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Who conspired to assassinate King Xerxes

Two of the kings officers who guarded the doorway

How did Xerxes respond to his personal attendance proposal for finding a new queen

We have mice appealed to him and he followed it they

What physician was given to Esther by the king

Who is made queen in place of Vastie

Who was the king of Persia during the time of Esther


For whom did Xerxes give a banquet to

Nobles and officials

What did the king ask Esther as he in Hammond were drinking your wine at the first banquet

Now what is your petition it will be given to you and what is your request even up to half the kingdom it will be granted

When did the Jews of Susa have a day of feasting and joy

On the 15th day of a dark they had assembled for destruction on the 13th and 14th day of the month

When did Esther go in to approach the king on behalf of her people

On the third day of the fast of the jews

How did Esther answer when the king asked for her request at her first banquet

She asked that the king and Hammond come the following day to another banquet she would prepare for them then she would answer the Kings questions

What was the relationship of Esther and Mordecai after she was made queen

She continued to follow Mordecai's instructions as she had done when he was bringing her up

What did a girl have to do before she went into King xerxes

She had to complete 12 months of beauty treatment prescribed for the women

What did Esther do when Mordecai refuse the clothes she sent him

She ordered Haddick one of the Kings UNIX assigned to attend her to find out what was troubling Mordecai and why

How did Esther dress when she went to approach the king on the half of her people

She put on her Royal robes

What did Esther do when Mordecai told her of the plot against the Kings life

She reported it to the king giving credit to Mordecai

What rights did the edict of the keen as written by Mordecai grant to the Jews

To assemble the protect themselves to destroy kill and inhale any Armed Forces of any nationality or province that might attack them to plunder the property of their enemies

What did the Kings personal attendance make for his finding a queen to replace Vashti

To bring beautiful virgins the girl who pleases the king could be made queen

Whom did Hammond call together to boast on himself after Esther's first banquet


On what day did Haman order that all the Jews of the kingdom be killed

The 13th day of the 12 month the month of Adar

Why was Hamon coming into the court of the palace as the king was speaking with his attendant

He was coming to speak to the king about hanging Mordecai on the gallows that had been billed for him

What honor was declared up on Haman by the king

He was elevated and given a seat of honor higher than that of all the other Nobles

How did Haman react when he was told that Mordecai refused to honor him

He was enraged

What was Hammons mood as he left Esther's first banquet

He was happy and in high spirits

How is Esther describe it physically

He was loving in form and features

What was the king's response when he saw Esther standing in his court

He was pleased with her and held out to her the golden scepter

How is The position of Mordecai described as the book of Esther closes

He was second in rank of King xerxes he was permitted among the Jews he was held in high esteem by his many fellow Jews

How did Haman react when Esther told the king that he had planned the annihilation of the Jews

He was terrified and began to beg queen Esther for his life

What did Mordecai do when Esther sent him fresh clothes

He would not accept them

Who told Esther about Mordecai's morning

Her maids and eunuchs

What did Esther not reveal how she was taken to the palace of Xerxes

Her nationality and family background

Who was the cousin of Mordecai

Hey girl name a hadassah

How did Haman want to take out his vengeance on Mordecai

He scorned the idea of killing only Mordecai he looked for a way to kill all of the Jews

Why was the annual day of celebration named after the pur

Heymann have plotted against the Jews in the cast the pur for their destruction

Under whose care for the beautiful girls of the kingdom place as they were brought to Susa

Hi guys the keys I'm in charge of the women in his herem

What grade do you have Mordecai was the king reminded as the book of the Chronicles was read to him

His exposure of the assassination plot against the king

What advice zeresh and Hammonds friends give to him and regarding Mordecai

His wife zeresh and all his friends said to him have a gallows build 70 feet high and asked the king in the morning to have Mordecai hang that on it

What did Hammond both to his friends and his wife

His vast wealth his many signs all the ways the king had honored him above all the others the fact that he was the only person Esther had invited to accompany the key to her first banquet his invitation to Esther second banquet

Assuming that the king was talking about him what did Haman suggest be done for the man the king delighted to honor

He should wear a royal robe the king had worn ride a horse with the Royal crest on its head one which the king had written and be led to the city streets right where proclamation was made that this is what is done for the man the king delights to honor

What did the king instruct Hammond to do after Haman describe what should be done for the man the king delighted to honor

He told Hammo to go and do just as he had described for Mordecai who sat at the Kingsgate

When Hathak came to Mordecai what did Mordecai say to him

He told him everything that had happened to him including the amount of money came and had promised to pay into the treasury for the destruction of Jews he gave him a copy of the attic for anthill Lily Asian to show Esther and explain to her who told him to our Chester to go into the Kings presents to beg for mercy for her people

How did Mordecai come to live in Persia

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had carried him into exile from Jerusalem

What did Mordecai say in the letter he sent to all Jews throughout the provinces of Xerxes after the triumph of the Jews

He told them to celebrate annually the 14th and 15th days of Adar is a time when the Jews were delivered from the enemy

What did the king tell Mordecai and Esther to do to stop the plan of payment

He told them to write another Capri in the Kings name on behalf of the Jews in seal it with the king signet ring

What did the king give to Haman when he told him to do with the people as he pleased

He took his signet ring off and gave it to Haman

What had the king learned by the time he gave payments estate to Esther

Esther had told the king Mordecai was related to her

How many provinces were under the rule of xerxes


According to the owners of Mordecai what day was appointed for the Jews to assert themselves against their enemies

13 day of the 12 month the month radar

How long did Xerxes display his wealth in his Majesty to the great banquet

180 days

Who had been the father of Esther


What question did Xerxes ask the seven nobles of Persia and media

According to our what must be done to queen Bastille

When did Esther express her petition concerning her people to the king

At her second banquet

What favor did hegia show for Esther

Beauty treatments special food he assigned to her seven maids selected from the Kings Palace he moved her in her maids into the best place in the harem

What was done to enhance the beauty of the girls brought to Susa

Beauty treatments were given to them

Why was morning time held in such high esteem by the king in the Jews of the province

Because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of the Jews

What did Mordecai do when he learned of Hammons edict against the Jews

He tore his clothes put on sackcloth and ashes and went into the city Wailing loudly and bitterly

What tribe of Israel was Mordecai a member


Who were the two officers of Xerxes who conspired against him

Bigthana and Teresh

When Mordecai asked asked her to go into the presence of the king how long had it been since she had been called to go to the king

30 days

How high did zeresh and Hammond's friend say Hammond should build the gallows

75 feet high

Why did many con say that nasty had done wrong against all the peoples of the provinces

All the women will act like the queen and be disrespectful to their husbands

What was given to a girl when she would go from haram to the Kings Palace

Anything he wanted

What appointed did Esther make when the king gave her Hamans estate

Appointed Mordecai to be over the estate

How is Mordecai introduced in the book of Esther

As a Jew in the citadal of Susa

How does Mordecai instruct the Jews to observe the 14th and 15th days of Adar annually

As days of fasting enjoy in giving presence of food do you want another in gifts to the poor

How did Xerxes react when Bastille refused to come just banquet

Came furious and burned with anger

Where in Susa it was their xerxes located


How were the dispatches of Haman sent to all the kings provinces


What did Mordecai answer back to Ester she explained why she should not approach the King

Do not think that because you are in the Kings house you alone of all the Jews will escape for if you remain silent at this time relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place that you and your father's family will perish and who knows that you have come to Royal position for such a time as this who is speaking and to whom

What was the other name of the hadassah


What was the result of the Kings review of the beautiful girls of the kingdom

Esther what his favor and approval more than any other

How did Mordecai stay aware of how Esther was doing in the Kings palace

Every day he walked back and forth near the courtyard of Hereim to find out how she was and what was happening to her

What man was highly honored by King Xerxes soon after the selection of Esther as queen


When the king asked what honor Mordecai had received for his exposure of the assassination plot what was he told


What did Hamon do when the king instructed him to go and honor Mordecai

Haman himself let Mordecai through the city streets proclaimed me before him this is what is done for the man the king the lights to honor

What did the king say to Esther when she touched his scepter

He asked her what her request was saying that he would give her up to half the kingdom

What did the king ask Haman when Haman and entered the court to speak with him about hanging Mordecai

He asked time Haman what should be done for the man the king delighted to honor

What did the king ask Esther when she told him that her people have been sold for annihilation

He asked who this man was who dared  to do such thing

What did Mordecai do when Esther instructed to gather the Jews as Susa for a three day fast

He carried out all of her instructions

What on or did the king command be paid to Haman

He commanded that all the royal officials at the Kings gate kneel down and pay on honor to Haman.

What did the king command when he heard of the gallows behind Haman house

He commanded that hey man been hanging onto it

What difficulty did the king have during the night after the gallows were built

He could not sleep that night

What did the king do to celebrate his finding of his new queen

He gave a great banquet in honor of Esther for all his Nobles and officials he proclaimed a holiday throughout the provinces he distributed gifts with Royal liberality

What did the king give Mordecai when he gave Esther the estate of hey man

He gave him is signet ring which she reclaimed from Hammond

How did the king react when Esther that Hamon had planned the inhaling the Jews o

He got up in a rage and went out into the palace garden

What have been the relationship of Mordecai and Hadassah and she grew up

He had brought her up as his own daughter because her father and mother had died

How did ham and respond to the suggestion that he build a Gallows

He had the gallows built

What did the king do the night he was unable to sleep

He ordered the books of the Chronicles to be brought in and read to him

What impression did Esther make on hegia

He pleased him in one his favor

What did Vashti do when the attendance delivered the Kings command to her

He refused to come

Why did ham and say that all the things he brags about gave him no satisfaction

He said he would have no satisfaction as long as he saw Mordecai sitting at the Kingsgate

What did Haman promise to do if the king would issue a decree to destroy the Jews

He said he would put 10,000 talents of silver into the royal treasury for the men who would carry out this business

With what fanality did Mimi can say the measures should be taken

He said let it be written in the laws of Persia in media

What was Esther's final statement when she said she would go into the Kings present even if it meant death

If I perish I perish

How did Esther respond on hearing about Mordecai's morning

In great distress she sent clothes for him to put on instead of sackcloth

Why did Xerxes command that Vashti be brought before him

In order to display her beauty to the guest

When the men of Haman cast the pur on what month did it fall

In the 12 month the month of Adar

When was the pur cast in the presence of Haman

In the 12th year of king Xerxes in the first month the month of Nisan

Where were the events concerning the conspiracy against Xerxes recorded

In the book of the annals in the presence of the king

Where did Xerxes host his great banquet

In the enclosed garden of the Kings Palace

Where in Susa where the beautiful girls of the kingdom brought

In the heart of the citadel of Susa

What did the keen say about the Dority that a come pain is signet ring

No document in the Kings name and sealed with his ring could be revoked

How did the Jews of the various provinces respond I'm learning of Mordecai's decree

It was joy and gladness among the Jews everywhere with feasting and celebrating

Which of the seven Nobles a per-share in media spoke up when Xerxes asked what should be done to Bastille


What man refused to pay honor to Haman


Why did Esther not reveal your nationality and family background when she was taken to the palace of Xerxes

Mordecai had forbidden her do so

What disadvantage did the royal officials see in Mordecai

Mordecai had told them he was a Jew

What did Mordecai do after he was honored by haman

Mordecai went back to the gate butHaman rused home with his head covered in grief and told his wife and friends what had happened to him

Whom did Mordecai tell of the plot against Xerxes life

Queen Esther

How long did the great banquet of Xerxes last

Seven days

What message did asked to return to Mordecai when Mordecai asked her to go into the Kings presence to beg for mercy for her people

She said that any man or woman who approached the king in the indoor court without being summoned would be put to death the only exception was for the keen to extend the golden scepter to that person and spare his life

Who did Esther kill the king had planned a annihilatin

She said the anniversary and enemy is this bio Havon

What did Auster a game request of the king after the death of helmet

She suggested that in order to be written or verbal ruling the dispatches that Hamon had written to destroy the Jews in all the kings provinces

How did Esther respond when Mordecai insisted that she approach the key even in danger

She tell me Mordecai to gather the Jews of Susa too fast for her for three days while she and her maids fasted she would then go into the Kings presence even if it meant death

What happened to Esther during the time in beautiful girls are being brought to Susa

She was also taking to the Kings Palace and entrustEd to hegia

What is said of Esther popularity before he went to the king

She won the favor of everyone who I saw her

Where was Mordecai when he learned of a conspiracy against King Xerxes life

Sitting at the Kings gate

What was the nature of the beauty treatments given to the girls and Susa

Six months of treatment with Oil and myrrhof them are six months of treatment with perfumes and cosmetics

What is said concerning plunder and Susa when Jews killed their enemies

The Jews did not lay their hands on the plunder

In the city was the throne of Xerxes


How many sons of payment Jews killed on the day appointed for inhumation


What did Xerxes command

That Bashy be brought before him

What request did Haman make to the king regarding the Jews in the kingdom

That a decree be issued to destroy them

What requested Esther make of the king when he held the scepter out to her

That he and Hannah men came that day to a banquet she had prepared for the king

What was Esther's petition to the king at her second banquet

That he spare her people for they had been sold for destruction and slaughter and annihilation

What did Melancon suggest to be done to vashti

That she never be permitted to enter the Kings presence of the king Xerxes that her Royal position be given to someone else who was better than she

What was the response in the city of Susa I'm learning of Mordecai's degree

The city held a joyous celebration for the Jews it was a time of happiness and joy Gladens and honor

How did the city of Susa react to the edict sent out by Haman

The city was bewildred

Against whom did memucan say that vashti had done wrong

The king all the Nobles in the peoples of all the provinces of king Xerxes

What was done with the Estates hey man after his death

The king gave it to Queen Esther

How did the king answer Haman when Haman advised him to issue a decree to destroy the Jews

The king said keep the money and do with the people as you please

What physical object was given to Esther as a symbol of her position as queen

The king set a Royal crown on her head

What did Xerxes do when he learned of the plot against his life

The report was investigated and found to be true the two officials were put to death

What does the writer say began to be celebrated yearly by Jews on the 14th day of adar

The rule to those living in village and observed the 14th day of the month of a dark day of joy fasting in giving presents to each other

In what languages did the Royal secretaries right out Hamans orders

The script and language of each province and in the language of each people

What did the annual days of celebration of the deliverance of the Jews come to be called

These days were called perm from the ward pur

How where the beautiful girls of the kingdom found

They appointed commissioners in every province that brought the girls to Susa

How did the men Haman select the day and month on which to strike against the Jews

They cast the pur which is Hebrew for lot

For what reasons did Haman tell the king he should not tolerate the Jews in his kingdom

They kept separate to themselves their customs were different from those of all other people they did not obey the Kings laws

What did you do to their enemies on the day appointed for inhumation

They killed and destroyed their enemies

What was unique about the loss of Persia and media

They they can never be replaced

What did the royal officials do when Mordecai continued to refuse to honor Haman

They told Haman about yet to see whether Mordecai's behavior would be tolerated

How were the two officials who plotted against Xerxes life killed

They were hanging on gallow

How do you respond to the suggestion of mimi can

They were pleased with the advice and did so

In what year of his rain did Xerxes give a great banquet

Third year

Who was the father o Haman


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