Psychology Exam 2 (Learning Curves)

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Jess was in a serious car accident and is having trouble recognizing familiar faces. She MOST likely suffered damage to her ? lobe, just behind her right ear?


Tanisha asked her roommate to lower the radio as she was trying to study. Her roommate had turned the radio up originally from a volume level of 14 to 15, which was just enough for Tanisha to detect. She turned it back down to 14 after Tanisha asked her to lower it, which satisfied Tanisha. This is probably the result of?

The difference threshold.

Which statement is true with respect to sensation and perception?

There is no clear boundary between the processes of sensation and perception as we experience them.

he easier it is for people to remember circumstances in which friends betrayed them, the more they expect such events to recur. This BEST illustrates the impact of: the availability heuristic?

Availability heuristic

The vocal sounds NOT included in one's native language first begin to disappear from usage toward the end of the ?stage of language development


William James argued that the "commonsense view" that our body's reactions reflect our emotional state is?


The leader of a certain nation is rarely truthful. His supporters continue to insist he is correct despite ample evidence to the contrary. The leader's supporters are demonstrating?

Belief perseverance

? is a form of associative learning in which we learn that one stimulus predicts the second stimulus?

Classical conditioning

Psychologists refer to the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating as?


Sensory adaptation helps people?

Concentrate on more important things

The ability to produce novel and valuable ideas is called?


? thinking involves expanding the number of possible solutions to a problem.


Damage to the temporal lobe, particularly the right temporal lobe, can potentially lead to difficulties in recognizing?

Familiar faces

One major impediment to problem solving is ? which is the inability to see a problem from a fresh perspective.


When an issue is presented in a specific way that affects our judgment and decision making, this is called?


Achievement motivation was first defined by psychologist?

Henry Murray

The extent to which differences in intelligence test scores among a group of people are attributable to genetic factors is referred to as the ? of intelligence


When we suddenly have the realization that we have solved a problem, it is called an?


Fourteen-year-old Francisco enjoys playing the piano and never needs prompting from his parents to practice. He writes music and plays the piano several times a day. He tells his parents that he plays because he enjoys creating music. Francisco plays the piano because of ? motivation.


Some birds can detect the ultraviolet radiation reflected from feathers of potential mates. As compared with humans, then, these birds can see ? wavelengths?


Lagging motivation and depressed emotions can affect one's perception. This fact BEST illustrates the concept of?

Top-down processing

Antjuan's pupils are dilating. Based on the textbook's discussion, Antjuan is MOST likely ? someone?


In classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally... naturally and automatically... triggers a response is what?

Unconditioned stimulus (US)

Giulio's bag of marbles is twice as heavy as Jim's bag. If it takes 5 extra marbles to make Jim's bag feel heavier, it will take 10 extra marbles to make Giulio's bag feel heavier. This BEST illustrates?

Weber's law

Proposed by ?, ? theory was the first major account of color vision?

Young and von Helmholtz; trichromatic

The formula of two parts alcohol to one part aloe vera gel is guaranteed to produce an equivalent to commercially available hand sanitizer. In problem-solving terms, this formula is an ?


Katrina is driving her 15-year-old car. She notices a sound coming from the engine, which involves ? Katrina immediately starts thinking that the sound is similar to the sound the car made the last time she had it repaired, which involves ?

bottom-up; top-down

Railroad tracks appear to converge in the distance. This provides a cue for depth perception known as?

linear perspective

To create a three-dimensional painting on the flat surface of a canvas and give the illusion of depth, Julio might use the technique of?

linear perspective.

When Sanjay recognizes line segments and areas of light and dark as his friend's face at an airport gate, he is demonstrating?


Lana cannot recognize faces. She has to pretend to know or recognize people she has already met. Lana MOST likely suffers from:?


Perceptual sets are the result of ? which people form to organize and interpret unfamiliar information.


Entering his house, Jayden's face contorts in disgust. He had not noticed the odor of his cat's litter box when he was relaxing at home all morning, but he certainly notices it now! Jayden's failure to pick up on the smell earlier is a good example of?

sensory adaptation.

The ability to accurately perceive distances most clearly underlies our capacity for?

size constancy

Brad was struck by a two-by-four to the back of his head. He is having severe difficulties with his ? because the injury he sustained was to his?


Avia has just entered the babbling stage of language development. Avia is MOST likely about ? months of age

4 months

Because of an automobile accident, Jenny suffered damage to her cerebral cortex in Broca's area. Jenny is MOST likely to experience?


You read about an accident at a railroad crossing and wonder about the cause. Perhaps the car's driver overestimated the distance of the train because the parallel tracks stimulated the ? depth cue of linear perspective?


The smallest units of language that carries meaning are called?


In classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning is?

Neurtral stimulus (NS)

An African gray parrot at a pet store has been trained to count objects. For example, if you show him a tray of balls and ask him how many are red, he will answer correctly about 80 percent of the time. This parrot is displaying?

Numerical skills

Operant conditioning strengthens behavior through the?


Prompt and clear feedback regarding one's performance on a psychology practice test is MOST likely to inhibit?


After hearing that Bryce had served a prison sentence, Janet began to view his genuinely friendly behavior as insincere and manipulative. This BEST illustrates the impact of?

Perceptual sets

The way in which you quickly group the individual letters in the test item into separate words BEST illustrates the principle of?


Is the study of relationships between the objective characteristics of stimuli, such as their intensity, and the subjective experience of them?


Tammy drawing the mountains closer to the top of her paper than the nearby trees in her picture is an example of the monocular distance cue known as?

Relative height

When comparing individuals who are all of similar high intelligence, one can attribute the success of superachievers to their?


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