RLGN 105 - Part 2

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Derek Humphry

"Final Exit" - Upset by small numbers of successful suicides. Helps people kill themselves. Advises people how to kill themselves and not get caught.

Meaning of The Qur'an

"Recitation", refers to its being revealed to Muhammad and recited by him to be written down and read for all true followers of Allah.

The First Noble Truth

(The certainty of suffering) This concept of suffering includes the experiences of pain, misery, sorrow, and un-fulfillment.

The Third Noble Truth

(The cessation/cure of suffering) The way to liberate oneself from suffering is by eliminating desire. We must stop craving that which is temporary.

The Fourth Noble Truth

(The path to the cessation of suffering) Desire can be eliminated by following the Eightfold Path, which consists of eight points that can be categorized according to three major sections.

The Second Noble Truth

(The source/cause of suffering) Everything is impermanent and Tanah. We suffer because we desire those things that are impermanent.

Buddhism - Name, Key Symbol, and Number of Followers

-Buddha and Buddhism -The Wheel of Dharama -Fourth Largest Religion, 376 million followers


-Cause/effect based on actions/deeds -Keeps people locked in Samara -May be reincarnated as a human, animal, or plant -Good karma still a curse -Temporary heavenly time, then reincarnation to higher caste.

Islam - Name, Key Symbol, and Number of Followers

-Islam, Muslim -The crescent moon and star -Second largest religion, 3.5 billion followers

What did the Supreme Court declare in Roe v. Wade?

-The Constitution does not define a person -"person" has application only postnatally -The word "person" is used in the Fourteenth Amendment, not not include unborn. -The unborn are essentially non-persons and do not fall under the protection of the 14th amendment.

The Upanishads

-The philosophical basis of Hinduism today. -Central Idea: "Atman is Brahman" summed up in "tat team asi," lit. "You are That"

What were the four signs Siddhartha saw?

1. An elderly man (old age) 2. A sick person (illness) 3. A corpse (death) 4. A poor monk; holy man (asceticism)

Sacred Writings Hinduism - The Epics (4)

1. Bhagavad-Gita 2. Mahabharata 3. The Ramayana 4. Gita

The Five Pillars of Islam

1. The Confession of Faith (Shahada) 2. The Contact Prayers (Salat) 3. Alms or Poor Tax - 2.5% (Zakat) 4. Fasting during Ramadan 5. The Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)

The Five Core Beliefs of Islam

1. The oneness/unity of Allah 2. The Prophets/Messengers of Islam with primacy of Muhammad 3. The Scriptures with primacy on the Qur'an 4. Angelic Activity 5. The Day of Resurrection and Final Judgement

The Main Subjects of the Gita (6)

1. Way of Salvation 2. Indestructibility of the Atman and its oneness with Brahman. 3. Duties of Caste 4. Karma, Samsara, and Moksha 5. Supreme value of yoga 6. Krishna reveals self as Supreme being over all gods and people.

How many chapters in the Qur'an?

114 surahs (chapters)

The Vedic Period

1500 to 300 B.C. - no one really knows

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services

1989 Public money and/or facilities cannot be used to perform abortions.

Planned Parenthood v. Casey

1992 Discarded 3 trimesters of Roe and focused on the "viability" of the fetus as the determining point where a state's interest in unborn life begins.

Gonzaks v. Carhart

2007 Upheld as constitutional the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003.

The Upanishads

800-400 B.C.


A person who identifies psychologically as one gender/sex other than the one to which they were assigned at birth.

Five Main Arguments Used to Promote Euthanasia

Choice, control, compassion, cash, capability

Karen Ann Quinlan

College-aged girl drinking alcohol, put herself in coma, went into persistent vegetative state, taken off life support in 1976 and lived 10 more years.

Islam/Christianity Crucifixion

I: Jesus was not crucified, body substituted, Jesus hidden. C: Fact that is necessary for the atonement of sin and the salvation of believers.

Islam/Christianity Muhammad

I: Last in line of prophets, final authority on spiritual matters. C: Not accepted as prophet or theological source.

Islam/Christianity Qur'an

I: Later revelation that corrects the Bible C: Not accepted as divine revelation

Islam/Christianity Bible

I: Muslims accept the Bible insofar as it agrees with the Qur'an. C: Inspired by Word of God that is complete and not to be added to.

Islam/Christianity Jesus' Resurrection

I: No belief in resurrection C: Fact that signifies God's victory over sin and death.

Islam/Christianity God

I: Only one god, called Allah C: Only one God

Islam/Christianity Salvation

I: Salvation is achieved by submitting to Allah, salvation granted through Allah's mercy alone. C: Gift accepted by faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross, provided by God's grace.

Islam/Christianity Last Days

I: Will be bodily resurrection and final judgement with final destination. All muslims go to heaven, though some must be purged of their sins first. All infidels are destined for hell. C: There will be bodily resurrection in the last days. Final judgement and eternal destination (heaven or hell) will be decided based on acceptance of Jesus as Savior and His removal of the sin which separates each person from God.

Nancy Cruzan

In an automobile accident, went into coma, doctors declared she was in vegetative state. Her parents, once they knew she wouldn't recover wanted to remove feeding tube and life support, courts all said no. Her friends testified that it was what she wanted. This is known today as the Living Will.

Difference between traditional and new tolerance

In contrast to traditional tolerance, which asserts that everyone has an equal right to believe to say what he thinks is right, the new tolerance says that what every individual believes or says is equally true and equally valid.

Roe v. Wade

January 22, 1973 -Situation: Jane Roe (Norma McCorvey) -Main Ruling: Lifted bans on abortion in all 50 states. A woman's "right to privacy" extends to her liberty to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Doe v. Bolton

January 22, 1973 It expanded the definition of "health" of the mother to include familial financial and psychological issues etc. as determined by her physician.

Griswold v. Connecticut

June 7, 1965 -Part of planned parenthood in Connecticut -Married couple came to planned parenthood about starting a family and contraception -Was fired, Supreme court ruled in Griswold's favor because he has the right to pursue happiness. -Married couples had the right to privacy regarding marital relations.

Hindu Plan for Salvation: What makes salvation necessary?

Karma and Samsara - We are locked into never-ending cycle because we have not renounced earthly pleasures and sought union with Brahman. Ignorance keeps us trapped in illusion.

Hindu Plan for Salvation: What makes salvation possible?

Krishna tells followers in the Gita how to be united to Brahman, the Supreme.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning

Buddhism's Plan of Salvation: What is salvation?

Liberation from suffering and what causes it, achieving Nirvana.

Eisenadt v. Baird

March 22, 1972 -William Baird: professor at Boston College -Arrested for handing a girl a contraception -Privacy rights whether single or married.


Means "illusion" or "appearance." What we experience is not really real, but rather an illusion.

Hindu Plan for Salvation: What is salvation?

Moksha-liberation from Samsara Main Idea-performing daily duties and disciplines in view of union of Brahman.

What is the goal of Buddhism?



Not heaven or paradise, not a place that one goes to when they die, a passionless state.

Measure 16 and Death with Dignity Act

Oregon's Assisted Suicide law, October 1997 If a person has been diagnosed by two doctors that they have 6 months or less to live, they can kill themselves with assistance of lethal drugs. Do we have a right to end our own lives and how is the doctor and patient relationship changed.

Involuntary Euthanasia

Patient does not request their own death - someone else decides for them that they are bettie off dead. This usually occurs when a patient is unable to communicate (coma) or unable to understand their condition.

Voluntary Euthanasia

Patient requests their own death - either verbally, in writing or via Living Will.

Buddhism's Plan of Salvation: What makes salvation necessary?

Potentially endless cycles of rebirth and death (Samsara)

Partial Birth Abortion Act of 2003

President Bush signed this act into law on November 5, 2003. The Bill represents the first direct national restriction on any method of abortion since the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand in 1973.

Birth Control Pill

Prevents ovulation, stop conception by thickening cervical mucus, stop implantation by thinning the uterine wall.

Commonly Used Defenses for Euthanasia

Religious issue, guidelines prevent uses/abuses, only for "hard cases." We euthanize animals, why not people? Is there a difference between choice in abortion and choice in euthanasia?

Hindu Plan for Salvation: What makes salvation personal?

Renunciation of earthly pleasures, fulfilling caste duty and practicing yoga.


Response to biblical feminism to reaffirm that men and women are equal in essence or identity having both been created in image of God, but still having differing roles in the home and church.

Islam's Plan of Salvation: What makes salvation possible?

Revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad; it is called, among other things a "mercy" and a "guide" to humanity to find submission, the true religion.

The Noble Eightfold Path (Mental Discipline)

Right effort, right awareness, and right meditation

The Noble Eightfold Path (Ethical Conduct)

Right speech, right action, and right livelihood

The Noble Eightfold Path (Wisdom)

Right understanding and right thoughts

The Vedas

Sacred writing, only Hindu scholars learn and study Vedas now.

Who founded Buddhism?

Siddhartha Gautama

Discovering the Middle Path

Six years of asceticism - nearly starved himself to death and concluded that such self-denial was too extreme and "profitless."

Christian Approach of Homosexuality

Speak the truth in love, homosexuality is a behavior pattern that can be changed, help those who want to overcome homosexuality

Islam's Plan of Salvation: What makes salvation personal?

Submission to Allah as demonstrated by strict adherence to the Five Pillars.

What does Islam mean?

Submission, refers to the lifestyle of the true "Muslim" (submitter) in submission to the one God's will.

Terry Schiavo

Suffered severe brain damage n 1990, husband wanted to move on and marry someone else, finally taken off life support and feeding tube in 2005 and died.

Birth Control Methods

Terminates a fertilized egg. It does not prevent fertilization but prevents the implantation of the fertilized egg.

Biblical View on Tolerance

The Bible makes it clear that all values, beliefs, lifestyles, and truth claims are not equally valid.

Buddhism's Plan of Salvation: What makes salvation possible?

The Buddha's personal discovery, example and teachings

Division of Muslims

The Sunnis - 80-90% worldwide The Shiites - 10-20% worldwide


The act of one person killing another because the person killed is terminally ill, suffering, disabled, or elderly.


The belief and interpretive framework that attempts to apply basic feminist ideas of equality to the scriptures and this to the home and church.

Abortion defined from Biblical/Christian Worldview

The deliberate termination of a human being from the moment of conception until just prior to birth.


The salvation for which Hindus strive, liberation from Samsara.

Two Major Divisions/Schools of Buddhism

Theravada (Hinayana) Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism

Traditional Tolerance

Tolerance should be viewed in reference to how we respond to people we disagree with, not how we respond to the ideas we think are false.

Two kinds of tolerance

Traditional and New Tolerance

Influence of Gender Dysphoria

Turner's Syndrome, Klinefelter's Syndrome, Androgen Syndrome, Fetally Andronized Females, DHT Lacking Males


Ultimate reality and self is Brahman

RU 486

Use 5-7 weeks after conception, deprives baby of vital nutritional hormone progesterone, child starves to death as nutrient lining of the womb sloughs off, delivery of dead baby.

Dilation and Evacuation

Used between 12 and 24 weeks, child is cut to pieces by a sharp knife, child is much larger and further developed, weighs as much as a pound and is a foot in length.

Suction and Aspiration

Used in 84% of abortions up to 13th week of pregnancy, mouth of cervix is dilated, hollow tube with knifelike edged tip is inserted into womb, a suction machine with force 28 times of a vacuum rips developing baby to pieces and sucks out.

Saline Injection

Used in late second and third trimesters, amniotic fluid is removed and replaced with a toxic saline solution, baby ingests and dies 1-2 hours later with salt poisoning, dehydration, and hemorrhaging, chemical burning causes painful death.

Dilation and Extraction D&X or Partial Birth

Used in late third trimester, guided by ultrasound, grabs baby legs with forceps, baby's legs pulled through birth canal, delivers baby's body except for head, jams scissors into the baby's skull, child's brains evacuated out, skull collapses, dead baby removed.


Used in second trimester, prostaglandin hormones are injected into womb or related in, vaginal suppository cause uterus to contract and deliver baby prematurely, sometimes a saline solution is used to kill baby before the premature birth.

Dilation and Curettage

Used in the first trimester, dilate cervix to all the insertion of curette into the womb, instrument scrapes placate from the uterus and cuts baby apart, pieces drawn through the cervix.


Used in third trimester, baby removed in a cesarean birth, baby set aside and allowed to die or killed by deliberate act.


We are caught up in the illusory world of Maya because of our desires and attachments to the world and its pleasures, causes endless cycle of earthly cycles.

Passive Euthanasia

Withholding medical treatment or discontinuing treatment..."letting die"... cause of death is the same as the condition causing the suffering (disease, respiratory failure, etc.)

Baby Doe

Woman went to hospital, delivered baby, doctor told her child had severe down syndrome and she needed minor surgery, mom let doctors starve baby so she wouldn't have to have down syndrome baby. (This is how waivers came into existence)

Modern Hinduism

Hinduism has no single founder and it is impossible to say exactly what Hinduism is in terms of religious beliefs because there is no one way of understanding "god."

Mosaic Law

Homosexuality was considered a "capital crime" in the...


Homosexuality was considered a sin in the days of the...


How much of the population do homosexuals make up?

Islam's Plan of Salvation: What makes salvation necessary?

Humanity's forgetfulness/ignorance of Allah's Oneness and the Qur'an; and sure damnation if Allah is not remembered or obeyed.

Islam/Christianity Jesus

I: A prophet who was virgin-born, but not Son of God. C: Divine Son of God who was virgin-born, He is God's Word and Savior of humanity

Active Euthanasia

Actively doing something to bring about the death of the patient...lethal injection, smothering with a pillow, etc...the cause of death is not the condition causing the suffering, but rather something else.

Brittany Maynard

Advocate of Aid in Dying - January 1, 2014 was diagnosed with brain cancer. After treatment, the brain cancer returned in April 2014 and was given six months to lice. She moved to Oregon and on November 1, 2014 ended her life using Oregon's Death with Dignity Act.

New Tolerance

Agree that another person's position is just valid as your own. You must give your approval, your endorsement, your sincere support to their beliefs and behaviors.

Amendment 14 Section 1 U.S. Constitution

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; not deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


Anyone whose gender expression is considered non-traditional for the sex they were assigned at birth.

The Middle Path

Balanced "path" between "two extremes" of "a life given to pleasures and lusts" and "a life given to mortifications, both of which he had come to see as profitless.

Buddhism's Plan of Salvation: What makes salvation personal?

Believing the Four Noble Truths and practicing the Noble Eightfold Path.

Problems for Christians - New Tolerance

Biblical truth, Jesus and the cross, sin, the mission of the church.

Men and Women in Society

Both created in the image of God, were to subdue and rule over everything on earth, receive spiritual gifts, could be business leaders in community.

Core Beliefs of Hindu Scriptures

Brahman, Atman, Maya, Samara, Karma, Moksha

Islam/Christianity Angels

I: Created from light, not worshipped. Satan is fallen angel. C: Angels are heavenly servants of God who act as His messengers.

Islam/Christianity Trinity

I: God, Jesus, and Mary C: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Gender Dysphoria

Deep and abiding discomfort over the incongruence between one's biological sex and one's psychological and emotional experience of gender.

Sexual Orientation

Describes what gender identities a person is most attracted to sexually and/or romantically

Death of Muhammad

Died at 62 in 632; he had no sons and appointed no ancestor.

Islam's Plan of Salvation: What is salvation?

Entering paradise on Judgement Day, and escaping Hell.


External and indestructible soul/self every human possesses, ultimate purpose is to unite withe Brahman, the true Self. (Achieve highest or perfect knowledge)

Patient Self Determination Act

Gave hospitals the responsibility to provide advanced directives.

What is hospice?

Help patients and families deal with the fear of the unknown, help with pain control, thoughts of suicide and depression dealt with, deal with "burden" issue, help family deal with the care of dying.

What is the third largest world religion in the world?



righteousness, duty; "Hinduism" a later word applied to people of Indus Valley, now accepted by natives.

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