Quiz 1 - Cardiovascular Training
T/F If you exercise for an hour, at least half your time should be spent doing cardio exercise
a type of energy needed by the body for muscle movement
How long does it generally take before seeing results from cardio exercise
8-12 weeks
An activity is considered cardiovascular exercise if it..
lasts ten minutes or longer
oxygen deficit
the exercise phase where lactic acid is being produced
cardiovascular exercise
the type of activity that conditions the heart, lungs, and blood vessels
T/F If you score above average on the cardiovascular tests, then you do not need to perform cardio exercise anymore.
How are the lungs made healthier during cardio exercise?
The muscles around them are strengthened
what occurs when you continue to breathe hard once you stop exercising
When does an oxygen deficit occur?
when you start cardio exercise
Through counting your pulse beats, you can measure how many times....
your heart beats in a minute
What is cardio fitness measured by?
the step test
How does the body increase the amount of oxygen to the muscles during exercise?
by breathing faster
oxygen consumption
the amount of oxygen the muscles in the body need in order to produce energy for movement
Which parts of the body are significantly strengthened by cardiovascular exercise?
heart blood vessels lungs
Cardiac output is affected by
heart rate exercise stroke volume
If a person who rarely exercises goes to the doctor's office for a check up, the doctor will not be surprised to find the patient has...
high blood pressure
What are the benefits of cardiovascular exercise?
lower blood pressure increased cardiac output greater stroke volume
When is lactic acid produced mostly?
the oxygen deficit phase
steady state
the situation in which the muscles are getting the amount of oxygen they need to produce the energy necessary for movement