PSY 309

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According to a 2012 report from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), _____ of adults in the U.S. who have mental disorders are not receiving or seeking treatment. a. more than 76% b. fewer than 25% c. up to 57% d. an unknown percentage

Up to 57%

Statistically, _____ are most likely to experience nightmares. a. children younger than 11 b. males over the age of 55 c. women who are pregnant d. adolescent and young adult females

adolescent and young adult females

One of the most consistently reported correlates of suicidal behavior is _____. a. religious affiliation b. low socioeconomic status c. alcohol consumption d. being in college

alcohol consumption

The defining characteristic of motivational enhancement therapy is that it addresses _____. a. ambivalence about giving up substance use b. learning to manage substance cravings c. cultivating friendships with people who are not involved in substance use d. incentives for abstinence

ambivalence about giving up substance use

The Durkheim Project is a computer based program that _____. a. compares U.S. military and civilian health records to analyze the effects of military service b. monitors all online communications for hostile exchanges and violent threats c. analyzes social media postings to estimate an individual's risk for suicide d. collects responses to online surveys to monitor mental health trends in the United States.

analyzes social media postings to estimate an individual's risk for suicide

Lack of fear conditioning and lower levels of physiological reactivity have been implicated as biological factors that might have a causal relationship with _____ personality disorder. Research is ongoing to explore these and other possible influences on the development of this disorder. a. borderline b. histrionic c. antisocial d. detachment


Based on face-to-face interviews with more than 10,000 teenagers in the U.S., the most common mental disorders in American teens between the ages of 13 and 18 are _____. a. substance abuse disorders b. mood disorders c. anxiety disorders d. eating disorders

anxiety disorders

There is strong evidence that _____ provide(s) an effective alternative to stimulant medications in producing both short- and long-term improvements in ADHD symptoms. a. cognitive training b. neural electrostimulation c. psychodynamic therapy d. behavioral and psychosocial treatments

behavioral and psychosocial treatments

In the _____ model of expressed emotion (EE), when an individual exhibits behaviors typical of schizophrenia, family members may criticize, react with frustration, or overprotect the individual, which produces more psychotic symptoms. a. bidirectional b. family-centric c. negative cycle d. psychodynamic


People who are diagnosed with _____ are typically overweight. a. bulimia nervosa b. either bulimia nervosa or binge-eating disorder c. anorexia nervosa d. binge-eating disorder

binge-eating disorder

Individuals who have the _____ type of anorexia are more likely to be extroverted. a. bulimic b. binge-eating/purging c. regulating d. restricting


What factors appear to have the greatest influence in the etiology of conduct disorder? a. cognitive b. environmental c. psychological d. biological


Severe nocturnal enuresis is usually caused by _____. a. emotional stressors b. inconsistent parenting practices c. biological factors d. social stressors

biological factors

Researchers are currently working on _____ that would provide personalized medicine to revolutionize diagnosis and treatment of depressive and bipolar disorders. a. neurological scanning techniques supported by online diagnostic databases b. biologically based diagnostic tests, and pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments c. Web-based diagnostic apps that provide pharmacological treatment recommendations d. mindful awareness approaches that combine meditation and pharmacological treatments

biologically based diagnostic tests, and pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments

Jenna, a 16-year-old girl, is convinced she is "fat" although her weight is within a healthy range. Her eating patterns are normal, but she wears baggy clothes to hide her figure and wants her parents to allow her to have weight loss surgery. What is the most likely clinical diagnosis for Jenna's behavior? a. muscle dysphoria b. body dysmorphic disorder c. excoriation disorder d. anorexia nervosa

body dysmorphic disorder

What is the most commonly diagnosed personality disorder in both inpatient and outpatient settings? a. schizoid personality disorder b. paranoid personality disorder c. antisocial personality disorder d. borderline personality disorder

borderline personality disorder

A diagnosis of _____ disorder requires the presence of at least one psychotic symptom involving delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech; and it must persist for at least one day, but less than one month. a. brief psychotic b. schizoaffective c. schizophreniform d. delusional

brief psychotic

Someone who vomits, takes laxatives, and exercises excessively to avoid gaining weight would most likely be diagnosed with _____. a. binge-eating disorder b. anorexia nervosa c. elimination disorder d. bulimia nervosa

bulima nervosa

Researchers are trying to find early biomarkers associated with neurodegenerative disorders because _____. a. the biomarkers produce beta-amyloid, which can clean plaque from the brain b. they have the tools now to stop the diseases if they can find the right biomarkers c. by the time symptoms appear, there has already been significant cell death and brain damage d. they want to test their theory that removing the biomarkers will prevent the diseases

by the time symptoms appear, there has already been significant cell death and brain damage

Not everyone who is diagnosed with bipolar I experiences _____. a. interference with normal interpersonal interactions b. depressive episodes c. impairment in normal functioning d. manic episodes

depressive episodes

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is most likely to be chronic and disabling for people who _____. a. have been experiencing the symptoms for more than six months b. develop SAD early in life c. develop SAD after being widowed or divorced d. are genetically predisposed to anxiety disorders

develop SAD early in life

According to the _____ perspective, dissociative disorders are the result of repressing unpleasant or traumatic memories. a. psychodynamic b. behavioral c. cognitive d. sociocultural


Contrary to the dominant Western view that physical symptoms are often psychosomatic, many other cultures have a somatopsychic view. The somatopsychic view is that _____. a. psychological conflicts are sometimes expressed as physical symptoms b. psychological and emotional symptoms are caused by physical problems c. unusual physical sensations and emotions are created by a deity or otherworldly being d. symptoms that cannot be explained medically exist only in an individual's imagination

psychological and emotional symptoms are caused by physical problems

What is currently considered to be the most effective therapy for binge-eating disorder and tits associated weight issues? a. medications b. cognitive-behavioral therapy c. psychological treatments d. a combination of medications and psychological treatments

psychological treatments

What does it mean if a study is designed to ensure external validity? - The findings in the study can be generalized to other populations. - The changes in the dependent variable are caused by the changes in the independent variable. - The confounding variables that might influence the study have been eliminated. - The study can be successfully repeated by other researchers.

- The findings in the study can be generalized to other populations. - The changes in the dependent variable are caused by the changes in the independent variable.

The categorical diagnostic model groups 10 specific personality disorder types into three different categories of behaviors. Those categories are _____. a. 1) needy, 2) distancing, 3) independent b. 1) disturbed/nonthreatening, 2) disturbed/threatening, 3) disturbed/undetermined threat potential c. 1) isolated and antisocial, 2) quiet and passive, 3) hostile and violent d. 1) odd and eccentric; 2) dramatic, emotional, and erratic; 3) anxious or fearful

1) odd and eccentric; 2) dramatic, emotional, and erratic; 3) anxious or fearful

Obesity is currently defined as having a body mass index (BMI) greater than _____. a. 25 b. 19 c. 30 d. 45


Generalized stimulation of the central nervous system is the primary effect of which drug? a. LSD b. Barbiturates c. Marijuana d. Amphetamines


What is the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders? a. A therapy option that uses flooding and response prevention to reduce or extinguish emotional responses to frightening stimuli b. A multipath diagnostic model that is used to select appropriate treatments for people who are genetically predisposed to developing anxiety disorders c. A biologically based treatment protocol that reduces the influence of genetic, biochemical, and neurological factors on anxiety disorders d. A cognitive behavioral therapy protocol that uses a single set of therapeutic principles to target emotional factors that are assumed to underlie all anxiety and depressive disorders

A cognitive behavioral therapy protocol that uses a single set of therapeutic principles to target emotional factors that are assumed to underlie all anxiety and depressive disorders

What is an opioid? a. A substance that accelerates central nervous system activity, producing feelings of euphoria and well-being b. A highly addictive painkiller that depresses the central nervous system c. A natural or synthetic substance that can produce vivid sensory experiences, including hallucinations d. A substance that reduces anxiety in moderate doses, and induces sleep in higher doses

A highly addictive painkiller that depresses the central nervous system

What is the most robust predictor of a suicide attempt? a. A previous suicide attempt b. Direct access to a means of suicide c. Specific statements that reveal suicide ideation d. Demographics

A previous suicide attempt

What is biofeedback? a. A computer-controlled electronic device that monitors bodily functions and automatically regulates them within established parameters b. A self-regulation process that is used to train people to voluntarily control some bodily functions that normally occur automatically c. A physical monitoring system that allows people who have serious health conditions to provide daily medical data wirelessly to a medical monitoring company d. A smart phone app that tracks blood pressure, movement, and sleep cycles for easy reporting to a medical healthcare provider

A self-regulation process that is used to train people to voluntarily control some bodily functions that normally occur automatically

A difference in the diagnostic requirements for acute stress disorder (ASD) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is that _____. a. ASD symptoms generally persist for a longer time than PTSD symptoms b. PTSD occurs specifically in response to combat trauma, while ASD occurs in response to interpersonal or naturally-occurring traumas c. ASD symptoms can all come from one of the major symptom clusters, while PTSD has one or two symptoms from each of the major clusters d. PTSD requires direct exposure to specific traumatizing stressors, while ASD requires indirect exposure to stressors

ASD symptoms can all come from one of the major symptom clusters, while PTSD has one or two symptoms from each of the major clusters

Ethnic comparisons suggest that _____ women in the U.S. have the highest levels of body satisfaction. a. Latina/Hispanic American b. Asian American c. African American d. white

African American

The most common neurodegenerative disease in the United States is _____ disease. a. Huntington's b. Lou Gehrig's c. Parkinson's d. Alzheimer's


What is an iatrogenic effect? a. An unintended and unexpected result produced by a therapy b. The ability of several different variables to produce the same result c. A therapeutic outcome that is depends on familial relationships d. An effect that is experienced by people with specific genetic biomarkers

An unintended and unexpected result produced by a therapy

From what assumption do suicide crisis workers operate when they are talking with someone who is considering suicide? a. Anyone who expresses suicidal ideas is an immediate threat to self and possibly others. b. Anyone who reveals suicidal thoughts needs to be hospitalized immediately. c. Anyone considering suicide is ambivalent about the act. d. Anyone who verbalizes suicidal ideas to others is not in serious danger.

Anyone considering suicide is ambivalent about the act.

According to the DSM-5 criteria, how many of the 11 substance-use characteristics must be present within a 12-month period and causing impairment or distress in order to warrant a diagnosis of substance-use disorder? a. At least 2 b. At least 6 c. At least 8 d. All of them

At least 2

Two perspectives have emerged in recent years about the best way to evaluate and classify mental disorders. One perspective is that a comprehensive model should be used that considers all factors that may influence the client's condition. What is the other perspective? a. Biomarkers should be the primary criteria used to identify disorders. b. Biological influences on adults are irrelevant due to the influence of social factors. c. Mental disorders can be attributed primarily to environmental stressors. d. Clinicians should use standardized tests to make diagnoses to ensure they remain objective observers.

Biomarkers should be the primary criteria used to identify disorders.

Jerome is genetically predisposed to having an anxiety disorder. How can his parents reduce the likelihood that he will develop an anxiety disorder? a. By supporting his independence and ignore signs of distress b. By pushing him into uncomfortable situations and joke about signs of anxiety c. By protecting him from being exposed to uncomfortable situations d. By encouraging him to try new things and comfort him when needed

By encouraging him to try new things and comfort him when needed

In the famous experiment with the infant Albert, John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner demonstrated that _____ can produce a mental disorder. a. transmagnetic stimulation b. regression c. classical conditioning d. catastrophizing

Classical conditioning

What are the major factors involved in judging psychopathology? a. participation, phobias, personality, and stability b. distress, deviance, dysfunction, and dangerousness c. self-stigma, biological vulnerability, behavior, and resilience d. volatility, expressiveness, self-efficacy, and unconscious disruptors

Distress, deviance, danger, dysfunction

What include(s) a variety of sleep disorders that involve difficulties falling asleep or maintaining sleep, and being very sleepy during the day? a. REM sleep behavior disorders b. Hypersomnolence disorders c. Parasomnias d. Dyssomnias


Which part of the brain contains many structures that are most relevant to psychopathology? a. corpus callosum b. forebrain c. midbrain d. cerebellum


Why is it difficult to determine the incidence of personality psychopathology? a. A diagnostic definition has not been agreed upon that would allow a therapist to identify an individual as having personality psychopathology b. DSM-5 has a new way of diagnosing personality disorders that calls existing data into question, so it will take time to gather accurate data c. Individuals with personality pathology may not come to the attention of mental health professionals because those individuals can function reasonably well without assistance d. Individuals are diagnosed by mental health professionals, but those individuals don't want to be reported as having personality psychopathology because of the stigma

Individuals with personality pathology may not come to the attention of mental health professionals because those individuals can function reasonably well without assistance

The enteric nervous system (ENS), which is sometimes described as our "second brain" because it uses and manufactures many of the neurotransmitters and hormones that are found in the brain, _____. a. has no influence on higher-level thinking b. is embedded in the spinal column c. is part of the cerebellum d. is involved in emotional regulation

Is involved in emotional regulation

What occurs during the resolution phase of sexual activity? a. The prospective partners agree, explicitly or implicitly, to engage in sexual activity. b. Men enter a period of time in which they are unresponsive to sexual stimulation. c. The partners in the sexual activity achieve orgasm. d. A woman's egg is fertilized and successfully implants in her uterus.

Men enter a period of time in which they are unresponsive to sexual stimulation.

A _____ embodies a theoretical approach that helps researchers and therapists identify relevant information, ask appropriate questions, make educated guesses about the causes of mental disorders, and organize information in a meaningful way. a. therapy b. genotype c. model d. trait


What is the primary indication that tolerance for a substance is increasing? a. Physical and/or emotional symptoms increase when use of the substance is reduced. b. Using the substance results in new maladaptive behaviors or psychological changes. c. Extreme agitation occurs when the individual using the substance cannot get access to it. d. More of the substance is required to achieve an effect previously obtained by a smaller amount.

More of the substance is required to achieve an effect previously obtained by a smaller amount.

The holistic psychological model that combines the perspectives of four one-dimensional models (biological, psychological, social, and sociocultural) when considering the development and treatment of mental disorders is called the _____. a. revised MD (mental disorder) assessment model b. multipath model c. BPSS model d. four-dimensional assessment model

Multipath model

Many individuals who have been diagnosed as having _____ also develop agoraphobia. a. obsessive-compulsive disorder b. panic disorder c. generalized anxiety disorder d. excoriation disorder

Panic disorder

Which description best characterizes generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)? a. An intense fear of being in public places where escape or help may not be available b. Persistent, high levels of anxiety and excessive worry about life circumstances c. A compulsive need to repeat activities or mental acts to reduce anxiety d. Recurring extreme feelings of fear and impending doom

Persistent, high levels of anxiety and excessive worry about life circumstances

What have recent studies shown that raise questions about the traditional description of personality disorders? a. Personality disorder descriptions were developed based on psychological theories rather than clinical observations. b. Higher comorbidity correlates with more rapid improvement in personality disorder symptoms. c. Individuals with personality disorders show minimal change over time in their personality traits. d. Personality disorders appear to diminish more often than researchers previously believed.

Personality disorders appear to diminish more often than researchers previously believed.

What is the significant shift that is promoted by the DSM-5 alternative model for personality disorders? a. Pharmaceutical treatments are advocated for each personality disorder b. More specific, limiting criteria are defined for each personality disorder c.Personality traits associated with disorders are viewed as being on a continuum d. Personality disorders are re-categorized as neurocognitive disorders

Personality traits associated with disorders are viewed as being on a continuum

The _____ is based on the belief that both psychological processes and emotional stresses contribute to mental disorders. a. behavioral model b. cognitive approach c. psychological viewpoint d. biological viewpoint

Psychological viewpoint

What biological change in the brain has been associated with depression in both boys and girls? a. Increased connectivity between the amygdala and hippocampus b. Reduced connectivity between the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex c. Increased connectivity between the hippocampus and the temporal lobe d. Reduced connectivity between the amygdala and the cerebellum

Reduced connectivity between the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex

Family and other interpersonal relationships, love, marital status, and community connections are examples of the _____ dimension of the development of mental disorders. a. humanistic b. social c. psychological d. biological


In the diathesis-stress theory, a(n)_____ is an environmental force that can activate a predisposition and, thereby, cause a mental disorder. a. cognition b. stressor c. transmitter d. epigenome


What is cultural relativism? a. A treatment approach that is based on determining genetic influences on mental illness by identifying all of a patient's family members and defining their familial relationship to the patient b. A cultural standard that prohibits certain individuals (e.g., based on age, gender, or status) from obtaining mental health counseling unless a parent or guardian has formally granted permission c. The belief that the expression and determination of abnormal behavior is influenced by lifestyles, cultural values, and worldviews d. The perspective that the causes and symptoms of mental disorders are the same in all cultures and societies

The belief that the expression and determination of abnormal behavior is influenced by lifestyles, cultural values, and world views

What is the "etiology" of a disorder? a. The possible causes of the disorder b. The recommended strategies for treating the disorder c. The linguistic origin of the name of the disorder d. The record of research that has been conducted to study the disorder

The possible causes of the disorder

What effect do Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis have on men? a. They improve sexual functioning in both normally functioning men and those with erectile disorder. b. They produce an automatic erection, even in the absence of sexual stimuli. c. They produce stiffer erections in normally functioning men. d. They enhance blood flow to the penis, allowing a man to complete the sexual response cycle.

They enhance blood flow to the penis, allowing a man to complete the sexual response cycle.

Viewed from the social dimension, what perspective on the world increases the likelihood that an individual will develop antisocial personality disorder? a. The world is logical, scientific, and predictable. b. The world is nurturing and rewards people who act decisively. c. The world is cold, unforgiving, and punitive. d. The world is illogical, easily manipulated, and sentimental.

The world is cold, unforgiving, and punitive.

A researcher finds that for every two hours psychology students spend each week studying their abnormal psychology textbook, the students' scores on the course tests improve by an average of 15 points. What can the researcher appropriately conclude from these data? a. There is a positive correlation between the extra study hours and the increased test scores. b. No conclusions can be drawn from these data. c. The increased time spent studying caused the increase in the test scores. d. There is a negative correlation between the extra study hours and the increased test scores.

There is a positive correlation between the extra study hours and the increased test scores.

Which statement correctly describes phobias ? a. They develop only in response to personal interaction with, or direct exposure to, the fear stimulus. b. They have no basis in genetics, according to studies of twin pairs. c. They are characterized by an irrational emotional and physiological response to the fear stimulus. d. They are more likely to develop when activity in the amygdala is suppressed.

They are characterized by an irrational emotional and physiological response to the fear stimulus.

What are examples of first-generation, or conventional, antipsychotics? a. Thorazine and Haldol b. Risperdal and Zyprexa c. Prozac and Zoloft d. Abilify and Latuda

Thorazine and Haldol

What is the purpose of the cross-cutting measures in DSM-5? a. To assist clinicians in determining whether a client has a comorbid disorder b. To assist clinicians in identifying a combination of psychodynamic and environmental issues that may contribute to a disorder c. To show a reference list of the criteria for disorders in DSM-5 versus DSM-IV d. To assist clinicians in determining whether a client is a good candidate for group therapy

To assist clinicians in determining whether a client has a comorbid disorder

Because of his increasingly aggressive behaviors toward friends and family over the past several months, Tomas' parents sought professional help. The psychologist, who favored a social model of psychopathology, stated that the entire family would need to participate in counseling sessions. This was most likely based on the assumption that _____. a. Tomas' behavior indicated that one or more aspects of his family's relationship was dysfunctional b. the parents' authority needed to be reinforced in therapy to ensure they maintained their position of power in the family c. Tomas and his family shared a genetic predisposition to a mental disorder that was likely to result in a violent confrontation d. Tomas' family needed to assist with therapy by modeling appropriate behaviors so that Tomas could observe acceptable social interactions

Tomas' behavior indicated that one or more aspects of his family's relationship was dysfunctional

What is a benefit of using a classification system to label a client's disorder? a. Labeling a mental disorder that is defined in DSM-5 eliminates stereotyping. b. Using labels helps clinicians communicate more efficiently about the client's disorder and treatment. c. Clients who are labeled embrace their condition and behave in accordance with the diagnosis. d. Assigning a DSM-5 label ensures the client's treatment will be covered by his or her insurance.

Using labels helps clinicians communicate more efficiently about the client's disorder and treatment.

_____ is an example of a negative symptom of schizophrenia. a. Believing that someone is following you b. Hearing voices that no one else can hear c. Believing that you are receiving radio signals via a chip in your brain d. Withdrawing into yourself and not responding to others

Withdrawing into yourself and not responding to others

A child who has average or better intellectual abilities but whose performance in basic math, reading, or writing is substantially lower than would be expected, would most likely be diagnosed as having _____. a. an externalizing disorder b. a learning disability c. Down syndrome d. an internalizing disorder

a learning disability

Statistically speaking and all other things being equal, the person who is most likely to recover from schizophrenia is _____ who had good premorbid functioning. a. a married man with high school education b. a single woman with a high school education c. a married man with a college degree d. a married woman with a college degree

a married woman with a college degree

The essential behavioral features of autism spectrum disorder, as originally identified by Leo Kanner, are extreme isolation and inability to relate to people, significant difficulties with communication, and _____. a. a need for sameness b. agitated movements c. a preference for sensory stimulation d. high distractibility

a need for sameness

Dyspareunia is typically diagnosed when _____. a. an individual rejects his or her sexual anatomy and gender identity b. sexual partners express loss of physical interest in each other c. a woman experiences physical and/or emotional distress associated with genito-pelvic pain d. an individual's sexual arousal is dependent on response to a nonliving object

a woman experiences physical and/or emotional distress associated with genito-pelvic pain

The defining characteristic of delirium is _____. a. intense fear of being in public places where escape or help may not be readily available b. acute confusion characterized by disorientation and impaired attentional skills c. pervasive memory impairment and deterioration of cognitive skills required to function independently d. recalling events that did not really happen, especially when placing them in a specific period of time

acute confusion characterized by disorientation and impaired attentional skills

A psychophysiological disorder is _____. a. any psychological disorder that is initially diagnosed by a physician b. any disorder that is characterized by anxiety that manifests only in response to extreme stressors c. any physical disorder that has a strong psychological basis or component d. indicated by symptoms of a disease in the absence of any physical evidence of the disease

any physical disorder that has a strong psychological basis or component

Based on DSM-5 criteria, all of the somatic symptom and related disorders are associated with physical or bodily symptoms that _____. a. are not associated with a physical illness or injury b. are associated with abnormal thoughts, feelings, or behaviors c. are psychological mechanisms for dealing with stress d. begin by the client has reached 30 years of age

are associated with abnormal thoughts, feelings, or behaviors

Gender dysphoria is diagnosed in individuals who _____. a. exhibit persistent and obvious preferences and behaviors that do not conform to culturally-accepted gender roles and behavior b. experience an alternative gender that is distinct from the traditional two genders that are common across cultures c. are in significant distress because their innate emotional and psychological identity is opposite from their biological sex d. have an orientation toward sexual partners who are the same biological sex

are in significant distress because their innate emotional and psychological identity is opposite from their biological sex

Negative emotional states such a depression, hostility, and fear _____. a. are correlated with fewer colds and other contagious diseases, possibly due to reduced social contact b. have not been shown to have a significant relationship to chronic heart disease (CHD) c. are related to airway constriction, and seem to influence the functioning of the immune system d. can reduce cardiovascular reactivity

are related to airway constriction, and seem to influence the functioning of the immune system

Frequent changes in the primary caregiver, persistent neglect, and lack of stimulation or affection are viewed as common contributing factors in the development of _____. a. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) b. attachment disorders c. pediatric bipolar disorders d. autism spectrum disorder

attachment disorders

Someone whose parent committed suicide is more likely to _____. a. seek increased social companionship b. develop a passion for life c. attempt suicide himself or herself d. become introverted

attempt suicide himself or herself

Researchers disagree about the role of social anxiety in _____ personality disorder. Some believe that it is on a continuum with social anxiety disorder, while others believe that it is a distinct disorder that includes social anxiety as a trait. a. paranoid b. avoidant c. antisocial d. obsessive-compulsive


What is a psychological autopsy? a. A role play in which a person who is thinking about suicide imagines what family and friends will experience after his or her death b. A biological autopsy that is performed in the presence of a psychiatrist to examine a person who has committed suicide c. A systematic review of information after a person dies to try to understand his or her behavior before death d. A psychological consultation with an individual who has attempted suicide, conducted with the intention of preventing future attempts

c. A systematic review of information after a person dies to try to understand his or her behavior before death

The most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world is _____. a. nicotine b. amphetamines c. caffeine d. cocaine


What is a progressive, degenerative condition involving brain damage caused by multiple episodes of head trauma? a. Huntington's disease b. frontotemporal lobar degeneration c. dementia with Lewy bodies d. chronic traumatic encephalopathy

chronic traumatic encephalopathy

What therapeutic approach has achieved a 50% reduction (compared to traditional follow-up treatment) in repeat suicide attempts? a. psychodynamic therapy b. neurolinguistic programming c. dialectical behavior therapy d. cognitive behavioral therapy

cognitive behavioral therapy

What appears to be the most effective strategy for helping women who have orgasmic dysfunction to achieve an orgasm? a. engaging both partners in relationship therapy designed to build empathy and improve communication b. providing psychodynamic counseling to explore the underlying causes of the disorder c. combining education in sexual anatomy, use of sexual fantasies, self exploration, and masturbation d. prescribing medication to enhance arousal and stimulate natural lubrication

combining education in sexual anatomy, use of sexual fantasies, self exploration, and masturbation

What characterizes the "hardiness" trait that seems to protect people from the unhealthy effects of stressors? a. positive attitude, concern for others, and routine exercise b. normal blood pressure, healthy lifestyle, and secure employment c. strong immune system, meditation, and resistance to criticism d. commitment to a process, a feeling of control, and openness to challenge

commitment to a process, a feeling of control, and openness to challenge

Resilience, delayed symptoms, chronic symptoms, and recovery are _____after exposure to traumatic events. a. the stressors that most people experience b. rarely recognized until several weeks c. common outcomes or trajectories d. the stages that most people move through to recover

common outcomes or trajectories

The most common traumatic brain injury in the United States is a _____. a. cerebral laceration b. concussion c. contusion d. transient ischemic attack


Which childhood disorder is most strongly correlated with the development of antisocial personality disorder in adulthood? a. intermittent explosive disorder b. conduct disorder c. pediatric bipolar disorder d. oppositional defiant disorder

conduct disorder

In order for a test, procedure, or classification system to be considered reliable, it must _____. a. receive endorsement from recognized professionals in the field b. give the same results when applied under a variety of conditions c. be based on relevant and current research studies d. consistently produce the same results when administered in the same circumstances

consistently produce the same results when administered in the same circumstances

Mr. Houseman suffered a traumatic brain injury three years ago. Since that time, he has not been able to form new memories. He can remember things that happened prior to the injury, but he cannot remember anything that has happened since then. Mr. Houseman has _____ amnesia. a. delimited time b. continuous c. systematized d. selective


Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a(n) _____ therapy that uses visualization, positive cognitions, and eye movement to _____. a. simple; obtain accurate information about the event, thereby reducing fear of future investigations b. controversial; reduce the symptoms that are associated with development of PTSD c. complex; hypnotize people and then wipe stressful memories from their memory d. accepted; help individuals 'rewrite" what happened so the outcome is happier

controversial; reduce the symptoms that are associated with development of PTSD

A(n) _____ is the result of the brain striking the skull with sufficient force to bruise the brain. a. ischemic stroke b. concussion c. contusion d. parasomia


Tony was involved in a car accident that injured three of his friends. Tony was driving the car and when the accident occurred, he was texting. Since the accident, Tony has lost all motor control and feeling in his right hand up to his wrist. There are no indications of neurological or muscle damage. Tony is most likely to be diagnosed with _____. a. somatic symptom disorder (SSD) b. factitious disorder c. illness anxiety disorder d. conversion disorder

conversion disorder

European Americans tend to show decreased emotional reactivity when they are depressed, while Asian Americans are more likely to show increased physiological activity. This is an example of the effect of _____ on how depression is expressed. a. clinicians' expectations b. diet and lifestyle c. genetic influences d. cultural norms

cultural norms

From the perspective of the multipath model, when evaluating mental disorders, _____. a. the determination of whether a behavior indicates a mental disorder should be based on whether the behavior is consistent with the patient's personal values b. cultural norms and expectations should be considered when determining whether a behavior indicates a mental disorder c. some behaviors may be unacceptable or stigmatizing within a given culture but behaviors are not an indicator of a mental disorder d. certain behaviors indicate a mental disorder, regardless of the cultural context in which those behaviors originate

cultural norms and expectations should be considered when determining whether a behavior indicates a mental disorder

For the past three years, Victoria has been feeling sad almost every day, but she does have periodic interludes of feeling energized and self-confident. The longest time she has gone without feeling "moody" has been six weeks. Her therapist has determined that her depression, while frequent, is mild, and her energized days do not reach the level of hypomania. Victoria is most likely to be diagnosed with _____. a. persistent depressive disorder b. bipolar disorder with mixed features c. bipolar I d. cyclothymic disorder

cyclothymic disorder

According to DSM-5, a traumatic stressor is exposure to _____. a. threatening requirements or events that the individual does not know how to respond to effectively b. any event that produces feelings of fear and a significant increase of blood pressure and heart rate c. death, the threat of death, or actual or threatened sexual violence or other serious injury d. any event that presents an immediate threat to one's sense of safety or that stimulates recall of such a threat

death, the threat of death, or actual or threatened sexual violence or other serious injury

Johnny is convinced that the CIA is listening in on all of his conversations via a radio transmitter implanted in a tooth filling. Johnny would most likely be diagnosed as experiencing a(n) _____. a. anhedonia b. panic attack c. delusion d. hallucination


A woman insists the man who lives in her apartment complex is in love with her because he always smiles at her whenever they cross paths. Other than talking about this to her friends, the woman displays no other odd behaviors. A psychologist would be most likely to diagnose her with _____ disorder. a. schizophreniform b. schizoaffective c. brief psychotic d. delusional


Juan is disturbed about the fact that he often feels as if he is not a real person living in a real world. He is not hallucinating. He sees the world accurately, but he feels as if he is a spirit moving through a dream. This feeling is beginning to affect how he relates to others. Juan is most likely to be diagnosed with _____. a. depersonalization/derealization disorder b. dissociative amnesia c. dissociative fugue d. dissociative identity disorder

depersonalization/derealization disorder

The criminogenic factors used to evaluate the risk that sex offenders may reoffend are _____. a. deviant social networks and lack of positive social supports b. psychopathic or antisocial personality characteristics c. prior history of crime and violence d. indications of developmental trauma

deviant social networks and lack of positive social supports

Longitudinal studies have shown that antisocial personality disorder _____. a. can be treated effectively with several options that are currently available b. diminishes with age, as the individual becomes more aware of consequences c. is easily recognized and diagnosed by professional therapist d. usually leads to violent encounters, and often leads to prison or an early death

diminishes with age, as the individual becomes more aware of consequences

What is the disorder in which a disruption in an individual's identity produces two or more distinct personality states, and can also involve an experience of possession? a. dissociative amnesia b. dissociative identity disorder c. dissociative fugue d. depersonalization/derealization disorder

dissociative identity disorder

The vast majority of people who are mentally ill _____. a. physically harm at least one other individual during the course of their illness b. have a prior history of violence and substance abuse c. do not commit crimes, harm others, or get into legal trouble d. have multiple instances of getting into legal trouble

do not commit crimes, harm others, or get into legal trouble

Research into how neurotransmitters affect eating disorders has largely focused on _____. a. dopamine b. glucagon c. serotonin d. aspartate


What factors can cause alcohol to be absorbed more quickly, and therefore cause intoxication to occur more quickly? a. drinking slowly b. drinking carbonated beverages with the alcohol c. production of ALDH (aldehyde dehydrogenase) d. eating food with the alcohol

drinking carbonated beverages with the alcohol

Post-mortem examinations of the brains of children with autism spectrum disorder indicate that abnormalities in the cortex begin _____. a. during the first 3 months after birth b. during pregnancy c. between the ages of 2-5 years d. between the ages of 6-18 months

during pregnancy

Cognitive theories focus on the role of _____ in the development of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). a. evolutionarily prepared fears (preparedness) b. a history of drug abuse or chemical dependency c. reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex d. dysfunctional thinking and beliefs

dysfunctional thinking and beliefs

Exposing females in South Africa and Fiji to Western cultural values has been associated with an increase in _____ in those countries. a. healthier eating habits b. improved body images c. body weight d. eating disorders

eating disorders

Suicide rates in the United States are highest among _____. a. adolescent girls b. middle-aged women c. college students d. elderly men

elderly men

What is an FDA-approved and currently preferred treatment for profound depression? a. antidepressant medications b. electroconvulsive therapy c. training to reduce negative attentional bias d. interpersonal therapy

electroconvulsive therapy

A(n) _____ is a measurable biological characteristic of a disorder that is heritable, is seen in family members who do NOT manifest the disorder, and occurs more frequently in affected families than in the general population. a. endophenotype b. allele c. prophase d. genotype


Broken heart syndrome is _____. a. most often caused by blocked arteries b. usually fatal c. more common in women than in men d. not a physical condition

more common in women than in men

The "cultural spillover" theory of rape proposes that _____. a. environments in which violence is encouraged are likely to have more rapes b. sadistic rapists are more common in violent societies c. societies that allow sexual freedom have a higher percentage of power rapists d. cultures in which sexuality is repressed are more likely to have high rates of rape

environments in which violence is encouraged are likely to have more rapes

Data from a survey about stress-related disorders that is used in a(n) _____ study could provide information about prevalence, distribution, and interrelationships the stress disorders. a. analogue b. epidemiological c. base rate d. longitudinal


Typical side effects of bulimia nervosa include _____. a. social isolation resulting from cultural prejudices about obesity b. cardiac problems, low blood pressure, lethargy, dry skin, and brittle hair c. preoccupation with an imagined physical defect or excessive concern about a slight physical defect d. eroded tooth enamel, dehydration, swollen salivary glands, and gastrointestinal inflammation

eroded tooth enamel, dehydration, swollen salivary glands, and gastrointestinal inflammation

Several problems with the categorical approach to diagnosing personality psychopathology have been identified. One of those problems is that _____. a. everyone exhibits some traits that characterize personality disorders b. the diagnostic criteria are too loosely defined and flexible c. the disorders have low comorbidity with other psychological disorders d. there are excessive levels of inter-rater agreement

everyone exhibits some traits that characterize personality disorders

Most researchers place a strong emphasis on using _____ interventions to treat mental disorders. a. behavioral b. psychosocial c. pharmacological d. evidence-based


Researchers are still trying to understand what causes schizophrenia. Some more recent findings indicate that _____ may contribute to the development of schizophrenia. a. ventricular constriction (reduced size of spaces in the brain) b. increased neural connections in the corpus callosum c. excess dopamine activity in the brain d. increased volume in the cortex

excess dopamine activity in the brain

What is one technique that has been shown to be effective in avoiding insomnia? a. mentally reviewing what went well and not-so-well that day after you go to bed b. exercising sometime during the day, at least a few hours before going to bed c. eating a heavy meal with an alcoholic drink an hour before going to bed d. watching a favorite TV show in the bedroom before settling down to sleep

exercising sometime during the day, at least a few hours before going to bed

A(n) _____ is the best method for establishing cause and effect relationships. a. analogue b. epidemiological c. case study d. experiment


Although antipsychotic medications can help manage schizophrenia, _____ discourage(s) some patients from taking the medications. a. positive symptoms b. disconfirmatory evidence c. comorbid diagnoses d. extrapyramidal symptoms

extrapyramidal symptoms

A criticism of social-relational models is that _____. a. empirical research is overemphasized when evaluating treatment outcomes b. family, marriage, and couples therapy do not adequately address cultural diversity c. inter-relational issues are the focus rather than individual behavior d. family therapists rarely hold parents responsible for their children's mental disorders

family, marriage, and couples therapy do not adequately address cultural diversity

Kallie has been crying for no particular reason for several months and has stopped going out with her friends In addition, her personal hygiene and grooming has become irregular at best. She has become uncharacteristically quiet and sometimes ignores her family's attempts to engage her in conversation. Lately, she has been feeling that she is a burden to her family and sees no hope for improvement in the future. The most important area of immediate concern should be whether Kallie is _____. a. getting enough sleep b. maintaining her usual level of performance at school c. eating a proper diet d. feeling suicidal

feeling suicidal

Individuals who have been diagnosed with panic disorder often have _____. a. low activity in the pre-frontal cortex b. fewer serotonin receptors in their brain c. parents or siblings who are risk-takers d. inhibited awareness of bodily sensations

fewer serotonin receptors in their brain

Researchers wanted to study how people in the Midwest responded to the stress of having their town destroyed by a natural disaster. To conduct their research, they visited the area and observed the residents' behaviors, while being careful to minimize their influence on the residents. This is an example of a(n) _____ study. a. analogue b. field c. experimental d. epidemiological


Nine characteristics have been defined in the DSM-5 as criteria for gambling disorder. In order to be diagnosed with gambling disorder, the individual must exhibit at least ____ of the characteristics within a period of ____. a. seven; 12 months b. four; 12 months c. eight; 24 months d. three; 2 months

four; 12 months

What psychiatric diagnosis is currently being opposed as inappropriately pathologizing a person's natural feelings about his or her identity? a. pedophilic disorder b. exhibitionistic disorder c. gender dysphoria d. fetishistic disorder

gender dysphoria

Low penetrance makes it difficult to differentiate between environmental and _____ influences. a. methodological b. psychiatric c. attitudinal d. genetic


What is the most common stress-related psychophysiological complaint? a. headaches b. hypertension c. depression d. anxiety


Dissociative disorders are _____. a. heavily dependent on self-reports b. easily distinguished as real or faked c. clearly defined in objective diagnostic tools d. difficult to produce in an individual who is in a hypnotic state

heavily dependent on self-reports

Al stops for a (12 oz.) beer with his co-workers after work each weeknight and then he usually has another beer during dinner, and a third sometime before going to bed. During the weekend, he usually has two or three beers or, occasionally, one or two shots of whisky. Al is a _____ drinker. a. heavy b. light c. moderate d. binge


Individuals who have _____ are more likely than others to develop PTSD. a. diminished physiological sensitivity to stimuli associated with a traumatic event b. heightened amygdala reactivity in response to stimuli associated with a trauma c. a close and supportive family network at the time a trauma occurs d. a natural tendency to be optimistic, friendly, and trusting

heightened amygdala reactivity in response to stimuli associated with a trauma

An important component of treating somatic symptom and related disorders is to _____. a. ensure the client understands that medical personnel see him or her as a faker or problem patient b. refuse to respond to comments about the symptoms in order to avoid reinforcing them c. help the client manage his or her response to anxiety-producing conditions d. prove to the client that careful testing has ruled out the physical causes for their symptoms

help the client manage his or her response to anxiety-producing conditions

According to the textbook authors, researchers who want to help prevent young people from experimenting with alcohol and illegal substances are particularly interested in finding ways to _____. a. keep research findings private so that investors will support development of new treatments for profit b. help young people gain a more realistic understanding of the life-consequences of substance use c. implement more effective ways to locate and monitor drug traffickers d. encourage responsibility in young people by helping them block intrusive inquiries from their parents and others

help young people gain a more realistic understanding of the life-consequences of substance use

What has the most influence on depression in adolescents and adults? a. education b. heredity c. culture d. relationships with friends


Neurofibrillary tangles and beta-amyloid plaque, which are associated with Alzheimer's disease, affect metabolic processes and the health of neurons in the _____. a. hippocampus and cortex b. amygdala and corpus callosum c. cerebellum and reticular activating system d. hypothalamus and thalamus

hippocampus and cortex

Piper loves drama! She responds to situations of all types with exaggerated emotional displays that make her the center of attention. After determining that Piper's emotional displays go well beyond any cultural norms, a therapist who is using the categorical diagnostic model would most likely diagnose Piper as having _____ personality disorder. a. bipolar b. histrionic c. borderline d. narcissistic


Johann Weyer (1515-1588) challenged the prevailing beliefs of his era that attributed mental disorders to supernatural causes (i.e., witchcraft and demonic possession). His book helped pave the way for a more _____ perspective on mental illness that emphasizes human welfare and the uniqueness of the individual. a. humanistic b. spiritual c. social


What condition is unintentionally produced in a client by a therapist's treatment strategies or interactions with the client (for example, by unconsciously encouraging or discouraging certain attitudes, behaviors, or beliefs with selective attention or reinforcing feedback). a. conversion disorder b. fugue disorder c. factitious disorder imposed on another d. iatrogenic disorder

iatrogenic disorder

What are the key areas related to personal and interpersonal personality functioning that are used in the DSM-5 alternative system to diagnose a personality disorder? a. adventurousness, social orientation, needs, and focus b. sociability, materialism, ego-identification, and controversy c. identity, self-direction, empathy, and intimacy d. extroversion, control-orientation, and relationship

identity, self-direction, empathy, and intimacy

Using a one-dimensional model (i.e., biological, psychological, social, or sociocultural) to diagnose and treat a mental disorder _____. a. ignores the complexity inherent in the development of mental disorders b. focuses the treatment effort, thereby increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome c. makes it easier for a therapist to identify the most effective treatment d. is required by health insurers to facilitate tracking of the treatment progress

ignores the complexity inherent in the development of mental disorders

Ginny's mother and grandmother both had strokes in their early 50s. Ginny turned 50 nine months ago. Since then, she has been extremely anxious about her health and the possibility of having a stroke, and she frequently looks for information about stroke causes and warning signs. She interprets every twinge and tingle that she feels as a possible sign of an impending stroke, but she refuses to have a checkup because she is afraid of what the tests might reveal. Ginny is most likely to be diagnosed with _____. a. factitious disorder b. somatic symptom disorder (SSD) c. illness anxiety disorder d. conversion disorder

illness anxiety disorder

The arousal phase of the sexual response cycle is characterized by _____. a. desire for sexual activity and thoughts or fantasies about sex b. physical relaxation of the body and a return of normal heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration c. involuntary muscular contractions and release of sexual tension d. increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration

increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration

Using social pressure to reduce hoarding behavior in an individual who has hoarding disorder is most likely to_____. a. increase the individual's distress because the attachment to the hoarded items is irrational b. encourage feelings of civic responsibility that will help the individual resist hoarding impulses c. reinforce the behavior by giving the individual the increased attention he or she desires d. help the individual by encouraging him or her to create safer living conditions

increase the individual's distress because the attachment to the hoarded items is irrational

SSRIs can help alleviate depression, but they have also been associated with _____. a. increased suicidal thoughts and actions in some youth b. neurological damage that requires surgical intervention c. development of diabetes in teenagers d. copycat suicides following media reports of celebrity deaths

increased suicidal thoughts and actions in some youth

Ghrelin is a gastrointestinal hormone that _____. a. suppresses your appetite b. increases your interest in food c. assists in the digestion of sugars d. signals when you are full

increases your interest in food

The most common treatment for encopresis is proper medical evaluation, appropriate education for parents and children, and _____. a. increasing the child's fluid intake b. giving the child positive attention and feedback c. family counseling d. pharmacological treatment

increasing the child's fluid intake

Research in the social and sociocultural dimensions of substance use shows that _____. a. adolescents who are exposed to adult drinkers tend to develop negative expectancies about alcohol use b. social media helps young adults gain a realistic understanding of how much their peers use alcohol and marijuana c. individuals at risk for substance-use disorders who experienced neglect or maltreatment during childhood have an earlier onset of substance use issues d. Latino/Hispanic American and white adolescents have lower rates of using alcohol and illicit drugs compared to African American adolescents

individuals at risk for substance-use disorders who experienced neglect or maltreatment during childhood have an earlier onset of substance use issues

Somatic symptom disorder (SSD) is most prevalent in _____. a. men b. individuals of lower socio-economic status c. Latino/Hispanic people d. college graduates

individuals of lower socio-economic status

Researchers have found that high doses of _____ (prescribed and monitored by a physician) can slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. a. beta amyloid b. vitamin C c. vitamins B6, B12, and E d. homocysteine

vitamins B6, B12, and E

A criticism of the Rorschach Test is that _____ a. interpretation of the results is subject to the evaluator's bias b. clinicians cannot afford to incorporate it into their therapy c. guidelines for interpreting the results are too rigid d. standardized sets of images are not available

interpretation of the results is subject to the evaluator's bias

Researchers have found that the social stigma of mental disorders _____. a. encourages people who have a mental disorder to seek help as quickly as possible b. can be eliminated by educating the public about the biological basis of mental illness c. is particularly challenging for those who are also stigmatized for other reasons besides mental illness d. prevents anyone who has a mental illness from making a positive contribution to his or her communities

is particularly challenging for those who are also stigmatized for other reasons besides mental illness

Emile Durkheim's theory of suicide supported the sociocultural dimension. She believed that the risk of suicide increases when an individual _____. a. becomes overcommitted with social obligations b. relies too heavily on social connections within a limited community c. makes a change that connects him or her with a different group of friends d. is unable to form connections and relationships with other people

is unable to form connections and relationships with other people

The most common method of suicide by children under 15 is _____. a. hanging or firearms b. drug overdose or cutting c. poisoning or asphyxiation d. jumping from buildings or running into traffic

jumping from buildings or running into traffic

Jaiden comes from a wealthy family, but he can't resist the overpowering urges he has to shoplift things of relatively small value—things he could certainly afford to buy. A therapist using the categorical diagnostic model would most likely diagnose Jaiden with _____. a. schizoid personality disorder b. pyromania c. disinhibition d. kleptomania


Research into the psychological factors that contribute to substance use and abuse suggests that _____. a. life stressors play an important role in the development of substance-use disorders b. adolescent females with eating disorders are at low risk for substance-use problems c. having a mental illness does not increase the risk of substance use d. the risk of substance use is higher in people with the personality characteristic "behavioral overcontrol"

life stressors play an important role in the development of substance-use disorders

When a researcher reports that findings are statistically significant, it means that the _____. a. likelihood that a relationship between the variables is not due to chance b. findings have practical value in a clinical setting c. findings will be true for the majority of people who match the population that was studied d. researcher used reliable methods to gather and analyze the data

likelihood that a relationship between the variables is not due to chance

Sari is in the hospital after being rescued from a boating accident in which her brother died. For several hours, she denies having any memory of the accident or of her brother's death, and then suddenly became very emotionally agitated as she remembers what has happened. Sari has experienced _____ amnesia. a. localized b. selective c. continuous d. dissociative


Dysthymia is a lifelong disorder with _____. a. long periods of unremitting depression and poor response to treatment b. rapid cycling of manic and depressive episodes c. extended periods of mania broken by brief episodes of depression d. rapid response to treatments followed by relapses within a year

long periods of unremitting depression and poor response to treatment

When bipolar disorder is comorbid with one or more other disorders, the individual is likely to have _____. a. a reduced risk of suicidal behavior b. more frequent manic episodes than depressed episodes c. developed bipolar disorder later in life d. longer bipolar episodes

longer bipolar episodes

The growing emphasis on evidence-based practice means that clinicians are increasingly ____. a. relying exclusively on their personal process and experience when making treatment decisions b. turning to publications that publish only studies demonstrating effectiveness of a treatment c. making therapeutic decisions based on insurance companies' treatment guidelines d. looking for high quality research to assist them in making treatment decisions

looking for high quality research to assist them in making treatment decisions

It is difficult to follow a conversation with Immanuel. His thinking is disorganized and he shifts from one topic to another without any apparent connection between the topics. One term for this is cognitive slippage; another is _____. a. loosening of associations b. restricted affect c. concordance d. attenuated psychosis syndrome

loosening of associations

Clinicians sometimes use the unofficial term SAD to refer to _____. a. a depressive disorder that is comorbid with a somatic symptom disorder b. major depressive disorder (MDD) with a seasonal pattern c. a depressive episode in cyclothymic disorder d. clients who are reluctant to incorporate lifestyle changes into their treatment

major depressive disorder (MDD) with a seasonal pattern

Someone who is diagnosed with adjustment disorder (AD) _____. a. may be exhibiting a normal grief response after the loss of a loved one b. is experiencing generalized feelings of stress with no identifiable cause c. may be diagnosed for a separate episode of AD after experiencing a different stressor d. has been exhibiting symptoms for at least six months

may be diagnosed for a separate episode of AD after experiencing a different stressor

Following a hostage situation in which the perpetrator was killed, the police counselor asked the officers involved to participate in a critical incident stress debriefing session, in which they reprocessed the event immediately after the shooting. Recent research findings suggest that the psychological debriefing _____. a. may increase the risk of PTSD and depression in some officers b. will help the officers to work through the experience and reduce the likelihood of PTSD c. will have no statistically significant effect on the officers d. sessions were probably rejected, and may have even generated hostility in most officers

may increase the risk of PTSD and depression in some officers

A concern about using undergraduate students as participants in psychological studies is that they _____. a. are more likely than other participant types to deliberately distort study results b. may not be representative of the larger population referenced in the study results c. do not represent a legitimate population for scientific studies d. are not reliable participants for many types of studies

may not be representative of the larger population referenced in the study results

Preliminary research has revealed that _____ can reduce brain atrophy in people who have mild neurocognitive impairment. a. watching movies in sunny rooms b. specific cognitive training programs c. meditation and mindfulness-based stress reduction d. counseling sessions that introduce moderate levels of stress

meditation and mindfulness-based stress reduction

According to the assumptions about the sociocultural dimension of the multipath model, _____. a. the symptoms of any given type of mental disorder are consistent across all cultures b. individuals in all cultural groups are exposed to the same psychological stressors c. mental health problems that are caused by stressors in the social system may vary according to the culture d. diversity within a population alleviates the need for multicultural counseling

mental health problems that are caused by stressors in the social system may vary according to the culture

In which clinical evaluation process would a clinician use tasks, questions, and observation to assess a client's cognitive, psychological, and behavioral functioning? a. mental status evaluation b. functional imaging test c. Stanford-Binet WAIS d. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

mental status evaluation

The three major categories of neurocognitive disorders, as identified in DSM-5, are _____. a. neurocognitive disorder, dementia, and intercranial disruption b. mild neurocognitive disorder, head trauma, and delirium c. mild neurocognitive disorder, major neurocognitive disorder, and delirium d. dementia, generalized cognitive disorder, and delirium

mild neurocognitive disorder, major neurocognitive disorder, and delirium

What inpatient approach to treating schizophrenia includes psychosocial skills training in a hospital environment that functions like a community? a. psychosocial therapy b. theory of mind therapy c. milieu therapy d. cognitive-behavioral therapy

milieu therapy

DSM-5 changed the diagnostic criteria for what was previously (in DSM-IV) known as somatization disorder. The new DSM-5 criteria for somatic symptom disorder (SSD) can reasonably be expected to result in _____. a. more people being diagnosed with SSD b. adolescents being denied psychological treatment for unexplained physical complaints c. more stringent requirements for an SSD diagnosis d. insurance companies requiring medical examinations prior to SSD therapy

more people being diagnosed with SSD

The long term recovery rate for binge-eating disorder is generally _____. a. about the same as it is for anorexia nervosa b. unknown; more research is needed to determine comparative outcomes c. more positive than for anorexia nervosa d. more negative than for anorexia nervosa

more positive than for anorexia nervosa

A computerized axial tomography (CT) scan uses _____. a. radio waves within a magnetic field to produce cross-sectional images of the brain and its tissues b. a radioactive tracer and glucose to measure activity and metabolic changes in the brain c. multiple X-ray images to produce three-dimensional cross-section brain structure images d. electrodes attached to the scalp to record brain wave patterns

multiple X-ray images to produce three-dimensional cross-section brain structure images

Kelly, a research assistant in a drug test, is giving pills with the active ingredient to some participants and a placebo to others. A double-blind design was used. Therefore, _____. a. the participants know which pill they received but Kelly does not know b. Kelly knows which pill a participant received but the participants do not know c. no one on the research team will be able to determine which pill each participant received d. neither Kelly nor the participants know which pill a participant received

neither Kelly nor the participants know which pill a participant received

Tourette's disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and autism disorder are all _____ disorders. a. emotional b. behavioral c. neurodevelopmental d. psychological


What allows the brain to alter its functioning when we engage in experiences that stimulate neurogenesis? a. gene expression b. polymorphism c. reticular activating system (RAS) d. neuroplasticity


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been associated with abnormalities in the _____, which affects impulsivity, organization, and attentional processes. a. cerebellum b. amygdala c. prefrontal cortex d. parietal lobe

prefrontal cortex

During the initial phase of treatment for anorexia nervosa, _____. a. the therapy focuses on healthy approaches to weight loss b. new foods are introduced that may trigger phobic reactions c. family members are discouraged from participating directly in the therapy d. therapists avoid developing a strong relationship with the client in order to facilitate the client's independence

new foods are introduced that may trigger phobic reactions

Researchers who use experiments and correlational studies to formulate general laws and principles that de-emphasize individual variations in the population or situations being studied are using a(n) _____ orientation. a. idiographic b. nomothetic c. longitudinal d. evidence-based


An important component of the newest cognitive-behavioral ("third wave") therapies is _____. a. refuting irrational thoughts b. replacing "fear" ideation with "excitement" c. non-reactive attention to emotions d. dream analysis to identify areas of resistance to therapy

non-reactive attention to emotions

A recent surge in suicides among military personnel is _____. a. caused by a rise in traumatic brain injuries sustained in battle b. caused by financial and personal problems associated with long deployments c. not well understood and is under investigation d. the result of stigmatization of mental health issues and barriers to obtaining treatment

not well understood and is under investigation

Obesity researchers are finding increasing evidence that _____. a. obesity is caused primarily by eating and exercise habits, so long term weight management is most effectively achieved through exercise and healthy food choices b. social pressure to conform to specified body shape and size standards is an effective motivator for weight loss for most people c. obesity is a complex challenge that is influenced by biological, psychological, social, and sociocultural factors d. gastric surgery is a safe and appropriate option for most overweight individuals who have difficulty losing those "last pounds" to achieve their ideal weight

obesity is a complex challenge that is influenced by biological, psychological, social, and sociocultural factors

Jacob gets sleepy a lot during the day, even though he goes to bed by 10:30 every night. His wife complains that he keeps her awake; he snores loudly, and she worries because sometimes he seems to stop breathing for several seconds, and then he gasps for air loudly. Jacob is overweight, but he just doesn't have the energy to exercise because he's always so tired. Jacob is most likely to be diagnosed with _____. a. obstructive sleep apnea b. REM sleep behavior disorder c. hypersomnolence disorder d. circadian rhythm sleep disorder

obstructive sleep apnea

Carmen has been diagnosed as having social phobia. She is most likely to be intensely afraid _____. a. of meeting people and/or making a public presentation b. that posting comments on social media sites will put her in physical danger c. of feeling ignored in social situations d. that people will have such a high opinion of her that she cannot meet their expectations

of meeting people and/or making a public presentation

Obsessions and compulsions are _____. a. often comorbid b. alternative terms to refer to the same condition c. typically over-diagnosed d. exaggerated responses to rational thinking

often comorbid

Depression and mania are _____. a. unlikely to occur in the same individual b. two terms for the same mood c. opposite ends of a mood continuum d. difficult to recognize and diagnose

opposite ends of a mood continuum

People who are diagnosed as having OCD show increased metabolic activity in which part of the brain? a. somatosensory cortex b. cerebellum c. occipital lobe d. orbitofrontal cortex

orbitofrontal cortex

Individuals who have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) often feel their obsessions or compulsions are _____. a. reasonable responses to a stressor b. expressions of their personal values c. amusing or endearing eccentricities d. out of character for them

out of character for them

Exaggerating the severity of mental disorders, often due to unconscious cultural biases, is called _____. a. social conditioning b. the ethnological view c. psychiatric epidemiology d. overpathologizing


Which disorders that are included in the categorical diagnostic model were removed from the DSM-5 alternative model of personality disorders? a. paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, and avoidant b. histrionic and narcissistic c. paranoid, schizoid, histrionic, and dependent d. schizotypal, histrionic, and narcissistic

paranoid, schizoid, histrionic, and dependent

Psychiatric epidemiology is the study of the _____ a specific disorder in a given interval of time. a. number of people who die from b. number of doctors who treated c. geographic distribution of the people who are in treatment for d. percentage of people in a population who have

percentage of people in a population who have

Symptoms of schizophrenia such as unusual thoughts or perceptions, delusions, hallucinations, and bizarre behavior, are called _____ symptoms. a. expressive b. positive c. negative d. inhibitory


Which branch of psychology concentrates on finding ways to facilitate optimal human functioning by addressing personal strengths, civic virtues, and psychological resilience? a. humanist b. positive c. cognitive d. behavioral


Lizibet saw her father killed in a neighborhood drive-by shooting. Before then, she was a happy, exuberant child. Now, she is quiet and rarely exhibits emotions, except at night when her nightmares wake her up. She resists going outdoors, especially at the time of day when her father was shot. Lizibet would most likely be diagnosed with _____. a. Tourette's disorder b. enuresis c. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) d. separation anxiety disorder

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

A concern about self-report inventories that ask the client to respond to structured self-descriptive statements (e.g., by choosing true/false, agree/disagree) is that _____. a. the results are easily interpreted, which reduces the need for consultations with trained professionals b. presenting structured options may result in the client choosing answers that provide misleading information c. when clients do not like the options presented they often write their own response, which makes the test difficult to score d. the few structured self-report inventories that have been researched have shown low validity

presenting structured options may result in the client choosing answers that provide misleading information

Constraint-induced therapy is a technique that helps people recover from a stroke or traumatic brain injury by _____. a. working within the limits of lower insurance coverage b. requiring caretakers to withhold assistance beyond traditional limits c. preventing the use of the unaffected side of the body d. preventing the use of the affected side of the body

preventing the use of the unaffected side of the body

A psychoactive substance is a substance that _____. a. creates a psychological addiction b. produces changes in psychological states c. produces withdrawal symptoms when stopped d. alters body chemistry without affecting the active psychological state

produces changes in psychological states

In a(n) _____, an examiner attempts to uncover a client's attitudes, unconscious conflicts, and personality characteristics by having the client to respond to ambiguous stimuli, such as inkblots, pictures, or incomplete sentences. a. mental status evaluation b. projective personality test c. case study d. abstract evaluation

projective personality test

Researchers studying schizophrenia currently believe that ____. a. in most non-violent cases, treatment for psychotic experiences should be delayed until adulthood b. individuals who have schizophrenia are unable to keep a professional job c. cognitive-behavioral treatment has little influence on the severity of psychotic symptoms d. psychotic experiences are common in children and adolescents

psychotic experiences are common in children and adolescents

Children who have trust issues and are watchful and unhappy around adults, unlikely to seek or respond to nurturing attention, and rarely show positive emotions are most likely to be diagnosed with _____ disorder. a. separation anxiety b. dyscalculia c. reactive attachment d. disinhibited social engagement

reactive attachment

Asking clients for their opinions about such things as why they are experiencing certain symptoms, how their condition is affecting their life, how they are coping, and how their personal background supports or aggravates their situation is _____. a. used by some clinicians to establish rapport with a client, but have little relevance to reaching an accurate diagnosis b. recommended in DSM-5 to assist clinicians in identifying cultural factors that should be considered before making a diagnosis c. discouraged in DSM-5 because this may suggest that the clinician is biased against the client's culture, beliefs, or lifestyle d. best avoided because this may reinforce attitudes and beliefs that are contributing to the client's symptoms

recommended in DSM-5 to assist clinicians in identifying cultural factors that should be considered before making a diagnosis

To be diagnosed as a dysfunction, a disruption of the normal sexual response must be _____. a. distressing to the individual's family b. distressing to the partner of the individual who is experiencing the disruption c. inconsistent with normal sexual interactions d. recurrent, persistent, and causing distress to the individual experiencing the disruption

recurrent, persistent, and causing distress to the individual experiencing the disruption

Persuading mass media producers to promote a wide range of body types as healthy and attractive is expected to _____. a. create confusion about what is culturally acceptable b. have no effect on attitudes about body types or eating behaviors c. increase physical comparisons and social discrimination against body types other than one's own d. reduce body dissatisfaction and promote healthier lifestyles

reduce body dissatisfaction and promote healthier lifestyles

Biological explanations propose that _____ might be a causal factor in dissociative disorders. a. lack of variation in expression of the client's personality b. increased metabolism in the pre-frontal cortex c. encoding and storing an abnormally high number of memories d. reduced volume in the hippocampus and amygdala

reduced volume in the hippocampus and amygdala

Varenicline (marketed as Chantix™) is a new medication that has shown success in helping people stop smoking. It works by _____. a. causing extreme feelings of nausea when nicotine is inhaled b. reducing cue-activated cravings and withdrawal symptoms c. stimulating the release of dopamine every three to four hours d. detoxifying the smoker's system so that the tar and nicotine will be experienced as toxins

reducing cue-activated cravings and withdrawal symptoms

Rumination (and ruminating with others, or co-rumination) can increase the risk of depression, especially in girls. Ruminating is _____. a. visualizing a more positive future b. preferring and seeking indoor social activities instead of outdoor activities c. engaging in active problem-solving behaviors d. repeatedly thinking or talking about concerns or events

repeatedly thinking or talking about concerns or events

An individual whose psychotic behavior and symptom severity has declined and now experiences only mild impairment is in the _____ phase of schizophrenia. a. prodomal b. active c. recovery d. residual


Jaqui feels inadequate to cope with many of the situations she faces in life. To avoid being found out, she expresses very little emotional or physical response in situations where a strong reaction would be expected. This lack of expressiveness is known as _____. a. attenuated psychosis syndrome b. concordance c. loosening of associations d. restricted affect

restricted affect

Elijah is an aloof person. He has a steady job, but he spends most of his time working alone. When he does interact with others, he seems indifferent to them. He's married but his wife is unhappy; she describes Elijah as distant and unaffectionate, with no interest in participating in family activities. A therapist using the categorical diagnostic model would most likely diagnose Elijah with _____ personality disorder. a. borderline b. antisocial c. paranoid d. schizoid


Researchers have found that individuals who have bipolar disorder share similar brain abnormalities and cognitive deficits with which other disorder? a. anxiety disorder b. major depressive disorder c. schizophrenia d. alcohol use disorder


Suicide is now the _____ cause of death in college students. a. least likely b. most rapidly declining c. second leading d. most common

second leading

Which disorder is categorized as a childhood internalizing disorder? a. autism spectrum disorder b. Down syndrome c. oppositional defiant disorder d. selective mutism

selective mutism

What is the most common means of substance-abuse intervention in the U.S.? a. inpatient treatment centers b. outpatient treatment centers c. self-help group meetings d. mental health clinics

self-help group meetings

What is the recurrent and persistent disruption of any part of the normal sexual response cycle that affects interest, arousal, or response? a. sexual confusion b. paraphilic disorder c. sexual dysfunction d. sexual repression

sexual dysfunction

The _____ allele of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) is associated with vulnerability to depression, especially in those who experience maltreatment during childhood. a. second b. long c. short d. inverted


What is a biological indictor that appears to be strongly correlated with higher rates of suicide and suicide attempts, while noting that a causal relationship has not been established? a. high serotonin levels b. high levels of 5-HIAA (5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid) c. reduced cortisol reactivity d. sleep difficulties

sleep difficulties

In the etiology of an anxiety disorder, stressors such as poverty and unsafe living conditions illustrate the influence of which dimension(s)? a. biological b. social and sociocultural c. psychological d. polymorphic

social and sociocultural

Race, gender, sexual orientation, and spirituality are examples of _____ factors that can influence the development of mental disorders. a. biological b. psychological c. social d. sociocultural


Higher suicide rates in countries that experience recessions, and among people who have declared bankruptcy, are unemployed, or have low incomes, is considered evidence of the influence of _____ stressors on suicide. a. psychodynamic b. socioeconomic c. behavioral d. cultural


Thomas Szasz asserted that mental illness is a fictional creation that society uses to control and change people who do not conform to its preferred norms. Which psychological perspective is consistent with his viewpoint? a. sociopolitical b. psychodynamic c. behavioral d. humanist


Techniques for treating hysteria that were used by Friedrich Anton Mesmer, an Austrian physician, led to the discovery that _____ can cause certain symptoms of mental illness, and even physical disorders. a. suggestion b. stress c. classical conditioning d. chemical dependency


Hypertension is a chronic condition that can be affected by both physical and psychological stressors. Hypertension is characterized by _____. a. flushed skin, excessive perspiration, and leg cramps, especially at night b. systolic blood pressure (the upper number) < 120 and diastolic pressure (the bottom number) < 80 c. an irregular heartbeat, easy bruising, and difficulty breathing d. systolic blood pressure (the upper number) = > 140 and diastolic pressure (the bottom number) = > 90

systolic blood pressure (the upper number) = > 140 and diastolic pressure (the bottom number) = > 90

A _____ headache is the most common type of headache, and is produced when stress causes prolonged contraction of the scalp and neck muscles, which causes vascular constriction and steady pain. a. migraine b. sinus c. cluster d. tension


Research into the development of transgender identity has found _____. a. that transgender individuals experience unusually strong associations between bodily emotion and body image b. neurological differences in transgender individuals that provide insight into the etiology of gender dysphoria c. that transgender adults have unique brain patterns that are associated with psychosocial distress and social exclusion d. no evidence of differences in exposure to testosterone in boys vs. girls who develop transgender identities

that transgender adults have unique brain patterns that are associated with psychosocial distress and social exclusion

Aroldo is taking a test in which he is asked to make up stories about 20 different pictures, each of which contain images of two people. His stories will be analyzed to obtain information about Aroldo's personality and unconscious concerns and motivations. Aroldo is taking _____. a. the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory b. the Thematic Apperception Test c. a mental status examination d. the Rorschach test

the Thematic Apperception Test

A characteristic of case studies is that _____. a. the data gathered are often biased toward the researcher's theoretical perspective b. they can be easily replicated when the researcher provides a clear description of the method c. the results are usually generalizable to similar populations or situations d. they typically provide scientifically reliable information about causes

the data gathered are often biased toward the researcher's theoretical perspective

A diagnosis of paraphilic disorder requires that _____. a. the individual be acting on paraphilia that harms or might harm others, or is experiencing distress or functional impairment because the paraphilia b. the individual who is experiencing paraphilia feels no shame or guilt about the fantasies (that he or she has not acted on) c. the individual be experiencing intense and persistent paraphilia that involves socially unacceptable erotic behaviors d. the individual be experiencing intense and persistent paraphilia that involves socially unacceptable targets

the individual be acting on paraphilia that harms or might harm others, or is experiencing distress or functional impairment because the paraphilia

What do insurers who impose limitations on the type and duration of treatment that can be provided for a mental condition, and the reduction in educational requirements for therapistsindicate? a. pending proposals that have not yet been implemented in the U.S. b. cost cutting ideas that have been rejected as illegal c. the industrialization of health care d. improving mental health care through streamlining

the industrialization of health care

Many of the concerns that have been expressed about DSM-5 are related to _____. a. the potential for a significant increase in the number of people who are diagnosed as having a mental disorder b. the significant reduction of diagnostic support tools provided in DSM-5 compared to those provided in DSM-IV c. the lack of input from professionals who have access to information about pharmaceutical options for treatments d. new diagnostic categories that contain information that may prevent clients from obtaining access to medication as a form a treatment

the potential for a significant increase in the number of people who are diagnosed as having a mental disorder

An individual with _____ accomplishes weight loss through severe dieting or exercise. a. binge-eating disorder b. bulimia nervosa c. the restricting type of anorexia nervosa d. the binge-eating/purging type of anorexia nervosa

the restricting type of anorexia nervosa

According to DSM-5, in order for symptoms to indicate a disorder, _____. a. the client must have experienced all of the symptoms listed in the DSM-5 for the disorder within 30 days prior to the diagnosis b. the client must confirm that the symptoms occur consistently in all relevant circumstances c. someone other than the client must confirm that the client has exhibited or reported the symptoms d. the symptoms must cause significant distress in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning

the symptoms must cause significant distress in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning

An individual who engages in frotteurism fantasizes about or engages in _____. a. touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person b. inflicting physical or psychological suffering on others c. being humiliated, bound, or made to suffer d. observing an unsuspecting person disrobing or engaging in sexual activity

touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person

Testing the reliability and validity of various editions of the DSM have involved confirming interrater reliability, which means that _____. a. the new descriptions of disorders in each revision were based on recent findings in at least two different studies b. multiple clinicians confirmed that the DSM correctly predicted the best treatment to achieve the optimal outcome for a specific disorder c. DSM reviewers reached consensus on the definition of each symptom that was associated with a disorder d. two clinicians independently made the same diagnosis based on the symptoms that were described

two clinicians independently made the same diagnosis based on the symptoms that were described

Juvenile sex offenders are more likely than non-offenders to have _____. a. average self esteem b. been exposed to sex at a later-than-usual age c. unusual sexual interests d. low levels of anxiety

unusual sexual interests

The scientific method ______. a. requires researchers to report the relationship between two variables b. uses controlled observation to test hypotheses c. is a subjective way to conduct research d. applies only to quantitative research

uses controlled observation to test hypotheses

Dr. Pierce is designing an evaluation tool to determine the effects of air quality on an individual's performance while completing a task. He wants to ensure that he evaluates the effects of air quality rather than other variables (such as how instructions were communicated) when he measures changes. Therefore, Dr. Pierce carefully considers how to ensure the _____ of his evaluation tool. a. validity b. standardization c. internal consistency d. reliability


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