Psy 3021 Exam 2

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Because an unreliable measure makes it difficult to find a true effect, researchers generally will try to make sure that their measures have good internal consistency. A Chronbach's alpha of _____ or above is considered ideal.


When reporting your results in APA format, a p-value of _____ should be used when conducting a two-tailed test.

0.025 or .025

Let's pretend you are a zoologist and are summarizing the ages of the animals at your local zoo. In doing so, you have found the following ages (in years) of all 6 pandas at your local zoo: 13, 2, 1, 5, 2, 7 What is the variance for this data?


When computing an independent samples t-test, a researcher must determine the degrees of freedom prior to viewing the table to identify a critical value. The degrees of freedom for a study with 31 participants would be:


If you have a variance of 9, your standard deviation would be:


When conducting an independent samples t-test, a critical value of 2.02 would be used if the study had a sample size of ________ and adopted a one-tailed test.


one-tailed test

A hypothesis test in which rejection of the null hypothesis occurs for values of the test statistic in one tail of its sampling distribution.

Nominal Data

Data which consists of names, labels, or categories. Categories, no ordering or direction. ex: martial status, type of car owned

ratio data

Differences between measurements, true zero exists ex: height, weight, food spending

Let's pretend I conducted a two-tailed independent samples t-test using a sample of 30 adults and obtained a t-statistic of 1.89. What would my conclusion be?

Fail to reject the null hypothesis

According to Ashley's lecture, when assessing your DV, you should always attempt to create your own survey/questionnaire rather than adopt a previously established survey/questionnaire.


One way to assess socially sensitive topics (like sexism or racism) by avoiding the complications of socially desirable responding is to use a computer test that asks participants to pair images and attributes as fast as possible (by measuring response time and accuracy). This test is called the:

Implicit Association Test

An independent t-test can be used to assess which of the following?

It assesses differences between two groups of participants

Students are asked to evaluate the food provided in the university cafeteria on 7-point scales with bipolar adjectives such as poor-good and inexpensive-expensive. What type of scales do these measures represent?

Likert Scale

Your participants are placing cards with statements in a series of piles, but each pile is of a prescribed size. In essence, these cards contain adjectives that participants are asked to sort based on which characterize them to the greatest extent and least extent. You are administering a ____________ test.


When assessing salary, let's pretend I obtain positively skewed data. Which of the following is true of the measures of central tendency?

The mean will be larger than the median

Which of the following is an accurate statement about closed-ended questions?

They are easier to code than open-ended questions.

A bar graph that represents the information from a frequency table is referred to as:

a frequency histogram

If an item falls along a ratio scale of measurement:

a zero value indicates the absence of the scaled quantity

standard deviation

average distance from the mean


brief, relevant, unambiguous, specific, objective

A synonym given in the lecture for reliability was:


Kimberly's new depression scale correlates positively with psychologists' ratings of their patients' depression. Kimberly's depression scale shows high:



corresponding population values

Using the content you learned from the textbook, if participants revealed that they figured out the purpose of the study while it was ongoing, what issue would be most concerning?

demand characteristics

conceptual definition

describes the behaviors and internal processes that make up that construct, along with how it relates to other variables ex: neuroticism, tendency to experience anger, anxiety, sadness over variety of situations

interval data

differences between values can be found, but is NO absolute ZERO. Examples: temperature F, time, standardized test score

"Should residents of the city spend more money on parks and road improvements?" is an example of a(n) _____ question.


test-retest reliability

extent to scores consistency ex: intelligence, using same group, uses scatterplot

Which of the following is a categorical variable?

eye color

According to the degrees of freedom video, as your sample size gets smaller, the n - 1 adjustment for the standard deviation has a:

greater impact on your calculation

operational definition

in terms of precisely how it is to be measures (3 categories)

Based on the introduction to Ashley's lecture, which of the following techniques are used to generalize findings from your sample to the population?

inferential statistics

Which of the following techniques are used to generalize findings from your sample to the population?

inferential statistics

Let's pretend that responses to a relationship satisfaction item vary according to whether it was asked prior to a sexual frequency item or after. In a nutshell, respondents indicated that they were more satisfied in their relationship when asked after their sexual frequency as compared to before. This is known as a(n):

item-order effect

"Do you think it is important to reduce the huge amount of money spent during festivals?" is an example of a _____ question.


The measure of central tendency that tells you the most frequent choice from a dataset it the:


converging operations

multiple operational definitions of the same construct ex: stress

If the shape of a frequency distribution is lopsided, with a long tail projecting to the left, how would the distribution be skewed?



not straightforward measurements, ex: personality traits, emotional states, attitudes, abilities

A directional hypothesis is to a non-directional hypothesis as a _____ test is to a _____ test.

one-tailed; two-tailed

Oridnal Data

ordered categories (rankings, order, scaling) ex: service quality rating, student letter grades, Olympic medals

Angie is conducting a study to see how the time limit of online quizzes impacts student performance. To conduct her study, she has 20 participants take a quiz on Monday with a 20-minute time limit and the same 20 participants take the quiz on Thursday with no time limit. The analysis Angie would have to conduct to analyze her data is a(n):

paired samples t-test

self-report measures

participants report on their own thoughts, feelings, and actions

Some participants, when responding to surveys, start using a numerical method such as 1-2-3-3-2-1, etc. This type of responding is termed __________ responding.


correlation matrix

presents correlations for 3 or more variables, all measured on an interval or ratio scale

p value

probability of the sample result or a more extreme result if null were true

Pearson's r

ranges from -1 to 1

Participants' weight is measured in pounds. This is an example of which level of measurement?


physiological measures

recordings of responses of the body ex: heart rate and blood pressure

p-value < 0.05

reject the null hypothesis

two-tailed test

reject the null if the t score for the sample is extreme in either direction

p-value > 0.05

retain null

In a study described in the lecture, participants demonstrating more negative implicit attitudes toward people of color did which of following in comparison to those demonstrating positive implicit attitudes toward people of color?

sat further away from people of color

In a study of happiness, 100 people rate their level of happiness on a 1-to-10 scale. What kind of variable is this?


behavioral measurements

some other aspect of participant's behavior is observed and recorded

When assessing internal consistency (a form of reliability), correlating the total score of the first twenty questions on a test with the total score of the last twenty questions on a test is an example of _____ reliability.


Which measure of variability is a mathematical estimate of the average distance of values are from the mean in raw units?

standard deviation


standard deviation squared, mean of squared differences

When conducting an independent samples t-test, the researcher needs to have access to the means of two groups, their samples sizes, and their _____________.

standard deviations

test statistic

stat computed only to help find p value

When writing your conclusion sentence in APA format, which of the following pieces of information is NOT needed?

the critical value

context effects

unintended influences on respondent's answers, not related to content but context in which it appears.

Which term describes the extent to which the scores from a measure represent the variable they are intended to?


item-order effect

when the order in which the items are presented affects people's responses


z = x - mean / standard deviation, difference between that individuals score and mean of the distribution divided by sd

What symbol dictates that one must "sum all the values that follow?"


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