RT210 unit 4

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How far do normal adult lungs extend above the clavicles

1-2 CM

Name the rib pairings, how are they different (group names)

1-7 true ribs connected to sternum 8-10 false ribs not connected to sternum 11-12 floating ribs

How many lobes do the right and left lung have

3 lobes on right , 2 on left

How is fluid transported to and from the lungs

A/c membrane

What is the purpose of the respiratory system?

Absorb oxygen, excrete carbon dioxide (gas exchange!)

What is the purpose of fluid in pleural space

Acts as a lubricant, decreases friction when lungs slide

What is fetid

Bad smelling mucous

What is hemoptysis

Blood in sputum

What is the major source of respiratory tract secretions

Bronchial glands

What is the internal point that separates the left and right bronchus


What is rhonchi?

Coarse crackles, caused by airflow moving secretion and fluid in airways

What is the term for airway that participates in gas exchange? Which does not?

Conducting zone does not, respiratory zone does

What two pleura form the costophrenic angle and what causes a blunt angle

Costal parietal pleura and the diaphragmatic parietal pleura Visceral and parietal cause a blunt angle

What is pleural friction rub

Creking or grating sound from roughened, inflamed surfaces of the pleura rubbing together, evident during inspiration, expiration, or both and no change with coughing.

What reflex stimulated a strong inspiratory breath?


What is lecture excavatum

Depression of part of or whole sternum

How does gas exchange occur across the lungs?

Exchange of gas at the alveolar capillary membrane, pick up oxygen, drop off carbon dioxide

What is sputum?

Expectorated mucus from the mouth

How is kussmauls breathing described

Fast and deep breathes, hyperpnea

What are the three functions of the lungs pulmonary system

Gas exchange, barrier, non respiratory

What are tracheal breath sounds

Harsh hollow sound Short inhale, gap, loud and long exhale

What reflex is stimulated by high lung volumes

Heads paradoxical reflex, deep sighs/exercise

What is internal respiration and external respiration?

Internal is gas exchange between tissue cells and systemic capillary blood External is gas exchange between gas of atmosphere and blood

What is diminished breath sounds

Little decreased or absent air sounds. Caused by shallow or slow respiration hyperinflation musics plugging and air or fluid in the pleural space

What are wheezing breath sounds

Long continuous musical sounds more pronounced on expiration Caused by air passing through narrow or obstructed airway

What are bronchial breath sounds

Loud tubular insp/exp component equal, no pause

What is stridor?

Loud, harsh, high-pitched sounds. Caused by swelling of upper airway, post extubation swelling, upper airway obstruction

What is vesicular breath sounds

Low, gentle rustling sound Inhale 2x longer than exhale

What parts make up the pharynx

Nasopharynx (nasal cavity to uvula) Oropharynx (uvula to tip of epiglottis) Laryngopharynx (tip of epiglottis to larynx)

What prevents the lungs from collapsing at the end of exhalation

Negative pressure in the pleural space

What is pectus carinatum?

Pigeon chest, abnormal protrusion of the sternum

What are the pressures like in the pulmonary and systemic systems

Pulmonary is low pressure and resistance BP 25/10 mmhg Systemic is high pressure and resistance BP 120/80 mmhg

What is purulent

Pus filled mucus

Describe different zones of the lungs

Respiratory allows for gas exchange Conducting is the Acinis and no gas exchange Transitional is between the two and takes gas deeper into respiratory zone

What is crackle

Short interrupted bubbling popping and cracking louder on inhale caused by opening of airways and fluid in alveoli

What is dead space?

Term for when conducting airways end in terminal bronchioles. Doesn't participate in gas exchange. Wasted ventilation.

Where are the arteries, veins, and nerves located in each rib?

The costal grove

What is barrel chest?

Thoracic configuration with increased a&p diameter caused by emphysema

What is the primary function of the larynx

To protect the airway during eating and drinking

What type of cells secrete pulmonary surfactant and what is the purpose

Type two pneumocytes and reduces surface tension and alveolar tendency to collapse, decrease work of breathing, and increase compliance

What is phlegm

Uncontainable mucus from the tracheobronchial tree

What are the cartilages of the upper airway

Unpaired- epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid Paired- artenoid, comiculate, cunieform

What is the key land mark for oral intubation


Where is the pons located?

above the medulla

What are the primary muscles of ventilation

diaphragm and intercostal muscles

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