Review Kata-Kata 1.8

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Jangan ludahi tanamannya!

Don't spit on the plants!

Ewww! Kok ada ludah di sofa sih?!

Ewww! Why is there spit on the couch?!

Dia bisa ketik dengan cepat!

He can type very fast!

Dia baru tau dia punya anak kandung lain!

He just found out that he has another sibling!

Dia gemetar sekali habis sempat lihat roh

He was shaking so much after seeing the ghost

Dia gak terlalu berhasil waktu dia coba gombalin dia

He wasn't very successful when he tried flattering her

Perdagangan manusia terjadi di seluruh dunia

Human trafficking happens throughout the entire world

Cepatan dong! Aku akan menagih minggu depan

Hurry up! I'll ask for the payment next week

Sesudah aku baca karangannya dan cuman ubah beberapa salah

I already read your essay and just changed a few mistakes

Aku harus pelajari PRku nanti sore

I need to study my homework's later this afternoon

Aku harusnya mengalah lebih awal lain kali

I should stop fighting earlier next time

Aku mau kurangin jumlah tagihan

I want to reduce how many bills we have

Sesampainya di rumah, aku langsung tidur

I went straight to be after I got home

Aku lagi cari pintu yg melengkung di atas

I'm looking for a door that is round on the top

Aku cuma ke pengadilan sekali aja buat sekolah

I've only been to a courthouse one time for school

Lebih bagus kalo kocok dulu sebelum minum

It's better that you shake it first before you drink it

Bukannya gak mau, tapi pengen yang seger-seger dulu oke

It's not that I don't want to, but I just want something cold to drink first

Pilih aja, masa bodoh

Just pick, I don't care

Tolong lap iler di mulutnya

Please wipe the drool off his face

Diam lah! Dia belom tau dia anak angkat!

Shhh! He doesn't know he was adopted!

Jangan tolak lah, ini rejekimu

Stop refusing it, I want to bless you

Harumnya bikin aku ngiler!

That smell makes me drool!

Ceritanya bikin luluh

That story touched my heart

Mereka gak sengaja bersentuhan

The accidentally touched each other

Tingkat kejahatan di Bali gak naik atau turun

The crime rate in Bali hasn't increased or decreased

Tarif Dry Cleaner lumayan mahal

The dry cleaner's service fee is quite high

Mereka selalu mainkan music bising banget di malam

They always play music so loudly at night

Kami masih harus berunding dulu sebelum bisa bikin pilihan

We still need to discuss it first before we can make a decision

Di mana letaknya di map?

Where is the position on the map?

Wei, jangan manjakan dia!

Whoa, don't spoil her!

Bapak mau pikir-pikir dulu tawarannya?

Would you like to consider the offer first, sir?

Iya, dia dah sebutin bunga-bunga yang aku harus beli

Ya, she already mentioned which flowers to buy

Harus bujuk pemiliknya agar dia bakal turunin harganya

You have to persuade the owner to lower the price

Kamu beneran harus bertanggung jawab sama penghasilannya lah

You really need to be more responsible with your income

Mau aduk dulu agar gak terlalu kental

You'll want to stir it first so that it's not too think

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