Quiz 1

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Jaclyn has a full-time job and goes to school full-time. She finds that many of the listening skills she uses when working with customers also aid her in the classroom; however, there are some significant differences. When working with customers, Jaclyn spends a great deal of time not only listening to the customers but also trying to understand what they are feeling. In her classes, she spends a great deal of time listening to lectures for information. In her limited spare time, Jaclyn watches TV, texts with her friends, surfs the Internet, and stays connected via Facebook. Jaclyn not only listens to what her customers say but also tries to understand how they feel. This type of listening is called a. empathic listening. b. active listening. c. listening for enjoyment. d. critical listening.


Telephone calls, text messages, and status updates on social media are all examples of a. channels. b. meanings. c. senders. d. receivers.


The understanding of the message is referred to as the a. meaning. b. sender. c. receiver. d. channel.


What is an example of a dominant culture? a. straight people b. people with disabilities c. unemployed people d. working-class people


Which of the following best describes selective perception? a. the tendency to see, hear, and believe only what you want to see, hear, and believe b. the act of exposing yourself to information that reinforces, rather than contradicts, your beliefs or opinions c.the tendency to focus on certain cues and ignore others d. the tendency to better remember the things that reinforce your beliefs rather than those that oppose them


"Code sensitivity" refers to a. the belief that another culture should be judged by its own context. b. the ability to use the verbal and nonverbal language appropriate to the relevant cultural norms. c. creating positive relationships with the dominant culture. d. a culture that has difficulty with ambiguity and uncertainty.


As a freshman, Reggie enrolled in a history class that was made up of mostly juniors and seniors. During class discussions, Reggie felt that the other students looked down on him and believed they were smarter than he was. When it came time for Reggie to complete his research paper, he put it off until the night before it was due and then stayed up all night to complete it because he knew it was not going to be as good as the other students' papers. The next day, when he turned in the paper, the professor asked how Reggie felt about his paper, but Reggie was so tired that he could barely follow the conversation. When he did try to answer a few of the questions, Reggie sounded monotone and uninterested because he was so tired. Reggie was also distracted by the other students because he thought they were making fun of him. Reggie was distracted and tired when talking to his instructor about his paper. Although it was not his intention, he knows that the professor might have been offended. Reggie knows that he should be more careful in his conversations in the future because communication a. involves others. b. cannot be reversed. c. involves choices. d. has a content dimension.


During the first day of math class, Trevor's professor announced that he wanted all students to arrive on time to class. In the following weeks, a few students arrived late, and the professor always made a point of telling the students to get to class on time in a joking and fun way. During the fourth week of class, three students walked into the classroom ten minutes after class began. The professor stopped class and started yelling at the students for interrupting class. Although Trevor's professor had made it clear he expected students to arrive on time, he responded to late arrivals in the first few weeks of class in a joking way. The professor was attempting to manage how the students interpreted his _____ by being easygoing. a. interpretation b. appearance c. setting d. values


Sarah was from a small town in southeast Texas. After finishing high school, she went to a large university in a major city. During her first few weeks on campus, she often had to ask for directions to find her way to class. To combat homesickness, she became friends with her dormmates and joined the college debate team to meet new people. After winning a round of debate, her teammates gave her a high-five. At that moment, Sarah knew she would enjoy this extracurricular activity. She had always believed in the value of a good education, but in high school she never considered herself as a good student. After such positive interactions with her new friends and teammates, she completed her freshman year with a 3.5 grade point average. Now she thinks of herself as a good student. Which of the following statements illustrates the affection needs in this scenario? a. Sarah getting a 3.5 grade point average b. Sarah becoming friends with her dormmates and joining the college debate team c. Sarah asking for directions around campus d. Sarah moving to a large city to attend college


Weston often works with Amish farmers in his community. How should that affect his communication in terms of using silence? a. Weston should be offended if there are silences. b. Weston should respect silences. c. Weston should try to talk little and remain silent. d. Weston should make sure there are no silences.


Which statement best reflects a characteristic of an On-time culture? a. Time is viewed as contextually based and relationally oriented. b. People compartmentalize time to meet personal needs. c. Time is not saved or wasted. d. People coordinate relational and task obligations in their relationships.


Filling in missing information to complete an incomplete figure or statement is a perceptual organization process called a. similarity. b. proximity. c. closure. d. figure-ground.


Jenni keeps a schedule book full of meetings and appointments. Jenni is likely part of what type of culture? a. no time b. sometime c. on-time d. often time


Sky attends her company Christmas party and decides to network at the party in hopes of getting a promotion. When she arrives at the party, she notices that the CEO is talking to a man in a blue suit. Later, Sky approaches the man and strikes up a conversation. When she discovers that the man runs the mail room, she quickly ends the conversation and looks for someone who will be more valuable in her quest for a promotion. Sky notices a nicely dressed and manicured woman and begins by complimenting the woman's dress. Sky listens intently to the woman because she assumes someone dressed so well must be important at the company. When she discovers that the woman is married to an account manager and does not work at the company, Sky loses interest in what the woman is saying and begins talking about herself. Sky eventually pulls out her cell phone and begins checking her e-mail while the woman is talking. While Sky is checking her e-mail, the woman explains that she knows of a management position opening in her husband's division that Sky should look into. However, Sky is not listening and leaves the party with no leads on a promotion. Sky approaches the man in the blue suit because of a. the CEO's perception of his status. b. the man's perception of his own status. c. her perception of his status. d. a stereotype.


The process of using senses to acquire information about the environment is called a. communication. b. exposure. c. perception. d. role.


Which phrase is an example of a lecture cue? a. "Chapter 5 focuses on listening." b. "Go to the library and examine . . ." c. "We will discuss three main reasons . . ." d. "Today's topic is listening."


a pathway for send a message


Values cooperation and group-defined social norms

collectivist culture

Values the group over the individual

collectivist culture

At an all-employee meeting, Joseph's boss gives a list of positive things happening at the company, but he ends the meeting by noting that a number of employees have clocked in late at least once and that late arrival will not be tolerated. Joseph's car is unreliable, so he has clocked in late twice. Later that day, another employee who had arrived late on multiple occasions is called to the boss's office and then fired. When Joseph is called into his boss's office a few minutes later, he assumes that he will also be fired. Because Joseph is called to his boss's office right after the other employee was fired, Joseph believes he will also be fired. Joseph believes this because of a. closure b. ground c. stimuli d. proximity


Listening and hearing are two different things. Which of the following is an example of listening? a. your roommate's loud music b. your neighbor's barking dog c. police and ambulance sirens rushing to a faraway accident d. your boss tells you that she will be testing the fire alarms at 3:00


One of the most challenging aspects of Vic's job as a manager at an electronics store is dealing with disgruntled customers. In one of those situations, a customer accused Sammy, one of Vic's most valued employees, of treating the customer poorly and refusing to take back defective merchandise. When dealing with the complaint, Vic started by asking the customer to explain what happened. While the customer talked, Vic watched Sammy for his reaction, gauged the customer's sincerity, and examined the merchandise. When the customer finished, Vic summarized her concerns to make sure that he understood the complaint, and he then explained that as a customer himself, he dislikes it when he feels disrespected. Vic finally asked Sammy to explain why the merchandise could not be returned. Vic summarized the customer's concerns to make sure he understood the problem. This is part of a. listening for enjoyment. b. critical listening. c. empathic listening. d. active listening


interpreting a message


putting your idea in the form of language or gesture that someone else can understand


Ethical standards are the same in every discipline and culture. true or false?


Women listen in order to take action, while men listen to understand the other's emotions. true or false


the verbal and nonverbal responses to a message


Values competition, private property, and personal opinion

individualistic culture

Values freedom, choice, uniqueness, and independence

individualistic culture

the verbal and/or nonverbal elements of communication to which people give meaning


anything that interferes with a receivers ability to attend to a message


Time is something that can be controlled, wasted, or saved.

on-time culture

the person who decodes the message and interprets the meaning from it


Time is not saved or wasted, but it is only one factor in a more complicated context.

sometime culture

the individual who has a thought that he or she wishes to communicate.


Ryuya is from an uncertainty-rejecting culture, which is likely to reject outsiders and to prefer to have many rules. true or false?


Your personal identity influences your perceptions of others. true or false


tolerant of general principles

uncertainty-accepting culture

Has difficulty with ambiguity and diversity

uncertainty-rejecting culture

Prefers to know how to behave and has lots of rules

uncertainty-rejecting culture

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