SAFe 5

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Lean-Agile Principles

#1 - Take an economic view #2 - Apply systems thinking #3 - Assume variability; preserve options #4 - Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles #5 - Base milestones on objective evaluation of working systems #6 - Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes, and manage queue lengths #7 - Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning #8 - Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers #9 - Decentralize decision-making

DevOps aka DevSecOps

- A 'software factory' that aligns teams and increases delivery speed while simultaneously increasing solution quality, security, and stability. - Enables the continuous delivery pipeline by supplying the mindset, practices, and tooling required to foster rapid delivery and learning at every step.

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 1 Agenda: Business context

- A Business Owner or senior executive describes the current state of the business, shares the Portfolio Vision, and presents a perspective on how effectively existing solutions are addressing current customer needs.

DevOps Practice Domains: Value Stream Management (VSM)

- A business practice that focuses on increasing the flow of business value from customer request to customer delivery. - Provides lightweight, end-to-end governance of the continuous delivery pipeline and optimizes it for maximum value delivery as opposed to maximum adherence to fixed delivery plans. - Includes specific practices such as value stream mapping, analyzing flow efficiency through the end-to-end delivery pipeline, and setting targets for delivery speed, quality, and value. - Involves specialized software platforms that integrate with other tools throughout the pipeline to collect and surface real time data about the health of the value stream.

Program Increment (PI) Planning

- A cadence-based, face-to-face event that serves as the heartbeat of the Agile Release Train (ART), aligning all the teams on the ART to a shared mission and Vision. - Usually a 2 day event

House of Lean - Relentless Improvement

- A constant sense of danger - Optimize the Whole - Consider facts carefully, then act quickly - Apply Lean tools to identify and address root causes - Reflect at Key Milestones - Identify and address short comings

DevOps Practice Domains: Configuration Management Domain

- A large part of the 'what' to Version Control's 'how.' - The things that are stored in version control are configurations, such as application, database, infrastructure, and security configurations. - Since these configurations collectively represent all design time and runtime aspects of a solution, they must be carefully managed. - Colloquially, the related practices are expressed 'as code'—infrastructure-as-code, security-as-code, and compliance-as-code for instance. - 'everything as code' approach to defining solutions, their runtime environments, and the systems that usher them through the continuous delivery pipeline. - set of design-time practices

SAFe Core Values

- Alignment based on Enterprise business objectives and strategy - Built in Quality via testing, good hardware, and systems integration testing; DevOps - Transparency and Trust - Program Execution - Leadership

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 2 Agenda: Final plan review and lunch

- All teams present their plans to the group, states their risks and impediments and provides the risks to the RTE for use later in the ROAMing exercise. - Business Owners acceptance or input/concerns - Adjust the plan as needed to address the issues identified. - The team then presents their revised plan if needed. - Once the plan is accepted the team brings their team PI objective sheet to the front of the room so everyone can see the aggregate objectives unfold in real-time

DevOps Practice Domains: Agile Planning and Design domain

- Assures that a CALMR approach to DevOps is followed from the onset of the delivery life cycle. - Includes practices such as Lean UX, Agile architecture, backlog management, and emergent design. - Tools focus primarily on streamlining Agile practices, making work visible, and accelerating the productivity of individuals and teams.

Little's Law—the seminal law of queuing theory

- Average wait time for service from a system equals the ratio of the average queue length divided by the average processing rate. - Therefore, assuming any average processing rate, the longer the queue, the longer the wait. - Simply, reducing queue length decreases delays, reduces waste, increases flow and improves predictability of outcomes.

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Inputs

- Business context (see 'content readiness' below) - Roadmap and vision - Top 10 Features of the Program Backlog

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Agenda

- Calculate the available team capacity for the iteration. - Discuss each story, elaborate acceptance criteria, and provide estimates using story points. - Planning stops once the team runs out of capacity. - Determine and agree on the iteration goals. - Everyone commits to the goals.

DevOps Practice Domains: Continuous Monitoring Domain

- Capturing, logging, surfacing, and analyzing production events. - These events describe both system behavior and end user behavior and directly support the Measurement and Recovery elements of CALMR. - Calls for significant harmony between the systems doing the monitoring and the humans interpreting and acting on the results. - Through full stack telemetry, observability, proactive issue detection, visualization, AIOps, and analytics, this set of practices is tailored to measure and maintain business value with a high degree of precision.

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Outputs

- Committed PI objectives - A set of SMART objectives that are created by each team with the business value assigned by the Business Owners. - Program board - Highlighting the new feature delivery dates, feature dependencies among teams and relevant Milestones.

SAFe's Continuous Delivery Pipeline

- Continuous Exploration - Continuous Integration - Continuous Deployment - Release on Demand

DevOps Practice Domains: CALMR

- Culture of responsibility - Automation of continuous delivery pipeline - Lean flow accelerates delivery - Measurement of flow, quality, and value - Recovery reduces risk and preserves value

DevOps Practice Domains: CALMR: Culture

- Customer-centricity - everyone in the value stream must be guided by a shared understanding of the customers they serve. - Collaboration - DevOps relies on the ability of development, operations, security, and other teams to partner effectively on an ongoing basis, ensuring that solutions are developed, delivered, and maintained in lock step with ever changing business needs. - Risk tolerance - reward risk taking, continuous learning, and relentless improvement. - Knowledge sharing - Sharing ideas, discoveries, practices, tools, and learning across teams, ARTs and the wider organization unifies the organization and enables skills to shift left.

SAFe's Continuous Delivery Pipeline: Continuous Deployment

- Deploy - Verify - Monitor - Respond

SAFe's Continuous Delivery Pipeline: Continuous Integration

- Develop - Build - Test End to End - Stage

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 1 Agenda: Draft plan review

- During the tightly timeboxed draft plan review, teams present key planning outputs, which include capacity and load, draft PI objectives, potential risks, and dependencies. - Business Owners, Product Management, and other teams and stakeholders review and provide input.

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Establish Capacity:

- Each team member determines their availability, acknowledging time off and other potential duties. This activity also takes into account other standing commitments—such as maintenance—that is distinct from new story development - Using their historical velocity as a starting point, the team makes adjustments based on the unavailable time for each team member to determine the actual capacity for the iteration


- Emphasizes the importance of sound information security practices in the pursuit of continuous delivery. - Avoids any risk of security being an afterthought - Security is completely integrated into the value stream - security tests should be automated to increase the speed and accuracy of compliance.

DevOps Practice Domains: Continuous Quality

- Ensures that quality is built in early in the pipeline and continually managed throughout a solution's life cycle. - Includes specific practices like hypothesis-driven development, behavior-driven design (BDD), test-driven development (TDD), A/B testing, and exploratory testing. - Automation is used to enhance the speed and accuracy of testing throughout the value stream.

DevOps Practice Domains: Infrastructure Management Domain

- Ensuring the stability and resiliency of deployed solutions so that maximum value can be realized. - Key technical practices include chaos engineering, selective releases, and site reliability engineering (SRE). - Automation is applied to enable immutable infrastructure, release on demand, rapid recovery, and auto-scaling.

Benefits of Program Increment (PI) Planning

- Establishing face-to-face communication across all team members and stakeholders - Building the social network the ART depends upon - Aligning development to business goals with the business context, vision, and Team and Program PI objectives - Identifying dependencies and fostering cross-team and cross-ART collaboration - Providing the opportunity for 'just the right amount' of architecture and Lean User Experience (UX) guidance - Matching demand to capacity and eliminating excess Work in Process (WIP) - Fast decision-making

Agile Testing

- Everyone on the team is a tester - Test First Quadrants: - Q1: Unit and Component Testing: before and after code changes to confirm system works as intended - Q2: Functional Tests (UATs) validated with Product Owner - Q3: System Level Acceptance Tests - real or simulated scenarios; final validation before deployment - Q4: System qualities testing: test NFRs, load and performance, must be run continuously

Uncommitted Objectives

- Goals built into the plan (e.g., stories that have been defined and included for these objectives), but are not committed to by the team because of too many unknowns or risks. _ Increase the reliability of the plan and give management an early warning of goals that the ART may not be able to deliver

SAFe's Continuous Delivery Pipeline: Exploration

- Hypothesize - Collaborate and Research - Architect - Synthesize

DevOps Practice Domains: Benefits of CALMR

- Increased frequency, quality, and security of product innovation - Decreased deployment risk with accelerated learning cycles - Accelerated solution time-to-market Improved solution quality and shortened lead time for fixes - Reduced severity and frequency of failures and defects - Improved Mean Time to Recover (MTTR) from production incidents

Values of the Agile Manifesto

- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools - Working software over comprehensive documentation - Customer Collaboration over contract negotiation - Response to change over following a plan

Manage Queue Length for BackLog

- Keep team and program backlogs short and largely uncommitted. This allows new, higher priority work to enter and leave the system with less wait time. - Establish WIP limits for each process step. This means that the length of the queue in front of any one state is limited to the WIP limit. - Be especially careful of large, long-term commitments. Every long-term commitment decreases the agility of the enterprise.

DevOps Practice Domains: Deployment Pipeline

- Known as the 'CI/CD pipeline.' - Begins with code committed to version control and ends with that code being successfully deployed in production. - Goal is to deploy finished code to production as quickly and safely as possible - Ultimately, the entire deployment pipeline should be automated from end to end using a carefully selected tool chain. Doing so greatly accelerates build, integration, testing, break fix, and deployment cycles. - Often the only manual activities in a mature deployment pipeline are peer reviews and responding to system-generated pipeline events and notifications.

House of Lean - Foundation

- Lean Agile Leadership - Mmt applies and teaches Lean thinking; bases decision on this long-term philosophy

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 1 Agenda: Management review and problem-solving

- Management may negotiate scope changes and resolve other problems by agreeing to various planning adjustments. - The RTE facilitates and keeps the primary stakeholders together for as long as necessary to make the decisions needed to reach achievable objectives.

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 2 Agenda: Planning Adjustments

- Management presenting any changes to planning scope, people, and resources.

DevOps Practice Domains: CALMR: Measure: Solution Value

- Metrics gauge economic outcomes and customer (or end user) satisfaction and are evaluated against forecasted outcomes defined as part of the original business hypothesis. - Value metrics are sourced from full-stack telemetry, analytics engines, financial systems, and feedback from users and stakeholders. - The Flow Framework presents these as "Business Results" with specific metrics to track value, cost, and happiness. - Google adds time to restore—equivalent to the well known Mean Time to Restore (MTTR)—since production failures can very rapidly diminish the value of deployed solutions.

Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs)

- Named: Quality.Subquality - Scale: What to measure (units) - Meter: How to measure (method) - Target: Success level to achieve - Constraint: Failure level to avoid - Baseline: Current level

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 2 Agenda: Confidence Vote

- Once program risks have been addressed, teams vote on their confidence in meeting their team PI objectives. 'fist of five' vote - - If the average is three fingers or above, then management should accept the commitment. - If it's less than three, the team reworks the plan. - Any person voting two fingers or fewer should be given an opportunity to voice their concerns.

House of Lean - Flow

- Optimize continuous and sustainable throughput of value - Build in quality - Understand, exploit, and manage variability - Avoid start/stop - Use informed decision making via fast feedback

Agile Release Train (ART)

- Organized around the Enterprise's significant Development Value Streams and exist solely to realize the promise of that value by building Solutions that deliver benefit to the end-user.

House of Lean - Respect for People and Cultures

- People do all the work - Customer is whoever consumes your work: Don't overload them, make them wait, do wasteful work, or impose wishful thinking - Long-term partnership and trust - To change culture, change the Organization - Culture change is last

Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs) aka System Qualities

- Persistent system attributes/qualities such as security, reliability, performance, maintainability, scalability, and usability. - They serve as constraints or restrictions on the design of the system across the different backlogs. - They ensure the usability and effectiveness of the entire system - Defined by Solution Arch/Engineers - Must be quantified - Occur with ALL backlogs - typically revisited as part of the Definition of Done (DoD) for each Iteration, Program Increment (PI), or release. NFRs influence all backlogs: Team, Program, Solution, and Portfolio

DevOps Practice Domains: Value Metrics Domain

- Precisely tuned metrics for how customers derive value from deployed solutions. - They are outcome-oriented measurements that provide objective evidence that solutions are (or are not) performing well in the market. - Contains techniques such as innovation accounting, objectives and key results (OKRs), key performance indicators (KPIs), and service level agreements (SLAs). - Using these methods, desired outcomes are forecast and actual outcomes evaluated to determine a solution's true value to the business.

House of Lean - Innovation

- Producers innovate; customers validate - Get out of the office - Provide time and space for innovation - Apply innovation accounting - Pivot without mercy or guilt

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 1 Agenda: Product/solution vision

- Product Management presents the current vision (typically represented by the next top 10 upcoming features) and highlights any changes from the previous PI planning event, as well as any forthcoming Milestones.

System Demo

- Provides a mechanism for evaluating the working system, which is an integrated increment from all the teams. - Occurs at the end of every iteration - Timebox to 1 hour - Uses Staging Environment

SAFe's Continuous Delivery Pipeline: Release on Deman

- Release - Stabilize - Measure - Learn


- Release Train Engineer (RTE) - Product Management - System Architect/Engineering - Business Owner - Customer

DevOps Practice Domains: Version Control

- Requires all solution assets to be under version control. Application code; server, network, and firewall configurations; database scripts; even requirements and test scripts need to be stored in a common repository to ensure solutions and environments can be built, deployed, repaired, and decommissioned on demand. - Stresses minimizing the amount and duration of open branches and ensuring that the code base always remains in a deployable state. - Automation in this category is directed toward optimizing branching and merging strategies, facilitating distributed version control, and managing file types of all kinds.

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 2 Agenda: Program Risks

- Resolved - Owned - Someone to manage the risk until it can be resolved - Accept - potential problems that must be understood and accepted - Mitigate - identify a plan to reduce the impact of the risk

House of Lean - Pillars and Foundation

- Respect for people and cultures - Flow - Innovation - Relentless Improvement. - Lean Agile Leadership (Foundation)

ART Principles

- Schedule is Fixed per Program Increment (PI) cadence usually 8-12 weeks - A new system increment every two weeks with System Demo - Synchronization is applied - PI length typically 8-12 weeks with common start/end dates and durations - Train has a known velocity - can reliably estimate many new features can be delivered in a PI - Agile Teams - Apply Agile practices, values, and principles - Dedicated People - Fact to Face PI Planning - Innovation and Planning (IP)

DevOps Practice Domains: Continuous Security

- Security is everyone's responsibility. - Spans the entire continuous delivery pipeline and ensures that sound information security practices—both preventive and detective—are always active throughout the life cycle of a solution. - Emphasizes practices such as security by design, threat modeling, security-as-code, as well as automation in the areas of vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and intrusion detection.

DevOps Practice Domains: CALMR: Measure: Solution Quality

- Shifting technical practices left. - Ensure that quality is built into solutions during development rather than 'inspected in' as defects are discovered later. - Quality metrics gauge adherence to functional, non-functional, security, and compliance requirements -Best obtained via automated testing tools prior to release. - The Flow Framework categorizes these loosely as quality metrics while Google focuses specifically on change fail rates

Program Increment (PI) Planning

- Significant event that requires preparation, coordination, and communication. - Facilitated by the RTE and event attendees - Include Business Owners, Product Management, Agile Teams, System and Solution Architects/Engineering, the System Team, and other stakeholders, all of whom must be notified in advance to be well prepared. - The active participation of Business Owners in this event provides an important Guardrail on budgetary spend.


- Starting point for calculating a team's capacity for a future iteration. Knowing a team's capacity assists with planning and helps limit Work in Process (WIP) - used to estimate how long it takes to deliver Features or Epics, which are also forecasted in story points.

DevOps Practice Domains: CALMR: Measure: Recovery techniques that support fast recovery

- Stop-the-line mentality - With a 'stop-the-line' mentality, any issue that compromises solution value causes team members to stop what they are doing and swarm on the issue until it is resolved. Learnings are then turned into permanent fixes to prevent the issue from recurring. - Plan for and rehearse failures - When it comes to DevOps, failed deployments are not only an option, they are expected from time to time. To minimize the impact of failures and maximize the resiliency of solutions, teams should develop recovery plans and practice them often in production or production-like environments. - Fast fix forward and roll back - Since production failures are inevitable, teams need to develop the capability to quickly 'fix forward' and, where necessary, roll back to a known stable state. Fixes must flow through the same process as any feature or enhancement; therefore, it is imperative that the continuous delivery pipeline is able to accommodate any type of change at any level of severity.

House of Lean - Goal

- Sustainable shortest lead time. - Best quality and value to people and society. - High morale, safety, and customer delight. AKA: - To deliver the maximum Customer value in the sustainably shortest lead time, while providing the highest possible quality

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 1 Agenda: Architecture vision and development practices

- System Architect/Engineering presents the architecture vision. - A Senior development manager may introduce Agile-supportive changes to development practices, such as test automation, DevOps, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Deployment, which are being advanced in the upcoming PI.

Three/Four Organizational Levels of Safe

- Team - Program - Portfolio - Value Stream (Optional)

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Story Analysis and Estimating

- Team backlog review - Discuss each story: difficulty, size, complexity, uncertainty, challenges and acceptance criteria - Team agrees to size of story - Priorities and estimated

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 2 Agenda: Team breakouts #2

- Teams continue planning based on their agenda from the previous day, making the appropriate adjustments. - Finalize their objectives for the PI, to which the Business Owners assign business value metric

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 1 Agenda: Team Breakout #1

- Teams estimate their capacity for each Iteration and identify the backlog items they will likely need to realize the features. - Each team creates their draft plans, visible to all, iteration by iteration. - Identify risks and dependencies and draft their initial team PI objectives

Iteration Planning Attendees

- The Product Owner - The Scrum Master, who acts as the facilitator for this event - All team members - Any other stakeholders as required, including representatives from different Agile teams or the ART, and subject matter experts

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Day 1 Agenda: Planning Context

- The RTE presents the planning process and expected outcomes.

Manual Processes

- The enemy of fast value delivery, high productivity, and safety. - Tend to increase the probability of errors in the delivery pipeline, particularly at scale. - Cause rework, which delays desired outcomes.

DevOps Practice Domains: Agile Product Management Domain

- Through customer centricity, hypothesis-driven development, design thinking, Lean Startup, and market research practices, this domain ensures that the continuous delivery pipeline is always calibrated to deliver specific, measurable business outcomes. Moreover, it ensures that the enterprise collects validated learning from every release and directs those learnings toward relentless improvement.

SAFe DevOps Practice Domains:

- Value Stream Management - Continuous Quality - Continuous Security - Version Control - Configuration Management - Infrastructure Management - Agile Planning and Design - Deployment Pipeline - Continuous Monitoring - Agile Product Management - Value Metrics

DevOps Practice Domains: CALMR: Lean Flow

- Visualize and Limit WIP - Reduce Batch Size - Manage Queue Lengths

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Tasking Stories

- a team member takes responsibility for specific task(s) and reduce available capacity - rebalance workload amongst team - break up stories if needed

Iteration Planning (IP)

- event where all team members determine how much of the Team Backlog they can commit to delivering during an upcoming Iteration. The team summarizes the work as a set of committed Iteration Goals. - Timeboxed to 4 hours

Functional requirements

- expressed in user stories, features, and capabilities - represent most of the work in building solutions that deliver value to the user

Solution Intent

- is the single source of truth about the solution. - Includes NFRs (Non-Functional Requirements) as well as functional requirements. - Includes traceability links between NFRs, other requirements they impact, and tests used to verify them. - NFRs play a key role

ART: Innovation and Planning (IP)

- occurs at the end of every PI and provide estimating guard band (buffer) as well as dedicated time for PI planning, innovation, continuing education, and infrastructure work

Roles: Product Managment

- responsible for what gets built - defined Vision, Roadmap, and new Features in the Program Backlog - Works with Customer and Product Owner to understand/communicated needs - participate in solution validation


- schedule of events and Milestones that communicate planned Solution deliverables over a planning horizon - provide all stakeholders with a view of the current, near-term, and longer-term deliverables that realize some portion of the Portfolio Vision and Strategic Themes - Strengthen the relationship between the organization and its customers and suppliers by providing them with a means to understand, collaboratively shape, and plan for future solutions - Three Types: - Near-term: commitments for an Agile Release Train (ART) or Solution Train for the planned, upcoming Program Increment (PI) and offers a forecast into the deliverables and Milestones for the next two to three PIs - Longer Term Solutions: often multiyear view showing the key milestones and deliverables needed to achieve the solution Vision over time - Portfolio: aggregated multi-year view (Epics) of how the portfolio vision will be achieved across all the portfolio's Value Streams.

DevOps Practice Domains: CALMR: Measure

-Ability to accurately measure delivery effectiveness and feed that information back into relentless improvement efforts - Pipeline Flow - throughput and lead times - Solution Quality - Solution Value

NFR Implementation Approach

1) All at once: Example New Compliance requirement 2) Incremental Story by Story

Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) must be

1) Bounded - with context. For example, an airplane's flight controls should be more rigid reliability than the infotainment system. 2) Independent - should be independent of each other so that they can be evaluated and tested without consideration of or impact from other system qualities. 3) Negotiable - Understanding business drivers and bounded context mandates negotiability. 4) Testable - must be stated with objective, measurable, and testable criteria.

The tools used to help develop the solution intent provide some mechanisms to establish an economic approach to define and implement NFRs

1) Compliance - Compliance drives many NFR decisions to ensure the solution meets regulatory, industry, and other relevant standards and guidelines. 2) Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) - can be used to simulate the effect of NFRs and support tracing to the designs the implement them and tests that validate them 3) Set-based Design (SBD) - SBD provides different options for achieving NFRs

Program Increment (PI) Planning:

1) Establish Capacity 2) Story Analysis and Estimating 3) Tasking Stories 4) Developing Iteration Goals 5) Committing to Iteration Goals

Program Increment (PI) Planning must include

1) Executive briefing - A briefing that defines the current business context 2) Product vision briefing(s) - Briefings prepared by Product Management, including the top 10 features in the Program Backlog 3) Architecture vision briefing - A presentation made by the CTO, Enterprise Architect, or System Architect to communicate new Enablers, features, and Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs)

SAFe Foundation Layer

1. Lean Agile Leaders 2. Communities of Practice to share, practical, functional knowledge 4. Lean Agile Mindset - House of Lean and Agile Manifesto 5. Lean-Agile Principles

SAFe Team Topologies

1. Stream-Aligned - org around flow of work and delivery directly to customer 2. Complicated subsystem team - org around specific subsystem w/deep specialty skills and expertise 3. Platform Team - org around the Dev and support of platforms that service other teams 4. Enabling team - org to assist other teams with specialized capabilities and help become proficient in new technologies

Three primary keys to achieving flow are:

1. Visualize and limit work in process (WIP) (Kanban Board) to identify bottlenecks and balance, effectively manage and limit WIP 2. Reduce the batch sizes of work items 3. Manage queue lengths: the length of the queue must be reduced and/or the processing rate must be increased

Result of applying DevOps effectively to value streams

Continuous delivery pipelines while simultaneously increasing solution quality, security, and stability

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Agenda

Day 1: Business Context Product/Solution Vision Architecture Vision and Dev Practices Planning Contest and Lunch Team Breakouts Draft Plan Review Management Review and Problem Solving Day 2: Planning Adjustments Team Break outs Final Plan Review and Lunch Program Risks Confidence Vote Plan Re-work Planning Retrospect & Moving Forward

SAFe Requirements Model

ECFS: Epic > Capability > Feature > Story

How to establish Velocity for new teams

For every full-time developer and tester on the team, give the team 8 points (adjust for part-timers) Subtract one point for every team member vacation day and holiday in the iteration

DevOps Practice Domains: CALMR: Automation

Integrated 'tool chain' accelerates processing time and shrinks feedback cycles to provide objective evidence that solutions are (or are not) delivering expected value.

Feature misses a timed departure

It does not get planned into the current PI, it can catch the next one

Most important indicators of Pipeline Performance (per Google)

Most important indicators: - End-to-end lead time - Deployment frequency

Program Increment (PI) Planning: Develop Iteration Goals

Product Owner and team agree on the final list of stories that will be selected, and they revisit and restate the iteration goals. The entire team then commits to the iteration goals, and the scope of the work remains fixed for the duration of the iteration.

low-risk releases and fast recovery from operational failure

To support frequent and sustained value delivery, the continuous delivery pipeline must be designed for

Roles: System Architect/Engineering

Works at abstract level above teams and components Defines - Overall system architecture - Major system elements, subsystems, interfaces - Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs)

Built in Quality/Testing

a) Test-First: Test-Driven Development (TDD), Acceptance Test-Driven Development, (ATDD), and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) b) Continuous Integration c) Refactoring d) Pair work e) Collective ownership

DevOps Practice Domains: CALMR: Measure: Flow: Mik Kersten's Flow Framework

defines four "Flow Metrics" - Flow velocity - Flow efficiency - Flow time - Flow load - Tracks the "Flow Distribution" of features, defects, risks, and debts in the pipeline.

Roles: The Release Train Engineer (RTE)

is a servant leader and coach for the Agile Release Train (ART). The RTE's major responsibilities are to - facilitate the ART events - processes and assist the teams in delivering value. - impediment removal - risk and dependency mmt - continuous improvement

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