psych final .2

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If you wanted to investigate the possibility of a brain tumor, the best type of neuroimaging would be a(n) ____________________.


____________________ is the philosophical precept that suggests that the simplest explanation to an observed phenomenon tends to be the correct one.

Occam's Razor

Mistakenly assuming that popularity of a theory is in some way indicative of a theory's correctness or accuracy is the definition of ____________________.

THE bandwagon fallacy

____________________ is the name given to the fifth, and most recently uncovered, "meaty" or "savory" taste.


When a(n) ____________________ occurs, its motion begins near the cell body and works its way down toward the axon terminals.

action potential

The ____________________ theory focuses entirely on the biological underpinnings of dreams.


When Julius first entered and sat down in the classroom, he felt cold. However, ten minutes later he no longer feels cold. This change is most likely the result of sensory ____________________.


In addition to the bonobo, the ____________________ appears to use language in a way that is more similar to human use than other animals.

african gray parrot

The most frequent cause of senility is ____________________ disease.


The argument from ____________________ fallacy assumes that just because an idea has been around for a long time that it must have lost its validity.


Antonio is investigating the best method for using what is known about persuasion to develop an effective anti-littering campaign in his town and county. This is an example of ____________________ research.


To say that using and interpreting language typically requires little attention is to say that it is ____________________.


____________________ was an advocate of radical behaviorism.

b.f. skinner

____________________ suggested that aggression is learned by watching aggressive models.


____________________ was the psychological school that argued most strongly on the importance of an observable and objective science of psychology.


While walking across campus, Dr. Kotter is stopped by a young man asking directions for getting to a building on the opposite side of campus. While Dr. Kotter begins to explain the quickest route, two men carrying a large door pass between Dr. Kotter and the young man. Unbeknownst to Dr. Kotter, one of the men changes places with the young man who asked directions. Dr. Kotter finishes giving directions and then heads off blissfully unaware of his ____________________.

change blindness

When Mr. Goetz writes on the chalkboard, he often leaves letters like a, e, or o incomplete. However, his students are able to fill in the missing visual information thanks to the Gestalt principle of ____________________.


Mrs. Garrett is driving her children to the mall to see a movie. The children cannot agree on what movie they wish to see. The argument starts to get louder and louder but suddenly stops when Mrs. Garrett simply says the names of each of the three children. This shift in one's attention is known as the ____________________ effect.

cocktail party

The ability to state that differences in the conditions of the independent variable led to the observed differences in the dependent variable is lessened when a(n) ____________________ variable is present in one's research design.


Lizette is having an operation called a split-brain procedure to reduce the frequency of her epileptic seizures. During this surgery, the ____________________ in Lizette's brain will be severed.

corpus callosum

When neither the experimenter nor the participant have any knowledge of the experimental condition to which the participant has been assigned we say that this is a ____________________ study.


During old age (the aging years), Erikson suggests that the crisis of ____________________ versus ____________________ is faced.

ego integrity despair

The inability to see events from others' perspectives during Piaget's preoperational stage is called ____________________.


In the Star Wars movie Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader tells his former mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, "If you are not with me, then you are my enemy." This is an example of the ____________________.


Pedro is so fearful of getting hurt while playing sports that he often stops playing when he experiences the slightest degree of discomfort. His father refers him to a sports psychologist to deal with this problem. The sports psychologist is likely to help Pedro by showing him how to control his ____________________ reactions to pain.


The frontal lobe is responsible for motor function, language, and memory, as well as the job of overseeing most other mental functions. We call this ability ____________________.

executive functioning

Causal inferences are only possible with a(n) ____________________ design.


The process by which a CS gradually loses its ability to produce a CR is called ____________________.


Social context and the use of gestures and facial expressions by the speaker are examples of ____________________ information.


____________________ communication is a process that involves one person sitting next to a child with autism for the purpose of helping that child type out words and sentences. Research has demonstrated that it was an invalid way of assisting these children with communication deficits.


For a scientific claim to be meaningful, it must be capable of being disproven. This is the critical thinking principle of ____________________.


A slap to the back is perceived as less painful than a paper cut on one's finger because of ____________________.

fewer nerve endings being located there

The sympathetic nervous system becomes aroused and prepares animals for the ____________________.

fight-or-flight response

La Vonna is able to keep her attention focused on her biology professor despite the fact that two separate groups of students behind her are talking while the professor lectures. This is an example of the Gestalt principle of ____________________.


A teacher states that all students who complete 5 word problems by the end of class will be exempt from homework. The teacher is using a ____________________ schedule of reinforcement.

fixed ratio

The ability to predict the happiness that we or others will experience is called affective ____________________.


When Jonathan uses a twisted wire coat hanger to connect a heavy door to the wall so that it doesn't slam shut, he is demonstrating the fact that he is not hindered by ____________________.

funtional fixedness

Selye studied the effect of stress. He argued that we are sensitive to the environment and tend to kick into high gear in response to stressful situations. According to Selye, when Janice experiences a physical reaction in response to an upcoming exam, her pattern of responding to stress is called ____________________.

general adaptation syndrome

____________________ means that there are an infinite number of unique sentences to be created by combining words in novel ways.


Controlled, scientific studies have cast doubts on claims that the herbal remedy ____________________ can enhance one's memory abilities.


You might think of ____________________ as being like a bodyguard for the nervous system, because they provide support for neurons, protect them, and respond to injury among other things.

glial cells

Jacob has not eaten since this morning. While waiting for his girlfriend to bring him lunch, he started to feel starving and exhausted. This phenomenon is most likely the result of a drop in his blood ____________________ level.


____________________ was a key figure in the history of IQ testing in the United States and arranged for immigrants to be tested as a standard practice.


Minor annoyances or nuisances that bother us and our ability to cope are called ____________________.


A(n) ____________________ refers to a mental shortcut or rule of thumb that assists people with intuitive decision-making problems.


People with positive illusions about themselves usually have ____________________ self-esteem.


The Type A personality trait that is most predictive of heart disease is ____________________.


Jamaal notices that whenever he gets into a rental car it takes him several minutes to locate the gas tank. Such difficulties could be avoided if more car companies sought the input of professionals in ____________________.

human factors

The ____________________ regulates and maintains constant internal bodily states such as hunger, thirst, sexual motivation, and body temperature.


Many psychologists believe that free will is a(n) ____________________ because of the automaticity of many behaviors.


According to the authors, many superstitious behaviors result from ____________________.

illusory correlation

The most commonly reported sleep problem is ____________________.


LaShon has a quiz over research methods for both his psychology and biology classes. As he studies, he is continually getting information from one class confused with information from the other. The resulting memory loss is called ____________________.


____________________ is a system of communication that combines symbols according to rules and in a way that conveys meaning.


The part of the brain dedicated to emotion is called the ____________________.

limbic system

The process of repeating a stimulus to yourself over and over again is called ____________________ rehearsal.


____________________ twin types are found to have the most similar IQs.


The mere exposure effect suggests that repeated presentations of a stimulus lead to ____________________ liking of the stimulus.


Hortense was in a terrible accident, and part of her brain was injured. The result was that she lost the ability to control the musculature in her body and experienced random ticks, twitches, and movements nearly all of the time. Hortense probably suffered damage to the ____________________ cortex of her brain.


At the beginning of the football season, Alex tells his friends that there are several different teams that could win the Super Bowl, and he makes compelling arguments for why each one is a contender. His logic is so strong that his buddies fail to realize that he has not actually made a real prediction. If one of his many choices wins the championship, he may look like he had ESP! Alex's friends are falling for a technique of psychics called ____________________.

multiple end points

Biologist Charles Darwin proposed the concept of ____________________, which was the principle that organisms that possess adaptations survive and reproduce at a higher rate than do other organisms.

natural selection

Tim believes that because evolutionary psychologists speculate that the ability to lie is adaptive, it must be OK to lie to his parents. Tim has committed the ____________________.

naturalistic fallacy

When one variable under investigation rises while the second variable under investigation drops, a(n) ____________________ correlation would be the result.


The ____________________ perspective on dreaming says that the complexity of our dreams is directly related to one's mental abilities and capacities.


When researchers have used controlled, double-blind studies to assess the claims of psychic healing or spiritual healing, they have found ____________________ correlation between these practices and pain reduction.


The tendency to detect meaningful patterns in random stimuli - to see order amidst chaos, so to speak - is called ____________________.


Before Dr. Smith submits his new grant proposal to the committee, he asks several of his colleagues to read, revise, and make suggestions about his research design. He is engaging in one form of ____________________.

peer review

The brain's interpretation of raw sensory inputs is called ____________________.


Piaget's term for the idea that an object continues to exist even when it is out of sight is object ____________________.


The experience of pain or discomfort from body parts that have been amputated is known as ____________________

phantom pain

The development of psychology as a discipline focused on scientific experimentation after 1879 lead to a movement away from its roots in ____________________.


The polygraph test is based on the assumption that lying is always accompanied with a set of physiological or behavioral indicators. This assumption is called the ____________________.

pinocchio effect

The wave frequency of a sound is what we refer to as its ____________________.


Although physiologically speaking it should take approximately 30 minutes for an aspirin to relieve a headache, most people claim to feel better only minutes after taking the pill. This observation can best be explained by the ____________________ effect.


One important limitation of the experimental design is that when research participants know what condition they have been assigned to, this knowledge, rather than the independent variable, may be the cause of the differences observed in the dependent variable. This is known as the ____________________ effect.


The belief that you should not steal because you could go to jail represents reasoning associated with Kohlberg's ____________________ level.


The reproductive organs and genitals that distinguish the sexes are called ____________________ sex characteristics.


Marlon always tries to anticipate possible problems and stressful events so that he can plan how to react. Marlon is displaying ____________________.

proactive coping

Randi is giving a talk on theoretical frameworks in psychology. In her talk she mentions the importance of understanding internal psychological processes and that we are frequently unaware of the underlying causes for many of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Randi's talk is most likely on ____________________.


The brief time during which another action potential can't occur is called the absolute ____________________ period.


A key impediment in scientifically demonstrating the existence of extrasensory perception is the lack of ____________________ of initial supportive findings.


An important concern in research is that people will respond in a manner that conveys a specific impression rather than in a way that reflects his or her true behavior. If a person does this to make themselves appear more skilled than they really are, he or she is engaging in a(n) ____________________.

response set

The sensory receptors associated with vision are located in the ____________________.


The process by which the synaptic vesicle absorbs the neurotransmitters that it just released is called ____________________.


In an experiment, a researcher attempts to create situations where support for one position indicates a lack of support for other positions. This is an application of the critical thinking principle of ____________________.

ruling out rival HYPOTHESES

Most token economy conditioning strategies use chips, tokens, or points as ____________________ reinforcers.


Jim is a runner who jogs between 2 and 8 miles each morning. As he runs through his route each morning, he is exposed to millions of pieces of information; however, only a few ever capture his immediate attention. This ability to choose certain input while ignoring others is called ____________________.

selective attention

The Magic Number 7 plus or minus 2 refers to the storage capacity of ____________________ memory.


The pathways emanating from the RAS activate the cortex by increasing the ____________________.

signal-to-noise ratio

The first intelligence test, created by Alfred Binet and Théodore Simon, was originally intended to identify and separate " ____________________ " learners from their classmates.


____________________ proposed that intelligence was comprised of analytical, practical, and creative thinking skills.


The processing of sensory information that occurs just below the level of active awareness is called ____________________.

subliminal perception

The autonomic nervous system consists of two divisions: ____________________ and ____________________.

sympathetic, parasympathetic

____________________ refers to the rules of a language that guides is the proper ways to construct a sentence.


Royce is listening to a debate involving the two candidates for state senator in his district. Prior to the debate, he had a strong opinion favoring one candidate over the other. As he listens to the debate, he interprets each candidate's answers based on his own beliefs and expectations about them rather than listening and interpreting exactly what each said. Royce is engaging in ____________________ processing.

top-down processing

In addition to direct stimuli, emotions are also subject to ____________________ influences.


The ____________________ point in a pregnancy - that is, the age at which an infant could survive outside of its mother's womb - is about 25 weeks.


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