SAT II History

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"Book of Mormon" gives Mormonism popularity; first religion born in US; converts came from europe too; settlement in Utah opened up first transcontinental railroad; work diligently; intense persecution


"Lighting war", typed of fast-moving warfare used by German forces against Poland in 1939

George McGovern

"Mr. Liberal"; first senator Democrat to come out against Vietnam war; A Senator from South Dakota who ran for President in 1972 on the Democrat ticket. His promise was to pull the remaining American troops out of Vietnam in ninety days which earned him the support of the Anti-war party, and the working-class supported him, also. He lost however to Nixon;

Martin Van Buren

"Old Kinderhook" born in NY, top advisor of Jackson, organizing force behind the first political party to survive the modern day: Democratic Party, oppose slavery and block annexation of Texas, as president he followed Jackson policy of only buying land with silver or gold and partly responsible for Panic of 1837, tried to solve panic by moving money to independent banks but fail and loses reputation; President after Jackson

Women's Liberation Movement

"Second Wave" of feminist movement occurred in 1960s and 1970s amid societal upheaval of Vietnam era; sprang from 1963 book "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan, which chronicled the dissatisfaction of women coming out of materialism of 1950s who wanted to move outside of traditional role of housewives and mothers into political stance that opposed all forms of sexist discrimination in American society and culture; Friedan elected presidents of National Org. for Women (NOW)which advocated greater equality of sexes in education and employment and political offices and wanted gov to reform laws; nonviolent marches

Great White Fleet

"Speak softly and carry a big stick" -Roosevelt (stick is US navy) Roosevelt send 16 battleships in white to circumnavigate the glove 1907-1909; ships named after states and voyage inspire nationalism; displayed US naval power

Virginia Dynasty

"dynasty" comprised of the four of the first five presidents (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe), all of whom Virginian plantation owners

Election of 1916

"he kept us out of war" slogan got Wilson back into presidency; was against Charles Evans Hughes; Wilson won CA; promised not to go to war, but as tensions grew, Wilson gave in

Coureurs De Bois

"runners of the woods" in French, fur trapping settlers in New World who used extensive river system of trans Appalachian region to est thriving fur trade with Amer Indian tribes


"the Base" in arabic, a terrorist org. founded by bin Laden in 1988; org. to resist invasion of Afghan by Su then expand goals to install Muslim Caliphate to control the world; first seek to purge Muslim world from corruption from Wester influences; trained many individuals and financed by personal wealth of bin Laden, profits from businesses and Muslim charities, and direct donatiosn

"Bloody Shirt"

"waving the bloody shirt" was rhetorical device that reminded listeners that southerners who started the Civil War were Democrats; used in public speaking; preserved grip of Republican party on power in federal govt in Gilded Age; thought to have originated when Mass member of House of Rep given blood-stained shirt from carpetbagger in South who was attacked by KKK

McCulloch v. Maryland

(1819, Marshall) The courts ruled that the states cannot tax the federal government, i.e. the Bank of the United States; the phrase "the power to tax is the power to destroy"; federal government is supreme to the states (supremacy clause); confirmed the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States (elastic clause).

Persian Gulf War

(1990 - 1991) Conflict between Iraq and a coalition of countries led by the United States to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait; Hussein (Iraq) invade Kuwait, so King of Saudi Arabia allow Bush to send military, huge invasion by General Schwarzkopf (American) called Operation Desert Storm and freed Kuwait

Archduke Maximilian

-Austrian Archduke who was appointed to Emperor of Mexico. -Napoleon III abandoned him in 1867 and Mexico was once again independent. -french viceroy appointed by napoleon iii of france to lead the new government set up in mexico. after the civil war, the u.s. invaded and he was executed, a demonstration of the enforcement of the monroe doctrine to european powers

Balkan Conflit

-after fall of SU, balkans fell apart and various ethnic groups wanted autonomy -NATO and Clinton stepped in to support -Slobodan Milosevic, Serbian leader, was like Hitler and did a "ethnic cleansing" of Serbia by killing Muslims -Clinton rejected troops to go in the ground to avoid war, aerial bombardment didn't work -fears of NATO v. Warsaw Pact war -accidental bombing of Chinese embassy led to straining relations

Gentlemen's Agreement 1907

-desegregate San Fran schools, but no more japanese immigrants to US

Emmet Till

14 yr old AA from Chicago who went to south in Mississippi to visit an uncle; on a dare, he approached a white woman and said "Bye, baby" and whistled as he left; the woman's husband and brother in law took Till from his uncle's home by force, beat him and shot him; this went to trial and the two men found innocent; brought to the attention of Rosa Parks and other AA leaders to start civil rights movement

Amerigo Vespucci

1454-1512 embodiment of Renaissance; calculate longitude; voyager for Spain, Portugal and the Medicis

Treaty of Tordesillas

1494 New World demarcation line between Portugal and Spain; btw Pop Alexander of spain and Portugal

Vasco de Gama

1498 journey around Africa continent and sail all the way to India and back to Portugal; named Viceroy of India at death

John and Sebastian Cabot

1509 father-son team of Venetians working for English crown; father dies before voyage but son goes in 1509 to explore England

Martin Luther

1517 German priest, launch Protestant Reformation; est. connection between Renaissance and REformation and beginning ideologies of U.S.

Hernando Cortes

1519 expedition to Mexico and destroy Aztec Empire

Giovanni de Verrazano

1523 land in American, Italian explorer, sent by Francis I to get land for France, first known american to be killed and eaten by American Indians

Cabeza de Vaca

1528 Spanish explorer, 1/4 survivors of exploration to Florida


1530 conquer Peru and destroy Inca civilization

Jacques Cartier

1536 first French explorer of Canada, work with de Verrazano; named Canada

Hernando de Soto

1539 first to successfully explore Florida; discover Mississippi River


1540 Repping highest ideals of scholarly RC; founded by Ignatius Loyola, growing influence on Americas

Bartolome de Las Casas

1552 Dominican friar, priest, scholar; try to get Spanish crown to treat Natives equal; utopian (perfect) society

Elizabeth I

1558 queen of England; strengthen land and military, end religious strife, war with Philip II of Spain

Francis Drake

1577-1580 Pirate, revenge on Spanish and circumnavigates the globe and returns with gold; defeat Spanish Armada

Spanish Armada

1588 fleet from Spain set out for England; Sir Francis Drake lead attack on Armada, bad weather help defeat the armada "Invincible" group of ships sent by King Philip II of Spain to invade England in 1588; Armada was defeated by smaller, more maneuverable English "sea dogs" in the Channel; marked the beginning of English naval dominance and fall of Spanish dominance.


1607 first colony of 13 (from Jamestown); birthplace of slavery; Rolfe figure out how to grow tobacco

Lord de la Warr

1610 governor of VA when it was about to collapse; bring back VA from ashes

House of burgesses

1619 first rep assembly in Western Hemis in VA; villages called Burgs, and reps are Burgesses

Mayflower Compact

1620 key legacy of Plymouth Colony (most symbolic colony) and pledges that they will create "civil body politic"

Peter Stuvyesant

1624 (New Ams.);1647-governor of New Netherland, last hope of Holland and Dutch East India company; defend Dutch interests in territory; English later take over the land and rename NY

Mass. Bay Colony

1629 Puritans come from great Migration, create General Court (like VA House of Burgesses)

Anne Hutchinson

1638 start teaching heretical stuff to Puritans, teach divine revelation for all, banned from Mass. Bay A Puritan woman who was well learned that disagreed with the Puritan Church in Massachusetts Bay Colony. Her actions resulted in her banishment from the colony, and later took part in the formation of Rhode Island. She displayed the importance of questioning authority.

Roger Williams

1643 one of first to advocate for separations of church and government; found Rhode Island

Bacon's Rebellion

1676 Nathaniel Bacon (VA planter) frustrated with Governor Berkeley; him and group protest Governor refusal to help coloniests who face atrocities from Ameri Indians, Bacon dies and rebellion does too, but precursor

William Penn

1677 finds West Jersey; 1681 charter for Pennsylvania; founded 3 of original 13 colonies, Quaker, sowed humanitarian principles

Pope's Rebellion (pueblo revolt)

1680 Pope lead resistance to Spanish rule


1681 Most "American" out of 13 colonies; diverse in Philadelphia, place of Quaker refuge Founded by William Penn as a Quaker colony

Rene-Robert de la Salle

1682 French explorer, goes with other men to find out Mississippi River flows into Gulf of Mexico, but killed when he couldnt show it to his crew again

Junipero Serra

1749 Franciscan friar, priest, scholar; follow mainstream Spanish and RC policies, create nine missions but harsh treatment of natives

French and Indian War (Seven Years War)

1754-1763 British+Iroquois beat France+Huron; Spain also involved, climax of 18th century, started by Washington exploration of no man's land and French interference in British land; British and Iroquois win and they through Treaty of Paris of 1763 giving Canada and Ohio River Valley to British

Fort Duquesne

1758 beginning place of French and Indian War when Washington ran into fort; It was originally a British fort that the French seized before it was finished. It was the destination of George Washington before he was forced to retreat to Fort Necessity in 1754. It was the site of a great French victory over England's General Edward Braddock in 1755. The British retook it for good in 1758 and named it Fort Pitt. The importance of this fort site was that its holder gained control of three rivers: the Ohio, the Allegheny, and the Monongahela. Yes, Fort Duquesne was where Pittsburgh is today.

Battle of Quebec

1759 climax of French and Indian War, glorious victory of British, British general Wolfe vs French general Montcalm, Wolfe attack Quebec as key victory to get French Canada and win it

Patrick Henry

1763 hero of frontier elements; says "Give me liberty, or give me death" speech, speak against King of England support of Anglican ministers

Green Mountain Boys

1770 led by Ethan Allen, resistance to authority of NY in Vermont (freedom from eastern authority)

Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

1774 series of laws to shut down revolutionary acts; ports closed and General Gage use power to take over public buildings

Lexington and Concord

1775 American militiamen v. British= Americans win (Paul revere says british are coming)

Daniel Boone

1775 veteran of French and Indian War; personify origins of westward migration and discovered Cumberland Gap, a notch in the Appalachian Mountains near the juncture of Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky

Common Sense

1776 Thomas Paine, quote Bible, says king is evil by nature, island like Britain shouldn't rule North America; Patriots


1777 turning point in American Revolution, British general Burgoyne attempt convergence of three British armies in NY, but Horatio Gates attach/diverte British and US Victory, French make alliance with US

Battle of King's Mountain

1780 significant battle between British Cornwallis and frontiersmen US, US Win, Cornwallis fail to get North Carolina

Yorktown, VA

1781 British had it, then it cameunder siege by Washington, Cornwallis surrender

Articles of Confederation

1781, made as "league of friendship" of 13 states, lack tax system and econ control and national currency; success in getting all western land and govt selling it for profit; meet at Annapolis convention to revise the articles of confed; total revision happened at Constitutional Convention; created weak central government

Treaty of PAris

1783 peace agreement after American Revolution

Chesapeake Affair

1807 - The American ship Chesapeake refused to allow the British on the Leopard to board to look for deserters. In response, the Leopard fired on the Chesapeake. As a result of the incident, the U.S. expelled all British ships from its waters until Britain issued an apology.

Non-Intercourse Act

1809: open foreign trade except with Britain and France

Era of Good Feelings

1814-1824 with Jefferson, Madison and Monroe as presidents, unity

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

1819, set superiority of federal law over state law (1819, Marshall) New Hampshire had attempted to take over Dartmouth College by revising its colonial charter. The court ruled that the charter was protected under the contract clause of the US Constitution; upholds the sanctity of contracts.

Andrew Jackson

1820-1840 Age of Jackson, started poor, grew up to be an aggressive leader/ ambitious, famous for Battle of New Orleans and became president later; use of veto and American Indian removal and the Bank War; Democratic Party

Webster-Hayne Debates ??

1830 debates in Senate over Connecticut senator's desire to slow sale of western lands; North believe access to land in West could drain new factories of their laborers while S+W insist land can be source of new slave territories; interpreters of constitution as creating a nation vs. league of friendship; Webster speaks about the disunity in America; these can hurt Union

Gag Rule

1836-1844 strict rule passed by pro-southern Congressmen in 1836 to prohibit all discussion of slavery in the House or Representatives; rules state that any aboitionist resolution or bill brought to House would be postponed indefinitely

Underground Railroad

1840 underground trails to help slaves get to freedom; 1830-1860 3200 AA and white workers help escape 50000 slaves; network of Quakers and other abolitionists, including Senator William H. Seward

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty. Senator Stephen Douglas made this bill to open up land for first transcontinental railroad

Bleeding Kansas

1854-1858 bloody violence; two gov't, proslavery in Lecompton vs antislavery Topeka; 1856 clashes destroy land; Kansas enters Union as free state in 1861

Robert La Follette

1855-1925. was a Republican, then fired for supporting McKinley Tariff and became Progressive Wisconsin Senator and Governor. Staunch supporter of the Progressive movement, and vocal opponent of railroad trusts, bossism, WWI, and League of Nations. ran for Progressive Party candidate in 1924; Wisconsin Idea and much of Progressive Reform= use of independent regulatory commissions filled with experts as source of policy ideas; want equal distrib of wealth, women voting right, etc

Crittenden Compromise

1860 - attempt to prevent Civil War by Senator Crittenden - offered a Constitutional amendment recognizing slavery in the territories south of the 36º30' line, noninterference by Congress with existing slavery, and compensation to the owners of fugitive slaves - defeated by Republicans, Lincoln makes it clear that he doesn't want any further states, even ones from Mexico, to be slave states

Homestead Act

1862 in effort to encourage settlement from West, gov't give 160 acre tracts of land for any 21 yr old head of household, citizen or immigrant who would work the land and reside there for 5 years; only small registration fee; barbed wire by Joseph Glidden in 1874 and pacification of Plain Indians helped protect land; 2/3 of homesteaders failed to est. healthy land


1863-1877 after Civil War, the process in reconstructing America like the buildings and railroads, but especially bringing together into one nation; struggled whether or not to punish the south

Credit Mobilier Scandal

1864 Union Pacific Railroad insiders formed the Credit Mobilier construction company and then hired themselves at inflated prices to build the railroad line, earning high dividends; 1873 investigation underway but VP Schuyler Colfax diverted it When it was found out that government officials were paid stay quiet about the illicit business, some officials were censured

Ex Parte Milligan

1866 - Supreme Court ruled that military trials of civilians were illegal unless the civil courts are inoperative or the region is under martial law.

Military Reconstruction Act

1867. Divided 10 southern states into 5 military districts. In order for Southern states to be free of military control, they had to follow the district divisions, along with providing universal male suffrage and follow the 14th amendment

Fifteenth Amendment

1870 constitutional amendment that guaranteed voting rights regardless of race or previous condition of servitude; Radical Repub way of humiliating Confed states; only mentions men, not women

Wabash Case

1886 Supreme Court ruled that railroads were immune to regulations by state gov't cuz they were engaged in interstate commerce

Dawes Severalty Act

1887 grant 160 acres of land to heads of American Indian families instead of giving land to tribes to own communally; indians encouraged to farm their private land and abandon tribal affiliations and religion to assimilate them into American culture; failed however and just brought more indian resistance

Billion-Dollar Congress

1890 patronage and actual expense of fed govt had grown to reach this level of spending; Congress passed McKinley Tariff (Highest peacetime tax on imported goods at 50%) to cover costs of guilded age named for its lavish spendings, gave pensions to Civil War veterans, increased government purchases on silver, and passed the McKinley Tariff Act of 1890.

Homestead Strike

1892 in Carnegie's Homestead Steel plant, he left it under Henry Clay Frick's control, Frick pissed them off and the workers protested violently, Firck closed the plant in a "lockout", he hired 300 Pinkerton detectives who landed a barge at plant's dock on the Monongahela River, workers attack and 3 Pinks died and 3 workers kill; governor of Pennsylvania call out National Guard and workers give in after 5 months, some hired again and others "blacklisted" or placed on list to never by hired in steel industry again

Plessy v. Ferguson

1896 case about "separate but equal" facilities: Supreme Court case about Jim Crow railroad cars in Louisiana- Plessy sat in first class and kicked off, he sues them; the Court decided by 7 to 1 that legislation could not overcome racial attitudes, and that it was constitutional to have "separate but equal" facilities for blacks and whites; soon applied to schools, etc

Anti-Imperialist League

1898 group formed when professors, industrialists, ministers, and labor leaders lobbied fed gov to reserve foreign policy regarding Philippines and other spheres of influence

September 11 Attacks

19 al-Qaeda operatives hijack 4 jetliners; 2 planes crash Twin Towers; other one into Pentagon in DC; last was was en route to national capital, but passengers aboard plan attack hijackers and it landed in Pennsylvania; US respond by launching Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghan as "War on Terror"; bin Laden claim credit for attacks

Forager Act

1900 Congress give Puerto Ricans representation put not ability to participate in gov; puerto Ricans became citizens of US 1917; but PR not given independence or statehood

Hay-Paunceforte Treaty

1901 treaty amended 1850 Clayton Bulwer Treaty and give US britain's consent to build Panama Canal; also allow US to fortify Canal Zone; treaty that stated that Great Britain ceded its interest in building a canal across the Central American isthmus in return for a US promise to leave such a canal open to ships of all nations.

Elkins Act

1903 law passed by Congress to fine railroads and their customers who used rebates; rebates are discounts offered to large volume shippers that made small farmers and other individuals decry the practice when they had to pay more thanked corp for rail services

Hepburn Act

1906 congress outlaw issuing of free passes by railroads as favors to individuals and businessmen who helped railroads avoid regulations

Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 law forbade manufacture, sale, or shipping of impure or fraudulently labeled foodstuffs or drugs involved in interstate commerce; served as forerunner of later Food and Drug Admin

Root-Takahira Agreement

1908 - Japan / U.S. agreement in which both nations agreed to respect each other's territories in the Pacific and to uphold the Open Door policy in China. led to world war since Japanese allowed to pursue imperial goals

Federal Reserve Act

1913 first major reform of national banking system since Civil War; 12 regions have Federal Reserve Bank that owns private banks; overseen by 8 members of Federal Reserve Board who set rate at which banks can borrow money from national system and determine basic rate of private bank loans; interest rates and amount of new national currency can fluctuate depending on economy

Battle of Chateau Thierry

1918 battle=end of Monroe Doctrine; France and Allied Powers happy to have US support in war; first actions of AEF (American Expeditionary Force=US army at start of WWI)

Flue Epidemic

1918-1919 spread from tenches of WWI around the world and killed up to 50million people; killed more Americans than Civil War

Charles Mitchell

1921 elected president of National City Bank; took advantage of stocks by organizing sale of million dollars of stock in his own bank; used the money for investment schemes, later illegal; when stock prices fell, they were super wealthy and could manipulate market with their own wealth; when Stock Market crashed, they were ruined; later regained money and respect

Stock Market Crash

1922-1929 stock market crash, sign that Great Depression was here, came after 13 million shares sold on Oct 24, 1020; 16 million were sold on oct 29 (black thursday) with little buyers, result was drop in value of stocks and evaporation of wealth

Immigration Act

1924 This act abolished the National Origins system; increased annual admission to 170,000 and put a population cap of 20,000 on immigrants from any single nation.

Scopes Monkey Trial

1925 John T. Scopes, a bio teacher in Tennessee, tested the law of banning teaching theory of evolution in Tennessee; Clarence Darrow was the attorney and William Jennings Bryan was prosecutor; Scopes found guilty and fined


1928 Alexander Fleming discovered accidentally cultures of bacteria destroyed by mold, which penicillin was derived; perfected by Andrew Moyer for production in 1943, his process was more efficient and dropped the price

Sick-chicken Case (Schechter vs US)

1935 SC case, cause anxiety to FDR; NRA set up by NIRA was deemed unconstitutional in violation of Schechter Poultry Corp; NRA set codes for poultry workers; this corp claim that poultry supplier had resisted the codes and inspections that were meant to enforce the codes; SC rule that executive branch was exerting too much power and that these codes didn't apply to the Schechter corp

Fair Labor Standards Act

1938 law est New Deal workplace principles: min wage and max hours were set, children under 16 can't work; only applied to employees of business so many unprotected

Hatch Act

1939 forbade civil servants working in executive branch from participating in partisan political activities; President, VP and other high officials were excluded

The Lend Lease Act

1941 FDR sign law, measure to help primarily Britain receive war supplies without running out of credit; law allowed president to designate which countries were acting in the interests of the US to transfer resources to; attempt to prevent US entry into WWII but law seen as equivalent to entering war

Battle of Midway

1942 World War II battle between the United States and Japan, a turning point in the war in the Pacific; exchange fire with invasion force of Admiral Yamamoto; US Navy lost 1 carrier and Japanese lost 4; Chester W. Nimitz guessed japan plan and attacked well; saved Midway and prevented Japan takeover of PAcific

Dumbarton Oaks Conference

1944 reps from US, UK, china, and USSR meat at DC to propose foundation of international organization that became UN

National Security Act

1947 passed by Congress Passed in 1947 in response to perceived threats from the Soviet Union after WWII. It established the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Council. Coordinated Army, Nacy and new Air Force into single organized admin centered in person of Secretary of Defense

Dien Bien Phu

1954 battle was last effort of France to get its colony of Indochina; Viet Minh nationalists defeated French and French gave up claims of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

The Pill

1960 first pill said to be 100% effective in preventing pregnancy; contained synthetic hormone (progesterone) that convinced women's body that she was already pregnant and suppressed ovulation, increased sexual activity

Sun Belt

1960s and 70s, over 7million Americans leave NE and Midwest to move to warmer 15 southern states or Sun Belt; AC kept it cool and they liked warm winters; Rust Belt in NE and Midwest was declining and other immigrants took jobs and steel industry +iron in 1980s disappeared; altered political equation as well

Twenty-Fourth Amendment

1964 banned the denying of right to vote by levying poll taxes

Voting Rights Act

1965 Johnson admin passed this after Civil Righst Act; law removed all bars toward voting for AA in south, like literacy and other tests; fed gov had to supervise voting registration in state and local voting districts where few than half of potential voters were registered/voted

Miranda v. Arizona

1966 Ernesto Miranda arrested and coerced into confessing to kidnapping and rape of 18yr old woman; Supreme Court says original evidence had been circumstantial and conviction could not stand because Miranda was not informed of his rights to legal counsel; later, reconvicted on substantial evidence; named became verb "mirandize", police "mirandize" anyone being arrested by telling the person the rights results: Supreme Court held that criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination prior to questioning by police.

My Lai Massacre

1968 in which American troops had brutally massacred innocent women and children in the village of My Lai, also led to more opposition to the war; this revealed dark side of war

Stonewall Rebellion

1969 off duty police assaulted patrons of gay bar in NYC; subsequent protests spark new level of militant activism for civil rights for homosexuals and increase awareness of LGBT issues

Nixon Resignation

1972 FIRST president to resign from office, gave short speech on TB in 1974

Proposition 113

1978 CA initiative to put cap on state's real estate tax and forced state gov to cut social welfare services; Reagan leveraged the tax revolt for bid at White House as governor of CA

Three Mile Island

1979 failure of cooling system of Three Mile Island nuclear plant raised fear of "meltdown" of reactor core that might lead to catastrophic release of radiation; A mechanical failure and a human error at this power plant in Pennsylvania combined to permit an escape of radiation over a 16 mile radius.

Sally Ride

1983 she was first woman and youngest Aemrican to go to space as an astronaut; flew on Challenger; showed that "glass ceiling" for women was being shattered

Americans with Disabilities Act

1990 signed by Bush prohibiting discrimination against those with physical or mental impairment

Los Angeles Riots

1992 riots over frustration over beating of AA named Rodney King by LA police; 4 officers on trial, but white jury; riots last for 6 days; live on TV; 54 killed and 2000 injured; Asian stores in Watts neighborhood targeted for looting and powers use weapons as protection; later officers convicted of violating King's civil rights


1993 North American Free Trade Agreement created free-trade zone with US, Mexico, and Canada

Waco Standoff

1993 fed. Bureau of alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms surround compound in Waco, Texas; compound had Branch Davidians, leader David Koreash, and they were accused of child abuse and weapons violations; led to shootout and fire, killing many

Line-Item Veto

1996 signed by Clinton and supported; granted president the power to selectively veto parts of bill without having to veto it all; intended to control "pork barrel" spending or practice of attaching earmarks to legislations, these earmarks give money to those who sponsored the amendment

Welfare Reform Bill

1996 supported by Clinton, cut welfare payments and gave able-bodied recipients 2 years of job training before finding work


2 Frenchmen created a daguerreotype in 1830s using light coming through orifice to draw images on chemical metal plates; American George Eastman invented flexible celluloid film in 1889 which produced negative images then made to real ones, invented Kodak camera


2 Harvard professors created first modern computer to use by Navy in 1944, called Mark I and filled an entire room; 1948 bigger ENIAC 1 but faster; innovations led to smaller kits; Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs create Apple; Bill Gates made DOS; Gates' Microsoft software co. develop Windows

March on Washington

200,000 demonstrators marched on national capital in August 1963 demanding "jobs and freedom"; MLK gave famous "I have a dream" speech and John Lewis spoke as well; activists "soul force"; march goal was to get leaders in Washington to support Civil Rights Bill that passed the House to pass in Senate (it did); law banned segregation in public facilities, discrimination in employment, and denial of registration to vote based on immaterial errors on registration forms to any citizen, also authorize attorney general to sue any agency, business and school that barred desegregation

McCain-Feingold Act

2001 legislation reflect bipartisan will to reform campaign financing; set rules on spending for and by political candidates for fed. offices, reduce influence of corp. and PACs spending money on behalf of candidate -place limit on soft money given to candidates

Little Rock, Arkansas

9 AA students to integrate into Central High School in 1957; President Eisenhower sent US Army troops to enforce the SC ruling before mob violence

Neutrality Proclamation

A 1793 statement by President Washington that the United States would not support or aid either France or Britain in their European conflict following the French Revolution


A Shoshone woman whose language skills and knowledge of geography helped Lewis and Clark


A later native group to the eastern woodlands. They blended agriculture and hunting living in common villages constructed from the trees and bark of the forests; matriarchal society

Ida Tarbell

A leading muckraker and magazine editor, she exposed the corruption of the oil industry with her 1904 work "The History of Standard Oil Company" (most influential work and about Rockefeller's business practices) ; worked for McClure's; disagreed with women suffrage movement


A war policy in Vietnam initiated by Nixon in June of 1969. This strategy called for dramatic reduction of U.S. troops followed by an increased injection of S. Vietnamese troops in their place. A considerable success, this plan allowed for a drop in troops to 24,000 by 1972. . This policy became the cornerstone of the so-called "Nixon Doctrine". As applied to Vietnam, it was labeled "Vietnamization"; however a failure cuz of his failed presidency


Bush order troops in Somalia in 1992 to help distrib. food during famine; UN took over control of food relief after declaring anarchy existed; when Clinton became president, he told troops to hunt down most violent warlords who caused collapse of civilization in first place instead of giving food; militants (enemies) shot down American helicopter, killing 18 soldiers, Clinton searched for political solution

Election of 2000

Bush vs. Albert Gore JR.; controversy over Electoral College votes from Florida; recounted manually, but deemed incorrect; in end, Gore conceded the election to Bush


CORE first sit in in North Carolina in 1947 where 4 AA sat at Woolworth's department store lunch counter asking for service; went on for 6 months, spread around other places; eventually the store was desegregated in Greensboro (where it first happened)

Boxer Rebellion

Chinese nationalists form this secret society called Righteous and Harmonious Fists (aka Boxers); Rebellion in China against foreigners that occurred soon after the "Open Door" notes. Caused by foreign (American and European) "spheres of influence" within the Chinese empire. Led to no formal division of China and the world powers accepted compensation from the Chinese for damages instead; massacre of all foreigners in China and want to overthrow Qing Dynasty for allowing Open Door-successful in overthrowing

Allied Powers

England, France, Russia=Triple Entente -later, Italy, Japan and US join=Allied Powers -Russia want to support fellow Slavs against germans; France allied with Russia against German; UK and Belgium join when Germany invade France through Belgium; US join after provocations like German submarines


English colonies get this doc. from British gov permitting them to settle and specify conditions; VIP est from them were that colonists were Englishmen with same rights as Englishmen in England

Freedom Schools

Established by SNCC and CORE volunteers; goal of Freedom Rides were to instill greater pride in southern AA communities, and this was a way to get that; schools held during summers and taught AA history and nonviolent philosophies of civil rights mvmd to prepare next generation; spread across mississippi in 9164 and 1965; schools often mobbed or bombed; founder of freedom school mvmt Charles Cobb;

Lyman Beecher

Connecticut minister; father of Harriet Beecher Stowe (Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin) and abolitionist preacher Henry War beecher; father of reform accosciation and insisted that people need education and Christian teachings to reform themselves and society; sermons and pamphlets inspire formation of societies dedicated to reforming all types of social ills

Olive Branch Petition

Continental Congress profess loyalty to British Crown but ask that George III part with corrupt gov't ministers; George says instead that American colonies are in rebellion

Point IV Plan

Extended the Truman Doctrine to include areas of the world like Indochina that would play key roles in the Cold War; name from Truman's inaugural address where he called for "bold new program" to assist developing countries; allocate $35 million

Bank Holiday

FDR closed all banks for 4 days to stop panic and calm citizens; after reopening, stock prices began to rise and people started putting currency and gold back into their accounts; afterwards, FDR started his fireside chats to calm people further and to explain his actions

Election of 1932

FDR for Democratic Party (delivered acceptance speech after being elected as nominee), propose great gov involvement in American economy as last resort; won over Hoover; Democratic Party won both branches of Congress; set assertions of principles of Progressive Reform on massive scale

Ida B. Wells

FDR ignore plight of AA, promoted them to higher positions but ignore segregation and discrimination in New Deal Projects; Ida=mississippi teacher and journalist born into slavery, and began antilynching campaigns; helped found NAACP but resigned cuz it wasn't doing much; she and Jane Addams fought to prevent segregated schools in Chicago; journalist

War production board

FDR launches this to mobilize all aspects of economy to fight and win the war; this board stopped nonessential domestic New Deal projects and redirected all major industries to making war material; achieved almost complete employment

Hudson River School

Founded by Thomas Cole, first native school of landscape painting in the U.S.; attracted artists rebelling against the neoclassical tradition, painted many scenes of New York's Hudson River; paintings was romantic fixation on possibilities of American life and portrayed by placing humans in vast, wilderness settings

Tripolitan War

Four-year conflict between the American Navy and the North-African nation of Tripoli over piracy in the Mediterranean. Jefferson, a staunch noninterventionist, reluctantly deployed American forces, eventually securing a peace treaty with Tripoli.

U-2 Incident

Francis Gary Powers American pilot had his U@ aircraft shot down by Soviet missile; Powers was doing secret surveillance of SU; but Powers confessed and Eisenhower got in trouble; Power released by exchange The incident when an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. The U.S. denied the true purpose of the plane at first, but was forced to when the U.S.S.R. produced the living pilot and the largely intact plane to validate their claim of being spied on aerially. The incident worsened East-West relations during the Cold War and was a great embarrassment for the United States.

Collapse of the Soviet Union

Gorbachev pulled SU troops from Afghan and SU communist power fell; Hungary, Poland, East Germany bulgaria, Czech, and Romania held free elections; Gorbachev won first free elections in SU since 1917, winning in 1990; he made deals with Bush by signing START Treaty to decrease nuclear weapons; collapse of Berlin Wall, dissolution of Warsaw Pact, USSR dies away, Boris Yelton take control of free Rusia, independence in East Germany; Gorbachev resigned 1991, Cold War Over and US won

Populist Party

Grange formed Farmers' Alliances and other national orgs to attacks laws; in 1891 these formed the People's Party or Populist Party; sought to unite industrial laborers and agricultural laborers in movement to sand against the capitalist for the advancement of the common man; first national convention met in Omaha and James B. Weaver was its presidential candidate; wanted new national currency, free coinage of silver, gov't ownership of all transportation and communication components, graduated income tax, direct election of senators, shorter working hours, and restriction on immigration; lost presidential election but all of their issues became part of political life


Hitler's persecution of Jews starting in 1933; said they were inferior to Aryan master race; Final Solution was to kill 6 million Jews and other undesirables, Holocaust means sacrifice by fire

Lyndon Baines Johnson

House of Reps and joined navy; elected to Senate in 1949 and became Democratic Majority Leader; VP under JFK; his presidency was a tremendous advance for welfare programs and civil rights legislation; fought "war on poverty"

Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

ICBMs developed during Cold War to launch under power from their respective superpowers; supposed to be shot out of earth's atmosphere then into enemy land; Cold war warheads contained atomic weapons, and got more advanced where it could destroy the world; US went through stages of Atla, Titan, Minuteman and Peacekeeper missiles and SU followed suit

Sioux Rebellion

Dakota Sioux did not like their Indian Bureau agents, all game was hunted to extinction in their area and they were starving; 1862 Sioux warriors left reservation and killed family near the area; minor victories continued; finally captured and 38 of them were hanged= largest mass execution in America; shows corruption of Gilded Age

Sitting Bull

Dakota Sioux medicine man and chief; his reservation in Black hills had gold; his vision of white soldiers being killed led to Battle of Little Big Horn (victorious); last Sioux chief to surrender to federal authority; killed in 1890

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

INF treaty of 1987 ban all intermediate range missiles from Europe

Escobedo v. Illinois

Danny Escobedo arrested, freed and rearrested for murder of his brother in law in 1960; in trials, said he didn't kill his brother in law, but gave info making police believe he was at the scene of crime, so they declared he killed the brother in law; didn't provide Danny a lawyer, Warren Court says that the info was gained when Danny didn't have a lawyer, Result: Escobedo was denied rights given by the 5th A. and not properly informed of them. 6th A, too. Declared that criminals have the right to counsel during interrogation.

Pullman Strike

Debs call strike against Pullman Palace Car company by American Railway Union 1894; soon every railroad in Midwest incapacitated;3400 men sent to restart mail service but violence broke out between federal "scabs" and striking workers; Grover Cleveland sent federal troops

John L. Lewis

Illinois coal miner; rep for American Federation of Labor AFL; president of United Mine Workers UMW in 1920s; called crippling strikes in coal mines that led to victory; formed CIO (Congress of Industrial Org); massive strike after WWII and Lew was convicted of contempt of court, but after, Lewis venerated by coal miners

William Jennings Bryan

Illinois lawyer who back Democratic Party and free coinage of silver, elected to Congress; powers of oratory kept hi min demand as public speaker; deliver famous speech "Cross of Gold" at Democratic National Convention in Chicago against gold standard and inflation; awarded nomination for Democratic presidential candidate; gain support from Populist party, fail getting president and only a secretary of state for Woodrow Wilson; opposed teaching of theory of evolution in shoes and appeared on public stage last time in Scopes Trial in 1925

Trent Affair

In 1861 the Confederacy sent emissaries James Mason to Britain and John Slidell to France to lobby for recognition. A Union ship captured both men and took them to Boston as prisonners. The British were angry and Lincoln ordered their release; almost led to British joining war on Confederate side


Doctrinal counterpoint to Calvinism held that man's free will was key to salvation Belief that salvation is offered to all humans but is conditional on acceptance of God's grace. Different from Calvinism, which emphasizes predestination and unconditional election.

Quebec Act

It gave Catholic French Canadians religious freedom and restored the French form of civil law and formed French centralized local council answerable directly to British gov; gave rights to Catholic Quakers; this law nullified many of the Western claims of the coast colonies by extending the boundaries of the province of Quebec to the Ohio River on the south and to the Mississippi River on the west; anger Protestant Americans

Affirmative Action

JFK issue executive order in 1961 to remove race and gender as factor for hiring for projects paid with federal money

Peace Corps

JFK launch this as new component of involvement of US in global issues; (JFK) , volunteers who help third world nations and prevent the spread of communism by getting rid of poverty, Africa, Asia, and Latin America

New Frontier

JFK's Progressive agenda; He promised to revitalize the stagnant economy and enact reform legislation in education, health care, and civil rights. fail to do many things; did succeed in securing increase in minimum way to $1.25 per hour; pushes for space program, cut taxes, and increase military spending

Corrupt bargain

Jackson accuses Adams and Clay of corrupt bargain because Clay gave all his supporters to Adams; since other presidents have been ex. secretary of states, Jackson called foul on elections of 1824

Bank War

Jackson called bank of US and national currency a conspiracy against rights of people, in response Clay and Daniel Webster rechartered the BUS in presidential campaign; Jackson vetoed the recharter bill and transferred funds to private banks and bankrupting BUS, this hurt economy

Kitchen Cabinet

Jackson liked to meet with his friends after parties in the kitchen to discuss political stuff, they would talk casually and spit tobacco on the ground; enemies accused him of using closed-door sessions

Leisler's Rebellion

Jacob Leisler led merchants in NY in 1689 against acting aristocracy; showed American dictate for euro step political structure

Dominion of NEw England

James II erase colonial boundaries in NE of Americas, and Edmund Andros=viceroy, lead to Glorious Revolution

Smithsonian Institution

James Smithsonian gave up his fortune at death to find "an est. for increase and diffusion of knowledge"; founded this museum, largest laboratory complex and museum, with 19 museums, National Zee and 9 research faculties

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA started by Eisenhower to conduct scientific space exploration; combined all previous research agencies into 1; America's first own satellite is Explorer I; Mercury and Gemini missions tested, Apollo missions succeeded in landing on moon; created Skylab in space and developed Shuttle program to send like trucks to the skylab

Roscoe Conkling

NY lawyer; Radical Republican congressman; rose through House of Rep and Senate to become chief advisor to President Grant; harsh personality and showy/flamboyant style limit his success in Victorian Era; was an essential grafter (advantage of your political position or government job by taking money or property in dishonest or fraudulent ways) patronage for Stalwart segment of Repub party (aka Conkligites); repub like Hayes, James G. Blaine and Garfield pull part out of his clutches, and he soon didn't return to Senate cuz of civil service reform

Medgar Evers

AA WII veteran; rose to ranks of NAACP to become field secretary, where he org new chapters of the organization and voter registration drives and AA boycotts of white business; shot by one of the threats; sought to end segregation

Colin Powell

AA; Vietnam War veteran, advisor to Nixon and Bush to Carer and Bill Clinton; first AA secretary of state under Bush and national advisor to Reagan; He played a crucial role in planning Persian Gulf War and attaining America's victory in the Persian Gulf and Panama. He was also the first black four star general and chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff.; very open on his opinion

James Meredith

AA; attempt to register in 1962 at University of Mississippi and this veteran of US Air Force was shot in both legs with a shotgun; The riot was caused by angry whites who did not want Meredith to register at the university. The result was forced government action, showing that segregation was no longer government policy.

Ten Percent Plan

Abraham Lincoln's lenient plan for Reconstruction: give amnesty to almost all Confederates, then call for states to emancipate their slaves and swear loyalty to the Union, once 10% of state population took oath then he will recognize state gov't as legitimate; based on idea that the seceded states never left the country

Hamilton's Financial Plan

Bank of US-design banks to allow private investment and government funding, national currency funding at par-it meant that the federal government would pay off its debts at face value with interest assumption -gave rise to two-party system

Conservative Movement

Barry Goldwater's title= "Mr. Conservative"; since 1950s group of thinkers in conservatism; try to revive ideas of individualism with patriotism, religion, and capitalism tinged with optimism; fears of gov and "Creeping socialism" helped unite conservatives; Buckley publish "National Review" magazine to promote conservatism; Reagan=MOST successful conservative spokesman; stood for individual freedom, free market economics, rule of law, respect for traditions within Wester Civilization, lower taxes, less reg. of business, equality, transcendent moral order, property rights and isolationism (sometimes); PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIMITED GOV

Fourteen Point Address

Bolsheviks revolted and became Soviet Union; try to embarrass Russia by publishing documents portraying alliance systems; in response, Wilson address Congress in 1918 denying any desire of US to get territory; these point were: 1. open diplomacy 2. freedom of seas 3. removal of economic barriers 4. reduction of arms 5. adjustment of colonial claims 6-13 about est self government for various oppressed peoples 14 League of Nations

Jay's treaty

British defy Treaty of Paris and stay on US soil trading with the Indians; this treaty pushed British off forts and collected trade concessions for rising maritime interests of US to have room to grow, in return US give British $2.5 million in war debts

European Assistance

British enemies: Spain and France, send aid to US


British navy needed more soldiers so they took drunk men on the streets and forced them to serve in the navy, it was an offense to Americans

Arabic Pledge

British passenger Steamer sunk in august 1915; 2 american lives lost; German ambassador issue Arabic Pledge-Pledge Germany made to US to not sink unarmed and unresisting passenger ships with out warning


British passenger steamship, Americans on this; sunken by German submarine in May 1915; Germany accuse British of running small arms from America to Europe; although true accusation, US used it against Germany and told them to stop unrestricted warfare; part of causes of WWI

William Pitt

British statesmen who continue formation of British empire, becomes 1756 secretary of state of British empire then prime minister and rally support against French, hoewever war too expensive; He was a leader in the London government, and earned himself the name, "Organizer of Victory". He led and won a war against Quebec.

"Malaise" Speech

On July 15, 1979, Carter gave this nationally-televised address in which he identified what he believed to be a "crisis of confidence" among the American people. talked about materialism and lack of unity, try to be like FDR style speech but came across as critical and desperate


Orville and Wilbur Wright tinkered with gliders prior to 1900; successfully launch manned glider in 1900; 1903 at Kitty Hawk flight lasted 12 seconds; used in WWI

Declaratory Act

Parliament retain right to tax colonies; weak whimper from British lion over America

Andrew Mellon

Penn banker, made himself rich by business and investment; secretary of Treasury under Harding; sought efficiency in gov and develop idea of cutting taxes and reducing spending to lower deficits and boost economy; by saving money, americans invested it in stock market; Stock Market destroy mellon's reputation and resigned

Thaddeus Stevens

Pennsylvania lawyer and politician practiced in Gettysburg before Civil War; leader of Radical Republicans in House of Rep; he and Senator Charles Sumner create Reconstruction policies to punish south; chaired Committee on Reconstruction and organized impeachment of Pres Johnson; not clear on whether he supported equality

Jacob Coxey

Pennsylvania mill worker who opened quarry in Ohio and became successful businessman, reformer and Populist political candidate; lost all the thing he ran for (presidency, house of rep, etc); support idea of public works providing jobs for poor and leading more on Washington, D.C. during Panic of 1893; want fed gov to fund road building campaign to employ men who lost jobs in Depression; "Coxey's Army" were his collection of 500 marchers and dispersed by police when they arrived in national capital; arrested for trespassing in 1894; proposals applied in New Deal

Atomic Energy

Pierre and Marie Curie and others uncover principles of radioactivity; Einstein explain relationship btw energy and matter 1905; Enrico Fermi create sustained nuclear reaction; US develop Manhattan Project to beat NAzis; Oppenheimer develop bombs; first one tested in 1945 in Los amos

Zebulon Pike

Pike explored the west, went through Colorado and explored Spanish territory that later belonged to Mexico before being won by US in Mexican war


Planned suburban communities of cheap, mass-produced houses built by WIlliam Levitt all over the country during the 1950's.

Bush Doctrine

Policy advocated by President George W. Bush of using preemptive military action against a perceived threat to U.S. interests; nation holding safe haven to terrorism is hostile regime, either it is with US or not; used to justify Axis of Evils and invasions of Afghan and Iraq

Townshend Duties

Popularly referred to as the Townshend Duties, the Revenue Act of 1767 taxed glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea entering the colonies. The colonists objected to the fact that the act was clearly designed to raise revenue exclusively for England rather than to regulate trade in a manner favorable to the entire British empire. Did not bring in much money to England cuz of America resistance


Presbyterian Scots flee to Ireland, then to American colonies= Scots-Irish Presbyterians and proved to be ardent revolutionaries (Patrick Henry and Andrew Jackson)

Charles G. Finney

Presbyterian minister left Calvinist doctrine of traditional presbyterianism and found new ways to seek converts; organize camp meetings during Second Great Awakening, help soften hearts of those attending and held outside;An evangelist who was one of the greatest preachers of all time (spoke in New York City). He also made the "anxious bench" for sinners to pray and was was against slavery and alcohol. presidents of Oberlin College

Salt II Treaty

President Carter negotiated this treaty with Leonid Brezhnev in 1979 and they agree to stop manufacture of new nuclear weapons or launching systems and to reduce operational force of nuclear weapons; it stalled SU advancement to create MIRVs; but after treaty signed, SU invade Afghanistan and US refuse to ratify the treaty; continued following rules until Reagan stopped it to fund Strategic Defense Initiative

Bay of Pigs

President Eisenhower had authorized training of Cuban exiles for missing to overthrow Castro; after, JFK approved the mission to go forward; the men sent to Cuba captured or killed; JFK took full responsibility; OAS initiated embargo on Cuba and only now being loosened by Obama

Southern Strategy

President Nixon's attempt to attract the support of Southern conservative Democrats who were unhappy with federal desegregation policies and the liberal Supreme Court to Republican Party; Nixon advised to emphasize continuing relevance of states' rights in 1968 campaign; to AA, he promised more civil rights and part of NAACP; some still use in 20th century

Ostend Manifesto

President Pierce and Secretary Buchanan; A declaration (1854) issued from Ostend, Belgium, by the U.S. ministers to England, France, and Spain, stating that the U.S. would be justified in seizing Cuba if Spain did not sell it to the U.S.; shows South desire to get slave land

Workingmen's Compensation Act

President Wilson extend financial assistance to federal employees who became disabled; law est major precedent for labor relations for 20th century+

Tom Johnson

Progressive who reformed the political process. Reformed public ownership of utilities in Chicago; progressive Democrat and became mayor of Cleveland, Ohio; Confederate veteran; opened streetcar company in Indiana; sparred with Marcus Hanna Ohio Repub boss; an American politician of the Democratic Party who headed relief efforts after the Johnstown, Pennsylvania floods of 1889 and was a U.S. Representative and the 35th mayor of Cleveland, Ohio.


Protestant Christian movement emphasizing 5 tenets- Bible is always right, belief in virgin birth of Christ and reparation provided by Christ's death and resurrection of Christ and miracles leading to his second coming Conservative beliefs in the Bible and that it should be literally believed and applied

New England Wars

Puritans in Connecticut fought Pequot War in 1637 against a tribe and this started larger war 1675; after settlement of New England, this war was King Philip's War or Metacom

Glorious Revolution

Puritans reject James II and want Mary (James daughter), overthrow james

Wade Davis Bill

Radical Republicans pass this law to increase threshold for citizens taking loyalty oath to 50% and pressed for emancipation an 1864 plan for Reconstruction that denied the right to vote or hold office for anyone who had fought for the Confederacy...Lincoln refused to sign this bill thinking it was too harsh.

Big Government

Reagan in inaugural address says "Gov is not the solution to our problem; gov is the problem"; "Reagan Revolution" sought to roll back both SU and fed gov size, try to turn back spending on welfare programs, created New Federalism that sought to transfer federally funded social programs to state control; 1988 Family Welfare Reform Act restructured welfare system to shift emphasis to job training; A negative term, used mainly by conservatives to describe government programs in areas where they believe government shouldn't be involved, especially those that spend money on social problems.

Beirut Bombing

Reagan sent US Marines on peacekeeping mission in Lebanon in 1982 to calm Palestinian Liberation Org.; increase violence btw Christian militia and Israeli troops, 1093 terrorist truck bombs destroyed US Embassy in Beirut and Marines' barracks; Reagan withdrew all American military forces from Lebnon and issue new set of 4 parameters for American military involvement abroad: 1. cause must be vital to national interest 2. commitment must have clear intent and support needed to win conflict 3. reasonable assurance that cause will have support of Americans and congress 4. military intervention must be last resort


Reagan want to take stand against communist revolutionaries in Central and South America; Reagan believe Cuba was spreading socialism and Daniel Ortega, head of rev. group in Nicaragua called Sandinistas, was gonna be a Castro; CONTRAS are rebel group that opposed Ortega and Sandinistas, and at first Congress and Reagan admin, but after Contra failed victory, aid cut off in 1985; result was Iran-Contra scandal

Strategic Defense Initiative

Reagan wanted to find other option that MAD so 1983 announce support for development of defensive system designed to eliminate or minimize threat of incoming missiles; ex.. rail guns, laser beams and particle be a,s, all under umbrella of SDI; SDI dubbed Star Wars; SDI fast pace was part of reason to SU crumbling

Shay's Rebellion

Rebellion led by Daniel Shays of farmers in western Massachusetts in 1786-1787, protesting mortgage foreclosures and their huge debts. It highlighted the need for a strong national government just as the call for the Constitutional Convention went out.

Warren G. Harding

Republican with strong ties to political machines; in US Senate; ran for president in 1920 and pleaded for "return to normalcy" cuz he didn't like WWI or Progressive Reform; largest victory of presidential election, but proved to be an incompetent admin; died on trip and left Calvin Coolidge under control

Gatling Gun

Richard Gatling created the first successful machine gun; use 6 rotating barrels, fired at 600 rounds per minute; adopted by US Army in 1866, played role in Great Plains warfare with American Indians

Robber Barrons v. Lions of Capitalism

Robber Barrons seemed from fact that inherited wealth was not earned and could establish aristocracy threatening American democracy: Captains of Industry 1. Increases availability of goods by building factories 2. Raises productivity 3. Expands markets 4. Creates more jobs 5. Funds many of the nation's public institutions: practices philanthropy- (giving generously to charitable causes) 6. Organizes the factors of production efficiently Robber Barron 1. Drains the country of its natural resources 2. Corrupts public officials to interpret laws in their favor 3. Drives competitors to ruin 4. Pays poor wages 5. Forces workers to toil under dangerous and unhealthy conditions 6. Exploits the factors of production

Square Deal

Roosevelt's coined phrase for his Progressive agenda; 3 most important reform principles (3 C's) were controlling corporations, consumer protection, and conservation of natural resources; he wielded Sherman Antitrust Act effectively and called "great trustbuster"; backed Pure Good and Druge and the Meat Packing Acts; also "Great Conservationist" in that he reserved lan for national parks and forests; created gov into "watchdog" protecting citizens and resources in many ways

New Nationalism

Roosevelt's principles during his 1912 campaign noting that he could go on busting the "bad trusts" he had during his presidency; included removal of judges from federal courts who struck down Progressive policies and theory of regulation that assailed private property rights; endorsed women's suffrage ; called for greater gov involvement

National Review Magazine

Russel Kirk wove threads of conservatism into "The Conservative Mind", so William F. Buckley Jr. try to spread conservative ideas through this magazine; tried pushing a wide range of conservative ideas; attacked liberal consensus, extremist conservative elements, shunned anti Semitism and segregationists


Russian Igor Sikorsky invent first successful helicopter by 1940; Stanley Hiller Jr. make first one with all metal rotor blades; Bell Aircraft co. produce first one with bubble canopy; bell helicopters revolutionized community

Roe v. Wade

SC case in 1973 struck down antiabortion laws saying it violated woman's right to privacy by 14th amendment; court specify that these laws cannot interfere through first trimester, second trimester abortions regulated by state law, and last trimester abortions banned; created huge argument over whether abortion was moral or not, 1980s Congress limit use of federal funds for abortions through Medicaid, and SC held state's right not to fund abortion;

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

SNCC or Snick; formed as youth spin off from SCLC; launch sit in at Woolworth's in Nashville, the students were arrested and then others came in, and desegregated; started sit ins in other places; John Lewis=chairman of SNCC and helped organize March on Washington, the Selma march, freedom rides and freedom schools in coop with CORE and NAACP; lost membership and ceased to exist in 1970 as more extremists took up leadership

Warsaw Pact

SU create this in response to NATO; 8 nations did meet in Poland in 1955 to form alliance, but SU only considered Eastern European Warsaw nations as its own empire; tried to attack their own members, Hunary and Czechoslovakia when they wanted independence; dissolved in 1991


SU launched this during Eisenhower admin as part of Cold War; sent out a couple months before US sent out "Explorer I"; Sputnik cost large fed. expenditures of money to boost math, science and foreign language in public schools; helped spur US to create National Aeronautics and Space Admin (NASA) and to develop ICBMs

Cuban Missile Crisis

SU supplying Castro with resources he used to consolidate his control of Cuba; led to weapons installed in Cuba; US said they would respond with force if SU used Cuba as base to threaten America; US Navy start stopping Soviet ships, Khrushchev start to remove missiles under UN supervision if Kennedy would not attack Cuba and if US would dismantle missile installations in Turkey; agreed on these terms

Regulator Movement

Scots-Irish also protest coastal domination of colonial power in North Carolina uprising in 1768

Andrew Carnegie

Scottish immigrant to US, became personal secretary sending messages of manager of Pennsylvania Railroad; learned business and entered steel industry when he saw opportunity in iron bridges by using Bessemer process; by 1900, his company produced more steel than all of Great Britain; through vertical integration; sold his company and turned to philanthropy; funded 2500 public libraries and donated $350 million to foundations, famous for "Gospel of Wealth" essay about economic and societal views; CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY

John Muir

Scottish immigrant; became naturalists in spirit of Henry David Thoreau; founded Sierra Club in 1892 to act on his passion for conservation; friend with Roosevelt and they camped together in Yosemite National Park; acted as nation's conscience the conservation of natural resources with quasi-religious adoration of wilderness places

Continental Congress

Second CC convene in Philly 1775; John Hancock is president of it;

Open Door Policy

Secretary of State John Hay sent diplomatic note to nations owning China saying that all countries have equal opportunity to trade in china; no one agreed but Hay announced it was in action; not settles till after WWI

Louis Agassiz

Swiss-born scientist; came to US in 1846 to give lectures; stayed for nice circumstances in US; first to propose idea that ice age had happened and carved landscape with glaciers; his statements on race used to justify for racist policies of South; defied Theory of evolution, he think AA as inferior and believe in natural selection; believe AA would soon die off; his ideas derived from Darwinism

Gold Standard

System in which paper money and coins are equal to a certain amount of gold; est "promissory notes"; limited supply of gold made people reject this


The Federalist Party has passed the Alien and Sedition Acts to regulate the strong opinions of the Republicans. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison protested the laws by writing the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, which asked the states to declare the laws null. They thought it was the rightful remedy. Virginia and Kentucky were only states that voted for this, which is to make a law invalid.

Filipino Insurrection

The Filipinos felt that they would be given liberty after the Spanish American War just like Cuba. US didn't think Philippines ready for self government; after incident where 3 filipinos shot by American soldiers, fighting erupted-filipino insurrection; many died in this, but Filipinos won due to dirty tacticsThe backbone of the Filipinos was broken in 1901 when American troops invaded a guerrilla camp and captured Aguinaldo.

Nullification Crisis

The Nullification Crisis was a sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by South Carolina's (SC hated the Tariff of 1828) 1832 Ordinance of Nullification. This ordinance declared, by the power of the State itself, that the federal Tariff of 1828 and the federal Tariff of 1832 were unconstitutional and therefore null and void within the sovereign boundaries of South Carolina. The controversial, and highly protective, Tariff of 1828 (also called the "Tariff of Abominations") was enacted into law during the presidency of John Quincy Adams. Solution: Clay created a compromise tariff


Thomas Jefferson- believes yeoman farmers help him; strict interpretation of the constitution, more states power; want Bill of Rights, keep Articles of Confederation


US, France, UK, SU, Communist China and new countries from French Indochina met in 1954 at Geneva Conference to resolve nationalist impulses of former colonial peoples; agreement reached called for cease fire of all combatants and divided Vietnam at 17th parallel; Ho Chi Minh became leader of North while Ngo Dinh Diem became president of South Vietnam(US provide support for South)

Grant Administration

Ulysses S.. Grant led Union Army and became president in 1868 and 1872 (2nd time with help of black voters in south); judgement of men was not so great; Grant's advisors, cabinet members and staff saw opportunity to become wealthy; first scandal-ridden president in American history with Credit Mobilier scandal and Whiskey Rings scandal; brother-in-law attempted to engineer a run on gold reserves after Gould and Fisk conspired to buy up as much gold as possible to profit from bull market; he failed as president since his associates destroyed moral high ground of Republican Party; found KKK but couldn't do much in south

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatioin

created in 1933 by Glass-Steagall Banking Act and guaranteed individual banking deposits up to $5000 per account; the Glass Steagall act blamed Stock Market Crash and Depression on banking industry and law gave Federal Reserve more power to prevent unsound banking industry in the future; FCIS was made to prevent GD again, restored nations confidence in banks-main reforms=curtail speculative investments that use credit and prevent bank from using depositors money in investment schemes

Oliver F. Winchester

created lever-action rifle; used in latter part of Civil War; settlement of West wasn't possible due to ferocity of Plain Indians until soldiers and settlers used this rifle

Samuel F.B. Morse

created telegraph and Morse code; inventions made time zones necessary and created almost instantaneous communication


criminal justice system reform; prisons where prisoners are penitent and in solitary confinement and only read Bible, less crimes eligible for execution


criticism of New Deal; says it wastes money on teaching unemployed people and making pointless owkr

Eleanor Roosevelt

daughter of Theodore Roosevelt's younger brother, Elliott; became most influential First Lady after marrying FDR (distant cousin); traveled across the country, gave lectures and radio broadcasts, wrote on newspaper column; visited soldiers in WWIII; led UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights after husband's death

Henry VIII

daughters Mary and Elizabeth held spanish thrown and led to lasting war btw Spain and England, leading to great clash in 1588 and Spanish armada defeated; made Anglican Church

Pearl Harbor

dec 7, 1941 naval and air forces of Japan conduct sneak attack on US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; damaged all of 8 American battleships; next day, US declare war on Japan; 3 days later, Germany and Italy declare war on US; many casualties

Texas War for Independence

declare independence from Mexico in 1836 with Sam Houston as commander of military; held mission church called Alamo in San Antonio; Houston led Texas to victory in Battle of San Jacinto after massacres at Alamo and Goliad; Texas cried "Remember the Alamo!" as they defeated Mexicans;; war ended with Santa Anna at the end of a gun

George H.W. Bush

decorated WWII naval pilot; became Texas oilman; then congressman, then ambassador to UN and director of CIA; moderate Republican opposed Reagan then served as Reagan's VP; raised taxes after becoming president in 1988 even though he promised not to

William C. Westmoreland

decorated veteran of WWII and Korean War, superintendent of West Point before Vietnam; commander of American forces in South Vietnam; developed "search and destroy" strategy that relied on war of attrition (gradually weakening) dependent on a body count of number of enemy soldiers killed as progress toward victory; later replaced

congregation church

denomination of christianity, emphasize self-government

Robert E. Lee

descendant of family from VA, decline offer to commend Union army in 1861; joined Confederate cause even though he opposed slavery and secession; given command of Army of Northern Virginia (confederates); helped Confederacy a lot ; surrendered to Grant i n1865 at Appomattox; urged peaceful resolution

Manifest Destiny

desire to expand American way of life to West; coined by John L. Sullivan; took on a quasi-religious significance that God placed Protestant Christian Anglo-Saxons in the New World to free people from religious and political oppression; southerners start expanding west first, so northerners start to oppose it -1800s belief that Americans had the right to spread across the continent.

National Nominating Convention

developed after the chaotic election of 1824 as a more "organized" way of deciding the party nominees for President; still used today; nominate candidates in a more open system

Frederick Taylor

did motions studies of laborers at their work and developed principles known as Scientific Management; sought to eliminate wasted motion to boost productivity

Treaty of Versailles

discussion among Big Four- US, UK, France and Italy- concluded with granting Central Powers with peace; 1919 -Germany had to take full blame, give up colonies, give land back to France, pay $56 billion in reparations, and disassemble any military forces -ended Austro Hungarian Empire and Ottoman Empire -set foundation for League of Nations (Central Powers excluded)

Aroostook War

dispute between canadians and Americans in Maine and Canada border; settled by Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842

Protestant Reformation

dissatisfaction with Roman Catholic Church; Catholics launch Jesuits to protectit, Protestantism spread throughout Europe (Calvin, Knox, like Puritanism)

High church vs. Low church

distinctions refer to liturgy, or style of worship (ex. Anglican high, Roman Catholicism is not), in time, churches are more democratic societies anglican = high church with ritualized worship; puritan = simple worship less ceremonies (america focused on simpler ceremonies and more democratic churches)

Virginia Plan

drafted by James Madison, favor new government, benefit large states because of popular vote (US Constittion based off of this)

John James Audubon

draw and paint of all American's birds during Panic of 1819 after store went bankrupt; help zoologists and paintings appear in Birds of America

Dust Bowl

drought during the 1930s during Great Depression; dust storms from the wind blowing the topsoil; due to overuse of the farmlands; passed Soil Conservation act to require Department of Agriculture to prevent soil erosion; symbolic background for "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck

New York City

due to Erie Canal connecting Buffalo with Hudson River, NYC=transit port for oceangoing goods, even cotton brought; first to hit one million inhabitants

half-way covenant

due to lack of full dedication of people, this covenant allow people who desire church membership but lack dredible professions of faith in Christ for salvation to join church-lead to leaders that were unbelievers and Unitarianism (reiligious mvmt rejecting doctrine of the trinity and Christ arising from doctrinal confusion)

Coaling Stations

due to steam engines, coal=vital item; used islands as coaling stations where steam ships can get coal and carry cargo instead of coal

Boston Tea Party

dumping of tea into Boston Harbor

Mulligan Letters

during 1876 and 1884 elections, ; a series of letters written by James Blaine and sent to Warren Fisher between 1864 and 1876; in these letters, Blaine admitted to using his power as Speak of the House to promote the fortunes of the Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad; James Mulligan, who was employed by Fisher, testified that he possessed the letters; Blaine read them aloud and defended himself, but the publication of these letters probably contributed to his defeat.

Force Bill

during conflict btw Jackson and SC during nullification crisis; if SC refuses to collect protective tariff, Jackson would prosecute them as traitors, bill says president can use military to enforce law, SC nullify bill; with elections coming up, Jackson used a peaceful gesture of stopping mail service of abolitionist press and SC accept and Clay's compromise tariff plan

Mary Lease

example of new generation of politically active women; lawyer, orator, and founding member of Populist Party leadership; "raises less corn and more hell!" and "the country belongs to wall street"; 160+ speeches in Weaver campaign; resisted Populist PArty's self destructive support for William Jennings Bryan in 1896 elections, but fought for progressive causes like women suffrage and prohibition

Public Works Administration

extended from a provision of NIRA; program that funded construction of roads, post offices, and other public buildings; create work for unemployed; last New Deal agency passed in First 100 Days; spent $4.2 billion+ o public works; did not reverse Depression but boosted citizen morale; discontinued in 1941 before WWII

John Brown

family participated in Underground Railroad, failed businessman, obsessed with slave insurrection; he led terrorist attacks in Bleedingg Kansas and killed 5 proslavery Kansans, New England abolitionist interested in him funded his mission in South known as Harpers Ferry Raid; captured and executed and became martyr for abolitionist cause; major cause of formation of militias in South

George Whitefield

famous preacher of First Great Awakening and travel from England to American colonies; spread Edwards voice to urban and remote settings

Oregon Territory

far NW land; wanted by US, GB, and Russia; in 1811 John Jacob Aster founded American trading post at mouth of Columbia River, mountain men harvest furs and missionaries go there; soon many Americans go to seize land so President Polk annexed the territory and solved a border dispute along 49th parallel of latitude, LONGEST BORDER in the world

Samuel Slater

father of American Industrial Revolution; created water powered textile mill He was a British mechanic that moved to America and in 1791 invented the first American machine for spinning cotton. He is known as "the Father of the Factory System" and he started the idea of child labor in America's factories.

Joseph P. Kennedy

father of John, Robert and Ted Kennedy; president of bank at age of 25; played the stock market in 1920s but took out all his cash before Cash; head of new Securities and Exchange Commission that was part of New Deal to regulate the stock market; later appointed as ambassador to UK


fear of England or the English; started in nineteenth century; dependence on British for trade made fears grow more

Hartford Convention

federalists who opposed the war set up this convention; decided to send proposals to DC, but later heard enemies lost and this meant end of Federalist Party

New Immigration

few Germans migrate to US as Germany prosperity returned; 1885-1917 immigrants from southern and eastern Europe grow 70% from there; mainly Russia, Poland, Austria Hungary, Italy, Balkans (Slavic peoples); mainly Roman Catholic, Greek, Russian Orthodox or Jewish; difficult to assimilate; settled in eastern cities or Chicago, jobs in factories and mills or constructions places; nativism grew and many didn't like new immigrants; immigration legislation in 1920s to reduce these immigrants

Osama Bin Laden

financed founding of al-Qaeda and became org's leader in 1988; liked militant form of Islam (using terrorist attacks); authorized 9/11 attacks, also did attacks on American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya; American invasion of Afghan to remove Taliban from control since they harbored bin Laden and al-Qaeda operatives; US Navy SEALS and CIA got him in 2011 and killed him


financial arrangement where one company gains control of another company by purchasing majority of stock; large corp use trusts to control smaller companies in same industry and reduce competition

WEB Du Bois

firs AA graduate of Harvard;famous book 1903 "The Souls of Black Folk" traced case studies of the lives of AA about research of immigrants in Chicago; had National Association for Advancement of Colored people NAACP; demand that American society grant immediate equality to AA and removal of restrictions on right to vote; expatriated to Ghana and developed Marxist learnings

William Howard Taft

first governor of Philippines; Roosevelt made him secretary of war, and Roosevelt told people that Taft should be president-came true; busted trusts liked Standard Oil and American Tobacco, favored Payne-Aldrich Tariff and lost confidence of Roosevelt and other Progressives; later ran against Roosevelt for presidency but both lost in 1912; he became SC chief justice and formed conservative bench with pro business and anti labor decisions

Gabriel Prosser

first leader of significant slave insurrection; in 1800, he gathered 1000 rebellious slaves outside of Richmond; but 2 Africans gave the plot away, and the Virginia militia stymied the uprising before it could begin, along with 35 others he was executed. the original attack was delayed by rain, and this gave time for militia forces to conjoin; however hundreds to thousands had gathered to revolt

National Railroad Strike

first major strike; as result of Panic of 1873, railroads wanted to cut workers' wages; this strike began in 1877 when Baltimore and Ohio Railroad went on strike after getting 2nd pay cut; strike spread across nation and violence erupted; President Hayes sent military to West Virginia and first time president intervened in strike this way

Elections of 1824 and 1828

first modern elections with strategies and procedures recognizable today; 1824: No one won a majority of electoral votes, so the House of Representatives had to decide among Adams, Jackson, and Clay. Clay dropped out and urged his supporters in the House to throw their votes behind Adams. Jackson and his followers were furious and accused Adams and Clay of a "corrupt bargain.", Adams won 1828: Jackson won outright Ends era of good feelings

John Jacob Astor

first of many rags-to-riches in American Dream stories; example of German immigrants having easier time adjusting to America; moved with his family and started a fur trade business; first to set up trading post at mouth of Columbia river; richest man in America at death

Sugar Act Stamp Act

first one direct tax; no mercantilist justification of regulating trade


first practical experiments with rockets done by American Robert H. Goddard; got higher rock records; develop liquid propellents, gyroscope, payload space and parachute recovery ; SU first to place object in orbit; US make NASA

Tariff of 1816

first protective tariff; under Clay's American System; designed more to protect domestic manufacturers than to raise revenue

Transcontinental Railroad

first railroad to span continent began in 1862 and completed in 1869; -Central Pacific Co. began in Sacramento: Mainly Irish immigrants -Union Pacific railroad built from Omaha, Nebraska: mainly Chinese immigrants reduced travel from two months to 10 days; national markets created; Plain Indians resisted the creation of this at first

Anti-Masonic Party

first third party to oppose conspiracy of freemasons (people that trace life to stones) to take over republic, was to hold national nominating convention

Chinese Exclusion act

flocked to US during Gold rush; helped build transcontinental railroad; helped in success of Central Pacific Railroad in crossing Sierra Nevada Mountains; tensions get when people realized that Chinese were taking over segments of economy and est. themselves permanently; **this act bar any further Chinese immigration for 10 years after 1882

Lewis and Clark expedition

follow Corps of Discovery: supposed to make better relations with natives in Louisiana Territory, but help navigate Pacific ocean for other sailors

Central Intelligence Agency

forerunner of CIA was WWII agency Offic of Strategic Servises (OSS); CIA supposed to gather intelligence and coordinate with other branches of the gov like the Secret Service and FBI; warehouse for all military, diplomatic, and other forms of monitoring info for national security purposes; CIA director also chairman of National Security Council

Free Soil Party

formed in 1848 and opposed spread of slavery in the new territories. They also advocated federal aid for internal improvements and urged free government homesteads for settlers. This Free-Soil Party foreshadowed the emergence of the Republican party.

Congress of Racial Equality

formed in 1942 by James Farmer; CORE; stood against racial segregation of public transportation and other public facilities in North prior to civil rights era; at first mostly whites from UChicago, later AA join and do sit ins and freedom rides, also do jail ins

Freedmen's Bureau

formed in response to Black codes by fed gov't to transfer abandoned land to former slaves; Oliver O. Howard led this and sought to provide freedmen with basic necessities until able to live on own; tried to help the freedmen but not enough staff; GREATEST SUCCESS was the best of first serious efforts to educate AA in south; Johnson vetoed this but Radical Republicans overrode the veto

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference

formed to coordinate protests around the South in the wake of the Montgomery Bus Boycott; created by MLK; 60 people, mainly AA ministers, created it and resolved that civil rights for all citizens necessary for true democracy; urge AA to nonviolently protest and end segregation; first convention in Montgomery and MLK elected president; later allow anyone, regardless of race, gender or religion: NON VIOLENT PROTEST

Nancy Reagan

former actress and became First Lady with role of interest in fashion reminiscent of popular Jackie Kennedy; launch "Just Say No" to drug abuse; led to President Reagan signing drug enforcement bill in 1986; took active role in Reagan's decisions as president

John J. Pershing

fought American Indians as cavalry officer, served in Spanish American War, in Russo-JApanese War as observer of Japanese soldiers, then sent to Mexico to lead hunt for Pancho Villa, major general in WWI and commander of AEF, insisted that Americans fight as separate units, retire 1924

Sam Houston

fought in Andrew Jackson's militia army from Tennessee in war against American Indians in SE during War of 1812 (Creek War); became governor of Tennessee but later President of Texas

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

founded by WEB Du Bois, Ida B. Wells and others in 1909; blacks and whites join; dedicated to securing rights within the 13, 14 and 15 amendment for AA, also set all equality of minorities in every area and end racial prejudice; hired Thurgood Marshall to argue Brown case, first AA justice on Court; focus on gov to get legislative and judicial advances; provide legal counsel and rep to participants; older and more conservative than SCLC; won a number of cases, MOST LASTING EFFECT

Moral Majority

founded by reverend Jerry Falwell in 1979; a political action committee whose goals are to promote traditional Christian values, and funds raised used to help reelect Reagan to presidency


founded in 1774 by Mother Ann Lee; monastic sect of Christianity devoted to work and worship; communities split into families and genders live segregated lives; peak number in 1830; simple lifestyle and elegant; taught humanitarian reforms from millennial views of Christianity; 1770's by "Mother" Ann Lee; Utopian group that splintered from the Quakers; believed that they & all other churches had grown too interested in this world & neglectful of their afterlives; prohibited marriage and sexual relationships; practiced celibacy

American Colonization Society

founded in 1817 and head by Presidents Monroe and Madison and others like John Marshall and Henry Clay; advocates transportation of free AA back to Africa; Republic of Liberia was founded when land purchased by ACS in Africa to establish permanent location; many AA left US to go to colony in Africa; but most emigration shut down after Nat Turner rebellion in 1831; main motives were to rid US of unsolvable problem rather than elevate AA or encourage AA development

Ku Klux Klan

founded in Pulaski, Tennessee; Nathan Bedfor Forrest became its first Grand Wizard; used violence to burn AA homes, schools, lynching; goal was Home Rule, or return of state govt under control of Democratic party with ability to enact Black cOdes;

Oberlin College

founded in missionaries in 1833; mission of school was to educate teachers and leaders and to develop frontier both morally and intellectually; allow women and minorities; school associated with Charles G. Finney presbyterian minister

Black Panther Party

founded in oakland by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in 1966; formed a militant wing of "black nationalism" mvmt and patrol AA neighborhoods protecting residents from police brutality; adopt Marxist ideas and called for all AA to arm themselves; demand gov to release all AA from jails, exempt them from draft and prepare payments for history of white oppression; disbanded in 1980s

Stephen Austin

founder of Texas; he negotiated permission for slaves to enter Texas as indentured servants; when was btw Texans v. Mexico, Austin became chief liaison btw Texas and US: convert to Roman Catholic, and learn Spanish, Original settler of Texas.


friends of king or exceptional service in monarch; granted large land in colonial America; families given possession of colonies and est. governemnts, private property rights- Penn and Penn family; Maryland and Calverts family

Irish Potato Famine

fungus destroys potato crops in Ireland 1845, disease lingered and tariff laws prevented importation of grain to stave off hunger in land, lots of death due to starvation • starvation in Ireland that led to migration

American Federation of Labor

gained 150000 members in first year; founded by Samuel Gompers' many KOL joined AFL and by his death had 3million skilled workers in America's largest union; although not supposed to, did strikes and other forms of demonstrations to get shorter hours, higher wages, and safer working conditions; made of skilled workers only who organized locally; practical approach to stuff; goal is to get legislation

Mark Twain

gilded age was his era; pen name for Smuel Langhorne Clemens; "I am not just an American; I am THE American"; humorist and novelist who began as newspaperman and steamboat pilot then gathered material by traveling; wrote "Huckleberry Finn" (first American novel), "Roughing It", "Innocents Abroad" and "Life on the Mississippi"; characters spoke in dialect that collectively captured amor and pathos of southern and frontier life

Fourteenth Amendment

give citizenship rights and equal protection under law An amendment to the United States Constitution that guarantees equal protection of the law and rights of citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the USA, including former slaves; provisions of this amendment barred Confed leaders from holding public office


given approval by Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896; chief strategy of civil rights movement was to purposefully break segregation laws in acts of civil disobedience; 1954 Brown v. Board of Edu of Topeka, Kansas case called for end of segregation in public schools after Truman desegregated US Armed Forces in Korean War; Warren Court struck down laws barring interracial marriage in 1967 and by 1971 all segregation banned by SC

Judicial Review

gives Supreme Court to say whether a law is constitutional or unconstitutional

gold rush

gold discovered in Sacramento in 1848 by crew for John Sutter; 1849 influx of people to find gold; called 49-ers, this swelled CA population

Barack H. Obama

got national political prominence by giving speech at party's convention in 2004; won Senate for Illinois; 2008 First AA president; accomplishments include authorization of $800 billion in economic stimulus to reverse recession and passage of national health care legislation; guided way for homosexuals to serve openly; place 2 SC ; ended US involvement in Iraq; support Libyan revolution to kill bin Laden; wire tapping, etc led to decline of obama admin, people don't like Obamacare

Calvin Coolidge

governor of Mass.; national fame for saying "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere , any time"; VP under Harding, then President after harding's death; hands-off policy like laissez faire and Jefferson principles of limited gov't; opposite of Roosevelt

Andrew Johnson

governor of Tennessee then US senator; did not approve of secession; become VP in 1864 under Lincoln; become president after Lincoln assassination; failed to carry out Lincoln's policies; his stringent plan for Reconstruction was not liked by radical Republicans in Congress who tried to impeach him; he was a failure as a president; attempts as southerner to end Reconstruction was bad

Huey P. Long

governor of louisiana; criticized FDR and wanted him to be more radical; populist lawyer; governor of New Orleans Democratic Party machine and taxed oil interests to fund state projects; got into Senate; referred to as "Kingfish"; propose that gov guarantee American family a minimum annual income of 2500$; assassinated at Capitol Building; led radical change that led to Social Security

Henry Demarest Lloyd

graduate of law school and pursued going against the societal injustices in NYC and Chicago; forerunner of muckraking journalists associated with Progressivism; wrote about practices of Standard Oil of Ohio through h1870s and 1880s while on staff of Chicago Tribue; used these articles as background to his novel "Wealth against Commonwealth" 1894; this cost his job but he inspired AFL leader and Progressive journalists and politicians; son founded Communist Labor Party of America

George S. Patton

graduated from West Point; veteran of WWI; in WWII he commanded armored cavalry units in nearly every major campaign in North africa and Europe; his unit got fewer casualties; America's greatest WWII general

Benjamin Harrison

grandson of William Henry Harrison; 23rd President; warrior who led Indian regiment in Civil War; backed Cleveland's civil service reforms but not Democrat's desire to roll back pensions for Union Army Veterans; pro imperialism, tariff and silver policies; greatest act of reform was placing Roosevelt on Civil Service Commission

Steam Locomotive

greatest transportation revolution until automobile; Peter Cooper made Tom Thumb, first American steam locomotive in 1830; first transcontinental railroad in 1869; George Pullman invent comfortable sleeping car by 1857; fuel railroads

Committee on Reconstruction

group of 6 members of Senate plus 9 members of house of Reps appointed to guide matters like ratification of 13 amendment and other Reconstruction policies; Stevens had solid Rad Repub majority power in Congress to impose will on "conquered provinces" or Confed States; Congress declared as sole power in land regarding Reconstruction; responsible for 14 amendment and military Reconstruction


guerrilla fighters within South Vietnam who represent National Liberation Front, nationalist yet communist organization fighting to unite all of Vietnam under one communist gov,supplied by SU and Chinese gov, used extensive tunnel system to hide them, part of North Vietnam

Ralph Nader

he published the book "Unsafe at Any Speed" to publicly denounce Ford Corvair's supposed safety in cars; was a consumer advocates entered politics and ran in presidential election of 2000

Hazen Pingree

he ran a shoe factory in Detroit and became Progressive; Detroit's mayor in 1890 and enacted couple Progressive reforms; goal was to break system of graft and create municipal utility companies to compete with privately owned utilities to lower rates through competition; created relief programs that did public work projects like building schools, etc; elected governor of Michigan Detroit reform mayor - brought honesty to city hall - got rid of political machine; fought in Union Army

Samuel Gompers

he was like many of immigrants that came to NYC; Dutch Jew from London, lived in tenement apartment; picked up cigar trading and became local president of international union for traders; 1886 organized American Federation of Labor, most successful national labor organization; president of AFL for all but one year until his death h 1924; stress practical measures to meet goals and did not like radical elements

Dorothea Dix

headmistress at Boston school for girls; reforming prisons, almshouses, and asylums; researched on them and presented findings in 1843 to Mass. legislature; efforts improved mentally ill conditions

Conestoga Wagon

heavy duty wagon named for an area in Penn. where it was developed to carry goods across allegheny mtn.; lighter version called prairie schooner mainly used by pioneers

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

heir to throne of Austria Hungary (ally with Germany); Serbia v Slavic discontent; selected for assassination by Black Hand (they stood for Serbian nationalism and independence); Principe shot Franz and his wife; cause Germany+AustriaHungary to declare war on Serbia+allies

William Henry Harrison

hero of Battle of Tippecanoe

Clay's American System

high protective tariff, high demand for land in West, stabilizing influence of BUS, use of public money to build roads and canals; weakness of his plans was that few people could understand concept of national markets and the "American System" term: he wants West to feed grain to East and South to feed cotton into northern mills, wanted transportation improvements to facilitate commerce in order to boost America as world economy role; visions came true later Believed fed government should have strong role in helping the economy grow

William Marcy "Boss" Tweed

his career was epitome of corrupt Gilded Age politics; leader of NYC Democratic HQ, Tammany Hall; state senator; controlled state and local political offices and state and municipal contracts from 1850s to 1870s to his cronies; pocketed money from most of companies and then gave them contracts for business; victim of Thomas Nast's political cartooning; he was arrested and died in prison in 1878 after completing 204/220 years charged

Martin Luther King Jr.

his church was machine gunned after Montgomery Bus Boycott; he used nonviolence as his main tactic; leader of Southern Christian Leadership Conference; SCLC prompt AA to rally in churches and launch voter registration drives, boycotts, sit ins, and freedom rides; arrested in 1963 after leading demonstration in Birmingham, wrote his "Letter from Birmingham Jail" to white ministers; led to JFK to push for stronger civil rights; had "I had a dream speech"; awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1964; led Selma march and protested de facto segregation, plight of poor and Vietnam War; killed in Memphis

Bear Flag Revolt

hostilities btw US and Mexico; was the result of a revolt by settlers from the United States on June 14, 1846, in the town of Sonoma against the authorities of the Mexican province of California; John C. Fremont, Americans and Spanish CA went against Mex gov't to secure CA in depend.; CA brought into US as part of Mexican Cession

Cult of Domesticity

idealized view of women & home; women, self-less caregiver for children, refuge for husbands

Black Power

ideology of certain civil rights activists espoused militancy and separation and rejected pacifism; positive expression of black power promos AA heritage; coined by Stokely

Thomas Nast

illustrator and cartoonist; German immigrant; want to free America from evils of political corruption and other society ills; worked on "Harper's Weekly" for 20 years and established lasting icons like Democratic donkey, Republican elephant, image of Santa Claus, & Uncle Sam; created caricature; helped in downfall of Boss Tweed after Tweed offered a bribe to stop humiliating him

Environmental Protection Agency

in 1970, National Environmental Policy Act passed requiring all fed. agencies to publish an environmental impact statement regarding all their major activities and also created an advisory council to the president and required president to submit Congress an annual environmental quality report; Nixon created EPA an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment and endangered species

Haymarket Square Riot

in Chicago 1886, McCormick Harvesting Machine Company workers organize strike to reduce 12 hour work day to 8 hour; first day of strike there were lots of police and worker was killed; second day was planned in protest of the killed and 2000 people convened at Haymarket Square; when police try to clear the square, anarchist threw a bomb killing police and injuring 60 people; then police fired into the crown and killed 4 while hurting others; this tarnished KOL reputation and Americans assumed anarchists and socialists filled the unions

26th Amendment

in WWII, when draft age dropped to 18, Americans under 21 wanted right to vote; debated in SC in 1970 (issue got bigger during Vietnam War); and full voting rights given to Americans as young as 18 in 1971; shortest time of amendment becoming law (2 months);


increasing usage of this for transportation of people and food; more efficient

Bill Gates

industrialist and philanthropist; founded software company Microsoft; use cutting edge tech, sharp dealing tactics, and good marketing strategies; 1990s part of antitrust cases where he was accused of forcing computer manufacturers to install Windows as operating system on their machines and Internet Explorer

Missile Technology

intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) can be shot out of atmosphere and target another continent; US develop Atlas missile program, then Titan, then Minuteman rocket, then multiple individually targeted reentry vehicles (MIRVs), then Peacekeeper missiles (MX missiles)

Monica Lewinsky

intern at White House, center of scandals; someone leaked video of president and lewinsky talking about sexual liaisons and Clinton impeachment process began;further investigation led to Kenneth Star, prosecutor, finding out that Clinton lied under oath while giving deposition, or removing someone from office


invented by Christopher Sholes in 1866; manufactured by Remington Arms Company; then he changed it to QWERTY keyboard; using all ten fingers was developed by court stenographer in 1878 to increase speed; this and telephone helped women work outside homes


invented by Samuel FB Morse in 1844; successfully transmitted message from Baltimore to DC about nomination of James K Polk for presidency; helped spread news throughout the war, like Civil War; Wester Union Telegraph Company monopolized telegraph; also invented morse code

Samuel Colt

invention of revolver, used in 1855 by US army; created new machinery and largest firearm factory just in time for Civil war

Saddam Hussein

join Ba'ath Party of Iraqi nationalists and help assassination attempt on British-backed prime minister of Iraq; party took over free Iraq, he came from exile, arrested, escaped jail and rose in rank as Iraq's president 1979; US back him in war against Iran; harsh dictator; use chemical weapons in Kurds of Iraq; invasion of Kuwait; Iraq War in 2003

Rosa Parks

joined Montgomery National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and became secretary; seamstress and used bus to commute; did not move from from white section of the bus to the back when asked, she said "Why do you push us around?" and she was arrested, this started Montgomery Bus Boycott; served as secretary to House of Rep member after released

H.L. Mencken

journalist from Baltimore; skilled use of works to criticize everything and everyone around him; referred to fellow americans as "Boobus Americans" and wrote disparagingly of Amer gov; covered Scopes Monkey Trial; his magazine "The American Mercury"


journalists who dug up dirt about American society; exposes were instrumental in motivating individual and gov to root out corruption and reform American life

Body Count

key to "search and destroy" strategy of fighting guerrilla forces was that US would win if combat resulted in death ratio of four enemy solders for every 1 american killed; hard to count esp. in jungles and inflation of numbers led to false beliefs; strategy failed because forces of enemy outlasted resolve of US to kill them

Elvis Presley

king of rock n roll; mix of AA spiritual roots with jazz, the blues, and country music produced rockabilly and rock n roll; then went to military and then movie career; freer lifestyle; United States rock singer whose many hit records and flamboyant style greatly influenced American popular music (1935-1977)

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

labor organization formed in 1905=most radical in US history; Bill Haywood led it; aka "The Wobbies"; openly approve murder and sabotage; inflamed Red Scare as organization reached peak in 1923 Radical union founded in 1905 to unite the American working class into one union; advocated social revolution; led several major strikes; associated with violence

Meuse Argonne Offensive

largest commitment of American fighting units; as part of French commander strategy, all American forces put in combat in sept 1918 along Meuse River and Argonne Forest-goal is to cut main German supply line to the Western Front; last major campaign of the war, and helped end WWI, but lost 10% of US troops

siege of Vicksburg

last Confed stronghold on Mississippi River fell in july 4, 1863 after 6 week siege by general grant's army; Union victory came when General Lee's army retreated from Gettysburg; southerners were demoralized because Mississippi River was vital strategy point


last cause that led to Civil War; Southern secessionists says they had constitutional right to back out of the Union and that they had only joined league of friendship in opposition of British; South Carolina lead way out in 1861+6 states; met in Montgomery to write new constitution for Confederate States of America; Lincoln start an army; South interpret constitution as saying they can leave the Union

Henry Ford

last great industrialists who manifested rags-to-riches stories; created Model T; in his plants, he included 8hour workday and $5 minimum wage; key manufacturer of war material during WWI; couldn't do well in politics; his son, Edsel, and him began Ford Foundation that became major philanthropic contributor to American society

Progressive Reform

last great reform movement reshaping all aspects of relationships btw gov and people after Populist Revolt collapsed; more successful than populists cuz most of them were middle class and more educated and articulate speakers; sought to expand the gov power by including citizens in the political process by putting government in charge of more aspects of life to rid corruption of gov and improve life for people; ended Gilded Age and political corruption; continued to build on precedents of Indian Bureau and Freedmen's Bureau to create modern welfare state


last of 13 colonies, 1733 by James Oglethorpe, buffer colony between British America and Spanish Florida

McNary-Haugen Bill

law attempt to aid plight of farmers by authorizing the government to buy surplus crops; vetoed by Coolidge, but pop up again in New Deal

Beer and Wine Revenue Act

law in 1933, example of New Deal measures; Allow for sale of weak beer and wine to generate revenue; helped relax prohibition; helped pave way for repel of Prohibition in 21st Amendment

Civil Rights Bill

law passed by Rad Repub; wanted to make freedmen official citizens and undermine Black Codes; this was vetoed by Johnson so Congress tried to removed Johnson from office

Civil Rights Act of 1875

law sought to end segregation in public places, but not enforced and later declared unconstitutional 1964; banned discrimination in public acomodations, prohibited discrimination in any federally assisted program, outlawed discrimination in most employment; enlarged federal powers to protect voting rights and to speed school desegregation; this and the voting rights act helped to give African-Americans equality on paper, and more federally-protected power so that social equality was a more realistic goal

Slave Codes

laws controlled slaves and their owners; it was created to prevent slave owners from being to harsh on the slaves in case of a rebellions; they enforced white supremacy of South by considering slaves to be clever subhumans who can be criminals but not capable of testifying against criminals; slaves can't own property or travel freely w/o permission, can work for money but use of pay is up to owner 1650s-1860

black codes

laws passed in slave society to keep AA in their place or to be laborers and craftsmen who didn't aspire edu; Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War; AA can't meet after dark, travel own guns, participate in political process

Richard M. Nixon

lawyer and WWII navy; congressman after WWII and then red hunter of HUAC; led investigation of Alger Hiss; senator and VP under Eisenhower; sparred with Khrushchev in famous Kitchen Debate about capitalism vs communism; won election of 1968, opened relations to Communist China to alienate chinese from Soviets; won 1972 president, but in Watergate scandal; resigned due to that

John Tyler

lawyer from Virginia; VP under Harrison with slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler, too"; with Harrison's premature death, Tyler=first accidental president or first VP to succeed fallen president; Harrison was a Whig but Tyler was not and annexed Texas, turning it into a slave state

Stockily Carmichael

leader of "Black nationalism"; coined phrase "Black Power" and reject nonviolent strategies;used to be part of SNCC and Freedom rides, etc but wanted to be violent;chairman of SNCC, support self defense training, self determination, pursuit of political and economic power and racial pride; founded org in Alabama with black panther as symbol; took name Kwame Toure after left US to West Africa

Toussaint L'ouverture

leader of Haitian Revolution

Alfred Thayer Mahan

lectured natural history and tactics at Newport War college; publish "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History" in 1890in which he examined impact of naval power, strategy, and technology during 1660-1783; Navy officer whose ideas on naval warfare and the importance of sea-power changed how America viewed its navy


led by Henry Cabot Lodge and other conservative Republicans; oppose Wilson's collective security idea on grounds that US had not had military alliance in times of peace with any nation but France; says League of Nations doesn't follow isolationism

Nat Turner

led most successful slave uprising in US history; 1831 he and his followers killed 68whites; but over100 AA killed; and him along with other leaders were hanged; this uprise in rebellions led to more militantly support of slavery in political battles; led to gag rule

Samuel Slater

left England secretly and came to US to be first to build textile factory; cotton fabric easily made using cotton gin and machines so demand in South for cotton increased, Industrial Revolution began

Grenada Invasion

leftist gov of island nation of Grenada went into instability when rev. leader killed so US invaded in 1983 to protect American citizens studying there; some argue US violated agreements, while others say it was ok; demonstrating Reagan's determination to assert the dominance of the US in the Carribbean

Louis Brandeis

legal and economic scholar from Harvard; helped Wilson in his "Wisconsin Idea" about trust legislation, currency, and labor problems; placed on SC by Wilson in1916 and formed liberal base for court with Oliver Wendell; FIRST jewish; urge others to not stand against progressive reform


legal term for formal freeing of slaves by masters; some founding fathers, George washington, freed slaves; other slaves can by way out of bondage, Age of Jackson during it manumissions became tighter and harder to be free; few planters practiced this

US Patriot Act

legislation in 2001 after 9/11; give fed. gov broader surveillance authority and power to detain suspected terrorists as enemy combatants as in Guantanamo Detention Camp in Cuba

Relief, Recovery and Reform

like TR's 3 C's, FDR had these in his New Deal; -Relief: provide public works projects to help those unemployed -Recovery: take care of basic needs of the economy, boost consumption, restore confidence of employers and raise farm prices -Reform: aimed at preventing economic crisis of magnitude of GD from happening again

Mason Dixon Line

line as a result of dispute btw Penn family and Maryand (north and south) The Mason and Dixon line was perceived as a divider between free and slave states before the Civil War

John Adams

live in shadows of Washington, Franklin and Jefferson; becomes president and marks DECLINE of Federalist Party (esp. Alien and Sedition Acts), constructed first Navy and peace negotiations with France and Britain, place John Marshall in Supreme Court; HENRY CLAY is secretary of state

Fort Sumter

located at opening of Charleston harbor in South Carolina, federal installation; after secession, the Fort was fired upon by Confederate and the fort fired back, but the commander inside it, Major Robert Anderson, surrendered; 4 additional states seceded, totaling to 11; lincoln responded militarily; Lincoln sent a ship to provoke attack, so people claim that Confederacy started Civil War

Sewing Machine

made by Elias Howe in 1846; made possible mass production of clothes; 1851 Isaac Singer downsize Howe's industrial machine and add new innovations, usable for home; company created; first electric sewing machine marketed in 1889 and 1905 wide use

Missouri Compromise

made by Henry Clay of Kentucky; Missouri wanted to enter Union (slave states) but that would unbalance slave/free states; Clay suggests bringing in Maine as free state; also, no state further out than Missouri can be slave state

Cyrus McCormick

made hillside plow; then mechanical reaping machine using animal power and easier to harvest grain; improved quality over time and opened own factory

Yeoman Farmers

made up bulk of population, farm own land and didn't have slaves

Indentured Servants

mainly poor Londoners and English men who want to come to America for free

Election of 1912

major turning point; 3/4 candidates were Progressive or ultra-Progressive (Eugene Debs); Roosevelt and Taft split Republican vote and gave Woodrow wilson the victory as FIRST southerner since Civil War;


male, young Englishmen are main immigrants at this time

Specie Circular

mandate that land could only be purchased with gold or silver; issued by Jackson in 1836; push economy downward

Paxton Boys

march led by Scots-Irish frontiersmen against Quakers in Pennsylvania reached Philly in 1784; wanted protection from Indian attacks. They made an armed march on Philadelphia in 1764. They protested the lenient way that the Quakers treated the Indians. Their ideas started the Regulator Movement in North Carolina.

Margin Buying

means: Purchasing stocks with borrowed money with the intent of making a profit and repaying the loan when the stock prices rise -stock values climb so high that it was possible to borrow as much as 90% if purchase price of stock from one broker, pay for a couple months, sell stock and still make profit; the repetition of this led to the stock value being so high from actual price; when stock market crashed, brokers wanted margin loans, meaning creditors want all money from clients; ended up losing money


meat packing plants here; near origin of first transcontinental railroad, became great transportation hub in aermican history after NYC and New orleans; US = FIRST country to have meat available for daily lives of citizens; "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair wrote about meatpacking industry

Teapot Dome Scandal

members of executive board indicted for fraud, conspiracy and bribery; A government scandal involving a former United States Navy oil reserve in Wyoming that was secretly leased to a private oil company in 1921; Albert B. Fall, appointed by Harding to oversee oil reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyoming sent oil to private developers; imprisoned and fined $100000; all of Harding admin also fell into suspicion

Sherman's March to the Sea

military campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, then to Columbia, South Carolina; Sherman's men cut ties to any supply lines and destroyed or stole anything of value; hurting civilians in this was first examples of "total war" ; Sherman made "the South howl" (Union Army)

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

military coup assassinated president of South Vietnam; Vietcong increase activities; 1964 N. Viet destroyed Maddux, american naval vessels involved in gathering intelligence in Gulf Tonkin resolution, didn't tell congress he was spying on Vietcong there; Congress passed this resolution that granted president their support to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against forces of US and to prevent further aggression; under LBJ presidency

George C. Marshall

military scholar, served as colonel in WWI, later general in WWII; chief of staff of the army; grand, master strategy that Allies pursued to beat back the Axis Powers; after war, Secretary of State and architect of plan to aid Euro nations-MArshall Plan (send $$ to help rebuild Western Europe)

McGuffey Readers

minister/edcator, he published series of readers in 1830s for students to use as textbooks; emphasized Anglo-Saxon Protestant values, but still books were good

Gerald Ford

most athletic man to become president; ex. professional football career; filled in Spiro Agnew's VP under Nixon (Spiro resigned); lost election of 1980 since he pardoned Nixon

William Lloyd Garrison

most conspicious and most vilified of the abolitionists, published "The Liberator" in Boston, helped found the American Anti-Slavery Society; favored Northern secession and renounced politics; organized abolitionist societies;supported northern secessional preach breaking of Fugitive Slave Law; fight to ban alcohol and women's suffrage

Jacob Riis

most famous muckraking photographer; A Danish immigrant, he became a reporter who pointed out the terrible conditions of the tenement houses of the big cities where immigrants lived during the late 1800s. He wrote How The Other Half Lives in 1890; cataloged various types of poor who lived in Lower East Side of NYC; portray women in need of assistance and men as less deserving if poor; no active welfare

Iwo Jima

most famous of assaults that was part of MacArthur's island hopping strategy cuz of Joe Rosenthal's famous photograph of the raising of an American flag on Mount Suribachi; A bloody and prolonged operation on the island of Iwo Jima in which American marines landed and defeated Japanese defenders.


most notoriously successful Confed raider rulering war, this ship plus others being built for Confed in British shipyard became last major diplomatic crisis btw US and United Kingdom

George Fitzhugh

most outspoken proponents of positive good theory; originated argument that African slaves in South were better off than wage salves in North; views evoke ideas of class warfare; support expansion of slavery essentially; American social theorist who justified slavery by saying that black people were just children and needed to be in slavery

Hillary Rodham Clinton

most politically active First Lady; senator and secretary of state, strong advocate for health issues and headed task force to pursue national health care program in Clinton admin, worked to address national security and health concerns after terrorist attacks; first First Lady to be senator

The Jungle

most sensational muckraking novel of Progressive era; by Upton Sinclair; contained actual scenes of muckraking on the floors of Chicago's hog and cattle meat-packing slaughterhouses and what went into sausages; Sinclairs intentions were to reveal plight of workers, so it traces struggle of Jurgis, Lithuanian immigrant; Sinclair says "I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach"; contributed to Roosevelt's support for progressivism

Lewis Hine

muckraker; educator who loved photography; studying sociology in Columbia and became official photographer of organization trying to end child labor; showed horrors of child labor; worked for red cross in europe during WWI and returned to US to document Empire State Building construction; head photographer for New Deal Works Progress admin

United Nations

name came from FDR to refer to UN; this group came from International Peace Conference, but more fully elaborated in Fourteen Point Address of Wilson; like league of nations, FDR and Churchill though this was necessary; October 1945 UN was born; FIRST resolution was for peaceful use of atomic energy and elimination of atomic weapons

Pentagon Papers

name fore Department of Defense study outlining the events surrounding American involvement in Vietnam from 1945-1967; kept as "Top Secret-Sensitive" since it had info that Johnson had misrepresented events and lied to American people; Daniel Ellsberg, employee at Pentagon, released the papers in 1971, Nixon admin try to discredit Ellsberg by divulging his mental health records; created credibility gap between people and president

Democratic Convention in Chicago

national nominating convention for Democratic Party in 1968; hectic year in that MLK and Robert Kennedy were assassinated and Vietnam War was unpopular; many antiwar protestors; 12000 police and National Guard for security; Democ party nominated Hubert Humphrey, LBJ's VP and supporter of escalation of war; a huge riot broke out and fight with police btw protestors, leading to people getting hurt; Richard Nixon ended up winning election of 1968

Elastic Cause

necessary and proper clause of constitution which gives congress the right to exercise implied powers not prohibited by the constitution

Middle Passage

necessary to the expansion of colonial American economy, A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies


new governmental power rose from need for more troops in both armies in 1863; men 20-45 eligible for draft; New York Draft Riots erupted= 4 days of rampaging where Irish immigrants lynched AA and destroyed property, ending with troops stopping them A military draft

Model T

new invention that was transportation revolution ; used moving assembly line method; efficient enough that a car created every 10 minutes; lowered price of cars and helped US industry; competitors, General Motors, created different colors, unlike Ford who only created black and sold cars on credit

Holding Companies

new kind of trusts; invested in stocks and achieved control of industries as trusts did but holding companies had no actual operations in the industries they controlled; Clayton Antitrust Act tried to control these

Multiple Individually Targeted Reentry Vehicles

new types of ICBMs by US; could be launched from missile silos in North America or from summaries; these bombs lowered prices of attacking and defense of SU higher, making SU go bankrupt ; first type of this was Minuteman II deployed as ICBM MIRVs were missiles that could deliver multiple warheads at once by splitting upon reentry into the Earth's atmosphere.

Jazz Age

nickname for Roaring Twenties; new innovation- jazz music, or "negro music" since it originated from legacy of African music among slaves; major avenue for cultural exchange between AA musicians and white youth; express spirit of revolt from traditional music; in first motion picture with sound "The Jazz Singer"; style of dance accompanying jazz=rebellious too


nickname for tent cities that sprang up for economic refugees of Great Depression; criticize Hoover and show lack of support

Lyceum Movement

non-Christians and nontraditional Christians (secular citizen) movement; Developed in the 1800's in response to growing interest in higher education. Associations were formed in nearly every state to give lectures, concerts, debates, scientific demonstrations, and entertainment. This movement was directly responsible for the increase in the number of institutions of higher learning. Lyceums are halls that Transcendentalists can discuss philosophies


norther Democrats in Midwest oppose Civil war; publicly criticized lincoln; supported General George McClellan in 1864 election

Freedom Rides

northern lawyers, teachers and students of both races organized bus rides of activists and protestors to enter South during summers of civil rights era; helped challenge segregation laws and practices that disenfranchised AAA, created Freedom Schools; 1961 a series of integrated bus rides through the South; white southerners started burning the buses, only helping add more fame to Freedom Riders; murder of 3 freedom riders by Klansmen during Johnson Admin let to passage of Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act


northerner who came to South A northerner who went to the South immediately after the Civil War; especially one who tried to gain political advantage or other advantages from the disorganized situation in southern states

Great Depression

not directly caused by Stock Market crash; FDR became president; citizens lost confidence in bank system and wanted to withdraw money from banks, causing them to close down; unemployment rates rose t o25%

JP (John Pierpont) Morgan

not rags to riches man; New England banker's son; opened branch bank for father in NYC and expanded it throughout civil war and till 1871 with branches in London and Paris; he had the leading banks in the world; acquired companies and railroads; stabilized American economy, esp in Panic of 1893 and 1907 when he personally bailed out US treasury; purchased Carnegie steel company and turn into US Steel; dark face of Robber Baron class


nov 11, 1918 cease-fire began allowing Paris Peace Conference to begin negotiations toward Treaty of Versailles; 20 years in between WWI and WWII=Long Armistice

The Great Recession

oil crisis caused by Arab embargo in retaliation for American support for Israel, there was deep recession, or decline in gross domestic product (GDP) over 2 consecutive quarters (6months), in 1970s; when US aid Israel, Syria and Egpy did not like, so Arab Oil Embargo quadrupled prices in 1974 and slowed economy and grew inflation= "stagflation"; couldn't increase or lower interest rates, so just cut taxes; Dec. 2007-June 2009 is Great Recession (longest and deepest)

Lecompton Constitution

one of 4 constitutions submitted to organize Kansas gov't; it was a proslavery foundation supported by President James Buchanan who loved popular sovereignty; Congress accepted it but people demanded another vote to ratify it; it was 10 to 1 against it so it was rejected; this led to Kansas entry as free state

Quarantine Speech

one of FDR's first actions was to deliver this speech amid the chaos in 1937; said US would break off trade and other interactions with dictators who had aggressively taken land from their neighbors

Harry Hopkins

one of FDR's top advisors whose ideas formed Federa Emergency Relief Act, Works Progress Administration and then Lend Lease Act; WPA became largest employer in country under his leadership; became face of more socialist tendencies in the New Deal; anti German


one of Spanish Mission sites; also the hallowed ground of Texas Republic; Santa Anna 3000 troops to attack Alamo garrison for 30 days, this allowed Sam Houston to find strategy retreat from San Jacinto to victory A Spanish mission converted into a fort, it was besieged by Mexican troops in 1836. The Texas garrison held out for thirteen days, but in the final battle, all of the Texans were killed by the larger Mexican force.

Watts Riot

one of outbreaks of severe racial tension in 1960s; 1964 riots which started in an African-American ghettoes of Los Angeles and left 30 dead and 1,000 wounded. Riots lasted a week, and spurred hundreds more around the country.; assassination of MLK in 1968 cause wave of riots in 125 cities

Bernard Baruch

Wall Street speculator, 1918 He headed the War Industries Board which placed the control of industries into the hands of the federal government. It was a prime example of War Socialism; later a delegate of UN and propose agency to be est to regulate atomic energy use

Watergate Scandal

Watergate is apartment and hotel complex in DC that housed Democratic National Committee offices; 5 men caught breaking into campaign headquarters and linked to G. Gordon Liddy (an advisor to Committee to Reelect President); Nixon said he wasn't associated with it and Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of Washington Post started investigation; Nixon dismissed some of his members; created "Enemies List"; then "Plumbers" revealed, who were to stop the leaks to press from within the admin; Nixon resigned before being impeached

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Were put into practice in 1798 by Jefferson and James Madison. These were secretly made to get the rights back taken away from the Alien and Sedition Acts. These also brought about the later compact theory which gave the states more power than the federal government; Southern States resort to nullification to preserve slavery and North did to protest stringent fugitive slaw law Political declarations in favor of states' rights, written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, in opposition the the Alien and Sedition acts. Maintained that states could nullify federal legislation they regarded as unconstitutional

Ulysses S. Grant

West Point Graduate; fought in Mexican War; led astounding victories during in Civil War in West like reduction of Vicksburg and freeing of Mississippi River; led Union army; president in 1868; FIRST scandal ridden presidency of Gilded Age

Jefferson Davis

West Point graduate; served in Black Hawk War (like Lincoln); opened plantation in Mississippi that he called "Brierfield"; served as Democratic US Congressman, senator and secretary of war for Franklin Pierce; led Confederate States of America (CSA) after South seceded, became president and had authoritarian demeanor and military opinions; hampered in leading central gov't following "states rights" rule; captured in 1865 and imprisoned oil 1867

Henry Cabot Lodge

Wilson nemesis in Senate; got FIRST political science PhD degree from Harvard; House of Rep member, civil service reformer and friend of Roosevelt; help draft Square Deal legislation; led "irreconcilables" in battle against wilson's desire to draw US into League of Nations

Underwood Tariff

Wilson reduced tariffs further than any repub admin since Lincoln; Wilson went directly to ask Congress personally, FIRST since Jefferson stopped the practice; this 1913 tariff lowered customs duties to 30%; duties removed from iron, steel, raw wool and sugar; income tax enacted; income tax enacted to make up for lost revenue

New Freedom

Wilson's response to Roosevelt's New Nationalism of discerning good trusts or bad trusts; Wilson says all trusts are bad and a powerful president needed to end monopolistic business combinations to reduce competition so people can be free from corporate control; later, only can handle a couple of the trusts and gravitated to Roosevelt's policy

XYZ Affair

X,Y,Z agents go to France to negotiate settlement of Quasi-War with France, but Talleyrand (French minister) wants loan from American and bribe of 1/4 of million$$, Americans angry and almost war

Whiskey Ring

a group of officials were importing whiskey and using their offices to avoid paying the taxes on it, cheating the treasury out of millions of dollars.; plot originated in St. Louis but modeled in other cities; secretary of treasurer ordered an investigation and President Grant "let no guilty man escape" so 238 indicted including Orville E. Babcock, private secretary of president

Agent Orange

a herbicide used in the Vietnam War to defoliate forest areas; toxins were bad to health of Vietnamese and American soldiers

guerrilla fighter

a person who fights for an armed force that isn't apart of the regular army

Francis Scott Key

a prisoner in British ship, wrote detailed letters of British invasion and how he still saw the US flag standing, his notes became lyrics to Star Spangled Banner

Whip Inflation Now

a program by the Ford administration to curb inflation and dramatic price increases by putting pressure on businesses to lower prices and deter consumers from holding goods; Ford embrace notion that Americans can reverse stagflation by reducing consumption, saving money, and feeling solidarity of WWII type of pride in sacrifice for common good; encouraged people to balance family budget, economizing, recycling and reusing; however WIN campaign failed

Molly Maguires

a secret organization of miners imported from Ireland who promoted labor violence starting 1862; Ancient Order of the Hibernians was org in Ireland to combat encroachments of landlords and when some came to US they had intimidation tactics and murdered managers; Pinkerton Detective Agency hired by Philly and Reading Railroad to infiltrate Molly Maguires, result was some leaders in jail, prosecuted and some hanged

Thirteenth Amendment

abolished slavery; ratified in 1865; Lincoln, Johnson and Radical Republicans all agreed that this must pass for Reconstruction to be successful; however status of freedom was not much different to before the war

Ronald Reagan

actor through 1940s; fought communism and changed into a political conservative from New Deal democrat; film career waned and he became spokesman for GEC and was hosts of TV showers; became Republican in support of Barry Goldwater; as governor of CA, cut welfare caseload, increased benefits, reduced size of state bureaucracy and suppress student protests; lost 2 times and won in 1984 then 1984; cut taxes but increase military spending; survived near death assassination attempt

Acts of Toleration

acts of free worship; passed in colonies like Maryland 1649 (Protestants mingle with RC); some cultural norms established Guaranteed tolerance to all Christians and the death penalty to all Jews and atheists

Agricultural Adjustment Act

address prices for agricultural products that collapsed since end of WWI; paid famers not to produce to reduce supply in order to boost prices; est Agri Adj Admin to monitor compliance and tax companies tat processed food in order to fund distrib to farmers; refinancing of farm mortgages=slow foreclosures; authorize president to create inflation; deemed unconstitutional in 1936 since gov paying farmers to waste their products

Gadsden Purchase

adjustment btw border dispute with Mex and US with $10 million expense in 1853; (1853) U.S. purchase of land from Mexico that included the southern parts of present-day Arizona and New Mexico; set the current borders of the contiguous United States (the U.S. states, minus Hawaii, Alaska, and commonwealth of Puerto Rico); for desirable route for railroads

Brains Trust

advisors to FDR; Frances Perkins was part of it; New Deal required "wisconsin idea" (that holds that university research should be applied to solve problems and improve health, quality of life, the environment, and agriculture for all citizens of the state.) create new ways to attack GD, with help of these advisors, FDR got ideas for bank regulations and other aspects of First 100 Days

Council of the Indies

advisory body in Spanish government who reuled Spanish Empire in New world, effiecient yet corrupt

Department of Homeland Security

after 9/11 this was developed; became 3rd largest department in presidential cabinet; responsible for protection of borders and domestic territory of US and protectorates; unlike Depart. of Defense which oversee projection of American military; main goal is to prevent/respond to terrorist, but can handle immigrants and natural disasters

Roosevelt Corollary

after Dominican Republic collapse, Roosevelt gives speech on how he doesn't want to use military force to acquire new land like Polk, but did want stability, order, and prosperity across western hemisphere; Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests (US=international police) in South And Central America by using military force, first put into effect in Dominican Republic

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

after France lost control of French Indochina, new Cold War policies made for US by John Foster Dulles (Eisenhower secretary); "New Look" in national security policy depart from containment and discussed "rolling back" communism and responding to any aggression on part of SU with "massive retaliation"; Eisenhower presented domino theory (if one falls to communism, then all nations of Vietnam fall to communism) and this prompted SEATO, a mutual defense treaty modeled after NATO, but did not create unified military command and left US to defend South Vietnam alone -an international organization for collective defense to block further communist gains is Southeast Asia - 1954

Whiskey Rebellion

after Hamilton's financial program put huge tax on whiskey, Pennsylvanian farmers rebel, no shots fired and militia troops used, US defend and enfore its laws

Iraq War

after Persian Gulf War, UN order Hussein to rid weapons; created no fly zone mainly for American and British planes; after 9/11 US pressure Hussein to comply with UN inspections; since he was stubborn, UN just increased troops of Iraqi border; then Hussein continue to not comply and so Bush ordered American invasion and bombing of Iraq= Iraq War; captured dictator in 2004; Iraqi insurgents and militant terroritst kept steady series of attacks; Bush send American forces to Iraq, but now it is stable enough to give it back to Iraqis and take out troops; Islamic State seized territory in Syria and Iraq


after Puritan Revolution, Charles II restores English crown and takes leading role of england, then by James II; led british govt to be more strict on Americas

Treaty of Washington

after civil war, relations between US and British were strained since they supplied ships to south; this treaty granted 15.5$ million to US for damages; settlement reached through international arbitration, the notion that objective nations could judge the disputes of other nations to achieve piece; last major dispute btw US and Britain 1871 - Settled the Northern claims between the U.S. and Great Britain. Canada gave the U.S. permanent fishing rights to the St. Lawrence River.

Japanese Internment

after gentlemen's agreement, Japanese supposed to be treated better, but after pearl harbor, more anti Japanese sentiment; this authorized the removal of around 110000 Americans of Japanese descent from sensitive coastal areas; FDR order Isei (Japanese immigrants) and Nisei (native-born Japan Amer) be in inland camps like concentration camps in Germany;they lost private property and humiliated; later Reagan and Carter give every surviving Japanese a $20000 in reparations

Battle of New Orleans

after the Treaty of Ghent and end of war, this battle happened cuz some british didn't heart he news, it ended in great British loss and rose Jackson to power

Indian Bureau

agency managing interaction of US with over 500 American Indian tribes; 1849 transferred to Department of the Interior and changed agenda to assimilate American Indians into American life by working to end tribal gov't and communal ownership of land; Christianize and civilize indians; This was Created by John C. Calhoun which was in charge of US relations with 500 Indian Tribes. 1934 was Indian Reorganization Act and 1924 was citizenship rights for Indians.

Camp David Accords

agreement btw Egypt and Israel ; President Carter's biggest foreign policy success; (1978) were negotiated at the presidential retreat of Camp David by Egypt's Anwar Sadat and Israel Menachem Begin; they were brokered by U.S. President Jimmy Carter. They led to a peace treaty the next year that returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt, guaranteed Israeli access to the Red Sea and Suez Canal, and more-or-less normalized diplomatic and economic relations between the two countries. This isolated Egypt from the other Arab countries and led to Sadat's assassination in 1981, thwarting the Camp David Accords

Charles Lindbergh

airmail pilot and plane mechanic and was first to fly nonstop flight from NY to Paris (did it for money); designed plane "the spirit of st. louis"; returned national hero; visited Germany and thought hitler to be a good man- created American First Committee (isolationist organization that opposed American involvement in WWII)

Gibbons v. Ogden

aka "steamboat case" 1824; Hamilton tries to grant monopoly on water transportation btw NY and NJ to Ogden's company; Marshall says constitution doesn't allow states the power to control interstate commerce; move towards national markets for products; Clarified the commerce clause and affirmed congressional power over interstate commerce.

Battle of Little Big Horn

aka Custer's Last Stand; when gold was discovered in South Dakota, the gov't ignored old treaties with natives and invaded the lands; Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse went to Greasy Grass to rebel against going into reservations; soldiers were sent but failed so George Custer and 7th Cavalry were sent; Custer didn't know the size of the native forces and was greatly outnumbered; Custer and all of his soldiers died in the black Hills; US army kept pressing until Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse were defeated

Patrons of Husbandry

aka Grange, secret fraternal organization to advance interests of agriculture beginning in 1867; farmers who joined wanted to reduce the influence of corporate monopolies, esp railroads whose rates the Grangers waned fixed with not rebates to large corp shippers; wanna to est. agri and mechanical universities and cooperation of farmers in purchasing supples and supported laws that made it illegal for railroad to charge more for shipment of loads short distance than for long distance loads= Granger Laws; Populist Party sprang up from collective actions of farmers


aka Half Breeds; wing of Repub Party that favors civil service reform; James Garfield led this fight by standing against Conkling in regards to appointments in his admin and NY Customs House in Tammany Hall (??); Garfield install these half breeds against Conkling's recommendations and Conkling resigned from Senate in protest

Malcolm X

aka Malcolm Little, family was a follow of Marcus Garvey; family was killed, he moved to NYC and Boston, arrested for burglary; in prison, came under influence of Nation of Islam, led by Elijah Muhammad; converted to Islam and changed last name to X (loss of AA ancestral background); did pilgrimage to Mexxa and renounced his racist views that sought separation from white society; speech in NYC 1965 and assassinated later; believe in separatism

First Battle of Bull Run

aka Manassas; first major conflict 1861; Thomas J. Jackson (Confed) refuse to retreat and got nickname "Stonewall"; Confederates brought reinforcements by train for first time; Confed win this one

Meat Packing Act

aka Meat Inspection Act passed in 1906; passed by roosevelt in reaction to the jungle, set strict standards of cleanliness in the meat packing industry; sanitary regulations enforced by making all meat packing plants selling their products in interstate commerce susceptible to surprise inspections; price of meat went up as a result of these regulations

Chivington Massacre

aka Sand Creek Massacre; the Chivington massacre occurred in Colorado in 1864. A party of state militia commanded by John Chivington massacred a Cheyenne Indian community in an unprovoked, vicious, and bloodthirsty raid; started when Cheyenne and Arapaho warriors raided traffic from Denver, so Chivington responded by mass killing american Indians

GI Bill

aka Servicemen's Readjustment Act in 1944; set aside funding to help WWII veterans start businesses or farms, buy homes, or receive a college education or other training


aka bison, in Great Prairie of North american and source of sustenance for American indians; Indian culture was to use every part of the buffalo; later, white hunters began killing buffalo- Buffalo Bill was named that for killing 4000 in 2 years; led to near extinction of buffalos

Adams-Onis Treaty

also known as the Florida Purchase Treaty and the Transcontinental Treaty; under its terms, the United States paid Spain $5 million for Florida, Spain recognized America's claims to the Oregon Country, and the United States surrendered its claim to northern Mexico (Texas); Florida enter US as slave state in 1845

Iran-Contra Scandal

although Reagan said US won't negotiate with terrorists, 1986 secret plan revealed that he didn't follow his words Iran part- sale of antiaircraft missiles and other weapons to Iran to order leverage release of American hostages in Lebanon Contra part- funding Contra rebels -3 hostages taken, and 3 released Lieutenant Oliver North and director of CIA resigned; Reagan was unaware of anything that went on

Civic Virtue

ask all Americans that they work for and sacrifices for general well-being; based on idea that democracy depended on commitment of all citizens

Spot Resolutions

attempt by Lincoln and Whig Party to stop Manifest Destiny and Mex War; Congressman Abraham Lincoln supported a proposition to find the exact spot where American troops were fired upon, suspecting that they had illegally crossed into Mexican territory; although it failed, it gave voice to northerners in sectional debate

Horace Mann

attorney and humanitarian reformer; becomes legislator and education advocate in Massachusetts State Board of Edu; responsible for implementing almost all aspects of public schooling; helped increase school funds and better the system; founded first state-operated teacher-training school; Mass common schoo mvmd became universal in 20th century

Jack Kerouac

author of "On the Road", this and other literary sources, like Allen Ginsberg, led to rise of hippie movement; combo of anti materialism, drugs us, alternate lifestyles and spirituality in the books attracted youth fed up with racism and conformity

Uncle Tom's Cabin (book)

author was Harriet Beecher Stowe; it is a story of the ruination of a slave's family and lief after he was sold to pay off his gambling debts; Uncle Tom face greater oppression (part of plot) as he went further south; book received heated criticism in South

Valley Forge

base for Washington army Place where Washington's army spent the winter of 1777-1778, a 4th of troops died here from disease and malnutriton, Steuben comes and trains troops


battle fought in western Tennessee in 1862, Union army barely winning; more Americans fell there than in all American Wars; Confeds lost commanding general Albert Sydney Johnston; Union side actions almost got Grant fired

Treaty of Greenville

battle on Greak Lakes Region between US and natives harassing pioneers (Battle of Fallen Timbers), fought in Ohio and this treaty was signed giving most of territory of natives to Ohio and Detroit and Chicago


battle was largest fought in Western Hemisphere and most crucial of the civil war; marked Confederate Army's last invasion of North and started when they ran into each other unexpectedly in Pennsylvania in 1863 July; Lee (Confed) unsuccessfully attack Union forces like Pickett's Charge; Confed retreat to VA, but George Meade refuse to give chase; Unions win this battle

John Quincy Adams

became Monroe's secretary of state; helped create Monroe Doctrine; tried to be a good president; elected into House of Reps after presidency; opponent of slavery; dedicated whole life to the country

John Hinckley

became obsessed with actress Jodie Foster after watching a movie about man attempting to assassinate Wallace; stalked Foster at Yale and plotted to assassinate President Reagan to impress her (idea from a movie); he hit Reagan on one of his third shots, but Reagan was saved; Hinckley not found guilty on reasons of insanity

Muammar Al Qaddafi

began as dictator as lieutenant in Libyan military; soon took over country with family and military backing; dabbled in chemical weapons and acts of terrorism; began US target of bombing after he bombed a Germany place with Americans; Terrorist dictator of Libya; renounce weapons of mass destruction after Saddam captured, but 2011 Libyan people rose against him, and killed

Congress of Industrial Organizations

begun by John Lewis, within the AFL, this split off to become its own organization; included skilled and unskilled workers (unlike AFL which only had skilled workers); later became AFL-CIO

National Recovery Administration

begun by National Industry Recovery Act during First 100 Days; designed to boost employment and industrial+business activity; it relied on self regulation by business owners according to a set of codes created by federal gov; It allowed industries to create fair competition which were intended to reduce destructive competition and to help workers by setting minimum wages and maximum weekly hours; president can enforce these codes; later determined unconstitutional by Supreme Court in 1935


belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism; British take advantage of Americas and make the Americas only buy products from British


bloodiest one-day battle of war with 23000 casualties; one time George McClellan (Union) thwarted Robert E. Lee's plans; after this win, Lincoln issue Emancipation Proclamation

Nuremberg Trials

body called International Military Tribunal tried 22 Nazi leaders who survived war; trials lasted from 1945-46; 12 of them sentenced to death and rest imprisoned -something similar trial for 28 Japanese criminals; including hideki tojo (sentenced to death)+7

The Affluent Society

book by John Kenneth Galbraith; criticized consumerism and waste of society obsessed with increasing productivity managed by private industries bent on making profits; says gov should manage excess consumerism by devoting resources to public sectors, like publiceducation

Mason-Dixon Line

border between Maryland and Pennsylvania; line surveyed by two men of whom it was named after; symbolic divide btw South and North (slave vs. free states)

Adolf Hitler

born in Austria, failed artist, became hero in WWI, rose to leadership in political organization that became Nazi (National Socialist Party); tried to attack gov, failed and jailed; in jail he wrote "Mein Kampf"; after jail, became fascist dictator; launched Third Reich that began WWII; use propaganda, intimidation and terrorism to launch blitzkrieg attack; committed suicide

James J. Hill

born in Canada, became famous in US; rags to riches life; he built Great Northern Railroad (only transcontinental line built without gov't assistance); built it in segments; runs from Minnesota to Seattle, Washington; also innovated by building trunk lines from the mainline; his mansion completed in 1891

Marcus Garvey

born in Jamaica; became journalist and editor of radical newspapers; became passionate supporter of African nationalism; form Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) "to work for general uplift of the Negro peoples of the world"; advocate mass migration of American slaves back to Africa; support segregated churches; deported back to Jamaica after finance issues

Woodrow Wilson

born in VA and rose in fame as lawyer, professor, and expert on political economics and constitutional law; governor of NJ and then president in 1912; reform president; his admin oversaw a lowered tariff, creation of the Federal Reserve and Federal Tade Commission, and passage of Calyton Antitrust Act; maintain neutrality as war erupted in Europe; wound up bringing US into WWI to "make the world safe for democracy"; had a stroke but served second term while communicating with his cabinet through his wife

Stephen Douglas

born in Vermont, moved to Illinois and became lawyer; became chairman of Committee on territories; champion of popular sovereignty; his Kansas Nebraska Bill was bad; spare with Lincoln for two types of elections; know as "Little Giant" for powerful speeches and small state; support Lincoln after commencement of civil war

Mary McLeod Bethune

born to parents who were slaves; became noted educator and personal friend of Eleanor; advisor to first lady; assembled AA's known as "Black Cabinet" to advise Roosevelt admin; efforts were part of beginning for AA to begin voting for Democratic party

Sacco and Vanzetti Case

both Italian immigrants arrested in 1927 for murder; in first show trials, shows there wasnt much evidence; found guilty probably cuz they were anarchists; shows Red Scare; governor of Massachusetts calls for review of case after protests, but still convicted

Congressional Committee System

both houses of Congress create committees to review and introduce legislation along a whole range of topics, result of decreasing executive branch power

John Maynard Keynes

british economist whose revolutionary theories controversial and created Keynesian economic; turning point in 20th century; did not think Treaty of Versialles to be economically unfeasible; predictions of Germans came true; publishes a book "Economic Consequences of the Peace"; advocate interest rate adjustments embodied in Wilson's Federal Reserve System; during GD, suggest using deficit spending to "prime the pump" by hiring unemployed people to work on public works; FDR adopts Keynesian economic British economist who argued that for a nation to recovery fully from a depression, the govt had to spend money to encourage investment and consumption

Salutary neglect

british gov't toward American colonies, lack of care by British=self government; second time (Restoration) led to American Revolution

Boston Massacre

british soldiers vs American citizens throw rocks at each other, then shots fired The first bloodshed of the American Revolution (1770), as British guards at the Boston Customs House opened fire on a crowd killing five Americans


brother of the Prophet, chief of the Shawnees, as the leader of the Indian military efforts, he realized that they could only defeat the whites and take back the Northwest if they united, so he set out down the Mississippi river to visit tribes and persuade them to join him in the Tecumseh confederacy and battle the whites who had wrongly taken their land through treaties.; allies with british

League of Nations

built in belief in arbitration as miracle cure for international strife; 2 handicaps- US didn't join, and didn't do what it said it would do; League didn't respond to Japan and Italy acting aggressively to pursuing nationalistic, imperialistic, and militaristic goals; Germany leaves it later

Horizontal Integration/Combination

business combinations consisting of man companies involved in the production of a given commodity and create a monopoly; single company would organize trust based on its complete control over one step in the production process; John D. Rockefeller used this to gain control of oil industry and invited them to Board of Directors of Standard Oil to share decisions and agreed on rates and prices; companies that betrayed others would be cut off and risk being attacked by another competitor Absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in the same level of production and sharing resources at that level

The Feminine Mystique

by Betty Friedan in 1963 novel sparked revival of female activism; talked about unhappy women and their lives, calling american suburb a "comfortable concentration camp"; identified "glass ceiling", the practice of passing over competent women for promotion to the highest levels of corporate power; Friedan founded largest women's liberation organization, National Organization for Women, or NOW ; most famous feminist leader

A Century of Dishonor (novel)

by Helen Hunt Jackson; lone voice of protest against treatment of American Indians in 19th century and voiced it through this novel; traveled personally to collect data and presented her book to the Indian Bureau then to Congress

Wisconsin Idea

by La Follettte; Package of reform ideas advocated by LaFollette that included Initiative, Recall, Referendum; The Wisconsin Idea was created by the state's progressives to do away with monopolies, trusts, high costs of living, and predatory wealth. Reforms in labor and worker's rights were one of the major aspects of the Wisconsin Idea.

New Deal

by Roosevelt, est agencies that aimed money at problems at GD; CCC,TVA, FDIC, and the WPA; fail to organize contradictory programs into a comprehensive plan


c. 700 archeological site with 120 sacred mounds, great advancement, no traces of people


c. 980 first Europeans in North America in Newfoundland, traveling warriors of Scandinavian peoples

Joseph Pulitzer

came to US in 1864 and rose into a politician to a major shaper of public opinion; had his newspaper empire called "Evening World"; employ technique of yellow journalism and boost his circulation of papers; competed with William Randolph Hearst's "evening journal" an both promote war against Spain; in his will, he left $$ for School of Journalism in Columbia creaton

Fort Henry and Donelson

capture of these two forts on Tennessee and Cumberland rivers was first step to Ulysses S. Grant's rise to command of all Union armies; he kept Kentucky from seeding and opened way for Union victory in western theater

Insular Cases

cases about whether the new lands acquired in imperialism would have US laws equally applied to them; Supreme Court ruled that they would not receive full rights as American citizens

Texas Longhorns

cattle that were free ranging by the time West settled since Spanish had left them; rounded up by cowboys; shipped to meat-packing plants in Chicago; led Cowboy Era and Meat Packing Era

Navigation Acts

certain goods only can be shipped by British merchants

Alexander Hamilton

chief advisor Washington in revolutionary war and secretary of treasury in first presidential admin; didnt trust yeoman farmers, strong Federalist; made US have commercial and industrial strength as well as agricultural potential; reveal state secrets to British and commited adultery

Jane Addams

chief female social reformer and Progressive activist from illinois; founded Hull House in Chicago; tried to improve lives of immigrant poor and her work created the field of social work; leading advocate for causes like women's suffrage and prohibition and renowned pacifist who received Nobel Peace Prize in 193; her books about her experiences became models for scientific inquiry in social problems cuz they were first systematic compilation of statistics and observation techniques that became mainstay of several social sciences

Kenneth Starr

chosen to investigate Whitewater situation as indep. counsel but it spread to include a # of scandals; it examined death of Clinton advisor, "Starr Report" released on investigation of accusations of several women of inappropriate sexual advances on clinton, Monica Lewinsky scandal;; Clinton impeached since he lied under oath when giving deposition during investigation

Christian Paternalism

christian masters treated slaves better and viewed them more respectably;; some churches allowed full membership to AA; better treatment led to better production Christian masters in the wake of revivals treated their slaves better

American Indian Movement

civil rights organization founded in 1968 grew to hold civil disobedience campaigns through 1970s; sometimes use force, like when they seized Alcatraz Island in 1970 or conducted 71 day standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, site of last uprising in 1890

William McKinley

civil war officer; lawyer in Ohio and served in Congress and state's governor; typical Republican Party political machine candidate for presidency in 1896; Marcus A. Hanna, Ohio Repub boss, support him on a platform of high tariffs and gold standard for sound currency;; signed Dingley Tariff as president (highest tariff in US history) and led country through Spanish American War and won 2nd term but assassinated in 1901

Monitor v. Merrimac

clash of ironclad ships made a turning point in world naval conflicts, reason Civil War is FIRST modern war; Confed ship "Virginia" (refitted "Merrimac") was killing Union wooden ships until "Monitor" arrived; two ironclad ships kept pounding each other; Confed ship ran away rather than being captured; other foreshadowing of modern naval warfare was Confed submarine "Hunley"

Committees of Correspondence

collect British abuse and spread through papers; boycotts and other forms of resistance coordinated through this communication

Newt Gingrich

college history professor; one of the creators of Contract with America; speaker of house 1995; got fed. budget balanced, cut in capital gain taxes, and reform in welfare system passed; figurehead of Repub. Party, resigned after Clinton impeachment and Repub lost ground in next elections, lost to Romney in 2012 for Repub nomination

Negro Spirituals

combination of African and American influences (rhymes and lyrics) Songs sung by slaves that told stories of a rescuer from the North or ways to hide. They were also Christian or Jewish; some songs had coded messages of times and places for departure of escaping slaves

The Great Compromise

compromise over proportional or equal representation: House of rep (based on pop) and Senate (2 per)

Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson

confer brilliant commanders; his forces killed larger Union forces in Shenandoah Valley of Virginia; another victory at Chancellorsville, he was shot and killed by his own men

Compromise of 1877

congressional committee (7 Democrats and 8 Republicans) formed to review election returns: Repub say Hayes won while Democrats say Tilden won; this compromise said South trade presidency for receiving 3 states back under Home Rule: military withdrawn from Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana Deal that settled the 1876 presidential election contest between Rutherford Hayes (Rep) & Samuel Tilden (Dem.); Hayes was awarded presidency in exchange for the permanent removal of fed. troops from the South--> ended Reconstruction

Albert Gore Jr.

congressman, rep. Tennesse, VP under Bill Clinton; wanted to "reinvent gov" by reviewing operations of fed. gov. to eliminate waste; advocate expansion of info tech and environmental issues; ran against Bush in 2000 and conceded race to Bush; Nobel Peace prize for investigating on climate change

Rush Limbaugh

conservative radio talk-show host; 1988 started; renewed vigor to conservative movement that lost much of momentum; The Rush Limbaugh Show; alienated opponents by launching verbal attacks against liberalism; inducted in Radio Hall of Fame

Old Guard

conservative wing of Republican Party that tried to halt Progressive reforms; supported Taft and rejected Roosevelt; adamantly against Wilson's policies and called the Irreconcilables during WWI (not Stalwarts btw)

Cornelius Vanderbilt

consolidated railroads in East until he built an empire for his son, William; pioneered use of steel rails and set a uniform width, or gauge, improving service; A railroad owner who built a railway connecting Chicago and New York. He popularized the use of steel rails in his railroad, which made railroads safer and more economical. CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY

Contract with America

constituted Republican agenda in 1994 and helped win both houses of Congress; sought to decentralize power through deregulation, tax cuts, welfare reforms and balanced federal budget; New Gingrich was chief architect of contact and congressman who became new Speaker of the House; 3 that became law 1) require Congress to abide by same workplace laws as reg. Americans 2) reduced paper work 3) banned passage of unfunded mandates; mainly to restore bonds of trust btw people and gov.

Interstate Commerce Act

controversies over what regulations were held against which railroads; Supreme Court ruled in Munn v. Illinois in 1877 that state laws and regulations did apply, but this act was passed by Congress to further clarify; states that If a railroad went beyond a single state's borders the law states the rated charged had to be just and that pools were illegal; called the first federal regulatory agency: Interstate Commerce Commission; this act failed cuz lawyers worked around it


convenient naval installation; Cleveland prevent annexation of Hawaii after overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani by Americans; McKinley was pro-annexatioin and had Congress annex Hawaii before Treaty of Paris ending Spanish American war; Japan complain about american interests in Hawaii; only land acquired in America imperialism era to ear statehood


created by LBJ; Medicare designed to provide medical care for elderly attached to social security payments and funded by social security taxes; 65yr or older cites receiving SS can get hospitalization insurance, coverage of physicians' and surgeons' expenses and home health care; Medicaid designed to have benefits for poor and disabled

Elisha G. Otis

created elevator brake in 1852, helped make Louis Sullivan's skyscraper possible; Otis create automatic spring mechanism for brake if elevator falls

Grover Cleveland

only president to win nonconsecutive terms; reform governor of NY; UNIQUE-conservative Democrat holding Republicans in check in Congress; did not want to expand federal gov't as instrument of welfare for individuals; want to reduce tariff and lost reform minded Republicans, so Benjamin Harrison won term in between his two terms; in 2nd presidency, he encountered Panic of 1893 (WORST IN US), and 1 of 2 presidents to seek support of JP Morgan to jump start Treasury and stabilize currency (Roosevelt is other); did not support striking workers during Panic and sent troops to dissemble them; reject annexation of Hawaii and want to bring US closer to gold standard and repeal Sherman Silver Purchase Act

John C. Calhoun

only rose to prominence in Senate, VP under Jackson, took SC side in nullification crisis, southern star who oppose Jackson


opposing immigration belief; derive from animosity btw Protestanst and Catholics and extended to all immigrants; Americans blame overpopulatio on immigrants; inspire the Know Nothing Party and KK

Popular sovereignty

option developed by Lewis Cass, northern senator; says that people decide whether the new state is slave state or free state; word coined by Senator Douglass of Illinois; Abraham Lincoln dismissed this idea and oppose ideas of central gov't banning slavery in old NW Territory; this was also disapproved in Dred Scott case cuz proslavery dudes scared A belief that ultimate power resides in the people.

National Organization for Women

org demanded better educational opp. for women and outlets for suburban housewives and denounced traditional marriage and family values; NOW call for equal partnership of sexes, largest feminist org

Land and Northwest Ordinance (part of articles of confed.)

org. of western lands, very successful; sold Old Northwest(land of Ohio River Valley up to Great Lakes); precedents: money for land goes to edu and citizen life, no slavery Determined how land was to be given away up North and banned slavery from entire area.,

National Labor Union

organized by Ira Stewart; first attempt to build a labor movement on national scale; met first in Baltimore in 1866 and goal was to get 8hr work day; slogan "8 hours for work, 8 hours for sleep and 8 hrs for what we will"; fed gov't did give 8hr workday


originally British idea; instrumental in expansion of new Americaan economy of 18th century; this was in the Constitution of 1790, but total reorganization of patent law and Patent Office in 1836 came just in time for spate of inventions and innovations that transformed American industry and society

Head Start Program

originally a summer program for disadvantaged children overseen by Office of Economic Opportunity; program designed to build emotional and physical health of preschool children to help them overcome social and economic conditions in which they were born in; ; 1969, program became a year round day care under new Department of Health, Education and Welfare; part of War on Poverty programs

Common School Movement

originate out of Massachusetts Puritan tradition that sought to convert people to Christianity and to educate them; Jefferson support public edu, tax-supported schools become more prominent when Horace Mann and others took control; these schools helped immigrants assimilate to a common culture


originated by Franz Joseph Gall, this pseudoscience became popular during reform era as means of explaining human behavior and personality; posit maps of human brain to assess aspects of humans by measuring skull; lyceums give phrenologists to have public demonstrations and spread new confidence in science as method of investigating and explaining natural phenomenon

Eli Whitney

other founder of American Industry, invented cotton gin in 1793; also made machines to make muskets rapidly

Imperialism Debate

other nations expanding empires rapidly; debate in US was that some think America should acquire spheres of influence for econ competition and national defense; others believe this would violate core principles of US; Isolationists=US not acquire influence or territory; Pacifists and humanitarian reformers thought it was hypocrisy if they did expand ?; Imperialists thought America should spread best way of life with trade- debate came forward during Spanish American War


over 1000 patents contribute to it; Germans Daimler and Benz created 4 wheeled gasoline powered automobile; Peugeot, french manuf., made too expensive ones;first conveyor belt-style assembly installed by Henry Ford in 1914, created Model T Ford, increased production and deceased price

Samuel F.B. Morse

painter-turned-inventor; patent device that use electricity to send messages over wire using code of long and short electrical impulses in 1840; boosted 19th century economy and reason communication revolution accompanied transportation revolution

Fugitive Slave Law

part of Compromise of 1850; pay 10$ to judges if they determine if an AA was escaped slave and only %$ if they freed the slave; the slaves could not testify inthier own behalf, "Man-Stealing Law". shocked moderates into being antislaveryites

G. Gordon Liddy

participant in break in searching for Daniel Ellsberg's mental health records; former FBI; lead team of "Plumbers"; masterminded break ins of Watergate Scandal, supervised the break-ins; refused to testify and put in jail

Tenure of Office Act

passed by Radical Repub to rid of Johnson; 1866 - enacted by radical congress - forbade president from removing civil officers without senatorial consent - was to prevent Johnson from removing a radical republican from his cabinet; trap to impeach Johnson on grounds of "high crimes and misdemeanors"

Espionage and Sedition Acts

passed by Wilson and Democratic Congress; -Espionage Act- impose severe fines and up to 20 years in prison for people who were guilty of aiding enemy, obstructing recruiting, causing insubordination, stirring disloyalty or inspiring the refusal of duty in the military -later Sedition Act in 1918 added- penalties to those proven to lie about gov or to use disloyal language about American+gov and military -aimed at socialists and pacifists -got Eugene Debs in jail

Taft Hartley Act

passed in 1947 over Pres Truman's veto; banned closed shops and weakened US labor movement; Act that provides balance of power between union and management by designating certain union activities as unfair labor practices; also known as Labor-Management Relations Act (LMRA)

Weapons of Mass Destruction

people fear terrorists will get WMDs (acronym); Hussein used chemical weapons against his own people during Kurdish uprising; Bush and others fear "Axis of Evil", or Iraq, Iran and North Korea, would develop WMDs

New South

people like Henry W. Grady tried to popularize economic revival for South through construction of railroads and cotton mills; idea of New South included agricultural productivity, racism; infusions of northern capital developed textile and other inducts tries and helped growth of large cities like Atlanta


people pass laws that were covertly targeted to limit AA rights: literacy tests, poll taxes

John D. Rockefeller

pioneer of oil industry and of business combination; his company is Standard Oil of Ohio= model for all corporations; capitalized new petroleum industry by building first oil refinery in 1863 in cleveland; 1882 monopolized oil industry through horizontal integration; 1897 dedicated life to philanthropy and gave more than $500million to charities; notoriety built up to 1911 breakup of Standard Oil under Sherman Antitrust Act; CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY

Good Neighbor Policy

policy of FDR est by Roosevelt Corollary; FDR's foreign policy of promoting better relations w/Latin America by using economic influence rater than military force in the region

Jonas Salk

poliomyelitis or polio; this dude helped research influenza to pave way for flu vaccine (didn't create that though); 1947 created polio vaccine

Students for a Democratic Society

political and social activism; SDS 1960 beginning, associated with New Left movement and consisted of college students who protested social injustices and Vietnam War; a campus-based political organization founded in 1961 by Tom Hayden; Port Huron Statement of 1962, SDS leaders decry materialism and discrimination of society and advocate takeover of university campuses as instruments of political change; claimed alliance with north vietnam army and called for end of war; in 1960s move toward radical Marxist rev.; later in 1970s group ended

Whiskey Pool

pool= informal alliance of producers in an industry, even railroads, who agree to share markets at specified rates; among whiskey distillers the pool agreed to reduce output in order to create artificial shortage; sometimes they would cheat on each other by raising their production to gain more profit

Jonathan Edwards

preacher from Northampton, Massachusetts; scholarly man who wrote about experiences in First Great Awakening, stress rationality of faith and reconcile philosophy and mysticism as true expressions of religion; president of Princeton

US Constitution

preamble has "We the people"; creates strong government; has a system where it can be amended

National War Labor Board

president Taft led this organization, formed in 1918; designed to prevent labor disputes during WWI; Taft listen to laborers' grievances A board that negotiated labor disputes and gave workers what they wanted to prevent strikes that would disrupt the war

Herbert Hoover

president before the Stock market crash; economic genius and self made millionaire; vital in running US Foods Admin, served as Secretary of Commerce in Roaring Twenties; as president, extended federal loans to banks and large corporations through his Reconstruction Finance corp (didn't really work); Herbert Commission, last isolationist president

Terence V. Powderly

president of KOL from 1879 to 1893; machinist by trade who joined KOL; reformer; stress formation of cooperatives, regulations of trusts, currency reform, and abolition of child labor instead of immediate goals regarding wages, working conditions, or shorter hours; turned to more politics as candidate of Greenback Labor Party and civil servant worker w/immigration issues under Repub Admin

States' Rights

principle was constitutional interpretation upon which Confed States of America was founded; Calhoun championed these rights and state's rights attacked by tariff and slavery controversies

Stock Market

private banks raised capital by issuing stocks after model of a joint stock company; NY merchants began trading these commodities in open air in 1792 on Wall Street, and New York Stock Exchange was born; expanded into 20th century; crash in 1929

Maine Law

prohibit manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages; secured by Neal S. Dow

Edward Bellamy

promoted utopian philosophy that he expressed in his 1888 novel, "Looking Backward"; posited that in one century the US would have nationalized its economy, removed all class consciousness and strife, and equalized the distribution of wealth; this inspired new goals for utopian communities filled with intellectuals who proved that perfect societies do not exist; visions faded due to its lack of revolutionary and practicality

Macon's Bill No. 2

propose resumption of trade with either Britain or France, Napoleon saw the chance as opportunity to start conflict btw Britain and US so France vow to stop hurting US vessels in return for trade, britain saw this as bad act

19th Amendment

proposed in 1919 and ratified 1920, Constitution finally able to give women right to vote; finally after AA reforms

Civilian Conservation Corps

provide work for unemployed young men 18-25 in projects ranging from planting tres to building hiking trails, roads, etc; men lived in camps, wore uniforms and led by army officers; 30$/month and part of it always sent to families; employ almost 3 million men

Joseph Smith

publish "Book of Mormon" in 1830s that was foundation of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints religion; Founded Mormonism in New York in 1830 with the guidance of an angel. 1843, Smith's announcement that God sanctioned polygamy split the Mormons and let to an uprising against Mormons in 1844; translated the Book of Mormon and died a martyr.

Adam Smith

publish book The Wealth of Nations (same year as Decl. of Indep), attack mercantilism and says supply&demand should determine priorities of economy (doesn't like gov't involvement), ideas lead to laissez-faire, theories based on capitalism

Dr. Benjamin Spock

published "The Common Sense of Book of Baby" and "Child Care" in 1945; parents consulted these books during baby boom

Silent Spring

published by scientist and naturalist Rachel Carson in 1962; book launched modern environmentalist mvmd; attacked the use of DDT (insecticide used by gov to fight mosquitoes in WWII) says it poisoned top predators along food chain, like bald eagle; 1963 President Kennedy set up committee to investigate environmental issues; DDT banned in 1872 after National Cancer Institute published findings that it could lead to cancer

Barry Goldwater

ran a business through WWII; entered Army Air Corps; became senator; anticommunist; supported McCarthy and critical of Harry S. Truman; conservative Republican; ran against LBJ in 1964 and was against the Fair Deal, New Frontier and Great Society; advocated more aggressive offensive war in Vietnam, backed Nixon for president but resigned for good of country after Watergate scandal; want to decrease federal government involvement

Lost Generation

reference to generation of European youth whose lives were lost in WWI (literally and figuratively); also applied in 1920s to literary figures; Gertrude Stein use phrase in reference to Ernest Hemingway and writings of american authors who lived abroad reflected that youth had lost moral compass; A group of American writers that rebelled against America's lack of cosmopolitan culture in the early 20th century and said the world was materialistic. Many moved to cultural centers such as London in Paris in search for literary freedom. Prominent writers included T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and Ernest Hemingway among others.

Social Gospel

reform movement with American Christianity that wanted to deemphasize doctrinal purity and traditional worship in favor of social activism; A movement in the late 1800s / early 1900s which emphasized charity and social responsibility as a means of salvation; advocated to reach out to poor; sacrificed spiritual solutions for pragmatic solutions that addressed only physical needs; mainly young college educated women were chiefs and then transformed to soldiers in Progressive mvmt

Silicon Valley

region in CA turned from growing fruit to production of Apple computers in 1970s; represents history of personal computer; the old big computers shrunk by invention of 1971 microprocessor, or silicon microchip -Intel Corp invent and produce chips outside SF in Santa Clara Valley - Radio Shack mass production for personal comp available 1974 -1974 Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer: created Apple II first computer for non experts -IBM in 1981 computers

Theodore Roosevelt

rejected continuing family business and did many things like politics in NYC; followed motto "Get action; do things!"; was police chief for NYC, state legislator, civil service reform commissioner, assistant secretary of Navy, soldier in Spanish American war, governor of NY, VP and president after McKinley's death; wrote articles and books; after presidency, went on safari in Africa and toured Europe; went back in 1912 Election and his Republican Party split by forming "Bull Moose" Progressive Party- led to Wilson victory in 1912; nationalistic and imperialistic; claim to be reason for construction of Panama Canal' ended Gilded Age; altered American political landscape

Works Progress Administration

relief agency of Second New Deal channeling $11billion into public works btw 1935-1943; workers paid by hours, and each given certain # of hours so the admin can help as many unemployed as possible; terminated in 1943; provided almost 9billion people jobs; had many artists and writers; built many roads and buildings and parts;


rep position of New world for Spanish Crown

National Defense Education Act

represent million of dollars of federal spending for edu The act that was passed in response to Sputnik (SU satellite); it provided an opportunity and stimulus for college education for many Americans. It allocated funds for upgrading funds in the sciences, foreign language, guidance services, and teaching innovation; space wars

Election of 1936

republican party attack New Deal in this election saying FDR made laws himself and unconstitutional ones; FDR carried every state but Maine and Vermont 523-8 in Electoral College; majorities maintained in both houses of Congress; FDR saw it as a demand from public to start deficit spending

Sherman Antitrust Act

response to large business combinations (integration); created by Senator John Sherman of Ohio; states that "every contract, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among several states, or with foreign nations, is hereby declared illegal"; authorized federal court system to prosecute trusts thought to be guilty of monopolistic conspiracies; vague words however led to few being prosecuted; when Roosevelt came, law actually worked

Whigs versus Democrats

restore two-party system to American politics; Democrats say Jackson is champion of common man, instigator of reward expansion, and member of aristocratic planter class; Whigs were Clay, Webster and Abraham Lincoln; National Republicans became Whigs and Democ-Repub became Democrats after end of Era of Good Feelings; Whigs absorbed into Republican Party in 1854; Democrats first want common people to have a voice, but then take idea of strong central gov't


right to vote

Abraham Lincoln

rose from storekeeper and militia captain in Illinois to postmaster and successful lawyer in Springfield; part of Whig Party in 1856 then new Republican Party in 1854; served in House of Reps and ran against Douglas in 1858 for Senate and 1860 for president; he wanted to prevent further states from becoming slave states but opposed abolition, "My paramount objective is to save the Union, and not either to save or destroy slavery"; issue Emancipation Proclamation after battle of Antietam to support Union; Andrew Johnson is his VP in 1864 to show his conciliation to south (johnson is southerner); assassinated by John Wilkes Booth and die on April 14; 1864

Dwight D. Eisenhower

rose to rank of captain by end of WWI; showed great diplomatic skills; organized D-Day invasion of Normandy and broad-front strategy encircling Europe that ended war in Europe; became commander of NATO after war; elected president in 1952 and said he would go to Korea himself and stop war (he did); won second term

Ballinger-Pinchot Affair

scandal during Taft admin and aftermath of Gilded Age; 1910 Secretary of Interior Richard Ballinger reverse decision by Roosevelt admin concerning land in Wyoming, Montana and Alaska; Pinchot accused Ballinger of abusing lands while Taft supported Ballinger (Taft vs Roosevelt in elections during this time); in heated argument, Taft punched Pinchot; committee says Ballinger is right, but Ballinger resigned to spare Taft's presidency

Selma, Alabama

scene of climactic series of marches where first march of SNCC but turned into television riot, started peaceful as marchers approached Edmund Pettus Bridge in 1965, but patrolmen and sheriff use tear gas to disperse them; media coverage led MLK to bring support from SCLC and led another march with protection under law from federal district court; 5-day 54 mile march to Montgomery, Alabama; led to passing of Voting Rights Act

Henry George

seaman, typesetter, prospector; settled down as journalist and economic reformer; originated idea of single tax in 1871; 1879 published books "Progress and Poverty"- believe that all people share the earth and so no one can own land, and only should be rented, so he created single tax by taxing on land to be the "rent"; believed that tax should raise enough revenue to operate the government without burdening people; ideas never seriously applied

Samuel de Champlain

searched for NW Passage, ship captain and cartographer from France; shape birth of New France

Clarence Thomas

second AA to get SC position; embody American Dream; racial discrimination as child and no parents, so lived with grandfather; Regan appoint him in charge of Employment Opp. Commission; Bush nominate him into SC;


secret bars due to prohibition; term derives from bars that attempted to avoid prosecution not by bribing but by making customers remember secret passwords to gain entrance;

Order of the Cincinnati

secret society of Revolutionary War officers counter to American Revolution trends, some think of forming aristocracy; Washington reject idea of being "king"

Zenger Trial

seminal case solidify principles of freedom of press in NY; John Peter Zenger escape prosecution for slander when jury decide his criticism of royal governor was true

Panics of 1819 and 1837

series of economic crashes leading to great depression 1819: caused by econ adjustments after war of 1812 1837: stemmed from manipulation of financial industry by Jackson and Van Buren admin

Harry S. Truman

served in First World War as captain of artillery and was part of Pendergrass machine; became senator and VP for FDR in 1944; became president after FDR's death, won election of 1948; had to learn about atomic bomb project overnight and make decision of bombs to end war with Japan; went against antilabor Taft-Hartley Act and extended Fair Deal; faced Cold War

Ross Perot

served in Korean War, started Electronic Data Systems, billionaire; 1992 ran for president and split Republican party with Bush, criticized NAFTA, issued dire warnings about national debt with "infomercials", philanthropist, fail to be president

Douglas MacArthur

service in Philippines and Japan in peacekeeping forces and saw combat in WWI; commanded all American forces in WWII; employ strategy of "leapfrogging" around unnecessary targets in Japan's empire and led Allied campaigns that later threatened Japan mainland; after war, commanded occupation of Japan and UN forces that repelled a communist attack on S. Korea; fired by Harry S. Truman over dispute on how to attack

NYE Commission

set up under Senator Gerald Nye to investigate any connection between American munitions manufacturers and country's involvement in WWI; declared that many manufacturers lobbied (influenced) Wilson and Congress to declare war; as a result, Neutrality Acts of 1935,9136 and 1937 forbade manufacturers to sell war materials to combatant nations if war erupted

Hull House

settlement house founded by Jane Adams; first dedicated to community intervention and improvement of civic life in a slum Settlement home designed as a welfare agency for needy families. It provided social and educational opportunities for working class people in the neighborhood as well as improving some of the conditions caused by poverty.


sever inflation and slowed economy; called the Keynesian economics into question (total spending in economy); supply side economic was a possible solution; increase in productivity with tax cuts cause economy to grow and conservative politicians embrace it

Republican Party

shock of slavery spreading West, this party began as coalition among the Free Soil and Liberty Parties, and Northern Whigs and antislavery Democrats; called for repeal of Kansas Nebraska Act and Fugitive Slave Law and abolition of slavery in DC; since many abolitionists, began with radical social ideas and conservative economic ideas; John C. Fremont is first presidential candidate of 1856

Saturday Night Live

show premiered in 1975 and did parodies of social and political issues on Mondays of those from previous saturday night; Chevy Chase made career as comic mocking politicians; popularity of these revealed tendency of journalism to shape ideas and even ruin presidents like Johnson and Nixon

Vertical Integration/Combination

simpler form of business monopoly; company owned facilities in every state of the production process; ex: Andrew Carnegie in steel industry and Gustavus Swift in meat packing industry; Carnegie had every type of facility to gather natural resources to turning them into marketable shapes; this allowed max level of efficiency and cheaper prices for consumers and higher profits for company

Rubber Stamp Congress

since Senate and House of Rep was Democratic majority, it passed anything Roosevelt gave them; critics called Congress (name of the two houses together) rubber stamp

Emancipation Proclamation

single most important act in saving the Union by providing moral justification for continuing the war; stated that after Jan 1 1863, all slaves in all states still in rebellion would be "then, thenceforward, and forever free"; black soldiers were now able to fight for freedom of race; boosted nation's morale and created "a new birth of freedom"

Birmingham, Alabama

site of 18 unsolved bombings of AA neighborhoods in 6 years; nickname "Bombingham" -mob in city attacked Freedom Rider bus 1961 -MLK invited to city by local AA minister 1963; Bull Conner used police dogs to disperse AA crowds -King arrested after leading a march and wrote "Letter from Birmingham Jail" -org walkout by school children who gathered and marched downtown singing civil rights anthem "We Shall Overcome"- police arrested 2000 students, pictures went viral- President Kennedy gave "Race has no place in American law or life" speech

Voodoo Economics

slanderous phrase used by Bush in campaign in 1980 to describe Reagan's policies; this described supply-side economic, or reduction of income and taxes to let rich get richer and trickle down money; A slanderous term used by George H. W. Bush in reference to President Ronald Reagan's economic policies, which came to be known as "Reaganomics"; did not really get close to Reagan when Bush was VP, Bush did go against his words by raising taxes and endorsed Regan for election of 1988

Denmark Vesey

slave in Charleston; acquire edu and freedom by winning a lottery; became carpenter in Charleston; after some time, he gathers 9000 Charleston slaves, but a servant told the plot and him +30 others were hanged; John Brown's plot later was similar


slave revolt in 1839 on slave ship Amistad; (1839) Spanish slave ship dramatically seized off the coast of Cuba by the enslaved Africans aboard; the ship was driven ashore in Long Island and the slaves were put on trial; former president John Quincy Adams argued their case before the Supreme Court, securing their eventual release

Henry Clay

slave-owner from Kentucky; senator, not president; responsible for Missouri Compromise, compromise tariff, Compromise of 1850; first major statesman for Age of Jackson; Clay's American system include having fed gov't stimulate economy, supports Second Bank of US, high protective tariff, and international transportation improvement; his American system was against Jackson system; Whig Party

Temperance Movement

societies attack excessive consumption of alcohol, including Women's Christian Temperance Union and Anti-Saloon League; purpose of this league was to moderate use of alcohol but turn into Prohibition Movement

Frances Perkins

sociologist and economist; possess best Progressive pedigree possible; she work in Hull House in Chicago; became advocate for hygiene and safety for workers, esp afterTriangle Shirtwaist Factory ; helped reduce women work week to 48 hours; made Secretary of Labor under Roosevelt; helped fix wages and hours in New Deal; first female cabinet member

Mountain Men

some men and women who decided to depart from civilized society and become fur trappers; interact with natives; main service was to open up trails for western settlement; mainly young men

White House Tapes

someone said that there are recording devices in Oval Office house, so Senate committee demanded Nixon for the tapes but he released them slowly with many long pauses; in 1972 a "smoking gun" tape released in which Nixon contacted CIA to get FBI to back down on investigation

Booker T. Washington

son of African American Slave and white man; freed and went to school; start vocational school for AA in Tuskegee which trained teachers and workers in the trades; speaker in race relations and clashed with WEB du bois; stress importance of giving AA in south skills that would get them off plantations and opportunities to pursue American Dream, leading to self respect and respect of whites; reject idea that political and civil rights were priority for AA

Pancho Villa

son of a sharecropper; bandit leader who resist oppression by upper classes of Mexico; became guerrilla fighter joining Francisco Madera's forces in Mexican revolution; got into jail; switched sides a lot; led first invasion on Ameriacn soil sinceWar of 1812

Frederick Douglass

son of slave and white man; nation's noted AA abolitionist, author and orator; educated in secret and got a ship's caulker as trade; wrote "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" in 1845; escaped slavery and traveled abroad and returned with enough donations to buy freedom; founded abolitionist newspaper called "North Star"; advisor to John Brown and Abraham Lincoln

John F Kennedy

son of wealthy banker and realtor; entered WWII and became decorated hero; served 3 terms in House of Reps; beat Senator Henry Cabot Lodge in Senate race of 1952; won presidency in 1960, first Roman Catholic and youngest man elected to executive branch; assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald; his strategy was to alienate southern democrats; president during part of the cold war and especially during the superpower rivalry and the cuban missile crisis. he was the president who went on tv and told the public about hte crisis and allowed the leader of the soviet uinon to withdraw their missiles. other events, which were during his terms was the building of the berlin wall, the space race, and early events of the Vietnamese war.

Radical Republicans

sought to punish South for causing Civil War and elevate freedmen; would "wave the bloody shirt" or blame Democratic party to gain political advantage; numerical advantage led them to control Reconstruction under Johnson and secured 14,15,13 amendment


souther white democrats who took back control of their state gov't when union army left; goals included "home rule" (returning state rights to Democ) and Solid South, or unity of former Confederacy in Democratic PArty Conservative white Democrats, many of them planters or businessmen, who reclaimed control of the South following the end of Reconstruction

Positive Good Theory

southern leaders after Jefferson say slavery was "Positive good" (phrase from John C. Calhoun); Notion that slavery was a "positive good" and slaves had lived that were better than Africans in Africa and northern factory workers. Christian paternalism gave Africans the opportunity to hear the Christian message; supporters of slavery maintained AAA needed guidance and provisions of white masters to organize their lives

Hinton R. Helper

southerner and failed gold prospector who became printer and writer; published "The Impending Crisis of the South" He said the non-slave holding whites were the ones who suffered the most from slavery. He was captured and killed by Southerners; later seen as racist against AA who he wanted to be deported to Africa

Tiananmen Square

square in Beijing was site of mass rally in 1989; Site in Beijing where Chinese students and workers gathered to demand greater political openness in 1989. The demonstration was crushed by Chinese military with great loss of life. want prodemocracy in China, but gov crushes it

Ralph Waldo Emerson

star of Lyceum circuit; was a scholar and minister who founded Transcendentalism (romantic philosophy combining idealism and Easter mysticism); published 'The Dial' with Margaret fuller and others to spread transcendentalist ideas; abolitionist and published lectures like "self-Reliance"

compromise of 1850

started over dispute of whether CA can join union as free state; Henry Clay propose last great compromise, passed as 5 separate laws know as this: North: • California admitted as a free state • Texas gave up its claims to lands disputed with New Mexico • Slave trade in D.C. was banned, but slavery was legal South: • Popular sovereignty in Mexican Cession lands • Texas was paid $10 million for land lost • A new, tougher Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

Enumerated Powers

states specific powers for each branch of US system; ex. no separate foreign policy for each state


states that all property of English noblemen go to first son only; other sons go to Americas for easy lifestyle

Washington's Farewell Address

states why he wasnt going for 3rd term, warn against factionalism of party system, demand isolationism

Know-Nothing Party

stemmed from clashes in Philly btw Protestants and Catholics, this nativist party rose in 1850s; it called itself the American Party but responded to every criticism with "I know nothing" hence giving it its nickname; it was anti-Catholic and anti-immigration; basic idea was the Order of the Star Spangled Banner: want to bar both catholics and immigrants from holding public office and immigrants to wait 20 yrs for citizenship; sidestep slavery and irrelevant by 1856 election

Hurricane Katrina

storm that hit Gulf Coat in 2005; costliest; claimed 2000 lives and got slow response from gov., people criticized this for adding to injury

John Calvin

student was John knox, both for Protestant cause, create calvinism, Puritans part of Calivinist

John Dewey

studied in Columbia University; philosopher and professor; used pragmatism in his own field of education and developed notion of functional reality; says children would be freer to explore knowledge and come to their own conclusions about truth; advocate realism


style of preaching used by Puritan ministers and modeled after prophet Jeremiah in Old Testament; warned about growing worldliness of New England Society

Baby Boom

suburbia born and rampant consumerism was reborn as baby boom; 4.3 million babes born in 2 separate years; 1946-1964 79million babies

No Child Left Behind Act

supported by Bush; A U.S. law enacted in 2001 that was intended to increase accountability in education by requiring states to qualify for federal educational funding by administering standardized tests to measure school achievement.

Tet Offensive

supposed cease fire to allow observance of New Year holiday in 1968, but Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces attacked all of major cities of South Vietnam, including capital of Saigon; in US, this made people doubt if US could win the war, and people urged more for peace; major turning point

Social Darwinism

survival of the fittest; by Charles Darwin; Spencer claims rich deserved to be rich cuz of superior capacity for adaption

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

tariff passed by Congress in 1930; highest peacetime protective tariff; charged a high tax for imports thereby leading to less trade between America and foreign countries along with some economic retaliation

Henry David Thoreau

taught schools, made pencils, wrote essays, poems and philosophical works like "Walden"; lived simple life in Walden Pond observing minute detail of nature; opposed Mexican War and slavery, wrote "Civil Disobedience": Henry David Thoreau wrote this essay where he expressed opposition to the Mexican War. He argued that individuals have a moral responsibility to oppose unjust laws & unjust actions by gov'ts. This essay influenced Dr. King's philosophy of nonviolent ... ... .

Molasses Act

tax on sugar by British on American Colonies

Excise Tax

taxes on domestic goods Tax levied on a specific item


taxes on imported goods so people buy domestic manufactured goods; later dispute btw North and South- North was strong protective tariff while South don't like them since they cant get cheap items from Britain and have to buy North goods

Thomas Edison

telegraph operator in 1863, 1869 first patent while working for Western Union Telegraph Company for device that could record votes; 1876 opened first research lab; invented incandescent electric lamp, improved motion picture projector, storage battery, dictaphone, mimeograph, phonograph, and electric locomotive; co. was foundation for General Electric Corp.


tenant farming permitted workers, black and white to live on former plantation's land while working cotton or tobacco crop; portion of proceeds given to workers as income; however, owners manipulate system and many AA trapped in debt; this existed through Great Depression and WWII

Spoils System

the system of employing and promoting civil servants who are friends and supporters of the group in power; practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs; Jackson began after Era of Good Feelings


these capitalized on the new capacity of US to produce steel; FIRST skyscrapers was 10 stories high in Chicago 1874; Louis Sullivan unlocked potential of this new style = father of skyscrapers; Woolworth Building and Empire State Buidling in 1920s were symbol of new civilization

Social Mobility, Geographical Mobility

these increased

Jim Fisk and Jay Gould

they tried to manipulate President Grant while attempting to gain control of market for gold and enrich themselves as price rose; Grant released gold for sale from US Treasury, but this only made market worse; they tried to buy all gold to increase price of gold


this culture out of Beat generation of writers and artists who live in Bohemian lifestyle experiment with drugs and free love in SF; rebellious and trusted no one over age of 30; protest racial and sexual discrimination and Vietnam War; long hair, sexual license and drug use; use nonviolent and violent tactics; call fro greater cultural diversity, environmentalism, ongoing pacifist crusades and natural foods movement

The Gospel of Wealth

this essay written by Andrew Carnegie discusses his view that "The man who dies rich dies disgraced"; says that amassing large fortunes by entrepreneurs was natural process and doesn't need gov't involved; This was a book written by Carnegie that described the responsibility of the rich to be philanthropists. This softened the harshness of Social Darwinism as well as promoted the idea of philanthropy.

Misery Index

this is determined by adding the unemployment rate to the inflation rate, and result in 1976 was over 13.5%; Carter used this calculation to criticize Ford admin in 1976 but came back to haunt him in 1980 and lost to Reagan; in 1980, it dropped to 22%

Clinton Impeachment

this launch debate in US about different weights of public and private morality; House of Rep. use Repub. majority to impeach president

Wagner Act

this law created the National Labor Relations Board 1935; NLRB was to review elections of labor leaders and certify them as legitimate in effort to eliminate corruption in the collective bargaining process; NLRB also heard testimonies about workers' grievances and official agency where Roosevelt admin sought to intervene in labor issues; NLRB can issue "cease and desist" orders to address abuses; this act says workers can join unions and bargain collectively with employers through chosen reps; NLRB allow direct management of labor relations and prevent strikes

USS Maine

this ship sent to Havana, Cuba to protect American life after the 1898 riots; Feb 15 it was destroyed and sunk that killed 260 officers; yellow journalism got people hating Spain; however, it was destroyed by mine but could not be proven that Spain was the culprit; Congress declared war on Spain in April

New Harmony

this utopian community founded by Robert Owen in Indiana; showed how difficult it was to make perfect society with imperfect people

Gilded Age

time between Civil War and WWI; lots of corruption where wealthy prospered; thin gold lining around great deal of corruption 1870s-1890

Custodial Presidency

used to define roll of presidents in Gilded Age or "forgotten presidents" or custodial in their impact; after Lincoln and before Roosevelt (Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, McKinley); era wehre only winning Democrat was conservative; most gave same policies for governing as did opponents; executive branch wane in power and Congress grew in power

Hubble Space Telescope

used to get clearer picture of deep space; Edwin Hubble proved existence of other galaxies and that universe is expanding, and telescope named in his honor; telescope released into space in 1990, defect fixed in 1993

Brook Farm

utopian community with luminaries who attempt to join to create perfect alternate society; A transcendentalist Utopian experiment, put into practice by transcendentalist former Unitarian minister George Ripley at a farm in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, at that time nine miles from Boston. The community, in operation from 1841 to 1847, was inspired by the socialist concepts of Charles Fourier. Fourierism was the belief that there could be a utopian society where people could share together to have a better lifestyle; Emerson, Thoreau, Margaret Fuller and Hawthorne involved; community go bankrupt later due to Ripley

Oneida Community

utopian society founded by John Humphrey Joyes in 1848 in NY; community share all of property in common and form free love called "couples marriage; A group of socio-religious perfectionists who lived in New York. Practiced polygamy, communal property, and communal raising of children.

Rough Riders

volunteer cavalry unit created by Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt in Texas to prepare for invasion of cuba; aka First US Volunteer Cavalry; 1250 cowboys, American Indians, desperadoes, athletes from Ivy Leagues, and thrill seekers; could only walk (can't ride horses to cuba); participate in 2 major assaults, one being in the heights of Santiago= victorious; highest casualty rate of any American unit=37% killed or hurt; Roosevelt part of it


war time emergency remedy persisted after civil war was one of many but most extensive issuing of paper currency; N&S circulated paper currencies leading to inflation; printed with green ink

Thomas MacDonough

when British in Canada sent troops to US through Lake Champlain and threatening NYC, McDonough built huge naval fleet and beat British

"Bull Moose" Progressive PArty

when Repub didn't nominate Roosevelt in 1912, many formed this part; called "A Contract with the People"; Roosevelt's 1912 party; Roosevelt campaign accuse Repub of using unscrupulous practices to steal the nomination from him in the first place; reforms were direct election of senators and wanted nationwide primaries for choosing presidential candidate; initiative, referendum, and recall=platform; women's suffrage and min wage for women; party disappeared in 1952

Mutually Assured Destruction

when SU got comparable ability to destroy life on planet like US, Cold War rested on notion of mutually assured destruction (MAD); Reagan advocated implementation of promising missile defense to end Cold War

Spheres of Influence

when nation in 19th century expand economic or military control into specific regions, the territories in questions are called this; imperialism means nation acquires control of territory beyond natural boundaries; spheres of influence different from colonies in that their imperialistic control gave them privileges that other nations don't have; include United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan and US; Africa=main place of acquisition

Kennedy Assassination

Kennedy was going to Dallas to get support from Democrats of Texas; while in the car, Kennedy shot twice by Lee Harvey Oswald (former Marine who visited SU); Lyndon B. Johnson took his place; JFK death shocked the world

George III

King of england in 1760, firmer control over colonies in America and became symbol of abusive power, mental illnesses, Americans rebel from him

Korean War

Korea divided btw Soviet and America; US support South Korea, but then NK cross 38th parallel and attack south to get all of it under communism; NK backed by SU and China; was a dangerous Cold War showdown; never officially ended, just cease fire at 38th parallel; due to disagreements, MAcArthurt was fired and then Eisenhower became president as first Republican since Hoover

War on Poverty

LBJ declared this in his union address; created Head Start program aimed to reach disadvantaged children, first one opening in Mississippi (most impoverished); stressed education and jobs training

Great Society

LBJ's reform agenda; advances included civil rights legislation, War on Poverty, VISTA, Head Start and resurrection of CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) called Job Corps; LBJ received passage of pollution control laws and the National Endowment for the Arts, funding to public schools, Medicare and Medicaid, end of discriminatory immigration quotas, consumer safety regulations for products, and funding for public housing for low-income families

Crazy Horse

Lakota Sioux chief led resistance against US after 1876 when Cheyenne and Sioux moved to reservations; never allowed himself to be photographed (stickler to religion); he helped Sitting Bull and strengthened relations btw Cheyenne and Sioux and helped defeat Custer and his Seventh Cavalry; he was successful, but captured after leaving the reservation w/o permission

First Great Awakening

evangelical and revitalization movement that swept Protestant Europe and British America; lead to first unifying event in history of Americas


used by Spanish Crown to organize American Indian labor; person given some natives to work

Pumping and Dumping

used by large speculators to dupe the public into raising the artificial value of certain stocks even faster; few rich investors would sell certain stock among themselves and have journalists write glowing reports of business's potential growth; many people would start buying the stocks, then the rich investors that own the majority of the stock would sell it and crash the value


used during Reconstruction as political weapon; House of Reps says Johnson did break Tenure of Office Act as passed the impeachment; Senate however, came 1 vote short for his removal of office

Revenue Sharing

used in Nixon admin; A law providing for the distribution of a fixed amount or share of federal tax revenues to the states for spending on almost any government purpose; future presidents like Ford and Reagan (Repub) did not like this and proposed cutting taxes and lowering fed. revenue

USS Constitution

American war vessel, major symbolic protector of US constitution during War of 1812, nickname "Old Ironsides", oldest commissioned ship and symbol of war that first brought US to prominence in world affairs

Oil Embargo

OPEC (Org of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) called for embargo on part of Arab nations in 1973 in retaliation for the US support for Israel; after embargo lifted, OPEC quadrupled price and led to 1970s energy crisis

Hydrogen Bomb

Americans wanted to lead the arms race after American says transferred critical bombing secrets to SU; first tested the hydrogen bomb in 1952 greater power than atomic bomb; it used a fission bomb to accomplish fusion, power of the sun;


(politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support


1095 Pope launch military campaigns against Muslims to get Palestine

Prince Henry the Navigator

1394-1460 Portugeuses king son; found school of navigation; sponser voyages


14 year period between passage of 18th Amendment and 21st amendment; 18th amendment outlaw manufacture, sale or transportation of alcohol; led to illegal selling of drugs, open speakeasies; people want to ban alcohol to prevent abuse at home (women) and better morality of mankind

Wealth Against Commonwealth

A book written by Henry Demerits Lloyd. He said : "Our society will be destroyed not by the people at the bottom, but the people at the top."

Cold War

A conflict that was between the US and the Soviet Union. The nations never directly confronted each other on the battlefield but deadly threats went on for years; causes were espionage, space race and arms race; lasted for over 40 years

No-Fault Divorce

A divorce granted without either party having to prove the other party guilty of misconduct.

Liberty Party

A former political party in the United States; formed in 1839 to oppose the practice of slavery; merged with the Free Soil Party in 1848


A group of fundamentalist Muslims who took control of Afghanistan's government in 1996; impose Sharia law; once US deposed them, they fled to Pakistan to get support; al-Qaeda and other org. assist Taliban to counterattack homeland through terrorist attacks on Afghan civilians; diff from Al Qaeda in that it only focuses on Afhganistan

"Alphabet Soup" Agencies

A nickname used for the new reforms of FDR; shows confusing nature of the barrage and the disorganization of the New Deal; it used trial and error method in the programs; Rubber Stamp Congress kept passing them


A northerner who went to the South immediately after the Civil War; especially one who tried to gain political advantage or other advantages from the disorganized situation in southern states

Red Scare

A period of general fear of communists; this fear led to a surge of anti immigration laws in 1920s, fear Bolsheviks, or communists, will infiltrate labor universities

Sons of Liberty

A radical political organization for colonial independence which formed in 1765 after the passage of the Stamp Act. They incited riots and burned the customs houses where the stamped British paper was kept. Increase Patriotism. The Sons leaders included Samuel Adams and Paul Revere.

Second Great Awakening

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans. It also had an effect on moral movements such as prison reform, the temperance movement, and moral reasoning against slavery.

Slave Society

A society in which the institution of slavery affects all aspects of life: the planter aristocrats of south held econ and political power with many slaves and large plantations; slave posses were sent to catch escaped slaves; also formed nucleus of state militias; society also based on yeoman farmers getting enough slaves to enjoy leisure

Pinkerton Detectives

Allan Pinkerton, scottish immigrant, found hideout of counterfeiting gang outside Chicago and then began career as private detective; became head of spying on Confederacy during Civil War; Pinkertons continue after death of their leader, Allan, and hired by large corp to protect property and scabs or workers hired to replace workers on strike; they alienated corporate leaders like Carnegie from those sympathetic to labor interests; hired to care for rebellions of Frick


Americans first laid eyes on Alaska when Russians had made colonies there; russian occupation of Alaska did go against Monroe Doctrine; after Civil War, Secretary of State William H. Seward bought Alaska for only $7.2 million since Russia was poor; first there were doubts but purchase prevented other Euro powers in North America and opened vast mineral wealth; purchase called Seward's Folly

Battle of Tippecanoe

Americans v. Shawnee Indians. led by governor William Henry Harrison, Native motive was to stop western migration, the Americans defeated the Shawnee's and Tecumseh in the Indiana Territory.`

Midnight appointments

After 1800, the only branch left in the Federalists' hands was the Judiciary. On John Adam's last night as president he made last minute appointments for Federalists to judgeships. He did so in an attempt to maintain Federalist control of judiciary branch.

Pack-the-Court Scheme

After his 1936 election, which FDR interpreted as a mandate from the people, FDR chafed under the continued resistance to his policies from the Supreme Court. Early in 1937 he submitted a plan to Congress to reorganize the court by increasing the number of judges from nine to as many as fifteen if those over the age of seventy failed to retire. The proposal met with sharp criticism and the accusation that FDR was merely trying to "pack" the Supreme Court with his allies and effectively end the checks and balances system. The Supreme Court gave Social Security and the Wagner Act a pass, however, and the proposal never got out of the Senate.

Plantation System

Agricultural system in the South which relied on slave labor to work the large farms and estates; starts by Portuguese


Alexander Graham Bell invented in 1877; smaller companies consolidated into American Telephone and Telegraph Company; need for time zones occurred cuz of this

Federalist Party

Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, James Madison; want strong central gov't (used to be nationalists); want to establish Bank of US, loose contruction of Constitution, increase power of federal gov't- replace Articles of Confed compeltely

Alien and Sedition Acts

Alien Act- change residency requirement for citizenship from 4 to 15yrs Sedition Act- curb freedom of press by making it punishable by prison and a fine, "any false, scandalous and malicious writing" directed at fed. gov't


American policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world; first suggested by George Kenan, Russian specialist in American Foreign Service League; explain his policy in 1947 famous article and signed it as "X"; stop spread of SU communism around worl

Three Sister Farming

Amer Indians gel maize, beans and squash to boost population

Dollar Diplomacy

America can intervene in affairs of nations in Western Hemisphere but no use of military, specifically in Latin America; enacted by Taft Foreign policy created under President Taft that had the U.S. exchanging financial support ($) for the right to "help" countries make decisions about trade and other commercial ventures. Basically it was exchanging money for political influence in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Manhattan Project

America's secret race with Germans and Japanese to create atomic bombs; Einstein warned FDR and he started spending a lot into research; installations at Hanford and Oak Ridge designed to produce uranium fuel for 3 bombs; J. Robert Oppenheimer responsible for overseeing production of bombs; atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; led to Cold War

Triangular Trade

America, Europe and Africa

Scientific Societies

American Academy of Arts and Sciences founded in 1780 by John Adams; NJ founded Society for Promotion of Agriculture, Commerce and Art in 1781; mainly found by 18th century


American Allen B. Du Mont made first durable and commercially practical cathode ray tube for TV; other inventors shrink size, include color

William Kelley

American Ironworker made steel through process of forcing air through molten iron; Sir Henry Bessemer created similar process in England and patented in America 1855; Kelley got patent in 1857 but Panic of 1857 messed up his plans; finally Kelley achieved success in 1871 from his plant

Robert Fulton

American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat and the first steam warship (1765-1815); invented torpedo

Norman Schwarzkopf

American officer in Vietnam War, rose to rank in Persian Gulf War; "Stormin" Norman" Schwarzkopf; designed combat troops camo uniforms and winning strategy that beat Hussein's troops; used desert never used before in strategy

Rush Bagot Agreement

An agreement that limited naval power on the great lakes for both US and British; led to lasting peace between US And Canada

Sandra Day O'Connor

Arizona judge nominated by Reagan to SC, first woman to become justice on highest court; Robert Bork, when nominated, was rejected by Senate

Conscience Whigs

Anti-slavery whigs who opposed both the Texas annexation and the Mexican War on moral grounds; oppose Mexican War and from North

Bill of Rights

Antifederalists create; first 10 amendments are of protecting individual and state rights; 10th amendment reserves to the states those powers not given to central government

Santa Anna

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna; led Mexican Revolution; put down new Mexican gov't plan after independence and rose to top by 1834; he was given dictatorial powers and military usage at any time


Apache chief resist Mexican and American gov't; captured after a long pursuit; led raids and evaded capture for 30 yrs; surrendered in 1886

Appomattox Courthouse

April 1865., the Virginia town where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant in 1865, ending the Civil War

Earth Day

April 22 in 1970 annual event; encouraging environmental activism and policy awareness among colleges, schools and communities

Atlanta Compromise

Argument put forward by Booker T. Washington that African-Americans should not focus on civil rights or social equality but concentrate on economic self-improvement; criticized for this; said "In all thing that are purely social, we can be as separated as the fingers, yet one as the hands in all things essential to mutual progress"

Palmer Raids

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer begin series of mass arrests of agitators in country's labor union; immigrants caught without citizenship deported; led to First Red Scare; arrested anarchists, socialists and communists; used "clear and present danger" as excuse for arrests

The Great War (WWI)

Austria Hungary give impossible terms to Serbia, and so AH, with Germany ally, declared war on Serbia; Europe divided into: Central Powers- Germany, Austria Hungary Allied Powers- France, England, Russia Germany (Kaiser Wilhelm) attack first through Belgium into France; tenches extend north and south across Europe


Battle of Pleiku in 1965 attack by Vietcong killed 8 Americans and injured 128; Johnson admin respond with Operation Rolling Thunder a town in central South Vietnam which was attacked by the Viet Cong in early 1965; American troops were killed and this led to an increase in troop numbers

Aaron Burr

Became Jefferson's VP in the election of 1800, Hamilton's political rival, was caught leading a small group of rebels down the Mississippi and charged with treason (he was found not guilty), killed Hamilton in a duel and had to flee to Europe

Albany Plan of Union

Benjamin Franklin propose unification of gov't for British colonies except Georgia and Nova Scotia; unpopular in england but resurges in American Revolution

New Democrats

Bill Clinton and VP Gore rep. this new political leadership; announce third way beyond traditional liberal vs. conservative mainstream values; advocate combo. of moderate dereg., tax cuts for low income families and small business, and international quest for free trade resulting in passage of NAFTA; want to balance budgets; resulted in largest peacetime expansion of economy

Olympic Boycott

Carter cut off grain shipments to USSR when USSR invaded Afghan; boycott of 1980 Olympics was more symbolic since it was held in Moscow

Gibson Girl

Cartoon from the 1890's that portrayed a woman who was independent and athletic. It was created by Charles Dana Gibson and became the romantic ideal of the day. It was at this time that industrialization opened up jobs for women with the invention of the typewriter, phone switchboard, and cash register. Women now had smaller families and delayed marriages because they had careers. They worked for economic necessity and faced the same conditions as men except that they earned less than men.

Chattel Slavery

Chattel means "property" used on African slaves

Black Hawk War

Chief Black Hawk and Fox tribes try to recover lands in 1832 taken by Indian Removal Act; clashes in Illinois and Wisconsin

Pendleton Civil Service Reform

Civil Service Commission formed in1871, but federal agency that was supposed to find political corruption fell prey to it so it was disbanded after chairman resigned; after assassination of President James Garfield, reform for actual legislation took place; Pendleton Act (political people awarded based on merit, not connections) was first step; when Roosevelt was placed on Civil Service Commission, real change started to happen

Fiat Currency

Coinage Act of 1965 eliminated all silver from American coins except Kennedy half dollar; 1968 LBJ proclaim paper currency of US could no longer be redeemed for silver and created nearly fiat currency, a process Nixon completed in 1971 by ending international gold standard; fiat currencies only have value cuz society accepts them as a means of exchange by faith in gov't that issues the currency; caused huge inflation

War Powers Resolution

Congress passed in 1973, law reduced power of president to wage war without congressional consent; credibility gap opened btw American people and presidents after revelation of deceptions on status of war; this law said president must consult with Congress before sending military force and music notify Congress with 48hrs of advance; also said this action should stop in 60 days, or 90 if at 60, it will hurt soldiers, unless Congress declared war

Brooks-Sumner Affair

Congressman Preston Brooks beat Senator Charles Sumner, for giving a speech about Kansas, severely in the chamber of the United States Senate. The attack symbolized the building animosity between the North and South and caused further polarization as newspapers and public officials on both sides alternately condemned and praised the attack. Brooks resign but reelected later

Panama Canal

US want to build canal in Panama, but Panama belonged to Colombia who didn't want to give the land; so Roosevelt sent US Navy there and encourage Panama to revolt from Colombia; new Panamians allowed US to build canal, and revolutionized world trade

Axis of Evil

Created in 2002 by George W. Bush to show the "bad guys" which include: Iran, Iraq, and N. Korea; 3 countries had terrorism and attempts to produce atomic, biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction; N. Korea is most repressive communist gov in world; Iraq is fragile gov after US took out military; Iran is revolutionary Islamic republic under supreme leadership of Ali Khamenei and president is Hassan Rouhani; Iran hopes to rise in power

James A. Garfield

Decent man and Civil War veteran; lawyer in Ohio and then congressman; use oratorical skills to chip away at his own party's corruption and escaped scandal accusations about Credit Mobilier Scandal; elected to Senate in 1880 and them president; VP Chester A. Arthur, Stalwart from N Customs House, as way to unify party; assassinated by Charles Guiteau and he said "I am a Stalwart, and now Arthur is president!"; Guiteau becomes martyr (killed for beliefs) after being rejected the job for president since Garfield was ending gratuitous patronage

Thomas Jefferson

Decl. of Indep, idea of public schools, VA Satute on Religious Freedom,, VA and Kentucky Resolutions, Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark Expedition, Embargo Act, revival of classical architecture; oppose Federalist party ; VP to John Adams 3rd President of the United States

Cotton Kingdom

Deep south and parts of Texas were great for growing cotton; cotton gin and screw press made production of cotton increase; cotton was needed by British and American textile factories; this cotton led south to want to seek independence


Dutch method of organizing aristocratic society was by granted these feudal estates in Hudson River Valley to those who brough 50 settlers

Steve Jobs

ENIAC system during WWII was huge computer; 1952 Texas Instrument developed silicon-sealed transistors; 1971 Intel shrieked computers with microprocessor; 1977 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple; user-friendly software; didn't go into public as much as Bill Gates, so Jobs was mystic or guru out to change the world and died in 2011 from pancreatic cancer

Warren Court

Earl Warren was a popular governor of CA, nominated by both Repub and Democ party; because chief justice of SC under Eisenhower and served from 1953 to 1969; Warren and his colleagues guided the Court through most activist era; Warren Court fostered sweeping changes in application of US constitution; promoted a radically equal society and civil liberties secured and preserved for all Americans regardless of race, religion and other attributes; VIP decision was Brown v. Board of education of Topeka, Kansas; other cases contrib to 1st amendment rights, right to privacy, law enforcement procedures and voting/rep issues

Federal Highway Act

Eisenhower advanced New Deal public works project by backing 1956 Federal highway act; wanted to create Interstate Highway System to facilitate military travel during national emergencies; 40,000 miles of US highways built with 41 billion dollars

John Marshall

Federalist, serve in military under Washington, on Supreme Court, related to Marbury vs. Madison judicial review case

Dred Scott Case

Fred Scott owner had taken him to a free state and free territory; he sued his owner in 1846; it was overturned in 1852 by state supreme court; went to Supreme Court in 1856 and conclusion was that Dred Scott was not a citizen of country so cannot sue; in process, SC also says Missouri Compromise is unconstitutional since it violates 5th Amendment of having rights to slaves (property)

Frontier Thesis

Frederick Jackson Turner paper called "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" had thesis: frontier experiences had transformed American society and democracy into more robust institutions and into rugged individualists; says Americans were to be distinguished from European ancestors as more enterprising, dynamic and innovative


French word meaning relaxation; expressed by JFK goal for policy of peaceful coexistence with USSR during Cold War

Constitutional Convention

George Washington leads, men gather to make US Constitution, system of checks and balances input and three branches

Henry Kissinger

German immigrant, serve in US Army in WWII; studied nuclear strategy, diplomacy and American foreign policy and defense in Harvard consultant to National Security Council during Berlin Crisis then president assistant for national security under Nixon Awarded 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for helping to end Vietnam War and withdrawing American forces. Heavily involved in South American politics as National Security Advisor and Secretary of State. Condoned covert tactics to prevent communism and facism from spreading throughout South America. secretly met with N. Viet to end war

Sussex Pledge

German sank French passenger steamer, Sussex; German sent out secret order to sink all ships in English channel; in the pledge, Wilson said unless German abandon method of submarine warfare that US would break off diplomatic ties


German submarines were hope of Central powers in breaking the blockade of its shores by British navy; brought US to war

Central Powers

Germany, Austria Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria -previously called Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy), but became Central Powers cuz Italy sided with Allied Powers -Started war, lost war

The Axis Powers

Germany, Italy (fascist leader Benito), Japan= Rome/Berlin/Tokyo Acis; later Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria join axis powers; Hitler invade poland and divide with SU and then expanded into Scandinavia and France; then went to Eastern Europe and North Africa using the excuse of finding "living space"

War of 1812

Great Britain vs. US, started by Napoleon (France) &Britain conflicts and Britain practice of impressment (forcing US officers to fight for british army) and US stopping trade, British attack 3 major campaigns on US soil and important buildings in DC, war ended in draw, Indian resistance ended after death of Tecumseh at Battle of the Thames, Treaty of Ghent end war

Tammany Hall

HQ of Democratic party in NYC; name comes from American Indian chief; epicenter of Tweed Ring's exploits; Tweed Ring=William Tweed, George Washington Plunkitt, and other corrupt managers who used money and power to bias the who got into the office; Tweed Ring stole 75$ million-200$ million from taxpayers for fake vouchers, contracts, etc

National Debt

Hamilton wants to fund the debt as secretary of Treasury, says taht bearing this burden together will bring states together

William James

Harvard educated medical doctor; pioneer in fields of psychology and physiology; professor in philosophy; 1842-1910; Field: functionalism; Contributions: studied how humans use perception to function in our environment; Studies: Pragmatism, The Meaning of Truth; originated indigenous American philosophy of pragmatism, or testing of truth based on practical consequences of ideas; oppose Transcendentalism

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr

Harvard graduate and fought in Civil War; advanced in American law, Roosevelt nominated him in 1902 in SC; led way in increasing fed gov power to regulate commerce; dissented regularly from majority opinions; against child labor, intellectual oppression, and wiretapping and said "clear and present danger"

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Harvard graduate, study law, state legislature of NY, assistant secretary of Navy, and governor of NY; got polio; Democratic (unlike TR), Progressivism supporter; "The only thing we need to fear is fear itself"; New Deal promise relief, recovery, and reform (Relief: public works projects); used fireside chats; elected 4 times to presidency; went through WWII; died after WWII victory and right after 4th election due to brain hemorrhage

Edward Kennedy

He is a Senator from Massachusetts and the last of the Kennedy brothers. In 1979, he said that he was going to challenge Carter for the Presidency, but an incident back in '69 with a car crash ("Ted" Kennedy and his woman, May Jo Kopechne, were driving and he drove off a bridge, Ted said he wasn't drunk or wanted to kill her, but he fled the scene), handicapped his decision.

Anglican Church

Henry VIII make; either: 1) sworn to be loyal Anglicans (VA) 2) more reformed (Mass) 3) more dedicated to RC (Maryland) later reosion during colonial period and name changed to Episcopal Church

Nez Perce War

In this armed conflict between the Nez Perce and the US Gov. fought in 1877, the Indians refused to give up their lands to the US government and move to an Indian reservation when gold was discovered and they were ordered to leave. The Indians launched a valiant effort to maintain their land, but were ultimately defeated by the US Army.

American Indian Removal

Indian Removal Act took out Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole tribes into Oklahoma; forced to leave land by Andew Jackson along Trail of Tears; due to increase in greed for land and racial discrimination

George Washington

Indispensable Man, presence in battlefield; part of Constitutional Convention; est Isolationism, first president

Cotton gin

Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793. It removed seeds from cotton fibers. Now cotton could be processed quickly and cheaply. Results: more cotton is grown and more slaves are needed for more acres of cotton fields

Eli Whitney

Invented the cotton gin

Sojourner Truth

Isabella Baumfree's new name when she became abolitionist orator after escaping in 1826

The Melting Pot

Israel Zangwill's 1908 play of this title was hit on Broadway- in story, Russian Jewish immigrant falls in love with Russian Orthodox immigrant and shows distinctions of race are pointless; The idea that the US was welcoming to all immigrants and offered them the opportunity to claim all the trappings of citizenship.

Quasi War with France

Jay's treaty might be UK and US alliance against France, fearful of this so France seize 300 American merchant ships

Embargo Act

Jefferson cut off trade with Britain and France to avoid Napoleon wars and conflicts with both sides to prevent war. both sides hate it, the act cuts off trade with all foreign countries

Mosquito Fleet

Jefferson decrease military power to mosquito fleet Name for the navy of Jefferson's presidency. Trying to avoid a overly-strong army, he had the navy dwindled down to a few tiny boats.

Decl. of Independence

Jefferson, Adams, Benj. Franklin, others, adopted by 1775 Continental Congress; during Revolutionary War, birth certificate of US, "life, liberty and statement of equality and freedom; birth certificate of America

Election of 1800

Jeffersonian Revolution; Jefferson and Burr tied in the number of electoral votes and then Hamilton (who despised Burr) supported Jefferson, whcich eventually won him the election. This was significant becuase political power was shifted between parties, peacefully; created revision in electoral process through 12th amendment (VP and Pres are elected separately)

Monroe Doctrine

John Quincy Adams help James Monroe as secretary of state; it states that US desire no participation in affairs of Europe and Europe in Western Hemisphere; any violation to this policy is seen as a threat

Brooklyn Bridge

John Roebling was manufacturers of steel cable who proposed idea of spanning East River in NEW with suspension bridge; after died from injury, his son Washington Roebling continued work; begun in 1870 and finished 1883; greatest civil engineering feat of its kind

Slidell's Mission

John Slidell sent to Santa Anna to purchase northern provinces of Mexico for 40$million; at first Mexico was gonna agree but when Mex. citizens found out, they complained; part of deal allowed Mex to waive their debt but after refusal, Polk wanted to start Mexican War; led to war in 1846

Barbed Wire

Joseph Gladden received final patent in 1871, many more before; used by ranchers, used in trenches of WWI


Joseph McCarthy served in WWII then became US senate; in 1950 he delivered speech in Wheeling, West VA saying he had list of "card-carrying" communist members who worked in state department; started TV hearings from 1951-54, starting 2nd Red Scare; charged civil servants, writers, etc and army officers; this made House of Rep open House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

yellow journalism

Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers


June 6, 1944 largest and VIP amphibious assault in world history; this was the D-Day where US attack on "Second Front" to divide Germany's forces and end Nazi regime;Eisenhower General ordered Operation Overlord that dropped 3 divisions of American and British troops and the main American, British, and Canadian forces on land on the beaches; used Patton's Ghost Army; reclaimed France and pushed Nazis back

Lincoln-Douglass Debates

Lincoln challenge his opponent for Senate seat of Illinois in series of debates in 1858; 7 debates btw Douglas and Lincoln; in Freeport, Lincoln point out inconsistency of Douglas position of pop. sovereignty; Douglas respond, aka Freeport Doctrine says that a vote for or against slavery would occur before a state was in Union and that slavery would only exist if people were willing to use force to maintain it; Douglas caught in position of sidestepping SC ruling and so fatal split in Democ opened; Lincoln said he saw slavery as morally wrong but did not support equality; Lincoln lost but he got fame famous line "you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time"

Election of 1860

Lincoln vs Douglas; also against John C. Breckinridge for southern Democrats and John Bell for Constitutional Union Party; split Democratic Party, so Lincoln and Republican Party took advantage as he campaigned for transcontinental railroad, Homestead Act, and a protective tariff and against reopening African Slave trade and spread of slavery against; he won and South Carolina+^ souther states seceded from Union as result

Election of 1864

Lincoln won reelection; Andrew Jackson replaced Hannibal Hamlin as VP; Johnson became president after Lincoln died; Lincoln still held this election even though McClellan beating him would mean end of Union; but he beat copperheads (northerners opposed to the war); Lincoln wanted "lasting peace" and "with malice toward none; with charity for all"

Marshall Plan

Marshall propose that Euro nations should cooperate in coordinated effort to rebuild their countries and keep them free from communism; this plan said to be against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos; A United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952)

Mother Jones

Mary Harris Jones got this nickname cuz she was a labor organizer for KOL among coal miners in Illinois

Seneca Falls Convention

Lucretia Mott and Stanton launch women's suffrage movement at this meeting in 1848; list grievances in "The Declaration of Sentiments"; lay groundwork for feminist movement

Operation Rolling Thunder

Lyndon Johnson ordered large scale bombing of N. Vietnam dropping over one million tons of bombs in 3 years; failed cuz N. Vietnam in tunnels

Montgomery Bus Boycott

MLK began his civil rights mvmt by organizing Montgomery Bus Boycott (protest on part of AA for the arrest and fine imposed Rosa Parks); lasted 381 days and cost bus company 65% of its income; Warren Court decreed that segregation of bus should end

George Creel

Madison Avenue advertising executive that was chosen by Wilson to head Committee on Public Information; muckraking journalist and his goal for campaign was to create "a passionate belief in the justice of America's cause" and to turn the passion into recruits for military and dollars for war; the committee sponsor "Four Minute Men" who gave patriotic, pro-war speeches in movie theaters, produced films and publish posters

Federalist Papers

Madison and Hamilton are principal autheors and John Jay of the expository essays; purpos is to persuade NY to support ratification of the US constitution, and now helps people understand Founding Father's words, Madison says constitution not necessary if all men were angels but not true

Marbury vs. Madison

Madison refuses to send Marbury commissions, leads to fight over what constitution says, creates judicial review


Mahlon Loomis is first to demonstrate use of French and German scientists discovery electromagnetic waves in 1866; Italian Guglielmo Marconi 1896 is first to send message in Morse code with radio waves Lee Deforest invent sensitive radio receiver, or AM radio; radio stations by 1915; American Edwin Armstrong invented FM; 1965 antenna system; improvements led to increase radio tech.


Mexican gov't encourage settlement of northern provinces by Americans; those Americans helped better the land; Santa Anna, the mex. president, tries to close Texas from Americans and slaves and ran as dictator; Texas declare independence and led to Texas War for Independence

Walter Mondale

Minnesota lawyer; worked for Hubert Humphrey and VP under Jimmy Carter in 1976; active part in Carter admin; lost in 1980 presidential elections to Reagan, then Democ. candidate against President Reagan in 1984 and lost again;serve under Clinton as ambassador to Japan He was the first presidential candidate to have a woman vice president, Geraldine Ferraro.

Border States

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware were slave states loyal to Union (later west Virginia); Lincoln persuade them to not secede

Tennessee Valley Authority

Muscle Shoals installed in Tennessee River (a hydroelectric dam); after FDR visited this dam, he made TVA so that it provided electricity through water power and control flooding; built 9 dams before end of WWII that help provide electricity for many projects, like Manhattan project, and provided jobs; it competed with private utilities so it was considered the most socialistic agency


Muslims that took over Iberian Peninsula

Khe Sanh

N. Viet soldiers cut off supplies and make raids around this village in NW south vietnam; General Westmoreland fortified position and supplied Marines inside fortifications by air; N. Viet started sieging base and attacking it; Westmoreland launched Operation Niagara, largest bombing missing in aerial bombing history at that point; killed many lives; siege broken until after General Westmoreland was removed from Vietnam; this showed the courage and sacrifice of American and S. Viet forces in midst of strategic decisions

Space Shuttle

NASA created two reusable propellant rocket and expendable external liquid repellent; first tested was Enterprise; Columbia launched into space and landed successfully; space shuttle program end in 2011

Jimmy Carter

Navy veteran that became president; ran business raising food; Georgia Democrat before president; enacted state reforms to end racial discrimination; won 1976 election over Gerald Ford; open and unpretentious style not good as president; worked through Iranian Hostage Crisis, Societ invasion of Afghanistan, ongoing Cold War negotiations and Energy Cisis; strong stance on human rights, influenced UN and impressed the left (Democrats); lost 1980 elections to Reagan

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Negotiated by Nicolas Trist; Santa Anna surrender in 1848; this states that US would pay $15 million for Mexican Cession land (land west of Texas up to Oregon) and confirmation that Rio Grande River was border btw Texas and America; diff views on it from citizens

Apollo Missions

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin sent to moon on Apollo included a large number of uncrewed test missions and 12 crewed missions: Three Earth orbiting missions, two lunar orbiting missions, a lunar swing by, and six Moon landing missions; oxygen tank blowout in Apollo thirteen, but astronauts returned safely home

Securities and Exchange Commission

New Deal measure aimed at "reform"; licensing agency with power to regulate the sale of stocks and other securities by denying licenses to those exchanges using unscrupulous practices; prohibit price manipulations schemes like the pump and dump ones and excessive margin buying; started by Securities Exchange Act of 1934;

John Dean

Nixon admin counsel to president who did testify before Senate; FIRST of president's men to accuse Nixon; sent to prison for 1-4 years but then held in witness protection program instead

Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties

Nixon and Kissinger had negotiations on freezing nuclear weapons and systems used to launch them; meetings in Helsinki and Vienna; two separate agreements- Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) says that aggressive offensive strategy of superpowers ensure that both sides can deliver destructive blows to each other in event of one superpower's launching of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMS) and other systems SALT I agreements in 1972 permit limited deployment of defensive antiballistic missiles and limited production of missiles by both superpowers SALT II treaty later by President Carter called for limitations on missile launchers and other delivery systems but never ratified by Senate

Silent Majority

Nixon campaign coined this phrase to capture essence of candidates law and order appeal; people who want to protest culture and still support war a name given by President Richard Nixon to the moderate, mainstream Americans who quietly supported his Vietnam War policies


North Atlantic Treaty Organization formed under Truman; sought to arrange something with Canada for mutual security and ended up getting 12 nations attracted to the idea; treaty in 1949 signed by the nations said an attack on one of them was an attack on all; jobs were to permit new nations to join alliance upon unanimous vote of existing members (Greece and Turkey join later); Eisenhower was military coordinator and helped improve NATO

13 Colonies

North: harvest furs, lumber and other resources Coast: whales or merchant shippers (Yankee traders) Middle: rich farmland and warm climate South: Cash-crop economy, soon fail due to lack of fertile ground so north prosper ALL HAD SLAVES

Pendleton Act

Senator George Pendleton sponsor this bill that called for new Civil Service Commission; it was to have 3 admin to guard against patronage by issuing competency tests for prospective civil servants; Pendleton Act also issued exams for only 1/10 of federal jobs; future presidents can choose people based on merit; Chester Arthur signed this act but set up jobs as patronage

Iranian Hostage Crisis

Shah of Iran, backed by American as ally, named Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, fled country after Islamic republic built under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini; US allow Mohammad to get treatment in US, but Islamic militant students took 53 Americans hostage from US Embassy in Teheran; in response, Carter boycotted Iranian oil for a year, he lost his rep, so Reagan won; Carter successfully negotiated release of hostages, but not finished till Reagan finished inaugural address

Circuit-Riding Preachers

Since there weren't enough ministers, missionary preachers would ride on a circuit like circuit judges and preach in a different church each Sunday. They became popular community events and some frontier preachers preached without actually being able to read the scriptures.


Southern whites who supported Republican policy through reconstruction

Berlin Airlift

Soviets occupy East Berlin and East Germany; American, British and French occupy western half of Berlin and Germany; since Berlin was on east side of Germany, SU blockaded it, so US airlifted food, coal and medical supplies into Berlin; after blockade up, SU build Berlin Wall to stop eastern residents from going to west

Cuban Revolution (from Spain)

Spain held onto Cuba for its sugar, tobacco, and coffee plantations; early revolts in 1860s led to many deaths but Spain continued to hold onto Cuba; exiled Cubans in US raised funding and public awareness of Cuban people in Spain; US respond with economic sanctions against Spain but some Cuban slaves revolt in 1895; revolt crushed by Spanish military, but firmer resistance w/modern weapons by Cubans; as situation got worse, Spain sent General Valeriano "Butcher" Weyler who put peasants who supported rebels in concentration camps; soon US got involved

Teller and Platt Amendments

Teller Amendment: declare US had no desire to make Cuba anything more than a sphere of influence -but after war, US occupied Cuba militarily and didn't withdraw until it was stable; they launched public health and sanitation campaign to kick out yellow fever and oversaw est. cuban gov't Platt Amendment: US would not withdraw until Cuba agreed not to sign a treaty with any foreign power threatening Cuban independence and not to acquire too much debt- says Cuba is a protectorate of US

James K. Polk

Tennessee lawyer and statesman; followed Andrew Jackson; Democrat who favors expansion of country and slavery; president 1844 accomplished getting Oregon Territory, overseeing Texas statehood, reestablishing Van Buren's independent treasury system and settling border dispute+debt issues with mexico; got all American West so greatly enlarged US (most); kept last promise by only doing one term

Battle of Wounded Knee

The Wounded Knee Massacre, also known as The Battle at Wounded Knee Creek, was the last major armed conflict between the Lakota Sioux and the United States, subsequently described as a "massacre" by General Nelson A. Miles in a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 100s of Amer Indians killed

Hetch Hetchy Valley

The federal government allowed the city of San Francisco to build a dam here in 1913. This was a blow to preservationists, who wished to protect the Yosemite National Park, where the dam was located.; Muir decried the construction

Southern Manifesto

The manifesto was a document written by legislators opposed to integration. Most of the signatures came from Southern Democrats, showing that they would stand in the way of integration, leading to another split/shift in the Democratic Party.

Reservation System

The system that allotted land with designated boundaries to Native American tribes in the west, beginning in the 1850s and ending with the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. Within these reservations, most land was used communally, rather than owned individually. The U.S. government encouraged and sometimes violently coerced Native Americans to stay on the reservations at all times.

Treaty of Paris (1898)

The treaty that concluded the Spanish American War, Commissioners from the U.S. were sent to Paris on October 1, 1898 to produce a treaty that would bring an end to the war with Spain after six months of hostilitiy. From the treaty America got Guam, Puerto Rico and they paid 20 million dollars for the Philipines. Cuba was freed from Spain.

First Hundred Days

This term refers to March 4 to June 16, 1933. During this period of dramatic legislative productivity, FDR laid out the programs that constituted the New Deal. aimed at fixing banking, bolstering industry and agri, managing labor issues, giving relief to unemployed; people called congress "Rubber Stamp" cuz they didn't reject anything of executive branch will; two major adjustments passed- Agricultural Adjustment Act and National Industrial Recovery Act

Oliver North

US marine corps officer who worked in Reagan admin for National Security Council and ran secret operation leading to Iran-Contra Scandal; took money from weapons sales to Iran and gave supply to Contras in Nicaragua; in trial, took blame and Reagan didn't know anything; later found guilty of 3 felonies, but case dismissed cuz of agreement for immunity from prosecution

Oklahoma City Bombing

Timothy Mcveigh and Terry Nichols and others created bomb in rental ban and let it off next to Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma city in 1995; men wanted to avenge deaths of people in Waco, Texas (both Army veterans); largest terrorist attack before 9/11; two men rep. "right wing militias" who armed themselves in fear of oppressive fed. gov't; McVeigh got death sentence, other one got life in prison

Pinckney's Treaty

Treaty between the U.S. and Spain which gave the U.S. the right to transport goods on the Mississippi river and to store goods in the Spanish port of New Orleans

Truman Doctrine

Truman gave $400 million to aid Turey and Greece saying that US should help any Euro nation to "support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures" or communist

Fair Deal

Truman's proposal in his campaign for Election of 1948 that was extension of New Deal; included national health insurance, federal aid to education, increased minimum wage, expanded Social Security benefits, greater farm subsidies, expansion of federal housing programs for the poor, and civil rights legislation; conservatives in Congress rejected many of Fair Deal policies

Allied Powers (WWII)

UK, later SU when Germany ordered invasion of Russia; then US and China joined; later 26 nations allied together to make core of UN

Operation Enduring Freedom

UN and UK invade Afghan cuz Taliban regime had supported 9/11 terroriest and bin Laden; freedom fighters in Afghan join western powers to overthrow Islamic regime; successfully installed democratic gov, but still need Americna military

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

US Supreme Court (SC) under Earl Warren vote unanimously in 1954 that segregation of AA and white students in schools denied children equal protection of the laws; Warren Court made public schools admit AA students with white children "with all deliberate speed"; NAACP activities to advance desegregation were met with activities of White Citizen's Councils to hamper it

Bracero Program

US and Mexican gov agree to initiate this program in 1942 that allow Mexican agricultural workers to boost the wartime labor force in US fields; ended in 1964

Kent State Shootings

US and S. Vietnam forces attack across border into Cambodia to destroy communist sanctuaries; Cambodia claimed to be neutral but supplied Vietcong forces in S. Vietnam; this set off many protests in US, including during of ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) buildings being burned; In April of 1970, police fired into an angry crowd of college students at Kent State University. Four students were killed and many others were wounded. The students were protesting against Nixon ordering US troops to seize Cambodia without consulting Congress.

Zimmermann Telegram

US intercept telegram from Arther Zimmerman to German ambassador to Mexico saying that if Germany and US go to war, German and Mexico will be allies; another thing that led to war

Peculiar institution

euphemism for slavery used by John C. Calhoun and others who liked slavery or ashamed of it and wanted to avoid direct naming for it; says that slavery was beneficial to the country and to African Americans; one of key causes of Civil War

Knights of Labor

Uriah Stephens began KOL in Philly in 1871; under Terence Powderly, he included all industrial laborers including skilled and unskilled and all sex/race; he prefer boycotts and helped force negotiations between KOL and Union Pacific Railroad in 1884; Haymarket Square Riot led to decline of KOL and AFL rose to prominence after; he told people who wanted strikes to educate themselves and stand together (likes boycotts)


VIP invention of 20th century; John Bardeen and Walter Brattain researchers for Bell Labs got idea of making 3point contact using semiconductor; William Shockley made device easier to make; those 3 men got Nobel prize in physics 1956; helped transistor radio and landing of moon

Jim Crow

Vaudeville character of white comedian whose act mocked AA stereotypes; name symbolize institutionalized racism of Solid South; Democratic party enacted restrictions on AA voters Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites

Ho Chi Minh

Vietnamese nationalist under French colonial rule then converted to communism; led guerrilla attacks against Japan in WWII; est new Vietnamese nation, helped lead insurgency against French to gain independence for French Indochina; helped find National Liberation Front and supplied Vietcong guerrillas; goal of spreading communism in Vietnam; Communist leader of North Vietnam


Virginia battle was disturbing setback for North early in war in 1862; shakeup of high command in Union before Grant came in; Confederate soldiers sheltered behind stone wall in sunken road and killed many Union soldiers; Union soldiers later chanted the name of this battle in Gettysburg when Confed soldiers made Pickett's Charge against their line


W. Penn became center of German settlement and known as Pennsylvania Dutch, distortion of Deutsch

Bonus Army

WWI veterans was retirement bonuses early because of GD; July 1932 about 1000 veterans march on Washington DC to make request of Congress in person; when not given money, went to capital and camped out there; Hosue of Rep try to send out money but Senate kick it down; Congress offer money to pay for veterans expenses to get home; altercation between police and protestors, and US army used to drive away veterans

George Wallace

WWII veteran from Alabama who entered law school after war; governor of Alabama as segregationist and advocate of states' rights; ran for president 4 times; blocked doorway of University of Alabama to prevent 2 black students from enrolling; shot in assassination attempt during second campaign 1972; racist views


Whitewater Development Corp was invested in by Clintons; co. fail but received several hundred $ in fed. loans; SEC found Clinton associated guilty of fraud, but Clintons escape cuz not much evil.


Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X rays from cathode ray generator in 1895; X-ray wife's hand; William Coolidge invent better cathode tube patent 1916 and created field of radiology

Battle of the Thames

William Henry Harrison, US dude, wins the battle although US had higher casualties, Tecumseh (native) is killed and Indian resistance ends, opening settlement of land all the way to Mississippi River

William J. Clinton

William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001; lost father before he was born; Oxford graduate; avoided draft since he opposed Vietnam War; Yale Law; youngest governor of Arkansas; form moderate wing of national Democratic Party and won 1992 Elections; created budget surplus and harvest fruits of econ expansion of 1980s with lowest unemployment rate and inflation rates with highest home ownership; didn't reform health care system, expand membership in NATO, issues with Hussein; popular president

Bessemer Process

William Kelly invented; air forced through molten iron, raising temperature and burning off more carbon to make steel; sold his patent to Bessemer; this process allowed cheaper manufacture of steel and readily available sources

New Jersey Plan

William Patterson of NJ makes; small state plan; believe Articles of Confed can be fixed by giving more power to Congress to tax or regulate commerce; executive branch but no vetoes, equal rep of each state (1 vote)

Clayton Antitrust Act

Wilson admin push this act in 1914; designed to close loopholes in Sherman Antitrust Act; est. labor unions as legitimate institutions in America; Samuel Gompers calls it "Magna Carta of labor" since it legalized collective bargaining and protected labor unions from attacks using antitrust legislation; enforced by Federal Trade Commission; target interlocking directorates and exclusion of individual business leaders from prosecution; proved unworkable

War Hawks

Young congressman who want war with Great Britain, led by Henry Clay, Madison blame Britain for all of US vessel attack and led to declaration of war

Wilmot Proviso

a bill proposed by David Wilmot Pennsylvania representative propose that any land acquired from Mexico would be closed to slavery; bill passed in the House but defeated in the Senate; shows division in parties of Democ and Whig party members

Uncle Sam

euphemism from Uncle Sam; name came from Samuel Wilson who supplied beef in barrels and put US stamp on it, but soldiers called it Uncle Sam; Thomas Nast drew its costume and James Flagg used it to make the famous poster "I want you for the US army"

Brigham Young

early convert to Mormonism; head of religion after Joseph Smith and moved Mormons west; united Mormons and guided settlement of Deseret (colony in Valley of Great Salt Lake); settlement recognized as Utah Territory in 1850 by government; he later removed as territorial governor when land ceded; 23 wives and 56 children

Harper's Weekly

early news magazine; published by 4 brothers (the Harpers and had circulation of over 200000 by Civil War; launch career of Thomas Nast cartoonist; influential in spreading Republican Party ideas and said to be responsible for Grant and Rutherford B. Hayes election


economic, political and societal system where nationalism subsumed individual citizens into a coordinated militancy; A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition; control of means of production but left industry in private hands; Benito Mussolini made fascism to replace Marxism, says men have to fulfill their duties and make productive work

Laffer Curve

economist Arthur Laffer use upside down parabola to illustrate notion that lowering taxes means boosting economy when explaining to Ford and Reagan admin; says optimal tax rate to maximize gov revenue and stimulate econ growth; -taxes too high- individuals and business stop investing in economy too much, then economy would sin and little tax revenue -taxes too low- gov won't get enough money Reagan admin use this theory to use supply-side economics, notion that job creation and economic expansion can be produced by lower taxes on wealthiest Americans, then it would "tricks down" to lower/middle classes Results: deep deficits

Elijah P. Lovejoy

editor and publisher of abolitionist newspaper in Illinois; killed by mob; considered first white man to die in slavery controversy

Lincoln Steffens

editor of McClure's magazine, a major muckraking periodical that advanced careers of many including Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair; his articles collected in book 1904 "The Shame of the Cities"; style of journalism became model for future investigative journalists; articles attack political machines for election tampering, police corruption and graft; denounced communism in 1931 autobiography

Alexander Graham Bell

educator of the deaf and opened school in Boston in 1872; created first practical telephone in 1876 and founded Bell Telephone Company the next year; Bell company laboratories became leading research facility

George W. Bush

election of 2000 repub. party nominee; conservative positions against gun control, abortion and takes; first president to earn MBA, failed oil business, met wife and gave up alcohol; first modern candidate to say Jesus Christ is chief influence on his life

Benjamin Franklin

electrical experiments discovered plus and minus charges; invented armonica, Franklin stove, lightning rod, bifocal lenses and rocking chair and odometer (specifically for post offices)

Powhatan Wars

enroachmenet in James River btw Virginians and Confed. of American Indians led by Chief Powhatan; first war in 1614 ended when Pocahontas married John Rolfe; hostilities and second war in 1644


entertainment and advertising industry revolutionized; KDKA station in Pittsburg=first to air elections results in 1920 with Harding winning; good for spreading info

The Gilded Age

era 1865-1900; phrase from title of Mark Twain book; postwar time period of rapid, unprecedented economic growth=golden exterior; influence of business tycoons in politics and corrupt actions of politicians = dark inner core of American power; standard and cost of living rose; wide gap between upper and lower classes, local/state/federal gov't agencites+leaders in scandals

Canal Mania

era of canal building; opened the West for settlement; began with Erie Canal(1817-1825); can easily transfer large cargoes

Harriet Tubman

escaped slave; became leading "conductor" on Underground Railroad (a guide to help others to escape); guided as many as 300 slaves from Maryland to Canada; known as "Moses"

Tuskegee Institute

est by Booker T. Washington; program that turned out AA teachers, prepared others for work in trades and modern agricultures, wove in instruction of dignity through cleanliness, orderliness, and thrift; became major recipient of philanthropy from industrialists as result of Washington's speaking tours; 1915 this campus became huge with 5000+; famous benefactor were George Washington Carver

Adamson Act

est. by Wilson; law that limited railroad workers to 8hr work day and mandated extra pay for working overtime

Vietnam Pullout

evacuation of all US personnel from embassy in Saigon before it fell to communists from North

Youth Revolt

used strategies of nonviolent disobedience and staged demonstrations just as the civil rights activists had done; goal of movement varied from self expression to pointless rebellion to protesting the VietnamWar; centered in universities; sometimes became violent

Boris Yeltsin

took over Russian government after collapse of Sul first democratically elected leader in Russian history in 1996 and first Russian leader to voluntarily resign and give it to someone else in 1999; institute reforms of decentralize control and more democratic Russia, tried free markets, no gov watching over media; placed Vladimir Putn as interim president


tools industry requested and received from courts; a court order (normally during strikes) for laborers to go back to work; failing to comply to an inunction can get laborers arrested for contempt of court


transfer of debt from one party to another; feder government assumed states' Revolutionary War debts in 1790 crucial for Hamilton's plan to have wealthy Americans provide support for national administration

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

treaty in 1852 specify border btw Canada and US from Maine to the Rocky Mountains; Canada and US agree to share Great Lakes and to exist on either side of the 49th parallel and it was extended to Pacific ocean later after Oregon dispute solved

Gentlemen's Agreement

truce between North and South: North accept that slaves are property, South must try to prepare for end of slavery, this agreement did nothing

Elections of 1896

turning point; when Jennings Bryan said "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this corny of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!" This was one of the most dramatic presidential elections and was fought between William Jennings Bryan (bimetallism) and William McKinley. It was also known as the battle of the standards, because it was primarily focused on the gold and silver standards of money, because economics were primarily the main concern during this election. McKinley was most popular in the Northeast, Upper Mid West, and the Pacific Coast while Bryan was strongest in the South, the rural mid west, and the Rocky Mountain areas. Even though Bryan lost the election, his ideas would place a role in prompting the economic programs in the future; in second term of McKinley, it was important as to who was his VP, Roosevelt and this meant end of Gilded Age


under Spain control after American Revolution; Spain backed American indep to humble GB; Spain grows weaker and blames AA and minorities for escaping into Florida; so Andrew Jackson pursued Seminole Indians and Creek into Florida; Jackson found out that GB did plan to make a new colony in Florida, he kills the two British agents he captured; this invasion of Florida leads to Seminole War- US vs slaves+indians (fiercest war btw US and Natives)

Social Security

unemployment insurance, old age insurance, and a system of social services; gov get taxes from employers the would be redistributed to the unemployed and also help the old, orphans and widows; retirees at 65 get range of $10-$85 per month depending on how many years retirees had paid taxes into the system; help all the crippled and mothers with dependent children; LONGEST LASTING IMPACT

Closed Versus Open Shop

union's goals were to get compliance with all workers in a factory, mine, railroad or other industrial facility working together as members of the same union; achieve "closed shop" if all members of the "shop" join and negotiated to exclude all of nonunion workers; these closed shops can demand higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions than open shops where nonunion workers can still find workers; employers issues "yellow-dog contracts" or documents signed by prospective employees saying they would never join a union to prevent closed shops

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

used by Hoover to recover fed gov from Great Depression; this corp use federal money to make loans to banks and large corporations like railroads; hope this would stop deflation and maintain financial structure that would allow consumption and employment to rebound; tried using trickle down method where money would go down to lower people, but didn't work

Daniel Webster

whig leader and cooperate with Clay in BUS charter, greatest political orator; famous quote "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one an inseparable", says secession would never be peaceful

Eugene V. Debs

white man; railroad worker, socialist labor organizer; organized American Railway Union in 1893; organize Pullman strike and sentenced to jail for defying Cleveland's injunction start the trains moving again; est. Social Democratic Party in 1897; ran for president 5 times and jailed for 10 years for violating WWI Sedition and Espionage Acts, got many votes in Election of 1920; Warren Harding released him from jail after 3 years but didn't restore citizenship and Debs edited Socialist periodicals until death in 1926; Socialist, says capitalism is root of all problems, encourage worker's revolution and new social system


wing of Repub party fully in agreement with Democrat Jackson's notion that "To the victor belongs the spoils"; appointments, contracts, grants and other stuff were main thing to get patronage (power to control appointments to office); Conkling led Stalwarts and Grant's men to use system of graft (advantage of your political position or government job by taking money or property in dishonest or fraudulent ways) influence the system; A group that tried to give party favorites a government office, utilized the spoils system, and added to corruption

Spanish-American War

with sinking of USS Main and other provocations, people want President McKinley to declare war against Spain- McKinley and Congress authorize invasion of Cuba and Philippines; Americans beat Spanish fleets in Atlantic and Pacific and invasion of Cuba and lasted only 4 months; led to increase US power and less Spain power; ended with Treaty of Paris in 1898

Rosie the Riveter

women start filling men's old jobs; she became iconographic example of importance of women efforts; made 1/3 of workforce; slogan "We Can Do It"

Sir Walter Raleigh

won honor of Elizabeth I by fighting Irish and Spanish, wrote Discourse Concerning Western Planting explaining rationale for English colonization An English adventurer and writer, who was prominent at the court of Queen Elizabeth I, and became an explorer of the Americas. In 1585, Raleigh sponsored the first English colony in America on Roanoke Island in present-day North Carolina. It failed and is known as " The Lost Colony."

Panic of 1873

worst country had ever seen; large bank failure set the Great Depression and a quest for wider use of paper money and silver coins to inflate the currency and give relief to debtors

James Madison

writing drafts for VA state constitution; considered Father of US Constitution for drafting VA plan; secretary of state and president "Father of the Constitution"

Phyllis Schlafly

wrote "A Choice Not an Echo" in 1964 and led movement to stop ratification of equal rights amendment (ERA) 1970s; a new right activist that protested the women's rights acts and movements as defying tradition and natural gender division of labor; demonstrated conservative backlash against the 60s


young women who represented chic and daring in American cities; cut hair short and shorter skirts; use more tobacco and alcohol; more sexual freedom; rebellious nature

George Armstrong Custer

youngest general officer in Union Army during Civil War; very strong fighter; after, went to Seventh Cavalry in war; plans attack in area of Little Big Horn River and divides forces into 3-pronged attack (not knowing the strength of Sioux tribes); he loses greatly

Mikhail Gorbachev

youngest general secretary in history of Communist Party when he took office in 1982; criticized SU system and took power during Cold War; to improve SU, he put in series of domestic reforms designed to increase productivity and to provide measure of freedom; advocate glasnost and perestroika, or openness and restructuring; Reagan and Gorbachev have friendly meetings, lowered nuclear weapons treaty signed; given Nobel Peace Prize in 1990 and helped dissolve SU; later had to resign cuz no immediate success in his plan

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