PSYC 463 Ch:11

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What evidence suggests that the visual cortex uses the output of colour-opponent neurons in the LGN as a first step toward generating colour perception? (p 382)

The output of neurons in the LGN correlates with behavioral data of colour naming

According to Newton, mixing two coloured lights of equal intensity would produce _____________. (p 358-359)

a color that lies precisely midway between them on the color circle

Although the physical spectrum of a particular stimulus will produce a distinct hue (p 365-366)

a specific hue is not necessarily associated with a unique physical spectrum

According to subtractive color mixing, yellow paint (p 364)

absorbs blue light while reflecting red and green

Colours like white and purple (p 359)

are considered non-spectral colours

In subtractive colour mixing, when all three primary colours are combined in equal parts, the resulting colour that we perceive is ____________. (p 364)


The reason that a perceptual match may occur with two colours even though the physical spectra of the metamers are very different is because (p 376)

both metameric mixtures would produce the same cone output signals

The level of intensity of a particular hue is called _____________. (p 367)


The fact that you will perceive a different colour after staring at once colour for a period of time and then shifting your gaze to a white surface is called _____________. (p 371)

colour afterimages

The fact that coloured surfaces appear relatively unchanged despite changes in the lighting conditions is called ________________. (p 393-394)

colour constancy

The fact that the colour appearance of a light or object depends on the surrounding colours is called ______________. (p 392-393)

colour contrast

Which theory of colour vision can nicely explain the afterimage phenomenon? (p 383)

colour opponent theory

Which of the following is NOT a reason for why we only have three types of colour receptors rather than many narrowly-tuned detectors? (p 375-376)

colour perception would suffer

A spatial representation of colour according to perceptual similarity is called ___________. (p 365)

colour space

The HSV colour space is best represented as a ______________. (p 368)


It has been speculated that the function of the CO blobs is to (p 390)

coordinate colour information

In Newton's prism experiment, he found that (p 356)

different wavelengths of light refracted differently through a prism

The property of the double-opponent neurons that allow them to provide a robust response with isoluminant stimuli is that they (p 388-389)

display both spatial and chromatic opponency

What type of neuron can provide a robust response with isoluminant stimuli, and where are these neurons found? (p 388-389)

double-opponent neuron; area V1

According to the Young-Helmholtz theory of colour vision, the perceived colour is (p 371)

generated by the degree of excitation among three fibre sets

If a color is fully desaturated, it appears ___________. (p 366)


What colour will a cyan or green object appear when illuminated with a yellow light? (p 365)


In order to test saturation discrimination, experimenters measure (p 392)

how much of a coloured light needs to be added to a white light before it looks different from a white light

Humans are best at detecting a difference in hue (p 391-392)

in the middle of the spectrum

In physical terms, a highly desaturated color (p 366)

is contained within a broad range of wavelengths

An object takes on a specific colour appearance when (p 361)

it reflects the wavelength of that colour and absorbs all other wavelengths

If you were looking at a tomato in blue light, the tomato would appear quite dark because (p 362)

its preferred wavelengths of reflection are not contained in the blue light

Which light source shows a high spike of energy at just one wavelength? (p 358)


While the chromatic channel transmits the early signals for hue, the achromatic channel transmits information about ______________. (p 385)


The isoluminance condition is one in which (p 388)

luminance is constant across a stimulus and its background but colour is varied

Evidence for the opponent colour theory was established during the 1960's when De Valois and his colleagues discovered that (p 381-382)

neurons in the LGN are excited by some wavelengths and inhibited by others

In the colour circle, colours that are more saturated are (p 367)

on the periphery of the circle

A characteristic of the reflectance spectrum of an object is that (p 362)

peaks of reflection are apparent across a range of wavelengths

Which types of dichromatic colour blindness lead to functionally similar deficiencies in colour perception? (p 378-379)

protanopia and deuteranopia

What colour would you see if you gazed at a green object for 30 seconds and then shifted your gaze to a white screen? (p 371)


Which of the following is NOT a primary colour in subtractive colour mixing? (p 363-364)


Someone with protanopia would have a hard time discriminating ________________. (p 378-379)

red from green

Saturation discrimination studies have found that _________ and __________ have the most saturating power while __________ has the least. (p 392)

red; blue; yellow

Colour and luminance information is processed along separate pathways beginning at the _______________. (p 385)


The idea that both the retina and the brain are involved in the processing that underlies colour constancy is called ______________. (p 395)

retinex theory

The vividness of a hue's chromatic quality is called ___________. (p 366)


Each of the four subtypes of colour opponency can be explained by (p 385)

selective inputs of cone photoreceptors upon a particular ganglion cell

The reflection at the surface of an object is called _____________. (p 361)

specular reflection

In physical terms, a brighter colour will be represented with a ___________ curve when light energy is plotted as a function of wavelength. (p 367)


The shift in hue that occurs with changes in saturation is called ________________. (p 395)

the Abney effect

Someone with deuteranopia is lacking ______________. (p 378-379)

the M cone system

According to the modern version of trichromatic theory, all perceptible colours are generated by (p 22-23)

the brains interpretation of the output pattern of the three cone classes

According to the principle of univariance (p 374)

the efficiency with which photons are captured by a cone is wavelength-dependent

The CO blobs receive direct inputs from (p 390)

the koniocellular layers of the LGN

The emission spectrum plots (p 358)

the photon energy of a light source as a function of wavelength

When coloured lights fall on coloured surfaces, the colour appearance of the object must take into account (p 364)

the subtractive properties associated with body reflection and the additive properties of the reflected light mixture

According to colour contrast, colours look more vivid when they're surrounded by _____________. (p 393)

their complimentary color

Which of the following would be considered a non-spectral color? (p 359)


Which of the following colours is NOT an additive primary colour? (p 360)


Someone with tritanopia would have trouble discriminating _______________. (p 379)

yellow from blue

Which theory of colour vision is correct? (p 383)

Both of the above

Why would having only one colour detector not be a functional way to go? (p 378)

Many different stimuli could send the same colour output to the brain

The reason that the HSV colour space is best represented as a cone is because (p 368)

it captures the smaller range of saturation and hue as value decreases

The reason that sunlight appears white is because (p 358)

it is a mixture of all the spectral colours

Which of the following colour phenomena is best explained by the trichromatic theory? (p 372)

metameric matches

Any pair of lights or surfaces that appear to be perceptually identical but are physically different are called ______________. (p 370)


Which of the following is true about how the cones register color information? (p 374)

Absorption of each photon in a cone produces exactly the same response regardless of wavelength

Colour constancy does not occur when (p 394)

All of the above

Colour vision may have evolved in order to (p 356)

All of the above

The opponent color theory is good at explaining (p 372)

All of the above

The intensity of lights is increased with wavelengths greater than 510 nm causes the hue to appear more yellowish, while increasing the intensity of lights with wavelengths less than 510 nm causes the hue to appear more bluish. This is called ______________. (p 395)

Bezold-Brucke effect

Which of the following is NOT one of the cell types in the LGN? (p 381-382)


Which of the following is true about color? (p 355-356)

It is entirely a psychological property

The centre-surround opponency that occurs in R/G ganglion cells are produced by (p 384)

L cones feeding excitatory signals and M cones inhibiting the surround

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the parallel processing of chromatic and achromatic information? (p 388)

Magnocellular input is delivered to layer 3 of area V1

Which of the following is an example of a contingent aftereffect? (p 395-396)

McCollough aftereffect

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