Psych Test 2

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Opiate drugs like morphine occupy the same receptor sites as


Information is most quickly transmitted from one cerebral hemisphere to the other by the

Corpus callosum

Her CAT scan revealed a single brain tumor was probably producing all of these deficits. What single part of the brain is involved in all of these sensory processes?


For you to be able to run ________ must relay messages from your central nervous system to your leg muscles

Motor neurons

The impaired functioning of what part of Lane's brain is responsible for these difficulties with motor coordination and balance?


Your life would be most immediately threatened if you suffered destruction of the


Direct stimulation of the motor cortex would be most likely to result in

movement of the mouth and lips

The speed at which a neural impulse travels is increased when the axon is encased by a(n)

myelin sheath

In the figure above, where does the neurotransmitter dopamine have its effect?


Someone who has difficulty speaking after a stroke is suffering from which of the following


The area labeled X in the drawing above denotes which of the following structure?

Axon Terminals

In the figure above where do selective serotonin reputake inhibitors have their initial effect


In the figure above, where does cocaine have its initial effect in the brain


This is causing her to be extremely bad at Mr. Bandy everyday in class. What part of the brain is being affected?


In transmitting sensory information to the brain, an electrical signal travels from the _______ of a single neuron.

Dendrites to the cell body to the axon

In the picture above, where does the paralyzing neurotoxin curare have its effect?


Connor recently asked camryn out to homecoming. Camryn had many other options to attend homecoming with. After much deliberation camryn used this part of her brain to decide to attend homecoming with Connor

Frontal lobe

Gage's case provided evidence that which region of the brain plays a role in personality and behavior?

Frontal lobes

The concentration of glucose in active regions of the brain underlies the usefulness of

PET scan

This part of the human brain is especially active when we perform spatial and mathematical reasoning

Parietal lobe

As you are reading this question the cells in your eyes are firing in response to the sensation of light coming from this paper. Which type of neuron is carrying this message to the brain?


An axon is

The extension of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body

A picture of a dog is briefly flashed in the left visual field of a split brain patient. At the same time a picture of a boy is flashed In the right visual field. In identifying what she saw, the patient would be most likely to

Verbally report that she saw a boy

Which brain area is primarily involved with understanding and producing meaningful speech?

Wernicke's area

A person with schizophrenia may have an overactive dopamine system. Drugs used to treat this disorder prevent the action of dopamine by keeping it from binding to its receptors ( blocks the receptor sites). These drugs are


Curare is a poison with a molecular structure so similar to Ach that it blocks the effects of ACh in synapses, making curare which kind of molecule


The cortical regions that are not directly involved in sensory or motor functions are known as

association areas

The sequence of brain regions from the evolutionary oldest to newest is

brainstem; limbic system; cerebral cortex

The medulla is to the control of ____________ as the cerebellum is to the control of_________

breathing; walking

This structure accounts for roughly 10% of total brain weight, but it contains more neurons than the rest of the brain combined. It monitors and regulates motor behavior, particularly automatic movements; coordinates rapid, voluntary movement like playing the piano.


cocaine and meth may_______ symptoms of schizophrenia like hallucinations by _______ Dopamine levels

decrease; increasing

Animal research has revealed a general reward system that triggers the release of the neurotransmitter


Ben has just played a long, bruising football game but feels little fatigue or discomfort. His lack of pain is most likely caused by the release of


To identify which specific brain areas are most active during a particular mental task, researchers would be most likely to make use of a(n)_____.


Seeing one eyed monsters would be a(n).____________. Believing that you are Christopher Columbus would be a__________.

hallucinations; delusion

Mr. Bandy recently opened up a brain weight loss center in which he implants electrodes into the _________ to stimulate to stop eating area of the brain. This area sends out messages to "stop eating"


The brain structure that provides a major link between nervous system and the endocrine system is the


This area was damaged in Clive wearing leading to his extreme case of anterograde amnesia. If you can't remember the story of Clive, maybe you have problems with this Brain structure.


An all or none response pattern is characteristic of the

initiation of neural impulses

motor neurons are an important part of the

limbic system

Dendrites are branching extensions of


Which lobes of the brain receive the input that enables you to feel someone scratching your back?


The somatic nervous system is component of the ________ nervous system.


The master gland of the endocrine system is the

pituitary gland

The capacity of one brain area to take over the functions of another damaged brain area is known as brain


With regard to the process of neural transmission, a refractory period refers to a time interval in which

positively charged ions are pumped back outside a neural membrane

Reuptake refers to the

reabsorption of excess neurotransmitter molecules by a sending neuron

Mr Bandy is tired of losing football games due to the football players not being aggressive enough. to fix this problem, he places electrodes in this area of the football teams brain to make the team violently aggressive. Unfortunately the team became so aggressive they killed each other in the locker room and mr bandy was fired.

reticular formation

Which region of your brainstem plays a role in arousing you to a state of alertness when someone nearby mentions your name?

reticular formation

The occipital lobes are to _______ as the temporal lobes are to _________.

seeing; hearing

Maggie recently was asked out on a date by a very scary boy; as a result, her heartbeat accelerated, her blood pressure spiked , and she perspired heavily. Maggies state of arousal was activated by her__________ nervous system.


An accelerated heart beat is to a slowed heart beat as the _________ nervous system is to the _____________ nervous system.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

The auditory hallucinations experienced by people with schizophrenia are most closely linked with the activation of areas in which brain area? The auditory hallucinations are part of schizophrenias _________ symptoms.

temporal lobes; positive

Which brain structure receives information from all the senses except smell?


Which brain structure relays information from the eyes to the visual cortex?


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