Psychology Midterm pt. 1

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A(n)__________is a stimulus or group of stimuli that are perceived as a discrete piece of information. a. chunk b. schema c. code d. echo

Wernicke's aphasia

John recently suffered a blow to his head. Since then, he finds it difficult to comprehend what others say to him. He also finds it difficult to express his thoughts and cannot seem to find the right words to say while speaking. However, he can speak freely with proper syntax. In this scenario, John is most likely suffering from _____. a. Broca's aphasia b. epilepsy c. retrograde amnesia d. Wernicke's aphasia


The _____ is an assumed electrical circuit that corresponds to a memory trace. a. hippocampus b. engram c. cerebellum d. thalamus


____ refers to a sleep attack in which a person falls asleep suddenly and irresistibly. a. Sleep terror b. Insomnia c. Sleep apnea d. Narcolepsy


Ryan is telling his grandchildren stories about growing up in another country. He describes his school and memories about his childhood friends. In this scenario, Ryan's ability to communicate his experiences about different times and places illustrates the quality of language known as _____. a. centration b. displacement c. overextension d. overregularization

procedural memories

Implicit memories involve methods and skills, cognitive and physical, and are also referred to as _____. a. semantic memories b. procedural memories c. episodic memories d. declarative memories


Asha has a fear of darkness. To extinguish this fear, she is placed in a dark room ensuring that she suffers no harm in the process. In this scenario, which of the following techniques is being used to reduce Asha's fear of the dark? a. Generalization b. Flooding c. Sensitizing d. Discrimination

health psychologist

Caroline is a psychologist who studies how stress induces ailments such as heart problems and headaches. Some of her clients are smokers, and she is helping them quit smoking. She also suggests lifestyle changes to her clients to help them reduce and cope with stress. Caroline can best be described as a(n) _____. a. forensic psychologist b. educational psychologist c. industrial psychologist d. health psychologist

retrieval of information requires knowledge of the proper cues

Which of the following statements is true of the third memory process—retrieval? a. Retrieval of information is a physical process. b. External stimuli are necessary to elicit retrieval of information. c. Retrieval of information requires knowledge of the proper cues. d. Mental repetition of information inhibits the retrieval process.

the corpus callosum

A number of people with severe cases of epilepsy have split-brain operations in which much of__________is severed. a. the corpus callosum b. the reticular formation c. the somatosensory cortex d. Wernicke's area

random amount of time has passed

In a variable-interval schedule, reinforcement is provided after a _____. a. fixed number of correct responses are made b. random number of correct responses are made c. random amount of time has passed d. fixed amount of time has passed

infants do not make reliable use of language to symbolize or classify events

In the context of memory and forgetting, one of the cognitive explanations for infantile amnesia states that: a. infants are likely to fantasize and add false details when remembering the past. b. infants tend to weave episodes together into meaningful stories of their own lives. c. infants do not make reliable use of language to symbolize or classify events. d. infants do not have any ability to decode sensory input, which allows them to constantly change their memories

Rochelle feeds her cat every morning before leaving for work and cleans its litter box after getting back from work

In the context of prospective memory, which of the following scenarios depict event-based tasks? a. Herbert is able to recall the last rock concert he attended with his friends during his sophomore year. b. Robin takes a five-minute break from work every three hours in order to maximize her work potential. c. Gruber is able to balance a motorcycle with ease because he has the prior experience of learning how to ride a bicycle. d. Rochelle feeds her cat every morning before leaving for work and cleans its litter box after getting back from work.


The retina consists of cells called _____ that are sensitive to light. a. nephrons b. photoreceptors c. keratinocytes d. melanocytes

to explain behavior and mental processes

Which of the following is a goal of psychology? a. To establish behavioral and moral standards b. To explain behavior and mental processes c. To change social norms d. To seek ways to make people do their religious bidding

it involves mentally repeating a list or saying the information to oneself

Which of the following is true about maintenance rehearsal? a. It involves storing a list of letters or numbers on an electronic storage device for later use. b. It involves encoding a list of letters by relating it to something already known. c. It involves mentally repeating a list or saying the information to oneself. d. It involves trying to remember a long list of letters or numbers that has been read once.

it is determined by exposing individuals to progressively stronger stimuli until the minimum stimuli the person can detect is found

Which of the following statements is true of the absolute threshold? a. It is determined by exposing individuals to progressively stronger stimuli until the minimum stimuli the person can detect is found. b. It is used to represent the minimum difference in the magnitude of two stimuli required to tell them apart. c. It is used to measure the intensity of sensory input by using the sensory adaptation process. d. It is determined by measuring the rate at which a person becomes less sensitive to stimuli of low magnitude and more sensitive to stimuli that remain the same.


_____ is an altered state of consciousness in which people are highly suggestible and behave as though they are in a trance. a. Biofeedback b. Hypnosis c. Somnambulism d. Parasomnia


__________is a neurotransmitter that controls muscle contractions a. Acetylcholine b. Serotonin c. Norepinephrine d. Thyroxin


__________is the agent that creates physiological dependence on tobacco products. a. Nembutal b. Nicotine c. Mescaline d. Morphine

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