visits a vending machine when he craves a sweet treat. In the endocrine system, the body's blood sugar is regulated by the:


A highly efficient computer engineer would MOST likely have larger _____ lobes.


Walter and Joanna have been trying to have a baby for over a year. Walter's Aunt Rae tells them not to worry because a friend of her neighbor's daughter had the same problem and then had two children in rapid succession. Walter and Joanna are more inclined to see a specialist rather than rely on Aunt Rae's advice because it reflects:

perceiving order in random events.

Manny has volunteered to participate in an experiment studying vision. He has agreed to wear a pair of glasses that invert his vision. Due to _____, after about a week he is able to perform his usual tasks, like riding a bike or reading a book.

perceptual adaptation

Once John learned of Sara's past history of being an abuse victim, he began to view her cautious behavior around men as more self-protective rather than rude. This BEST illustrates the impact of:

perceptual sets.

The theory that bumps on the skull could reveal mental abilities and personality traits was known as _____.


To ensure he gets the most he can out of his cruise vacation, night after night Felix stays up late. He tries to sleep during the day, but his cabin is too noisy and he suffers from REM sleep deprivation. Felix can expect to experience REM _____ during his first several nights back home.


If one has NOT studied well for a test, in which format is one likely to get a higher score?


When they are retrieved, memories are often altered before they are stored again. This process is called:


Marco scored extremely high on his third mathematics exam, well above his earlier scores. He was disappointed to see his grade on the fourth mathematics test, as it was pretty typical of previous scores. This is an example of:

regression toward the mean.

Randy agreed to join a biology study group. When the study group leader gave him her phone number, he had nothing on which to record the number. So, Randy repeated the number to himself several times until he found a pen to write the number on his hand. The process Randy used to encode the number into longer-term memory is called _____.


Iyesha reads a journal article reporting a study in which a small sample of women undertook tests of spatial ability at two points during their menstrual cycle. She decides to conduct a similar study using a larger sample of women. Iyesha is performing a:


Gina adequately studied for her short-answer psychology exam. However, while taking the final she could not remember the material she previously retained. According to the computer information-processing model of memory, Gina is having difficulty with:


After studying biology all afternoon, Alonzo is having difficulty remembering details of the organic chemistry material he memorized that morning. Alonzo's difficulty BEST illustrates:

retroactive interference.

Dana is suffering from _____ when she fails to remember events preceding traumatic brain injury.

retrograde amnesia

Stephanie experiences paralysis to the left side of her body as a result of a horrible four-wheeler accident. According to Stephanie, she is able to move both her left arm and leg. Stephanie experienced damage to her:

right hemisphere.

Jonny has suffered hippocampal damage from a near-fatal bus crash. He is able to remember verbal information, but has no ability to recall visual designs and locations. He has MOST likely suffered damage to his:

right hippocampus.

As part of her master's thesis work, Amy is conducting a survey of dating attitudes and behaviors among young adults. She first distributes questionnaires to 200 randomly selected students enrolled in introductory psychology courses at her college. The 200 students constitute Amy's _____. The people to whom she assumes her results will generalize are called the _____.

sample; population

Gerri ignores the sound of the television to focus on a telephone conversation. Gerri's experience BEST illustrates:

selective attention.

While reading a friend's status update on a social networking site, Cory ignores the scrolling newsfeed and the changing advertisements on the right-hand side of the screen. Cory is demonstrating:

selective attention.

Carlos was just touched on his cheek, which is a(n) _____. In order for Carlos to know if he was kissed or slapped, Carlos needs a(n) _____.

sensation; perception

Marc is driving his 12-year-old car. He notices a sound coming from the engine, which involves _____ processing. He immediately starts thinking that the sound is similar to the sound his car made the last time he had it repaired, which involves _____ processing.

sensation; perception

To make a long-distance call, one has to dial an unfamiliar phone number. One is likely to have trouble retaining the number one just looked up. This BEST illustrates the limited capacity of _____ memory.


A local school board is setting up a program to help prepare children to become scientists. To carry out this program, teachers should encourage which attitude?


Chuck is a middle-aged, overweight man who snores loudly and feels very sleepy during the day. Chuck may be suffering from:

sleep apnea.

The two major divisions of the peripheral nervous system are the _____ and _____ divisions.

somatic; autonomic

Excitation is to rest as _____ is to _____.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

The idea that parental behaviors determine a child's future career may seem plausible, while the idea that one's future can be predicted on the basis of the positions of the planets at one's birth may not. However, both ideas should be _____ using _____ to see if they hold up under scrutiny.

tested; an empirical approach

Rayshawn is trying to decide between two schools for his 8-year-old daughter. The Einstein School states that the average intelligence test score of its students is 125, with a standard deviation of 5.3. The Marie Curie School reports that the average intelligence test score of its students is 125, with a standard deviation of 15.6. If he is MOST interested in finding a school that has children with diverse abilities, which school should he choose for his daughter?

the Marie Curie School

In a double-blind procedure, one group of men is given a beverage containing alcohol and a second group is given a similar-tasting beverage that contains no alcohol. In each group, half the men are told they are drinking an alcoholic beverage and half are told their beverage is nonalcoholic. All the men then view erotic movies. After watching the erotic material, research indicates that:

the men who thought they were drinking alcohol will feel less guilty than those who did not think they were drinking alcohol, regardless of the true content of the beverage.

When people are given subtle misleading information about a past event, they often misremember the true details surrounding the event. This is known as:

the misinformation effect.

Margaret suffered from a stroke over six months ago. She lost the ability to recognize faces and the ability to move her left arm and leg. She went through physical therapy to regain the use of her left arm and leg. While she is now able to walk with the use of a cane and can do many things with her left arm, she still has problems recognizing faces and is often unable to recognize her own children and grandchildren. Her stroke MOST likely impacted which part of her brain?

the right temporal lobe

A fast-food restaurant has recently placed a large advertisement in several national newspapers. It claims that people who eat at this restaurant lose more weight than do people eating at a competing restaurant. The advertisement includes a simple bar graph displaying this information. What should you look for in the bar graph to make sure their claims are accurate?

the scale labels and their range

Dennis, a nurse, notes that some parents of asthmatic children respond to very small changes in their children's breathing and seek care accordingly. However, other parents do not notice the same small changes. This type of difference in reaction to stimuli is BEST explained by:

the signal detection theory.

Tammy enjoys a glass of wine with dinner. After the meal, she has a cigarette with a cup of coffee. How many psychoactive drugs did Tammy consume?


Giacomo uses cocaine. He finds that he needs a line or two to re-create the original effects of a "bump." Which is the MOST specific term describing Giacomo's experience?


Samantha opens her eyes in the morning to see flowers by her bedside. At that point, her eyes are receiving light energy, which they change into neural messages for the brain to process. This conversion of one form of energy into another is called:


Seth suffered left hemisphere damage following a stroke. He is MOST likely to experience difficulty in:

understanding a step in a recipe.

The MOST common response to a traumatic experience involves:

vivid and persistent memories.

Somatic is to autonomic as _____ is to _____.

voluntary; involuntary

Laura must always have an early morning cup of coffee. She usually has several more cups throughout the day. If she misses her daily cups of coffee, she gets a headache. The fact that Laura experiences headaches when she discontinues the use of caffeine is an example of _____ symptoms.


Laura must always have an early morning cup of coffee. She usually has several more cups throughout the day. If she misses her daily cups of coffee, she gets a headache. The fact that Laura experiences headaches when she discontinues the use of caffeine is an example of:

withdrawal symptoms.

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