Public Speaking~ Springer

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What are the five basic patterns of organizing main points in a speech?

Chronological, spatial, casual, problem solution, topical.

What is the difference between the general purpose statement, the specific purpose statement, and the central idea (i.e., thesis statement)?

GPS is the broad goal of a speech, SPS is a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish, and central idea is a one sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech

What are the four main causes of poor listening?

Not concentrating, listening too hard, jumping conclusion, focusing on delivery and personal appearance

How do listening and hearing differ?

Listening is acknowledging being said, while hearing is a physiological process of vibrations entering the ear

What are two ways you can signal the end of your speech?

Making a dramatic statement, ending quotation, referring to intro.

How is public speaking similar to everyday conversation?

Organizing your thoughts locally, tailoring message to audience, telling a story for maximum impact, adapting to listener

What are four tips for using testimony in your speeches?

Quote accurately, use a reliable source, use an unbiased source, identify the people you quote,

What are the seven elements of the speech communication process?

speaker, message, channel, listener, feedback, interference, and situation

How many main points will speeches usually contain?

Tow or three to have time to thoroughly cover the points.

What are the four kinds of speech connectives?

Transitions, internal preview, internal summaries, and signposts.

How can you get information about an audience?

get Polls, questionnaires, quizzes.

What is a preview statement?

A statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to be discussed in the body.

What are the four types of informative speeches?

About objects, about processes, about events, about concepts.

What the five demographic traits of audiences discussed in this chapter?

Age, religion, ethnicity, gender/sexual orientation, group membership.

What three questions should you ask to judge the reliability of statistics?

Are they representative, are they used correctly, are they from a reliable source.

What are the four objectives of speech introduction?

Attention and interest, establish credibility, preview the body,

What are three criteria for evaluating the soundness of research materials that you find on the Internet?

Authorship, sponsorship, recency.

What are five questions to ask about your specific purpose?

Be a full sentence, be worded statement, avoid figurative language, concentrate on one distinct idea, don't be vague or general

What are the three stages of a research interview?

Before, during and after.

How does a speaker reinforce the central idea when concluding a speech?

Being creative in devising a forceful conclusion.

What are the three types of examples discussed in this chapter?

Brief, extended, and hypothetical

What is a preliminary bibliography?

Documents that look as if they might contain helpful information

What should an informative speaker do to relate the topic directly to the audience?

Don't overestimate what the audience knows, relate directly to the audience, don't be too technical, avoid abstractions, personalize your ideas, be creative,

Define the different types of listening

Empathic , appreciative, comprehensive, critical

What is critical thinking?

Helps you organize your ideas, spot weakness in others reasoning, avoid them in your own

Why is determining the specific purpose such an important early step in speech preparation?

Helps your speech and know precisely what you will talk about

What five resources for finding what you need in the library?

Librarians, the catalogue, reference work, newspapers and periodical databases, academic database.

When organizing a speech, what three sections should you divide the speech into?

Introduction, body, conclusion

How is listening connected with critical thinking?

It evaluates a message for purposes of accepting or rejecting it

What are three tips for preparing main points?

Keep points separate, use the same pattern, balance time between main points

How is public speaking different from everyday conversation?

PS is more structured, more formal language, different method of delivery

In what ways can public speaking make a difference in your life?

Personal empowerment and civic engagement

What three brainstorming methods can you follow if you are having trouble choosing a topic for your speech?

Personal inventory, clustering, internet search

Define extemporaneous speech.

Plan your major points and supporting material without trying to memorize the precise language you will use.

What are six tips for using statistics in your speeches?

Quantify your ideas, use them sparingly, identify the source, explain the statistics, round off complicated statistics, use a visual aid.

What is testimony?

Quotation or paraphrase used to support an idea

What are some methods you can use in the introduction to get the attention and interest of the audience?

Quotation, a story or visual aids.

What are four guidelines for writing an effective central idea (i.e., thesis statement)?

Should be expressed in a full sentence, should not be in the form of a question, avoid figurative language, should not be vague

What are the major functions of speech conclusion?

Signal end of speech, reinforce main topics and leave with the audience feeling they learned something

What methods can you use to adapt your speech to your audience before the speech?

Situational audience analysis.

What are ways to improve your listening skills?

Take listening seriously, active listener, resist distractions, don't focus on appearance, suspend judgment, focus your listening.

What four things should you do to take research notes efficiently?

Take plenty notes, record notes in consistent format, make a superset entry for notes, distinguish among direct quotations, paraphrases and your own ideas

What are supporting materials?

The materials used to support a speaker's ideas. The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics, and testimony.

What does mean to say that people are egocentric?

They pay close attention to messages that affect their own values, beliefs, and well-being.

What are the three methods for reducing speech anxiety and how does each method work?

Think positively, prepare, visualize yourself being successful.

What are five tips for using examples in your speeches?

To clarify your idea, reinforce your idea, personalize your idea, make example vivid and rich, enhance delivery

Why is it important speeches to be organized clearly and coherently?

To ensure your message can be received clearly.

Why must a public speaker be audience-centered?

To gain desired response from listener

What is situational analysis, and what factors does a speaker need to consider in situational audience analysis?

To identify traits of the audience unique to the speaking situation at hand

Why is it important for a speaker to outline the speech?

To judge weather the topic are fully developed, whether you have adequate supporting materials and whether the main points are balance.

Why is it important to start your speech research early?

To make sure you have access to materials, plenty of time to think about what you have found

Why is it important to establish credibility at the beginning of a speech?

To tell the audience you are qualified to talk about this topic.

What is ethnocentrism

the belief that our won group or culture is superior, to put yourself in there place and to not offend someone

What four pieces of information do you usually need to provide when making oral source citations in a speech?

the date, qualification of authors the author, and source you are citing

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