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How long does it usually take for one to make the transition from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of sleep?

5-7 minutes

Researchers suggest that the heritability rates of schizophrenia are approximately:

70-85 percent.

The average of non-REM sleep per day that newborns spend is:

8 hours.

______________ is used to record the electrical activity of the brain.


Which of the following coping strategies aims to regulate the experience of distress?

Emotion-focused coping

Miguel is having a dinner party, but from the smell coming from his kitchen it is evident he burned whatever he was cooking. What is the order of the processing stages this burnt smell will go through to become a long-term memory for Miguel?

Encoding, consolidation, storage, retrieval

____________ studies allow researchers to assess how genetic differences interact with environment to produce certain behavior in some people but not in others.


__________ requires the ability to think and then to reflect on one's own thinking and to question it.

Metacognitive thinking

Which of the following scenarios best depicts spontaneous recovery?

Months ago, Dora stopped having panic attacks when crossing bridges. However, she had a panic attack today when crossing a large bridge.

Which of the following is true about people who sleepwalk?

People who sleepwalk do not remember having been up.

________ is the act of organizing and interpreting sensory experience.


According to Howard Gardner's theory of intelligence, which of the following refers to naturalistic intelligence?

The ability to recognize and classify the living organisms in one's environment

Which of the following is necessary to practice unconditional positive regard toward an individual who is unsatisfactory?

The ability to separate person from behavior

What happens in the second stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) model to an animal exposed to a stressor?

The animal's body diverts resources from the maintenance of normal body functions to fight the threat.

According to the model of temperament developed by Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess, which of the following statements is true regarding the difficult child?

The difficult child is slow to adapt to new situations.

What does the Hassles and Uplifts Scale measure?

The frequency and intensity of minor irritations and positive events of daily life that may counteract their damaging effects

Which of the following statements is true regarding myelination?

The rate and locations of myelination differs between boys and girls.

According to Ekman's neurocultural theory of emotion, which of the following may be different across cultures?

The regulation of emotions in the presence of others

Which of the following is true of the parental investment theory?

Women are reluctant to engage in casual sex for fear of pregnancy.************

The ______ stage is the phase of Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome in which all of the body's resources respond to a perceived threat.


Classical conditioning occurs when an organism ___________.

associates a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus to which it has an automatic, inborn response

The limited capacity to process information that is under conscious control best defines the term:


The temporal lobes house the _______________.

auditory cortex

Ruth is at a junkyard looking for spare parts for her car. As she wanders through the rows of cars, she happens upon a particular car which has a familiar set of wheels, windshield, doors, hood, and trunk, and she realizes she is looking at her own model of car. This type of visual perception is known as _______.

bottom-up processing ***

A(n) _____________ can be defined as a study design in which a psychologist, often a therapist, observes one person over a long period of time.

case study

Lorenzo, who was busy working in his room, could hear a baby crying nearby but did not bother to go out and check thinking that his neighbors would probably do so. This is an example of ________________.

diffusion of responsibility

In the _______ model of motivation, all organisms are motivated to maintain physiological equilibrium around an optimal set point, the ideal, fixed setting of a particular physiological system.


Charles Darwin asserted that facial expressions evolved

due to their functional role in survival.

According to Baddeley's model of short-term memory, the _______________ is a temporary store for information that will become long-term memories of specific events.

episodic buffer

Roxanne knows she will remember her wedding day forever. First, however, her wedding memories have to process in her working memory and temporarily store in:

episodic buffer.***

Robert asks Thomas if he heard a knock at the door, and Thomas says that he did not. Robert, swearing he heard a knock, goes to the door and opens it, but there is no one there. Signal detection theorists would label Robert's perception that someone knocked at the door as a _______.

false alarm

Abdul looks around in his house for his wallet but cannot find it. He realizes that the last time he saw his wallet was at the grocery store. He looks in the freezer and finds his wallet next to the ice cream he bought at the store. Abdul's forgetfulness most likely occurred because:

his attention was divided.

Information is transmitted between neurons by means of chemicals called ___________.


When someone is determining whether an event is potentially harmful to him or her, he or she is involved in ______.

primary appraisal

The ________ is a thin layer of nerve tissue that lines the back of the eye.


The role of the parasympathetic nervous system is to _____________.

return the body to a less active, restful state

Psychology is most accurately defined as the _____________.

scientific study of thought and behavior

The ability to focus awareness on specific features in the environment while ignoring others is termed as:

selective attention.

Abraham Maslow's concept of ____________ refers to people's inherent drive to realize their full potential.


In the context of word-recall studies, ______ is the deepest level of processing.

semantic processing

A theory is defined as a:

set of related assumptions from which testable predictions can be made.

According to Atkinson, the tendency to achieve includes all the following EXCEPT:

the need for affiliation. *

In terms of the genetics of bipolar disorder, if one identical twin develops bipolar disorder, then:

there is a 40%-70% chance that the other twin will also develop the disorder.

In babies, the babbling stage usually ends at around:

12 months.

The ideal body mass index (BMI) is ____________.


A child can form adultlike sentences at around:

3 years of age.

A child enters the sentence phase at around:

30 months.

_____________ are the cells that process and transmit information throughout the nervous system.


For which state of long-term memory formation is sleep vital?


In which stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development does abstract and scientific reasoning develop?

Formal operational

Matthew sees a nail sticking out from a board which he wishes to push inside. Though there is a brick lying nearby, it does not occur to him that it can serve well to fix the nail. Consequently, he wastes time searching for a hammer. Which of the following does Matthew exhibit?

Functional fixedness

Which of the following is an example of negative punishment?

Giving a child a "time-out" from a play session for throwing tantrums ***

______ is related to resilience, but is not identical with it.


According to the cardiovascular (CVR) model, which of the following is true of Type A personalities who display hostile tendencies?

Hostility increases the likelihood of heart disease through at least two causal routes.

______________ psychology promotes personal growth and meaning as a way of reaching one's highest potential.


__________ is to nondeclarative memory as ___________ is to declarative memory.

Implicit; explicit

Which of the following is true of glucose?

It is a simple sugar that provides energy for cells throughout the body.

Which of the following is a marker of Stage 2 sleep?


What effect does modeling and reward have on learned aggressive behavior?

Kids are more likely to copy behavior that they see others being rewarded for.

Which of the following is true of Piaget's preoperational stage of cognitive development?

Lack of conservation is one of the features of this stage.

Which of the following is associated with the Wernicke's area?

Language comprehension

Given that Lucia has autism spectrum disorder, which of the following is true of her mirror neurons?

Lucia's mirror neurons are malfunctioning.

In the context of love, what is characterized by a lot of passion but no intimacy or commitment?


Which of the following instances is an example of discrimination?

Melvin does not hire women as he feels their place is in the kitchen.

Charles Spearman's theory of human intelligence viewed intelligence as __________.

a single general factor made up of specific components

The two types of conditioning are ___________.

classical and operant

According to Bruce Headey, once a country's GNP crosses $12,000 per person per year, it is _____________ that matter the most for overall happiness in people.

close relationships

In the context of verbal representation of one's thoughts and perceptions, ______ lets us know that certain concepts are related in a particular way, with some being general and other specific.

concept hierarchy***

Secondary reinforcers are also called ____________ reinforcers.


In Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment, he presented the sound of a bell along with meat powder to his dogs. After several trials, the dogs learned to salivate to the sound of the bell in the absence of the meat powder. In this study, the sound of the bell acted as a(n) _____.

conditioned stimulus (CS)

The tendency to selectively attend to information that supports one's general beliefs while ignoring information or evidence that contradicts one's beliefs is known as ______.

confirmation bias

Robert asks Thomas if he heard a knock at the door, and Thomas says that he did not. Robert, swearing he heard a knock, goes to the door and opens it, but there is no one there. Signal detection researchers would label Thomas's report of no knock as a _______.

correct rejection***

According to Hans Eysenck's biological theory of personality, introverted people have a higher level of ____________ than do extraverted people.

cortical arousal

According to Hans Eysenck, ____________ refers to how active the brain is at a resting state as well as how sensitive it is to stimulation.

cortical arousal

In the process of ___________, enzymes specific to that neurotransmitter bind with the neurotransmitter and destroy it.

enzymatic degradation

What did B. F. Skinner conclude about the effectiveness of reinforcements and punishments?

Reinforcements are more effective than punishments for modifying behavior.

__________ is a strategy used to estimate the probability of one event based on how typical it is of another event.

Representativeness heuristic

Which of the following is a form of odd-eccentric personality disorder?

Schizoid personality disorder

______________ memory is our memory for facts and knowledge.


In which stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development does object permanence develop?


Which of the following psychologists founded the movement known as psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

The ______ is an instrument to quantify stress in terms of major life changes.

Social Readjustment Rating Scale

In which stage of sleep do short periods of extremely fast and somewhat higher energy sleep spindles occur in which stage of sleep?

Stage 2

Which of the following describes Weber's law?

The size of a just noticeable difference in stimuli perception is a constant fraction of the intensity of the stimulus.

What happens as a correlation approaches +1.00 or -1.00?

The strength of the relationship increases.

______ consists of visual representations created by the brain after the original stimulus is no longer present.

Visual imagery

The area of the left temporal lobe, called ____________, is responsible for speech comprehension.

Wernicke's area ***

When does conformity occur?

When people go along with the behavior of others

When can scientists help ensure accurate and honest presentation of results?

When they allow their work to be evaluated by other scientists

Children and teenagers act more impulsively than adults partially because their ______ are not fully developed.

frontal lobes

For children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder, the:

frontal lobes are less well connected than in normal children.

Erik Erikson defined _______________ as the creation of new ideas, products, or people.


An advantage of naturalistic observation is that it:

gives researchers a look at real behavior in the real world.

Having close, intimate friends during adolescence is more likely to be associated with _____________.

feelings of self-worth in adulthood

Aaliyah remembers how to drive a car with a manual transmission, but when asked how she does it, she just says, "I don't know—it's automatic." This is an example of her:

implicit memory.

The greatest amount of REM sleep over the life span occurs:

in the first months of life.

Evolutionary pressures to preserve group membership favor ________________.

in-group bias

According to the nature-only view, who we are comes from:

inborn tendencies and genetically based traits.

According to the research that studied people new to meditation, compared to a control group, novices who underwent an 8-week meditation training program showed a(n):

increase in growth of brain tissues associated with emotional processing. ***

Both ____________ and ____________ involve specific questions, usually asked in precisely the same way to each respondent.

interviews; surveys

The importance of fat in the diets of our ancestors was mainly a result of ____________.

its scarcity in the natural world******

The ____________ is made up of the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the cingulate gyrus.

limbic system

Drake teaches his three-year-old daughter, Sarah, how to sharpen a pencil. The next day, Sarah successfully sharpens her pencils. This scenario is an example of ______.


Research reveals that individuals exposed to high levels of testosterone in the womb are likely to be:

more attracted to women.

The axons of some neurons are wrapped in a fatty ____________.

myelin sheath

The process of developing new neurons is termed as ___________.


Brenda recently joined a new company. She watches how her colleagues dress and act so that she can fit in better. This type of learning is referred to as ___________.

observational learning

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by:

out-of-control emotions and fear of being abandoned by others.

The speech of a person with schizophrenia described with the term "word salad" means that the:

person's speech follows grammatical rules while the content makes little sense.

The Gestalt law of ________ says that we tend to group together objects that are near one another.


Hilda, a 6-month-old infant, has stopped using sounds that are not used in her native language. She loses the ability to perceive nonnative sounds as she grows up. This is known as:


Arthur Jensen proposed that there are limits to increases in the improvement of IQ scores for people of different __________.

racial groups

Keith first studied for his sociology exam and then for his psychology exam in the same evening. When it was time for him to take his sociology exam, all he could remember was psychology material. Keith's forgetting is an example of:

retroactive interference.

According to Piaget, mastering object permanence is the hallmark of the ___________ stage of cognitive development.


Carlos experiences red when he hears a particular tone. He is most likely experiencing a condition known as _______.


In operant conditioning, the word "positive" (preceding the term "reinforcement" or "punishment") indicates:

the addition of a stimulus.

In the famous case of murder victim Kitty Genovese, none of the witnesses to her stabbing came to her aid. Psychologists later called this phenomenon ________________.

the bystander effect

The experience of the flavor of food results from _______.

the combination of taste and smell

In the late 19th century, Mary Whiton Calkins observed an interesting phenomenon if short-term memory called:

the serial position effect.

After the removal of his hippocampus, Henry Molaison was ______.

unable to form new memories

When do babies express one-word utterances?

At the end of the babbling stage

What does mindfulness meditation encourage?

Attention to the details of momentary experience

Which of the following conditions was previously known as "manic depression"?

Bipolar disorder

Which of the following is true about the effect of Botox on emotions?

Botox can affect one's ability to read emotions in others.

________________ are fingerlike projections from a neuron's soma that receive incoming messages from other neurons.


What were the findings of the study of the effects of sleep deprivation on performance?

Participants who had normal amounts of REM sleep performed better.

According to psychologists, which of the following is most likely true of Marta, who is fluent in Spanish and English?

She is most likely to be capable of more efficient cognitive processing than those who speak only one language.

According to Hans Selye, what happens when an animal is alarmed?

The body's resources are mobilized by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system.

From the following, identify an accurate statement about case studies.

They are based on one-on-one relationships.

With each progressive cycle, the REM periods

are longer.

The independent variable is the __________, and the dependent variable is the _________.

cause; effect

Scores from the WAIS can be successfully used to estimate both one's academic class rank in high school and one's college grade point average. This indicates that the test has __________.

construct validity

Psychologist Stanley Milgram's experiments show that:

reasonable people may do things that seem cruel and unusual in the presence of powerful social influence.

The "goodness" or "badness" of stress depends on:

the perception of stress

What is the optimal learning time for language acquisitions?

0-12 years

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, genetically, if a first-degree relative has schizophrenia, the odds of a person having the disorder rise to:

10 percent.

Mrs. Ross, a teacher, wanted to measure the IQ of the newly admitted students in her class. While using William Stern's method for calculating intelligence, she found out that Sarah, a ten-year-old girl, had the mental age of a 14 year old. What is Sarah's intelligence score?


Adults move through about ________ different cycles of non-REM and REM sleep every night, with each cycle lasting roughly ________ minutes.

4-6; 90

According to Ekman's description, which of the following best describes an emotion family?

A broad category, such as fear, consists of specific emotions like anxiety and nervousness.

Which of the following is an example of animistic thinking?

A child believes that a tree is smiling and waving its limbs.

Lawrence is part of his school's soccer team. According to the theories of Yerkes and Dodson, in which of the following games is Lawrence likely to perform his best?

A midseason game against an equally skilled team, with several fans present

When Samantha meets Brenda, who has a laidback attitude and long hair, she promptly concludes that Brenda is Californian even before interacting with her. However, there are many English women who have a laidback attitude and long hair. On what is Samantha's initial judgment based?

A representativeness heuristic

What do alpha brain waves indicate?

A state of drowsiness and relaxation

Which of the following describes the availability heuristic?

A strategy used when one makes decisions based on the ease with which estimates come to mind or how available they are to one's awareness

How did Alfred Adler counter argue Sigmund Freud's concept of psychological defense mechanisms?

Adler assumed that humans naturally work toward overcoming their inherent inferiorities or deficiencies, both physical and psychological.

Which of the following examples mirrors the concept of in-group/out-group bias?

Aileen likes the company of her football team and dislikes members of the opposing football team.

During which stage of Hans Seyle's general adaptation syndrome is the sympathetic nervous system activated?


What are the three stages of Hans Seyle's general adaptation syndrome (GAS)?

Alarm, resistance, and exhaustion

Who is credited with developing the first test of intelligence?

Alfred Binet

Which of the following is most often used to treat narcolepsy?


Which of the following holds true of an individual during the different stages of sleep?

An individual in Stage 3 sleep experiences fewer sleep spindles than Stage 2.

Which of the following characteristics best explains schizotypal personality disorder?

An individual's desire to live an isolated and asocial life along with odd thoughts and perceptual distortions

Which of the following is a function of cortisol?

Breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones to release energy

___________ is responsible for the ability to produce speech.

Broca's area

Which of the following is an example of normative social influence?

Bryan uses foul language like most of his friends just so he is accepted and liked by them.

Of the following personality questionnaires, the ____________ is a measure of nonpathological or normal personality traits such as sociability, responsibility, dominance, or self-control.

California personality inventory.

Which of the following individuals is demonstrating obedience?

Carlos, who washes the dishes and takes out the trash because his mother tells him to

Which of the following is true in the context of learning a non-native language?

Children under six who learn to speak a second language will learn more quickly than adolescents.

What is the distinction between classical conditioning and operant conditioning?

Classical conditioning involves learning based on associations between stimuli whereas operant conditioning involves learning based on behavioral consequences.***

______________ psychology is the single largest subdiscipline in psychology.


________ are photoreceptors that are responsible for color vision and are most functional in conditions of bright light.


______ indicate whether two variables relate to each other and the direction of the relationship.

Correlation coefficients

Which of the following is commonly known as the stress hormone?


Megan is insecure that she might lose her only friend, Oscar, to the new girl in the class. Consequently, she develops a fear of rejection and becomes clingy and possessive about her friend, who finds Megan's behavior repulsive. Which of the following best explains Megan's condition?

Dependent personality disorder

According to psychologists, which of the following is one of the "4 Ds" of determining whether something is a mental disorder?


What did Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray conclude in their book 'The Bell Curve'?

Differences in IQ contribute to a large extent to differences in education and income.

Rebecca was extremely jealous of her brother earning a full college scholarship, yet she knew she had to act happy for him. Her behavior is an example of ____________.

Display rules

When does sleepwalking usually occur?

During non-REM sleep

According to the "4 Ds" of determining whether something is a mental disorder, which of the following behaviors interferes with everyday functioning, such as participating in social relationships?

Dysfunctional behavior

______________ memory is short-term retention of sounds.


____________ processing occurs when one carefully attends and puts conscious effort into remembering information.


Which of the following is NOT a dimension of the Big Five model of personality traits?


Which of the following factors was taken into account in the development of the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)?

Events that might be considered life changing

______________ psychology is the branch of psychology that aims to uncover the adaptive problems the human mind may have solved in the distant past and the effect of evolution on behavior today.


Which of the following is true about explicit memory?

Explicit memory is the conscious recall of facts and events.

Which of the following is NOT one of G. Stanley Hall's achievements?

He coined the term psychophysics.

Which of the following refers to the shortcuts people take to make complex and uncertain decisions and judgments?


According to the optimal arousal model of motivation, which of the following is true?

High arousal leads to poor performance.

Identify the four types of dramatic-emotional personality disorders.

Histrionic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder

Daniela suffers from schizophrenia. Given this information, which of the following is a symptom she is NOT likely to exhibit?


Which of the following best mirrors the concept of informational social influence?

Incoming freshmen look to other students for details about where to hang out.

In the context of verbal representation of one's thoughts and perceptions, which of the following refers to the two types of categories?

Inductive and deductive**********

____________ are the most common kind of neuron in the brain.


_____________ are a widely-used technique for gaining information about peoples' thoughts and behaviors.


In correlational designs, the basic question is:

Is X related to Y?

Which of the following is true of the functions of sleep?

It consolidates memory.

Identify a major limitation of measuring stress using the Hassles and Uplists Scale.

It does not consider the differences in people's emotional responses to stressors.

Identify a characteristic of creative intelligence.

It includes the ability to come up with fresh and useful ideas for solving problems.

Which of the following is true of primary appraisal?

It involves a quick assessment of the meaning of a given environmental event for an indivual.

Which of the following best describes persistent depressive disorder?

It is a form of depression that is mild in intensity but longer in duration.

Which of the following best explains the bystander effect?

It is a phenomenon in which the more people who witness an emergency, the less likely any one of them will help.

Which of the following is true of homeostasis?

It pertains to the idea of maintaining physiological balance.

How does cognitive fixation affect individuals solving problems?

It prevents many people from seeing possible solutions to a problem.

How did the K-ABC differ from the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler tests?

It was designed to measure several distinct aspects of intelligence.

Which of the following statements reflects Skinner's belief on language?

Language is something that exists because it is reinforced and shaped.

The Binet test was adapted for American students by __________.

Lewis Terman

Which of the following terms refers to the fatty insulation that makes nerve impulses travel faster?

Myelin sheath

Which of the following personality questionnaires uses the face valid method frequently?


Which of the following is an example of social facilitation?

Natalia works better at meeting deadlines when she is not the only one working on a project.

The interest of social psychologist Stanley Milgram in studying obedience emerged in response to:

Nazi officers following orders during World War II.

Olivia is a schizophrenic who maintains an impassive face most of the time, does not respond to anyone, and strikes strange poses. She finds it difficult to finish any of the tasks assigned to her. Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia does Olivia display?

Negative symptoms

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, arrange the correct sequence of needs in ascending order.

Physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization ***************

Jack is a psychologist. Rather than just describing what the mind does, he is more interested in the functions of the human mind. Jack is most likely a practitioner of ______________ psychology.

Positive Psychology ***

Spanking a child for repeatedly breaking glass showpieces is a form of ___________.

Positive Punishment ***

_____ interference occurs when previously learned information interferes with the learning of new information.


___________ coping strategies aim to change a situation that is creating stress.


In the context of Freud's psychological defense mechanisms, which of the following is true about projection?

Projection involves denying and repressing one's own particular ideas, feelings, or impulses and transferring them onto others.

In addition to assessing fluid and crystallized intelligence, what does the newest version of the Stanford-Binet test assess?

Quantitative reasoning

Newborns of many species, especially humans, spend more time in ________ sleep.


Which of the following best describes Arthur Jensen's conclusions regarding IQ?

Racial-ethnic differences in IQ must be at least partly genetic in origin.

In which of the following does each participant have an equal chance of being placed in each group?

Random assignments

Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?

Ravi is given a candy by his mother for cleaning his shoes.

___________, as a defense mechanism, is the unconscious act of keeping threatening or disturbing thoughts, feelings, or impulses out of consciousness.


_____ interference occurs when new experiences or information causes people to forget previously learned experiences or information.


________ are photoreceptors in the retina that play a key role in night vision, as they are most responsive to dark and light contrast.


Which of the following is the correct order of the stages of Piaget's principles of cognitive development, from earliest to latest?

Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

In which of the following approaches to psychology was introspection the primary research method used to understand thoughts and behavior?


Dr. Ahmed calculated a +0.87 correlation coefficient between the number of days students attended their classes for the semester and their final exam scores. What can he interpret from this finding?

Students who attended classes regularly performed well in exams. ***

Following the birth of his baby brother, five-year-old Ermen feels that he is no longer the center of his parents' attention. He resents this fact, but he is unable to express his dislike for his sibling for fear of being reprimanded. When Ermen is left to take care of his baby brother, he often resorts to hurting him but shows intense affection toward the baby in the presence of his family. According to Freudian psychoanalytic theory, this is an example of ___________.


Which of the following is an attentional process that helps determine the contents of consciousness at any given moment in time?

Sustained attention

Sarah wants to conduct a study about differences in the levels of emotion of jealousy between men and women. She asks 400 male and female college graduates in the United States a series of questions about hypothetical scenarios of partner infidelity.

The chosen male and female college graduates

Which of the following parts of the human ear is a bony tube, curled like a snail's shell, and filled with fluid?

The cochlea

To which model of motivation would the theory of survival of the fittest most likely belong?

The evolutionary model

According to the studies in mice, what effect did sleep deprivation have on them?

The growth of new neurons was inhibited.

Which of the following best describes cognitive fixation?

The inability to break out of a particular mind-set in order to think about a problem from a fresh perspective

Which of the following is true in the context of Chomsky's views on language development?

The language acquisition device must have principles of universal grammar.

Dr. Adriana conducts a study to determine if players who wear a new type of soccer uniform made from a specially designed fabric will perform better in soccer matches. She recruits a professional soccer team to participate in her study. She randomly assigns half of the men to wear the new-material uniforms made in the color blue and the other half to wear old-material uniforms made in the color red. Although the men know about the test, they are not told which of the two uniforms is made from the new material. They are asked to wear their assigned uniforms and score as many goals as possible in a game against one another. Dr. Adriana notes the number of goals scored. Ultimately, the players who are wearing the old uniforms score more goal, and therefore, win the game. Dr. Adriana speculates that the new uniforms are not more beneficial to performance than the old uniforms, but she decides to rerun the test a few more times. What is the dependent variable in Dr. Adriana's study?

The number of goals scored **

Dr. Adriana conducts a study to determine if players who wear a new type of soccer uniform made from a specially designed fabric will perform better in soccer matches. She recruits a professional soccer team to participate in her study. She randomly assigns half of the men to wear the new-material uniforms made in the color blue and the other half to wear old-material uniforms made in the color red. Although the men know about the test, they are not told which of the two uniforms is made from the new material. They are asked to wear their assigned uniforms and score as many goals as possible in a game against one another. Dr. Adriana notes the number of goals scored. Ultimately, the players who are wearing the old uniforms score more goal, and therefore, win the game. Dr. Adriana speculates that the new uniforms are not more beneficial to performance than the old uniforms, but she decides to rerun the test a few more times. What was the control group in Dr. Adriana's study?

The players who wore red uniforms made from the old material

According to Sigmund and Anna Freud, which of the following is true about psychological defense mechanisms?

They deny and distort reality in some way. ******

Which of the following is true of display rules?

They discard the universalitiy of facial expressions by bringing about the cultural differences in emotions. ***************

Identify the correct statement about psychological defense mechanisms, which are a major contribution by Sigmund Freud to psychology?

They operate unconsciously.

How did Matthews and her colleagues conduct research from Friedman and Rosenman's original sample on stress and heart disease?

They studied how each component of the Type A pattern related to coronary outcomes.

What happens when people develop mental sets?

They tend to continue to use problem-solving strategies that have worked in the past.

Why did Paul Ekman choose to conduct his research on members of the Fore tribe from Papua New Guinea?

They were an isolated, preliterate group.

In the late 1960s, ___________ developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to quantify stress.

Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe

In a study by researchers, what did MRI scans of meditators and non-meditators reveal?

Those who had meditated the longest showed the greatest cortical thickness in certain areas.

Based on his parents' IQs, Timmy's reaction range for IQ should be from 115 to 140. When he took an IQ test, his score indicated an IQ of 138. What does this most indicate?

Timmy is likely to have been raised in an enriched environment.

Which of the following best describes the circadian rhythm?

Variations in physiological processes that cycle within approximately a 24-hour period

Which of the following can be described as a serial position effect?

When learning a list of items, people are better able to recall items at the beginning and end of the list; they tend to forget the items in the middle.

A variable can be defined as:

a specific, informed, and testable prediction of an outcome.

The lowest intensity levels of a stimuli a person can detect half of the time is known as _______.

absolute threshold

An EEG test taken during Stage 1 of sleep that one enters after feeling relaxed will reveal the brain waves change from ________ to ________ waves.

alpha; theta

The ____________ is a small, almond-shaped structure located directly in front of the hippocampus.


According to Sternberg's theory, the elements of successful intelligence are __________.

analytic intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence

According to Carl Jung, the ____________ is the female part of the male personality.


According to Carl Jung, the collective unconscious of the human mind is made up of ___________, which are ancient or archaic images that result from common ancestral experiences.


Annie has learnt to use certain words such as "jam," "apple," "book," and "hand." It suggests that these words are mostly used:

at the end of a sentence.

In human development, ______________ refers to the strong emotional connection that develops early in life to keep infants close to their caregivers.


A savant is most likely to suffer from __________.


Robert McCrae and Paul Costa proposed that the Big Five personality dimensions along with talents, aptitudes, and cognitive abilities, which have their origin in biological forces are referred to as ______.

basic tendencies

The ________ runs through the cochlea.

basilar membrane

People tend to use emotion-focused rather than problem-focused coping strategies when they:

believe that a situation is beyond their control.

According to Binet's mental-age scale, a mentally challenged girl's mental age would be __________.

below her chronological age

The cerebellum is responsible for:

body movement, balance, coordination, and fine motor skills.

Post-traumatic stress symptoms can be experienced:

by people of all ages.

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder have thoughts that they:

cannot dismiss, especially negative thoughts that most people can disregard.

Lillian sees a store sign that says CL_ ED. Due to the Gestalt law of _______, Lillian knows the store is closed even though the sign is missing a letter.


The Gestalt law of ________ occurs when we perceive a whole object in the absence of complete information.


Carl Jung proposed that the ____________ consisted of the shared experiences of our ancestors—God, mother, life, death, water, earth, aggression, survival—that have been transmitted from generation to generation.

collective unconscious

A(n) _____ is a repetitive behavior performed in response to uncontrollable urges or according to a ritualistic set of rules.


Josephine is in the garden picking out flowers of different hues to decorate her living room. She can distinguish between colors primarily due to the functioning of her eyes' _______.


Replication of a study is important to:

confirm the results of the study.

Punishment involves:

decreasing the frequency of a behavior by adding or removing a stimulus.

A(n) ____________ variable is the outcome, or response to an experimental manipulation.


Gibson and Walk's classic visual cliff experiment on infants was designed to assess infants' ____________.

depth perception

The ability to see things in three dimensions and to discriminate what is near from what is far is termed as _______.

depth perception

During Piaget's third stage of cognitive development, called the concrete operational stage (ages 6-11), children ____________.

develop the ability to perform mental operations on real, or concrete, objects and events

The main idea behind Hans Eysenck's model of personality is that:

differences in individuals' genome create a different level of arousal and sensitivity to stimulation.

The ___________ states that social support is beneficial to mental and physical health whether or not a person is under stress.

direct effects hypothesis

Professor Wagner told her psychology class that they must have performed poorly on their midterm exam because they were lazy and did not study. Professor Wagner's belief is an example of a(n) ________________.

dispositional attribution

The ability to generate original ideas or develop a novel solution to problems is known as __________.

divergent thinking

The major limitation of the correlational approach is that it:

does not establish whether one variable actually causes the other or vice versa. ***

According to the model of temperament developed by Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess, the ________________ child is predictable in daily functions, is happy most of the time, and is adaptable.


Demir is paying careful attention to his class notes and textbook, trying to master the material for an upcoming exam. Demir is engaging in:

effortful processing.

Piaget and Inhelder (1967) designed the 'three mountains task' to measure young children's ______________.


Entrance into Piaget's preoperational stage of development is marked by ____________.

emergence of symbolic thought

If agreeing or disagreeing with the statement "I become violent when I am angry" distinguishes a hostile person from a nonhostile person, this statement would be used in the ____________ method of personality assessment.


For over a month, Timothy studies day and night in order to perform well in his final exams, which are fast approaching. Though he does quite well in his exams, Timothy takes ill shortly after his exams are over. According to Selye's general adaptation syndrome (GAS) model, Timothy shows signs of __________.


According to John Atkinson, the _____________ refers to an individual's evaluation of the likelihood of succeeding at a task.

expectation of success

According to the nurture-only view, we are all essentially the same at birth and we are the product of our:


A Duchenne smile is one that ____________.

expresses true joy

In operant conditioning, ____________ occurs when a behavior stops being reinforced.


The ____________ method of personality questionnaires involves using reason or theory to come up with a question.

face valid

Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder:

find the initial onset of the manic phase pleasant.

In 1946, Austrian physiologist Hans Selye coined the term ___________ to describe the common pattern of responses to prolonged exposure to stress.

general adaptation syndrome

Which of the following does NOT follow the all-or-none principle?

graded potential***

__________ comprises the set of rules for combining symbols and sounds to speak and write a particular language.


Sometimes people go to great lengths to do what the group is doing, when it does not make sense, especially in groups engaged in decision-making. This phenomenon is called ________________.


Carl Rogers described a person as psychologically well adjusted if he or she ___________.

had congruence between the ideal and real selves

The main function of the temporal lobes is ___________.


Caroline is emotional but self-centered. She desires to be the center of attention everywhere as evidenced by her theatrical, loud, and larger-than-life behavior. Based on the description of Caroline, it can be inferred that she has ______ personality disorder.


If we get too hot, we sweat to cool off. If we get too cold, we shiver to warm up. This is part of the human body's mechanism to maintain ____________.


The ___________ regulates almost all of our major drives and motives, including hunger, thirst, temperature, and sexual behavior.


A ____________ is a specific, informed, and testable prediction of what kind of outcome should occur under a particular condition.


The ___________ variable in an experiment is an attribute that is manipulated by an experimenter under controlled conditions.


According to Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love, _________________ refers to close, connected, and bonded feelings in loving relationships.


Erik Erikson defined ______________ as the ability to fuse one's identity with another's without the fear of losing it.


According to Erik Erikson, during one's 20s, the primary conflict is between ___________.

intimacy and isolation

According to Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love, in passionate love:

intimacy and passion are high and commitment is low.

An argument can be made that habituation is not a form of learning, because ___________.

it can disappear immediately with slight changes in the stimulus

Skinner's explanation of language could not fully explain how humans learn languages because:

it did not explain how new words were uttered without imitation and reinforcement. ***

Association, which is a form of learning, can be defined as the ______.

link between two events in the environment

The cerebrum is composed of four large areas called ___________.


A(n) _____ is one mood cycle in bipolar disorder, typically involving increased energy, sleeplessness, euphoria, irritability, delusions of grandeur, increased sex drive, and "racing" thoughts that last at least 1 week.

manic episode

Explicit memory refers to:

memories that can be deliberately accessed or declared.

Forward conditioning occurs when the ___________.

neutral stimulus is presented just before the unconditioned stimulus

Even though Sophia doesn't really want to go to a wild fraternity party, she does because she wants the other college students to think highly of her. Sophie's behavior most reflects ________________.

normative social influence

Society imposes rules about acceptable behavior that are known as social ________________.


In Baddeley's model of short-term memory, the _______________ assists the central executive by providing extra storage for a limited number of digits or words for up to 30 seconds at a time.

phonological loop

The cells in the retina (called rods and cones) that convert light energy into nerve energy are called _______.


Few of the patients undergoing treatment for phobic disorder agree to participate in a clinical trial of a new antidepressant medication. The patients are randomly divided into two groups. Both groups receive pills to be taken on a daily basis, but only one of the groups receives pills with the newly produced active ingredients. The other group's pills contain no active ingredients. In this study, the pills that do not contain any active ingredients are said to be __________.


Among the three provinces of the human mind as derived by Freud, the id is founded on the ____________ principle.

pleasure principle

Giving extra credit points for turning in homework on time increases the likelihood that students will submit their assignments on time. This is an example of ___________.

positive reinforcement

In the diathesis-stress model, the term "diathesis" refers to _____.


According to Piaget, animistic thinking is a characteristic of the ___________ stage of cognitive development.


According to Piaget, children move into the ____________ stage of cognitive development at around age 2 and this period lasts until about age 5 or 6.


Edward Tolman's work on latent learning shows that:

prior experience—whether reinforced or not—aids future learning.

Todd, who has Broca's aphasia, experiences deficits in his ability to _____________.

produce speech

Jayne has been tested to have an IQ of 18. This suggests that she has a ______ level of intellectual disability.


In the context of verbal representations of one's thoughts and perceptions, the best-fitting example of a category is known as a(n) ______.


Recall for items at the end of a list is known as the:

recency effect.

The inability to remember the name of a person only minutes after meeting her, even if he repeats her name immediately after hearing it, is a common __________ problem.


A subset of a population is called a ___________.


A false alarm is:

saying that a stimulus is present when it is not.

Ashley's mother is concerned as Ashley has become increasingly reclusive and prefers not to interact with anyone. She rarely shows any expression or emotion and remains cheerless all the time. Her mother is alarmed when she expresses a desire to live alone for the rest of her life. Ashley is most likely to be diagnosed with _____ personality disorder.


If a mother contracts an infection, such as flu, at four to six months of pregnancy, this can increase the chance that the child will develop _____________ later in life.


Gita is spiritual, is in touch with her emotions, and is kind to others. According to Maslow's theory, Gita has most likely reached the level of ____________.


Emotions that require considering oneself in relation to the expectations of others are called _____ emotions.


Making situational attributions for our failures but dispositional attributions for our successes is known as a(n) ________________.

self-serving bias

Eniko is currently 8 months old. According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, she is in the ______ stage of cognitive development.


Our sensitivity diminishes when an object constantly stimulates our senses. This process is known as _______.

sensory adaptation

In-group/out-group bias is the tendency to:

show negative feelings toward members in other groups.

The Gestalt tendency to group like objects together is known as _______.


People make _________________ attributions when they think that something outside the person, such as the environment or circumstances, is the cause of his or her behavior.


Raj and a few of his cousins were asked to help their uncle move to a new house. However, Raj ate most of the snacks, drank all the soda, and did not move nearly as many boxes as everyone else did. In this scenario, Raj's behavior is an example of ________________.

social loafing

___________ combines problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies.

social support

The cell body of a neuron is called a(n) ________.


The biological constraint model of learning suggests that ___________.

some behaviors are inherently more likely to be learned than others***

A representative sample is a:

subset of a population that truly reflects the characteristics of that population.

According to Freud, the last part of the human mind that develops around age 2 or 3 is the ___________.


The two main branches of the autonomic nervous system are the _____________ and the ___________.

sympathetic nervous system; parasympathetic nervous system

The junction between the axon and the adjacent neuron is known as the __________.


Transduction can be defined as:

the conversion of physical into neural information.

Social loafing occurs most likely as a result of ________________.

the diffusion of responsibility

The fact that newborns and infants spend so much more time in REM sleep than adults has led some researchers to hypothesize that:

the main function of REM sleep is to assist with brain growth and development.

Dan, a German, is preparing to take a standardized test in a non-native language. Psychologists would argue that the test he would be taking will not be valid because:

the scores would not accurately portray the aptitude of the test taker.

Local phone numbers in the United States are seven digits long because:

the short-term memory capacity of most people is between five and nine units of digits.

An IQ test predicts academic achievement better for a particular ethnic group compared to another. What does this suggest about the test?

the test is biased

Gardner and Sternberg did not consider the Wechsler and Stanford-Binet tests to be valid measures of intelligence because __________.

the tests measured only verbal, spatial, and mathematical forms of intelligence

Diah says, "I know his name! He's married to that famous actress, and he was in all those action movies! His name begins with an A!...I just cannot remember it!" Diah is experiencing:

the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.

Sternberg's theory is also known as __________.

the triarchic theory of intelligence

A simple association forms between two events when ___________.

the two events occur together

The term ______________ refers to our knowledge and ideas of how other people's minds work.

theory of mind

Cognitive science focuses on the scientific study of _____________.


Processing in which perception of the whole guides perception of smaller elemental features is called _______.

top-down processing

Lincoln is pretty sure he sees his niece far off in a crowd. When he gets closer, he sees her familiar hair style and unmistakable nose, and knows it is her. This type of visual perception is called _______.

top-down processing**

According to the concept of personality, the ____________ of a person is the disposition to behave consistently in a particular way.


In Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment, he presented the sound of a bell along with meat powder to his dogs. After several trials, the dogs learned to salivate to the sound of the bell in the absence of the meat powder. In this study, meat powder acted as a(n) ___________.

unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

During the classic study of the power of conditioning techniques, John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner conditioned Little Albert to develop a fear of ___________.

white fluffy objects

According to Erik Erikson's theory of personality development, the core strength of old age is ________________.


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