Purdue EAPS100 Final Study Flash Cards

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A halo around the Sun or Moon indicates that this cloud type is present. a. cirrostratus b. cumulonimbus c. altostratus d. cirrus


After the center of a mature wave cyclone passes, you should expect __________. a. barometric pressure to rise b. warmer temperatures c. barometric pressure to fall d. barometric pressure to remain steady


Closely spaced isobars often indicate __________. a. high winds b. variable winds c. light winds d. cyclonic winds


Hubble's law states that galaxies are receding from us at a speed that is proportional to their ____. a. distance b. orientation c. volume d. mass


If an observer sees cirrus clouds, followed later by cirrostratus, and then altostratus, he or she is witnessing the approach of a _______ front. a. warm b. cold c. warm or cold d. none of these


In the Southern Hemisphere, the winds associated with a low pressure system blow __________. a. clockwise and toward the center b. counterclockwise and toward the center c. clockwise and outward from the center d. counterclockwise and outward from the center


On a weather map, _______ fronts are shown by a line with semicircles extending from one side. a. warm b. cold c. occluded d. stationary


The Sahara and Australian deserts (among others) are associated with the __________. a. subtropical high b. equatorial low c. subpolar low d. subpolar low


The air masses that have the greatest influence on weather conditions in the central United States are __. a. cP and mT b. mP and cP c. cT and cP d. mP and mT


The cloud form that consists of globular cloud masses that take on a billowy or "cauliflower-like" structure is called __________. a. cumulus b. stratus c. cirrus d. alto


The discovery that the universe appears to be expanding led to a widely accepted theory called __________. a. the Big Bang b. Hubble's Law c. Einstein's Law d. the Doppler effect


The mercurial barometer was invented by __________. a. Torricelli b. Galileo c. Newton d. Watt


The precipitation associated with a warm front typically arrives ___________ the actual frontal boundary ____. a. considerably ahead of b. considerably behind c. at about the same time as d. none of these


These clouds are often called "fair weather" clouds. a. cumulus b. stratus c. cirrus d. nimbo


This air mass often originates as a different air mass in Siberia and is subsequently altered. a. cP b. mP c. cT d. mT


This scientist determined the nature of the forces that kept the planets in their orbits. a. Sir Isaac Newton b. Galileo c. Tycho Brahe d. Nicolaus Copernicus


Three laws of planetary motion were discovered by __________. a. Johannes Kepler b. Galileo c. Tycho Brahe d. Nicolaus Copernicus


Upper air winds __________. a. are generally faster than surface winds b. are unaffected by the Coriolis force c. are greatly influenced by friction d. both a. and b


Usually _________ fronts produce several hours of moderate-to-gentle precipitation over a large region. a. warm b. cold c. warm and cold d. none of these


When warm moist air moves over a cold surface, _______ fog may result. a. advection b. radiation c. steam d. upslope


Which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient? a. tornado b. middle-latitude cyclone c. hurricane d. all of should have equally steep pressure gradients


"Rain long foretold, long last; short notice, soon past." The first five words of this weather proverb ______. a. refer to a cold front b. refer to a warm front c. refer to an anticyclone d. have no basis in fact


A dark gray cloud that blankets the sky and often generates precipitation is called __________. a. cirrostratus b. nimbostratus c. altostratus d. cirrus


A sea breeze usually originates during the __________. a. evening and flows toward the land b. day and flows toward the land c. evening and flows toward the water d. day and flows toward the water


A steep pressure gradient __________. a. would be depicted by widely spaced isobars b. produces strong winds c. is only possible in the tropics d. produces light winds


A wind shift from south or southwest to northwest is commonly associated with the passage of a _______ front. a. warm b. cold c. neither warm or cold d. stationary


An altimeter is an adaptation of the __________. a. mercurial barometer b. aneroid barometer c. barograph d. anemometer


An mP air mass is __________. a. cold and dry b. cold and humid c. warm and dry d. warm and humid


Hail is most commonly associated with __________. a. cirrostratus b. cumulonimbus c. altostratus d. cirrus


If "fair" weather is approaching, the pressure tendency would probably be __________. a. steady b. rising c. falling d. none of these


If Earth were not rotating __________. a. it would lose its atmosphere b. air would move directly from high to low pressure c. all air would move in one direction only d. friction would be eliminated


If you were 200 kilometers ahead of the surface position of a warm front, you would find the frontal surface at a height of about __________ km overhead. a. 0.5 b. 1.0 c. 1.5 d. 2.0


In the Northern Hemisphere, the winds associated with a low pressure system (cyclone) blow __________. a. clockwise and toward the center b. counterclockwise and toward the center c. clockwise and outward from the center d. counterclockwise and outward from the center


In the Northern Hemisphere, tornadoes are most frequent during the __________. a. January-March period b. April-June period c. October-December period d. month of September


In the Ptolemaic (Greek) model of the universe the __________. a. Earth was flat b. Earth was in the center of the universe c. Sun was in the center of the solar system d. Earth rotated on its axis to produce night and day


Lines on a weather map connecting places of equal air pressure are called __________. a. isovectors b. isobars c. isotherms d. isogrids


On a weather map, _______ fronts are shown by a line with triangular points on one side. a. warm b. cold c. occluded d. stationary


One of the discoveries which led to the modern view of the solar system was that the orbits of the planets are__________. a. circles b. ellipses c. hyperbolas d. parabolas


The Coriolis effect influences __________. a. only wind speed b. only wind direction c. both wind speed and wind direction d. neither wind speed nor wind direction


The ____________ explains how our solar system probably formed from a giant cloud of gases and dispersed solid particles. a. protogalactic theory b. nebular hypothesis c. extrastellar solar hypothesis d. planetary compression theory


The cloud form that is best described as sheets or layers that cover much or all of the sky is termed ____________. a. cumulus b. stratus c. cirrus d. alto


The distance to stars can be determined from __________. a. fluorescence b. stellar parallax c. stellar mass d. emission nebulae


The eye of a hurricane is __________. a. the portion with the highest wind speeds b. warmer than the rest of the storm c. along the leading edge of the storm d. the area of most intense rainfall


This air mass may produce an occasional "northeaster" in the winter. a. cP b. mP c. cT d. mT


This cloud may develop an "anvil head." a. cirrostratus b. cumulonimbus c. altostratus d. cirrus


This fog forms in valleys at night. a. advection fog b. radiation fog c. steam fog d. precipitation fog


This pressure zone is associated with abundant precipitation and warm temperatures. a. subtropical high b. equatorial low c. subpolar low d. subpolar low


This scientist was the first to use the telescope in astronomy. a. Sir Isaac Newton b. Galileo c. Tycho Brahe d. Nicolaus Copernicus


Thunder and lightning are associated with these clouds. a. cirrostratus b. cumulonimbus c. altostratus d. cirrus


Tornadoes can be associated with this cloud type. a. cirrostratus b. cumulonimbus c. altostratus d. cirrus


Typhoon is another name for a __________. a. wave cyclone b. hurricane c. tornado d. squall line


What is the technical name for a high pressure center? a. cyclone b. anticyclone c. front d. doldrums


When are upper air winds fastest? a. in summer b. in winter c. whenever the temperature gradient is weak d. these winds maintain roughly the same speeds throughout the year


When supercooled raindrops freeze on contact with solid objects, _______ forms. a. rime b. glaze c. hail d. sleet


Which one of the following statements is NOT true of tornadoes? a. occur most frequently in the spring of the year b. usually occur along the warm front of a mid-latitude cyclone c. most common in the Midwest and Great Plains d. associated with cumulonimbus clouds


____________ meteorites are thought to be analogous in composition to Earth's core. a. Calcareous b. Iron c. Stony d. Ammonical


A cT air mass is __________. a. cold and dry b. cold and humid c. warm and dry d. warm and humid


A land breeze usually originates during the __________. a. evening and flows toward the land b. day and flows toward the land c. evening and flows toward the water d. day and flows toward the water


Based on the observed red shifts in the spectral lines of distant galaxies, astronomers conclude that __________. a. Earth is in the center of the universe b. the universe is contracting c. the universe is expanding d. the universe is in a steady state


Compared to the density of liquid water (1 gram/cc), the appropriate range in average densities of the terrestrial planets is ____________. a. l to 2 grams/cc b. 0.4 to 0.7grams/cc c. 4 to 6 grams/cc d. 2 to 3grams/cc


Fast moving currents of air found near the top of the troposphere are called __________. a. mesocyclones b. chinooks c. jet streams d. El Niño


High clouds that form delicate veil-like patches or extended wispy fibers are termed __________. a. cumulus b. stratus c. cirrus d. alto


If stormy weather is approaching, the pressure tendency would probably be __________. a. steady b. rising c. falling d. none of these


In the Northern Hemisphere, winds associated with a high pressure system blow __________. a. clockwise and toward the center b. counterclockwise and toward the center c. clockwise and outward from the center d. counterclockwise and outward from the center


Low air pressure systems are usually associated with __________. a. diverging winds b. descending air c. precipitation d. clear weather


Most of the United States is situated in which zone of prevailing winds? a. trade winds b. subpolar easterlies c. westerlies d. doldrums


One of the most common units used to express stellar distance is the __________. a. mile b. meter c. light-year d. kilometer


Standard sea level pressure in millibars is a. 750 mb b. 890 mb c. 1013 mb d. 1143 mb


The subpolar low (polar front) is a. a zone where the trade winds meet b. the forward edge of the Antarctic ice cap c. a zone where the polar easterlies and the westerlies converge d. the boundary between frozen and liquid


This cloud type is confined to the middle height range. a. cirrostratus b. cumulonimbus c. altostratus d. cirrus


Tornadoes most often move TOWARDS what direction? a. west b. southeast c. northeast d. northwest


We are likely to have our highest relative humidity __________. a. during mid-afternoon b. around midnight c. about sunrise d. at noon


When an active cold front overtakes a warm front __________. a. the fronts cancel one another out b. cloud formation ceases c. an occluded front forms d. a stationary front is created


When an area is experiencing several consecutive days of rather constant weather, it is probably __________. a. warm-front weather b. cold-front weather c. air-mass weather d. occluded front weather


Which of the following is considered to be a boundary between two different air masses? a. warm front b. cold front c. both warm front and cold front d. none of these


Which one of the fogs listed below may be categorized as an evaporation fog? a. advection b. radiation c. steam d. upslope


Widely spaced isobars often indicate __________. a. high winds b. variable winds c. light winds d. cyclonic winds


A Santa Ana (or Chinook or Foehn) wind is a __________. a. wind associated with a blizzard b. cold, damp wind blowing off a snow field c. wind that is common to the world's deserts d. very dry, warm wind flowing down a mountain slope


A wintertime form of precipitation that consists of small ice particles is called __________. a. rime b. glaze c. hail d. sleet


According to the Ptolemaic (Greek) model of the universe, how many "heavenly" bodies could be observed wandering along the background of stars? a. one b. two c. five d. seven


An air mass from the Gulf of Mexico is labeled __________. a. cP b. mP c. cT d. mT


Another name for the area of subtropical highs is __________. a. subpolar easterlies b. westerlies c. doldrums d. horse latitudes


Cold fronts and warm fronts in the middle latitudes are often associated with a __________. a. hurricane b. middle-latitude cyclone c. low pressure d. both b and c


Galileo observed several features using the telescope a. sunspots b. phases of Venus c. Jupiter's four largest moons d. the two moons of Mars


High air pressure systems are usually associated with __________. a. diverging winds b. descending air c. clear weather d. all of these


Hurricanes generally are __________. a. larger than tornadoes b. larger than mid-latitude cyclones c. areas of heavy rainfall and strong winds d. all of these


Standard sea level pressure in inches of mercury is __________. a. 7.52 inches b. 14.70 inches c. 28.70 inches d. 29.92 inches


The amount of water vapor in the air (by volume) usually does not exceed __________. a. 50% b. 28% c. 14% d. 4%


The apparent westward "drift" of the planets compared to the background stars is called __________. a. Ptolemaic motion b. occultation c. precession d. retrograde motion


The first modern astronomer to propose a Sun-centered universe was __________. a. Sir Isaac Newton b. Galileo c. Tycho Brahe d. Nicolaus Copernicus


The force that generates wind is __________. a. Coriolis force b. gravity force c. centrifugal force d. pressure gradient force


This air mass is the source of much of the moisture for precipitation in the central and eastern United States. a. cP b. mP c. cT d. mT


This cloud sometimes produces "mare's tails." a. cirrostratus b. cumulonimbus c. altostratus d. cirrus


This fog results from adiabatic cooling. a. advection b. radiation c. steam d. upslope


This term is used to describe clouds found in the middle height range. a. cumulus b. stratus c. cirrus d. alto


This term is used to describe clouds that produce precipitation. a. cumulus b. stratus c. cirrus d. nimbo


When a hurricane moves onto land, it rapidly loses its punch; that is, the storm declines in intensity a. friction b. lack of warm, moist air c. heating from below by the land surface d. both a and b


When using a psychrometer and the two temperatures read nearly the same, you can conclude that __________. a. your instrument reading is accurate b. a change in temperature is likely c. the dew point temperature is very low d. the air has a high relative humidity


Which of these factors influence the magnitude of the Coriolis force? a. wind speed b. latitude c. wind direction d. both wind speed and latitude


Which of these instruments is NOT used to measure air pressure? a. mercurial barometer b. aneroid barometer c. barograph d. anemometer


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